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PROCEEDINGS, 10th ITB International Geothermal Workshop 2021

Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia, July 26th –29th, 2021

This is the Paper Title, First Letter Capitalized <Title Style>

John A. Author, Janet Author and Charles Author <Author Style> Do not use titles (e.g. Dr., Prof.)
Mailing address, on one line <Address style>
E-mail address, on one line <Address style>

Keywords: Enter your keywords here. <Normal Style>


All the paragraphs of the paper are set in <Normal Style>. The paragraphs should not have line breaks between them – the Normal
style will space the paragraphs automatically.

This template has a single column – this is a change from earlier World Geothermal Congresses. Do not use a two-column format.

Please be very careful to use styles throughout the document, so that all the papers will have a similar appearance.

This is the second paragraph <Normal Style>. There is no line break between this and the previous paragraph. This template is
designed for International standard A4 paper. Papers must be written in English. Papers should be no longer than 12 pages.

Please check that you put your name(s) in the second- and third-page headers.

The optimal way to use this template is to type (or paste) your text immediately after the ABSTRACT heading, then delete all the
words we have entered here already afterwards – this will keep all the formatting intact. Type into this document, do not try to
replicate the formatting in a separate document.


Please be very careful to use styles throughout the document, so that all the papers will have a similar appearance. Normal text is in
<Normal Style>

If you use equations, define all symbols, either after the equation, or in a Nomenclature section at the end of the paper.

The following equation is set in <Equation Style>.

k Δp
q= A ( )
μ L (0)

where q, k, , A, L, p are volumetric fluid flow rate, absolute permeability, fluid viscosity, cross-sectional area, length and
pressure drop over the length L, respectively.

If you use figures, place them within the body of the paper, unless they are too large to fit, in which case they should be put at the
end of the paper.


Please be very careful to use styles throughout the document, so that all the papers will have a similar appearance. This is <Normal

Sections and subsections should be numbered.

When making reference to previous work, please follow the scientific format, e.g. Verma and Pruess (1976).

2.1 This is a Subsection <Heading 2 Style>

Subsection headings should be capitalized on the first letter.

2.1.1 This is a Subsubsection <Heading 3 Style>

Subsection headings should be capitalized on the first letter. Avoid using subsections deeper than subsubsections.

List Authors in Header, surnames only, e.g. Smith and Tanaka, or Jones et al.


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 1: The figure above is in <Figure Style>. Please paste your figures as “Pictures” (use “Paste Special”). This figure
caption is in <FigCaption Style>. Make your figures “in line with text” (not “float over text”).

Do not use text boxes or frames to create your figures as these may move from one page to another when the file is converted to
PDF for the Proceedings. The best way to construct figures is to use Powerpoint or other drawing program, and then paste the
figure into Word (paste as a “picture”). Make your figures “in line with text” (not “float over text”).

2.2 Sections of Your Paper

Please include an Abstract, an Introduction, and Conclusion sections. Please check that you put the authors’ names in the second
and third page headers.


Verma, A., and Pruess, K.: Enhancement of Steam Phase Relative Permeability Due to Phase Transformation Effects in Porous
Media, Proceedings, 11th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1986).
<Reference Style>
Wang, C.T., and Horne, R.N.: Boiling Flow in a Horizontal Fracture, Geothermics, 29, (1999), 759-772. <Reference Style>

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