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Sexual abuse is unwanted sexual activity, with perpetrators using force, making threats or
taking advantage of victims not able to give consent. Most victims and perpetrators know each
other. Immediate reactions to sexual abuse include shock, fear or disbelief. Long-term
symptoms include anxiety, fear or post-traumatic stress disorder. It can happen in any
community, factors like poverty, homelessness, loss and racism can increase the risk. People
living with a mental illness, learning disability or physical disability are more than twice as likely
to report sexual abuse. These health problems may also make it harder to identify mental
health problems, like post-traumatic stress disorder, that are linked to the abuse.

In the video about sexual abuse, the teenage girl has been experiencing sexual abuse for a
long time but what makes it disturbing is that her stepdad is the one who is sexually abusing
her. She followed her stepdad's command for the sake of her life because she is afraid and
possibly was threatened, and thought that there's nothing she can do to protect or defend
herself. If I were in the position of the teenage girl, I think I just want to be dead rather than
experiencing it, the fact that I am sexually abused by my stepdad and neglected by my mother.
Due to unpleasant experience that the teenage girl has been experiencing, she made a plan to
stop the abuse and be free. Although her plan, killed her stepdad which is an act of murder, she
does not have a choice because she thought that it is the only way out of misery even though
she thought that it is not a right to kill someone.

Therefore, victims of abuse sometimes became brave or courageous to fight back to

defend themselves due to they are tired of the suffering they have been experiencing although
they are afraid to fight back, because of person's unpleasant experience it makes them
courageous and to the extent that he/she will do an act that is not right like murder just to be
free from the misery that will leave a scar on him/her emotionally if will not undergo counseling
or therapy.

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