My Billionaire Mom 501-600

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My mother is a Baller with a novel 501

"I don't think there is any conflict. How could that person do this? What's more, we didn't

analyze it last time? This person who killed the Zhao family didn't have much skill, because he

dealt with the Zhao family. The money family was dealt with, and it was abandoned halfway,

indicating that this person has no strength, how could it be him? I think it is someone else!"

Someone's analysis is actually simple, because this person wants to eat four big families, but by

the middle of the day, with self-knowledge and self-knowledge, he found that he didn't have this

strength. Therefore, when dealing with the money family, it was abandoned halfway. This person

must have been very hurt, and dare to mess with his own family? ?

This is a fool and will not do it.

The head of the Zeng family was cold, and he was extremely angry about this matter, "No matter

who it is, even if it is that person? Kill my grandson, I must let him bury my grandson!!"

Several Zeng family's heirs also agree, so it is necessary!

At this time, someone came in.

"Master, I found a little." The man came in with the computer.

This was discovered on the monitoring of Master Zeng's car.

The Zeng family head and others came over.

This person put.

Everyone saw the video. This was the scene of the death of Master Zeng. A woman appeared,

but no picture of murder appeared, and there was a dead end.

The picture freezes!

This is an indifferent pretty woman! !

Yvette, a woman with a perfect cap and a peaked cap!

"Who is this person? She killed Lier?" Some people questioned.

After all, Master Zeng is also a master of fighting, plus there are several bodyguards, how can all

a woman be killed? ?

This is a bit incredible!

"It should be, Grandpa, you look at her eyes, very indifferent, should be a killer!"

The head of the Zeng family stared at Yvette for a while, and the expression on his face was

already grim. "Find her! Catch it, I want to see, who dares to kill my grandson!!!"


This person is out, as long as this woman is still in Beijing, it is not difficult to find her!

The strength of the Zeng family is very strong!

"Grandpa, don't be angry, be careful of your body. A few of them went out in person, this

woman can't run!" Someone comforted.

The head of the Zeng family is sad, his favorite grandson!

He decided to seize this woman and let her experience all kinds of pain! !

This is the price of your lack of eyes!

And this woman's family, all family will die!



In the ward, Logan received a call. In this place in Beijing, she wanted to know what was not


My own person called to say that the young master of the Zeng family was dead, and a hidden

camera shot a little bit. A car was owned by Yvette.

Logan thought of it all at once, this Master Zeng should have been killed by Yvette.
But why did Yvette do this?

What list of killers did you receive? It should not be, then. .

Logan thought of it.

Of course, Master Zeng knew that, lascivious, playing with, women, must have taken a fancy to

Yvette, but Yvette disagreed, and then came to Qiang, unexpectedly being killed by Yvette.

"Back to President Tang, I also found a person dead,"

"Who is dead?"

"I don't know, but according to the traces on the scene, it should be a killer, and this killer is

chasing your friend." The person said.

Master Zeng had the killer chopped up to feed the dog, but there were still some clues, which had

not been dealt with yet. After all, the bodyguards were dead.

In addition, Yvette's car can be seen with bullet marks on the video, so he thought so.

Logan frowned and understood.

Yvette said that someone wanted to kill Chuck, then the killer was Yvette, but Yvette didn't do it,

so the killer organization began to pursue Yvette in order to maintain its reputation! !

"Okay, I get it," Logan said, "give me to continue to investigate, who is going to kill the child!"


Logan endured the pain when the phone hung up. She wanted to get out of bed and Chuck went

out to make food for herself. Although she had everything to eat in her hospital, Chuck

formulated a nutrition package for Logan.

This was done by Chuck himself, he wanted Logan to hurry up.

The door opened and Chuck came in with fragrant rice.

He saw Logan about to get out of bed. He hurried over and dared to hold Logan on the bed.

Logan was stunned.

"Aunt Logan, how can you get out of bed?" Chuck said seriously.

"Cer, me..." Loganmei was shining and smiling softly. Chuck was too careful about herself these


Logan felt for the first time how gentle a man took care of others.

Chuck covered Logan with a quilt. Fortunately, Logan looked much better and his eyes were

refreshed. Chuck took Logan's hand to sleep too comfortably last night.

"Aunt Logan, you have to lie down. There is something uncomfortable. You tell me, I will press


"No, do you know where Yvette went?" Logan shook his head seriously.

The killing order of the killer organization is not a joke!

Yvette's current strength is not enough to cope with these.

"She said to go out, but did not say where to go." Chuck felt that Yvette might go out and do

something, most of which also took over the Zhao family.

Chuck didn't think much.

"Cer, do you know what Yvette is doing? What are you doing here this time?"

Chuck shook his head, "She said miss me."

"No, Yvette told me that someone will kill you,"

"Kill me?" Chuck was stunned. Apart from Black Rose and Master Li, who else would kill

himself? ?

"Yes, someone in the killer organization is looking for a killer to kill you,"

"Killer organization? How did Yvette know?" Chuck was strange. What happened?
"Because Yvette is a killer." Logan said, Yvette is too dangerous now, she sighed, Yvette is not

going to tell Chuck now?

"Aunt Logan, what are you talking about?" Chuck was stunned. When did his wife become a


Chuck didn't think of it at all, but in all of Yvette's recent actions, she really is, the fighting

strength has improved so fast, and she has super high alertness. This seems to be a necessary

quality for a killer!

But why should Yvette be a killer? ?

"Yvette is a killer," Logan distressed Chuck.

Chuck took a breath, why?

"Because Yvette wants to improve himself, being a killer is the most direct way." Logan said,

yes, the killer has to face too many dangers, then in this process, people will get a great


This time and last time, Logan saw Yvette's promotion.

Chuck sighed, Logan said that, Chuck understood, why did Yvette want to improve himself? It is

to have the strength to kill my mother! !

"Yvette took over the task of killing you, which is the biggest reason for her coming to Beijing."

Chuck was stunned, "but Yvette didn't treat me..."

"Of course she won't do anything. The reason why she takes this task is to protect you,"

"protect me?"

"Well, Yvette likes you very much. When a person likes a person in particular, she will do some

things that she thinks can protect you,"

Chuck was stupefied, yes, Yvette was sometimes particularly stupid. Last time she was

threatened by Li Overlord's son, she set fire to the square, and now she took this list for herself.


"Yvette took the list but didn't do it, then the killer organization would maintain its reputation

and chase her. The reason she left was because she had been chased by the killer organization."

Logan said.

Chuck was so anxious that Yvette did so much for himself? But he didn't know until now that

Chuck took out his mobile phone to make a call anxiously, and it took a long time before the call

was connected.

"Husband, I have something to do now, and I will give you back in the past," yes, Yvette was

chased by the killer again.

Yvette was forced to a place that she didn't want to pick up, but she couldn't bear to see Chuck.

"Wife, you are a killer. You are dangerous now. Tell me, where are you! And I love you!" Chuck

said anxiously.

Yvette listened here, and panicked, Chuck actually knew, but the last three words, Yvette had

tears in his eyes...

My mother is a Baller. Novel 502 is ready to go online

Chuck knew that he was a killer, but he didn't blame himself, he was not disappointed, he was as

good to himself as always, and Yvette was particularly moved.

But at this time, she was surrounded by some killers and could not get away temporarily.

Her plan clearly failed, and the killer organization had absolutely no room for discussion, and

she would be chased to death by them.

But Yvette did not regret it.

"Wife, where are you?" Chuck was anxious, he had heard some gunshots.

Well, on behalf of Yvette has been chased by the killer, especially dangerous!

"I..." Yvette didn't want to say, if Chuck came over, it would definitely be just as dangerous. This

time he was besieged, he still had to find a way to break through.

"Say, I'm here to find you, and I will find a way."


"Where is the headquarters of this killer organization? I'm looking for it!" Chuck said. Xie Ling

still had to be the bell man. When he arrived at this headquarters, Chuckhui would talk to the

people of this killer organization!

Chuck will agree on how much it costs.

This killer must stop the killing order! !

"Her husband, the killer organization is headquartered in the United States," Yvette was moved.

"Okay, I'm here to find you now. Let's go to the United States together. Let my mother take us

both to the headquarters of the killer organization and talk to the boss. Where are you?"

This must be taken with my mother. Chuck of the United States has never been there. She is

unfamiliar. This killer organization is even more powerful. It should give the mother some face!

"Me, husband, don't come over, I can solve it by myself," Yvette struggled. Does Karen li want

to help himself?

Yvette was reluctant, even though he knew that Karen li would help, but Karen li was the enemy

who killed his father!

In Yvette's heart, this hurdle has never been passed.

"This is too dangerous. You have to go to the headquarters of the killer organization and tell me

where you are, otherwise I will always be looking for you." Chuck said seriously.


"My mother will help, because you were chased for me." Chuck was anxious, he knew what

Yvette was thinking and tangled.

"Yes, but don't look for me, husband. Tell me when I'm going to the United States. I'll look for

you... Don't talk to me, I will be sad if I am involved in you." This is Yvette's biggest Regressed.

Looking at it now, it seems that I really have to go to the United States and let Karen li help.

But the background of the killer organization is too strong, and the rules are dead. No one has a

precedent. Karen li is even more powerful. Can the powerful killer organization withdraw the

killing order? ?

Yvette felt that this chance was basically zero!

But... there is no other way.

Chuck sighed, Yvette's character was still too stubborn, but Chuck had already prepared Betty to

go to the United States, so it was the fastest.

Otherwise, Yvette does not know how long it can last.

"Her husband, I'm off, I have to break out, and then I will find a place to hide and wait for your

phone, husband."


"Well, I... love you too,"

Yvette hung up, kissed her phone, and then put away her phone. Her eyes were cold and ready to

break through. The life and death of this period of time have improved Yvette's ability to adapt

too much.
Three people besieged at the scene, so you have to break one by one at the fastest speed.

She started doing this.

Chuck was anxious here, but there was no way out. Now he can only believe that Yvette can

resist the past, and he immediately calls Betty.

"Sister Li, how are you going to go to the United States?"

"Go back to Master, it's almost the same. I have contacted President Li. She asked me to take you

back to the United States in three days."

"Can it be faster?" In three days, Yvette didn't know how many killers were going to be chased.

Yvette could resist for so long? ?

"This, Master, what happened?" Betty asked.

Chuck talked about Yvette. Betty didn't speak for a long time and was very surprised.

"What happened to Sister Li? My mother can't solve this killing order?" Chuck was anxious.

Betty's state was to tell Chuck this information.

But my mother is so rich, there are still things you can't do?

"How can I tell the young master this, I don't know much. This will require Master Li to

personally visit the United States before President Li can make it clear to you,"

Betty seems to remember that Karen li and the behind-the-scenes boss of this killer organization

are a bit contradictory...

Then things are not so easy to solve.


"The young master returned to Haishi in these two days. After the third day, we went to Rice,"

Betty said.

Chuck can only agree.

The phone hung up.

"Cer, how to say?" Logan cared.

Chuck said it all. After three days, he went to Mi Guo. Logan was a little worried. What did the

boss of the killer organization say? It seemed that there was a contradiction with Karen li. Karen

li never mentioned it, and Logan did not ask.

After all, Karen li was once the number one killer of the killer organization!

Sudden withdrawal, there may be contradictions, then this matter is complicated, and after the

boss of the killer organization has set the rules, no one has ever broken...

When the kill order comes out, you must die!

This is a death rule. No one can break it. No matter how powerful the killer is, a killing order is

issued by the killer organization.

"Aunt Logan, I will go back the day after tomorrow. You are taking care of yourself in the

capital." Chuck actually wanted to take Logan to the United States, but how did Logan go in this

state recently?

The injury is too serious, and you must rest quietly.

Chuck didn't want to leave either, but there was no way to go to the United States this time to

solve Yvette's killing order, and even kill Black Rose and Ouyang Fei! !

"Well." Logan was reluctant, she would not ask Chuck what to do.

As long as Chuck is good, that's all.

"Be careful, America is different from China." Logan said softly.

Of course Chuck understands that there is also Li Overlord, who is also a person who wants to

kill himself. Looking at Mi Guo, can he solve this matter also, and Chuck also wants to see his

"Aunt Logan, you can rest at ease."

Chuck went back the day after tomorrow to resolve the matter over the maritime market, and

they explained to Yolanda and Du Peixin that they should be able to go to the country with peace

of mind.

"Well," Logan was reluctant to close her eyes and looked at Chuck.

Chuck was walking around anxiously, especially worried about Yvette, Logan had never slept,

closed his eyes and waited for Chuck to take his hand to rest, and at midnight, Logan felt Chuck

pulled his own Hands up.

After a while, Logan opened her eyes and looked at Chuck, who was asleep, and she felt

distressed. .

With a sigh, she couldn't fall asleep and kept watching, until dawn, when Chuck was about to

wake up, Logan closed her eyes, Chuck woke up and saw Logan sleeping soundly, Chuck felt at


"Aunt Logan, your hand is so beautiful," Chuck couldn't help saying. She has been pulling

Logan's hand to sleep for a few days, feeling Logan's body temperature, taking care of her, or

worrying about her, Chuck has always wanted to say this.

Now Logan is sleeping, just say it, or how embarrassing would Logan be heard?

Logan was so amazed when she closed her beauty. ?

Logan was a little happy, but she had to continue pretending to sleep.

Chuck opened the door and went out, Logancai opened her beautiful eyes. She looked at her

hand, and she smiled softly, "Cer, praise people so special,"

Of course, Chuck looks at Logan's hand differently than Yvette's...

In the next two days, Chuck contacted Yvette and determined that Yvette had escaped the siege

several times before he was at ease. When it was one day away from your country, Chuck

contacted Yvette and asked her to tomorrow Go to the sea market, and then go to the rice country

together. Yvette agreed.

Chuckcai was relieved. At the very least, Yvette's strength is now very good. After several

killings in several days, Yvette resolved.

When Chuck heard this, he felt terrified.

His wife was so powerful, Chuck was ready to return to the sea market, Logan had already called

to arrange the plane, Chuck could leave, but Chuck did not want Logan, and did not know what

to say with Logan.

Only, walked over and hugged Logan lying on the hospital bed, "Aunt Logan, I will miss you..."

This is true, Chuck really would think, because Logan has a place in Chuckxin.

My mother is a Baller. Novel 503 What do you read? Listen online with novels

Chuck went to the plane.

Logan was alone in the ward, and she looked at the downstairs and couldn't see Chuck's car until

she lost her sigh.

When Chuck walked out just now, she almost didn't want to see her eyes were red. She didn't

leave Chuck before.

She actually wanted to say something to Chuck when Chuck left, but she couldn't say it.

Logan's character is too considerate of others, she buried everything in her heart.

She was alone in the ward, and she couldn't feel at ease. At this time, there was a phone call and

Logan answered, "Qian Yueying is downstairs? Want to see Ceer? Let her come up."
After a while, Qian Yueying knocked on the door and came in cautiously. She came over to find

Chuck and had something to do with it. She decided to talk to Chuck and wanted to do

something for Chuck.

Otherwise, Qian Yueying couldn't rest assured.

"Hello, Mr. Tang, may I ask Mr. Zhang... is there?" Qian Yueying whispered.

For Logan, she has no confidence.

Because she knew it, she almost turned her money family into a poorly-made Chuck, but she

respected Logan in particular.

"Cer's back," Logan's feeling of loss is particularly heavy, really want to go to the country with


"What? Go back?" Qian Yueying was stunned. Why did Chuck go back so quickly?

"Um, just left."

"Thank you, I'll go back first." Qian Yueying turned around and retreated, and Chuck returned to

the market. Why was it so sudden?

"and many more,"

"Will Mr. Tang have something?"

Logan came over and said directly, "I didn't dislike you, but you know what you are, and I don't

want you to have more contact with my family's policy, so you should stop looking for him. If

you have anything to do, you can solve it yourself. Okay, come and let me help."

Qian Yueying was sad, and Logan was straightforward. He was worried that he would affect

Chuck, but how could he affect Chuck when he slept with Chuck? ?

"I'm sorry, I spoke directly, but there was no way." Logan was sorry.
As a woman, she also sympathizes with Qian Yueying, but sympathy comes back to sympathy.

When it comes to Chuck, she will be especially cautious.

"It's okay," Qian Yueying walked out sadly, Logan didn't keep her, she was lost, and she looked

at the window outside, she was stunned...

Qian Yueying came out of the hospital. She drove sadly. She was all surprised. She came over to

find Chuck. At this time, the phone rang. She took it out to see that it was her daughter.


"Mom, are you looking for your uncle? Are you going to date with your uncle?"

The daughter asked innocently, she saw that her mother Qian Yueying was very rare, really

dressed up, put on makeup, and wore beautiful clothes, this is definitely going to date.

"No, he went back," when Qian Yueying just came, he really wanted to invite Chuck for a meal.

But Chuck went back, did he go to Ye Shi Hotel to find him? ?

"Goed back? That mom went to his uncle's house to find him,"

"Mom doesn't go, don't go, some people say mom, say mom..." Qian Yueying was sad.

She talked with her daughter, and she all shed tears. Recently, she really likes crying too much. It

was not like this before. Is it really because of Chuck? ?

Or do you really feel Chuck?

Qian Yueying was dumbfounded, is that true?


Lara sat sad in the chair and had been in the capital for so long. Chuck did not take the initiative

to contact her. She couldn’t help but call Chuck just now and asked where Chuck was, but Chuck

answered the phone and said she was at the airport. , Is this ready to go back?

But why not call yourself and ask yourself if you want to go back or not.
What makes Lara sad is that he doesn't have any status in Chuck's mind. Otherwise, if he goes

back, he will definitely say hello to himself!

Lara decided to go back home anyway. Anyway, his job was basically over here. It would be

okay to go back to school.

Lara couldn't wait to clean up the place where he lived, and went back to the sea market to find

Chuck. He should be on the square!

Lara packed it up, set the plane, and took the car to the airport!


Here, Chuck has just arrived at the airport. Logan has arranged a private jet. Chuck just went

directly into the private passageway, but Chuck found something.

This airport actually has some men in black suits looking for someone.

Yes, these are people from the Zeng family.

But they received an order to guard some of the outgoing places in the capital, and they must

find Yvette who killed the young master! !

But for a few days, I have no clue! But there is no way to keep it!

They were hiding in the crowd, watching all suspicious people closely, hum, killed the young

master of Zeng family, still want to run? ?

Of course Chuck didn't know this, he was directly brought in, but on this VIP road, Chuck saw a

beautiful woman.

Followed by a few people.

This beautiful jeans, with long legs and a pretty face, is not ridiculous, especially its

temperament is too arrogant.

This is Duan Wenwen of the Duan family. She went to see Qian Yueying, but Qian Yueying did

not disclose a little news. She could only find a way to blindly find the person herself.

But for a few days, Duan Wenwen was a little annoyed.

This person has wiped out the Zhao family. Is it still so low-key? ?

Or was it true that several elders in the family were right, because this person wiped out the

Zhao's family and reorganized the Qian's family, so he hid in a traumatic manner?

The more he thought, Duan Wenwen was annoyed.

Because of this person's appearance, he hasn't slept well for so long!

Come to you, if you are seriously injured, then you will die, and my Duan family will not let

threatened people live.

Originally annoyed, she found that Chuck came over and looked at herself. She frowned and said

in a cold voice, "Look what?"

Chuck shrugged his shoulders and passed by Duan Wenwen without saying a word.

Duan Wenwen stared at Chuck with a sneer, then yelled angrily, "Stop, I ask what do you see?"

Chuck turned back helplessly and didn't want to be in trouble anymore. He was really wrong.

Duan Wenwen was wearing jeans. Chuck thought of Yvette, who often wears jeans, so he looked

at it more.

But in Chuck's heart, this Duan Wenwen's legs are still not as beautiful as his wife.

Chuck also has reservations. He occasionally thinks about it. I don’t know what Loganchuan

looks like, and I should have no chance to see it.

This is a pity.

"Sorry," Chuck said.

"Well, you're wise!" Duan Wenwen said coldly, if Chuck doesn't know him, he will teach him.
Chuck turned and walked away.

"Miss, what shall we do now?" Duan Wenwen's assistant said.

"Continue to find." Duan Wenwen swayed his long legs and walked outside.

"Yes, but this person is hiding, it is very difficult to find. I think that the person must be as vulgar

as the man who just peeked. So he hides, saying that it is low-key, it is better to pretend "The

assistant said.

"No, why wasn't that man comparable to the man who had just written a pen just now." Duan

Wenwen shook her head. She didn't think that Chuck's insignificant appearance could be

compared to the one who killed the Zhao family.

Chuck's insignificant appearance, and the people who destroy the Zhao family, are basically two

types of people?

"Yes, Miss." The assistant agreed, and he and Duan Wenwen were looking for that person

together. How could that person look like Chuck just now? Then it was a surprise! !

Duan Wenwen wants to go home and ask, what should I do? But she also had troubles. Her

family's industry in the country seems to have a problem. Do you want to go to the country? ?

Forget it, go back and listen to Grandpa's opinion.

Chuck got on Logan's private plane. The smell on it was all Logan. Chuck couldn't help falling

asleep, and slept particularly well. When he arrived at the sea market, Chuck came out of the

airport and Betty was waiting outside the airport. Tomorrow Go to the United States, so today

came to pick Chuck back to the hotel, by the way to protect Chuck.

However, before Chuck came out, she saw a beauty that she hadn't seen in a long time, Murong

Qing, she just came back from the field, Chuck saw her from afar, and after thinking of guilt in

her heart, she remembered her in the car. time……

I haven’t seen you for a long time. I said hello in the past. Chuck walked to Murong Qing. Today

Murong Qing is very beautiful. Chuck is thinking. Does Murong Qing still hate himself? ?

My mother is a Baller with novel 504. Are you here to joke me? Listen online with novels

Chuck felt that Murong Qing must hate him, because he and Murong Qingma were with him in

the car that time, but afterwards, they have been shirk their responsibilities and let Murong Qing

take medicine to solve it.

Now Chuck thinks of himself, he feels too guilty.

You must give Murong Qing a good apology.

However, Chuck was close to Murong Qing and found that Murong Qing's figure was as

beautiful as before, but his face was particularly haggard, and his beautiful eyes were covered

with blood.

What's wrong? ?

What Chuck didn’t know is that Murong Qing has been investing, but recently there has been a

big problem that broke her capital chain. She has been flying around these days and she has not

slept for days. .

If the problem cannot be solved this time, she may be impoverished, and she has thought of

many ways to no avail.

Murong Qing went to the parking lot to drive. She thought of other ways to solve the problem,

but she heard the voice and someone walked behind her. She looked back and found out that it

was Chuck!

"President Murong," Chuck didn't know what to call her, just guilt.

Murong Qingmei's eyes were cold, "What are you doing here?"
"I saw you, so come here," Chuck said.

Regarding He Murongqing, Chuck really didn't know how to describe it. It was as if Chuck

asked Queenie at that time, and guilt was the biggest mood in Chuck's heart.

Chuck felt sorry for Yvette, and also felt sorry for Murong Qing.

"What are you doing here? Am I kidding me?" Murong Qing was cold.

During this time, she was so busy that she had forgotten this man, and forgot about this man who

was in the car and said so afterwards.

He didn't hold him accountable, but he said, hurting himself.

But this man appeared again today, what is this for? Joke yourself going bankrupt? ?

"President Murong, sister Murong, what do you do with my jokes?" Chuck sighed, Murongqing

still hates himself so much!

"Isn't it? Put away your fake goodwill! I don't need you to be responsible." Murong Qing got into

his car.

Chuck sighed and said, "Sister Murong, what have you encountered?"

"It's none of your business, leave my sight!" Murong Qing started the car.

Chuck reached out and grabbed the steering wheel, "Sister Murong, I was right last time..."

"Don't talk about the last thing, I forgot, it was a nightmare!!" Murong Qing said coldly.

That time in the car was a nightmare. She never wanted to do that nightmare again.

"I'm sorry." Chuck sighed for a long time, said with sigh, these three words can express Chuck's


To Murong Qing.

"I accept your sorry, let go, never appear in front of me, you and my cooperation, I will pay you

every month." Murong said coldly.

Chuck was silent and let go.

Murong Qing drove away, and Chuck stood here for a long time until he received Betty's worried

call. It stands to reason that Chuck should have been out long ago, but she never came out. Betty

was worried and had to call and ask.

Chuck came out and got in Betty's car.

"Master," Betty let out a sigh of relief. She had already prepared it over the hotel, preparing

dishes that Chuck liked to eat.

"Sister Li, let me check now. Has Murong Qing encountered any problems recently," Chuck


It must have been a problem, otherwise, Murong Qing would not be so haggard.

"Yes, I will call to check now," Betty took out her cell phone and called.

A minute later, Betty had a result, "Young Master, Murong Qing’s capital chain suddenly broke,

causing problems for her several projects."

"This way?" Chuck understood, that is Murong Qing is now short of money.


"Probably how much is this missing?" Chuck asked, he must be so guilty of Murong Qing.

"At least 5 billion, or more."

"Help her make up for this."

Betty stunned, "make up?"

"Well, make up, or you don't have that much money?"

"No, young master, the last time Mr. Li said on the phone, as much money as you want, there is

as much money as possible. The key is how do you plan to make up for the young master?"

Betty smiled.
Karen li is worried about Chuck, so the previous plan can only be invalidated. As long as Chuck

wants to use it, he can use as much money as long as Chuck is happy. Money is not a problem.

"Don't let Murongqing know," Chuck said, definitely not. According to Murongqing's character,

she knew that it was her own supplement, so why would she want it? ?

"This, I have to think about it, young master, are you in conflict with Murong Qing?" Betty was

a little weird.

"Well, there is a contradiction," Chuck sighed.

"Okay, think about it," Betty drove. "Master, then back to the hotel?"

"Let's go to the square first to see it, but I haven't been there for a long time," Chuck originally

came back one day in advance, just to see what happened here, because Chuck didn't know how

long it would take to go to the country this time.

You have to tell Yolanda about something, or Chuck will be at ease.

"Yes," Betty drove Chuck to the square.

Seeing Chuck's sorrow, Betty wanted to ask, but she didn't think how to ask.

"Sister Li, am I bad?" Chuck muttered to himself.

At least Chuck was too guilty for Murong Qing.

Betty was stunned and shook her head, "Of course not, Master, your heart is very kind,"

Betty was honest.

Chuck really didn't have a shelf. It might also be that Chuck didn't know how much Karen li had,

but I knew that for the nature's reasons, Chuck would also be like this.

"Thank you Li for comforting me," Chuck sighed.

"No comfort, it's true," Betty smiled.

Although, Chuck accidentally bumped into herself twice, but it was really careless, and he did

not have any irregular behavior towards himself, which is good.

You know, Karen li's three views are super positive. If she is known, Chuck will accidentally

touch her, and she will be angry.

Therefore, such a thing, Betty did not dare to tell Chuck.

Worried that Karen li will punish Chuck.

"En." Chuck was absent, looking out the window.

Betty is thinking, what happened to Chuck? Betty didn't think much.

At the plaza, Betty accompanied Chuck and arranged how to solve this Murong Qing's mouth.

Suddenly, she thought of a way to let the bank lend money to Murong Qing.

She started calling.

Murong Qing dragged his tired body back home, and her cell phone on the road never stopped,

and it kept ringing. There were too many calls coming in. It was all a matter of breaking the

capital chain.

Murong Qing was lying in bed, closing her tired eyes. She was going to rest, and she hadn't slept

for a long time.

After a while, the phone rang again, and Murong woke up and answered with a sigh. There was a

man's voice inside. Murong Qing remembered that this was a bank phone. She wanted to make a

loan to make up for this, but people were unwilling to do it after evaluation. What are they doing

now? ?

Murong Qing was a little nervous.

"Hey, President Murong, right?"

"Yes, I am,"
"Is it convenient to come to the bank? We have carefully considered your application and have

approved it. You can come here."

"Thank you, thank you." Murong breathed a sigh of relief. She hurriedly went downstairs and

drove to drive. She could get over this difficulty, and the bank actually lent money to herself.

Well, it must be the reason why they have been cooperating before, so they changed their minds


I can spend it myself. Murong Qing drove to the bank with peace of mind and saw the president.

"President Murong, the money you want is already prepared on our side, you just sign it," the

president took the document.

This procedure is also a cut-off procedure. After all, Betty has already explained it. He just has to

follow Betty's instructions.

"Okay," Murong Qing signed with peace of mind and saw the numbers above. She was relieved

that the bank actually lent itself 6 billion this time! This is a big number, at least it can barely fill

this hole, so that the capital chain can barely run.

After signing, Murong Qing was waiting. The president smiled and waited, and then went out.

This process was a torment. After half an hour, the president came in. "President Murong, you


My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 505 I can also listen to the novel online

Murong Qing felt like a dream. Just yesterday, the bank was still tough, but today he borrowed

so much money.

This is really a big ups and downs in life.

Murong Qing couldn't wait to resolve her own capital chain break, so that her crisis could be


"Thank you." Murong Qing shook hands with the President.

The President smiled slightly, "No, cooperate with President Murong so many times, it should


"Then I will go back first," Murong Qing said.

"Slow walking."

Murong Qing came out of the bank. She was at ease in her heart. Sure enough, she had been

cooperating with a bank all the time.

"President Murong? It's really you, it's been a long time." Suddenly, a woman's voice came.

Murong Qing was stunned and looked up, he was a beautiful woman.

This is my classmate, and also doing investment business.

"I haven't seen you for a long time," Murong Qing smiled uncommonly.

This beauty, when studying at university, had a wrong relationship.

It's just that after graduating from college, there has been little contact.

"Yeah, it's been a long time." The beauty smiled haggardly.

Murong Qing saw it, "Fang Fang, what's wrong with you?"

Women are all sensitive, she feels that this classmate has encountered something.

"I... alas, it's hard to say a word. There is something wrong with my company. This is not all the

materials I brought with the company, as well as other real estate. I want to come over a bank

loan," the beauty sighed.

Yes, there was a serious problem with her company. In order to be able to revolve funds, she had

already ran a lot of trips back and forth in the bank, but there was no big result.
"Fangfang, don't worry, your company is about the same size as me. I have borrowed billions of

dollars just now," Murong Qing said comfortably.

Although the two people were not connected, she also knew the strength of her classmate. It can

be said that in terms of investment, her classmate was more discerning than herself, so her

overall assets exceeded her.

She can borrow so much money, not to mention that her company has less problems?

"What? Billions?" The beauty was surprised. How many billions of dollars could I borrow? ?

If you can do it yourself, can't you solve the problem of your own capital turnover?


"But I have run a lot of trips, it won't work," the beauty sighed.

"Yes, the governor told me just now that the loan has been relaxed a lot, and you are also

cooperating with this bank for a long time, and they will agree," Murong Qing's words were not


Originally, her classmate is stronger than herself and she can get a loan. Why can't she? ?

"Really? Thank you. I'll go in now. Don't leave now. Where did your car stop?"

The beauty is pleasantly surprised, yes, she knows that Murong Qing is not as good as herself,

and she has more mouths than herself. In terms of risk assessment by banks, Murong Qing must

be higher than herself. She can borrow so much.

"Over there." Murong Qing pointed at a car.

"Wait for me, I haven't seen you for a long time, we will wait for dinner together." The beauty


"Okay, I'm waiting for you." Murong Qing's stomach was hungry, and it was just a chance to eat.
Murong Qing went to the bus to wait and started calling to tell the people in the company that

everything must be running normally.

The beauty walked in expectantly, hehe, he must be able to lend so much money.

Speaking directly to the president, she walked into the VIP room.

The president walked in helplessly, "Hello President Xiao,"

"This is all my documents, you look at it," the beauty expects to give the president a long-

prepared document, his eyes revealing his expectations.

Next, the governor glanced at random, "Well, I will conduct a risk assessment of the guild. Xiao

can always go back and wait."

"Go back and wait? How many times have I been here?" The beauty frowned.

This answer, she was annoying during this time, every time it was difficult to prepare

information, it was all this sentence that was sent.

"Can you lend, can't you give me the truth? Have you been perfunctory me?" the beautiful

woman said angrily.

The president was silent for a few seconds, "You can borrow, but Mr. Xiao, you have to borrow

too much, 5 billion, which is impossible. Five or six billion is still not a problem."

"Only five or six billion? It's not a big problem? That means, I can't borrow five or six hundred

million?" The beauty widened her eyes and was unbelievable. Did you hear it wrong?

"400 million, this is the number we can borrow after our assessment." The president said.

"What? Did you make a mistake? Did you make a mistake? I have been cooperating with your

bank, but you only loaned me a little money?" Beauty is angry!

"Sorry, this is the number after the evaluation, after many evaluators agreed..." The president

said helplessly.
"Don't tell me these things! I will ask you if I can borrow 5 billion!"

"Sorry, I can't make a loan, your assessment is only..."

"Shut up, I'm angry now, especially angry. I'm going to call your headquarters to complain about

you!" the beauty said angrily.

"Ah," the president was speechless. This number is the number evaluated by the headquarters!

It’s useless to complain, it’s not good. If you make such a complaint, you won’t even have 400

million loans.

"I am also an old customer of your bank. The size of my company is not small. Why do I have to

lend billions to others, and I only have 400 million? The size of other companies is not as big as

me, and the real estate is not as big as me. I’m so big, why can she borrow billions of dollars, but

I can’t? You give me a statement, otherwise I will complain to you today!

It's too ridiculous!

This is simply a difference. Is it why you are uglier than Murong?

"Which one are you talking about, Xiao?" The president was stunned.

"Murong Qing!" said the beauty coldly.

The president was even more stunned.

"Huh, I just saw her. She said that she has borrowed billions. Do you admit it?" the beauty asked.

The president looked at her strangely, "It's true,"

"Huh, what is it?? People's company is smaller than me, why is she borrowing so much more

than me? You said! This is your risk assessment?" The beauty questioned one by one.

"This one.."
The President didn’t know what to say, did she tell her that it was because there was a customer

who directly deposited 13 billion in the bank, or more than five years of death, the only

requirement was to pass Murongqing’s loan request?

As the president, after evaluation, he felt that he could borrow, so he agreed.

"Say, can't tell? I'll complain to you now! Complain that you treat it differently!! Regardless of

the risk!" The beauty took out her mobile phone to complain, it must be!

Why can a person who is so much worse than his own strength can borrow so much, but he is

only 400 million? What's the difference?

"Mr. Xiao, please be restless!" The President pulled her helplessly.

"Hum, don't be restless? You are angering me, and now I complain to you, are you afraid, right?

Huh, let me not complain to you, you immediately applied for the loan I want!" Beauty sneered,

a call It scared you, does Murongqing do the same?


"Mr. Xiao, I think you misunderstood. The reason why Murong Qing was able to borrow so

much money is because of other reasons." The governor can only explain this.

"Other reasons? What is the reason? Do you and Murong Qing have a leg?" Beauty laughed.

"Mr. Xiao, don't talk nonsense, I just got married, how could I do that kind of thing?" The

President smiled wryly.

The beauty frowned, this is also true, the cooperation has been so long, the president is still good.

"Then what are you talking about?" The beauty asked clearly, otherwise she would not be

"So tell you that, Murong Qing's evaluation loan amount was only 200 million yuan yesterday. If

you don't believe me, I will show you the documents," the governor showed the documents to the


The beauty frowned even more after reading it. Yes, this document clearly wrote Murong Qing’s

risk assessment, and he could only borrow 200 million, which was half of his 400 million.

But why 200 million yesterday, but billions today? ? What happened in the middle?

"What's going on?" The beauty wanted to find out!

"Some words don't let Xiao Rong talk to Murong Qing anymore. The reason is simple. Murong

Qing has met nobles,"

"Noble? Do you know your bank headquarters..."

"No, some people saved a lot of money in the dead period. The request is through the loan

request of Murong Qing. The amount is large, and it is still in the dead period. Why do you say I

disagree?" said the president.

My mother is a Baller with novel No. 506. Someone helps you! Listen online with novels

Murong Qing has been waiting in the car for a long time. She has already put a part of the money

into the company's account. The employees began to use the money to fill the company's capital

chain problem.

Why did my classmates take so long to come out? ?

Murongqing is too hungry, if not this classmate has not met for a long time, she will choose to

leave directly.

A beauty from the bank came out.

Murong breathed a sigh of relief and finally came out.

But after she approached, why didn't she have a smile on her face? ?

What's going on?

Unsuccessful? This should not be possible. Her company is larger than her own, and the capital

chain is also small. As long as the funds are in place, it can definitely be solved.

Murong Qing thought that according to the risk assessment, her loan amount would be higher

than herself.

But actually failed, Murong Qing could not understand.

"Fangfang, why are you unhappy, what did he say?" Murong Qing cared and came out of the car.

"I didn't agree, alas," the beauty sighed, looking at Murongqing's eyes, full of grievances.

"Why didn't you agree? Is something wrong?" Murong Qing couldn't understand it.

She can borrow money herself, why can't she? ?

This doubtful expression made the already unbalanced beauty feel annoyed and felt that Murong

Qing was laughing at her.

"If you don't pass, you don't pass. Why are there so many reasons?" the beauty said angrily.

My classmate suddenly got angry, Murong Qing was stunned, he was just concerned, why

should he get angry?

"Fangfang, you..."

"What do you pretend? You know why, and you ask, interesting? Interesting?" The beauty broke


She just felt very unbalanced by the president, why?

Later, when the governor said the reason, she realized that Murong Qing actually had nobles. At

this price, she could be noble, at least worth hundreds of billions.

Murongqing actually had such a distinguished person, but why didn't he? ?
"Fangfang, what do you mean?" Murong Qing was a little angry.

You have been scolded by yourself for so long?

"Still pretending, you are really boring!"

The beauty exclaimed angrily, "Murong Qing, do you really know it or not, do you think you can

really borrow billions?"

"I, I have long-term cooperation with this bank, so." Murong Qing murmured to explain.

"So Mao, let me tell you, your loan amount was only 200 million yesterday. Today, it suddenly

became billions, and it suddenly increased by several dozen times. Do you think it is your own

reason? "Beauty said with a sneer.

Murong clears his consternation, doesn't he?

"You're still pretending, it's really boring, what does your company look like, why do others give

you so much money? I tell you well, someone is helping you understand it?" Beauty envy


"Help me? Who?" Murong Qing asked anxiously, a person came out of her head, she panicked,

is he? ?

"Where do I know? This person has a large amount of money in the bank, and it is still dead. The

request is that the bank passes your loan request, so you can borrow so much money. Murong

Qing, there is a good person behind you!" Beauty said .

Murong Qing froze, good person?

"Murong Qing, introduce you to my friend to know me." Beauty said.

Murong Qing ran into the bank, and the beauty envied Lengheng, "Ignore me? Go to hell! She,

the old lady loaned 400 million yuan? Alas, people are more popular than dead people, why is

there no such noble person behind me, because I need money Help me? Alas, alas..."
The beauty got into her car and she had to go to another bank.

Murong Qing entered the bank. The president saw her and smiled after being surprised,

"President Murong, what are you?"

"Tell me why my money can pass?" Murong Qing stared at him.

Don't be him, don't do it! !

Because she has filled the money and broke the capital chain, leaving only one billion.

The president sighed, why did President Xiao do this?

"President Murong, your quota can be passed after being evaluated by the headquarters..."

"Don't perfume me, I want to listen to the truth!!" Murong Qingmei was cold.

"Uh, well, someone will help you..."

"Sleep? Make it clear who this person is!"


Ten minutes later, Murong Qing got into the car without leaving her soul. She was in pain. The

president did not say who this person was, but Murong Qing wanted to know who he was!

Anyone who can save such a large sum of money knows himself and is willing to help himself.

Who else besides Chuck? ?

But Murong Qing did not want Chuck to help her, because she was disappointed with Chuck, she

did not hold Chuck accountable, but Chuck directly shirk her responsibility afterwards. This kind

of treatment is not acceptable to Murong Qing!

But the money has already been used.

Murong Qing couldn't help but drive to Chuck's square...

Chuck has communicated with Yvette. After tonight, she will appear tomorrow. She will go to

the United States with herself. Chuck wants her to come here today, but Yvette is worried that

Chuck will be affected, so she insists on tomorrow It only appeared when I got on the plane.

Chuck had no choice but to sigh and agree.

He has already seen Yolanda, and has communicated with Yolanda for a while, knowing that

everything is normal, and seeing more and more people in his square, Chuck is also relieved!

"Yolanda, don't work anymore, go to dinner." Chuckde treated Yolanda and hadn't had a meal

for a long time. At that time, when he had just taken over the square, Chuck remembered to

always order takeout with Yolanda.

Yolanda smiled slightly, "Okay."

"Oh, at night, take the square staff to relax." Chuck said.

"Well, I will. Where to eat?"

Chucksi wanted to go and wanted to go to Zelda's restaurant. I haven't seen her for a long time. I

don't know what happened to Zelda's restaurant. After seeing her, I'm going to the United States


"Mr. Mo's restaurant business is particularly good," Yolanda said. It is full every day, and you

have to book in advance.

Zelda restaurant came in, it really brought a little traffic!

"Really? Then I have to go and see, Sister Li, let's go together." Chuck said to Betty.


The three went to Zelda's restaurant, just downstairs, but when they went downstairs, Chuck saw

several classmates.
"Chuck, you are still in the sea market. Why didn't you go to school?" Some students came over

and asked.

Chuck shook his head and said that he was not free, but he also missed studying, especially when

Yvette was a teacher. At that time, Yvette was kind to himself, and did he cheat himself during

the exam?

At that time, Chuck missed too much, but everything changed. Yvette was no longer a university

teacher. She had undergone earth-shaking changes and became a professional killer.

However, Yvette has always been kind to himself.

"Don't say, what about the second generation of the rich, what kind of school?" Someone pulled

the classmate away.

"That is, the second generation of the rich is amazing? I haven't studied anymore. If I had more

money in my house, I would go to school too. If people have no education, what's the use of

extra money? I believe that knowledge is power, no Knowledge is a prodigal son." Some

students said sour.

"Forget it, let's go, let's go," several classmates left, and Chuck was too lazy to see them.

They were envious of jealousy and hate, Chuck looked at it.

What to say, I will study even if I have money. Isn’t that nonsense? Chuck now loses 100,000 to

let them stop reading, they pick up money faster than anyone else.

The three arrived at Zelda's restaurant. The reception at the door of course knew Yolanda. They

immediately arranged to enter the private room. Chuck asked, "What about you?"

"In the office, by the way, it's you. I'll call Mr. Mo out." The reception remembers Chuck. Zelda

said that, as long as Chuck comes over, she must tell her.

"No, I'll go find her, Yolanda, Sister Li, you sit first." Chuck went to Zelda.
Betty and Yolanda entered the private room and the two ordered food.

Chuck arrived at Zelda's office. He didn't knock on the door and went straight in. He saw Zelda

bowed his head and looked at some documents seriously. Chuck smiled slightly, "Sister Zelda..."

Zelda looked up, and after her eyes were stunned, her eyes quickly turned red, "Are you willing

to come over and find me?"

My mother is a Baller, novel 507

Yes, Chuck did not contact Zelda before and after going to Beijing.

Zelda missed it, but there was no way, so he devoted himself to his career.

She has signed up to three places these days. These three places have begun to renovate at the

same time. She will choose to open on the same day. She wants to develop herself. This year, her

goal will be to open 20 more stores!

What Chuck said, he still had a feeling for Zelda, so when he arrived at the office, Chuck felt


Zelda stood up, walked to the door, locked the door, and hugged Chuck, "No refusal, let me hug,

just a moment,"

Zelda couldn't control her emotions for too long. She thought Chuck hadn't contacted her for so

long. This was to forget herself. She was sad and sad.

Chuck appeared, and she was moved again.

Chuck is silent, but feels more guilty, feeling Zelda's heartbeat, Chuck sighs, Zelda is her own

enlightening woman.

For her, Chuck has a special feeling in her heart.

Indescribable, that is the kind of unforgettable, always can not forget the night in the car......
"Sister Zelda..."

"Miss me? To be honest," Zelda looked up, looking forward to her beauty.

"A bit," Chuck told the truth.

"Is it a bit?" Zelda felt at ease, and she was very satisfied with this answer.

This shows that he still has a little position in his heart, even if this position is in the corner, but

Zelda does not mind.

Zelda embraced Chuck, "Let me hear your heartbeat."

Chuck is guilty, yes, he hasn't taken the initiative to contact Zelda for a long time, but like this,

Chuck feels sorry for Yvette.

I'm particularly sorry, Chuck wants to push her away, but can't bear it. If you do so, Zelda will

definitely be sad.

"Heartbeat accelerated, you little jerk," Zelda smiled slightly and looked up at Chuck.

Chuck coughed and said, "Sister Zelda,"

Today Zelda is very beautiful, jeans, simple t-shirts, this is simple clothes, but wearing Zelda, it

is a perfect embodiment! !

"Little man, what are you thinking about?" Zelda was happy.

Chuck coughed even more.

"Don't tease you, are you hungry? I'll cook it for you first." Zelda let go of Chuck, this hug, she

was at ease and moved.

At the very least, Chuck did not refuse, this is a progress in the relationship between each other.

