Daimien Manzo Letter of Rec

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April 15, 2021

To Whom It May Concern,

It is without hesitation that I recommend Daimien Manzo for the Paraprofessional Position now open at
El Capitan High School. I have had the privilege of knowing Daimien for the past two years and believe
him to be an outstanding young man. He was a great student/athlete, is presently a dynamic young
individual who would definitely be a positive addition to your faculty.

Daimien is a hard worker, intense, and extremely passionate about what he sets out to accomplish.
Daimien has shared with me numerous times about his desire to get hired on in the near future. This
could be that time!

Overall, I find Daimien to be an answer to what you are looking for at El Capitan. A quality individual
who will represent your organization and community with character, class, and concern. As a high school
paraprofessional, I would consider my organization very fortunate to have young people like Daimien
Manzo as part of my staff. I trust Daimien will work hard and will not let you down. He would be an
outstanding fit for you!


Tyler Dietz-Powers, Paraprofessional

El Capitan High School


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