"Well, I brought two people, Yolanda and Sister Li," Chuck said.

"Well, I went." Zelda walked to the door, but turned around and asked with a smile, "Dine first,

or do you first? You said,"

Chuck coughed and understood the meaning of Zelda. He didn't do anything over here, but came

to see Zelda.

"Well, I understand, cook for you first, and then you are not allowed to leave, chat with me, just

ten minutes, I want to know what you are doing recently." Zelda lost.

But she was also happy. She was willing to help Chuck. She felt that if Chuck came over for that,

then she became a tool. Although she didn't mind, Zelda felt that Chuck didn't look at herself that


When he came to see himself, he missed himself a little bit.

Zelda opened the door and went out, but as soon as he opened the door, a man stood at the door.

Murong Qing!

She drove over to the square and went to Yolanda's office. Without seeing Chuck, she knew that

Chuck must have come to Zelda's restaurant.

Because of the relationship between Chuck and Zelda, Murong Qing knew.

Chuck was stunned, and suddenly understood what Murong Qing came to find herself doing, she

found herself helping her?

"Zelda, you leave, I have something to tell him alone." Murong Qing said coldly.

Zelda was also stunned. Why was he so angry, what did Chuck do?

Zelda looked back at Chuck.

"Sister Zelda, me..."

"Well, you chat, I'll cook for you," Zelda went out smiling.

Murong Qing stared at Chuck, his long legs came in, closed the door, and locked back.

Chuck sighed, Murong Qing should just doubt himself, so it's enough if he doesn't admit it? ?

"You asked the bank to lend me the money?" Murong Qing asked word by word.
She couldn't control her emotions, was angry, struggling, painful, dazed, and merged in Murong


"No," Chuck denies.

Betty has told herself this matter.

"Not you? Are you playing me right? Not you? Not you?" Murong Qing collapsed.

Chuck's expression told her that it was really Chuck.

But why is he? ?

"I didn't play with you," Chuck sighed. Why did she play with her? It is guilt.

"Then you admit it! Is it you!" Murong Qing scolded.

"Ah, yes." Chuck admitted, Murongqing's reaction was too great, he would not do it without


Murong Qing was speechless for a while.

In particular, she wanted to return the money to the bank, and then told Chuck firmly that she

didn't want you to help! ! No need to!

But the money had been used, and she fell into this painful vortex.

"Sister Murong," Chuck guilt approached.

There are tears in Murongqing's eyes, this is a kind of helpless tears.

Chuck could feel it. At this time, Murong Qing was particularly sad and surrounded by pain.

Chuck felt sorry for her.

"I don't want you to help, you just watch my joke, I don't want you to help," Murong Qing

stepped back.

Emotions broke out at this moment.

For so many days, what she suffered, broke out at this time.
"Alas." Chuck stayed in place and wanted to comfort Murong Qing, but walking over would

only make her more painful.

Chuck regrets, why did he say that after that time?

I feel sorry for Yvette, but now I am sorry for Murong Qing.

"I will repay the money as soon as possible, and then leave here!" This is what Murong Qing can

think of.

Yes, sell all the investment here, and then leave this sad ground.

To develop elsewhere, you can go abroad, anyway, just don't want to stay here.

"There is no need to do this, your money is not mine, it is from the bank,"

"I know, but the bank lent me money because of you. Without you, the money can't be borrowed.

I said thank you, but I will repay the money as soon as possible. You start today. Don't help me

anymore. I don't need it. You help." Murong Qing one yard to one yard.

She wants to thank this money.

Because she has used it, there is no way to take it out at once.

"Don't thank me, this is what I should do. In the last car, I..."

"Don't mention it last time, I forgot, don't mention it." Murong Qing's emotions collapsed again!

Chuck sighed and walked over to hug her, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Chuck felt Murongqing's sadness and pain. She really hurt her heart last time. That was a

mistake that she couldn't help herself.

If handled correctly, things will become calm, but Chuck's handling has exacerbated this error.

Murong Qing struggled, but Chuck had been training for so long and had great strength. How

could she break free from this hug?

"Why do you treat me so badly?" Murong Qing was wronged to the extreme, "I didn't hold you

accountable, why should you say that? Why..."

It was emotional breakdown, sadness, pain, and sorrow. It was whizzing. Murong Qing was like

a poor woman with bruises all over her body, crying because of emotional breakdown.

"I'm sorry," Chuck comforted, it was really speechless, what have you done?

"I don't want to hear these three words, don't hear them." Murong Qing growled, what can these

three words do? Make up for your trauma?

Chuck was speechless and hugged Murong Qing tightly. She kept crying and couldn't control her

emotions. This man, but the one he really liked, but hurt his heart, Murong Qing was particularly


"Sister Murong, stop crying,"

"Why can't I cry? What can you do, why can't I cry?" Murong Qing struggled, especially hard,

but it was useless. Chuck's strength was too great.

"I'm sorry," Chuckneng said these three words, representing his guilt.

"I don't want to hear these three words anymore,"

"Then...Sister Murong, I am willing to be responsible for that car," Chuck said calmly. The

woman was sad. Chuck could feel it. He also felt distressed. He was too bad for Murong Qing.

My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 508 What do you take me for? Listen online

with novels

Murongqing heard Chuck's words and was responsible for himself? ?

"What are you responsible for me?" Murong Qing asked coldly.

She knows that Chuck and Zelda are a pair, how is this situation responsible?
What's more, if Murong Qing is not responsible, what she wants is actually very simple, that is,

don't say that afterwards, don't say that, two people can chat afterwards, after all, that time was

originally a self-control.

This can happen afterwards, but nothing happened, but Chuck worsened the incident. At that

time, it hurt Murong Qing's heart.

Chuck is speechless, yes, what is he responsible for?

Do you separate from Yvette and marry Murong Qing?

Chuck couldn't do it. In Chuck's heart, his wife has always been Yvette.

From a young age, when Chuck embraced Yvette to sleep, Chuckxin knew that the woman in her

arms was his wife.

You have to be kind to her all her life.

Don't abandon her for life.

"Can't tell?" Murong Qing said with a sneer.

"Sister Murong, I am willing to be responsible."

"Your responsibility is to give me a sum of money, right?" Murongqing was disgusted, he

wanted this kind of responsibility?

No, what Murong Qing wants is a companionship, the kind of companionship that can not be


"I..." Chuck was still speechless. He was indeed prepared to do so, to give Murong a lot of

money, and then treat her better.

"Why do you think I'm angry?"

"I, I shouldn't have said that." Chuck sighed, clarifying the relationship afterwards.

"Chuck, you don't understand at all, let go." Murong Qing said with a sneer.
You are angry in your heart because you want a sum of money? ?

Murong Qing was completely disappointed. What she wanted was not this. She had always been

very simple. At that time, the two people hugged together. Murong Qing relied on Chuck. They

just talked.

Murong Qing is an adult. How can he force others to be responsible for being together once?

She won't do that.

"I understand that I am willing to be responsible,"

"You are responsible? What is your responsibility? If I want to get married, would you?? Not

talking? Then what is your responsibility?" Murong Qing asked.

Chuck was speechless again, married?

Chuck sighed that he would never do this.

"Sister Murong, what I said is that, as before, I will never say anything to you again, and then I

invite you to dinner, and..."

"What else? Also give me money?"

Murong Qing sneered more severely, but before she finished speaking, Chuck kissed her.

Murong Qing was stunned and exasperated, "What are you doing?"

Chuck did not speak anyway and kept doing this.

Murong Qing collapsed, and she struggled to no avail, because Chuck's strength was too great,

and suddenly she shed tears, Chuck felt it, and he stopped in shock.

"What do you take me for? You said." Murong Qing felt insulted by Tianda.

Treat yourself as a teenage girl? ? If it doesn't make sense, would you want to pass through with


I am not a little girl, I don't need this way.

"I take you as a friend, a friend who can't help it." Chuck said.

In Chuck's heart, Murong Qing was a top-notch woman. Her body and appearance were all at the

same level as Zelda.

In that car, Chuck could not forget.

"I can't help it? Chuck, you really can talk... What are you doing?" Murong Qing felt ridiculous,

but Chuck's eyes looked at her softly, and he suddenly looked at it that way.

Murongqing felt a pimple jump in his heart, and he dared not look into the eyes like this.

"Don't look at me like this, what do you want to do? Chuck, you bastard!!" Murong Qing was



"Sister Murong, sorry,"

On the sofa in Zelda's office, Chuck embraced Murong Qing and said softly.

Murong Qing was at a loss in his heart, he actually...

Alas, Murong Qing sighed.

"Stop talking, stop talking," Murong Qing shook his head.

"I'm really willing to be responsible, I will never say that again," Chuck assured.

"You are a bastard." Murong Qing was lying in Chuck's heart nest, listening to Chuck's

heartbeat, so that she would feel real and she would know that this is not a dream.

This is a kind of calm, but the same as my last impulse, I can't help the same as Chuck just said.

"I didn't hold you accountable from beginning to end. What you said last time hurt me. Do you

know?" Murong Qing whispered softly, and it was cold.

It's this feeling. It's good to chat. She doesn't have a psychological burden, and Chuck will not.

Together, it's just four words. I can't help it.

"I know, so right..."

"Don't say it, don't say sorry, I don't want to listen to these three words."

Murong Qing shook his head and said seriously, "Chuck, do you like me? Anyone like it?"

"Are you honestly angry?" Chuck asked rhetorically.

"will not,"

"Yes, I like it." Chuck said it, but he felt extremely guilty for Yvette. What did he do just now? ?

I can meet Yvette tomorrow, but myself. .

"Just have it," Murong Qing was a little lost. Was it only a little?

"Right, your company's business." Chuck felt okay, and his relationship with Murong Qing has

eased, so you can directly ask how much money she still needs.

Chuck will immediately ask Betty to give her money.

"Don't say that you like me so much, don't say that I am with you, not for money, this is my self-

esteem." Murong Qing said with a sigh.

If it weren't for the sudden break of the capital chain, she didn't need any money at all.

"Well," Chuck respects her. Chuck certainly knows that Murong Qing is not with him for money.

At the very least, Murong Qing is worth tens of billions of dollars!

"Sister Murong..."

"Little bastard, don't look at me like this. I really don't need money anymore. I'll solve it myself.

There is enough money in the bank loan. Would you let me save my last self-esteem?"

Murong Qing said hurriedly, but it was barely enough, and it had to be used carefully, otherwise

billions would not be enough.

But even so, she did not want Chuck to help her again.
Chuck nodded and whispered something, Murong Qing shook his head seriously, "Little bastard,

who's office did you forget?"

This is Zelda.

Murong Qingxin was not happy, and Chuck didn't choose the location well.

You and Zelda are still enemies, but Murong Qing is also a little bit happy.

Chuck came back, yes, this is Zelda's office, two people stood up from the sofa, and Betty and

Yolanda were waiting to eat outside.

Let Zelda find it bad, not to mention Betty and Yolanda.

Murong Qing put on his clothes and arranged his hair. Chuck said, "I'm going to the country


"What? What are you doing in the United States?" Murong Qing reluctantly, just reconciled, the

two didn't stay for a while, and they were about to separate?

Chuck didn't say much. She certainly couldn't tell her what she was doing in the United States. It

would also worry Murong Qing.

Chuck said to see his mother.

Murong breathed a sigh of relief and went to see his mother normal, "Be careful on the road, do

you know?"

Chuck smiled slightly, and Murong Qing blushed, "Little bastard, I'm going out first, don't tell


Chuck will not say, his relationship with Zelda is still so unclear.

Zelda, Queenie, Murong Qing, but they are all special women, Chuck remember to be clear.

Chuck reached out to hold her wrist, "Sister Murong, I regret it now."

Yes, Chuck particularly regrets it.

"What regret?" Murong Qing was sad. Is this little bastard preparing to say something to hurt


"I regret what I said to you last time. If we didn't say it, the two of us would be better." Chuck

said, the handling method is very problematic. Chuck now understands that Murong Qing doesn't

want to be responsible, but one. Psychological comfort, able to chat and talk.

Murongqing's eyes were wet, "Little bastard, who do you often say to these funny women?"


"Little bastard, I'm going out first," Murong Qing went to open the door, but just opened the door

and saw Zelda standing outside.

Zelda sighed in her heart, how could she not understand?

My mother is a Baller with audio novels Chapter 509 Yingzi Sashuang audio novels listen


Murong Qing's face was very red, and Zelda was from here. She understood why Chuck hadn't

come out for so long.

She is sour, Chuck and Murong Qing are together, but what about themselves?

And she is still a woman who has a bad relationship with herself. Zelda is sour and has a little

helpless anger.

Murong Qing had a bad relationship with Zelda. Of course, he went directly without saying


Zelda sighed, but didn't show it, and said with a smile, "Chuck, the dish is ready and ready to

Chuck actually had a feeling of being caught stealing things when he saw Zelda at the door. He

felt guilty and flustered, but Zelda didn't find out that he was at ease.


Chuck came over, but Chuck suddenly felt guilty. Zelda's eyes were a little sad. She was a clever

woman. She just found out just to not embarrass herself, so she didn't say it.

Chuck was silent, closed the door and hugged Zelda from behind, "Sister Zelda..."

Zelda was sad, "What are you doing with me?"

"Me. I just did."

Zelda turned around and shook his head, "You didn't do anything just now."

Chuck sighed, she really knew that Zelda was very smart after all.

"It's just that I'm sad, why is it in my office? This is my place, this is where I work," Zelda said.

Chuck was speechless, "I,"

"Do you jerk know?"

"Know," Chuck admitted, he couldn't help himself just now, forgetting that this is Zelda's office.

"You will not be allowed to do other things in my office in the future, otherwise I will be sad,"

Zelda asked.

"Not good for you?" Chuck comforted her.

"It's okay for me, but absolutely not for other women. This is my office. Murong Qing, who had

a bad relationship with me just now, you... you, when were you together?" Zelda was sad.

Chuck can only say, Zelda snorted, "You are a jerk, a little bad guy,"

Chuck coughed, Yvette also called himself, and Murong Qing called himself a little bastard.

Also, these women are all older than themselves, so it is normal to call it.

"Okay, go out for dinner, don't be hungry." Zelda is an empathetic woman.

She knew what was enough, and what was excessive. She said something, and she felt a little

better in her heart. At the very least, Chuck admitted that she didn't hide it as a fool.

In this regard, Zelda is still happy.

Chuck felt at ease and went out with Zelda, but when he went out, he assured Zelda that he

would never be in the office again.

Zelda hummed, "You have a camera in your office,"

"Ah?" Chuck was shocked.

"Are you afraid? Let you dare to do this again, my office can only be me and you, other women,

can't come in!" Zelda said.

Chucksong smiled, "Yes."

"Don't be afraid, without a camera, I'm not abnormal." Zelda continued, of course not, Zelda is

not that kind of person.

Chuck smiled slightly, "Neither am I,"

"Huh, isn't it? I don't believe it." Zelda hummed, thinking that Murong Qing was in her office,

she felt sour.

What a bastard, actually do that.

Zelda made a lot of dishes with his own hands. Four people ate together. Zelda, Betty, and

Yolanda, only Chuck was a man, and Chuck also felt comfortable eating. Yes, this is usually a

rare opportunity.

After eating, Yolanda went up to work, Betty was waiting at the door, Chuck and Zelda talked

for a while, and finally Zelda was unbalanced in his heart, and had to pull Chuck to the office.

Chuck agreed coughing, and Zelda was empathetic.

After coming out of the square, Betty took Chuck back to the Yeye Hotel, Chuck tiredly waded

on the bed, Betty continued to protect himself.

Chuck called Logan, it was reported to be safe, asked Logan how he felt, Chuck heard Logan's

voice, he was relieved, and finally called Yvette.

Determined that Yvette would come over tomorrow, Chuck was asleep.

But Betty knocked on the door.


"Well, sister Li, come in, the door is not locked." For Betty, Chuck didn't need to lock the door at


Betty opened the door and came in. She just received a message about Yvette, that is, the death

of Master Zeng.

"Sister Li, what am I doing?"

Betty said, Chuck stood up in surprise, "What are you talking about?"

"Well, for Master Zeng's character, it should be Yvette...thus, so Yvette was killed."

Chuck's eyes were cold, this Zeng Jiaran did such a thing? ? But these things, Yvette did not tell

himself! She buried all these things in her heart.

"Master, do you need to teach Zeng's family?" Betty despised this most, and the man forced the

woman to do something.

"This, I will wait until I come back from the United States." Chucksi thought about it. This

matter must wait for the matter of Yvette's killing order to be resolved.

Betty also has to follow herself back to the United States, letting others deal with it, Chuck is not

at ease.
"Well, Master, take a rest early, I'm outside. If anything, Master, please call me," Betty thought

she could come back and say.

You can also start to teach the Zeng family after arriving in the rice country. After all, the Zeng

family also has a little industry in the country.

Regarding these, when Karen li was ready to return to China, Karen li, the family of China, had

checked it out long ago.

It's actually easy to deal with, one sentence.

Chuck looks at Betty. She still wears her usual clothes and simple suits, but she has a strange


How to say, heroic posture.

"Does the young master need anything? Eat? Drink? Or is it uncomfortable?" Betty asked.

As a master of fighting, she is also proficient in bone acupuncture points. You can use this to

massage and relieve fatigue.

If Chuck's backache is sore, Betty can do this, as long as Chuckti can do it.

After all, when Karen li is leaving, let herself take care of Chuck.

"No," Chuck shook his head, probably because of the wrong atmosphere.

"Yeah, Master, take a break early," Betty said, turning around and going out, Chuck muttered,

"Sister Li, what's your way to be uncomfortable?"

Betty was stunned, "Yes, massage, massage meridian bones, young master, need it?? It's okay,

President Li will let me take care of you, you just need to say anything,"

Sorry for Chuck, let Betty massage herself, how bad is that? After all, she is older than herself,

so it is bad to tell her.

Betty smiled, "Young Master, don't be embarrassed, just say that, where do I need to press?

When President Li is sometimes uncomfortable, I will also help her press her shoulder,"

There is a press, but Karen li mentions less.

Chuck hasn't massaged yet, and he agreed tangled in his heart, "Well,"

"Where is it uncomfortable? Shoulder?"


"Young Master is so young, why is his waist uncomfortable? Let me see," Betty came over

seriously, Chuck was lying down, Betty pressed, suddenly a little embarrassed, where can young

people have back pain? unless……

"Young Master is okay, just press the button,"


Betty used fighting techniques. Chuck heard his bones ringing. He screamed, but after clicking,

he was much more comfortable.

"Master, you can't press the back pain for too long. I'll press the shoulder of the master," Betty


Chuck said well, "Sister Li, have you ever learned this?"

"I learned from watching videos, after all, my task is to take care of you," Betty did learn this.

Chuck didn't press it, but he felt that the bones were really comfortable.

Pressing and holding, Betty found that Chuck was asleep, which might be too comfortable. Betty

went out lightly, she murmured, "Master actually has a backache, what did you do while you

were eating?" That Murong Qing? Shouldn't they be in conflict?"

Betty didn't think much about it, nor was she able to think about it.
The next morning, Chuck started to pack up. In fact, he was more nervous. After all, he went

abroad for the first time, and English was not good.

Unlike Yvette, who has been a teacher, can speak fluent English. This is no longer enough to

grind the gun now!

Fortunately, Yvette went to the United States with himself. He couldn't understand English.

Yvette could translate.

"Master, I will go to Rice in the afternoon," Betty said.

"Well," Chuck nodded. He had already packed his things and would go to the airport later.

Chuck called Yvette and asked her to go directly to the airport.

My mother is a local vocal novel No. 510

The phone was not connected, as if Yvette had no time, Chuck was worried, was Yvette blocked

by another killer?

Chuck continued to call, but fortunately, it was connected the second time, "Husband, I will be

here, wait for me."

Chuck was relieved.

"Sister Li, go to the airport!" Chuck said.

"Well, Master goes downstairs, the car is ready," Betty took Chuck downstairs.

Drive and Chuck to the airport.

Private jets have been prepared for a long time. It is not an hour or two to go to the United States.

At the airport, the two went in and waited.

Chuck is worried. At the very least, Yvette has been dangerous these days. Chuck can only hope

that Yvette can reach the airport safely.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and it was almost time. Betty asked, "Master, do

you want me to pick Yvette now?"

The killing order of the killer organization is not a joke. After all, Yvette's strength is not too

strong. Being able to stand alone for a few days shows that Yvette's strength has been greatly


Chuck was as anxious as the ants on the hot pot. He called Yvette and Betty breathed a sigh of

relief. "Master, Yvette is here, over there,"

Chuck looked over and saw a woman with a peaked cap approaching. Chuck ran over and

hugged her.

"Her husband, it hurts," Yvette's lips were pale. She was besieged three times in the past three

days. Each time she almost died. Fortunately, Yvette resisted and tried to make herself alive.

Chuck felt distressed, how much did he suffer in the past three days?

When it is time for the rice country, we must ask my mother to help Yvette solve this matter.

Chuck hurriedly released her, "Wife, get on the plane."

"Yeah." Yvette was haggard. She was so tired that she could finally rest.

"Sister Li, get on the plane," Chuck said.

Betty opened the way, Chuckla Yvette got on the plane, Chuck found Yvette's condition is very

bad, he wanted to show Yvette injury.

Yvette shook his head and refused, "No, I'm ugly, don't look,"

Yvette knew that she had blue and purple pieces on her body, and even had gunshot wounds. As

a woman, of course, she hoped that Chuck would see her perfect self.

"I haven't seen it," Chuck felt distressed.

"No, I just sleep," Yvette said with a hint of prayer in his voice.
Chuck persisted this way, Yvette didn't know how to refuse.

"Master, I'm going to help Yvette take a good look." Betty said.

Yvette sighed, everyone is a woman, this is no problem.

Chuck'en, "Wife, then I'm out,"

Chuck went out and found a place to sit down. The plane had already begun to fly over the


Betty checked Yvette's body and said, "The clothes have been taken off and you hurt a lot."

"Yeah," Yvette is actually not very embarrassed, even a woman. After all, Yvette was only seen

by Chuck. When he was in college, Yvette couldn't live in the bedroom, and certainly could not

be seen by others.

But it's better than Chuck seeing himself scarred.

Yvette did so, Betty saw that Yvette was wounded, but the beauty of the woman could not be

covered by the scars.

Betty is professional and started to treat Yvette's wounds.

"You... and Master, did you do the husband and wife?" Betty asked Karen li.

If you have a baby, then. .

"No, no." Yvette shook his head busy.

It's been a long time with Chuck. If Yvette didn't know that Karen li killed his father, she would

give it, maybe they are all pregnant now.

But Yvette knew what Karen li did. She can now be with Chuck. She was especially guilty in her

heart. She was ashamed of her father, the bottom line, she couldn't cross the threshold.

"Then the master didn't mention it?"

"I mentioned it, but I don't want to do it. I can't cross that hurdle," Yvette didn't hide from Betty.
She knew that it was useless to hide. She was nothing to hide from Karen li. Between herself and

Karen li, she did nothing to herself. Then one day she felt that she could challenge Karen li and

just tell Karen li.

Karen li meets with herself, it's that simple, you don't need to turn around, let alone worry about

Karen li avoiding herself.

"Well, I personally advise you, the matter between you and President Li has not been resolved,

don't break through the last step, because..."

"Because of what?"

"How to tell you, it's not that I underestimate you, and you are not Mr. Li's opponent in another

ten years, so you can try to accept..." Betty persuaded.

"No, I will never accept it!" Yvette's eyes were cold, she put on her own clothes, "Thank you."

"This... Anyway, don't make the young master sad, if you and the young master have children,

then Li will never appear,"

"I know that if you let her wait for me, I will surpass her one day!!" Yvette said.


Betty sighed, "You have a good rest. If it is not the young master who really likes you, I will do

it for you."

"I know, thank you," Yvette sincerely thanked that she knew that Karen li gave herself a chance

to grow at will because of Chuck.

After all, to put it simply, Karen li is now too easy to kill himself, Yvette knows, but this can not


That's his own father.

Betty came out and gave Yvette a good rest.

Chuck has been waiting, "Sister Li, how is she doing?"

"Master, rest assured, just rest,"

"Well," Chuck wanted to go in with her, but Chuck didn't go in when she thought that it would

disturb her.

Betty began to introduce some of the powers of Rice.

Especially for this killer organization, after the killing order has been issued, it has not been

recovered. Betty does not know whether Karen li can solve this killing order.

Everything can only be known after arriving in the United States.

Chuck heard this, he only had to worry about it, and it was difficult for his mother to solve it. So

how strong was the background of this killer organization? ?

" Chief Li's family..." Betty couldn't speak anymore, Chuck didn't know yet, Karen li

was kicked out of the house by the Li family.

"What's wrong with my mother?"

"This, Mr. Li said it to you," Betty couldn't say it, "Master, you have a good night's sleep, and

you will come to the United States when you sleep,"

"Well," Chuck lay down to sleep, he was indeed tired.

Betty walked to the front and called Karen li, and the phone was connected. "President Li,

Master, Yvette is already on the plane..."


"Leave?" Zelda was always at the airport, but she didn't tell Chuck. She couldn't help it. She

wanted to see that she wanted to go to the United States, but Chuck didn't let herself go.

She was helpless, Chuck must have something in the past.

She sighed and reluctantly went back to deal with her new branch. She didn't know how long

Chuck would go to the country this time.

But when I turned around, I saw Murong Qing.

Yes, reconciled with Chuck, of course Murong Qing wanted to send Chuck, but came over and

did not see Chuck.

She is also ready to go back.

The two women looked at each other and smelled of gunpowder.

If Zelda didn't know about Chuck and Murong Qing in her office, she wasn't that angry, but she

knew that she couldn't help it! !

"Look what I am doing?" Murong Qing frowned and turned away. She didn't want to quarrel

with Zelda. After all, she was a little bit embarrassed, sorry, how to say in her office. .

"Stop! Murong Qing, don't you say you don't like men younger than you?" Zelda wanted to ask

clearly, when did Chuck and her develop into this?

"Do you want to manage it?" Murong Qing was annoyed. This sentence irritated her. She

insisted on this, but she didn't know why... Maybe, the man she likes in her heart will not be

affected because of her age.

"I don't want to control me, but if I trouble you, don't stay in my office when the waves are up!"

Zelda was also angry.

Murongqing was said to be blushing. Where did he go? It was forced by Chuck.

"What's wrong with your office? I still have to be in your house, can you control it?" Murong

Qing hummed, unwilling to show his weakness, scolded by her enemies, she was unhappy.

"You shameless!!" Zelda scolded, really angry, actually said such a thing, Chuck how would like

her? ?
My mother is a Baller, and the novel 511

"I am shameless? Zelda, what are you talking about?" Murong Qing glared at Zelda.

She hates people scolding her the most.

"I'm not clear enough?" Zelda was angry. This Murong Qing actually said that he still had to go

to his home? How shameful is this?

"Zelda, I think you don't want to open some stores, do you?" Murong said coldly.

But at that time, she bought a street. In this street, Zelda had a shop on it. If Chuck hadn't

intervened at that time, she had already asked Zelda to move the store away.

"What do you mean?" Zelda frowned slightly.

"Don't understand yet? You have a store house, no, that street is mine. If Chuck didn't speak for

you, I would have asked you to move away," Murong Qing said.

Zelda understood her words, Chuck actually helped himself so much? How did he convince

Murong Qing? ?

"I will move out myself." Zelda made up her mind. She knew which Murong Qing was talking

about, and that store had the best business, but the enemy was the landlord, so she continued to


Zelda didn't whisper so low.

"You can't move away." Murong Qing said.

"Why can't I still need to notify you when I move away? I will move back now," Zelda groaned.

Where can such a domineering enemy be the host, where can Zelda stand it?

Knowing this, Zelda didn't want to stay for a moment. Moving away would cost a lot of money

for decoration, but she didn't care.

"I said I couldn't move if I couldn't move. I promised Chuck," Murong Qing said.

You must do what you promised, let Chuck know that he forced Zelda away, it certainly won't


"I have to move," Zelda swayed his long legs and walked outside.

Murong Ching chased angrily. The two went to the parking lot. Murong Ching was annoyed.

"Hey, you move, I let you move. Believe it or not, I bought all your restaurant houses? How

much can you move?"

"You! Murong Qing!" Zelda was angry. This Murong Qing might really be able to do it. This is a

female lunatic.

Not to mention buying it all, even if you only buy half of it, then how much will you lose if you

move away? And there is another time to find a place to renovate, which is a great loss.

"Hum, let you fight with me, and keep on doing it, or I'll stare at you all the time." Murong Qing

got into his car.

Zelda was angry, "I will move away, I will!"

"Don't make me angry, I promised Chuck." Murong Qing was annoyed and started the car. "Too

lazy to tell you more, if you continue to do it, I will give you rent-free."

"I want you to be exempt? Missing your rent?"

"Continue to do it without lack, I charge you twice, do you dare to continue to do it?"

"Do you think I dare?"

"Dare not, you are so timid, and dare to continue to do it?" Murong Qing disdain.

"You, I will show you!" Zelda said angrily.

"You said it yourself, I didn't force you," Murong Qing shrugged.

"You!" Zelda was stunned. Was he actually shocked?

Murong Qing saw Zelda's anger, and she suddenly smiled.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny?" Zelda was particularly angry.

No, this is definitely not the case, you still have to move away, otherwise you will collapse.

"I'm hungry, let's go to eat. I haven't eaten together for a long time, do you say yes?" Murong

Qing said suddenly.

Zelda was stunned, yes, after the two broke up, not to mention eating, they were too lazy to meet.

It was indeed a long time since I had dinner together. It is important to know that when the two

were studying at the university, they were good friends who had nothing to say, because they had

different development ideas, so they were frustrated.

"It's been a long time since I have eaten together," Zelda suddenly stopped angry.

"Where to eat? I invite."

"No, why should you please? Go to my restaurant for dinner." Zelda refused.

"Also." Murong Qing did not refuse, nodded and agreed.

The two looked at each other for a while. Suddenly, both of them laughed. The two of them were

both superb beauties. They smiled slightly and fell all over the country.

Both Zelda and Murong Qing felt that such an adult was still arguing at the same time. How


No more noisy.

"Zelda, go to your restaurant, you're done, and you haven't eaten what you made in a long time,"

Murong Qing recalled. When he was in college, Zelda liked to cook.

"Well, no problem," Zelda smiled.

The two are reconciled. If Chuck is here, he will be absolutely surprised. What happens? ?
But after the two of them smiled, they were a little embarrassed. After all, they both liked Chuck,

but they were reconciled without jealousy.

"Aren't we two..." Murong Qing said embarrassedly.

Zelda was also awkward.

"Don't say it, we are reconciled, it has nothing to do with Chuck," Zelda said.

"Well, you said that we both like him, isn't it, how to divide?"

"This..." Zelda had a headache, knowing that he and Chuck had no last step.

Chuck never made guilt, and she didn't think about it. She just thought that if she couldn't marry

Chuck, she would have a Chuck child and take care of the child. Then she would have a


Or else grow old so lonely? Zelda felt that she would not like others anymore, only Chuck...

"Don't say this, go eat." Zelda didn't want this anymore, but she said seriously, "Murong Qing,

don't be in my office and Chuck in the future..."

Murong Qing blushed and didn't want to, Chuck forced.

"Otherwise, my office also lent you? Then two clear?" Murong Qingsi thoughtfully said.

This time it was Zelda's turn blushing, which was a bit irritating.

However, Chuck must also agree. It is better to agree. Then, with Chuck’s permission, you will

be pregnant and have a baby.

I will not be so lonely afterwards.

"Don't talk, go eat,"

"Well, the two of us said this was inappropriate,"

Lara came back by plane and went to the square, but she didn’t find Chuck. When asked about

Yolanda, Chuck went to Miguo. She was stupefied and took her mobile phone. This time she

came back to meet Chuck. No I want to go to the United States. When will I come back? ?

Lara lost her own tea shop, alas, how could this be? She didn't even think about it, and she didn't

reply to WeChat on Chuck. What should she do?

Does Chuck not like himself at all? To know that his figure is so good, he should like it, but

when Logan's family in Beijing, his door was not locked, and Chuck did not come at night.

Lara sighed sadly. ...


"Master, I'm here," Betty woke Chuck.

Yes, after flying for so long, I finally arrived in Rice.

Chuck woke up and found that Yvette had been sitting next to him long ago, just watching

himself sleep.

Chuck breathed a sigh of relief, Yvette's appearance improved a lot, Chuckla Yvette's hand.

"Husband," Yvette said.

"Don't worry, my mother will solve the matter of the killing order. Don't worry when you see my

mother." Chuck comforted.

He knew that Yvette would not do it in front of himself again. If he did, Yvette would also tell


"Yes." Yvette sighed, and wanted to kill Karen li again, and asked her to help, this... tangled.

Yvette was particularly at a loss.

After the plane stopped, Betty took Chuck and Yvette down. Karen li was still working on other

things in other parts of the country. Let Betty take Chuck to settle down first. Karen li would

come over in a few days.

Betty knew the headquarters of the killer organization, but Karen li didn't come over, she

couldn't take Chuck like that. Yvette passed by, what happened?

After leaving the airport, Chuck couldn't express his emotions. This was his first time abroad. I

felt that it was really a little different. The streets are full of various beautiful women from the

United States. Their body is different from that of Chinese women. There are special bumps.

Types are big eyes and high noses.

Chuckxin was thinking, Ouyang Fei and Black Rose had already come to the United States, and

they had photos of black roses in their hands. Isn't it easy to find her? As long as the photos are

sent out, then Black Rose will definitely come over to find herself, and then she will set up Tian

Luo Di Wang to see how she runs! !

My mother is a Baller with novel 512. All are yours! Listen online with novels

That must be impossible for Heimei Gu to run.

However, Chuck mainly has to resolve Yvette's killing order first. After all, this rice country was

originally a base camp for killer organizations. It is easier to find a killer to kill Yvette.

Only then resolved Black Rose and Ouyang Fei.

Score the importance of things.

"Master, let's go to dinner first, and the car is ready," Betty had been staying in Mi Guo with

Karen li before.
She knows the rice country very well. Rice country is the base camp of killer organization, in

fact it is also the base camp of Karen li.


Chuck was also hungry. He took Yvette's hand and followed Betty into a car.

Arriving at a Western restaurant, it was extravagant. Chuck didn't know English and asked

Yvette. Yvette knew that when she was studying, she learned tyrants. English is as good as


"This restaurant is very expensive," Yvette saw, surprised, and she looked at Betty.

"Master, this is yours," Betty said.

Karen li has been developing in the United States, and Karen li's industry is innumerable. This

kind of restaurant is only a small amount of money. In the United States, there are at least 300

restaurants in the major states.

Chuck thought of it and smiled, and the three went in.

After dinner, Betty received a call from Karen li, and after a few words with Karen li, Betty gave

her cell phone to Chuck.

"Mom," Chuck was excited. For a while, I didn't see my mom, and I didn't know what my mom

was doing.

"Well, Ceer, I have something to deal with. I will stay here for a few days, and I will come over

to find you," Karen li was really dragged down by the matter.

Fortunately, the United States is its own place, and Chuck will not have any danger!

"Well, mom, Yvette's pursuit of the murder order..." Chuck cares most about this.

If Yvette has been chased by the killer, there will always be a miss.
" can I tell you that I have no problem keeping Yvette. In the United States, the boss

behind the killer organization can't do anything with Yvette, but will Yvette stay in the country


"No, Yvette is from Huaxia. Why would she want to stay in the country all the time?" Chuck is

not willing. No matter how good the country is, he is from Huaxia, so he must be back in


"Well, I know. The boss behind the killer organization is a bit contradictory to me. She is a

person...I don't want you to see someone who has no temperament." Karen li had a headache.

She, Karen li has a headache, mainly because the two people met before, but there are

contradictions, and there is no special temperament. Karen li usually does not want to contact.

Externally, this boss is a cold-blooded animal, but Karen li knows what character this woman is.

"No morality? Mom, what are you trying to say?" Chuck was stunned.

"It's nothing. It's so good. You can ask Betty to take you and Yvette to a casino. This one is

under the name of the boss. You go in and play. I'll be there later." Karen li thought it was OK


Chuck never gambled, so he lost some money to the boss.

"I can't gamble, mom, I'm afraid of losing money." Chuck doesn't want to get into this habit.

Gambling, how much money is not enough to lose.

What's more, I haven't played this before. When I was a kid, I used to roll the dice and play with

Yvette, but Chuck had a good hearing and often won Yvette, making Yvette happy.

At the age of ten, Chuck and Yvette secretly shook the dice in the quilt, that was very interesting.

Now think of it, you should play some other tricks at that time, but Chuck was young and not

"Stupid boy, how much can you lose despite playing?" Karen li chuckled.

"Mom, I will lose a lot."

"It's okay, despite playing, my money, even if you lose all your life, you can't lose it, you know?"

Karen li said.

Yes, Karen li's real industry has already controlled one-third of the rice industry. This is only the

rice country.

In other countries, there are a few hotels, restaurants, and all consumer industries are Karen li.

Even a few small countries, all industries are Karen li. Karen li bought everything. She went to

that country. , The empress, she had the final say.

The amount of money deposited every day is also countless. How much can Chuck lose? ?

The speed of losing is not fast, and what's more, Karen li is constantly expanding herself. This is

a terrible thing, and Karen li is very heartfelt.

"Got it, mom, you are really rich," Chuck will have a degree even if he plays.

"Hehe," Karen li was happy in her heart, and was praised by her own son, which was more happy

than anyone.

This relieved Karen li's emotion of being driven out by the Li family.

"Stupid boy, no matter how much money I have, it's all yours. It's all, you know?" Karen li said

with a chuckle.

"Well," Chuck moved.

He was always poor when he was a kid, but he didn't expect his mother to be so rich, and it was

all his own.

"Mom, didn't you consider having another one?" Chuck asked, so that the money of the mom

could be balanced.
"Me? How old am I? Forty years old, still alive? You can do it, don't think about it, go to the

casino, play whatever you want, don't worry about money..." Karen li couldn't help crying, she

asked this question It sounds funny, as if chatting with a few-year-old son.

However, Karen li's physical fitness is so good, even if she is older and she is an old woman, but

you can also have a baby. The body is here.

But Karen li didn't have this idea, and having a son was enough.


"Hang up, I will go find you, even if it's just playing."


"Give Betty the phone, I will say a few words to her,"


Chuck gave the phone to Betty.

"Wife, we will play in the casino later," Chuck said happily.

"Casino? Husband, will you?" Yvette was stunned.

"Remember when we were young, we two were hiding in the bed and playing with dice?

Whoever loses will pull out one of his hair," Chuck himself felt that he was hanging, even

though he was young at that time.

"Remember," Yvette smiled. Of course I remember. She doesn't understand now. How can

Chuck always win?

Even five dice can be shaken into a pile, a pillar of sky.

It's very powerful, but I haven't played it for a long time now, because then Yvette felt bored, and

with the pressure of reading, she didn't want to play.

"Let's play again, whoever loses..." Chuck said in Yvette's ear, Yvette blushed, "It's really a bad


"Play?" Chuck smiled slightly.

"Play, my husband, you can play as you please." Yvette said, also nostalgic for the two little

children without a guess when he was a child, but now playing it is definitely not a loss of hair.

"Master, then shall we pass now?" Betty hung up the phone, and Karen li had already explained

to her.

"Well," Chuck looked forward a little, and wanted to play with this.

After all, I still have a dice to roll the dice. Although I haven't played it for a long time, my

hearing is still there. What's more, after learning to fight, after training, I am much more

sensitive and alert.

With vigilance, you will increase your concentration and listen wholeheartedly to listen to the

dice better.

"That young master, Yvette, get in the car, it's still a bit far away," Betty said.

Chuck does not matter, three people got on the bus.

Three hours later, Chuck saw a particularly luxurious casino like a palace. The parking lot is full

of luxury cars and all kinds of beauties. The casino is a place full of fish and dragons and can do

anything with money.

There are still a lot of Chinese people in and out of the casino, so there are a lot of beauty

translations and English translations at the door, because some Chinese people don't speak

"Hey, there is a Mercedes-Benz over there. Look at all three of them are Huaxia people. They

must be short of translators." There is a superb beauty who walked past with a smile, and other

translators also ran over.

"Hello, do you need an interpreter? One hundred dollars an hour is very cheap," these translators

surround Chuck's car. Those who can drive this kind of car must be rich!

Chuck, Yvette, and Betty came out. Most of Betty are in the United States. They are fluent in

English and like the people of the United States.

"Husband, need translation?" Yvette asked.

"Wife, how much do you spend an hour?" Chuck laughed. Yvette knew English, so what did he

want to translate?

"Me? It's cheap, as long as." Yvette hadn't finished speaking yet, Chuck kissed her, "Is that


My mother is gambler of Chapter 513 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online with novels

"Enough," Yvette was a little bit shy.

Chuck felt so shy when so many people kissed himself.

If it is not enough, then Chuck will continue to kiss.

With translation, what are Chuck waiting for? Go in and have fun. This kind of casino, Chuck

has never been here and should be very fun.

"Boss, your wife's English is not as good as ours, but we have always been in the United States.

I'm very cheap, only one hundred dollars an hour." Some women said unwillingly.

"Yeah, I'm cheap. It's only three hundred dollars. The boss can do other things." Another

beautiful woman smiled slightly, her face full of charming.

"My husband doesn't need it, you go find someone else." Yvette said in standard English.

The grammatical standards seem to be the same as the Americans. Several translators are

stunned. Are they better than they are?

You know, they have been in the country for many years, and they haven't said such a standard!

A few translators were disappointed. The English spoken so well, they all felt ashamed!

"Wife, you are so powerful," Chuck gave his thumbs up.

"You can also, I teach you," Yvette tutored Chuckxue when he was studying, but Chuck didn't

want to, what did he say to do this?

She can't help it, she can't force Chuck?

At that time, if Chuck knew that his mother was so rich, she must have worked hard to learn,

because if she had money, she would definitely go abroad, then when learning English would be


But it is not too late.

Chuck now feels that more than one language is definitely beneficial. At the very least, what if

he doesn't have Yvette or Betty around him? ?

"Well," Chuck agreed, "teach me at night."

"Little villain, okay, teach you at night." Yvette knew what Chuck was thinking, of course she

would not be angry. She was originally Chuck's wife, and she should be sweet.

Chuck smiled.

"Master, wait a moment, I'll exchange chips first." Betty said.

What Chuck looked at was really the same as the movie. There are so many people and beautiful

women in it. They are many models from the United States. They are of good figure, beautiful,

and they wear good clothes. It is pleasing to see.

So what do you do in the casino? Chuck was thinking about it. Anyway, my mother made a

speech and played casually, but it was also fun.

What if you can win a little money?

"Wife, what are you playing with?" Chuck asked.

Yvette didn't understand this, of course it was the husband and wife who followed, "Her

husband, you have decided, I will translate with you."

"Well, all the winning money is for you," Chuck laughed.

"No, husband, you keep it yourself, you have given me a lot of money, don't give me any more

money." Yvette moved.

Although she now lets her mother take over the Zhao family, she knows that she has taken over,

and all her future money will be Chuck.

"Is it ok? Husband." Yvette prayed like a little woman. Chuck was helpless. Yvette was his wife,

so the money should be given.

"Is it good to teach my husband English at night? Whatever you like to learn, I will teach you

anything, whatever." Yvette served softly, but she knew that Chuck would not force herself.

Chuck smiled and understood.

Yvette blushed, "You're such a villain...husband, look, what to do,"

Chucksi wanted to come and go, and felt that it must be related to playing dice. After all, he has

a good hearing. No matter how much money his mother has, he will never lose it.

At this time, Betty took the chips and came over.


"How much is this?" Chuck didn't understand.

"50 million dollars, young master, although you play, it is not enough for me to continue to

change," Betty said.

"Well, go over there,"

Chuck saw that Betty and Yvette certainly had no opinion and followed the past.

This is a pressure point, Chuck first look at it, after all, he does not understand this rule.

Betty understands and introduces to Chuck. This kind of rule will be understood as soon as it is

said. Chuckyue wants to try it, and finds it interesting.

Then I spent 10,000 chips to try my luck. Chuck took 10,000 US dollars in chips and placed

them in the double area.

The other guests at the gambling table also pressed, the dealer opened, missed, and Chuck


"Her husband, don't mind, it's just the beginning," Yvette comforted. The feeling of losing is still

not good, although 10,000 US dollars is nothing to Chuck.

"No," Chuck smiled, this is really just the beginning.

Some people at the gaming table mocked that with so many chips, they only bet 10,000 at

once? ?

Reluctant to be?

"It's nice, play slowly, I will always accompany you," Yvette smiled, she didn't want to see

Chuck anxious.

Chuck shrugged and continued to watch. After he was fancy, this time he pressed a million

dollars in chips.
Chuck felt quite cool.

But missed again, several people at the table laughed again! Will it play?

Really a fool, how can this be so fun?

Betty has no expression, this money is nothing, she came to accompany Chuck to spend money.

Chuck was helpless, why couldn't he? His hearing is still there, he is definitely not used to it, and

he continues to listen carefully.

Yvette was afraid of Chuck's uneasiness. He secretly kissed Chuck and comforted him, "Her

husband, don't be angry, take your time."

Chuck smiled, "No, let's play together."

"Okay." Yvette took 10,000 US dollars in chips, and her eyes began to stare at the dealer. As a

killer, she would watch closely.

The sixth sense is also good.

She bet a place, Chuck also bet, but opened, and neither of them was hit.

Yvette is here to fight, "Husband, can I still play?"

"Haha, of course," Chuck laughed.

Yvette still got 10,000 chips. Chuck asked her to take a little more. Yvette was unwilling. Ten

thousand was enough. What if she lost again? Yvette was reluctant, but this was Chuck's money,

which could not be spent indiscriminately.

Chuck is not easy to force, and play this with Yvette.

At the same time, the casino's monitoring room.

The supervisor is a woman from the United States. She is carrying a red wine glass and looking

at the monitor screen lazily occasionally. Her eyes suddenly saw a Chinese woman in the

monitor. She is beautiful and has a perfect figure.

Even, the figure is more uneven than the women in the United States.

The supervisor stared at it for a few seconds, so familiar, she thought of a person, isn't she a boss

who recently issued a kill order in her killer organization?

Blood leopard? ?

The supervisor frowned, "Amplify that woman."


Soon, the picture was magnified, and the supervisor was a little surprised, "I really read it right,

really she, I didn't expect this blood leopard to be so beautiful, hey, unfortunately, the boss's

killing order came out, you are Everyone must die!!"

"That supervisor, do we need to notify the organization over there?" someone asked.

"No, this is just a good opportunity for me to make a contribution. The reward for the chase

order is ten million US dollars! Why should I make money for others? Call someone, listen to

my orders!" the supervisor ordered.

Anyone who is a killer organization can kill this blood leopard. After all, a reward of 10 million

US dollars is only the beginning. The most important thing is to reach the top of the killer


This is more important than ten million dollars.

"Yes." Someone prepared.

"Oh, it's interesting. I know that I was chased, but I came here to gamble and believe in my

strength? You know, the people I called are all killers! You are a fledgling female killer who can

bear it. How many people?" the supervisor laughed. She ordered that the blood leopard would

never run away.

"Check, who is the man and the woman next to me," the supervisor ordered.

She walked in front of the screen and saw ChuckYvette bet inside, she felt funny, so fun, you

have to lose as much money as you want.

Fortunately, it’s good to add a little income to the casino before death.

"Did you find it?" the supervisor asked.

"That man, who has never appeared in the United States, should be a rich second generation who

came to play,"

"What about that woman?" The supervisor was disdainful, so it's not worth mentioning. The

second generation of a rich man is nothing in the country.

"That woman, hasn't found it, the news is blocked,"

"Blocked? Then there is a little more ability, continue to investigate." The supervisor stared at

Betty coldly.

My mother is a Baller with novel 514. See how rich you are! Listen online with novels

"Husband, is our luck too bad?"

Yvette was speechless. Fifty million US dollars in chips, actually lost, how long did it take? ?

Or are you and Chuck not suitable for gambling at all?

"Otherwise, shall we bet smaller?" Yvette distressed the money, after all, 50 million dollars.

If Yvette did not accept the Zhao family, she had never seen so many. Yvette did not pursue any

luxury goods, so she was frugal in life and lost so much in less than an hour. I can't stand it


Seeing that she lost every time, she was so distressed and nervous.

Chuck smiled slightly, "It's okay, my mother said to play casually,"

Fifty million yuan, this is Karen li's money-making speed, it is really casual to play, after all, his

mother is a big tyrant.

"Well, husband, you continue," Yvette said less.

Karen li is very rich, and this 50 million US dollars is nothing.

"Hey, let go when you lose, and you're still here. If you feel distressed, you will find a place to

hide and cry. Don't delay others, others have to play," a few guests said impatiently.

"That's it, all lost, and you still want to win back? Do you have this skill?"

"Go away! Delayed people, old, son still want to play!"

A few people continue to blame Chuck, you know, they are big bosses!

Come here today to spend some money for a pastime. I didn't expect these three people to have

any bargaining chips. They are still standing here to get in the way, who is it! !

Yvette's eyes were cold, Chuck didn't care, "Sister Li, go get some chips!"

"Yes, Master," Betty left.

Chuck has lost so much, and it is not that he has no experience. He has always been calm,

because his mother has money, he is trying to test his hearing and it does not work.

Now, it works, 50 million temptations, the next step is to make money.

The dealer has received the news, she has a sneer on her face, this man really would not play


How much money will lose! !

Fifty million actually lost in less than an hour, and it is also a talent.

"Don't you get away?" a fat man scolded.

He had five million dollars in chips in his hand. He had planned to have fun for a while. The one

who won some money was smart, but he was unexpectedly blocked.
He was so upset.

This man lost all his money, but he was reluctant to leave. Was he crying and asking for money

from the casino? ?

What a shameful act!

Yvette wanted to shoot, she hated others saying so.

"It's only five million, what is your hurry?" Chuck said.

"Haha, only five million? What are you doing? You, did she take out five million dollars in

chips?" The fat man laughed angrily.

Five million dollars, old, the son is the uncle, wherever he goes is the uncle, actually looked

down upon by such a kid? ?

He was so hot that he wanted to hit someone!

"Come out." Chuck said lightly.

Five million is really a number for Chuck.

For Karen li, it is just a number.

"You can do it, then you can do it!" the fat man sneered.

Can get a ghost!

The plate with chips was empty, and it was almost the same as asking for food.

Chuck looked at him.

"Boss, don't be angry, you are fellows!" There is a translator next to the fat man, this figure is


"Fellow? Older, I don't have such a bad guy!" The fat man laughed.

I met a fellow when I met abroad.

He doesn’t want to lower his identity and recognize Chuck as a so-called fellow. He still feels

embarrassed. If you lose, you lose. You still have to leave. Give you? What a shame on the face

of the Chinese! !

"Boss, he doesn't look poor." Beautiful translator Fei Mei said.

Especially Yvette next to him, there is such a beautiful woman, can it be poor? ?

If she had Yvette's appearance, she would have been a star already. How could she stay with

ordinary people?

"Hills! Not poor? Look at his virtue, this is the first time to go abroad! Save money and go

abroad, and play this high-end game, do you have money to play?" Fat man sneered.

However, he looked at the beautiful and beautiful Yvette next to Chuck, he envied, is this a

translation? There is such a superb translation!

Why didn't you meet it when you came in?

Alas, it seems that dogs have better luck, they often eat, shit, and there is shit luck to go.

The beauty translator smiled, redneck? Now it looks a bit like it!

"There is money to play, and more than you," Chuck said.

"Haha, pretend! More than me? Do you know what I'm doing? I've been in the country for five

years and I know how much money I have earned in five years? Saying it scares you to death!"

The fat man sneered.

"Let's talk about my husband again!" Yvette's eyes chilled. If Chuck hadn't told Yvette that the

casino is the industry of the boss of the killer organization, she would have already done it.

"Beauty, he is your husband? Why are you looking so poor? Take care of me, keep you hot and

spicy." The fat man smiled slightly, his eyes were longing for Yvette.

"My husband is not poor and has more money than you!" Yvette said coldly.
"Hey, is it? Take it out if you have money!" The fat man hugged the beauty interpreter's waist

and mocked.

In his view, Chuck has a dime.

Even if it is a little bit, just lost all of it just now, that is, become a poor egg, and still have

money? ?

Yvette had murderous eyes, and she whispered to Chuck, "Her husband, do I want to hit him?"

This time, it's not pure play.

Yvette didn't want to destroy Karen li's plan, after all, the killer organization was not so good to

deal with! !

A little mistake will not be solved, and Yvette doesn't want to impulse something bad.

"Haha," Chuck smiled slightly, and Yvette was so cute when he whispered.

Yvette would only do this in front of Chuck.

"That husband, I won't fight, but I am very angry, he said you that." Yvette said.

"Then I kiss you," Chuck smiled.

"No now, let me talk at night," Yvette blushed, embarrassed.

Yvette would blush in a large crowd.

Chuck smiled slightly and said to the fat man, "You are so rich, then Bibi."

"Huh, what are you qualified to compare with me? Do you think I will compare with you?" It's

ridiculous!" The fat man laughed.

The beauty translator also feels that if this big boss wins money today, then he will have to make

tens of thousands tonight.

Following such a boss is right.

Thanks to myself, I still talked to you just now.

"I'm not qualified, you are not qualified to compare with me, understand?" Chuck said lightly.

"What are you trying to do? I didn't..." The fat man sneered, suddenly choking, speechless.

"Master, 50 million dollars in chips!" Betty took the chips and came over.

Just now other guests were surprised to see Chuck having so many chips again!

I lost tens of millions just now, but now I have exchanged another 50 million. This is 100 million

US dollars!

What kind of super rich second generation is this unattractive Chinese? ?

The fat man was shocked, he only exchanged 5 million, but unexpectedly, Chuck suddenly

exchanged 50 million US dollars in chips!

This is ten times more than myself!

Who is rich, who is not qualified, at a glance, it is clear!

Fat men's hearts are jumping out, is this fake?

The beauty translator is stunned, he is so rich? She immediately envied Yvette and found such a

rich man.

Why don't you have such good luck?

"If you are so rich, go and exchange 50 million dollars, compare with me!" Chuck said.

"You... me," the fat man was speechless. He could come up with 50 million dollars, but it does

not mean he was willing to spend 50 million to play!

Is this something the super tyrant did?

"No money? What did you pretend to do?" Chuck returned the fat man's words just now.

The fat man blushed like pig liver. He was annoyed and looked down upon by Chuck. He

couldn't stand it. "Okay, I will see today. How rich is your kid!!"

"Okay." Chuck said lightly.

Than rich? With my own mother, I am really not afraid of anyone.

The fat man was annoyed, staring at Chuck with resentment, and took out a card, "Give me

another 45 million chips!"

He is proud, 50 million dollars is amazing? ?

I do too, just don’t want to take it out!

Really thought that 50 million could be forced?


The fat man slapped the pretty face of the beauty translator, "I talk to you, didn't you hear it?"


The beauty translator had a slap mark on her face. She was awakened in fright, her hands were

covering her cheeks, and the tears of grievances were swirling in her eyes, "Please wait,"

She looked at Chuck even more wronged, and she should follow Chuck's translation.

At least he looked gentle and did not beat people up.

The beauty translator holds the card to exchange chips.

The fat man stared at Chuck with pride, and I looked at how rich you are! !

Chuck shrugged.

Soon, the beauty translator took the chips and came, "Boss, your chips,"

"Reward you," the fat man smirked and translated 10,000 chips into the beauty.

The beauty translator said in surprise, "Thank you boss,"

Seen this way, I was just slapped just now, it's still worth it!
"Now I have 50 million US dollars in chips. What else are you pulling?" The fat man


He is proud of his good luck, and he may win a few million dollars to 10 million dollars, and

you! !

Wait for the loss!

Chuck shrugged, "A lot of fifty million?"

"Haha, pretend," the fat man laughed.

Such words, said in casinos, are you afraid of being joked? ?

Most of these high-end casinos can come in and play, and they are mostly bosses, but there are

only a handful of people who can speak more than 50 million people, but it cannot be him!

"Which Chinese people really pretend that there are not many fifty million?"

"That is, this kind of Chinese is too pretending, and I will blush for him."

All the onlookers were talking about Chuck.

This kind of big talk can be said, how rich is this? ?

"Don't pretend? I blush for you." The fat man sneered.

Chuck glanced at him and shrugged, "Sister Li, I have a snack, please give me another 500

million US dollars in chips!"

Yvette's beautiful eyes are all stunned, 500 million US dollars in chips? Isn't that cost 600


The fat man laughed, "Are you pretending to be? If you have any kind, just let it go!"

The beauty translator also laughed, and the boss is rich!

"Master," Betty went to exchange.

Many people have come to watch, 500 million US dollars, this is a big bet! !
Everyone is talking!

Everyone is looking at who Chuck is, so rich.

Fat men disagree, 500 million? So many people at the scene can say that 500 million yuan will

come out, but will there be 500 million people out there? ?

You can?

In the monitoring room, the supervisor holding the red wine was a little bit stunned.

One-time exchange of 500 million US dollars in chips?

Since the opening of the business, only three people have done it, and the one with the most

money has been exchanged for two billion dollars a day, all of them lost.

500 million? Barely able to enter the top ten!

But this is also the biggest work of the past year, and the supervisor became interested.

"Haven't you found it yet?" the supervisor asked coldly.

There are many people who can make 500 million at a time, but there are very few people who

can take 500 million to gamble!

Such a person should not be an unknown person!

"No," someone responded.

The supervisor narrowed his eyes and stared at the screen. Betty, who exchanged chips at the

front desk, looked at it, as if she was familiar with it. Where have you seen it!

But all of a sudden, the supervisor couldn’t remember it,

"Then let me keep checking!" the supervisor ordered.


The supervisor came to the screen and looked at Betty with a pair of eyes, and his head was

turning. Where have he seen it? ?



The fat man was stunned, and his chin would fall off, because Betty pushed a car over and put a

lot of chips on it! !

Really exchanged 500 million US dollars? ?


Not only the fat man was stunned, all the onlookers were shocked, and he was really able to

exchange so much money!

Who is this guy? ?

"God, this Chinese is too rich, incredible!"

"Too shocked, so rich, so envious!"

"I want to be his wife, don't know if he wants? I'm in love with him."

"Me too, I really like him, my God, my God..."

Men and women are shocked, many people have never seen so much money in their lives!

It’s so horrifying now!

The beauty translator has to stare out her eyes, regret it, she regrets it, this person is really too

rich, his own boss is simply poor!

Don't know if he is willing to let himself be a translator?

"You are so rich, pay it." Chuck said.

The fat man blushed like pig liver, which was particularly ugly. He was annoyed, "You pay so

much money, but you dare to play? If it's 12 thousand, then you don't be embarrassing."

He is proud, but he plays big,

"How big are you playing?" Chuck said lightly.

"You can't afford to play with me!" The fat man laughed, looking at the table!

With a count in his mind, he pushed three million dollars in chips to the triple area!

"Dare you do this with me..." The fat man sneered before he finished.

Chuck shrugged up with stacks of chips, and took a full $50 million in the double area.

Fat man shocked!

Mom, a handful of fifty million dollars? Not money! !

The onlookers were dumbfounded! The jaw is about to be startled.

The beauty translator was stunned.

Yvette was nervous, only Betty and Chuck's complexion was indifferent.

Betty sometimes, but will hang out with Karen li, that is a private party, the gambling start with a

billion dollars, that is shocked!

Karen li will play like this when he is bored, and he can win a lot of money every time!

If you say it, Chuck will be shocked!

The dealer is stunned, so much so, are you so sure?

"I c! Lose you!!!" The fat man laughed.

How could it be possible to win with so much down?

Sure enough, the start was actually three times the area.

The fat man laughed, "Hahaha! I'm hit, boy, you're my lucky star!!!"

Three million dollars, but made six million dollars, this money is comfortable!

Yvette was lost and missed. She bit her lip and looked at Chuck, her husband, don't worry, take

your time.

Chuck's face didn't change, the dealer's heart sneered. Sure enough, this Chinese person didn't

understand this game at all. She just witnessed Chuck slowly losing 50 million dollars in chips!
You will lose all 500 million dollars.

"Boy, do you still play? Don't feel distressed, haha!"

The fat man sneered and sneered. He glanced at the gambling table and bet again. This time he

pressed five million!

"Go on, you are my lucky star!" the fat man sneered.

Chuck shrugged, "Sister Li, bet three million dollars, in a fifty-six times area,"

"Yes, young master." Betty immediately did what Chuck said, betting three million dollars.

"Haha, don't dare to lose one? Three million dollars? You are willing!" The fat man laughed. He

just bet 50 million. If he lost, he wouldn't dare to bet. What does it have to do with a dog? What's

the difference? ?

"Why did this Chinese person become less courageous?"

"Don't you know? I just looked at him just now. He lost 100 million US dollars even with the

one he just did. I dare not dare. If I lose again, 500 million US dollars is not enough!"

"Really? That's no wonder. When gambling, the most taboo is the one who fears the most. I don't

think he can win this one. He has no confidence in himself, so how can he win?"

"I think so, he lost."

The onlookers are all expressing their opinions and Chuck's actions, they basically think that

they can't make it.

Not confident anymore, so the goddess of victory will look at him? That is impossible!

Fat men sneer and sneer. If they dare not start, they must bet a few more at most, and pretend

that the remaining hundreds of millions of dollars must be exchanged for money.

The dealer began to roll the dice, the dice entered the turntable, the ticking was rolling, and the

onlookers all watched. Suddenly, the dice fell on a number, and the onlookers were shocked!
My mother is a local vocal novel of Chapter 516 and won! Listen online with novels

Everyone was dumbfounded!

"Well, how is this possible?" The fat man's eyes widened and his face was shocked!

Actually, hit!

But he is not himself, but Chuck! !

He bet three million, fifty-six times, how much is this?

My goodness!

His face went white all at once.

"Impossible, am I wrong?"

"No, he really hit it, ah, three million has been fifty-six times, how much is this?"

"All the money you lost was earned in one go! This is incredible!"

"Ah, why didn't I just bet with him just now!"

"Me too, I thought he couldn't make it!"

"Ah, it turns out that we are wrong, people are sure!"

"Follow him with the next one."

"Me too!"

People nearby are envious, jealous! This is so surprising that no one thought of it!

"Wow, someone over there paid $36 million and won fifty-six times!"

"What! My God! Come and see!"

"Come and see! Someone has made a lot of money!"

The people in this casino are all boiling and are busy running over to watch.

Suddenly, the water was not leaking here.

"Who did it? That blue-eyed one?"

"No, it's the Chinese!"

"Really, why are Chinese people so powerful!"

"I heard that Chinese people can martial arts! Probably, good hearing!"

"Envy, why am I not a Huaxia?"

The expressions on the faces of all the people who watched around were the same, envy! !

Yvette breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and fell all over the country.

Betty did not fluctuate, but she was also happy, but when Karen li won eight billion dollars, it

was shocking!

The dealer was stunned. What, he hit?

Fifty-six times out of five million, or 280 million!

Snapped! !

In the surveillance room, the supervisor slammed the glass in his hand and red wine spilled.

"What's going on? What's going on? He was able to bet!"

The supervisor was very angry!

One actually cost the casino so much? ?

"He, fluke." Someone said weakly.

"Fortunately?" The supervisor's eyes narrowed into a gap. "I want to be optimistic. You can be

lucky a few times! Continue to play, don't run away! Continue! Continue..."

If you open a casino, you are not afraid of winning, but you are not afraid to stop playing.

Go on, lose you, all your winnings must be spit out! !

"You lost? Why are you so careless?" Chuck looked at the fat man.

Fat man is angry! !

The dealer's complex complexion pushed the money to Chuck.

Chuck let out a sigh of relief. Everyone thought that when Chuck would close, even if he didn't,

he would make a small move and continue to bet. Chuck made a move.

Is to push all the winning money to a position! !

Thirty times the area! !

Oh my God!

Everyone was stunned!

"Am I right? He didn't close his hand, even if he had remanded so much?"

"This Chinese person is so courageous, I like it very much," the beautiful woman with big blue

eyes was obsessed with Chuck. She didn't see such a spender.

This is simply a heartbeat!

The fat man was stunned, and the dealer was stunned.

"You, are you crazy?" The fat man was unbelievable. He wiped his tears. Is this man shameless?

Actually bet so much at once? ?

"Aren't you betting?" Chuck said lightly.

"Humph, lose you!" said the fat man with a sneer. What's the use of betting so much? People can

only go shit once, but still want to go twice?

The fat man bet 5 million out, he is confident that this one can definitely win! !

The dealer swallowed and she started!

The dice is spinning inside the turntable, and everyone is watching. This is a big bet!

Not every day I see this opportunity!

Boom, boom, boom.

The dice dropped a number!

This casino is silent all at once! !

Everyone's eyes looked at someone imperceptibly, including Yvette and Betty.

Because... hit Chuck and bet again! !

Two hundred and eighty million, bet 30 times!

$8.4 billion!

Everyone was stunned and speechless. What could they say?

They are at a loss, as if dreaming.

is this real? Can someone actually win so much money?

Chuck loosened his breath, bet on it? Um, really bet.

The fat man thumped on the ground, and he has stayed the same as spreading coins, 8.4 billion,

which is much more than his family property!

Actually won by him? ? How can you compare with him? Not even garbage!

The beauty translator's eyes are as staring as the bell, and some are at a loss...

"Hit, please give me the chips!"

Chuck told the dealer.

Betty is a little surprised, can it be inherited?

Gambling relies on luck and psychological quality. Karen li's psychological quality is good, so

he often wins.

However, Karen li seldom gambles unless he can't postpone it or is too bored to play.

The dealer is too long to speak.

She has been in this casino for so long, and she has never seen anyone actually win so much

Even if you win 500 million without strength, you will be taken away with fear. Because you

lose too much, it is impossible for a casino to be taken so easily.

"Husband, you are so powerful," Yvette said, really dreaming.

Chuck smiled slightly, and Yvette understood, and said in Chuck's ear, "Little villain, go back at

night, kiss you,"

"Wife, you have to count your words,"

"Of course, I don't lie to you, I don't want to lie to you," Yvette smiled.

She was curious, how could Chuck bet so much money with such certainty?

"I," the dealers supported us, she won too much, and she dared not speak.

At this time, someone upstairs was down, yes, that supervisor!

Someone won so much money at once, how could she not come down?

"Wow, is this a female gambler?"

"Well, she actually works here?"

"Yes, she came down and will definitely bet with this Chinese!"

"That's interesting!"

Everyone was excited, knowing that if you win so much money at once, someone will surely

come down to deal with it, but I did not expect it to be a retired gambler.

This casino is so powerful that I can actually invite the gambler to sit down and do it!

"Congratulations to this gentleman from China!" The supervisor smiled down.

Walked to the white-faced dealer.

The dealer immediately walked away, and she shivered all over, "Supervisor, I..."

"Retreat!" the supervisor said.

The dealer retreated aside.

"Thanks, give me the chips I won." Chuck said.

"Oh! Our casino operates in good faith. Of course we will give it. Come, give him this Mr.

Huaxia's winning chips!" the supervisor said lightly.

Someone pushed the chips over, and a lot of them scared the dead.

Chuck gave a few glances and nodded in satisfaction.

"I don't know what the sir's plan is. I think the sir is so lucky that he can continue playing." The

supervisor said with a smile.

Yes, she just came down to win back all the money that Chuck won! !


"I was planning to play," Chuck originally planned to continue. He was already a bit lucky. Why

not chase after the victory?

Chuck is a little bit happy to win so much money.

"Will I play with you?" said the supervisor, which is the standard Chinese language. Chuck can

understand. The casino is mixed with dragons and dragons. As a supervisor, it must be


Chuck is weird. He just heard someone talk about this woman, but he can't understand what

others are saying.

"Wife, who is she?"

"Others say it's a female gambler. Don't play with her husband." Yvette certainly understood.

"Well," Chuck was a little confident, but he was not so confident that he could compete with

God of Gamblers.

This is self-aware, it must be there!

"No, I won't play with you," Chuck shrugged.

"Oh, did not expect this gentleman from China to be so brave? Or, are you Chinese people all

cowards?" the supervisor mocked.

To be ridiculous, you must let Chuck gamble with yourself, otherwise the money is not easy to

get back.

Yvette's eyes were cold, Chuck frowned, and said unkindly, "What are you talking about?"

"If you do, you can gamble with me! If you don't, then you are a coward!" The supervisor

sarcastically, in the casino under his jurisdiction, no one can win so much money! !

My mother is a Baller with novel No. 517 Listen online with novels

This supervisor is so agitated, everyone in the casino onlookers laughed. This supervisor was a

female gambler before and was qualified to say this.

"Will this Chinese person agree?"

"Surely not. Good luck is the same thing. When meeting real people, especially her, good luck

doesn't work!"

"I think it's also true. I don't gamble. Isn't it clear that I will give money to the female gambler? I

won't do it."

"Then you are not seeded?"

"I don't care if there is any kind of seed, but it is billions of dollars. I promised. I must have lost

all to her. The ghost promised it. This Chinese will definitely choose not to bet like me. Better

than losing it!"

The onlookers talked a lot, some mocked, some agreed, and some were good.

"This gentleman, do you have any seeds?" the supervisor laughed.

She likes to laugh at these Chinese people the most.

Especially when you win money, you run the kind.

"Some species, no species, don't you know if you try it in your office?" Chuck said with a shrug.

"It's such a bad guy," Yvette said after she was stunned, she looked at Chuck tenderly.

The supervisor's eyes narrowed, a cold light shot out, and actually teased herself? ?

"Haha, this Chinese person is really kind, actually dare to tease her, don't you know who she is?"

"Hush, do you want to die?"

The onlookers all laughed. This Chuck is a bit interesting. Don't you know the strength of this


Mocking to her head, this is the rhythm of death! !

"Don't you want to bet against me?" The supervisor stared at Chuck.

This man teases himself so that everyone makes fun of himself.

She was very annoyed, if there were not so many guests on the scene, she had already called in

someone who had been preparing for a long time!

"Why should I bet with you?" Chuck asked rhetorically.

"If you don't gamble with me, you just don't grow, that means you Chinese are cowards!" the

supervisor said coldly.

Was this Chinese person so shameless that he was completely unaffected by his radical act? ?

"Oh, I don't gamble with you. It's every kind? Why don't you go to die? Isn't it not to grow if you

don't go? Also a coward?" Chuck said with a shrug.

Obviously a gambler, how could Chuck play with her? Do you think you have too much money?

I am not a God of Gamblers, I just have a better sense of hearing, and the gap with her is not a

little bit!
"It's dangerous for you to talk!" The supervisor was annoyed and was actually said by a Chinese


"No bet, I don't bet on anything you say," Chuck will continue to play.

This won more than 8 billion yuan, which is the most money Chuck has ever seen.

He also wants to continue to win, it is best to win tens of billions, then after he returned to China,

crazy investment.

The supervisor's eyes were cold and the atmosphere was deadlocked.

"Husband, don't gamble," Yvette reminded.

"Well, my husband is not stupid," Chuck said.

"Not stupid, but a villain," Yvette whispered.

Chuck smiled slightly, and just looked at the anxious and ruined supervisor, you have a way to

force me to gamble in front of many people!

See if your casino continues to open.

The atmosphere is deadlocked! !

Betty stepped aside and made a call, Karen li.

"Hey, I'm almost there," Karen li said.

She is about to rush here.

"That, President Li, Master..." Betty was also a little surprised.

"What's wrong with Ce'er? Lost money? It's okay, he's happy if he loses. It doesn't matter how

much he loses. How many chips he wants to exchange. You can exchange him." Karen li feels

that Chuck will have his own bottom line, lose energy. how much? ?

As Karen li's only biological son, he is the best to be happy.

"No, the young master actually won money," Betty said. She still did not expect that Chuck lost

50 million, and actually won more than 8 billion in two! !

"Ceer won money?" Karen li was stunned, his son won money?

"Yes, the young master has won."

"Oh, how much did Ceer win?" Karen li smiled, which was really something Karen li didn't


Gambling, psychological quality is particularly important, so Karen li basically wins when

playing, and all win big.

"Approximately US$8.4 billion,"

"What?" Karen li was surprised. She was not surprised by the money. After all, 8.4 billion was

nothing to her, but it was unimaginable to win so much in the casino!

"How did Ceer win?" Karen li asked, with strong interest.

Betty said Chuck's winning money carefully, and Karen li smiled slightly, "That's a bit

interesting. I didn't expect Ceer to have a good hearing, but I let Ceer come and play, and I lost

some money to that person. So that I can talk to that person, I didn’t expect to win,..."

Karen li couldn't laugh or cry, this was a fair and solemn gift, but Chuck was "destroying".

"Then gamble with the female gambler, does the young master want to gamble? It seems that the

female gambler hasn't lost yet. The young master should have no experience in this area..." Betty


"Betting, why not bet? Let Ce'er bet with this female gambler, and I will be there immediately."

Karen li said, she was already on the way.

"Yes, I immediately told the young master, then Mr. Li, I will hang up first."

"Um... by the way, what happened to Yvette?"

"She was injured when she came."

"Is it heavy?"

"It's a bit heavy, but Yvette has good patience. President Li, if you go on like this, Yvette might

one day..."

"Exceed me? Then kill me?" Karen li didn't have a little fear on her face, and even smiled a little.

" are the top three combat masters in the world today, and the one who surpasses the

first one is just around the corner. Yvette will catch up with you for another 20 years, and may

not be able to catch up with half of you, but... Yvette Young, twenty years later, she was in her

forties, and you are in her sixties..." This is Betty's concern.

People will eventually grow old and die. When Karen li is in his 60s, he will eventually go

downhill. Yvette will be at the time when the woman is the strongest.

This is very dangling.

This is how frightened young people are, even though Karen li maintained his physical strength,

but his age is the most influential. Yvette always has an advantage in his age, close to the

advantage of twenty years old.

"It's okay, the more powerful Yvette is, the more assured I am that she likes Ceer, then Ceer will

be more and more safe. Besides, when I'm sixty, it might not be bad. This is fine." Karen li

looked Go.

After all, she is exercising every day at this time. The bracelets on her hands are all special metal

and weigh a few tens of pounds. In recent times, she has increased to 80 pounds. This physical

quality has reached 60. What about age?

"Well, I think Yvette has too much potential,"

"This is a good thing, well, don't say it, you let Ceer bet with her."
"Yes, Mr. Li, I feel that someone from the casino side has come to stop, and it is estimated that

they will start immediately," Betty said alertly.

She followed Karen li for too long. The alertness was affected by Karen li. When she came in

long ago, the sixth sense told her that there were many people hiding nearby.

"Well, I know, I will come over quickly."


The phone hung up, and Betty walked to Chuck's side, "Young Master, Li always told him to bet

with her,"

Chuck was stunned, "Mother said so?"

Yvette is a little complicated and nervous. This means that he is going to come over to kill his

father and enemy, Karen li. How should he face it?


"Well, my mother said it, I will definitely listen, I will lose regardless of it," Chuck said.

"It's okay, President Li just heard that you won, it was very unexpected,"

"Really?" Chuck smiled, then stared at the supervisor, "Okay, I bet you!!!"

Mom is coming soon, so what are you afraid of?

"Okay, this is what you said," the supervisor sneered, and finally became a coward? Now that

you agree, all the winning money will be spit out without leakage.

"I said it," Chuck shrugged.

"Wow, did he really agree? Actually agree?"


"Then he is going to export all the money he won back."

"That's for sure, this is a female gambler!"

The onlookers all laughed and watched a good show. This Chinese person is going to take out all

the money, 8.4 billion! ! Everyone thinks that Chuck is defeated. Why do you compare with a

female gambler as an unknown soldier?


My mother is a Baller with a novel of audio 518

"I agreed to bet, but what should I bet, you are a female gambler." Chuck said.

Yvette just translated the words of the surrounding people, Chuck doesn't care.

Gambling is possible, but Chuck is only good at hearing in terms of gambling. Others are not.

"Yes, as long as you gamble," the supervisor laughed.

As a female gambler, as long as she is related to gambling, she is proficient. You can choose

whatever you choose, and the result will be the same. There will be no difference. That is to spit

out all the money! !

To play with you, the only thing your supervisor wants is to make yourself a little bit more


"That line, roll the dice," Chuck said.

This is related to your hearing.

"No problem, come here, prepare the dice!!" The supervisor smiled coldly and bet on the dice

with himself? This is the basic work of God of Gamblers!

This is just looking for death!

The onlookers just had a little thought about watching the show, but after listening to Chuck,

they were not interested anymore.

Isn't this a self-seeking way?

Bet on the dice with the God of Gamblers? This is a fool's proposal?

Gambling cards is better than betting dice!

Shaking the dice is completely technical.

How did such people win 8.4 billion just now? ?

No one understands.

A dealer took the dice and came over.

"How to gamble? How much is a handful or what?" Chuck shrugged.

"Don’t you have nearly nine billion dollars in chips now? I’ll bet you these nine billion dollars!

Two wins in three innings, I lost, I lost you nine billion dollars, you lost, then I Win you nine

billion dollars!" the supervisor sneered.

"Betting so big?" Chuck can only say nothing, not 500 million?

Two wins in three games, this test psychological quality!

Yvette worried that this is really big.

There is no fluctuation in Betty. When Karen li gambles, it is called big, then it is called


"Yes, don't you dare?" The supervisor sneered.

You hooked yourself and want to run?

is it possible!

Certainly impossible!

"Don't you dare?" Chuck doesn't matter. He wins anyway. It doesn't matter if he loses.

"Well, let's get started!"

The supervisor took the dice cup in his hand.

"Slow down, the rules have not been said, we guess the size." Chuck said.
Comparing with her to roll the dice, that's definitely not okay. She's at the point of being a

gambler. If you don't want any points, what points will come? ?

How does this compare?

Chuck would not do such a thing.

"Alright, whatever you want," the supervisor sneered still, what's the difference?

"You, come and shake the dice!" The supervisor pointed a beautiful dealer.

The beauty dealer came over.

"Her husband, I'll go to shake the dice," Yvette suggested, which may be a thousand. After all,

she doesn't understand this and can't see too much.

The ghost knows how it works inside?

"Um... wait a minute, don't let her shake, my wife shakes the dice." Chuck said loudly.

"No problem," the supervisor laughed, still making no difference.

The onlookers couldn't help being speechless. Compared with other gamblers, what use are you

doing so many tricks?

Did the final result lose? ?

"Husband, come on and win her money." Yvette said.

"Okay, I won the money for you,"

"I don't want, you hold it yourself, come on," Yvette shook his head and walked to the middle of

the table to shake the dice.

"I started shaking, and then you talked to my husband," Yvette stared at the supervisor, using

standard English.

The supervisor was a little surprised. He didn't expect this Blood Leopard English to speak so

well, but what's the use? The rules of the killer organization are broken, and the result must die.
"Yes," the supervisor of course had no opinion, and she couldn't wait.

Yvette began to shake the dice, Chuck listened with his ears, listening to the dice turning, Yvette


Chuck is thinking.

Yvette worried about watching Chuck, come on! !


The supervisor had a smug smile on her face, and at the moment Yvette stopped, she already


It's too simple, this is the basic skill as a gambler.

"Husband, how about you?" Yvette looked at Chuck.

Chuck said, "I also said big."

The onlookers immediately disdain and ridicule.

"Her mother, it's the same as the God of Gamblers. It's so shameless, so don't worry about


"Yes, who are these people!"

"Don't watch, don't watch, watch him play rogue??"

The supervisor sneered, "What are you talking about with me? They all say big, so how do you

score this victory?"

Chuck is silent, he is not as fast as this god of gambling, so how to keep up with her speed?

"That's fine, small," Chuck was helpless.

The supervisor ridicules that it is useless to play rogue.

"Her husband, are you sure?" Yvette worried. She couldn't hear what was inside, so she didn't

know who was right or who was wrong.


"Then I unveiled," Yvette unveiled. She was anxious after seeing the points. It was really big! !

The supervisor smiled triumphantly, which was not difficult at all, it was boring, it was boring to

win this money!

"I'll just say, how could he compare with God of Gamblers? Surely lose!"

"That's for sure, anyone can play with the God of Gamblers, so it's worth it?"

The onlookers expressed their disdain for Chuck, what did you say about good luck? Now that

the money is not overwhelming, it will be returned to others, and it will lose 500,000 or 600


There is no fluctuation in Chuck's heart.

"Her husband, it's alright," Yvette comforted. Chuck was right, but one step later, they said it



"So continue?"

"Well, you continue," Chuck was absorbed.

Yvette started shaking the second one, shaking, and then stopped.

The supervisor laughed, and she counted again. When Yvette stopped, she said, "It's still big!!"

"Husband," Yvette is particularly anxious. This god of gambling is so strong, so confident, will

this one win again?

Does that mean Chuck has lost? ?

"Then I still say it's better," Chuck had no choice.

It seems that he still has too little experience and bets with the God of Gamblers, which is still

very different. He actually heard it. It is big, but no one is fast.

Yvette's eyes worried, lost? ?

"Open, open quickly, I think this Chinese loses."

The onlookers shouted.

Yvette's palms are all sweat, she doesn't want Chuck to lose, but what other way?

"Open." The supervisor urged.

"Wife, it's okay, open," Chuck said lightly.

"En." Yvette uncovered.

She was suddenly sad, really big.

There are two wins in three innings, and there is no third inning. She looks at Chuck, her eyes are

gentle, it’s okay, and she loses when she loses.

"Sure enough, there is no suspense! Lost so fast!"

"Normal speed, God of Gamblers is not shouting!!!"

The onlookers were laughing at them. They had envied Chuck and had won so much money, but

what about it?

If you win, you still have to spit it out.

The fat man laughed the happiest just now, what is it like to win money? ?

Yvette came over, "I'm sorry husband, I didn't help you,"

"It's okay."

Chuck did not expect to lose so fast.

But nothing, most of them win.

"Master, this money doesn't matter," Betty also comforted. More than 8 billion, Chuck wanted

this money. Chuck called Karen li directly and said that he was aggrieved, saying that more than

8 billion is 800. More than one hundred million, Karen li will also fight immediately.
After all, Karen li only has such a son as Chuck.

"I know." Chuck was at ease. There was nothing but a little disappointment. If he could listen

faster, would he be able to win?

It's a pity that people are so fast and have too much experience.

"You take these chips back." Chuck was willing to bet on the service, and the supervisor

laughed, and some people took the chips back. The supervisor laughed, "Mr. from China, you

can continue to play, you will not lose so little, Don't you play?"

Chuck looked at her, "After winning money, will you come out again?"

"Oh, no need to be so troublesome, Mr. Huaxia, you can play with me directly," the supervisor

laughed. Yes, Chuck won more, she will definitely come out and win back.

"You want to play so much? Then I will play with you," Chuck was pleasantly surprised when a

voice came in from outside, mother !!

My mother is a Baller, and there are no impossible novels. 519

Yes, Karen li walked in.

She heard this supervisor say Chuck, of course she was angry, but Chuck was her own son, she

was not willing to say it, and others said it would not work.

Bettysong breathed.

Yvette lowered his head and looked at Karen li who had come in without confidence.

Everyone can see that, dare to challenge the gambler?

Is this the past teaching fee? ?

Everyone saw Karen li, and he walked in alone, but his eyes lit up, and he was surprised!

"Why is this woman's temperament so good?"

"Yeah, it's a Chinese woman's temperament, rare, too rare,"

"Have you seen this woman?"

"Not seen, but have you been married?"

"Look, she must be married at her age."

"That's a pity,"

Everyone was surprised, and Karen li, who walked in, was surprised.

Yes, Karen li's temperament, calm, really unmatched, this is placed in ancient times, is the

emperor's calm.

She has this strength!

The supervisor who was so provoked frowned. Karen li felt familiar with her. She had seen it

somewhere, but it was impossible to remember. Karen li was low-key. After so many years in

the United States, even the Li family didn’t know much about Karen li. thing.

Others are even less likely to know.

"Are you going to play with me?" the supervisor sneered.

"Yes, I will play with you, are you willing?" Karen li walked out of the crowd to Chuck.

"Mom," Chuck was pleasantly surprised, and Mom appeared.

"Well, I lost and helped you win back," Karen li changed her mind. Her son was looked down

upon by others. That would not work.

"Okay," Chuck was excited. Mom would gamble? He doesn't know yet.

Karen li looked at Yvette.

Of course Yvette lowered his head and bit his lip, not knowing what to say at all.

"It turns out that this Chinese mother is so beautiful, young, which Baller is this?"

"I don't know, I have never seen such a calm woman,"

"I do not have either,"

Everyone was talking about it, mainly because it was a surprise,

"Of course I do! But I'm not gonna make a small bet!" the supervisor said mockingly.

She meant to ask Karen li to gamble bigger, anyway, he is the king of gambling!

No matter how much money you have, she can turn Karen li into a poor man.

"Then how big do you think bet?" Karen li smiled a little on his face.

"From 10 billion!"

"Ten billion?"

"Feel big?" The supervisor laughed. Ten billion is not something ordinary people can take out.

"No, I think it's less. It's so good. The two parties are worth 50 billion US dollars, and they have

two wins in three innings!" Karen li said.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was boiling! !

"What? Fifty billion dollars! My God! Really fake?"

"She actually said 50 billion?"

So calmly saying that the money came out, who is she? This is a question in everyone's mind.

Chuck was scared. Mom is so fierce? Gambling actually started at 50 billion? ?

Yvette was also stunned. Only Betty felt normal. Karen li gambled a few times, and Betty kept

following. At most, Karen li won nearly 100 billion US dollars!

Is this scary number scary? ?

It's scary, but Karen li is the top three in the world's strongest fighting master. The money is still

nothing to her.

"You have so much money?" the supervisor questioned.

"Card," Karen li took out a card and came out.

The supervisor snapped his fingers. Someone came to verify. After a few minutes, the audience

held their breath and someone nodded. "Yes."

The supervisor sneered. "Are you gonna bet so big on me?"

"Yes, do you dare? It's okay if you don't dare, and I'm sorry to my son," Karen li said.

"Haha, don't I dare? I'm afraid you will cry if you lose!" The supervisor laughed and laughed at

Karen li's words.

Karen li's face didn't change.

"How to gamble? I can let you choose!" There is a cold smile on the supervisor's face, and I have

won a lot of money for the casino! !

"My son lost to you to roll the dice, then I will also bet against you, whoever has the most points

will win."

"Okay, no problem. Come on, give her a pair of dice!!" the supervisor laughed.

Are these people stupid? Actually betting on dice with yourself? I am a God of Gamblers!

Haha, 50 billion yuan is almost here.

Someone came over with the dice.

Everyone is watching. Many people hope that Karen li will win because they are fascinated by

Karen li's temperament. They don't want a woman like Karen li to lose money sadly, but hope is

hope. There is still a gap in reality. You can't win.

How could it be possible to win the gambler?

This is impossible, everyone at the scene knows.

Chuck looked forward, and Yvette also looked up.

"That's started!"

The supervisor started to roll the dice.

Karen li grabbed his finger and began to shake.

The sound of two people shaking the dice was loud and clear in this casino.


The supervisor and Karen li stopped at the same time.

Watching the audience, the bird is silent!


The supervisor unveiled, three six! !

"I go, three sixs, alas, she lost."

"Yeah, it's not good to do anything. You have to gamble with the God of Gamblers. Isn't this

your own way?

Everyone at the scene was shocked, so much so that you can shake so much?

This Karen li must have lost.

Chuck is nervous, this supervisor is too powerful, worthy of being a gambler, how about your


"Let's go!" The supervisor smiled proudly, shaking the dice, but she didn't lose to anyone.

Shake randomly, three six, three one can come out, this is to see the mood.

The audience watched, Karen li slowly opened it, and the ridicule on the supervisor's face was


But the next second, everyone was shocked, and then it was boiling! !

"I'm right, it's actually three sixs!"

"Yes, you are right!"

These people were stunned. How could they think that Karen li could be?

Both Chuck and Yvette froze, Chuck muttered to himself, "Mother actually gambles?"
"Master, Li not only knows how to gamble, but is proficient. Master also has a casino in your

house." Betty said.

what? Mom also has a casino? ?

Chuck was shocked.

The supervisor's face was ugly, "Huh, good luck, start the next game!!!"

This is bad luck, just spend some time on your own.

It's useless. The final result is still to win by yourself.

"Okay, the next game,"

Karen li smiled and shook.

The supervisor snorted. She started at the same time. The casino was silent, holding their breath.

Karen li shook out three sixs. The atmosphere at the scene was different.


Both stop at the same time, uncover!

The people in the casino are boiling again! !

"It's actually three sixs, both of them!"

"It's incredible, is this woman the God of Gambling in China?"

"I don't know, I adore it anyway, it's amazing!"

"Impossible, how could you shake three sixs in a row twice?" The supervisor's eyes widened and

a shock appeared.

Did you read it right? No.

But how could she be?

The supervisor felt incomprehensible.

"Nothing is impossible, let's decide the third game!" Karen li said.

"Okay, I actually met an opponent today. You made me take it seriously!" The supervisor was


Did you actually look away?

Huh, it's okay, and you will definitely win by yourself! I am a God of Gamblers!

Never lost!

Not today! !


The two shook again, slap! stop!

Everyone held their breath, too nervous, this is a showdown between the gods of gambling!


The supervisor unveiled her smile instinctively, three sixs, she could shake it out at any time.

"Ah? Why are there only two sixs?" The onlookers were surprised. Only two of the supervisor's

dice were six, and the other one was four.


The supervisor is stunned himself, impossible, how could he fail?


But it's not true, I really missed it, and actually shook one well, the supervisor stared at Karen li

in exasperation, "Even if there are only two sixs, I will still win you!!"

Quite simply, you have missed this gambler, you may not miss it?

It is absolutely impossible, even if there are only two sixs, you can win her, and this point is also

very high.

Chuck was nervous. He hoped his mother would win. Yvette bit her lip. She didn't want to make

Chuck sad anyway. Betty was a little nervous.

Watching the audience, Karen li chuckled lightly, so attracted, so calm, and gently opened it

under the sneer of the supervisor.

My mother is a Baller. Novels Chapter 520. I know audio novels. Listen online

When Karen li uncovered the dice, the man in the casino was suddenly silent! Deathly silence! !

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, you have incredible faces!

After Chuck looked at it, he smiled a little, and his mother was so powerful!

Yvette was stunned!

"Three sixs... so powerful!"

"Who is this Huaxia woman? How come three or six?"

"It's incredible, I adore her!"

These people were shocked and shocked!

The only person here who looks ugly, like pig liver, is the supervisor!

Because she missed, but Karen li still shakes out three sixs this time! !

Play well and have great psychological qualities!

"You." The supervisor felt that his face was slapped invisiblely, and his face was hot and painful!

I am a god of gambling, actually. . Lost?


The supervisor is incredible!

"You lost!" Karen li said plainly.

The $50 billion gambling game is not the largest amount of games she has ever gambled, but it is

the best one to earn.

Less than a few minutes, won 50 billion!

"You are the boss!!!"

The supervisor was shrouded, she sneered sneer!

It is impossible for me to lose, the only reason for losing is that this woman wins herself by

winning a thousand!

I bet on you with fairness and honesty, and you are out of control!

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was boiling!

It was instantaneous, shrouded in voices of discussion!

"What? How old is it? How is it?"

"Is the female gambler wrong? This Huaxia woman has such a good temperament, how can she

do that shameless thing?"

"I don't think she has a thousand, I believe her!"

"I believe in her too!"

"This is not necessarily the case. The female gambler has never lost. This woman actually won,

and it is still very strange!"

Most people believe Karen li under one-sided choices, but some people choose to trust the


After all, the simplest willingness, but they are female gamblers!

Chuck was annoyed, how could his mother be so bright and upright, how could she be a


Yvette's eyes were cold!

This is slander!

Betty frowned.
Only after Karen li was so stunned, she smiled, "You're a bit interesting, let these people leave,

we talk about the matter of the thousand alone!"

"Just what I want! Come here, please invite all guests out!!" the supervisor sneered.

Fifty billion dollars in gambling, to be honest, she is not qualified to spend so much money to


She thought she could win 100%, but she didn't expect to overturn her boat in the gutter, she

unexpectedly lost!

So 50 billion, she can't give it!

Anyway, this blood leopard is here, then solve it together, and then take the blood leopard head

and go to the killer organization headquarters to receive the bounty! !

Someone came in and quickly drove all the guests out, the same silence as the scene!

Karen li, Chuck, Yvette, and Betty all look the same!


Many people rushed in, all dressed like mercenaries, full of violent breath!

The four people were surrounded by water!

The atmosphere of cold fear, if ordinary people have been crying for a long time, but Karen li

four people still have the original expression.

Chuck is not afraid of anything. There is a mother, what are you afraid of?

"You shouldn't win me! No!!!!" The supervisor stared at Karen li with a cold smile on his face.

Yes, the showdown, the fair and grand can be said.

Karen li does not matter, "but it has won!"

"Yes, I won, but you don't know what to do, and you won. You can only get the money if it's

true. You can't get it. Everything is fake. Understand? I can control the true and false! You can't

win. Is that what I said? I now say you lose! You have to lose!!!" the supervisor said mockingly.

All of the scene is mercenary, amazing strength!

It's easy to catch four people!

How dare you say you won? Ha ha ha, ridiculous! ignorance!

Let fear cover you!

"Something interesting!" Karen li smiled lightly.

"Something interesting? Ha ha!" The supervisor disdained, did he pretend to be dead when he

was about to die?

"Yes, something interesting," Karen li said.

"Then I will make the next thing more interesting!"

"Really? I won, and no one dared not give it to me!" Karen li said lightly.

Yes, when she won 100 billion yuan at a time, when she won an island, or even a state, no one

dared not give it!

This supervisor has a little meaning!

"Haha! I won't give it to you. How can you take me?" The supervisor laughed, and was laughed

at by Karen li.

"Simple, very simple!" Karen li smiled lightly.

"Haha, is it? But it's not your turn! You!!! Blood Leopard! You are Blood Leopard!" The

supervisor pointed at Yvette.

Yvette's eyes were cold.

"You don't know the rules of the killer organization. When the killing order comes out, you can't

find a hole to hide. You dare to appear here. After the killing order comes out, no one can live.

Your life is over today! Come here, grab me four of them!" The supervisor laughed coldly!

The chase order has been out for so long, I didn't expect this blood leopard to die in his hands


Give orders!

Surrounded by people, with a grim face, immediately attack!

They are well-trained and the siege is amazing. No one can hide them if they want to catch


They rushed over like an eagle catching a chick, with a tall and strong body full of power!

This is a terrifying siege, making people feel bold and bold!

However, they had just come around, and everyone had not yet seen what was happening, and a

screaming sounded out of place at the wrong time!


A man flew out and hit the ground, and before he wailed, he lay motionless on the ground.

Everyone was shocked! !

what happened!

Chuck was stunned, so fast, Yvette was stunned, biting his lip, his eyes were surprised, so fast,

so fast...

Yes, Karen li shot and punched a punch. The power of her punch is amazing. There is no one

who can carry it really.

What about strong mercenaries?

Karen li can fly with one punch!

The supervisor was stunned, but this is a mercenary, such a heavy person, was actually hit by

fists? Do you make movies?

"I hate people who don't count, so I decided to let her know that I hate this!" Karen li narrowed

her eyes slightly.

Played the strength of the fighting master!

Shaking in the crowd, every time a punch was punched out, a person screamed, and then flew

out, seriously injured and comatose!

There were as many as 30 people at the scene, but in less than three minutes, they all lay on the

ground without sound!

All coma, no one was spared!

The horror atmosphere just now was disintegrated by Karen li alone!

The supervisor was dumbfounded. "You, who are you?"

She was stunned, and her chin was about to fall. Was it an illusion that these people of hers were

actually knocked down by one person?

how can that be?

It must be a dream, but Karen li's eyes told her, no.

"You, don't come, don't come, our boss here, but the boss behind the killer organization, dare

you to come over? Kill your whole family!" The supervisor screamed in fright!

Fear spread in her mind.

She stared at Karen li in horror.

"Kill my family? She won't say such things. I know her," Karen li said.

"What? Do you know our boss?" The supervisor shivered. Is this possible? She hasn't seen this

boss, how could anyone else? ?

"Yes, know."

"Impossible, how could you know? You lied! You."

She suddenly thought of why she seemed to have seen Betty when she saw it, and why she

seemed to have seen Karen li when she saw it.

"You, are you surnamed Li?" The supervisor shivered.

There are four major families in the world, and the surnamed Li occupies one of the seats!

Karen li, she remembers this name.

"Yes, Li, my name is Karen li."

"What? Are you Karen li?"

Fear spread on the supervisor's face, she finally knew why she lost because she lost to this

person, not wronged, but she heard that this Karen li bet is a big bet, and she never lost, she was

in In front of Karen li, it's a slapstick!

"So, I think it's a bit interesting, and I won't win any money!" Karen li said.

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"Slow down, slow down! Don't kill me!" The supervisor was terrified. She was paralyzed on the

ground. This was real fear.

The Li family does not say that the name Karen li is in some high-level circles in the United

States, but the people who talk about change of color! !

Rich, powerful, beautiful, temperament...

Many, many describe Karen li, isn't this the woman in front of you?
"I won't kill you, but are you going to give me the money I won? This is the money I want to

give my son," Karen li said.

Yvette was already in shock. He solved so many people in just a few minutes. What is this?

Horror is beyond description!

Yvette suddenly had such a little despair. When will he be able to surpass Karen li?

This gap is too big, do we really have to wait until Karen li is seventy or eighty?

Yvette's sad eyes are complicated and struggling!

"Me, I'm not qualified to spend so much money, no," the supervisor cried, fear shrouded her, and

she was already scared to cry.

The figure of 50 billion is too big. How could she use it?

"Then you don't talk about honesty in the casino? You lose, but don't give money?" Karen li


"I..." The supervisor crawled over to kneel for Karen li.

With so many people resolved, how could she be able to resist? ?

She was scared.

"I lost, you beat me, scold me, I don't have so much money, no..." The supervisor cried and


Just now I took the initiative, but now it is like this, and it will be like this in a few minutes.

"No? That's because your casino doesn't talk about integrity, right?" Karen li said.

"I..." The supervisor shuddered.

"Karen li, don't talk nonsense? If you lose, you lose, how much is lost, I still give 50 billion

yuan!" At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the casino, as if monitoring.

"Boss!" the supervisor screamed in surprise, she remembered this voice!

It was the voice of the boss behind the killer organization. She had never appeared, but the

supervisor had heard it.

Chuck was pleasantly surprised. The boss of this killer group finally appeared, so did Yvette


Yvette's beautiful face is complicated, the gap, she only saw a huge gap.

His own strength cannot allow the boss of this killer organization to show up, but Karen li can.

"I have told you many times, to do business, to say one is you, two is two, if you lose, you will

admit defeat! If you win, you will receive money! This rule is fixed and must be enforced. No

one can change it, but What have you done? Are you breaking my rules?" This is a cold voice!

"No, no, yes..." the supervisor screamed in fear.

She feels that she has too much money, 50 billion yuan, she is not qualified to use it at all!

So I want to play bad!

"The one who breaks my rules has only one result, that is death! No one can escape!" The cold

voice sounded again.

"Ah, ah!"

The supervisor screamed in horror, "No, please don't kill me, don't...ah,"

The atmosphere of fear enveloped her. She was afraid and was easily collapsed. She got up and

ran outside. "Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

She ran out, there was the fear from the bottom of her heart, could she run away?

No! !

Chuckxin was worried. The meaning of the boss's words was too obvious. No one could break

the rules she set, including Karen li.

What's more, there is a little conflict between Karen li and the behind-the-scenes boss? ?
"Mom," Chuck whispered.

"Cer, rest assured, it's okay," Karen li said comfortingly, while watching Yvette.

Yvette seemed to be the child who did the wrong thing, bowing his head and biting his lip.

"It's okay? Karen li, are you too optimistic?" The voice laughed a little.

Karen li is silent.

"Five billions of dollars I have already made people into your account, lose as much as possible,

I am the person who talks most about credit, and I have not found the account."

"Wait, where are you? I want to see you!" Karen li said.

"See me? What do you see me? I don't want to see you."

"I want to see you all right?" Karen li was helpless.

"Are you asking me to be right?"

"Well, begging you," Karen li nodded.

Betty is anxious, Chuck is angry, his mother...

Yvette's lips bite harder, she... actually begging? ?

"Oh, Karen li, you really make me happy, okay, for your sake... Haha, you actually begged me??

I am happy, you say it again, beg me..."

"I, please," Karen li held back for a long time and said.

"Haha, I have recorded this part of the voice. When I am not happy, I will let it out and listen to

it. For the sake of being so obedient and so obedient, then I will barely tell you why, where am I?

You know, come and find me, half an hour, I only wait for you so long!!"

The voice stopped abruptly!

Karen li took a breath and thought of the place behind the scene where the boss said, "We go out

and get in the car!"

After she finished speaking, she went outside, and Betty followed.

"Wife, let's go," Chuckla Yvette.

"I," Yvette didn't know how to describe it. He just thought that Karen li was begging others. This

was for himself? But she is her own father and enemy!

"Go," Chuck pulled her, and Yvette went out with him.

"Her husband, I'm sorry," Yvette's eyes were red.

"What stupid words are you? You did this for me," Chuck felt distressed, and Yvette did a lot of

stupid things for himself.

If it were not for Yvette to take over the task of killing herself, then she would be fine, maybe

she had already done several tasks.

"Well," Yvette bit his lip.

Four people got on the bus.

Karen li and Betty sat in the front, and Chuckjiang and Yinan did the back.

Chuck embraced Yvette.

Yvette bowed his head and dared not look at Karen li.

Driving Karen li looked behind, she was silent with a sigh in her heart.

She knew that Yvette really liked Chuck.

But what Karen li said, Logan was the most satisfied daughter-in-law in her heart.

Logan's gentleness, tolerance, and understanding are suitable for Chuck.

It is happy to marry and have children with Logan, which is what Karen li wants now.

But Karen li will not force Chuck, she is a person who dares to pursue.

Otherwise, she would not be with Chuck's father when all the members of the Li family objected.

Love is free.
At this point, Karen li is particularly enlightened.

You are like that, so why should you ask your son not to be like that?

Her son Chuck likes it, then it is the most important thing. She will not lead or destroy now. The

feelings of Chuck and Yvette.

Less than half an hour!

The car drove to a particularly luxurious bar!

There are too many luxury cars outside, and Chuck is not surprised by this. Is this bar also the

boss behind the killer organization? ?

Guess so.

"Cer, wait." Karen li stopped Chuck who couldn't wait to go out.

"What's wrong with my mother?" Chuck was anxious, almost half an hour!

"I want to say something to you two," Karen li is serious.

"Well, mom, you said," Chuck was serious.

Yvette was still like a child who did the wrong thing, bowing his head and saying nothing.

"Her character is weird, moody, and her thoughts jump very big! I actually don't want to contact

her because she is so unruly," Karen li has a headache.

This boss is five years younger than Karen li.

But he did too many things that made Karen li speechless. Karen li didn't want to say anything

about these things.

It's a headache.

"Mother," Chucklai was so embarrassed that it made her mother have headaches. ?

"Attention, let me talk about everything, I understand her temper, you two don't understand,"

Karen li said seriously.

"Well, is this mother better than you?" Chuck couldn't help asking.

Karen li was stunned and smiled slightly, "What do you think?"

"I think my mother is the most powerful," Chuck really thinks so.

The boss of this killer organization just asked Karen li so much. Hearing Karen li begged, he was

so happy, what did he say? Explain that this boss is worse than his mother.

"Really good, let's go in." Karen li got out of the car with a smile, praised by her son, she was


My mother is a Baller with novel 522. She must die! Listen online with novels

Chuck, Yvette, and Betty followed Karen li in.

This is the first time Chuck went to a bar in a foreign country. There are too many beautiful

beauties. They are all blue-eyed beauties. They are really dazzled.

This bar is actually not much worn, is this all the bars in foreign countries?

Chuck didn't read much, after all, this is not the time to watch this.

Going inside with my mother, passing through the beauty group, came to a long corridor, Chuck

was surprised, there are actually many men in black clothes in this corridor, everyone is tall, this

is a scary, Yvette, who I just saw, was also a little bit stunned.

Are they all bodyguards? This is too high-profile! !

But it is also normal. This person is the boss of the killer organization. He is rich. Even if he

usually invites 500 people to protect him, she can afford it.

"Karen li?" Someone came and asked.

"Well, she is inside?" Karen li said.

"Yes, but you know the rules of our boss," the leader took out the inspection equipment and

glanced at Karen li, Chuck, Yvette, and Betty.

This leader stared at Yvette.

Yvette took out a dagger.

"You can go in." The leader said.

Karen li walked inside, and the three followed.

Open the door, there is a super large private room, on the table is a variety of precious fine wine.

But there was only one woman inside.

This woman has blue eyes, high nose, and three-dimensional features. Her eyes are very cold,

and she is actually a beautiful woman comparable to black roses.

She was so good that she was sitting on the sofa. It was a charming piece of art, so beautiful.

This woman is actually the boss of the killer organization? !

Chuck was stunned. Just hearing that voice, Chuck thought she was a charming woman, but she

didn't expect the real person to be so cold.

Sure enough, the mother was right, this woman is moody!

Yvette stared at her.

This is the person who issued the kill order.

"Karen li, your speed is much slower, but it's just right. Before you were fast, especially when

you were a killer, it was very fast..." The woman said coldly, holding a glass of wine in her hand

Fragrant red wine.

Like a royal princess.

"What?" Chuck was stunned. My mother had been a killer? How is this possible?
Yvette was also surprised, how could Karen li ever be a killer? If yes, what is her killer code


"How did it become so slow?" The boss behind the scene sarcastically.

"If you speak slowly, it's better," Karen li doesn't matter.

This woman Karen li knows too well that she can turn her face anytime, anywhere. She does not

fear anyone, and it doesn't matter if she turns her face.

But Karen li once told her that it would not hurt her.

Karen li will do it.

"How did you become so good? Come, drink a glass of wine," the boss behind the scene

suddenly smiled and poured wine to Karen li.

Chuck didn't want his mother to be insulted like this, he walked over.

"Little fellow, you don't have the right to speak here. You are not qualified to drink my wine.

Only Karen li can know why?" said the behind-the-scenes boss, his voice as cold as ice.

"do not know,"

"Karen li didn't teach you? Not big or small," the boss said.

Chuck was annoyed, but the words were right, indeed, the mother and her generation in this

room are the greatest.

According to his seniority, I really can't drink this wine.

"Auntie, I'm sorry," Chuck compromised.

This is the person who issued the killing order. Chuck should be careful.

"Who is your aunt? No big or small," the boss behind the scene snapped the table.

"Enough?" Karen li walked over and took the glass. "Don't talk about my son,"
"If he wasn't your son, I would have asked someone to drag him out and hacked to death." The

boss said behind the scenes.

There is hair behind Chuck, is this woman so vicious? ?

"Well," Karen li drank this glass of wine.

"It's about the same," the boss behind the scene snorted. "The wine is also drunk, and the people

are also there. You can go,"

"You know what I'm doing here," Karen li said.

"Know, I know! You came here to break my rules. I'm OK if you ask you to drink. What else do

you want to do?" The boss's blue eyes were cold inside.

"What do you want, you can withdraw the killing order and let her go once," Karen li opened the


There is no need to say anything to such a woman.

"I don't want anything, as long as she dies!" The boss behind the scene looked at Yvette like a

dead man.

Yvette was not afraid. She felt that even if Karen li could not solve the matter, she would not be

left alone, and she would find a way to keep herself alive.

"There is no room for negotiation?" Karen li is calm.

"What do you say? My rules are set, it's dead, no one can break, including you!" The boss behind

the scene said coldly.

After so many years, the rules have been set, and it has continued this way, saying one is one,

otherwise her killer organization will not jump into the world’s largest killer organization!

Rely on the same rules as iron!

"Can we talk about it?" Karen li sat down.

"Cer, Yvette, Betty, you also sit," Karen li looked at them.

Chuck, Yvette, Betty are ready to sit down.

The boss behind the scene waved his hand and stared at Yvette, "Your two sit, barely, but you

can't, my sofa is not for the dead!!"

Yvette didn't move.

Of course Chuck stood up, as did Betty.

"Blood leopard? When you have broken my rules, you should know that you will die terribly!"

The boss behind the scene was cold.

Yvette did not fear, the two looked at each other.

"I now decide to kill you in the most painful way and let everyone who breaks my rules know

that this is the end!" The voice behind the boss seemed like ice water.

Inside the room, the temperature has dropped.

Too domineering, too cold.

Karen li sighed, "Enough is enough. I know what you want to do. I get it. Let's talk!"

Karen li knows her, she is forcing herself to compromise.

Behind the scene, there is a cunning appearance in the blue eyes of the boss, "Karen li, how do

you understand me so much? Are you a small roundworm in my stomach?"

"What do you want?" Karen li said straight.

"My rules are so hard to work, you actually want to break, then I will be sad, how should you

make up for me?" The boss said behind the scenes.

"Money?" Karen li asked.

"Am I short of money? I don't have as much as you, but I'm not short of money. I also have

money. I'll give your son a big red envelope later. Isn't this your Chinese tradition?" The boss

behind the scene smiled a little. .

Chuck has cold sweats, this woman is a little scary, the key is to be unpredictable, you say cold is

cold, and moody, if who is her boyfriend, then you will not be driven crazy?

"No, my son is not short of money. You don't need money. What do you want?" Karen li said.

"There are so many things I want, you will give them to me? Otherwise, why am I breaking my

own rules? Are you saying yes?" The boss behind the scene had a little teasing in his blue eyes.

"You said." Karen li simply, she came to help Yvette solve this matter, no matter how much the

cost, she will agree.

"Then I said, three conditions, you promised, then I will let her make an exception this time!"

The boss said.

"Okay, you said,"

"The first one, I will shoot her a shot! She is not dead, then I will say the second condition!" The

boss stared at Yvette behind the scenes.

"No! Your marksmanship is like a god. If you shoot, she will die!" Karen li immediately refused.

This woman's marksmanship is terrifying, and she is completely shot!

Yvette could not have escaped at all, nor could he resist to die.

"What do you praise me for doing this? I just shot her a shot, which is unwilling, so there is no

need to talk, it is over!" The boss behind the scene suddenly became indifferent.

As daunting as ice!

Karen li was silent and sighed again, "Say, you can mention another condition,"

"Really? Can I mention it?"


"Well, I mentioned it. I think your son looks good. I want him to..." The boss behind the scene

looked at Chuck and suddenly smiled.

"No!" Karen li immediately refused!

Chuck knew, why did my mother say that she had no morals...

My mother is a tyrant's voice novel Chapter 523 The moody voice novel Online listening

This is what Karen li is most worried about. The boss behind the scenes is really unruly. Fancy

his son?

No, it's not fancy, it's not love at first sight, it's simply want to play with his son.

What does it mean for a woman to play?

On behalf of his son Chuck is a toy.

This is something that Karen li absolutely cannot tolerate.

It's about the same age as me, and I still do it. This discipline has already fallen into the pit.

Yvette was stunned, what? Seeing Chuck looks good, what do you want to do to Chuck?

Her eyes are turning, looking at Chuck, she feels a little wronged.

Bettydu froze, what happened?

But she also knows why the behind-the-scenes boss would say so. This is totally to play Chuck,

mainly to play, or to see Karen li tangled.

Chuck was dumbfounded, but he did not see a little interest in himself in the eyes of the boss

behind the scenes. It is obvious that this woman looked at herself as if a man saw a sports car.

She has become her toy.

This is to use yourself as a tool to retaliate against Karen li.

Of course Chuck resisted, but this was related to Yvette's killing order. Chuck was struggling...

"You said that other conditions, my son will definitely not work," Karen li is particularly serious.

Is this enough?

Chuck was young and played by this woman, which was a matter of dignity.

At this point, Karen li will definitely not step back a little bit! !

"Then there is no need to talk, I think your son is very cute, I like it," the boss took a sip of wine

behind the scenes, a beautiful face with a little red, full of style.

"Do you like it? Are you the kind of person who fell in love at first sight?" Karen li frowned.

"People can change, you know?" The boss took a sip of red wine behind the scenes.

"No, no! I want to hit my son's idea, I will turn your face!" Karen li did not take too much into


This must be tougher.

"Flip your face? How do you turn..." The boss behind the scene hadn't finished speaking, Karen

li put his hand on the shoulder of the boss behind the scene.

This ride is lightning fast.

"I'm going to turn your face with you. There are so many people around you. It's useless to hide

in a hidden place!" Karen li said.

Yes, when Karen li was a killer, she wanted to kill, no one could hide.

Even the boss behind this killer organization! !

Can not escape!

When Karen li was a killer, the name of the night sky was that many people were frightened by

the wind!

She can complete any list received by Karen li, making her debut as a killer, and never missed it.
"I know." The boss behind the scene shrugged, not afraid at all, actually took a sip of wine.

"You know, it's no use killing me," the boss continued.

Karen li let go of his hand, "Don't think about my family's strategy, otherwise I won't care about

things before."

Yes, Karen li disregarded the past, she has already started, she will not talk to her at all.

"No, I would like your son to play with me for a few days, and then...I will consider removing

the blood leopard's killing order again!" The boss behind the scene faced Karen li with amazing

means, still calm and calm .

"Can't you hear clearly?"

"Unclear, rest assured, I won't play him very much, just accompany me to drink, obediently

obedient, what I say, what he does, no resistance, no rejection, no more running, as for the night,

look at him "..." The behind-the-scenes boss looked at Chuck again. With such a look, Chuck

had a hairy feeling behind his back.

She either played or tortured herself and used herself as a toy.

"Don't say it, even if I die, I won't let my husband do such a thing," Yvette said coldly.

Karen li looked back at Yvette.

"So he is your husband? That's more interesting, I like it more, so he, I have to play," the boss


Yvette's eyes were cold.

"Cer, Yvette, you two go out first," Karen li said to Chuck.

Yvette approached Chuck and took Chuck's hand.

"No, all three of you go out, and your baby son stays, otherwise Karen li, it’s useless to kneel

down and beg me. It’s even more useless to kill me. You have to know how rich I am.

Continue!" said the boss behind the scenes.

"Mother, I have talked to her," Chuck decided that she must let her withdraw the killing order.

Otherwise, Yvette would be worried every day.




Karen li worries that this woman is not so easy to deal with, and Yvette feels distressed,

absolutely not.

Betty also felt that this was not possible.

"Hey, little handsome boy, would you like to get along with me alone? I like it very much, let

them go out soon." The boss smiled more charmingly behind the scenes.

"It's okay, I just talk about it. I won't do anything, rest assured," Chuck certainly won't do


Karen li thought for three seconds, "Okay, but remember, do men have to be dignified? Don't

give up dignity, as long as you call, I rushed in, do you know?"

"Well, mom, rest assured." Chuck said.

"Let's go out," Karen li said, and Betty nodded.

Yvette was reluctant and uneasy, "Husband, don't do anything else, I prefer you to other women,

and not to her, okay, you promised me,"

Chuck smiled slightly.

Yvette felt relieved. I believed Chuck. He chose to stay alone for his own safety. She should be


Karen li, Yvette and Betty went out.

"Remember to close the door," the boss said.

Karen li looked back at her and closed the door.

Yvette bowed his head outside, and had no confidence to speak with Karen li.

Karen li said something to Betty. Betty worried, "Young Master, he..."

"It's alright, Ceer knows what to do," Karen li calmed down, and his son was more at ease.

Now there is a commitment to stand out for Yvette. At this point, Karen li is very satisfied. She

has paid close attention to the sound inside. As long as there is a little other movement, she will

rush in.

"But she..." Betty worried about this, the boss behind the scene, a bit perverted.

She really felt it.

"She dare!" Karen li narrowed her eyes...


In the private room.

Only Chuck and her.

But Chuck was not nervous, and sat down.

Behind the scene, the boss watched beautifully and poured a glass of red wine to Chuck. "Now I

can drink it. I obediently finished it. I like the obedient boy."

Chuck didn't move. "After listening?"

"You haven't listened yet, how can I continue to talk to you? If you want me to let your wife go,

you have to obey obediently. Is this enlightenment?"

Chuck drank it in one bite and it was not bad.

"You are not really interested in me!" Chuck said directly.

"What do you say? Women of my age like you younger. This is the same reason as you like

younger women. Don't you like younger women?" The boss said .

Chuck shook his head. He felt that they were all a few years older than Chuck. Yvette was older

than Chuck. Zelda and Murong Qing were the same...

"It's not right to lie," charming behind-the-scenes boss Meimei continued to pour Chuck.

"No? I am nineteen this year. How much do you like me?" Chuck shrugged.

At a young age, Chuck may have been with Yvette since childhood, making him always like a

few years older than him.

Women are between twenty and thirty, that is a beautiful age.

"Are you nineteen years old? So young? Let me count. Karen li gave birth to you at the age of



"Karen li gave birth to a son, who has grown up so much, and has been trained, did he learn to

fight, right?"


"How is your study? Isn't it great? How many people have you beaten?"

"Don't say this, don't waste time." Chuck doesn't matter.

Reach out.

Behind the scene, the beautiful eyes of the boss immediately became cold, "Dare you touch me, I

will let you die!!"

Chuck smiled slightly, "Don't you say you like me?"

"Little guy, dare to do the routine again? Stay away from me, did you hear that!" the boss behind

the scene said coldly.

Chuck was relieved. Sure enough, this woman took herself as a toy! It's best to pierce her.

My mother is a Baller with the novel Chapter 524 Dare to Set Me Up? Listen online with


Chuck didn't move anyway, and the boss's behind-the-scenes look even more icy, "Small things,

aren't they far away from me?"

Chuck smiled slightly, shrugged a little and lifted the glass, "Auntie, this wine is delicious,"

"Know how precious this wine is? Your mother can't get a bottle." The boss behind the scene

said indifferently, "You..."

Chuck thought it was delicious, and his mouth was stuffy, almost like drinking a drink.

"Auntie, give me another drink." Chuck smiled.

The wine glass reached out.

"Waste, get out, and want to drink my wine, is this the way you drink it? Essentials!" The

behind-the-scenes boss has cold eyes!

This bottle of wine is very precious. She didn't want to drink it. She showed off in front of Karen

li today, but Karen li just drank it. She wasn't surprised at all. This originally annoyed the boss

behind the scene. Now Chuck actually After drinking two glasses like this, she heartaches!

You know she likes drinking, and this bottle of wine is so precious that there are only three

bottles in the world.

"Then aunt, teach me," Chuck blinked.

"Don't mess with me, I'm not your aunt, get out!" The boss behind the scene poured himself a

glass and tasted it carefully. I felt that I was in a better mood.

Chuck looked at her pitifully.

"Don't look at me, you know how much you drank me with just two glasses?"

"Then I let my mother pay you." Chuck doesn't matter, isn't it money anyway? There are super

tyrants like moms, and it doesn't matter how much money they have.

As long as Chuck and his mother talk about it.

"Drinking and letting her pay? She will laugh to death," the boss behind the scene frowned, what

a joke? She hates being mocked by Karen li most.

At that time, Karen li was still a killer. She felt that she could chat with Karen li. She often

invited Karen li to go to any club. Karen li refused every time. Karen li was not such a person.

Her three views were super positive. .

Of course she was angry, not to mention, Karen li suddenly stopped being a killer, she was even

more annoyed, and she couldn’t let go until now!

She is so kind to you. Every time you invite you to the club to relax, you don’t even have to go,

and she doesn’t do it at the end. She feels abandoned. This is abandoned by Karen li...

So she is angry!

But Karen li is also kind to her. Because of the different reasons for the three views, Karen li

never went to that kind of place, but at other times, Karen li definitely did something between


"Auntie, what's going on with my mother?"

Chuck took her wine and poured it, the boss behind the scenes immediately grabbed it, "Don't

drink this, you drink is waste! Drink that."

Chuck shrugged and didn't care to drink the other bottle.

"I think your mother looks down on me," the boss said.

"Looking down? My mother is not that kind of person." Chuck was speechless and collapsed.

The mother was affable everywhere, so rich, but there was no sense of superiority to strangers.

This is the most rare!

Chuck inherited this point, there is no arrogance, even if Chuck has this strength.

"That is, I took her to the clubhouse to relax, but she didn't go."

"Uh, uh." Chuck thought she was out of order.

This mother will definitely not go!

My mother will definitely laugh and cry when she hears this.

"Then? Isn't there anything else?" Chuck breathed a sigh of relief, so there was still some talk.

Chuck thought that the mother had killed her relatives.

"Nothing else? A whole lot, how stubborn is your mother? Everyone is a woman. I took her to

find a man. She didn't go. She took her to other places. She didn't go either."

"Well, auntie, don't say it," Chuck was shocked without words.

"Why don't you tell me why I want to tell you?!" The boss behind the scene was a little joking.


"I want to tell her that she looks down on me and I will play with you," the boss said, and Chuck

was shocked.

What kind of ghost logic is this? ?

"That's whatever," Chuck doesn't matter.

"Little guy, what are you thinking? I thought I'd let you touch? You're really thinking, sister, I

was joking with you just now! Do you think you will let a toy touch you? I play you, you are me
One of the toys may be a car, or it may be a ball that allows me to play at random..." The boss

behind the scene laughed.

Chuck convinced her, "Do you think my mother would let me do this?"

"Look at you, if you want me to withdraw the killing order, then only obediently listen to me,

there is no other way, you know?"

Chuck was thinking, he would definitely not be a slave. The mother said, don't give up the

dignity of men.


Chuck shook his head, "No,"

"I didn't force you. If you don't do it anyway, your wife will die. The Zhu chase order I issued

was very powerful."

Chuck is speechless, why is there such a woman?

"I can only promise you something to do, but I will never be insulted by you!" Chuck said.

"Don't be insulted by me? What did Karen lisheng come out for?"

Chuck stared at her, her brow furrowed, "What are you staring at me for?"

Chuck didn't care about her.

"Go away, have you heard?" The boss behind the scene was frightened! !

Chuck doesn't matter, "You better scream, then my mother will come in to rescue you when she

hears it, she will laugh at you, and she was actually played by me,"

"You, good Karen li, gave birth to such a shameless son!" The boss behind the scene was angry,

she said so, but she didn't want Chuck to touch it.

What does it mean to be touched? On behalf of myself was played by Karen li's son Chuck,

something she couldn't accept! !

Chuck stopped, "Auntie, come straight to the point, you say, how can you withdraw the killing


"Do not withdraw, why should I withdraw?" The boss behind the scene turned around.

Chuck shrugged. "Really?"

"Little guy, are you threatening me to come? If you are not Karen li's son, you were so close to

me just now, and people have already minced you to feed the dog!" said the behind-the-scenes


If Chuck really touched her just now, she would be really angry.

Of course Chuck doesn't dare!

Chuck stood up and walked to the door. The boss frowned behind the scenes and sneered. "Call

your mother to come in? Let her come in. What are you doing?"

Chuck suddenly jumped, as if running.

The boss behind the scene didn't quite understand it, but after seeing Chuck's sweaty running, he

was panting.

She was annoyed and understood, "Well, you're a little thing, dare to indulge me! Let your

mother misunderstand?"

Chuck continued to run on the spot, the more sweat on his body the better.

The boss behind the scenes took out a golden gun, "Stop, run again and I will kill you!"

Chuck was unmoved and continued to run on the spot. His mother was outside, afraid she would


Chuck is not afraid, this boss actually has no major contradiction with his mother, but she is

careful, too moody.

She shouldn't shoot herself. As long as she shoots, her mother will definitely come in and kill

her. She is willing to trade her own life for Chuck? ?

Certainly not!

The blue eyes of the boss behind the scene narrowed, "Good boy, stop, you can stop... I let you

stop! I can withdraw after the hunt!"

Chuck Song breathed a sigh of relief and stopped, "Thank you aunt,"

"But I want you to promise me five conditions."

"Five?" Chuck collapsed, and he really knew how to speak.

"Yes, five conditions!"

"play me?"

"Too lazy to play with you, the five conditions are that I have other things." The boss behind the

scene was indifferent.

Among these five conditions, she thought about one, and the other four were definitely useful.

Chuck was relieved, "Okay, I promised. But I will consider these five conditions. Not everything

will be done. In case Li let me die, let me kill my mother, what shall I do?"

That won't work.

"Little fool, I will let you do such a thing? I hate Karen li and hate you even more. I can't bear

you to die so fast. Come here and give you a big red envelope. This is your Chinese tradition."

The boss behind the scenes Really.

rich? Chuck shook his head, "No, my mother has."

"I don't want to hear such words again," the boss behind the scene shot cold, Chuck shrugged

and came over, "Well, then, how much do you intend to give me?"

"You say it yourself."

"How much do you have?" Chucksi asked.

"Do you want all?"

"No, auntie, just give me a little, one dollar is enough," Chuck said.

My mother is a Baller with a novel No. 525. You can't do it! Listen online with novels

"One dollar? Look at me so small?" The boss took a sip of red wine behind the scenes.

"No, that's all it means. Anyway, there will be someone with such a great aunt, I will be happy,"

"Oil-smooth, little guy, obey me, I guarantee that no one in the world dares to bully you, don't

expect your mother, she is far from me in this respect," the boss behind the scene said proudly.

Chuck'e, still believe in your mother! "Thank you aunt."

"I just wanted to kill you with a single shot," the boss said.

Chuck smiled slightly, "Auntie, you are a good person, how can you beat me?"

"This is not necessary."

"Auntie, what's your name?" Chuck was curious.

She is super nice, beautiful, confident, cold, and undisciplined. Such a woman is actually happy

when she is together.

"How did you start to like me?" The boss behind the scene stirred.

"My name is Chuck," Chuck collapsed. What did she like about her?

"Of course I know your name is Chuck. My mother doesn't even know my name. Will I tell


"Never mind," Chuck wants to go out. For these five conditions, Chuck needs to talk to her


"What's going on? Sing me a song and listen." The boss lying behind the scenes.
She did not want Chuck to go out like this, but she was annoyed by this Karen li's son.

"Then you sing our Chinese song, only mother in the world is good..."

"Get out!!" The boss behind the scene exclaimed angrily...


"I, I want to go in and see," said Yvette, who kept his head down.

She was too worried, and worried that Chuck would be aggrieved in it for herself, and she would

feel distressed.

"No, Ceer knows what he does,"

Instead, Karen li felt relieved. At the very least, his son Chuck had the strength to negotiate with

others alone.

"Well," Yvette continued to lower his head, and his lips were all bitten.

The door opened and Chuck came out.

Yvette ran immediately, "Husband, are you okay!"

"It's okay," Chuck looked at his mother.

Karen li is at ease and Betty is at ease.

"Mom, she agreed to withdraw the killing order, but let me promise her five things," Chuck said.

"Five things? Which five things?" Karen li looked inside the private room.

"She hasn't said that yet."

Chuck didn't worry about anything either, she didn't have much conflict with her mother, so she

shouldn't do anything to herself.

"Well, let's go," Karen li wanted to take Chuck back.

"Okay," Chuck took Yvette's hand.

Yvette bit his lip and said, "I want to go in."

"What are you doing in there?" Chuck was surprised, of course he didn't want to.

"I, still have to be a killer," Yvette bowed his head.

Chuck sighed, "En,"

Yvette pushed the door and entered.

"Mom, will you return home later?" Chuck looked forward to this. When he arrived at the Li

family, he could see his elders, and he could also meet Li Overlord!

Then, then Chuck can do other things and lead black roses out!

Anyway, there are so many photos of black roses in her hand, just send it out, she will definitely

find it impossible to find herself!

"Wait a minute...come back to my house first, and then say," Karen li didn't want to tell Chuck,

she was kicked out by the Li family.

"Well, Mom, you have decided, yes, Mom, I still have to find the black rose,"

"She is back in the United States, but she is not easy to find, and the real killer is still difficult to

find in hiding," Karen li knows, the top killer like Black Rose has done anything, the first thing

considered Is a retreat.

If you want to seize the black rose, unless Karen li spends time in person, it will be difficult, but

Karen li has not been free recently.

Chuck whispered that there were photos in his hand that allowed Black Rose to come out on his


Bettyzheng levied, Karen li stunned, "What photo? Can you let her out?"

Karen li didn't expect those.

"Well, mom, look at yourself," Chuck took out Ouyang Feifei's mobile phone. Karen li froze

after watching it, and Betty froze.

"Cer, where did you come from? Why did you take this picture?" Karen li said seriously.

No matter what Black Rose did, killing can kill, but not insulting killing.

This photo was sent out, which is a great insult to a woman who fancy this aspect.

"You must never do this in the future! It is wrong to do so!" Karen li was a little angry.

"Mother, it wasn't me. Where did I go to take her picture?" Chuck collapsed.

Karen li was stunned again, yes, how did Chuck shoot?

"what happened?"

Chuck talked about Ouyang Fei, Karen li and Betty looked at each other, Karen li was actually

surprised, "How can you say this Ouyang Fei is like this? All are women, actually do this?"

"Well, she might be psychopathic because she was photographed by others, so..."

"Cer, who are the people you have contacted with? You can't do this kind of thing. I will be

angry when I do it." Karen li felt that it was necessary to establish a good view of Chuck.

I've taken pictures now. When I really grew up, wasn't it the same as the emperor? Three

thousand beauties in the harem? ?

"Mom, of course I won't do this. Now that I have this black rose photo, I want to send it out..."

Chuck said his thoughts.

"No! You can't use this method!" Karen li opposed, other methods, this method she absolutely

would not agree!

Betty also said, "Young Master, Li and I are always women. I know what this means for women.

The bottom line. Master, please give the woman a bottom line."

"Okay, can I send the black roses alone?" This should be okay and not visible to others, so what's

the problem?

"This..." Karen li sighed, "Okay, but you can't send it to others. Do you know?"
"Well, mom, you got me the phone number of Black Rose."

"Okay, Betty, look up," Karen li said.

"Yes." Betty nodded, just take a moment to check.

At this time, Yvette came out with a relaxed expression on her face. It should be the boss behind

the scenes who continued to agree to her as a killer.

This is good for Yvette, but not for Chuck.

Yvette came to see Karen li. She knew the killer code of Karen li. The person she always wanted

to surpass was Karen li!

She is complicated and tangled!

"We go home." Karen li said.

"Wife, let's go home," Chuck said softly. Yvette lowered his head and bit his lip. He wanted to

go back to his father's home? ?

She can't do it, can't cross this hurdle.

"I don't want to go," Yvette whispered.

Chuck sighed, "Go home first, it's okay,"

Yvette didn't answer, Karen li said, "There is no need to do this. When you want to kill me, just

look for me. You are returning to Ce'er's house now."

Everything about himself is Chuck's, and his own home is Chuck's.

Chuck has the ability, Karen li will give everything to Chuck.

Yvette's lips were all bitten, and she bowed her head and gave her a scream, she was tangled and

dazed, but Chuck couldn't refuse to hold her hand.

Chucksong said, "Mom, let's go back,"

Karen li took them out.

In the private room, the boss behind the scene was drinking red wine. She smiled smugly. She

asked Yvette and Karen li about the relationship. It was still the same. She was so happy that she

couldn’t help but laugh at Karen li in front of Karen li. .

Then she will definitely agree with Yvette to continue, and it must be very interesting by then.

She drank the red wine from the glass and took out her mobile phones. "The blood leopard's hunt

order was withdrawn,"

"Boss? What did you say?" The killer organization was shocked, and his boss made an

exception? what happened? ? She thought she heard it wrong.

"Remove the blood leopard's killing order, and then rank her among the top 100 killers, giving

her the most dangerous task."


The phone hung up, and behind the scenes the boss stood up and was ready to go back, but the

phone rang, she looked at it, and there was a surprise on her pretty face, "What are you calling to


That's right, this is the number of the black rose.


"What's the matter?" the boss asked behind the scenes.

"I want to see you," the voice of black rose is in the phone.

My mother is a local rich novel. Chapter 526 The phone called The novel online

"Do you want to see me?"

The boss behind the scene was a little surprised. It is good to know how to say this black rose.

Although it still has a big gap with Karen li, it is now the number one killer!
But she knows that she hasn't been able to take on the task recently. She must know why. She

has always known that when someone costs money to kill Karen li with black roses!

However, she also knew that Black Rose could not kill Karen li, so Black Rose had an enmity

with Karen li. Recently, Black Rose has been in China. She came back a few days ago, and she

also knows.

"Yes, I want to see you." Black Rose's voice continued to spread.

"Okay, old place, I will only wait for you for half an hour," the boss behind the scene is about to

hang up.

"Wait, I am far away, and I may not be able to come in half an hour,"

"Then I don't care."

The phone hung up, and behind the scenes the boss began to drink red wine and waited, but, she

called and asked about the recent situation of Black Rose.

"Black Rose, you are playing a bit big. When Karen li is really going to kill you, it is useless

where you hide!" The boss behind the scene said, drinking red wine to watch the time.

Half an hour soon arrived, the boss stood lazily behind the scenes, but she had other activities.

Will not delay time in this place.

But, the door opened.

The black rose with big blue eyes came in, and there was a person behind him, yes, Ouyang

Fei! !

Ouyang Feimei saw the behind-the-scenes boss, and she had a stunning, beautiful and noble

woman in her heart.

She just knew in Black Rose's mouth that when the boss of the world's largest killer organization

was actually a woman, she was shocked!

She felt at once that she would become such a woman.

She saw it in front of her, and instinctively came up with a perverted idea in her heart, that is... I

really want to take a picture of her!

This is a big boss. If you shoot it yourself, isn't it smooth sailing from now on? ?

But is there any way? Ouyang Fei is in trouble and has no chance at all!

"Who is she?" The boss behind the scene looked lazily at Ouyang Fei.

"The one I brought." Black Rose said.

"You brought it? Your apprentice?"

"It's true."

"You sit, she is standing." The boss behind the scene asked Black Rose to sit, and Ouyang Fei


In this room, Ouyang Fei was still not qualified to sit, but Ouyang Fei was angry, but could not

show it.

The black rose sat down.

"See me?" The boss behind the scenes drank red wine.

"You and I have known each other for many years, and I think..." Black Rose rarely bows his

head, and the boss behind him is one.

"Say what you do!" The boss behind the scene interrupted her.

"I feel something is wrong, just feel wrong, but where is wrong, I don't know, I know you have a

relationship with Karen li..." Yes, after the black rose came to the United States, I felt there was

something wrong, just Restlessness.

Right, that is it.

She has something of her own and feels the same in the hands of others.
But what is there?

No, the black rose is a killer. There is no way to say anything. She is a cautious person, and

nothing will be caught in her hands.

Be careful, be careful, this is the biggest reason why black roses can live to the present.

Uneasy, uneasy, let her come here.

"No, I have nothing to do with her." The boss behind the scene said without hesitation.

The black rose was stunned, and her beautiful big blue eyes were turning, "That..."

"what would you like?"

"I want you to protect me for a while," Black Rose said.

This is the first time the Black Rose has softened, but if she doesn't kill Karen li or Chuck, she is

really unwilling to die.

Now it is the most safe way.

"Guarantee? Why do I protect you?" The boss behind the scenes drank red wine.

Black Rose is the first female killer, earning her a lot of money, but there is no other relationship

between the two, or even a little relationship.

"Guarantee me for half a year, and for the next three years, I will give you ten tasks. I don't want

a penny," Black Rose said.

"Oh, like this??"

"Five years!" Black Rose immediately stepped back.

"Five years? Keep you half a year??"

"Yes, half a year will do."

"How do I know that half a year later, will you die under Karen li?" The boss behind the scene

said indifferently.
"In this business, you will not lose money, absolutely not,"

Black Rose knows this behind-the-scenes boss too much. Money is tempting to her. Sometimes

she can do anything for money, but when it comes to rules, she is useless no matter how much

money she has!

"Oh, okay! I will only guarantee you for half a year." The boss behind the scene smiled.

In five years, even if Black Rose died halfway, she could earn a lot for her.

Black Rose was relieved a little, then next, she could recover herself and start revenge!

"You follow the people outside," the boss said.

People outside will take the black rose to a safe place.

"Well. Ouyang Fei, go!" Black Rose ordered.

Ouyang Fei nodded, but the boss behind the scene said, "She stays, I have something to say!"

Black Rose accidentally looked at Ouyang Fei again, and she went out.

"Sister, do you have anything to do with me?" Ouyang Fei walked up, very polite, his big eyes

were cute and harmless to humans and animals.

"Don't pretend, when you came in, when I first looked at me, I found bad eyes, let's say, what

were you thinking?" The behind-the-scenes boss is a man who specializes in psychology,

Ouyang Fei's flowery intestines It really can't hide in front of her.

However, the boss behind the scenes did not expect Ouyang Fei's thoughts to be so nasty.

The reason why she let Ouyang Fei stay alone was that she was fancy with Ouyang Fei.

Isn’t that what the killer wants?

Ouyang Fei can cultivate it!

"I, I think my sister is beautiful, and I think it is as beautiful as my sister," Ouyang Fei certainly

dare not say.

Could it be that I want to shoot you? ?

The only result that came out was that it was cut into meat sauce to feed the dog.

"Why are you a killer?"

The boss behind the scenes doesn't want to hear such words.

"I want to be stronger and step on all men under my feet!!!" Ouyang Fei said his goal.

The boss behind the scene was surprised. This Huaxia woman actually thought bigger than

herself? ?

Is a malleable person.

"Okay, good idea, follow the black rose, learn her things, I will keep you alive." The boss behind

the scene was satisfied.

Ouyang Fei took her seriously.

However, she is actually different from Ouyang Fei in essence.

Behind the scenes, the boss has his own principles and rules. Once formulated, she will strictly

demand it!

But Ouyang Fei is different. She is a person with no bottom line. In order to achieve her goal, she

can do so at all costs! !

"Thank you sister," Ouyang Fei was pleasantly surprised.

She was relieved a lot. After all, she took a photo of black roses. In case she was discovered, she

was not happy.

"You can go out," the boss said.

Ouyang Fei bowed his head and walked outside.

At this time, waiting for the black rose outside the door, her wounds no longer hurt. What she

needs now is a good hiding place to restore herself to strength!

However, the phone rang suddenly and she took it out to see it was a stranger's number.

She frowned, and there were only a handful of people who knew her number. Who would this

person be?

She answered.

"Black Rose?" Inside is the temptation, the man's voice.

Moreover, there is familiarity.

"Yes!" Black Rose said coldly.

"Oh, I found you. Do you know who I am?" Yes, Betty has found the number of the black rose.

And gave Chuck, of course Chuck can't wait to find the black rose out!

There is also Ouyang Fei, this woman, Chuck wants her to die immediately! Last time, she shot

Logan in one shot!

If it were not for her, Logan would not hurt that way! !

Chuck hates her!

"Chuck!" There is a big murder in the big black rose and blue eyes! Did you find your

number? This is the rice country?

Actually so fast, Black Rose had an accident, but fortunately he prepared himself.

"Yes, it's me. I'll call you nothing else. I just want you to see something. You will be surprised

when you see it..." Chuck smiled slightly.

My mother is sad in the 257th chapter of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online with novels

"Can you surprise me?"

There is coldness in the big eyes of the black rose and blue, is this surprised? Did you come here

to find yourself?
This is not surprising, and after you recover, you will find you Chuck!

"That's not necessarily, I am surprised, can let you come and take the initiative to find me, do

you believe it?"

Chuck smiled here, but this smile was full of coldness.

"I will take the initiative to find you, you can rest assured."

"No, no, I want you to come and find me now! You saw me this surprise, you will find me, do

you believe it or not?"

"Don't believe it!" Black Rose said coldly. This is the radical method. If she is not injured, then

she must have gone, but now this state is not good.

can not go.

"haha, really?"

Chuck hung up his phone and immediately found a photo of the black rose and sent it according

to this number.

Here the black rose frowned, and it seemed that the phone number was temporarily unavailable.

Her cell phone was put away, her eyes were even colder, and Chuck actually challenged

herself! !

Black Rose wants to kill and vent his anger!

Suddenly, her phone rang again, and she didn't want to watch it. Chuck was so surprised, she

wouldn't be surprised! Absolutely not!

She opened it and looked at it. It was a picture. She frowned and was familiar. Who is this?

She stared at this photo without a face for a few seconds, her big blue eyes were full of anger! !

this is? my own?

Impossible, how could you be photographed by someone!

The black rose hit immediately.

"Hey, are you surprised?" Chuck said.

"Who is this? Who is this?" Black Rose's voice was as cold as a thousand years of ice!

"What do you say?"

"You think you just find a photo and send it over, you just..."

"Don't worry, many, many, I will send you slowly, don't hang up," Chuck shrugged and

continued to send a few.

At this time, Black Rose clearly saw that it was himself, but how could Chuck have his own

picture in his hand?

Is this s? But the physical characteristics are all my own!

Black Rose's heart trembled in such a moment!

"Are you? Surprised?" Chuck smiled.

"Where did you get it!" The black rose sounded like a needle!

She has never done anything with any man. How could someone take a photo while taking the

opportunity? ?

Suddenly, she looked at herself in the photo, her face pale and unconscious? When is this? What

did she think of...

"You don't know yet?" Chuck said.

"say clearly!"

"I'm a little sorry for you, who did you take these photos for, you don't know?"

"Being..." Black Rose thought of this suit, this background, only when he was in China, he was

injured that day, Ouyang Fei helped him to treat the wound, but it was too hard, and he fainted.

So during the period of unconsciousness, Ouyang Fei seized this opportunity?

But why did she shoot? why? ?

Black roses and big blue eyes stared at the door of the private room!

"Let me tell you all right, Ouyang Fei! I didn’t expect you to believe her that much, and she was

taken by her. She had to say that Ouyang Fei made it very clear. She knew how to take the photo.

You have a black rose. Good!" Chuck said.


Black Rose was angry and almost spit out blood. At that time, when Ouyang Fei wanted to take a

photo of Logan, he should have thought that Ouyang Fei was a person with no bottom line!

She was overcast by her!

"Ouyang Fei took it, how could it be in your hands?"

"Last time, Ouyang Fei's mobile phone fell off, hehe, I picked it up, right, how is your signal? I'll

pass the video to you, and the video!"

"Shut up!" Black rose blue eyes suddenly reddish?

Being so vigilant, you would be attacked by that kind of woman?

Ouyang Fei, Ouyang Fei! !

"What is the taste of being betrayed? I think Ouyang Fei took your picture just to threaten you."

"Give me the picture!"

"Are you surprised?"

"give me!!"

"No, come and find me, and I will give you, otherwise I will appreciate you alone, and give you

three hours to come and find me, I am in my mother's house, you should know! Time is up, you

But come, then I will send to the major websites of the United States, so that you can become the

hottest person in the country in less than a minute!" Chuck said coldly.
The phone hangs up!

Here the black rose bloody eyes, she was surrounded by anger, she was murderous, suddenly,

she rushed in.

The boss behind the scene was stunned and frowned, "What are you doing? Where is this place?"

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" Ouyang Fei shivered without asking.

Because when Black Rose came in, the murderous eyes stared at her.

Ouyang Fei trembles and can make Black Rose look like this, but it can't be a good thing.

"I am so good to you, saved you, taught you so many things, you are so kind to me?" The blood

in the big black rose and blue eyes was blurred.

She has never been nice to anyone. The only time she actually got this kind of result this time.

She took advantage of her coma and took a picture of herself?

Black Rose was willing to be killed by Ouyang Fei at the time, and he was not willing to be

photographed, and he was also killed by someone he wanted to kill. Chuck saw his body.

Every sarcasm of Chuck has just been inserted into the heart of the black rose like a knife. At this

time, the heart of the black rose is already riddled with holes.

She was sad, she was sad... why is this so?

"Sister, what are you talking about?" Ouyang Fei shook back.

She is fighting now, but how could it be the opponent of Black Rose?

"What I said, you know!" Black Rose walked over to kill!

boom! !

The black rose kicked out, Ouyang Fei screamed and fell to the ground, covering her stomach

and spitting out blood.

"I want to take everything I have to you back!" The black rose was surrounded by anger, and she

came over step by step!

"Ah, sister, save me, save me." Ouyang Fei got up and ran behind the boss behind the scenes.

The boss behind the scene frowned, "Black Rose, what do you think of me here?"


Seventy or eighty men rushed in from the outside, with guns in their hands against black roses!

When I came in just now, the black rose's gun was temporarily caught. This is the rule!

Dozens of guns were pointed at the black rose, she had no fear, her anger was still there!

She moved, the gun was close to her, close at hand!

"Black Rose, I advise you to recognize what you are doing. This is my place!" the boss behind

the scene said coldly.

"She, I fancy it, you leave!" The boss stared at the black rose behind the scenes!

Ouyang Fei is proud, how about being discovered by you? I have a new backer now, a hundred

times more powerful than you! !

Seen by Ouyang Fei's sneered eyes, Black Rose couldn't help it. She suddenly felt powerless and

sad. Why did she do that?

Everyone is a woman, why!

"Black Rose, you know my rules, don't force me!" the boss behind the scene said coldly.

Kill someone in your own place? Still kill someone you think you can?

This is absolutely impossible!

"You want to protect her?" The black rose was weak. With so many guns at her, she moved.

Even if she was a black rose, she would be killed. What's more, Chuck let herself pass in three

If you die here, your photos will be seen by countless people.

The black rose closed his eyes in pain.

The boss behind the scene frowned, "Black Rose, what is your situation? Why should you kill


"Because she did something that made me sad," Black Rose's tears came out. This was the first

time she shed tears. In this weak situation, she shed tears.

Anger, weakness, grievances overwhelmed her.

"What's the matter?" The boss behind the scene questioned. Black Rose knew that she was very

disciplined and never did impulsive things. She was so annoyed today and still crying. What's the

situation? ?

Ouyang Fei panicked, "Sister, I took her things..."

"What? It takes so much fire? Black Rose, you say!" said the boss behind the scenes.

Black Rose couldn't say anything. She decided that if she could come back, she would definitely

die with Ouyang Fei! !

"I won't let you go!" Black Rose turned around and she stopped. "Boss, the person you are

guarding is not as simple as you think. She will do things without a bottom line, even for our

women." same!"

My mother is a Baller with a novel 528th chapter. I'm here! Listen online with novels

After Black Rose finished speaking these words, she went outside, and the boss turned to look at

Ouyang Fei behind the scene. ?

There is no bottom line for women, what did you do? The boss behind the scene is curious.

The black rose went out.

Ouyang Fei breathed a sigh of relief, feeling proud, going to you, want to kill me? ?

Ouyang Fei's beautiful eyes are all venomous, and they turned over with the black rose so

quickly, it is really not very good!

Fortunately, I learned something.

Otherwise, you will lose money.

Ouyang Fei decided that he would absolutely not be able to go out for the time being. He must

wait for his killer ability to reach first-class!

Ouyang Fei is a person without a bottom line, but also a person who works hard to train!

She knows that no one can believe now, the only thing she can believe in is herself! !

So you must improve your strength!

Only in this way can I survive and be the first killer!

You have to make a lot of money.

"Sister," Ouyang Fei called the boss behind the scenes.

"Little girl, Black Rose actually said that you have no bottom line, where have you reached the

bottom line?" The boss behind the scene waved his hand and everyone went out.

"I, I did something bad, I want to learn the fighting of the black rose," Ouyang Fei lied and

opened his mouth.

"The goal is clear enough! Regardless of the means, it's okay." The boss behind the scene looked

at Ouyang Fei again. Of course, she was the best.

She does things by any means, otherwise how could she be the boss of the killer organization? ?

"Thank you sister," Ouyang Fei relieved.

"OK, I will take you to play." The boss stood up behind the scenes.

"Thank you." Ouyang Fei was pleasantly surprised. Did he pull in the new backers so quickly?
Was it admired in a similar way? ?

She thought so, but she didn't know that the boss behind the scenes also had a bottom line. For

example, what Ouyang Fei did, she might be able to do it for men, but she couldn't do it for


Because they are all women.

"Go," the boss behind the scenes wanted to see, this Ouyang Fei has no bottom line.

"Uh huh," Ouyang Fei followed with joy.

But instead of leaving the bar, I went to other private rooms with large beds and hot springs.

"How many do you want?" the boss asked behind the scenes.

"Sister, how many?" Ouyang Fei was stunned. What does that mean? Ouyang Fei felt trembling

as he thought of something.

"A person with no bottom line, pay attention to this? I ask how many do you want?"

"Ah? No, I don't want it," Ouyang Fei was scared. She was still intact. How could she do

anything in such a place?

All she needs now is exercise, all she needs is to strengthen herself! ! She wants to keep herself.

Ouyang Fei is ruthless and will not waste time on this. If the boss behind the scenes wants her to

come out to play, she will immediately exercise and learn to fight.

Perseverance in this regard, Ouyang Fei is too high, otherwise she will not grow so fast!

"No? Little girl, are you eighteen?" The boss looked at her again.


"Have you never taught your boyfriend?"

"Yes, but men are used to play and kick. I gave them, didn't they let them play?" Ouyang Fei

always thought like this.

"It's a good idea, but I don't like seeing women or that's the case, so how many do you want?"

The boss behind the scene sat down and took a glass of wine.

"I don't want it, I really don't want it," Ouyang Fei was anxious. She thought so, but she still

wanted to get married later.

"No! You have no bottom line, how can you do something with a bottom line? You don't say it,

then I will help you! Reject, you can go out and lie down without refusing," said the boss behind

the scene.

Ouyang Fei bit her lip, she was tangled, and she must be dead when she went out, but her body is

for her future husband!

Ouyang Feimei's eyes were red, she didn't move, she didn't dare to go out, black roses would kill

herself when she went out, she lay down, there was no way, she had hatred in her heart.

The boss smiled slightly behind the scenes and pressed a button in a place, "Call a few..."

"No, I like Huaxia," Ouyang Fei burst into tears.

"Hua Xia? Our American men are more handsome than Hua Xia men and have better facial

features," the boss said.

"I don't want, I want Huaxia. I'm from Huaxia. I like Huaxia's men." Ouyang Fei looks down on

Huaxia men, but if she gets married, she will still choose Huaxia.

"Just you, call someone in... Huaxia's,"

Ouyang Fei wiped away her tears, she was poisonous, you actually forced me so well, I must

revenge you Ouyang Fei! !

You wait for me!

You wait for me!

Ouyang Fei was surrounded by humiliation. She already had a plan. Today's shame, she wants to

let the behind-the-scenes boss pay back 100 times! !

Behind the scene, the boss was drinking red wine, and there was a hint of teasing in his blue

eyes. He took out his mobile phone and called someone, "Follow the black rose, I want to know

where she is. She can't die so fast, don't let her discover... …"


The black rose came out and she got in the car. What can she do?

She was expressionless and wiped away tears with a tissue, which was sad.

She swears that she will never be nice to anyone afterwards. For the first time, she got this result!

Black Rose drove, she knew where Chuck said, she stomped on the throttle, let's be done!

You must get back your pictures, even if you are dead!


"Mom, the photos have been sent to her," Chuck said to her.

"Well, is she... angry?" Karen li was helpless. She hadn't done such a thing before. She did things

neatly. This is really true. .

"Well, I'm particularly angry," Chuck thought of Black Rose's tone of speech, and Chuck wanted

to laugh.

"Don't do this in the future, do you know?" Karen li said solemnly.

"En, mother, don't worry."

Of course, Karen li was relieved of Chuck. Betty asked, "Do you want someone to come out?"

"No, I understand the person of Black Rose, she will come over, this kind of photo is the most

important to her, she can't let others see..."

"Well, it's important for all women," Betty said.

Chuck shrugged awkwardly, "Mom, Sister Li, I haven't done that kind of thing."

"It's not about you," Karen li smiled slightly, "I can't control you too much, but remember to

respect the woman, your dad respects me particularly, and I respect him too. It is best to respect

each other as a guest."

"Well," Chuck envied. He looked at Yvette.

Yvette came back and kept his head down and bit his lip. Chuck hoped that one day he would be

able to hold a wedding with Yvette.

But can this day come?

"You won't have to do it later, I will come with the black rose," Karen li said.

After a person is angry, desperate and sad, what can be done, it is impossible to estimate, the dog

can jump the wall in anxiety, not to mention the black rose?

In this case, Karen li personally handled it best. As long as the black rose came out, she could not

run away.

"Okay, Mommy listens to you," Chuck just looked at it.

Yvette bowed his head without comment.

"However, I heard from you just now that I think Black Rose is a bit..." Karen li didn't know how

to describe it. This kind of picture was taken by a trusted person and concealed, and everyone

will collapse.

Karen li suddenly felt that the black rose was a little pitiful.

She killed herself for money, and Karen li resisted both times without any loss. This was her own


The conflict is not too big, the only thing is to beat his son Chuck last time!

This is absolutely not tolerable by Karen li!

"What's something? Mom?" Chuck asked.

"Nothing," Karen li shook her head and asked Betty to look outside. Maybe Black Rose would

engage in a sneak attack!

Betty went out.

Karen li looked at Yvette, "Do you want to start?"

"I..." Yvette looked down, she wanted to see how Karen li shot, wanted to learn.

Chuck did not know whether to speak or not, and could only keep silent.

After a while.

Chuck looked at the time, he frowned, did Black Rose not want this photo? Still want to let

yourself send out her pictures?

Chuck called Black Rose and connected.

"No, you want me to take your picture..."

"I'm coming!"

This is the voice of Black Rose, Chuck heard the rumbling engine roar! !

A sports car gallops from a distance, and it is the black rose that drives!

My mother is a Baller with a voice novel Chapter 529 Special People Audio Novel Online


Black Rose drove over, she was reporting the determination to die, she was dead, and the photos

would be destroyed!

Karen li, Chuck, Yvette, and Betty all looked at the black rose driving.

This villa, it was a super large, empty courtyard, and the black rose car stopped.
The black rose came down, and there was blood in the big blue eyes, "I'm here, give me the


The sound is dry!

Black Rose does things with the utmost attention to cleanliness. I did not expect to be caught by

the handle this time.

And it's still the kind of picture. Black Rose attaches the most importance to his body, not the

injured one, but the psychological one.

It's been a long time since Black Rose debuted, and he has never made any men. At that time, the

boss was looking at her and wanted to find some people who broke her. Black Rose refused


It can be said that the black rose is particularly conservative in this respect, but the photo was

taken and still seen.

She came over, her eyes were all red, Ouyang Fei, she already hated it!

Chuck looked at her calmly, as did Yvette.

The black rose came quite simply.

But why didn't Ouyang Fei come? Chuck frowned.

"Chuck, give me the photo!!!" Black Rose walked in front of four people.

Karen li looked at her like this.

"Return the photo to me!" the black rose growled.

"Karen li, I know you want to kill me, okay, you let your son give me the picture!" Black Rose's

bloody eyes stared at Karen li.

Karen li kept looking at her.

Black Rose pulled out his gun and faced himself. Karen li was expressionless and Chuck touched

his nose. There was a little surprise. Black Rose valued the photo so much?

"How many shots?" Black Rose's voice was hoarse.

She had thought of a sneak attack, but she knew that her own strength was not Karen li's

opponent, so what use is a sneak attack?

Two lessons from the past, she assassinated Karen li twice, both after the strictest arrangement,

but the final result was still a failure.

Karen li was not hurt twice, and the gap was obvious.

What's more, Karen li is still waiting for her. Her photos are still in the hands of others, and she

has no chance.

So she chose the most direct method!

Get back your photos!

"Karen li, I will ask you how many shots will your son give me the picture? I ask you!!!" Black

Rose growled.

She was really hurt by Ouyang Fei.

She won't treat anyone anymore.

"I don't need you to shoot, you..." Karen li shook her head.

Black Rose can come over, so Karen li has enough strength to deal with her, there is no need to

let Black Rose shoot himself.

This is not consistent with her usual style.

Karen li likes fair play. If you want to kill, then you can just come over and fight with you.

Karen li is like that.

Her strength is enough to support her like this.

But yes.

Peng! !

Black Rose pulled the trigger, a bullet pierced her body, blood flowed out, and Black Rose didn't


She was pale and sweaty.

Karen li was surprised, Chuck, Yvette, Betty were stunned.

"Give me the picture!" the black rose growled.

"You don't have to do this, me..." Karen li shook her head.

Peng! !

Black Rose pulled the trigger again, and the bullet pierced her body again.

Blood is coming!

With two shots, half of Black Rose's body was stained with blood.

The black rose was shot twice, she stood still, and the sweat on her forehead dropped to the


"Return the photo to me!" Black Rose's big eyes were blood red, and his voice was hoarse to the


Karen li watched her silent for a few seconds, "Cher, give her the picture."

"Well," Chuck took out the cell phone he picked up Ouyang Fei.

Karen li catches the black rose!

Black Rose reached out to pick up, Karen li shook his head, "Gun! My son is here, I don't want

anyone to use a gun!"

The gun is too dangerous. In case of a shot, no one can carry it!

Black Rose threw the gun on the ground. She took the phone tremblingly and opened it. There

were a lot of photos and even videos. After she deleted them all, she was completely relieved and

got back her photos.

She wanted to cry.

Never encountered such a thing.

"You assassinated me twice, I can not care about you! But you hurt my son, hurt Logan, these

two things, I will count with you!" Karen li looked cold.

This is something she can't tolerate!

The black rose broke the phone, her eyes were red and covered with blood, her hands were

covered with two gunshot wounds, the blood was still straight, "Okay, I know I can’t escape here

today, you can kill me now!" "

"It's easy to kill you! Before you shoot, I'm still easy to kill you," Karen li was cold.

Her strength, killing Black Rose is simple, this is no matter whether it is injured or not, there is

no difference for Karen li's strength.

"Yes, it's easier for you to kill me, now it's even simpler." Black Rose didn't have any fear.

"I will not bully you, three moves, you can resist my three moves, you can go!" Karen li said.


The black rose froze, "Three strokes?"

She did not expect Karen li to say such a thing.

But when she heard it, she was not so surprised. She wanted to kill Karen li very much. She had

followed Karen li for a long time.

She thought that Karen li, who was so powerful, would be a cruel, unscrupulous person, but it

was not.
Black Rose himself has to admit that Karen li is a very special person.

If someone respects her for a foot, she will pay for it.

Karen li should be ruthless to others and good to others, especially with principles!

That's why Karen li said this.

"Three strokes, if you promised not to deal with my son anymore, then three strokes! It can be

used to make up for the injury of shooting yourself two shots." Karen li said.

Black Rose looked at Chuck, and she bit her lip, "I, I can't kill him now."

"I will let you speak later,"


"That's ready, three strokes!" Karen li walked out.

Black Rose covered her wound and stared at her. Suddenly, Karen li punched out.

The strength of her arm is amazing!

The Black Rose was tall because of the American, but the punch hit her, and the Black Rose flew

out, and fell to the ground like a movie, spitting blood.

Black Rose climbed up, two gunshot wounds had hit her, she had no energy to resist, this punch,

Black Rose fainted.

Karen li walked over, and Black Rose gritted her teeth.

Karen li punched again!

Black Rose snorted and fell out five or six meters, spitting blood at the wow, struggling on the

ground, dying.

With these two punches, Karen li didn't keep his hand!

Black Rose finally knew the gap between the two, and even if she didn't get hurt, she couldn't

resist the two punches.

"Get up!!" Karen li said coldly.

The black rose gritted her teeth, but she lost her strength, and more blood shed from her body,

and her limbs were weak.

"Get up!" Karen li repeated.

The black rose's lips were bitten, and he barely shivered and climbed up.

boom! !

Fist banged!


The black rose fell out, into the grass in the yard, motionless, and blood had spread.

Karen li turned around, "Cer, let's go in,"

Chuck shrugged and pulled Yvette into the house, and Betty also entered the house.

Karen li arranged for Chuck and Yvette to return to the room. Karen li said, "Only the black rose

came, but Ouyang Fei did not come."

"This, will the black rose kill her?" Betty analyzed.

Is this something a normal person would do? ?

The person who secretly took the photo, Black Rose knows the truth, and will definitely kill

Ouyang Fei!

In other words, she will do the same.

"This is possible, but this girl, Ouyang Fei, has such a big mind and will be killed as simple as

that!" Karen li was thinking about this.

To be honest, she felt ashamed of Ouyang Fei's behavior.

"So, what do you mean?" Bettymei's eyes flickered.

"This Ouyang Fei pays close attention and finds her as much as possible. If you die, you can't

find the body. Then this Ouyang Fei is definitely not dead!" Karen li's sixth sense is very strong.

She always feels that someone is somewhere. Mocking, and this man is Ouyang Fei hiding in the


"Yes, I will check now." Betty said.

Karen li nodded, her eyes looked outside, and the place remained motionless.

My mother is a Baller's audio novels Chapter 530 Ouke family audio novels listen online

Ouyang Fei opened her eyes from humiliation and she wept.

I am not intact.

Her beautiful eyes have been occupied by the perverted viciousness. This behind-the-scenes boss

must revenge her! !

for sure!

Ouyang Fei put on her clothes. During the whole process, the boss was watching while drinking

red wine, with no expression on her face.

"Sister, I want to take a break, I am very tired." Ouyang Fei came over.

"Resting? Yes, you go to rest," the boss asked behind the scenes.

"Then, if the black rose comes, then."

"I will protect you."

Ouyang Fei was relieved.

Someone came in and took Ouyang Fei out.

Ouyang Fei went out. When she turned around, she saw the boss behind the scene answering a

phone call. She stared at the behind-the-scenes boss insincerely.

She was drove by a man to a hidden place where the whole piece was owned by the behind-the-

scenes boss!

"You live here, you can find me if you need it," the man driving said coldly.

"Are you always following the boss?" Ouyang Fei looked at him tenderly.

"Yes, always follow her." The man said indifferently.

"I'm also going to follow the boss all the time," Ouyang Fei came over.

Ouyang Fei was originally a beauty, possessing the beauty of a Chinese woman, with a tall figure

and tender eyes. This is a charming woman.

The man looked at her.

"Send me in, are you willing?" Ouyang Fei bit her lip.

Ouyang Fei wants to take revenge on the behind-the-scenes boss, then he must slowly break the

people around her, one by one, to find out the weakness of the behind-the-scenes boss!

The man didn't speak.

"Alas, I have just arrived in the United States now and I am very uncomfortable. Can you speak

with me? Will you send me in?" Ouyang Fei said tenderly.

I have to say, she is so pitiful that even a man can't bear it, because Ouyang Fei has a pair of big

watery eyes that can talk.

Ouyang Fei took the man's hand, "Okay? Just send me in."

"Send you in?"

"Yes, am I pretty?"


"I want to find a dependence, can you let me rely on? Please." Ouyang Fei burst into tears, at this

moment, Ouyang Fei is very pitiful.

The man untied his seat belt and got out of the car.

Ouyang Fei's vicious eyes stared at him. He was not intact, so he made full use of his physical

advantages to get everything he wanted! !

Ouyang Fei and the man went inside, and she wanted revenge!


"What are you talking about?" The boss behind the scene frowned, his voice cold!

"Me, I followed Black Rose and saw that she went to one of Karen li's homes. I didn't dare to get

too close, but I heard two gunshots halfway!" There was a trembling sound inside the phone.

"The gunshot? Has the black rose come out?" the boss asked indifferently behind the scenes.

What is Black Rose going to find Karen li now? ?


"I made you stare at her!" The boss behind the scene was annoyed. Black Rose was not Karen li's

opponent at all, so she went in, and there were two gunshots, so Black Rose could not come out.

It was definitely killed by Karen li.

"Sorry boss, I..." The man was terrified.

"Continue to stare at me, to see the dead! If you can't do this, then you commit suicide yourself!"

The boss behind the scene was indifferent.

"Yes Yes."

The phone hung up.

Behind the scene, the boss finished drinking and was going to rest, but the phone rang again, and

she frowned and looked a little interested.

"It's you?" said the boss behind the scenes.

"Yes, it's me. I'm at the door of your bar. Can you come in?" This was a man's voice.
That's right, this is Li Overlord! !

"What are you doing here? I have nothing to do with you."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Behind the scenes, the boss thought about it and agreed.

Soon, Overlord Li came in alone.

Behind the scenes, the boss poured a glass of wine and drank by himself, "What's the matter?

Let's talk!"

Li Overlord and the behind-the-scenes boss are regarded as a cooperative relationship. After all,

Li Overlord secretly gave a lot of money to the behind-the-scenes boss and let her send a killer to

kill people. After so many years, there are at least 30 orders.

"Oh, I heard that your boss has a bad relationship with Karen li?" Li Overlord sat down on his


"Then? What are you going to say?"

"I want to say that since you have a conflict with Karen li, then you definitely want her to die,

that's simple. I pay for it. You find someone to assassinate her. Of course, it's best to kill her if

You can let her eat a bullet, I will give you an additional 50 million US dollars! If she can break

a hand, I will give you 500 million US dollars, break a finger, I will also give you 50 million US

dollars, like this Is the business good?" Li Overlord smiled slightly.

"Yes, yes, but you made a mistake." The boss behind the scenes was unimpressed.

"Make a mistake? What?" The smile on the overlord's face froze.

"I'm in great conflict with Karen li, but, I never thought of killing her," the boss said.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Everyone has a price. You can just bid," the overlord Li smiled again.

Isn't this behind-the-scenes boss just to pay for himself? ?

It doesn't matter, in order to kill Karen li, he still can afford the money.

"Did not understand what I said? I will not kill her,"

"Boss, don't you contradict yourself?" Overlord Li smiled slightly.

"Contradiction? Where did I contradict?"

"Someone has let the black roses in your organization assassinate Karen li twice, dare you say

you don't know about it?"

"there is,"

"Then you still want to kill, or you won't agree,"

"You are mistaken again. You know Karen li's strength as much as I do. Black Rose can't kill

her. Then why don't I agree?" The boss shrugged.

Money is still earned, what's wrong? ?

The overlord Li smiled stagnantly, "Are you really unwilling? Billions or tens of billions will do.

You can mention it casually."

"Karen li has more money than your Li family, I killed her, and you gave me tens of billions?

Then you took over everything for her, did you become the world's richest man?" The boss

behind the scene ridiculed.

"Then you can count it,"

"Don't say, I'm not interested in killing Karen li. I won't receive much money, you can go," the

boss behind the scenes ordered the guests.

"Then, what about Karen li's son? You killed him for me, is that okay?" Li Overlord frowned,


"This little guy, I know why you killed, or was your son killed by him? It's your son who doesn't

succumb to his own skills," he said. The boss behind the scene laughed more.

"You!!!" Overlord Li is angry!

"I didn't take over that little guy's business."

"Humph, do you want the old cow to eat tender grass?" Li Overlord sneered. Of course he knew

what character the boss was behind.

"You can't talk nonsense," the boss shook his head behind the scenes.

"Nonsense? What do you think I don't know who you are?"

"I'm not a veteran, have you ever seen me such a young veteran?" The boss behind the scene was

upset, what is this? ?

Overlord Li didn’t bother to say, "Okay, you can stop the business of Karen li and her son, but

you should always take other voices?"

"Others can pick it up, let's kill who?"

"Ok family!" said Li Overlord.

"Ok family? Gee, Master Li, what are you going to do now? Your Li family drove Karen li out

of the Li family, now you know it wrong? Karen li left, you Li family as one of the four major

families in the world , The status is suddenly indefinite, and now you have to deal with the other

three families with panting? Want to annex them?"

The boss behind the scene certainly knows the situation of the world's four largest families.

Karen li's departure made the Li family seem to have shrunk as if they had no heart. The overlord

Li discovered it, and the Li family also found it. It turned out that Karen li was originally

insignificant in the Li family, but after leaving, he knew how much Karen li Important, but late,

Karen li has been kicked out.

The situation that is now made up is the rapid annexation of some families!

"Now that you know it, why do you say it?" Li Patriarch shook his head and continued without a

word, "This business can't be connected? The money is still the same, you say the number!"

The boss behind the scene is considering that the situation of the four major families is different.

As the boss of the killer organization, she is not afraid of any family! Including the Li family!

My mother is a Baller, the novel 531 stands up and listens to the novel online.

"Who killed the Oak family?"

Behind the scenes, the boss considered and said.

There is a conflict between the Oke family and the boss behind the scenes.

So you can agree.

"This man," Overlord Li took out an envelope.

Behind the scene, the boss picked it up and opened it, "This person?"

"Yes, you just mention the price." Li Overlord said.

"Five billion!" the boss behind the scene said lightly.

"What, you!" Overlord Li was angry and said so high!

Behind the scenes, the boss was expressionless.

"Okay, when is it possible?" Overlord Li gritted his teeth!

"Thirty billion deposits!" said the behind-the-scenes boss, the money of the four big families,

that is inestimable, fifty billion is nothing.

Overlord Li took out a card.

Behind the scenes, the boss snapped a finger, and someone came in to check, and Overlord Li

frowned, "You don't even believe me?? I'm afraid I'm pitting you with money?"
"Forgot to tell you, I have never believed you! Karen li is your family, you or her brother, you

have to kill her, why should I believe you?" asked the boss behind the scene.

Overlord Li snorted angrily.

There is no problem with money.

The boss behind the scenes collected the card, "Go back and wait for the news."

Overlord Li hummed and stood up to go out. He suddenly turned his head, "I'm curious, do

people like you not believe anyone?"

"Then you are wrong, I have someone to believe."

"Really? Ha ha, you have no children, no one, who can you believe?" Li overlord mocked.

"You want to kill Karen li, who happens to be the one I believe in." The boss behind the scene

said lightly.

Yes, it's one thing to have a conflict with Karen li, but the boss behind the scenes knows what is

the character of Karen li. It can be said that she has seen too many people.

Karen li is the only one who does not do anything for money.

Such a person has a bottom line, so why don't you believe it? ?

"You really surprised me." Overlord Li went out.

The boss behind the scene joked, "Just because you still want to annex other families? When

Karen li was still in your Li family, you can, but she left, you have no chance!"

In fact, the boss behind the scenes thought about annexing several families, but she thought it

was boring.

The size of his own killer organization is already super large. If there are other family industries,

don't you worry more?

She is a casual person, too lazy to make a little money.

After all, as the boss of the killer organization, she can be said to be the fifth largest family.


"how is it?"

Overlord Li got into the car. He drove to a hidden place and went in to see a man.

This man is one of four families.

Yes, Lord Li colluded with one of the families and wanted to join forces to annex other families.

"Promised, how can someone like her see Qian Qian's eyes open?" Li Overlord sneered.

"So you can frame this for Karen li?" The man was a little worried.

"No problem, I have already thought about it. The step-by-step design is definitely possible. Let

the people of the Ok family deal with Karen li. Then the two of us stabbed the Ok family in the

back. By then, the Ok family will definitely Finished!" Li Overlord said coldly.

"That line, but Karen li this woman..." The man smiled.

Overlord Li frowned, "What do you want to do?"

"That's right, I saw her and wanted to talk to her," the man said with a smile.

"You fancy her? Are you okay?" Overlord Li is annoyed. He wants to kill Karen li, but he will be

insulted and insulted by other people. He must not be willing?

Insulting Karen li, not insulting the Li family! !

"Ah, forget it, since you are so repulsive, then forget it,"

"You remember, as long as a person like Karen li has a chance to kill her, she will definitely go

all out, otherwise she will be relieved by her, then the consequences will be serious," Li overlord

was wary.

The man nodded, "Come on, then contact."

The man went out.


Overlord Li stared at him, took out his mobile phone to his father, and the owner of the Li family


"Hey, Dad, things have been arranged," Li Overlord said.

"Well, have you seen the quietness?" The head of the Li family regretted it a little. What regret?

How long is this?

It was just over a month since Karen li was kicked out. It actually caused such a great impact on

the Li family. How big is this impact?

The owner of the Li family never thought that after too many industries and Karen li were put on

the market, Karen li suddenly failed to supply, and many aspects have changed, especially in the

catering area, the materials are wrong, the taste is wrong, and the business has collapsed!

The impact of Karen li's departure was too great?

"Karen? Dad, what are you thinking? Do you want Karen li to return to Li's house?" Li Overlord

frowned, a little annoyed!

Finally, Karen li was kicked out, and she was still invited back?

"Having this idea,"

"No, people like Karen li must be killed! Karen li should never be allowed to return to the Li


"Ah, well, I was thinking recently, have I been too harsh on her since childhood?"

The situation of the Li family is going downhill, which is a very dangerous signal, because once

it is squeezed out of the four major families, it will be quickly annexed by other families!

Everyone will fall down! !

If Karen li returns, can the problem be solved? ?

"Dad..." Overlord Li is angry and harsh? He doesn't think that in the family, the status of a man

is higher than that of a woman, and all good things should be given to men and women.

However, the overlord Li did not expect that the stocking of Karen li, even for decades, has

actually reached this point, and the strength of one person is comparable to a family!

"Ah, I don't know if Karen would like to come back. If I bow my head, she should be willing,"

the head of the Li family worried.

That day, Karen li was chased out, and the owner of the Li family regretted it. However, he knew

that Karen li was a person who knew gratitude. When she bowed her head, she would be willing

to return to the Li family.

"No, Dad, I have designed it, absolutely not!" Li Overlord was angry.

"Okay, you have made your decision," the head of the Li family is not so tough. He knew Karen

li's ability during this time, and he regretted it.

After all, this is also his own daughter.

Overlord Li hangs up his phone in annoyance, and he must quickly kill Karen li! !

And that Chuck!

Overlord Li thought of Chuck, and suddenly a vicious thought came out...


"Did you find it?" Karen li asked, and Betty shook her head. "No, I checked closely, and there

was no Ouyang Fei's body!"

"Then, she is still alive!"


"what happened?"

"I found it. Black Rose's car came from the boss's bar before coming here," Betty checked this.
"You mean, Ouyang Fei was protected by her?" Karen li was stunned.

"Well, it should be, would you like to call in person?"

Karen li shook her head, "No, she must have loved Ouyang Fei. She wants to train Ouyang Fei. I

will call her to be a person. You know her character. Not only will she not laugh, she will laugh

at me. , She's such a person, I've offended her all her life..."

Karen li was a bit crying and laughing.

This behind-the-scenes boss, she has a headache, and it is unavoidable to be ridiculed. The key is

that the behind-the-scenes boss is a woman who has no temperament, just like to see Karen li out

of ugliness, any way.

"Then you are not worried, Ouyang Fei took her picture?" Betty asked.

Karen li was stunned, "How can she be photographed by that Ouyang Fei because she is an elite?

This is unlikely,"

Karen li knows the character of the boss behind the scene, Ouyang Fei is unlikely to do it, but

instead, he was caught by the behind-the-scenes boss, then Ouyang Yangfei will die miserably!

Karen li also saved time.

"Should I remind her?"

"Well, I remind you, she will ask me if you believe it or not, mocking whether I was

photographed by Ouyang Fei, do you believe it or not?" Karen li was speechless.

"Ah, letter," Betty was also embarrassed.

"Mr. Li, look...she," Betty suddenly saw something moving in the grass, it was a person, a person

lying inside, trembling and crawling up, covered in blood, she walked in pain, every time she

walked In one step, it was like a heartbreak.

Karen li looked at it and muttered to herself, "It's like letting you go once."
My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 532 is a bit of a mysterious audio novel. Listen


Black Rose climbed up, and she walked tremblingly out. Karen li's three punches had just

knocked her out in the last punch. If Black Rose's willpower was strong, otherwise she had just

Just died.

The black rose trembled back to the car, only a few tens of meters away, but his body shredded

every step.

But she persevered and sat in the car. Her dark blue eyes looked at Karen li in the villa.

The two stared at each other from afar, and Black Rose's vision was lowered, and he dared not

stare at Karen li.

Black Rose tried to drive away. She went to her home, injected herself with painkillers, and

forced herself to deal with the gunshot wound. She closed her eyes and slept deep...


"Black Rose is gone. President Li, did you intend to let her go just now?" Of course, Betty knew

Karen li.

If it was Karen li before, then the black rose is absolutely dead.

The reason why Karen li released her was because she was sympathetic to Black Rose and was

photographed by Ouyang Fei when she was a woman, and when she shot herself twice with a


Karen li gave her a chance to obey fate!

Black Rose seized this opportunity and resisted! !

"Well," Karen li saw, and the black rose had already left by this time.
"Will the black rose come again after the injury?" Betty worried about this.

"No." Karen li shook her head. "A person who has died once will change his mind."

For the black rose, Karen li still knows that she has a bottom line.

She let her go this time, not to mention whether she would have a chance to meet her in the

future, that is, she would not take the initiative to provoke herself.

"Well, Master and Yvette..." Betty looked at Chuck's room.

"Ceer wants to go to the Li family, but I can't go now, and when he goes, he will be bullied by

the Li family," Karen li sighed.

Regarding the Li family, what Karen li said, she grew up there all the time, and it was a last

resort. She did not want to contact the Li family again.

As for Chuck's father, he went to other places.

"Then Li should always tell the young master, this matter."

"Me, I can't say it, and said I was kicked out by the people in my family?" Karen li had a

headache. This was said in front of her son. She was still a little embarrassed.

"Uh, otherwise I will tell the young master."

"Forget it, there will be a party over there tomorrow. I'll take Ceer to relax," Karen li thought

about it and would say it later.

You have to find a good opportunity!

Betty nodded, "Young Master and Dad..."

"He went out, something happened," Karen li was silent.

"Something? Mr. Li, can I say something?" Betty hesitated.

"Of course," Karen li smiled.

"Is he a little bit more mysterious?" Betty said his doubts in his heart.
When Karen li insisted on being with Chuck's father, he was very poor, but Betty's first

impression seemed to be that he was not poor, because his temperament could not be changed.

Very strange feeling.

Next Karen li insisted, the two married, and then had Chuck, but Chuck's father Zhang

Qingyang, too mysterious, often not at home, either going out here or there.

Karen li has been dealing with his own business empire in the United States, and Zhang

Qingyang seems to have become a soft meal.

Of course, Betty didn't say it.

"It's a bit," Karen li was silent.

"Mr. Li, have you checked his identity?" Betty dared not check it alone.

"No, I knew him from college, I fell in love with him at first sight, and then I got married, until

now..." Karen li shook his head.

"But what does he often go out to do?" Betty has been following Karen li. She knows clearly that

for a year, Zhang Qingyang was not at home for at least eight months.

That is to say, only four months together in a year.

Sometimes it is even less. Betty still remembers that there was a year when Karen li did not see

Zhang Qingyang for a year.

He never asked anything about Karen li's business, but what did he do?

"I don't know this, but I believe in him, and he also believes in me, which is enough." Karen li's

conception of marriage is simple.

Just believe each other. After all, Karen li doesn't like Zhang Qingyang. How could Zhang Qi be

born with him? ?

Marriage needs a separate space, Karen li knows.

Although she doesn't need a separate space, but men need it, she understands, so for so many

years, Karen li has worked hard alone, and every country in the world has Karen li's industry.

She feels no problem.

"Mr. Li, I'm afraid that one day..." Betty whispered, she followed Karen li, who was raised by

Karen li. In Betty's heart, Karen li was the boss and her own family.

She doesn't want such a good Karen li to be scammed one day, even if the scam has been for

twenty years and has not been exposed one day, is it still a scam? ?

If so, is Karen li too pitiful? He gave birth to a son and was cheated.

"Don't say it," Karen li shook her head, "Don't say it anymore, he always has been this way,

always has been..."

Betty sighed in her heart and was silent. It turned out that Karen li had a little doubt in her heart,

but Karen li prevented her from thinking in that direction.

Because Karen li knows that since she is married, the only way to get along is to trust each other.

Karen li has been doing this.

"You go to rest," Karen li is ready to rest.

"Well," Betty left and went to her room.

Karen li looked out for a while, and remained silent for a while. It might have been more than ten

minutes before she turned to look at Chuck’s room. She murmured, "No matter what, you are

mine Dear son……"

Karen li went back to her room...


"Cer, don't sleep today, go out with me." Karen li knocked on the door.

"Okay, mother, wait a minute," Chuck quickly dressed.

He looked back at Yvette on the bed.

Yvette also woke up. Last night Yvette didn't sleep much because she was not used to it. In the

morning, she barely snuggled to sleep on Chuck's chest.

Chuck kissed her and Yvette opened his eyes, "Her husband..."

"My mother wants me to go out with her. Will you wait for me at home?" Chuck knew that

Yvette was entangled at this time, and of course would not force her to go out.

"Thank you," Yvette was moved. If Chuck insisted, she could not refuse.

She is too uncomfortable here. She wants to go back to her home. After all, this place is the

home where she killed her father and his enemies.

Yvette wanted to get back what was hers, that is, what her grandfather had left for her. She didn't

tell Chuck this idea, because she said, then Karen li would help.

She doesn't want to accept Karen li's help anymore. If she continues, she will become more and

more entangled.

"Then I'm out." Chuck was at ease.


When Chuck went out, Karen li said to Chuck, "Ceer, go to the garage and see which car you


"Okay, mother," Chuck went to the garage excitedly. The man still liked the car.

Karen li followed, the door opened, and Yvette came out, "You... wait a minute."

The voice was weak, Yvette lowered his head and bit his lip.

"Something?" Karen li turned to look at her.

"I... anyway, thank you this time," Yvette said with his head down.
"Yes, you don't take that order for Ceer, and you won't be issued a chase order," Karen li shook

her head.

"But, I will still kill you," Yvette raised his head.

"I know," Karen li smiled slightly, and Yvette wanted to kill himself, so just come casually.

She won't mind.

"I said I would kill you," Yvette said in pain.

"I know and heard it."

"Don't be so good to me, this hurdle I will never be able to pass, no matter what your identity is,

you will never be able to pass!" Yvette's eyes began to chill.

To kill his father and his enemies himself, Yvette will definitely kill!

"I also know that, so if you do it according to your thoughts and feel that you can kill me, then

you come to find me," Karen li turned to the garage. This is a challenge. Karen li won, and it will

be enough.

"I will find you!!!"

"I know," Karen li has gone away. She suddenly has a pimple in her heart. Her son likes Yvette.

If he can never be together because of himself, then Chuck will regret it for life, so what should

she do?

Karen li turned to look at the murderous Yvette. After she was silent, she suddenly sighed,


My mother is the 533th chapter of the Baller's audio novel Recapture everything! Listen

online with novels

Karen li has an idea in her heart. If she chooses between Chuck's happiness and herself, she will

choose Chuck's happiness.

But Chuck’s happiness requires Yvette to overcome that hurdle, and he must die...

What should I do? ?

Karen li buried this in her heart and went to the garage. She saw Chuck happily turning around in

the big garage, like a big child.

Karen li smiled slightly, "Cer, which one to choose?"

Chuck came into the garage, and there was a shocking feeling. There were too many cars in it.

Like the 4s store, there are all kinds of luxury cars.

Chuck was dazzled.

"This one," Chuck chose an Aston Martin.

"Okay," Karen li smiled over, "Ceer you come,"

Chuck was sitting in the driver's seat excitedly. It felt really different. This was a tens of millions

of cars. "Mom..."


"Like, I like it very much," Chuck found that he still liked the car more!

When I was in China, I only had a sports car. I wanted to buy it at that time, but it was destroyed

by Du Xinye. Chuck was too lazy to buy it at that time.

But seeing the car in his mother's garage, Chuck felt that his aesthetic was very similar to that of

his mother.

"Stupid boy, these are all yours. I don't think it's enough. I'll buy it for you again. How much is

needed," Karen li fell in love and owed Chuck nineteen years. She was guilty.

Chuck was moved, "Well, mom, where are we going today?"

"There is a party, you drive out, I tell you how to get there."

"it is good."

Chuck stepped on the accelerator, and the roar of the engine roared like a beast. This sound was

so nice. Karen li saw Chuck like a child, and she was at ease.

Suddenly she was silent, "Cer, if Yvette can't walk with you in the end, I will let you marry

someone else, would you be willing?"

Chuck heard this question from his mother, and he was silent for a long time, "No."

Yvette was with Chuck from an early age. Chuck thought of Yvette as his wife for a lifetime, but

Chuck didn't understand those things at that time, which caused Yvette to be mentally prepared.

One disappointment made Yvette's mentality change.

But in that situation, Yvette still didn't get close to any man. At that time, in Yvette's heart, she

was entangled and hated Chuck, but she couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, Yvette finally insisted on seeing Chuck's transformation.

Even when Chuck killed her grandfather, Yvette chose to forgive herself. It was just that Karen li

killed Yvette's father. Yvette couldn't break this hurdle.

Chuck is guilty and will never give up Yvette.

"I see,"

The thought in Karen li's heart slowly became firm, and since Yvette couldn't break this hurdle,

then let herself help her break down.

It's just that Karen li still cares about it, that is Chuck's father Zhang Qingyang...

"Ceeer, drive until you turn in front," Karen li pointed the way, Chuck slammed on the

accelerator, the engine roared, and the speed was amazing!

Yvette came out of the room and happened to see Betty, but she didn't speak.

Betty stopped her, "Where are you going, Yvette?"

"I, go out with something," Yvette bowed his head.

"I'll be with you," Betty didn't want Yvette to have an accident. After all, this place is a country

of rice.

"Thank you, I will go out for a walk,"

"Okay, car, do you need a car? There are many in the garage..."

"No, thank you," Yvette went out.

Betty has no choice but to deal with other things.

Yvette came out and took a car to go to his "home". This place, her grandfather had made it clear

that she was a killer in China to improve herself.

I should have this strength to get my things back.

She remembered how her cousin treated herself when she was in Huagang, Yvette remembered


I have the inheritance certificate given by my grandfather and can get everything back!

She drove to "his own home", and she was sad in her heart. This place was where she was born.

There used to be her father, but her father was killed by Karen li.

If you don't have Karen li, then you may have lived here all the time, but if you don't have Karen

li, then you are not Chuck's wife...

Yvette stood at the door for a long time, so it should not be possible to enter directly, and he will

definitely be besieged by the so-called family. Although his strength has improved, too many

people will not work!

She thought about it and decided to find a way!

Get back your own things.

She suddenly saw a sports car coming out of it, actually hitting her cousin before.

Rong Guanghuan, this is already taking control of the family.

Her eyes were cold, staring at her cousin and driving away, she decided to follow!

Grab your cousin first, then things will be much easier to handle!

She stopped a car to track, but how could a taxi be an opponent of a sports car? It was quickly

thrown away, but fortunately, Yvette succeeded in seeing his cousin at the door of a restaurant.

She got out of the car and swayed her long legs and walked inside.

Yvette's temperament is noble. When entering this high-end place, she entered and exited

casually, glanced at her, and found her cousin walking to the restroom.

Yvette walked in, and suddenly a cold gun pointed at Yvette's head!

Yvette stopped.

"It turns out to be you, your life is so big!" Yvette's cousin said coldly.

Yvette was motionless, with no expression on his face.

"Are you brave enough to come to the United States?? Come here to find the dead?" The cold

smile, full of ridicule, "Come in! I let you in!"

At the muzzle, Yvette headed, and Yvette entered.

"Kneel! I let you kneel!"

"You took what belongs to me! Give it back to me!" Yvette said coldly.

"Give it back to you, what are your qualifications? You are a low-key, do you know? You still

want to compete with me for family property? I let you die now!" Cousin gun pointed at Yvette's

"You can't kill me, because I'm not the one I was before!" Suddenly, Yvette said coldly, and the

dagger that had been prepared in his hand was inserted accurately on the trigger instantly.

Cousin was surprised!


A punch hit the cousin's stomach.

Cousin screamed, curled up like a prawn, Yvette punched again, hitting the key with precision!

Cousin could not bear the wailing, he was incredible!

He is also a master of fighting, why was Yvette resisted? !

He feels like dreaming!

Yvette picked up the gun and pointed his cold muzzle at him.

"Don't, don't kill me, I'm your cousin!" Cousin begged for mercy immediately.

"Are you my cousin?" Yvette looked cold.

Last time I went to Huagang, I almost died, and my mother had to leave the United States to hide

in China. Yvette hated this so-called cousin!

"I'm your cousin, I'm your relative, don't shoot, don't kill me." Cousin begged.

"Waste! Get up!" Yvette was cold.

Cousin got up, Yvette pointed a gun at his head, "Go out, come home with me!"

"You, what do you want to do?" Cousin feared.

"I want to take back my belongings!! Anything must be taken back!" Yvette's eyes chilled.

Cousin led the way, he suddenly had a look on his face, sneer, you still want to recapture

everything? ?

You will know it when you go home!

"Okay, I will lead the way,"

The two came out of the car, Yvette shot at him, his cousin drove, and took Yvette back.

When arriving at his so-called home, Yvette didn't express his expression.

"get off!"

Yvette's gun pointed at him, and his cousin shivered.

"Take me to see them! I want to get everything back myself!" Yvette said coldly, and his cousin

sneered and led the way, suddenly! !

Brush brush!

Hundreds of guns appeared, and the target was directed at Yvette!

The guards of this family, how could they not take action when they saw the young master being

held so hostile?

"Yvette, Yvette, do you know that you have thrown yourself in the net? I advise you to put down

the gun, and I can spare you, otherwise I will make you a horse honeycomb immediately!!"

Cousin laughed coldly.

A woman is a woman and wants to get everything back? Actually came back with myself, don't

you know that the family has a guard? ?

My mother is a Baller with novel 334. Uneasy! Listen online with novels

Yvette was expressionless!

What about these people? I'm not afraid of myself, don't I still have this so-called young master?

"Hear no, so many guns, as long as I order, you will die terribly!" Cousin Yvette laughed!

The members of the family guard glared!

"Hey, let our young master! Or kill you!!!"

"Almost released!"
Yvette was unmoved, moving the gun in his hand and pulling the trigger!


Gunshots broke through the sky!

The bullet pierced her cousin's ear, blood flowed, her cousin was shocked, the pain made her


"Ah, dare you shoot me? You bitch, bitch!!!" Her cousin screamed in exasperation!

The members of the family guard froze.

What's happening here? This woman actually dared to shoot?

So many people, so many guns, this woman is so brave!

"You are looking for death, I will make you die ugly, ugly!!!" Her cousin was frightened, her

face was grim!

Yvette's eyes were cold and pulled the trigger again, the bullet shot into the thigh of her cousin!

After the bullets were fired, Yvette continued to focus his hot gun head on his cousin's head.


Her cousin was about to faint. Where did he want Yvette to dare to shoot?

Blood DC!

The family guards were dumbfounded!

"Crazy man, mad man who is not afraid of death, put down my gun!!"

"Take me in!" Yvette ordered, completely unmoved.

It is indeed a command to have this so-called hostage in your hands, so don't worry about


"You! You dare to shoot me again, I want you to die!" Her cousin was vicious, and he was

sweating coldly.
"Are you asking me to shoot the third shot, right?" Yvette was expressionless.

"you dare!!"

Pa, Yvette pulled the trigger with his finger!

The bullet shot without hesitation!

Hitting her cousin's thigh, blood flowed, her cousin screamed that she would pass out.


This is a scream of tears.

All members of the family guard looked at each other!

They wanted to find a chance to shoot, but Yvette was too fast and had no time to attack!

They dare not take risks, what if they hit the young master? ?

"Enough! You are Yan Li's daughter!" A voice came out.

Grandpa Yvette is dead, and grandma is also dead. This is the mother of her cousin!


Yvette's eyes were cold, and saw a woman in her forties who came out from the inside. The

charm was still there, and she was very well maintained.

"What are you doing here? Still hitting my son?" The woman's face was cold!

"I'll come over and get my things back!" Yvette said.

"Your stuff? What is yours here?" The woman was indifferent.

"Grandpa gave me everything in the house before he died, that's all I want to get back!"

"You? Nonsense!" The woman sneered and sneered. "What are you? What are you qualified


Yvette didn't have any rebuttal, but pulled the trigger, the bullet shot out, her cousin screamed

that she passed out.

There is no sound here!

Yvette shot amazingly! Four shots, but he is not dead yet!

With this move, some people have numbness in their scalp!

"That's it!" Yvette said!

This woman, seeing her son become like this, she was heartbroken, "You take my son again, I

will never end with you!!"

"I have grandpa's property distribution book and spit out all the things that belong to me!"

Yvette knew that he had no kinship anymore, and these people saw the money!

Actually dominate the things that belong to you!

"Take it out and see!" the woman scolded!

"I will show you that everyone here will leave!" Yvette must do so. There are too many family


In case someone seizes the opportunity to let go of the cold gun, then he will be here today.

"Mom, save me, save me..." Cousin Yvette was dying and begged.

He was already scared. This time Yvette easily defeated himself last time. This time, he became

so ruthless!

"Son, rest assured! Retreat, retreat to me!" The woman scolded!

"But now it's dangerous to retire young master, this woman is a lunatic!" The captain of the

family guard hesitated.

Aura! He felt the powerful aura in Yvette!

This crazy woman is not easy, the standard is cruel! !

"I tell you to retreat, my baby son is in her hands! Retreat!" The woman was annoyed, her eyes

fixed on the captain, and there were vicious eyes!

The captain nodded slightly.

"Retreat, retreat!"

All the family guards retreated, but Yvette said coldly, "First throw all the guns in my hand."

The family guards looked at each other!

"Throw!" the woman scolded!

Everyone threw the gun on the ground and then backed away.

Yvette's eyes glanced, alerting that he didn't relax a bit, "Give me all the family property!"

Yvette wants to change all to his own!

The woman is insidious, "Let me put my son first!"


Yvette did not politely pull the trigger!

Fifth shot! !

"Ah, mom, save me!" Yvette's cousin screamed and wailed. He already felt dying.

Yvette was so painful in the fight, he wanted to beg for mercy.

"Stop it!" The woman was heartbroken, but this was her own son! She vowed to smash Yvette's


"Do it according to my words!" Yvette said coldly, taking back everything that belongs to him,

Yvette will find someone to manage, or let his mother come to the United States, Yvette will

continue to be a killer anyway!

Until it is first, until it is almost the same strength as Karen li!

"Okay, okay... what are you waiting for, shoot me!!" The woman suddenly savagely!

A bullet was shot from a hidden place, poo, the hot bullet was shot into Yvette's body, and blood

came out...

The woman sneered, see if you die! !


"Cer, what's wrong with you?" Karen li suddenly saw Chuck absent-minded.

"Mom, I don't feel very good," Chuck was lumped just now, not knowing what happened.

"Aren't you sick because you are not satisfied with water and soil? Follow me and say I will take

you to the hospital," Karen li spoiled.

Although he hasn't arrived yet, Chuck, who is driving, is absent-minded, which is not a good


"No, maybe I think too much, mom, how do you go next?"

"Turn left." Karen li continued to show the way.

Chuck shook his head, how could he suddenly feel wrong? ?

He didn't think much about it. Anyway, he went out with his mother and could not lose his face.


"Huh! You didn't die?"

Sleeping black rose, a phone suddenly woke up, this is the phone of the boss behind the scenes!

The behind-the-scenes boss made people keep staring, and finally found that the black rose

actually came out, and he immediately relievedly called the behind-the-scenes boss.

"Not dead," Black Rose looked pale, and this time she was the first time she had walked through

the ghost gate.

"Why didn't you die? Why did Karen li let you go?" The boss was interested!
It didn't make sense at all. Black Rose shot at Karen li's house, but Karen li was fine, Chuck was

fine, and finally Black Rose was seriously injured. What happened in the middle? ?

"She let me go," Black Rose said nothing more.

Of course she can feel it. In the last punch, Karen li's strength is much less. This is definitely not

that Karen li has no strength, but that Karen li let her go.

Thinking of killing Karen li twice before, she suddenly felt a little ridiculous, and thought that

Karen li let herself go this time, she was a little complicated, and she was grateful...

Yes, she did not thank anyone for the return of Black Rose.

This time, she was grateful.

Behind the scene, the boss thought to himself, this is Karen li did not die?

Of course she didn't know that Karen li had taken photos of the soft-hearted black roses, so she

put the black roses only once.

"Karen li injured his hand?"


"What's interesting, now that someone is paying a big price to kill Karen li and her son, you can't

pick it up?"

"Don't answer, I won't answer about her from today!" Black Rose said without hesitation.

"Why?" The behind-the-scenes boss was particularly surprised, was this scared of being beaten

by Karen li? So dare not? This is not a black rose!

"Karen li is a special person. I found it now, so I won't pick it up!" said Black Rose.

My mother is a Baller, and the novel No. 535 is no longer good for people. Listen online.

"Special person? How special?"

Behind the scene, the boss is a bit stunned. Does Black Rose say so?

Black Rose refused to kill Karen li. She was already surprised enough, and she said good things

about Karen li? ?

"Don't you know?" Black Rose asked rhetorically.

"I don't know, I don't know. She is a stubborn person." Of course, the boss behind the scene

knew who Karen li was.

She is a special... yes, a special woman.

But did Black Rose know?

How did she know?

"I, contacted, and I knew," Black Rose said.

Karen li released her this time. Black Rose has completely changed Karen li. If it were her, she

could not do this.

Of course, she also respects her opponent.

This can be seen from Logan's last fight.

If she really had the opportunity to kill Karen li before, she should not let go, but it is not

absolute. After all, at the very least, it is not easy to find an opponent.

"Okay, don't say it, you can recover quickly, I will let you do things!" The boss behind the

scenes is too lazy to say anything, what?

Has Black Rose changed her mind about Karen li?

How did Karen li do it? Why haven't you changed her yet?

Of course, the boss behind the scene must have changed Karen li, but she didn't admit it.

As for the person of Black Rose, the boss behind the scene is particularly fancy. Black Rose has

half of Karen li's work before it.

It is really impossible to find a killer like Black Rose, and Karen li withdrew again.

That Ouyang Fei still needs to be trained. She is a good shooter as a killer, and may be more

powerful than Karen li in this respect, because Karen li has a bottom line, but Ouyang Fei has no

bottom line.

Without a bottom line, Ouyang Fei will rise.

"Wait!" Black Rose had coldness in his eyes!

Ouyang Fei, she must kill!

Because he is so self-conscious, Black Rose is definitely going to kill! !

"Is there anything else?" The boss recovered indifferently behind the scenes.

"Ouyang Fei! I want to see her!" Black Rose said coldly.

"No, I have promised to protect her, so I still need to train her, so I can't." The boss said behind

the scenes.

"Then you may regret it."

"I won't regret it, you will be angry with her like that, I won't, because I am different from you,

you still have a little sympathy, but me, I am not familiar, do you think I will have compassion?"

The behind-the-scenes boss is an elite. Of course she knows what Ouyang Fei must have done.

Although she doesn’t know exactly what she did, how can she not be prepared?

How can the unguarded person be today?

"Then... Good luck, but if she goes out, I grab her and I will kill!" Black Rose said, this is what

she must do next!

Ouyang Fei, she will kill!

"Then you are killed and you are killed when you go out. That's because she can't do it. Then I

continue to waste time on people who can't do it?" The boss behind the scene said indifferently.
What she wants is a master, not garbage.

The black rose happened to help her clean up the trash, why is she not happy? If Ouyang Fei is

so bad, he is killed when he goes out, and the boss behind the scene will certainly not waste

much time and money.


Black Rose hung up the phone. She continued to inject herself with painkillers. That was better.

She continued to sleep and had to recover quickly!

But she just closed her big blue eyes and the phone came again. She looked at it and frowned.

This was one of her former clients.

Let Black Rose kill a few people, not bad people.

The phone said that if Black Rose wanted to kill someone, the pay was still her pay. At this time,

Black Rose was injured, how to take orders?

Black Rose refused, she could not get out.

"Double the reward!"

"If you don't go, I can't go with something," Black Rose declined.

She was injured, although better, but there is no need to make this money!

After all, she is not short of money.

"Help me, didn't you say that last time, would you like to call you if you have anything?" said the


Black Rose was silent, she said what she said, "Okay, I will find you!"

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

The phone hung up, and Black Rose gave herself painkillers again, then packed up and drove

In this case, you can first figure out who this person wants to kill, then after she takes it, she still

has a few days to nurse.

The car was galloping on nobody's road. Suddenly, she heard gunshots.

She frowned, looked at a dark place for a few times, someone was in a shootout, and several

people besieged one.

She didn't want to do much business, it wasn't her character, not to mention she doesn't have the

ability to manage it now.

Also, she decided that Ouyang Fei treated her so much, she would never treat anyone better now.

Absolutely not! !

But when she left, in the darkness, she suddenly saw a woman's face, she was stunned, how

could it be her?

No reason!

That's right, she saw Yvette.

Yvette was shot from her cousin's house, she did not notice.

Almost died inside, and then escaped, but how could her cousin let her go? Immediately let the

family guards chase down!

She has already killed ten people, but because Yvette was shot, she has no strength and is

blocked here.

Now she is particularly dangerous!

But she didn't want to call Chuck, she said she would wait at home, and went out again.

Carry it so willingly.

Black Rose was stunned. Of course she knew that Yvette was Chuck’s girlfriend, but she ignored

me. How could Chuck let his girlfriend be in this situation? ?

The black rose with big blue eyes stared at this scene, which was so unexpected.


The gunshots continued, and Black Rose was about to leave. She had decided not to be nice to

others, and definitely would not!

Once bitten, twice shy! !

She stepped on the accelerator and continued to leave!



A bullet came and Yvette was pale. She was hiding behind a tree at this time. She wanted to

leave here with her own ability.

"Not coming out yet? Still want to run? Call me!"

The cold commanded voice sounded in a place, crackling, about ten people shot at the same

time, and the bullet shot at the tree behind Yvette.

Yvette's face didn't change color, she bit her lip without any panic, she found a chance to shoot!



A man was hit, this man fell in blood, and his head was shot in one shot!

"I c! The youngest! Call me, shoot me into a horse honeycomb! Call me!!!"

An angry voice sounded!

With all guns shooting, the isolated Yvette had no chance anymore. She tried to escape and could

not die here!

I still have a lot of things to do, I haven’t killed Karen li, I haven’t married Chuck, I haven’t been

born yet...
Too many things.

Yvette worked hard to find a chance. Suddenly, a grenade came and Yvette gritted his teeth and

jumped out, bang! The huge shock wave pushed Yvette away!

Yvette fell to the ground, she spit out blood, the gunshot wound made her uncomfortable, and

was blown up. She gritted her teeth and went up to continue to find a place to cover!

"She was blown up and grabbed her, I will torture her! How many brothers have we killed? Give


People rushed over, Yvette's eyes were cold, she hesitated, should she call Chuck?

But how to say!

When Yvette was in danger, suddenly, one of the people in the group screamed, and one fell to

the ground, with a hole in his eyebrows and blood flowing out.

"Who? Who!"

These people are shocked, is there a helper? The lead captain was furious, "Who, she yarded me

out! Who put the dark gun!!!"

This is bold! Actually put the dark gun, do not know who he is?


A bullet came out, hitting the man looking away from the Middle East, this man fell down!

"Ah, find a place to cover, cover!" The captain was shocked. This is the eyebrows of grabbing

guns, what is this master? ?

Everyone went into hiding, but the bullets rang again, someone was shot, one, two. ...

The three fell to the ground almost simultaneously.

The captain was startled, "Old eight, old, who! Give me out!"

They shot indiscriminately, but did not hit, the scene was chaotic!
No one knows where the dark gun came from. Yvette was stunned. Who is helping himself? ?

My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 536 makes an exception

When Yvette stretched out his head carefully, the people who had just chased his own family

guards all hid.

Only one shot sounded occasionally, but as long as it sounded, it would be accompanied by a


This shot is so good, this is a shot!

Yvette was too surprised, who is this?

She was too injured and her eyes were tired. She bit her lip and let herself wake up a little bit.

She must not be dizzy!

This place is still too dangerous. Her strong willpower allows her to persevere, even if she is

seriously injured, it will not overwhelm her!

She forced herself to never die here!

She wants to see this person who helps herself! !

"Who the hell? I am the captain of the Jiang Family Guard, I..." the captain scolded in


In just a few minutes, six of his team members were actually dead. The key is that he still doesn’t

know where the dark gun is!

What does this mean, this person is too powerful!

Completely a sniper master!

Assassination master!

Yvette actually brought a helper, is this a few of them? ?

"Stop, I'm... I c! Hiding!" The captain was furious to find a place to hide.

The dark gun came over, and a brother screamed in the pool of blood, twitching, and the

expression of fear before his death was frozen...

This will continue, plus you will be wiped out by the whole army! !

The captain gritted his teeth, she ah, a few people were dead, she didn't even know who put the

gun, this is not too big.

"Retreat, give me back!"

He found the right opportunity and ran away with a shit. Of course, the rest of the others ran,

they were almost scared to death, and saw their brothers and companions die.

In an instant, the man ran out.

The gunfire stopped and there was no chase after the victory!

The quietness of the night has been restored here, and the silence has reached a terrible point! !

Behind a tree, a pair of big blue eyes appeared, and a tall figure stood up from the lurking and

swayed his long legs towards the car.

Yes, shot, or black rose!

She had already vowed that she would not treat anyone anymore. When she was about to leave,

she suddenly thought of something.

what is it then?

Karen li.

Yvette was Chuck’s girlfriend, and Chuck was Karen li’s son. She hesitated and decided to save

the matter.

It was supposed to return Karen li a little favor.

It was just a few shots, a few minutes was enough, and she forced herself out of the car.
"It's you? Did you just shoot?" A stunned voice sounded behind the black rose.

The black rose stopped.

Yvette was very stunned. What saved him was a black rose? ?

She endured the painful body and walked to the black rose, which was really her.

How could she?

Yvette was stunned for a few seconds. The black rose was expressionless and she still had things

to deal with.

"You, why should you save me?" Yvette was a little complicated.

Originally, the two men were the kind of people who never died. They used to fight with guns,

but Yvette had too little experience and lost.

But last time, Karen li hit her three punches. When Black Rose left, Yvette also saw it in the


this is? ?

Black Rose looked at her, "I still have something."

Yvette held back for a long time and said a word of thanks. The other fell silent before falling on

the ground. He was shot, coupled with excessive blood loss, and was just blown up by a bomb

just now, Yvette could not bear it anymore.

The black rose frowned, and walked towards the car indifferently.

But after a few steps, her frown was deep. She looked back at Yvette, walked over, picked up the

unconscious Yvette, and put it into the car.

At this time, the phone came.

"Hey, black rose, should you be here?" This is the urging sound in the phone.

"Not going today."

"But you just said..."

"I said, I won't go today, tomorrow!!" Black Rose said coldly.

"Okay, okay, you can come whenever you want, waiting for you..." People here are a little

scared, hang up the phone in a hurry, and dare not urge them anymore.

Black Rose drove Yvette back.

Yvette was injected with a painkiller, and then Yvette took a bullet and bandaged it.

Yvette continued to be in a coma, and all fell asleep, lying motionless.

Black Rose stared at Yvette for a few seconds, "I don't know how you take care of women,"

She went out and found Chuck's number. She stared at the number for a few seconds. This

number was the person who sent her photo last time! !

This person read his picture, although it has been deleted, but!

The black rose was in pain, he had never seen it before, and he actually saw it...

After the black rose finally got tangled, it still passed.

She has her own business, and she doesn't have much time to take care of her. She must let

Chuck pick Yvette away. She doesn't like taking care of people. She has made an exception


After all, the current rules of Black Rose are not good for anyone.

An exception today, and never again!


Chuck is already at the place with his mother.

"Cer, inside," Karen li said.

Chuck has got off the bus, and the mother said on the road, this gathering is the Chamber of

Commerce, mainly because Karen li wants Chuck to get to know some merchants in the United

States and how they do business.

After all, the sole heir to Karen li’s huge business empire is Chuck.

She had to train Chuck.

First of all, Chuck was not in contact with top businessmen or ordinary businessmen. Karen li

rarely participated in this kind of party, but for Chuck’s future, she still had to attend that one


"Mother, I have to follow you today." Chuck whispered.

"Why?" Karen li was stunned. Shouldn't Chuck play by himself?

"I can't speak English." Chuck was not confident.

Studying is too bad, too lazy to learn, in China, Yvette, Chuck did not learn.

"Ah, you must be lazy in reading! This is wrong. Hurry up and learn? Do you have to sit down

and learn the language of at least ten countries!" Karen li said seriously.

When Karen li was studying, everything was the first, every time, no matter what, it was the first.

Chuck did not inherit this gene.

Lazy, don't want to learn.

"Ah? Ten countries?" Chuck was stunned, this is to learn to die?

"Yes, must you understand? I tell you, I bought a few small countries. Are you the king of that

country? You don't understand your own language? How can you do it?" Karen li simply said It

must be learned.

Chuck was stunned, "Mom, am I a prince."

"You are not a prince, there is no prince now," Karen li said with a smile.
"Oh, can I find an interpreter to follow along?" Chuck discussed.

"No! Obedient, there is no harm in learning a little more. You have to live old and learn old,"

"Mom, I'm not as smart as you," Chuck was frustrated.

"Stupid boy, what is clever. Hard work is the most important thing, you know?" Karen li said

with a smile.

Karen li can do it by himself now, but he can't reach this level if he is smart. How many years

has it been?

"Well, I know," Chuck nodded. This study had to be obedient.

"Go, follow me today, I will translate for you," Karen li took Chuck in. How good is her


Inside is the lobby of a hotel, many people are in suits and ties. This is indeed a big party, but

Karen li's cell phone rang, she took it out to see, she said, "Cer , I answered the phone, there is

food there, you are hungry to eat something, you drive today, don’t drink,"

"I know," Chuck walked past.

Karen li came to a point and answered the phone. That's right, Zhang Qing's father Zhang


"Aren't you going to see Ce'er? He just said that he wants to see you," Karen li said Chuck's idea.

"I've encountered something. You can give me some money over there."

"Well, don't you have a card in my hand? There are three thousand in it..."

"not enough."

"Well, I'll transfer it to you immediately,"

"That's hanging.",

"What are you doing? Where?" Karen li sighed, but Chuck came, this is his son.
"You never asked, why did you ask today?" The voice was strange.

"Well, don't ask, I'll transfer it to you immediately, bye," Karen li hung up the phone, she sighed,

"Qingyang, don't you have any questions?"

My mother is a local tycoon. The novel 537th chapter was played online.

Karen li never doubted his loved ones, this time too.

Don't be fooled, and believe the man he likes, he must have come over for something.

Money is a trivial matter, not even a matter, how much is needed.

Karen li stopped thinking, she called Betty.

"Put one hundred billion dollars on Qingyang account!" Karen li said.

In the United States, Karen li has his own private bank, which only needs to be called.

"Yes, President Li," of course, Betty did it immediately.

"Mr. Li, is there anything else?" Betty was stunned. She waited for Karen li to hang up the

phone, but Karen li hadn't hung up yet. She could hear Karen li's breath.

"No, it's okay, you're fine with money," Karen li hung up.

Betty was puzzled to look at her cell phone. She had deeper suspicions in her mind. Recently,

Zhang Qingyang spent money like running water. He didn't take Karen li's money as money at

all. Although Karen li didn't mind at all, but with the speed of money, Chuck couldn't beat it. ...

Betty knows her identity, and she doesn't know how to say it. Although it's okay to say, Karen li

won't blame her, but Betty hesitated, so don't say anything.

She went to fetch money, and it was Karen li's own matter.

Chuck was a little hungry, so he was really eating, and didn’t drink, so he drank a little.

"Island people?" Someone came to ask.

This is the language of the island country. Chuck has seen the movie, of course I know.

The islanders still have a higher status in the rice country than the Huaxia people.

Chuck has never been abroad before and knows this, so it is quite normal for you to ask Chuck to

be an islander.

"No." Chuck spoke an English.

He will only say a few words, and the rest will not work.

"It turns out to be Huaxia people, Huaxia people can't." This is a boss said.

Chuck shrugged and didn't understand. He only smiled politely. He said he came to know


Don't embarrass my mom!

"I didn't understand English. How did you come in?" the boss said sarcastically.

He saw that Chuck was dressed well, so he thought of coming to meet him. He didn't expect to

speak English, and he was disappointed.

Chuck didn't understand, just laughed.

But in the eyes of this person, this is a smirk.

"Are you a fool from China?" The boss of the United States teased Chuck with a smile on his


This questioning tone fell in Chuck's eyes. Chuck thought he was asking whether he was a

Huaxia, and he nodded.

"Haha, are you a fool?" The boss of the United States laughed.

"Well," Chuck shrugged.

"Come on, take a video," the boss of the United States took out his mobile phone, which had to

be posted on the Internet. It was difficult for him to encounter a non-English-speaking pen. ?
Chucksi thought about it and agreed.

"I ask you, are you a fool?" The boss of the United States took a video.

"Well," Chuck nodded.

The boss of Mi Guo smiled a little, and he was very happy, so shameless, what do you do if you

don’t understand English? ?

"You, follow along." The boss of Mi Guo communicated in lame Chinese language.

Chuck happened to learn English, so he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'm a fool from China."

"I am a fool from China."

Chuck also learned it again, and it feels pretty good. He also speaks his own standards. Given

time and English, he can speak the same standard as Yvette.

"Very good." The boss of Mi Guo laughed and said to his friend.

Chuck said thank you, this is English, he understands.

Haha, I said you were a fool, do you still thank me?

The owner of the United States laughed, "Idiot."

He walked over.

I showed this video to my friends, and after watching a few friends, I laughed.

"Where is this fool?"

"Hua Xia is here. Look at him, you can't speak English."

Several friends were laughing at Chuck. They secretly looked at Chuck and found that Chuck

was still eating. What did he do here? Eat something?

"We continue to tease him and teach him more "English", I will also make a video."

"Go, tease him in the past, this kind of shame is hard to meet!"
A few friends followed.

"To you, introduce friends," the owner of the United States told Chuck.

Look at Chuck, they are all bosses in suits. A beautiful woman is quite pretty. Chuck gave him a

few glances and knew a few people.

"it is good."

"Come on, this is your grandfather." Mi Guo boss pointed to someone.

Chuck nodded, believing.

"Come on, call Grandpa to the video," this man took out his phone, and the sarcasm in his heart

wasn't good. What a shame! !

"Grandpa," Chuck felt a little strange, how could he be familiar? But still called.

"Hey, I got it. It's really bad." The man smiled happily and used Chuck to communicate with his

friends in English.

"Then I come,"

This is a blond woman who looks at Chuck, her eyes are weird. She turns her eyes and thinks

that Chuck is not bad and a little muscular, but the Chinese men are far worse than the American


She looks down.

"I am your queen, you are my slave! Come and learn from me, I am the queen's slave," the

blonde beauty took out her phone.

There will be a lot of electronic click-through rates on this website? ?

"I am the queen's slave, what does this mean?" Chuck was curious.

The light will say, it doesn't work if you don't know the meaning

"You mean pretty," the boss of Miguo explained lamely in Chinese.

The blondes are laughing, let alone a few others.

Chuck understood it, read it silently several times, and learned another sentence in English. After

returning to this English, he told Yvette that she would be happy.

"It's my turn, your mother is my woman," this is a bald man, and he took out his phone.

To Chuckpai.

"What does this mean?" Chuck asked, feeling weird.

"I will work hard, you can learn well," Miguo's boss couldn't hold back anymore.

Chuck felt that this sentence could be learned and said it.

The bald man smirked, "I have such a big son, this is a low energy!"

"Haha! I can't stand it anymore. Everyone has done it right?" Miguel's boss laughed.

"It's done. I'm going to post on the Internet and say that I met a Chinese pen today, learning

something like a dog." The blonde girl smiled proudly.

She came to this party with no gains, just having no fun, did not expect to encounter such a fun.

"What are you laughing at?" Chuck felt even more weird.

"We say you are smart and you learn fast," Mi Guo boss smiled slightly.

Oh, that's kind of friendly.

Chuck deliberately said the last sentence several times, and later he would speak to his mother.

"Thank you," said the owner of Mi Guo. Several other people looked at Chuck, waiting for

Chuck to say thank you.

"Thank you," Chuck said.

"You don't have to be polite, learn slowly," Miguel's boss took friends to other places, and they

were about to laugh to death.

"Haha, is this fun fun?"

"Yes, it's super, don't say it, I'm going to post the video." The blondie was proud to post the


"I also sent."

"I also want,"

Several people are playing videos on their mobile phones, and they laugh at Chuck while sending

them back!

Chuck said a few words and felt good, and learned a few English.

He continued to eat something. At this time, the mother came over. Chuck saw that the mother

was not a snack. Chuck asked, "Mother, what's wrong with you?"

Why did you answer a phone call and write like this?

"It's okay, your dad will come again in a few days." Karen li said spoiled.

"It's okay, Dad will keep him busy when he has something to do," Chuck certainly knew that

men are career-oriented. They haven't seen each other for so many years, and they are not in a

hurry these days.

"Well, are you full? I'll interpret it for you, and I will take you to meet people." Karen li said.

"Mom, I just learned a few words of English. I think I have talent." Chuck wanted to talk about


"Really? Then what did you learn, tell me." Karen li smiled slightly.

Many Chinese people do not like to learn English, but Chuck is wise, and learning English has

many advantages! Seeing Chuck's excitement, she was also happy.

Chuck said the first sentence the boss of the United States taught him, "I am a fool from China."

After listening to Karen li, the smile on his face froze, stunned, and subconsciously blurted out,

"Cer, what are you talking about?"

Chuck repeated, "Mom, am I wrong?"

"Wrong, you are not, you are my son, tell me, who taught you just now?" Karen li said, touching

Chuck's head, there was cold in his eyes!

My mother is a Baller with the novel 538th chapter delete everything! Listen online with


Those few people, they taught me. "Chuck's finger passed.

What are these people still laughing at?

Karen li saw it.

"Well," Karen li nodded, "Come here, I'll take you to find them,"

Chuck followed Karen li.

"Mother, what does this mean?" Chuck felt something was wrong and his eyes changed. What

does it mean? ?

"Mom," Chuck looked at the mum and said nothing. Is this?

"Don't learn other people's English in the future, I, Betty, Yvette will teach you, just that you are

a stupid child." Karen li could not continue.

Chuck was annoyed at once, he really felt something was wrong, actually?

Let yourself say you are a fool?

These bastards!

"Mom, and I have learned a few words," Chuck wanted to know other meanings.

"Then talk about it,"

Chuck said it all. When Karen li heard "Your mother is my woman", she had cold eyes.

"Mother, what do you mean?" Chuck's eyes were not right when she saw her!
Is it all cursing? ?

Karen li whispered, Chuck Lima was angry, "Is she..."

"It's okay, just pay attention in the future, learn things, I, Betty, have time at any time, you

know?" Karen li said, this is true, no matter how late, no matter how busy, Karen li is now

mainly the family, that is, Chuck, and Zhang Qingyang.

"Well, mom, I won't mess up anymore,"

Chuck regrets now. Why didn't he learn English at all when he was studying? If he did, wouldn't

it just happen?

Chuck decided to learn quickly, but also other languages.

Such a thing can never happen again, Chuck can't stand it! !

"Ceer, which one taught you first?" Karen li led Chuck to these people.

These people are sending videos, seeing Chuck was brought over by a woman, what is this for? ?

Come to Xingshi to ask for sin?

Haha, shameless, bring a woman over, how useless it is!

"He." Chuck pointed at the first boss of the United States who had just come over.

"Well," Karen li nodded.

"Why did you teach my children those words?" Karen li looked at him.

"Fun, do you understand?" Miguo boss laughed.

Several of his friends, especially the blonde girl, laughed particularly sarcastically.

Now that the video has been posted online, the click rate is so high!

"How about you?" Karen li looked at others.

"A pen is not funny?"

"Are you a fucking mother? I didn't expect to be so beautiful. I said you were my woman. He

said it all. Hey, beautiful, about..." The bald man smirked.

He can take advantage of this kind of temperament verbally, he is also happy in his heart!

"Betty, lock the mobile phones of these people, delete the video they just sent, and clean them

up!" Karen li took out his phone, took a picture of them, and sent it to Betty.

"Okay, immediately," Betty replied.

This video client, the behind-the-scenes boss, but Karen li, who posted the video on her Internet,

could delete it at any time.

Betty saw these videos, and she was also annoyed and immediately deleted them.

"Delete, who do you think you are?? Dare to delete my video, I'll die you, do you know?" Boss

Mi laughed.

"Yes, pretend! My video went online, how do you delete it? Neuropathy!" the blond laughed.

How can this be deleted?

"If you a few, teach my son normally, and a few of your companies, I will promote it, but if you

play my son like that, then it won't work, you all have to pay today!" Karen li said indifferently.

She hasn't got angry for a long time, but today her baby son has been so ridiculed, she can't bear

it. In the country, she doesn't need to be patient! !

"Also promote, what do you count?" Boss Mi Guo sneered. He is also the boss of the company

and came here to find some business cooperation.

Those who can come here are of similar wealth. He thinks that he should be top among this

group of people. Who is qualified to promote himself? ?

"Yeah, my mobile phone video is gone? Deleted?" The blonde girl was suddenly surprised. They

were all there just now. The click-through rate is very high.
Network reason?

She clicked again and her number was blocked.

"Did you read it wrong? How could it be gone?? Isn't it good to see me?" The boss of the United

States smiled. He opened the phone elegantly, and the click rate was very high just now!

But open it, he can't open the software at all, the number is locked?

"what happened?"

"Yeah, mine has also been deleted,"

Several people were surprised. They were all there just now. What's wrong?

Several people looked at each other!

"You taught my son first." Karen li walked to the boss of the United States.

Karen li is very tall, one meter seven, coupled with high heels, the aura is not generally strong,

which makes this person a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, what about what I taught? What about you being able to delete the video? It's just knowing

who is in this software. Do you think you're amazing?" The boss of the US sneered.

Who is it now that you are an individual and you can come out and pretend? ?

I don’t see if I have this ability!

"Yes, do you think you are great? Just know a few people, really think this site is yours? Do you

have delusions?" The blonde beauty disdain.

Several other companions were sneering.

"Do you think I just deleted your video?" Karen li said.

"Otherwise? What else can you do? What else can you delete?" Miguel boss sneered.
"I see, her son's pen is not unreasonable, the mother is all written like a pen, and he is counting

on his son to be smart? Do you have a saying in Huaxia, do you have a father and a son? I see

Ah, if you have a mother, you must have a son! Haha!"

Several companions laughed, this is mocking!

They have never seen Karen li before. How could they believe it? They all feel funny!


Suddenly, the boss of the United States had a text message on his mobile phone.

"what happened??"

"Yeah, why are you stunned?"

Several companions looked at each other.

"What did you do?" The boss of Mi Guo was suddenly angry because everything was deleted,

including the company's representative, and he became an empty person? ?

"Delete trash," Karen li said.

"Oh, what's going on? Mine, everything, everything is gone?"

The blonde's face is all white, you have read it right, how is this possible? All the property,

money, company, and even the car are not theirs. How is this done?

Delete everything?

She panicked.

Have you become a poor man?

"mine too."

"Ah, me too, how is it possible?"

Several people were shocked. What did they encounter?

how did you do that?

"What the hell did you do?" The boss of the United States was frightened. This is not an illusion.

He was a rich man a second ago, and now this second is poor. Going to the streets?

"I said, delete the trash!" Karen li repeated what she just said.

This kind of thing is too simple for her. Karen li has too many unexpected things in the country.

In a word, she can delete everything for many people.

"You, you, did you really do this? I just took a video of your son. You, what did you do?" The

boss of the United States collapsed on the ground, dazed.

Could it be that this woman said that promotion can really promote her company? ?

Invisible to yourself, not only missed an opportunity for improvement, but also turned this

opportunity into your own disaster?

"Woo, I just taught your son to say a word, I didn't do anything else, don't do this to me, give me

my things back, give me back." The blonde was crying, she was all at once Collapsed, have your

own money, all your own things gone?

"Yeah, I'm just..."

"That's right? You are not qualified to teach my son, not even the qualification to know my son.

Do you think it is over now? Did you just start to know?" Karen li was really angry!

Chuck was still full of joy just now, and now it looks like this, Karen li can't watch it! !

My mother is a Baller with a novel of audio 539

"In the beginning?" The blonde beauty cried in shock.

The boss of Mi Guo was shocked. Several others were already ignorant. What did they do?

Less than a minute later, my own video was deleted, everything was deleted, and now it just

started? ?
So what's next?

Delete yourself?

"No, what do you want to do?" The blonde beauty was horrified.

"I said, you just taught my son just now, I will not treat you badly, but what you do, this is hard

to say, do you think my son is stupid, right?" Karen li looked at them.

"No, no, your son is so smart!!"

"Yes, your son is smart, we are stupid, we are fools."

"Yes, it is our shabi pen, we are shabi, we are rubbish! I'm sorry!" The boss of the United States

begged, what did he do?

I am the one who is so shameful. People have such great ability. I just did not seize this

opportunity of high climbing just now. !

"I don't know now? It's late," Karen li shook her head. "Cer, will this party continue today?"

"Mom, I don't know anyone yet." Chuck said.

Isn't that the purpose of coming with myself and my mother?

Can't you waste your other time because of these garbage?

"En." Karen li smiled slightly, she thought Chuck was not thinking, she originally let Chuck

come to know people, after all, doing business in the United States, everything still has to start

from the bottom!

"No, I beg you to return my things to me, will you give me back? I just taught him a sentence."

The blonde beauty cried and begged.

"Just one sentence? Are you the queen of my son? What are you? You tell me." Karen li looked

at her coldly.
"I, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that, I am your son's slave, I am, please beg me to return

my things!" The blonde cried.

At this time, the arrogance and arrogance were gone, and it was very pitiful.

"Slave, are you qualified to do it?" Karen li asked back.

If you want a woman, Chuck can do whatever you want. Ten different samples a day are fine,

but Karen li wants to give Chuck the right idea, so Chuck is not allowed to do that.

Otherwise, how many slaves can Chuck find? ?

Of course, if Karen li feels that she is dead, then look at Chuck himself.

"I," the blonde beauty cried miserably. Where is she qualified?

People are so powerful, what beautiful slaves are they looking for? ?

"Cer, let's go there," Karen li said.

Chuck shrugged and followed his mother to meet people.

Karen li took out his mobile phone, "Betty, let the hotel owner take these people out. Since they

said that my son is a fool, then I let them be real fools!"

"Yes, I'll call!" Betty said. This is too simple. Although the hotel is not Karen li, the hotel owner

will listen to Karen li.

Because people like Karen li, as long as they know Karen li's strength, they will stutter.

Several of the bosses of Mi Guo have been ignorant.

"We went to her, she deleted everything from us, and we will die with her?!"

"Okay! Do it all together! The few of us aren't so annoying!"

A few people have shown their fierce light, joking, a few of them are not vegetarian!

The boss of Mi Guo took a wine bottle and ran towards Karen li. He asked for a wine bottle to

burst Karen li's head and make you disfigured.

The boss of the United States revealed a terrible!

But how could he sneak into Karen li? Karen li turned his head, just raised his hand and punched.

The people on the scene were ordinary people, and they didn't see what was going on. The owner

of the United States had screamed and flew out!


Splattered on the ground and vomited blood, passed out.

Several other blonde women were stunned. What happened just now? ?

The audience was stunned and looked at each other, what's wrong? Fell down, or what?

It became silent here!

Soon a lot of security guards came over to take out the violent blonde beauty and a few of them.

The owner of the United States had been carried out.

The scene was calm again! No one saw who shot, then it was an accident!

The chattering voice sounded again.

The blond woman was taken to a dark room, and a heavy slap hit the blond woman's face. She

was afraid, "You, what are you doing?"

"Yes, what are you doing? Who are you?" Several other people were also afraid.

They were all ignorant just now. Only then did they recover.

"It doesn't matter who we are, the key is that you did what you shouldn't do, and you don't have

to do anything in your next life, because you want to be a fool!" someone said indifferently.

The blonde screamed, "No, I know it's wrong, I know, ah!!"

Someone punched her in the face, the blonde beauty screamed and fell to the ground, someone

immediately punched and kicked her, fear spread in her heart, don't, don't,...
Several other people were treated the same, punching and kicking in the dark room. At this time,

they only knew what they had done.

I really did something I shouldn't do!


Chuckgang was taken by Karen li to know a few people, but he didn't expect the phone to ring,

or he looked at a familiar number.

Is this a black rose?

Chuck is weird and didn't plan to answer. After all, what did Black Rose call himself? It should

be wrong!

It's no intersection, it's all leveled, it's a problem to see each other in the future.

However, Chuck still answered, "Hey, what are you doing calling me..."

Chuck didn't finish the speech, the black rose's voice interrupted, "Yvette is on my side, come

here! Mi Guo Manor!"

The phone hung up, Chuck froze, Yvette was on her side? why?

"What's wrong with Ce'er?" Karen li looked at Chuck's role incorrectly.

"Mom, Black Rose seems to have caught Yvette." Chuck was anxious.

This call gave Chuck the feeling that his mother let you go once last time, and Black Rose even

had to retaliate?

She was so inexplicable, this was touching Chuck's bottom line again! !

I won't let you go this time, I must kill you to get rid of future troubles!

"Seize Yvette?" Karen li was surprised, wouldn't Black Rose's character do that?

Is there any misunderstanding? ?

"Mom, she asked me to go to the Mi Guo Manor!" Chuck could not wait any longer. The black

rose caught Yvette and would definitely torture Yvette!

"Well, let's go now, don't worry," Karen li led Chuck out.

Of course, Chuck can't wait, let his mother drive.

Mom drives more cattle? Chuck didn't want to waste a little time, Karen li drove, and the roar of

the engine made the car roar towards the place where Black Rose said.

Half an hour's gallop arrived at the Rice Country Manor.

Chuck could not wait to get off, Karen li stopped, "Cer, don't worry, I will deal with it!!"

If Black Rose did this, then Black Rose was particularly dangerous at this time. How could

Karen li put Chuck in danger in front of himself?

Chuck saw the black rose standing at the door, he rushed past, "What's wrong with Yvette? Say!"

Black Rose was indifferent. She saw Karen li getting off the bus. She bowed her head and said


Chuck was annoyed and punched Black Rose with a punch. The punch was amazing! !

This anger of Chuck, Yvette is the counter-scale of Chuck, whoever touches, Chuck will die.

Black Rose didn't resist at all, because Karen li was in this place, she didn't dare to resist, but...

couldn't resist.

Because Karen li is kind to Black Rose, she can't resist.

The black rose backed up and hit the wall, and there was blood flowing out of her mouth without

saying a word.

"You talk, don't you let me come? I'm here, what do you do to me, let Yvette! You ruthless

woman!" Chuck's eyes were red.

Black Rose must have threatened himself with Yvette!

Chuck punched another black rose on the black rose. The black rose still didn't resist. The blood

in the corner of her mouth bleeds more. She was seriously injured. Now she has been punched

twice by Chuck and she can't bear it anymore.

The black rose bit her lip without saying a word.

"You are looking for death!" Chuck was irritated, and he waved his fist at the black rose's head!

My mother is a Baller with novels, Chapter 540

Ceer, stop! "Karen li ran over.

"Stop for a while, she didn't fight back," Karen li said. If Chuck punched out with such a punch,

the consequences would be serious!

After all, Chuck's recent fighting strength has improved a lot, and the power of one punch cannot

be underestimated!

Chuck stopped, of course, he must listen to his mother!

Yes, Black Rose was actually punched twice by herself, and was also bleeding. She didn’t fight


What strategy did Chuck think?

"Say, what's going on?" Chuck was annoyed and grabbed the collar of the black rose. As long as

she was a little wrong, Chuck would immediately kill her!

"Black Rose, what's going on?" Karen li said.

She knows the character of Black Rose, Karen li is very accurate in seeing people, otherwise

Karen li will not let her go last time, even if she knows that she will do what she says, and she

will not deal with Chuck again.

"I, seeing her under siege on the road, I brought her back," said Black Rose.
"Will you save Yvette?" Chuck immediately suspected, is this possible? ?

Regarding Chuck's doubts, Black Rose didn't open his mouth to justify.

Karen li nodded, it seemed that he had not misunderstood.

"Cer, let her go," Karen li shook her head.

Surprised Chucksong let go, "You really did that?"

"I just gave it back to you." Black Rose said.

The last time she went to China for the first time, she abused Chuck. At that time, Chuck's

strength was so bad that she was beaten badly, and she didn't have the strength to fight back!

At that time, if it wasn't for her mother arrived in time, Chuck estimated that she died last time.

"Cer, Yvette is inside, you go to find her." Karen li said.

Of course, Chuck was anxious, and immediately ran in to find Yvette. According to what Black

Rose said just now, Yvette was under siege. Who was besieging this?

what is the problem?

"How is it?" Karen li was also a little embarrassed.

This is the black rose that helped Yvette, but Chuck actually beat her just now, and she didn't

fight back, nor complained, and she just took it like this.

"It's okay, last time...Thank you for letting me go," Black Rose said after being silent.

After she was a killer in her life, she never said thank you again, but she did what Karen li did.

"You don't have to be so polite." Karen li shook her head. She felt right.

If the Black Rose is killed, will Yvette die if no one saves? ?

"I... have something to go out," Black Rose said.

"Wait, I asked my son to apologize to you," Karen li said. Chuck did something wrong, so you

should apologize.
After all, Karen li could see it. She was about to pass out. Chuck's two punches were too heavy,

which caused her injuries.

"No need," the black rose lacked confidence.

Let Karen li's son apologize to herself. She faced Karen li at this time. She was very cautious, as

if she saw the illusion of elders.

It was not there before, but now it is.

"I want to wait, he will come out immediately." Karen li said.

Black Rose bowed his head and said nothing.

Chuck ran into a room and saw Yvette lying in a coma. Chuck felt pain. What happened?

I only went out for a few hours! Why would Yvette become like this?

He still had a gunshot wound on his body and his face was as pale as paper.

"Wife, what's wrong with you?" Chuck kissed Yvette's forehead.

In a coma, Yvette's eyelids were beating. She opened her tired eyes and saw Chuck, "Her

husband, am I dreaming?"

Yvette remembered that he was in a coma, and remembered that he was actually saved by Black

Rose. This strange room, where is this? ?

"No, what's wrong with you?" Chuck felt relieved, and Yvette woke up.

"I'm fine, I..."

"Tell me, did the black rose save you?" Chuck didn't believe it even when he saw it.

After all, how can a person like Black Rose save Yvette? Don't want anything else?

Anyway, Chuck does not believe in Black Rose. This woman's nature of revenge is always

difficult to change!

"Well, she saved it." Yvette will definitely tell the truth. She wants to thank Black Rose.
Really are?

Why save? Is it because her mother let go of Ouyang Fei's photo because she sympathized with

Black Rose, and Black Rose thanked her for doing something she would never have done

before? ?

So just hit her two punches just now? Chuck was a little embarrassed. Unexpectedly, Black Rose

was released once by his mother, but his personality changed?

Chuck is a bit incredible! !

"Wife, tell me, what the hell did you do? Who cares so much about you?" Chuck said solemnly.

This time Yvette suffered such a serious injury, how can Chuck stand it?


"I... I went to my house,"

"Your family? What are you in the country? You, have you gone to your cousin?" Chuck was


Last time in Huagang, Yvette almost went to the United States to find her cousin. Of course

Chuck knew this!

Unexpectedly, Yvette went to find it alone this time.

"Well, I caught him, and then took him to the house to get my things back, but I didn't notice. I

was shot by a dark gun. I had to escape, and finally I met Black Rose..." Yvette Said.

She has learned the lesson this time, and will never happen again in the future.

"You go, why don't you tell me?" Chuck sighed, that kind of family, the mother can help Yvette

take back her things.

"I'm sorry," Yvette bowed his head, he still didn't want Karen li to help, but the last time the

murder order was also helped by Karen li, Yvette was already entangled.
"It's okay, I'll take you home, recuperate, and then I'll accompany you to get back your

belongings." Chuck's eyes were cold, so shameless, dominating the things belonging to Yvette? ?

Chuck absolutely will not tolerate it!

"I, I want myself." Yvette shook his head immediately.

"I don't tell my mom, I can't go with you? You are my wife, your things are coming back, and I

want you to support me..." Chuck said softly.

The situation in Yvette's house should not be so good. When the time comes, Betty calls

someone, and Chuck takes Yvette.

It should be resolved quickly.

Really can't solve it, so I can only help my mother secretly.

Yvette was so moved that she didn't know what to say. She was lifted by Chuck, Chuck simply

hugged her, and the princess hugged her up.

Yvette blushed, leaning on Chuck's heart nest, listening to the heartbeat, Yvette knew again, how

happy was he to be alive?

Chuck took Yvette out and saw the black roses outside. Chuck said, "Just now, I'm sorry."

I didn't think I would say that to Black Rose, but, just punching Black Rose two punches just

now completely canceled out the previous thing.

The black rose shook his head, still saying nothing.

She also felt like dreaming, he actually said sorry to himself?

Black Rose looks at Chuck.

It's like a dream. When the two met, it was you who lived and died. Now that they are

There is complexity in Black Rose's heart. This man, how to say, he is Karen li's son, she will

definitely not move him again.

No matter how much money someone else paid, she didn't move.

However, there is a mustard in the heart of Black Rose, and the only mustard is that Chuck

looked at his picture, but the first man to see it.

She was particularly entangled. According to her previous personality, she had already chased

Chuck all over, but now it doesn't work.

Chuck is Karen li's son. How can she chase down? ?

So she was particularly tangled, especially after seeing Chuck.

Fortunately, the only gratification of Black Rose was that Chuck knew his own body, but he

didn't mess around with him.

Forget it, forget it, let this thing be forgotten, anyway, the photos are gone, and it is impossible

for Black Rose to let others take her photos, even if it is really taken, it is impossible to transfer

to Zhang again. Strategy!

Just when it was an accident last time, think of it, the black rose will feel better.

"Thank you for saving me." Yvette must say!

Without black roses, she might be really dead this time.

The black rose still shook his head.

Yvette did not dare to look at Karen li. She bowed her head and bit her lip like a child who did

the wrong thing.

"Cer, you'll wait for me in the car." Karen li looked at Yvette, who was badly injured.

Fortunately, she was still alive.

"Well, mom,"
Chuck embraced Yvette and got Jiangnan to lie behind.

Chuck is as gentle as possible, "wife, you run away again, I want to hit you..."

"No," Yvette's pale face suddenly turned red, what Chuck was saying!

"That, I'm going out," Black Rose said sternly. Karen li was smiling, but she still didn't dare to

look at her!

This is a gap, but also a gap in personality.

"Well, by the way, what are you doing recently?" Karen li asked.

What is there to hide about black roses? I am a killer, and I must be killing!

Black Rose said, Karen li smiled slightly, "Then I let you do one thing, would you agree!"

My mother is a Baller with a novel 541. I promise! Listen online with novels

you. What should I do? "

Black Rose didn't hesitate. Karen li could say this. In fact, Black Rose still had something

strange in her heart. Is this what Karen li can deserve? ?

"my son."

"What's wrong with your son?" Black Rose looked at Chuck in the car.

It's a little strange, why did Karen li mention this?

"I want you to protect him secretly, at your own price."

Karen li thought about it, still felt Chuck’s safety, and still had to further ensure that this place,

the Li family would always shoot, she could be there every day, in case she was delayed?

Karen li didn't want to let her suffer for life for herself.

Therefore, letting the black roses protect at any time is more reassuring to Karen li.

"Let me protect?" The black rose was tangled in a flash.


Black Rose originally had a big mustard because Chuck looked at her photos. She wanted to

leave Chuck far away. Now she still has to protect it secretly? ?

"Well," Karen li persuaded, "you can casually mention the price."

This is true. When it comes to Chuck’s safety, Karen li will not blink his eyes for how much

money, because there is only one life, and it is worth the money spent.

"I, it's not a matter of money, yes..." Black Rose said tangledly.

"What is it? You can tell me." Karen li is approachable.

"This can't be said," although it is all women, but those things are difficult to tell!

Also tell Mom Chuck, Karen li? How do you say this?

Could it be said that your son has seen my picture, and I still have a mustache in my heart? ?

In this case, it would be more difficult to speak to the black rose that had been silent.

"Understood, do you still think that my son will kill you?" Karen li really understood.

She didn't understand this verbally, she understood it in her heart.

At the age of Karen li, she was so eloquent, she saw the tangles on the black rose's face. Why did

this tangles come from?

The clever Karen li thought of it all at once.

"No," Black Rose shook his head.

"Then there are other things? My son has something that I forgot to remember after reading it,"

Karen li smiled slightly.

The black rose was stunned. It turned out that Karen li really understood it, but can you really

forget it after reading it? ?

Black Rose looked at Chuck in the car. At the very least, Chuck didn't look at himself much, and

it should have been forgotten.

"Me." The black rose was entangled.

This is a human relationship. Karen li let her down. Black Rose refuses to do so, and Karen li

will not force her.

But the black rose is actually in her bones. If someone like her treats her well, she will keep it in

her heart forever.

Just like Karen li, she will respect her life.

She couldn't refuse Karen li's request. It can also be said that Black Rose is actually a person who

knows how to move.

"You can consider, one yard to one yard, the price you can casually mention," Karen li smiled.

"I... well, I picked it up," Black Rose bit her lip and agreed.

This is the first time Karen li let her do things, she does not want to refuse, even if the mustard in

her heart is still there.

"Okay, thank you. I will post 50 million US dollars to your account later. This is not your

remuneration. Your remuneration is calculated separately," Karen li said.

"No," Black Rose refused. She must not be as rich as Karen li, but she still has a billion dollars.

After all, she is the number one killer! ! It's been so many years since she debuted, and because

her consumption is not high, she doesn't pursue any luxury goods. Of course, she has a lot of


But her ability to make money, even if it is a luxury, there is no problem.

As much as you can earn, you should have a matching consumption level.

"I want one yard to one yard." Karen li said.

Black Rose can only accept, "But I still have one thing to deal with."

"It's okay. After you've dealt with it, you will secretly protect my son. If you don't need it, you

can't do it," Karen li said.

In terms of concealment and protection, Black Rose’s ability is still outstanding. Karen li only

needs to determine Chuck’s safety. After all, if people want to grow up, they cannot avoid


Karen li had to guarantee Chuck's life and death, but also had to let Chuck grow in frustration.

What she wants is a growing Chuck. If you want a greenhouse flower, then find a hundred, a

thousand people can protect it, or even let Chuck go to a country, then it will be particularly safe.

But Karen li did not want this, nor did Chuck want this.

At the very least, Chuck's fighting spirit is still great! "Yep."

"Then I will go first,"

Karen li got in the car, took Chuck, and Yvette left.

Black Rose stayed quiet for a while, and then sighed to call her boss's house. She actually wanted

to secretly protect Chuck's safety. This thing, Black Rose had never thought of it.

She saw the boss who urged her to call, and then asked who was going to kill, she resolved the

person in a day.

After tidying up things, he began to watch Chuck in one place at any time.

Of course, there are some pictures of Chuck and Yvette at night. Of course, she chose not to

watch them. This is a natural thing, and she certainly understands it.

But she seems to have discovered something. Why hasn't Chuck and Yvette been together? ?

She didn't think much. After seeing Chuck fall asleep, she stared for a while, looking for a place

to lean on, and closed her beautiful blue eyes...

The next day, she opened her big blue eyes and began to continue to stare, but when she woke

up, she discovered that Yvette was helping Chuck.

Her big blue eyes moved away immediately.

Soon after, Black Rose discovered that Chuck and Yvette were going out. What is this for?

She received a call from Karen li.


"My son goes to Jiang's house, you shouldn't have to take action on this matter." Chuck didn't

say, Karen li knew that, she was so smart, why couldn't she think why Yvette was injured? ?

Chuck wants to help Yvette get what belongs to her. This is also a kind of exercise. Karen li will

not stop Chuck's idea, only tell Chuck's right or wrong.

The road is to rely on Chuck to go by himself!

However, Karen li couldn't laugh or cry.

Chuck brought a lot of people, but he didn't tell Karen li, what is this for? ?

Clearly told Yvette that Chuck did not ask Karen li for help.

Karen li was amused by his son's move.

For Yvette, this is "anything to the extreme."

"Well, I will follow." The black rose was ready, and he packed up and followed, of course, from

afar. This could not be discovered by Chuck.

Actually, it was a little embarrassing to be found.

Black Rose did not want to face this embarrassment.

Of course Chuck doesn't know about this matter. If he knows it, he will be surprised. Once he

wanted to chase his own black rose so that he would protect himself in secret? ?

"Wife, it's almost approaching, they have to agree if they don't agree," Chuck said.
"Well, husband, after we finish this, will we go back to China?" Yvette wanted to go back to


The main reason is of course Karen li.

She didn't want to face Karen li, because Karen li was kind to her, but she still wanted to kill

Karen li.

She didn’t know that her father’s death was okay, but now that she knows, how can she turn a

blind eye? ?

Yvette couldn't do it!

She was afraid, and Karen li would treat herself better, and her determination would be shaken.

So leaving here and returning to China is the best choice!

But she went back alone, worried that Chuck would be sad, so she had to ask Chuck's opinion.

This must be asked.

"Well, go wherever you say," Chuck said.

Yvette moved and returned to China.

When the car stopped, Bettydao driving, "Young Master, here."

"People surround this place!" Chuck said.


Betty immediately commanded with a walkie-talkie, "The first team and the second team will

enclose a two-kilometer radius, prohibit anyone from entering and leaving, and the third team

controls the altitude!"

When she said it, Chuck heard the sound of the helicopter. Chuck saw that ten helicopters were

flying in the sky, and Chuck was stunned. This was so much better than any family guard of the

Zhao family.
This helicopter is beautiful!

"Master, the blockade is over," Betty said.

Chuck looked at Yvette, "Well, my wife, you can get your things back today."

My mother is a Baller with a novel of audio

Jiang Family!

Yvette's cousin was lying on the hospital bed. He was angry. Last time Yvette ran away. He was

angry! !

Yvette's ruthlessness, he saw it.

It is absolutely impossible to keep Yvette alive!

Otherwise, this is a scourge! Time bombs that can appear at any time.

"Sen'er, the few members of the family guards could have killed Yvette's cheap woman, but a

man suddenly appeared on the way," she was helpless!

When the captain came back, he was still afraid, saying that he met a particularly dangerous

person and killed many people with one shot.

When he said it, he was very frightened, as if he had just walked away from the ghost gate.

After she heard it, she was also surprised. You know, the members of her family's escort team

were all carefully selected. How could they be shot one at a time? ?

She wanted to talk to her son yesterday, but he had been in a coma for a few days, and just woke

up just now, saying this, her son was furious!

"I don't care! I don't care! Mom, you tell someone to kill that slut now, I want to see her die!"

Cousin Yvette was angry!

This is humiliation. My ears are rotten and my gun is lame. How can I become a lame if I am so

handsome? ?

This is something he cannot tolerate!

All this was caused by Yvette. She made herself disgraced in front of her family and in front of

the family guard, everything was her!

He wants to see Yvette die now!

"But she has run away," his mother was helpless.

She was looking for Yvette for a few days, but she did not find it. She also wanted to kill Yvette

to get rid of her troubles.

"I don't care, I don't care! I just see her die! Die!!!" His face was all grim, and the hate in his

heart had arrived.

"Okay, don't worry, Mom will do it. You can rest for a while, I will find someone from the killer

organization to assassinate her," she certainly knows the relationship between Yvette and Chuck!

Of course, knowing the relationship between Yvette and Karen li, she doesn't think Karen li will

protect the enemy.

"Okay, Mom, I'll wait for you, no matter how much it costs, I will let her die!"

"Okay, sleep peacefully, but what happened between Yvette and Karen li? Do you know?" She

said it just in case.

After all, she has been in the United States, knowing that Karen li is powerful, otherwise

Grandpa Yvette will not make such a move.

"Mom, you think about it for a long time, you don't think that the person who helped Yvette

escape is Karen li? How is this possible!" Yvette's cousin shook his head, even mocking, this is

"If Karen li really shot, then a few of them could not come back alive," she said in the simplest


She clearly knows Karen li's strength. These are the members of the family guards, and it is

impossible to resist!

As long as Karen li shot, then those few people are sure, 100% must be all dead! !

"What do you want to say, mom?"

"Karen li's son Chuck doesn't like Yvette!? According to Karen li's personality, will Yvette be

protected?" This is something she must consider now. At the very least, Jiang Yi at home Nan's

grandpa is dead.

It has already caused the family to plummet, not to mention that she and her son have seized the

property, and for this, some people have died in the family.

This loss is considered to be very large, and it can only remain incognito, and is not qualified to

dangle in front of Karen li.

"No, how could it be! The kind of person like Karen li is so cruel, how can she let someone who

threatens her continue? Yvette is sure that Yvette will die earlier."

"Well, as you say, it should be," she nodded, relieved.

"Son, after Yvette's death, our family will leave the country!" She was after careful


You can never be exposed in front of Karen li!

"go away??"

"Yes, leave, you must leave! We don't have the strength and Karen li fighting now. Anyway,

everything in our home is ours. We are looking for a place to continue the family! Isn't it better?"
Yvette's cousin was angry, but there was no way. He still wanted to hit Chuck's face, but now

that he is already a lame, how can he fight Chuck? ?

"Well, I'm shit,"

"Yeah, we can't deal with people like Karen li in the future, we can deal with his son, catch his

son, and threaten her, she is so baby son, let her kneel and kowtow, haha!" She had a little

fantasy Excited, if Karen li knelt and knelt to himself, then what an interesting thing!

"Yes, grab that Chuck and let him..."

Before he finished, someone ran in and was the captain of the family guard. He was shocked!

"What did you panic?? Are you scared and stupid a few days ago?" she said angrily.

Wen Wen, she is now the head of the Jiang family, and most people who see her family's guards

are so panic, what is the system?

"No, someone from outside is here," the captain was shocked.

The neighborhood has been blocked, and there are special professional helicopters in the sky? !

This helicopter is nothing, but such a generous one is not something that ordinary people can do?

"Come here, who is coming!" Wen Wen sneered.

All the fuss, she wondered if she should fire the captain? So garbage?

"I don't know, but the captain said in shock.

At this time, the sound of the helicopter in the sky roared, deafening! !

"Huh, is it amazing? You haven't solved it yet?" Wen Wen said coldly.

The annual cost of his family guard is hundreds of millions of dollars. Is this helicopter not in his

own home? ?

"But they are very professional." The captain sweated.

He was a mercenary, and as soon as the helicopter appeared, he saw from the formation of the

plane that this team, with its specialty, was the same as the US Army! terror!

What does this stand for? Those who represent themselves cannot be opponents at all! !


Wen Wen slapped the captain's face with a slap. "Kill me down! If you don't, I will kill you!!"

"Yes!" The captain was irritated, but there was no fire.

He ran out.

Wen Wen looked at his son, "It's okay, sleep peacefully, it's just some troubles! I will call the

people of the killer organization and spend 100 million dollars to kill Yvette!"

"When I kill, I want to see her die!!"


Wen Wen's words haven't been finished yet, there is a huge noise outside, this is a fierce battle.

But the whole voice lasted less than a minute, and the captain ran in again in fear!

He was horrified! !

Sure enough, as he thought, this helicopter team is so powerful that his own people are not

opponents at all!

He was even a little scared.

"Boss, let's go quickly, people are too powerful." The captain said trembling.

Black Rose scared him last time, and today the fear has increased!

Snapped! !

Wen Wen slaps in annoyance. "What's the use of the old lady in raising you? Who's coming?

Who's coming?"

I don’t have any hatred for myself, why did I come suddenly at this time?
"I saw it in a car. The person who came was the woman from the last time," the captain was

unbelievable. After seeing Yvette, he thought he had seen the ghost, but it was not.

"Last woman? Who?" Wen Wen asked doubtfully.

"Is it Yvette?" Yvette's cousin got up from the hospital bed with a look of anger!

How can she call so many people?

"Yes, it's her. What should we do now? She called too many people," the captain said anxiously.

I can't bear it now!

"Mom, that bitch! Actually!"

Wen Wen was shocked, "Will Karen li really help? Hurry, prepare the helicopter, let's go!"

She had to leave, she could hear how big the movement was outside, and she was completely


The captain wanted to run long ago, and immediately ran out to prepare.

"Mom, I'm going to let her die, let her die!!!" Yvette's cousin was painful.

"It's okay, let her go this time, we will come to Japan and let her die..." Wen Wen comforted her

son, she was also in pain, this is to escape?

"Come to Japan? You don't have this opportunity anymore," Chuck's voice suddenly came in.

My mother is a Baller. Novels Chapter 443 is monitored. Audio novels listen online.

Chuck walked in, with Yvette and Betty beside him! !

The people brought by Betty are all elite troops, all with a strength of one to ten and one to one

hundred. This speed is considered slow.

"who are you?"

Wen Wen stared at the incoming Chuck, and her eyes were about to emit a monstrous cold light.

Of course she had never seen Chuck, but she had seen Yvette and Betty who came in next!

She was shocked!

Yvette's cousin sat paralyzed on the ground, what? Yvette? Chuck, actually here?

Fear spread in his heart!

He wants to kill Yvette! However, she actually came to the door, and still this menacing, he felt


Chuck's eyes are cold, these two people must die today! Actually, Yvette was injured like that!

Wen Wen's face turned pale all at once. ?

"you guys……"

Wen Wen stared at Yvette, and suddenly said, "Yvette, what are you doing? You just say what

you want, you forget, I am still your relative, your father is me..."

"You still have a face to mention?" Yvette was angry.

When she went to Huagang before, she was hit by her cousin in that way. She knew that without

love, these people were not their own loved ones.

My relatives only have mothers and Chuck.

"Yvette, don't do that. Bring so many people over here, what can I do for you?" Wen Wen said

with fear.

Calmness has returned outside, indicating that the members of his family's guards have been

completely wiped out!

What does this mean? In his own family, there are only two of him and his son.


Fear spread in her heart.

Betty took out a document and gave it to Yvette.

Betty is proficient in these, Yvette bowed his head and walked to Wen Wen, "signed the sign."

"Mom, mom." Yvette's cousin was afraid, because there were no people outside. His legs could

not go now, which meant he had to wait for death!

How can he die if he is so young, so handsome, so rich? ?

"Will you let us go after signing?" Wen Wen shivered.

She has seen a lot of indifferent eyes from outside.

"Yvette, we are relatives. Don't kill us, please." Wen Wen pleaded, she didn't want to die yet.

Her husband had just died, she was still looking for a new man, she was finally relieved, how

could this be? ?

"Sign, this is my thing! Give it back to me!" Yvette stared at the two of them.

"Cousin, I am your cousin, did you forget? I am..." Her cousin begged to come over.

Yvette was expressionless.

"Cousin, I said I was not good. I shouldn't do it to you. I should die, I should die." He cried. This

is the fear of death, which has crushed him.

If he can still run, he may resist, but his legs are broken, how to run? ?

"Damn you?" Yvette asked.

"Yes, I'm damn, I'm damn, you let me go, I already..." He begged howling.

"You all say damn, then I must fulfill you!" Yvette stared at him.

"Ah, don't!" He didn't have any blood on his face.

"Sister Li," Chuck was indifferent.

Betty was so impressed that he took out his gun and pulled the trigger! !

Yvette's cousin was shot by a bullet and screamed in the pool of blood. He only knew when he

was dying that Yvette could not offend him.


Wen Wen was in fear, screaming for collapse, and his son was dead.


"I don't sign, not sign!" Wen Wen shook her head in fear, her blood-red eyes filled with hatred!

Yvette's eyes were cruel, Betty said, "I will handle it, she will sign it,"

Yvette nodded.

Betty did not hesitate to pull the trigger!


The bullet hit Wen Wen’s thigh, "Ah, no, it hurts, it hurts, I sign, I sign..."

She begged howling, and her face was pale.

The document arrived in front of her, and she tremblely signed and shed tears, "Yvette, please let

me go, everything is yours, I still hugged you when I was a child, I am you..."

"You still know?"

"I know, I'm sorry for you, am I..."


The bullet hit her eyebrows, and her fearful face was frozen.

Falling in the pool of blood like her son.

Yvette was silent. She didn't bear it, but felt...

"Master, Yvette, you go to the car to wait, I'll deal with it." Betty called someone over.

"Wife, let's go out," Chuck said.

The two went out, and Betty looked at the body on the ground, "Handle it! There is also a call to

restore this place to its original state!"

This place is now Yvette's.

Many people seem.

In the telescope, big blue eyes saw Chuck and Yvette come out safely, she was relieved, but

continued to look at it from afar.

The next Yvette started to deal with the affairs of his own family and started to take over

everything. Of course Chuck always accompanied him.

There are black roses in the distance.

In addition to sleeping, and the necessary time, she is watching Chuck's every move.

Now that Karen li has been promised, she will handle this matter well.

"What is this guy thinking about every day?"

The big black eyes of the black rose came out of the telescope. In the office during the day, the

three views of the black rose were refreshed.

During this time, she had seen it several times, and that Yvette was so obedient.

She stopped watching, and she was not a helmet mad.

In the same place, in a dark corner, some people are secretly monitoring, mainly staring at

Chuck's every move, this is a man...

The Black Rose was hungry and ate a burger, just taking a bite.

But her sensitivity found something wrong, she moved the telescope to see where someone

might be hiding, and suddenly, she saw a reflective place.

She put down the burger.

I stared at this place for a while and determined that Chuck should also be monitored.
She immediately moved quietly to this place. The strength of the first killer made her quiet, and

the speed was amazing. When she arrived at this place soon, she saw a man holding a telescope.

She frowned, what is the situation?

Who is eyeing Chuck?

This man is very clever. If it wasn't for Black Rose, she wouldn't see it if she saw Chuck's

picture, otherwise she wouldn't find it.

She took out the silencer and pointed at the man. Suddenly, the man took out his mobile phone

and called someone, "Hey, you want Chuck, I have monitored it, um... right to tie him? But he

There are too many people around, this is not easy to deal with... what? It's not a question of

money... OK, I will deal with me... Ah!"

He said, and suddenly felt a cold muzzle in the back of his head.

He dared not move, and a cold sweat came out of his forehead. "Who are you?"

Black Rose ignored him and took her cell phone and put it next to her ear.


There was only one breathing sound inside, and the other voices were gone.

"What do you want to do?" Black Rose said coldly!

"Hehe!" This is a man's voice, with a particularly light smile, "She, she really has a set..."


The phone hung up.

Black Rose frowned, and she couldn't hear who it was, nor had she heard this voice.

But with this faint smile, she felt a little dignified!

This is not a messy person.

"Say, who is he?" the black rose asked!

"I don't know." The man sweated all over.

"What are you doing?"

"Tie him."

"Blackmail?" Black Rose suspected that the man's voice was so soft just now, how could he do

blackmail? Also blackmail Karen li? This is too abnormal!

"I don't know, this person just asked me to do this. You are also a killer, right? Can I see you?"

The man shuddered. When he reacted just now, no, there was no time to respond!


The black rose pulled the trigger, the man screamed and collapsed and bleed on the ground.

She stared at the monitored Chuck and took out her mobile phone to call Karen li.

"Hey, how is it? The strategy is going well!" Karen li never thought of monitoring Chuck, so she

didn't plan to ask others.

"Chuck was monitored by others." Black Rose said directly.

"Other people? Who?"

"A man said he would tie Chuck," Black Rose felt this was a bit abnormal, shouldn't he be the

overlord? She has seen it, not the voice of the man just now!

My mother is a Baller. 540

Black Rose is definitely not the voice of Li Overlord, so who else will tie Chuck?

Ignore me!

Many people in Mi Guo don't know that Chuck's mother is Li Qing, that is, Chuck doesn't have

so much money, how can she kidnap Chuck for extortion?

Besides, some people know that Chuck is the son of Karen li, so few people have the courage to

do so? ? ?

"What kind of man?" Karen li asked here.

"I have asked the person who is monitoring. I didn’t ask what I killed him. He was calling

someone at the time. I answered the phone. A man inside said indifferently that she really had a

set...this Man, you should know, but definitely not the overlord Li! I can be sure of this." Black

Rose said.

"Isn't it Overlord Li??...I really have a suit?" Karen li is working here. She stood up and stared

out the window. This saying is that she had found a secret protection for Chuck in advance.


"Yes, this person said so."

"Okay, I know, black rose, you did a great job."

"Yes, what should I do now?" Black Rose asked. This should not be so simple. Anyway, when

Black Rose answered the phone, the tone she heard from the man's mouth made her sweaty. feel.

This person is definitely not an ordinary person.

It may be a man comparable to Karen li, or even black roses have this feeling.

"You have to be careful first, if you can say that, my son will be monitored separately, but before

the monitoring, the man may deal with you first," Karen li said in a deep voice.

Now that this person has started, he will at all costs!

"I know,"

The phone hung up, and Black Rose looked at the corpse on the ground. She took a bottle of

water from her pocket and dropped it on the corpse. Slowly, the corpse burst into bubbles, as if it

was corroded. This is Strong acid...

Black Rose returned to his "work position", continued to stare at Chuck with his telescope, and

continued to eat the burger he had not finished.

Karen li was uneasy in the office, not other things, but...

She feels uncomfortable, sitting upset and emotionally depressed.

She took out her mobile phone, looked at it for a while, flipped out a person's number, sighed,

and dialed it.

The phone rang for a few seconds and someone answered it.

"Quiet," This is a gentle voice. In this world, there are only a few people who can call it that

way. Chuck's father, Zhang Qingyang, can.

"Well, Qingyang, you, do you have enough money?" Karen li asked softly.


"Then when will you come back? It has been a few days since Ceer, you..."


"Okay, don't worry, you are busy with me. I put some money on your card. Can you tell me if it's

not enough?"


When the phone hung up, Karen li looked at the phone number on her mobile phone. She was

silent, and she didn't know when to start.

Karen li is not the kind of person who likes romance. She likes simplicity, but she is still a

woman and needs a little care, even a little.

However, it has been gone for a long time recently. Karen li feels that she has already done a

good job. Hasn’t she been married for too long without feeling?

Karen li does not have this.

She thinks that every time she sees Zhang Qingyang, she feels the first love. I don't know what it

feels like when Zhang Qingyang sees herself? Or has it...because the time is too long, don't feel

it? ?

Think about it, it's been a long time since I've been married for 20 years, but Karen li believes

that time will make feelings deeper and deeper, and she is like that.

"Ching Yang, have you changed? You can change, I can understand it, but don't do anything that

hurts Ceer, don't do that, he is also your son, what is good for me..." Li Sigh quietly.

Looking at the number, Karen li was silent...

Unable to express the current mood, is low, unable to understand, do you feel wrong? You...what

did you do wrong?

As a wife, Karen li feels that she has done it, that is, as a mother, she owes Chuck, so she is

making up now.

When she was not at home, there was a knock on the door, and she didn't hear it until Betty

opened the door in doubt and saw Karen li standing there. She walked over and had a cup of

coffee in her hand, "Mr. Li, what's wrong with you? ??"

It is rare to see Karen li like this, because usually Karen li is full of energy.

"Mr. Li," Betty called again.

"Ah? It's Betty, uh, is there something wrong?" Karen li recovered and accepted the coffee and

took a sip. It still had the same taste as before, but why is it so bitter today? !

"Someone in the Ok family is dead," Betty received the notice.

According to the traces of the scene, it was the professional killer, and Betty came over because

this spear pointed at Karen li.

"Who is dead?" Karen li put down the coffee.

"The person you had conflicts with President Li before." Betty said.

This Ouke family is a particularly handsome middle-aged man, full of masculinity. Once he met

Karen li, he knew that Karen li was married, but he pursued it.

Karen li certainly wasn't willing to keep the distance immediately, but what threatening action

did the man make? Who is Karen li?

This was intolerable, and he was abandoned on the spot.

Karen li's eyes gleamed, "Oh, I understand what you mean. Now people in the Ok family think

that I killed him, right?"

"Now rumors are flying, this is someone who pointed this spearhead at you on purpose," Betty

said, and this bright-eyed person could see it at a glance.

Not to mention her field-hardened person.

Karen li walked back and forth, and Betty continued, "This Ouke family, whether it was done by

you or not, public opinion will let them point the finger at you..."

"Really?" Karen li smiled.

"So what do you mean?" Betty asked.

The Ok family is one of the largest families in the world and one of the four largest families. The

family that can compare with each other is the three other families including the Li family. This

family is crazy.

Revenge, it is like a row of mountains.

"Me?" Karen li's eyes were faint.

"Someone wants to take advantage of the fisherman," Betty analyzed. This must be the case,

otherwise how could he point the finger at Karen li?

"What else did you analyze and continue," Karen li said.

"I think that this person who wants to take advantage of the fisherman will be the overlord of Li!

Eighteen out of nine! The overlord Li wants to take over everything from President Li. In other

words, the Li family finally started to deal with President Li." cold.

She has been with Karen li for so long, and she knows how much Karen li has contributed to the

Li family. This can be seen when Karen li was kicked out, and the Li family's strength has

shrunk a lot.

Karen li did a good job to the Li family, but the Li family did not know how to be grateful and

actually did such a thing.

Intentionally provoking contradictions to make the Ouke family and Karen li flip their faces, this

is shamelessly done!

Betty became more and more angry! !

"I know that they have dealt with me since I left the Li family. You have always known," Karen

li clearly remembered, what was the face of the family members when he was kicked out that


Actually let her hand over all the family property, these are left to Chuck by Karen li, she will

definitely not take it out.

"However, the Li family does not have the strength to annex me now. Who should he find to

cooperate with?" Who is Karen li?

Being able to do so in just over twenty years, her cleverness, as long as she analyzes carefully,

then what can escape her eyes? ?

"Who are you looking for?"

"This is simple. I always knew that Li Overlord and the other family were very close. To deal

with me, they just hit it off. What's wrong with this?"
Karen li has always been aware of this matter, how could she not pay attention to Li Overlord?

Betty was exasperated, "They are embarrassed!"

After Karen li was silent, she suddenly sighed. "Why do I have to do this? I left the Li family,

and everyone can meet later, why must I turn my face?"

My mother is a Baller with the novel Chapter 445. I made it! Listen online with novels

Karen li is a nostalgic person. Even if she was kicked out that day, she never thought of

retaliating against the Li family!

As for the Li overlord, she really has nothing to say, but Li Shidao, the son of Li overlord, first

dealt with Chuck, almost killed Chuck, then killed, this is Li Shidao's blame! !

"So what are you going to do, President Li?" Betty asked.

The Oak family is still very powerful. The key is that this family has a technology company, but

it is not like Karen li, who studies the latest metals, recent technology and the like.

What are they studying? It is human serum.

It is to push the limits of people!

Turn people into killing machines!

But Karen li got the news. This serum is actually a paralytic poison that corrodes people's pain

and makes people feel painless. So is it not a machine?

Karen li hasn't dealt with such a person before. He doesn't know what it looks like if he doesn't

feel pain.

I just know that people have no pain, so the life span will be very short!

"This family heard that a new serum has been developed recently, but dozens of people died

when it came out. This kind of thing is not very easy to deal with," Karen li thought about this.
She was able to fly a person with one punch, but the person was beaten, and it seemed to be up

again as if it was okay. One was okay, but if there were ten at the same time, dozens?

Just like being in a war of attrition, a normal person like Karen li will still be exhausted after all,

which is dangerous.

Although, this kind of thing, the Ok family will not come out until the end, but it is still a huge

hidden danger.

This is something that Karen li has to consider. Compared to money and strength, she will not

lose anyone, any family, but in the face of this kind of thing, she still has to be cautious.

"Do you want me to clarify?" Betty asked.

This clarification should be the simplest solution now.

"It's useless to clarify. The Ok family is dead. Why didn't they seize this opportunity and deal

with me justly?" Karen li said.

Betty was stunned. "They..."

"The four big families have always wanted to annex me. This is not a day or two, he..."

When Karen li was talking, her cell phone rang, and she took it out to see that it was the boss

behind the scene. She shook her head helplessly.

"Am I doing this beautifully?" the boss behind the scene smiled.

She specifically called to come and ask about it.

Karen li has suspected that Li Overlord let the behind-the-scenes boss send the killer to do it, she

knows it too well.


"No, why are you not angry?" The boss behind the scene was a little upset. She specifically told

Karen li that she wanted to laugh at her.

"What am I doing angrily? The contradiction between the four big families and me is not one day

or two. You helped me pierce it directly. I have to thank you," Karen li said.

She turned her face when she turned her face. Karen li was not afraid of anyone.

"You! Do you hate to know? Li Ba mainly dealt with you, and paid a large price to let me kill

you, you know, I will not agree, I like to see you ugly, ... I like to laugh at you."

"Got it, would you like to have dinner?"

"Then I invite you to the club?"

Karen li is speechless, this woman. "I still have things to do, thank you for telling me this."

The phone hung up.

Karen li closed the phone, "I'm going to Li's house immediately!"

"Go to Li's house!" Betty was stunned. Is this a direct showdown? ?

When she nodded, the phone rang again, actually Chuck.

She answered with a smile, "Cher..."

"Mother, I passed the door of Li's house just now. I was thinking about going in to meet my

grandfather." Chuck said, he had just drove past Li's.

This is my mother's hometown, Chuck certainly wants to go in and see!

"Don't, don't go in." Karen li said hurriedly, the face of the Li family would make Chuck hurt.

Not to mention that Li Hegemon is still inside!

"Well, mom, I listen to you," Chuck called to ask Karen li for his opinion.

"Obey, I will take you in. You can take Yvette back and forth."

"Well, mom, I listen to you,"

When the phone hung up, Li Qing was relieved.

"Mr. Li, you still have to tell Master this matter." Betty said.
Let Chuck know what his Li family looks like, which is not a bad thing for Chuck!

You can also let Chuck dike the Li family in advance.

"I, find a chance to say it," Karen li was helpless.

She was ready to go out, but Betty received the call, and after a few seconds, she looked ugly.

Karen li asked indifferently, "Is the Ouke family coming here?"

"Well, I was angry, and said I would like to see you." Betty was very annoyed. Sure enough,

these people were really right with Karen li.

"See, I'm not a shame," Karen li doesn't matter.

"Then I will arrange it immediately!" Betty went out.

But a cold voice came in from the outside, "Arrangement? I'm useless! It's here!"

The door of Karen li's office was pushed open by a tall man.

This man is nearly two meters tall, with a huge chunk, full of beast-like muscles, and a strong

sense of oppression!

Karen li is one meter and seven two, and he looks weak in front of him.

The man brought in ten people, all of which were of such a big size.

When you come in, you feel the same as if you were there.

This is a steward of the Oak family!

The Ok family actually asked the housekeeper to come to Karen li, who was underestimating

Karen li.

Betty was annoyed.

"Sit." Karen li looked indifferent.

There was a security guard rushing outside, all angry, "Mr. Li, they..."
"It's okay. If you were injured today, go to the finance department to get $50,000, and then go to

rest for three days," Karen li said.


The security guard exited and the door closed.

"Sit," Karen li said again.

"Karen li is so brave, you actually killed our nine young masters!" This strong butler stared at

Karen li.

The way he gritted his teeth, it seemed as if he was going to eat Karen li.

When he came, the head of the Oak family had already spoken.

How could the Oak family not see such a thing? ?

On the one hand, they started to find out who did it. On the other hand, they were really right,

just like Karen li. Everyone was dead. Then they took the opportunity to deal with Karen li.

Karen li will definitely refute, this housekeeper has already figured out how to let Karen li admit


Huh, how would she quibble, how to refute that she did not do it? ?

"Yes, it was me who killed, what about?" Karen li said lightly.

The housekeeper was stunned and froze for a while. What did she say?

She actually admitted that she did it herself?

Did you get it right? No, she did say so!

The butler was speechless. Karen li was suspicious of this sentence by Karen li. Did Karen li

really do it?

But didn't the people in the family analyze it at the time?

Why did she admit it?

"What are you talking about?" The strong butler held back for a long time and said such a word.

"I said, I did it, how?" Karen li said lightly.

Betty is expressionless, Karen li is faced with this kind of indifferent way of dealing with

anything. She is used to it. Under the influence of Karen li, she has encountered things, no fuss!

"Then you are ready to bear the crazy revenge of the Ok family!!" the butler said angrily.

Karen li's words have already made him stunned. He doesn't know what to say next, and he can

only leave with harsh words.

"Want to leave, I agree with you?" Karen li stood up.

The housekeeper frowned, "Do you still want to keep me??"

But he brought ten people over. These ten people were not ordinary people. They were all people

who started to get serum injection and the pain was about to disappear.

No matter how powerful Karen li is, it is impossible to leave himself!

Otherwise, he will not come here.

"Tell the Ouke family that he turned his face a little more thoroughly. He took advantage of this

opportunity to deal with me, so why didn't I take advantage of this opportunity to deal with him?

I think he is very upset," Karen li said.

"You!" The housekeeper was angry, Karen li actually wanted to take this opportunity to deal

with the Ok family? Does Karen li have this strength? You are just a dog who has just been

kicked out of the Li family! !

My mother is a Baller with a novel of voice

You are a funeral dog, are you eligible to fight against our Ok family? "The butler laughed.
Karen li has recently risen in the United States. As the Oak family is one of the four largest

families in the world, how could they not pay attention to Karen li? ?

Even Karen li was kicked out by the Li family before, they all knew the news instantly.

Such a person, still want to seize this opportunity to deal with the Oak family?

This is simply wishful thinking!

Betty's eyes are cold, as long as Karen li speaks, she will immediately rush up! regardless of


Because this is an insult!

Karen li is so good to her, she can't stand it!

"If you have qualifications, you will know." Karen li said, and came over.

One meter seven two, plus high heels are also one meter eight, in front of this strong man, it still

looks so weak.

But her aura opened, and the housekeeper frowned, "I will bring it."

"I suddenly changed my mind. I said it myself, and I turned it over completely. Then, you few,

why should I let you leave?" Karen li said lightly.

"Haha, you still want to...! You!" The butler was angry!

Because Betty has pulled out a gun.

"With a gun? You?" The butler sneered.

Betty didn't say a word, but she didn't want to fight with them.

They are all machines, what's the deal?

"You are not qualified to let me shoot, you are not clear!" Karen li said.

This man is tall and strong, but for a person with a heavy punch like Karen li, it is still not

enough to look at! !

"You just hit it, then the person who hurt me is five times better, Betty, give each of them five

shots! Don't kill them, let them talk!" Karen li said.

Betty pulled the trigger in an instant, and the bullet crackled out.


Betty's shooting speed was super fast. Eleven people were shot in less than five seconds. Then

Betty made up the gun. This office is all howling.

"Tell people to carry them out and send them back."

"Yes, fifty people come in!" Betty called someone on the intercom.

Soon, many well-trained people came in, carried these people out, and cleaned up the scene! !

Now it was completely torn.

At the same time, Overlord Li paid close attention to this matter.

From the people of the Ok family, he went out to Karen li's place, he was paying attention, but

when he saw the people of the Ok family, he was shocked!

What did Karen li do? !

Actually turned so straight?

Overlord Li is angry, "She, did Karen li take this opportunity and let Karen li start to deal with

the Oak family? Well, I see how capable you are. When you and the Oak family lose both sides,

I will The fisherman profited out to clean up the mess. You will definitely be surprised by then!


The overlord Li laughed, full of sinister!

Karen li must die, Chuck must die!


A white-haired old man patted the table in exasperation, "What? Karen li actually treated my

steward so much?"

This is an insult to him!

"Yes, Karen li let people fire five shots on each of them, all avoiding the key points, but..." Some

people reported that they did not dare to say anything.

"But what?" The old man with white hair was frightened!

"But they were all crippled and stood up all their lives," the man was shocked when he saw the

eleven people being sent over.

"Why?" The white-haired old man was furious!

"Grandpa, Karen li was so daring to tear his face with our Ok family, she is so brave! Isn't it a

bereavement dog? I really don't know how much she weighed herself? After leaving the Li

family, she has everything No, it was a spicy chicken who was kicked out, a wild dog!!!" a blond

man said tauntingly.

Originally, the Ouke family simply used this opportunity to deal with Karen li, but did not expect

to be defeated by Karen li.

This is not tolerated by the Ok family!

Does Karen li want the dog to jump off the wall? ?

"Well, since that's the case, then we don't have to be polite and start to deal with Karen li in full!

I want her to regret today's events!!" said the white-haired old man in exasperation.

Karen li, my Ouke family can survive on Earth for so many years, not your chased out dog can

deal with it!

you will regret!

"Yes, Grandpa!"
"it is good!"

The people of the Ok family are uplifted. If Karen li is annexed, then the other three families are

not a problem!


Three days later!

Black Rose continued to look at Chuck with a telescope.

She frowned suddenly and stopped looking.

"What's this guy thinking? Those are in my head all day?" Black Rose said to herself coldly.

What Chuck is doing is obvious.

These three days, she sees every day, she is too lazy to go to see, but not a voyeur.

She took out a burger for lunch.

She follows Chuck every day and determines Chuck's safety, so that she has no time to eat

anything else. When she wakes up in the morning, she buys three burgers as a day's food.

She is used to it. Although she does not look at Chuck when she eats, she also looks at other

places habitually.

She glanced around, with no results, but her sixth sense suddenly felt a little wrong.

Karen li said that, let her be more careful. Be careful of that person, you may deal with yourself


Black Rose moved his body instantly, bang! A hot bullet hit the black rose's body.

Black Rose's pale face looked for a place to cover.

Who is this? Can you find your place? ?

Black Rose looked away. If he didn't pay attention to it, would he kill himself with a single

shot? ?
Black Rose has such a little heart palpitations!

Sure enough, the person on the phone last time was really able to make myself sweat. This time I

found such a powerful person to come over, solve myself first, and then continue to kidnap

Chuck? ?

Black Rose immediately led the person out. She took out a mirror and stretched it out. The

mirror was broken. Black Rose's assassination experience told her that she found the person's

position? !

Pull the trigger and shoot the bullet!


There was no hit, but this person was temporarily unable to shoot. Black Rose quickly injected

himself with painkillers, and then took out his mobile phone to call Chuck.

More than ten seconds later, Chuckcai answered in doubt. He was a little bit dumbfounded. What

did Black Rose call himself? ?

"Now find a place to hide now and call your mother Karen li!"

Black Rose must do this, this is a master, and successfully attacked himself.

It may be that he killed himself and then caught Chuck!

It doesn't matter if you die, but you must do it yourself if you promise Karen li.

"What's going on?" Chucklai was stunned.

The black rose was inexplicably called.

"Did you make the wrong call?" Chuck asked again.

"Hurry up and find a place to hide, don't run out!" Black Rose hung up!

It's too dangerous to go out, this hidden killer may first make Chuck lose his power.

"Husband, what's wrong?" Yvette came out of the toilet.

This is the office of a company in her Jiang family. Chuck thought just now that Yvette couldn't

refuse it.

"Black Rose called me and told me to hide." Chuck was serious. He was about to walk to the

window. Yvette was scared and was busy pulling Chuck to squat down.

"Don't be near the window! Someone should want to kill you and was discovered by Black

Rose." Yvette has experience, not to mention that she heard the gunshot in the moment just

now! !

"Li overlord?" Chuck only tortured an enemy in the United States, and no one else.

"Maybe, let me see," Yvette creeped to the window, staring at a place all the time, and seeing

two distant places, there was fire coming out, this is a gun battle!

This is Black Rose and another person.

Who is this guy? Can it be comparable to black roses?

Chuck also crawled over and saw this.

"Husband, it should be the person who is the overlord of Li. You hide. I will get a gun." Yvette's

eyes chilled.

"Don't, I call my mother," Chuck took out his phone, immediately called Karen li, and

connected, "Mother, someone wants to kill me!"

My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 474 What are you doing? Listen online with


Chuck hung up the phone and his mother came over immediately.

He stared prostrately outside. Black Rose was still in a shootout with this man. Yvette's eyes

were puzzled, "Not right,"

"What's wrong? What does the wife say?"

Chuck didn't see anything. He heard the sound of the shooting from afar, and there were flashing

spots in two places like flashing flashes.

"I think Black Rose is an aunt... Yes, Karen li sent to protect her husband," Yvette is also a smart


This is obvious. Black Rose saved herself last time. When she left, Karen li and her said

something alone. At this time, it should be persuading Black Rose to protect Chuck.

Yvette remembered that when she was in the car at the time, she also saw the tangle of black

roses on her face.

"She will promise to protect me??" Chuck was stunned.

To be honest, the last time Chuck wanted to kill her. After all, Logan was hurt like that, and it

had something to do with her.

But when she saw that she shot herself with a gun for her own photo, Chuck suddenly felt that it

was not too good to use a photo to lead a woman over.

And still in front of women like Yvette and Betty.

So when my mother said that, when dealing with it, Chuck did not have any opinions. Although,

as long as Chuck mentioned it at that time, his mother would definitely die.

But Chuck still did not. He might have been shot by Black Rose and wanted to take a picture of

herself, and it was so touched!

How do you think that black roses become like that, most of them are caused by Ouyang Fei. If

she didn't take photos of Ouyang Fei, how could Chuck use the photos to threaten her?

"Yes," Yvette of course saw who the black rose was.

Chuck is puzzled to look outside. Really?

Yes, no, Black Rose will not call himself at all.

It will not continue to desperately with others.

How much did this mother spend to ask her? The first female killer, this should be considered a

sky-high price.

"There is something wrong," Yvette also experienced many shootouts and found out the


"Where is wrong?" Chuck asked.

"My husband sees that Black Rose has too few counterattacks. This is not like her character. She

may have been injured. This gunman is too powerful. She may die," Yvette said seriously, but

Black Rose saved himself once. Yvette is also a person who has gratitude, and she can't stand it


"Her husband, be a little bit, stay here, and wait for Karen li to come over. I'm going to help

Black Rose now, otherwise she might die," Yvette stood up immediately and took the gun.

Chuck got entangled, "I'm going together,"

Chuck is not worried about Yvette.

Yvette didn't say anything, so he kissed Chuck, "Husband, be good, wait for Karen li to come

here, and Black Rose saved me before, so I have to go,"

Chuck sighed, Jiang Cenan's character, Chuck also knew.

If Yvette is forced to stay, Yvette will be sad.

Yvette went to get a gun, and soon she took a sniper rifle. This distance was too far, which was

very difficult for Yvette.

What's more, she couldn't put the battlefield here, which would have affected Chuck.
Yvette ran out, according to the location of the person in memory, to find the best sniper

location, two people teamed up, may kill this person! !

Yvette went to look for it.

Chuck looked in the room. He saw that Black Rose had fewer and fewer counterattacks. Does

this mean that Black Rose was seriously injured?

Suddenly, Chuck saw a low roof in the distance. A man fell down and was wearing a black dress.

Is this a black rose?

Chuck struggled for a second and ran out. He is also a man, so hiding here is also suffering for



The bullet shot relentlessly, and the black rose bit her lip. The gunshot wound on her body was

already very serious. She didn't know how long it could last.

The bullets fired one by one, this is to force yourself out.

Black Rose took a few deep breaths to make herself feel better, but the gunshot wound was too

heavy, she gave herself another shot of painkiller.

Doing all this well, she decided to continue to support, she must insist that Karen li came over,

otherwise Chuck who protected herself would be in great danger!


There was a shot in the other direction! !

Black Rose is stunned, is this?

She didn't see who it was, but this level of shooting was definitely not Karen li, then it was?


It should be.
Suddenly there were other gunshots. In a corner, a man sneered. This precision is a rookie in his


He moved the already hot muzzle to find out where the new shooter was.

"With it, die!!"

He pulled the trigger and fired a shot.


At the shot, Yvette's face was cold, so accurate shot!

She felt a huge danger, but how could Yvette, who was in danger and weathered, be afraid?

She already has a strong psychological quality.

She shot, and the black rose in another place also responded, Yvette sighed.

"Look for death, then I will solve it first! Black Rose, you can die!" The man shot a shot!


The stone shattered and the black rose was injured. She was suddenly exposed to the shooting

range and the like. The man saw it and pulled the trigger.

Bullets shot out!

Black Rose evaded. Suddenly, one hand caught her. In surprise, Black Rose pulled her behind a


There was a strong man's breath.

The big eyes of black roses and blue are all stunned.


The bullet hit an empty place.

The man frowned, "There is still a person, is that Chuck? This is a bit interesting!"

"Yes?" Black Rose saw the person clearly, but she was a blank expression.
"What are you doing out there? Are you going back soon? Hurry up! Let go!" Black Rose

frowned, his face pale with cold sweat.

Her hand was still grasped by Chuck.

Chuck didn't answer, but let go and took the black rose's gun. The black rose's hand clenched

tightly, "What are you doing? Don't take the gun!

"I'm always in touch with this kind of thing," Chuck said.

The killer on the opposite side is so powerful that if Black Rose can't reach Yvette, then Yvette is

in danger.

How could Chuck see Yvette have an accident?

"To contact, let Karen li teach, don't hinder me!" Black Rose said coldly, making the cold sweat

on her face more and more.

"Is my mother please come to protect me?" Chuck wanted to make sure.

Black Rose didn't want to answer this question, but she answered, "Yes, if it wasn't Karen li,

think I would appear here?"


"Hide behind me, don't make trouble! I don't want my mission to fail," Black Rose continued to


Chuck stared at her every move.

Black Rose and Yvette have joined forces, and they are not their opponents.

Because Black Rose was shot at the beginning, his strength was greatly reduced. It didn't take

long for Yvette to get in touch with this, and it would take time for him to be talented.

What Yvette lacks is experience and time.

However, these two are fatal weaknesses in killer sniper battles.

"Look for cover to find the one who covers all of your body. If you reveal it a little, others may

be killed." Black Rose said coldly.


The bullet came over.

Black Rose guarded Chuck, "Is it really dragging your legs, still not squatting down?"

Chuck listened, he secretly watched how the black rose shot, he knew.

"What are you looking at? Looking down!" Black Rose covered Chuck's head with his body and

pressed him down.

"I'm watching that person," Chuck said.

"Look at the neuropathy, the other party has a gun, look at it with his head?" Black Rose was


Scolding Chuck in jerky Chinese language.

"There is no need to protect me like that, and I am not a fool. I know what I can't do," Chuck

certainly knows. He just wanted to see how Yvette was doing. If Yvette was in trouble, he would

really feel the sky. Collapsed.

"Thought I would? I promised Karen li, and I must do it!!" Black Rose said coldly.

To be a killer requires professional ethics. If you agree, you must do it, even if you die. This is

the bottom line of Black Rose! This is the bottom line of her first female killer!

My mother is a local tycoon, novels, Chapter 548

Black Rose's words, Chuck was stunned, "You..."

Black Rose is so bottom line?

"My black rose says one is one and two is two!" said the black rose coldly.
Chucksi wanted to go and was right. If the killer had no bottom line, he couldn't really be the

position of the first female killer.

"Okay, I was wrong about you before," Chuck said.

"Mistaken me?" Black Rose sneered. "Hide behind and come out again. I will treat you kindly. I

promised Karen li to keep you safe, but I didn't promise Karen li not to hit you."

"You can't beat me in this situation?" Chuck touched his nose.

Although he said, he is with Yvette every day, but he does not have the necessary physical

exercise and fighting training! On the contrary, it increases the intensity of training!

The day before yesterday, my mother also brought two rings made of special metals. These two

rings are no different from ordinary rings. They are heavy, each weighing ten catties.

He now carries one on each hand, that is to say, he has a weight of 20 pounds. His mother

prevents Chuck from taking it off at any time. Let's say that Chuck is exercising even when


What's more, Black Rose was shot at this time, how could Chuck be shot by her? ?

"Is it?" Black Rose said coldly, pointing directly at Chuck's heart.

Chuck is speechless! Do you have a gun? ? No matter how powerful it is, can't carry the gun?

However, my mom said last time that she was customizing her own body armor made of special

metals. When you wear it, it will be much safer. As long as you don’t start, you can’t die


"Now?" Black Rose asked, deliberately pestering Chuck with a gun.

"You're awesome, hard," Chuck thumbs up.

"Have me be honest, hide, now is not your time!" Black Rose said coldly, turning his head to

continue attacking the man.

However, this man had mastered the upper hand, and he was so overwhelmed that Black Rose

and Yvette couldn't breathe. Black Rose couldn't keep up with her energy, and she was

exhausting energy.

Yvette has been supporting it for a long time.

The man stared at Yvette mockingly. He pulled the trigger and made a bang!

Yvette was beaten without a chance to fight back.

This person is too powerful.

"It's all rubbish!!" The man taunted, and Black Rose was not as powerful as the legend!

He succeeded in a sneak attack just now.

"All die to me!" The man pulled the trigger and was crazy to shoot Yvette and the seriously

injured black rose.

In one place, Yvette had sweat on her forehead. She didn't get a shot, but when the bullet hit the

wall just now, the stone shot hurt her.

She couldn't find a breakthrough.

She endured the feeling of being close to this bullet!


A shot from one place!

Yvette was stunned, who is it?

Black Rose also heard the movement, which was shot in a new place, and she could tell it.

The phone rang, Chuck took it out to see, and immediately surprised, "Mom."

"Ceer, hide." The phone is Karen li's voice.

"it is good,"

Chuck hung up, "My mother is here."

The black rose was relieved, and finally Karen li came over. Has he persisted for so long? ?

Chuck hid and looked, and the black rose slid against the wall and gasped.

The man frowned. "And the one who is not afraid of death?"

He hadn't finished his words yet. A bullet was almost shot and slammed. He hit him. The man

was angry. But he was wearing a bulletproof jacket. Is this person so accurate?

Is it Karen li? ?

He remembered the man's words, he immediately gnashed his teeth, and left with a gunshot


At the same time, in a place where a cold muzzle was staring at him, there was actually a one

second chance to shoot, but Karen li didn't do it for a reason.

She witnessed the man leave and called Betty, "I immediately tracked where the man was, and

there was a tracker on the bullet."

This was developed by her technology company.

"Yes, I will track it immediately." Betty immediately started tracking. There are many private

satellites of Karen li in the sky of the United States. It is not difficult to track a person!

"Cer, you can come back," Karen li closed the gun.

"Okay, mom."

Chuck called Yvette. "Wife, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

"Mom said it's okay, let's go back."

"Well, I will go back immediately," Yvette sighed, dragging his tired body back.

"My mother said yes, you go back with me, my mother shows you the wounds," Chuck looked at

the pale black rose.

"I don't need you to manage it, I'll handle it myself," Black Rose didn't want to go back. No need,

she could handle this gunshot wound herself.

"Don't force yourself, let me help you," Chuck came and hugged her.

"What are you doing? Don't touch me!" Black Rose pointed at Chuck with a cold sweat.

Chuck said. "Then are you going to handle it yourself?"

"Yes, don't touch me! If you touch me, I will definitely shoot! Absolutely!" Black Rose said


She was already in pain and almost dizzy, but she would not let the man touch her, absolutely


I have already seen the picture by this man, and let this man touch it? This is impossible!

Chuck couldn't help it. With the look of Black Rose, she would really shoot.

Chuckke didn't mean to die.

However, at this time, the phone rang again, still the mother's.

"Hey, mom, I'll be here soon."

"Well, Black Rose is hurt?"

"Yes, she doesn't want to come back with me,"

"Then you give her mobile phone."

Chuck gave it, Black Rose still picked it up, and there was Karen li's voice in it, "Come back

with my son, I will handle it for you,"

"No, I can."

"Don't refuse, come back with him, I have something to tell you in person."

Black Rose gave Chuck a phone call. Chuck said a few words and kept nodding, "My mom

asked me to lead you over, you won't shoot!"

Black Rose put down a gun and stood up reluctantly, but it still didn't work. Chuck ran down and

held her. Black Rose was stunned and shocked, "You let me go, I shot you with a gun. Let go!! "

"I didn't do anything, just take you to see my mother," Chuck ran fast without thinking.

Black Rose stared at Chuck, yeah, she couldn't see Karen li at all in her state. Forget it, she

closed her blue eyes.

Chuck came back with the black rose, Yvette had already arrived.

Karen li saw the seriously injured black rose, and immediately took over from Chuck to deal

with the black rose.

It’s all a woman. It’s nothing. The black rose is also undressed and let Karen li take out the


"You didn't kill him? Your marksmanship? It should be possible." Black Rose said.

"Yes, but I want to find this person, so..."

"Is there a tracker on the bullet? Has your company developed it?" The Black Rose was

surprised. This is more difficult!

"Yes, my people have started tracking, and there should be results immediately." Karen li's eyes

were tense.

What is she nervous about? She sighed.

"You did a good job this time, I have already put 30 million dollars on your card,"

"Don't, don't do this. Since I took this task, this is what I should do." Black Rose is helpless. The

more Karen li gives money, the more she feels that she can't do it and can't accept it.

Her life is hers, can you accept money?

"No, it shouldn't," Karen li wound the black rose.

"You have a good rest." Karen li said.

"No, since you can locate this place, then I will go with you," said Black Rose.

"No. I won't take anyone with me. I'll do it alone," Karen li looked outside, and she felt very


how to say? She has a skeptical person in her heart. She doesn't want to think about this person.

If it is true, she doesn't know what to do!

So he faced it himself.

"Well," Black Rose knew Karen li said, then there was no politeness, so there was no need to

force yourself.

"Well, take a good rest. My son may be very dangerous recently. I have turned my face with the

Ok family," Karen li said.

"You?" Black Rose was shocked. "But your strength should be no problem against the Ok


"This is not easy to say." Karen li shook her head. At this time, Betty's mobile phone came over,

and she answered, "Mr. Li, it has been located!"

My mother is a Baller, and the novel 549th chapter will not be him! Listen online with


The man covered his wounds and drove to an ordinary place. There were many people in this

place. Others simply didn't expect anyone to be here.

He drove in.
When he got out of the car and walked through the streets, when he reached a house, he knocked

on the door, and then pushed the door in. There was no sunlight and no lights on, but he saw a

person on the sofa who could not see his face clearly.

Is a man.

"Failed?" The man's voice was very soft.

"Yes, it failed. A man suddenly appeared. It was particularly powerful. Two shots hit me.

Fortunately, I was wearing a bullet-proof jacket." The killer man said angrily.

He has been debuting for so long, he hasn't met such a powerful opponent.

That black rose cannot reach this level.

It must be that Karen li is right.

"Two shots hit you?" The man sat on the sofa, his voice fluctuating slightly.

"Yes, fortunately I was wearing a bullet-proof jacket, or else..." The killer man pointed at his

shoulder, and the pain made him angry.

I actually suffered such a big loss in front of a woman.

"She can hit you with two shots, can you come back?" The man's mood fluctuated.

"Yeah, I wore a body armor, so..." The killer man explained, it had something to do with his

preparation! !

It has something to do with his own strength and decisiveness. Seeing the other party so

powerful, he decisively left!

"Your body armor is completely useless in her eyes, do you understand? The person who can hit

you in two shots, the second shot can kill you, but it hits your shoulder, do you know why?"

"There is no reason, she didn't hit, I used to cover but used..." The killer man defended!

"I said, it's nothing but fiction, don't you understand?"

"I..." The killer man was annoyed. He was obviously experienced and decisive. Why did she say

that she was so powerful?

"She really wants to kill you, even if two shots won't work, the third shot, the fourth shot, and

even the fifth shot will continue to be shot until you die, you have no chance of escaping, you

still believe it is you Your own ability? Do you know ridiculously?" said the man.

"What do you mean?" The killer man is angry!

"I said you were a pig."

"You, you are looking for death, you think you have paid, you can scold me? I will still kill

you!" The killer man pointed his gun at the man on the sofa.

The man shook his head. "Unbelief? Then you dig out the bullet on your shoulder and cut it with

your dagger to see."

The killer man frowned, but did as he did, digging out the bullet with pain, and then slashing it

hard with his dagger. The bullet split in half, with a glowing crystal in the middle.

The killer man was shocked, "This is? Tracker? When is there such a tracker?"

"You are ignorant, Karen li's technology company is arguably the world's most technologically

advanced company. You know she has invested a lot of money in research and development, you

will be surprised! This kind of thing, for her technology company, It's just a small thing." The

man said.

"This?" The killer man was covered by shock.

"So I said you were a pig, she could kill you with a second shot, and you still smugly thought

you were hiding well? No wonder you are always a killer." The man stood up from the sofa.

"I thought that you could help me do it, but I didn't expect that you not only failed to do it, but

now also brought her to me. Are you a pig?" said the man.
"I..." The killer man suddenly felt terrified!

Karen li can really kill himself in the second shot?

Look now, yes!

I picked up a life myself.

"It's a pig, so don't live and waste food," the man said suddenly. When the killer man raised his

gun in exasperation and pulled the trigger, a thing came silently.

The killer man's eyes widened, and because this thing hit his throat, he instantly felt suffocated!

This is actually just a knife and fork.

"You..." The killer man is unbelievable, he actually died like this?

"Don't be a pig in your next life. You're stupid like this. If you don't come to me, then I'm too

lazy to kill you, but I came here to find me. I don't want to kill you?" The man said.

The killer man struggled painfully, and finally stopped moving, his eyes were still wide, he didn't

believe it until death, he was killed by a knife and fork, and he had no time to rebel. .

The man wiped his hands with a tissue.

"...Hehe, quiet, why are you so unpredictable? After studying so many gadgets, what's the use?"

The man said with a slight chuckle, but he smiled very lightly, suddenly he stared at the door, his

voice fluctuated, "Come so fast? Worthy of being the world's second fighting master, but I don't

want to use this now Meet you with an identity..."

The man said, tidy up and leave.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, which was shaking. He took it out to see that it was Karen li, and

he smiled slightly, "Interesting, actually doubting me? You have never been like this before, to

me Smarter?"

Answered, he left indifferently from behind.

"Hello, um, I'm still outside, I will go back immediately..."

The man's calm voice grew further and further away until it completely disappeared. Ten

minutes later, the door was pushed open.

A person came in.

It is the expressionless Karen li. She saw the killer man lying on the ground in the pool of blood.

She was not surprised. The man was dead.

He just shoots. Others don’t. It is normal to kill him.

Karen li stared at it for a few seconds and started to check the place. After an hour, there was no


It's too clean.

Karen li sighed. She took out her mobile phone and looked at the phone number she just called.

The note above was Zhang Qingyang...

Karen li stayed in this room for a long time, and suddenly the phone rang, Betty.

"What's the matter, Mr. Li?"


"Why? No one should be able to see through!" Betty was particularly surprised. This kind of

tracker installed in bullets, this method, is generally impossible for others to know.

"After seeing it, the bullets were cut open," Karen li looked at the two halves of the bullets cut on

the ground.

"Mr. Li, did you see this man?" Betty asked after waiting a minute.


"Is that young master's dad..."

"Not him!!!" Karen li said solemnly, but he didn't feel confident?

Karen li has never seen him shoot, never, but will he not fight at all?

Karen li didn't see it. At any time, Karen li took care of him.

But what if it is hidden? It may be hidden for one or two days, but it has been hidden for more

than two decades. Karen li has not found it. If it is really hidden?

How deep is this city? ?


This person is a pillow person who shares the same bed.

But why is he doing this?

Kidnapping for money?

will not.

Didn't you give it yourself? His money has always been endless, how much to give, as long as he

said, then no matter how much Karen li, Karen li never said nothing, immediately made money.

In his card, there is always a hundred billion dollars.

No matter how many times it is used, it will always be there. If you use Karen li, you will get in.

There is no reason!

"Well, it's not him. Don't be like this, President Li. I'm scared," Betty was scared. Karen li was

rarely. He basically didn't have such a gaffe. Betty's face was white just now.

"Sorry, never again." Karen li sat on the sofa, unable to leave.

"Don't say that, Mr. Li, come back, don't stay too long, dangerous, or should I come over to pick

you up?" Betty cared.

Of course, she heard that Karen li was not in a good state. She worried that Karen li would be

attacked by him.
Karen li is a person who attaches great importance to emotions. Maybe, if she is attacked by

surprise, she may not respond.

"No, I'll come back by myself." Karen li stood up, and she stood up and went outside.

"Mr. Li, can I say a word? I want to say," Betty said after struggling.

"Well, you say it."

"Is it possible, President Li, when did you do something sorry for him? He knows, so he wants to

retaliate?" Betty asked.

My mother is a Baller, the novel 550

"Betty, what are you referring to?" Karen li said.

"Mr. Li, don't get me wrong. I have been following you. I know what you have done. I am not

talking about loyalty, but something else," Betty explained.

She has followed Karen li for too long, of course knowing that Karen li has not done anything of

that kind.

Yes, Karen li is very loyal.

University knew Zhang Qingyang until now, has been Karen li's first man.

"Other?" Karen li fell silent.

others? What aspect?

I haven't done anything myself! !

"Well, is it possible to check his details? I never thought that his family was gone, and I never

thought he would not fight," Betty said.

Her thoughts were decided by herself, but they were not nonsense. This was what she felt. She

always felt that Chuck’s father and Zhang Qingyang were not that simple.
"Well, I will consider it." Karen li said.

"Mr. Li, I'll pick you up anyway." Betty said with concern, she didn't want to see Karen li lost

her soul.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Karen li sat down by herself, she glanced at everything in the room, falling into loss and



Chuck didn't know here. Her mother chased her out. Yvette was dealing with her taking over the

family. Chuck had nothing to do. She sat on the sofa and called Yolanda to ask about the

situation there.

Like Chuck's initial vision, she did not misread the people, and Yolanda did a very good job in


Chuck also asked at random, the hotel managed by Du Peixin is also good.

Although Du Peixin was dissatisfied that Chuck only let her manage a hotel, but she was also

managing it seriously, waiting for Chuck to give her a greater chance.

After all, Chuck's net worth, Du Pei heart can't imagine anyway.

She thought to rely on Chuck, then their Du family would be much better.

But when calling Yolanda, Yolanda mentioned Qian Yueying.

Qian Yueying has inquired these days.

Chuck is quite surprised. What is Qian Yueying thinking about? She didn't plan to adjust her

money, she should be far away from her.

Why are you still here to find yourself?

Did she look at her photos and adjust her to make her a little more interesting to herself?
Is there no such woman? ?

Chuck shrugged, he still thought about it! Qian Yueying's woman is not easy to say, but her

figure is really good.


However, during the period when Chuck came to the United States, he still had ideas, such as

what to invest in the United States, but there was a lack of management. Chuck was thinking,

should I let Du Pei heart come to the United States?

Anyway, she has to follow herself for five years.

She is good in every aspect, so you must use her well? It can't be wasted.

Chuck thinks so, this thought is even more important.

Hang up the phone, Chuck is ready to go out and see.

The black rose felt indistinguishable. She put on her clothes and walked out of the room, just to

see Chuck who was going out.

"Are you going out?" Black Rose asked coldly.

"Well," Chuck knew that she was her bodyguard, so of course she would tell her whereabouts,

anyway, he was not doing anything to see no one else.

"Will you follow?"

"Yes, I will shoot in danger." Of course Black Rose would do so.

"But you hurt." Chuck looked at her, her face was still pale.

"I have something to do with you, you can go out at any time," Black Rose didn't mean to

imprison Chuck.

Although it would be much safer to stay at home, Karen li didn't say to restrict Chuck's

"I go out and see what projects I want to invest in," Chuck said.

"Your mother Karen li's industry, the entire rice country, is one-fifth up, what can you vote for?"

Black Rose is welcome.


"Well, let me see." Chuck was embarrassed by Black Rose. Yvette was not free. Chuck was

bored and could only go out and see.

"up to you,"

"Why don't you come with me and have a companion," Chuck said.

There is no need to let the black rose follow.

"No, I'm secretly protecting you, obviously, some people know me," Black Rose immediately

shook his head and refused.

Although she usually pays attention to these, but when she pays more attention to it, there are

times when she is exposed, not to mention her top female killer.

"Well, then I'm out." Chuck said.

"When am I blind?" Black roses and big blue eyes are cold inside.

"Actually, you can try to communicate with me in English, I have learned these days," Chuck

smiled slightly.

Yes, following Yvette for a few days, after Yvette made Chuck happy at night, he seriously

asked Chuck to learn English.

After the last incident, Chuck swears in his heart that he must learn English!

Yvette has been a teacher and speaks English in a very standard way. She let Chuck start

learning the easiest, but the most practical method. Chuck has been working for a few days and

feels pretty good.

Barely able to communicate in general.

Black Rose did not look at Chuck and went straight out.

Chuck shrugged and went out for no purpose, but came out and saw the bumpy black rose.

Chucksi walked around and asked, "I'll ask you something,"


"Where is Ouyang Fei?" Chuck paid more attention to this. Logan is still recovering from

injuries. This is all done by Ouyang Fei.

This poisonous woman, Chuck will kill her.

"I want to kill her more than you!" Black roses and big blue eyes are cold!

Yes, she dreams of killing Ouyang Fei! But at this time, Ouyang Fei was guarded by the behind-

the-scenes boss, and she had no time to find it now.


Chuck had nothing to say. At this time, Black Rose, like an ice cube, took a picture. Chuck also

felt that Ouyang Fei was doing too vicious.

"Her woman is too bad, you can definitely kill her." Chuck said.

Black Rose looked at Chuck, "Don't mention her in front of me,"


Chuck drove around, and Black Rose had arrived in her car, and she would follow her from afar.

While waiting for the traffic light, Chuck suddenly heard someone calling himself, Chuck,


It was a girl's voice, Chuck was strange, who was calling himself?

Chuckdong and Zhang Xiwang saw a beautiful girl waving at herself inside a luxury car.

Chuck was stunned. Why did she come to the United States? ?
This beautiful girl was actually Jiang Ran, a classmate who went to Huagang last time.

Last time Chuck also promised her one thing, that is to go to Huagang together, but after going

there, she ignored her. She said that it was not counted, and Chuck agreed at the time.

But Jiang Ran had never contacted himself, Chuck thought Jiang Ran had forgotten about it, but

did not expect to meet her in the country.

"Why are you here?" Chuck said.

"Drop, drip!!"

The car behind madly honked his horn and cursed at Chuck, saying that the green light was off,

and still not driving. Chuck knew that he didn't take care of it, so he didn't respond and said to

Jiang Ran, chatting in front of the road.

"who's that person?"

Inside Jiang Ran's car, a beautiful girl from the United States asked. This girl from the United

States was beautiful, like an elf, with real white skin and beautiful appearance, especially long

legs. Jiang Ran, the former school flower, was so overshadowed.

"My classmate." Jiang Ran pouted.

She came here to play in the United States. She had thought about bringing Chuck together,

because Chuck agreed, but Jiang Ransi wanted to go. The last time she went to Huagang

together, it was already deeply hurting her.

She didn't dare to let Chuck come out to play like this, came out, and regardless of herself, what's

the point?

She happened to be a relative of her family, some immigrated to the country, and held a birthday

party, she simply came to the country alone, relax for a few days, she did not expect to meet

There are two other yellow-skinned beauties like Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran Meimu was watching. At that time, she was obsessed with Chuck's line muscles at the

Jingcheng Bar. Now she looks stronger.

Jiang Ran's heartbeat accelerated.

"What classmates can make you blush?" asked a friend.

"No," Jiang Ran defended.

"Do you like this classmate." The blue-eyed beauty driving said.

"I..." Jiang Ran didn't even know that, when she suddenly saw Chuck, she was ashamed.

"I advise you not to like it anymore. Huaxia men are very trashy," said Chuck, who looked at the

parking in front of the blue-eyed beauty.

My mother is a Baller with audio novels Chapter 551 is a mouse audio novel listening


This blue-eyed beauty hates the Huaxia man very much. She is not responsible, but she is weak

and thin. She learns boxing. In the school, no Chinese student can beat her.

In her school, the Chinese men are synonymous with the weak! !

"Don't say that." Jiang Ran was helpless.

"Why can't you say, Jiang Ran, we are studying in the United States, and the Huaxia men we

meet are not good," Jiang Ran said of another Huaxia friend.

"Yes, in our school, no Chinese man can win me. Just like the one you just said, I can play five

or six. I will invite him later and see if he dares!" Lan Eyed Beauty laughed.

The men in the United States are strong and the men in China are thin. This gap is still very big!

"Don't, I know you are great, don't do this." Jiang Ran was frightened.
Her blue-eyed beauty friend is really amazing. She has seen it, not to mention a few Chinese

people, just three men from your country. It is difficult to get close to her.

"Why not? You are my friend. I have a responsibility to help you check it out. A man who can't

give you a sense of security. What did you do?" the blue-eyed beauty said.

"Don't do that." Jiang Ran was speechless.

"Jiang Ran, what do you like about this man? So thin, there is no masculinity at all. I would

never like such a man. Give me, I don't want it," the blue-eyed beauty said seriously.

"Alas," Jiang Ran was entangled in her heart. She didn't know whether she liked it or not, just

thought, when she was in the bar, she didn't know it was Chuck at that time, so she used to talk

to her.

Afterwards, she was ashamed. She dreamed of Chuck in those nights, so at that time, she wanted

Chuck to go to Huagang to play.

Later, I haven't contacted for a long time, and I haven't seen each other. The feeling is of course

much lighter. However, when I was playing in the United States, I suddenly saw Chuck.

That kind of surprise is beyond words, it just feels amazing. How good is it to meet people you

know in places like the United States? ?

She has a feeling of seeing surprises. Is this a surprise to Chuck?

The blue-eyed beauty drove to the side of Chuck. She looked at it. The car was not bad, but it

was not good.

Huaxia men are too thin.

Jiang Ran got off a few of them, and of course Chuck got off!

The black rose that followed in the distance saw all this and stopped in the distance, paying close

"How did you come to Rice Country?" Jiang Ran asked.

"Uh, nothing," Chuck didn't want to say that he came to revenge.

"Well, I’ll introduce to you, these are my three good friends in the United States, this is..." Jiang

Ran pointed at the blue-eyed beauty, but the blue-eyed beauty didn’t want Chuck to be so weak

Chicken recognition.

"No need to introduce, you can speak English?" the blue-eyed beauty asked.

"Emily, don't do that." Jiang Ran whispered in English, her girl, although English is not as good

as Yvette, it is still good.

"I'll help you see." The blue-eyed beauty said.

"However, don't fight with him, you are so powerful." Jiang Ran didn't want to see Chuck, his

friend just beat him up!

This will definitely not work!

Chuck's muscles have a sense of line, but it should be caused by fitness. Fitness and playing can

be two concepts.

She saw the blue-eyed beauty fighting with the Chinese man in person. Chuck's height and body,

she fell down and asked for mercy.

There is no power to fight back!

Chuck must be the result! !

"It's okay. I watched the fight. I sent him an invitation. If he wanted to, then I would knock him

down on the ground and stop fighting. If he didn't want to, he wouldn't grow. Then such a timid

man wouldn't even need it. Can't like it, you can't protect you, what do such weak men want?

Should we let our women protect men?" the blue-eyed beauty asked.

"No." Jiang Ran explained that there are not so many bad guys in this world.
"Listen to me, don't talk about it," the blue-eyed beauty has come to Chuck.

"It will be a little bit," Chuck said, it's nothing, learning something, there must always be a


Chuck believes that he can speak fluent English, but this takes time.

But Chuck felt that it should not take long, after all, Yvette is a professional teacher.

"Then I can understand what I said?" said the blue-eyed beauty.

"Can barely," Chuck nodded.

"Okay, I'm sending you an invitation. I'll fight you." The blue-eyed beauty said straight.

She hated such a weak man. The weak one couldn't help the wind and fell down with one punch.

It was useless.

Anyway, she was in front of Chuck and couldn't see a sense of security, that is, a feeling of


Chuck didn't understand this sentence and could only ask Jiang Ran, "What did she say?"

Jiang Ran breathed a sigh of relief, "She said you were good."

Chuck smiled slightly, "Thank you."

The blue-eyed beauty frowned, pretending to be silly, right?

"I said I'm going to fight you, don't you understand? You're pretending, why are you so

uncultivated? No, or are you willing to say it?" The blue-eyed beauty shook her head.

What men are my friends looking for?

If you don’t fight, you can’t fight. I knew I was pretending to be crazy.

"Jiang Ran, what did she say?" Chuck didn't understand.

"It's okay, where are you going?" Jiang Ran opened the subject.

"Turn around," Chuck originally came out to turn around.

"That's okay, why don't you join me, my relative's birthday, can you see it?" Jiang Ran invited.

I think it can be encountered in such a large place in the United States, so is it proof that the two

are still in a fate? ?

Jiang Ran, take a look, try it with Chuck.

Chuck looked at Jiang Ran. Today is particularly beautiful. Girls from the United States are all

sexy. Jiang Ran has come to the United States and is wearing almost the same. The standard

Chinese woman's figure and long legs are still particularly eye-catching.

Chuck felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and it was enough to go around and he agreed.

"Well, you are driving with us," Jiang Ran was delighted. Chuck promised to be so simple, does

it mean he likes himself a little? !

"Well," Chuck got in the car and followed suit.

Seeing if there is anything to invest in, if there is, then let Du Pei come to the country and

establish his own business empire in the country!

In the car, the blue-eyed beauty disdain, "The person you like is spicy chicken, it's too spicy

chicken, he doesn't fight me, he is so timid?? Such a man, how can you deserve it?"

The blue-eyed beauty couldn't understand it.

She's so timid, it really makes her uncomfortable!

"Don't say it." Jiang Ran was helpless.

The blue-eyed beauty drove, "Tell me, what did he say?"

"He said he didn't want to fight," Jiang Ran could only say so, did Chuck want to?

That policy must be lying down today, she doesn't want to see it.

"You don't want to be courageous. Like a mouse, the person you like is a mouse. It's timid and

likes to pretend," the blue-eyed beauty laughed.

As a friend, she didn't laugh at Jiang Ran, but wanted Jiang Ran not to like Chuck. She didn't

dare to accept the invitation of a woman. How is such a man different from a mouse? ?

Not at all!

What is it!

"Alas," Jiang Ran said nothing.

"Jiang Ran, I advise you, since I came to Miguo, then I will introduce you to a Miguo boyfriend,

which is a hundred times stronger than the one you like!" The blue-eyed beauty started as a

month old.

It should be, my friend came over, and asked her to see what a real man is, not a skinny man.

A man from the United States is a man. Others? Ha ha ha! !

"No," Jiang Ran didn't come to find her boyfriend. She saw from the car window that Chuck had


"Why not? The man is not his way. I dare not accept my challenge. What kind of man?" The

blue-eyed beauty said disdainfully.

Faced with the question of the blue-eyed beauty, Jiang Ran didn't know how to refute. Chuck

was not as strong as the American man, as tall as the American man, but he was also a man.

"No, he is a man." Jiang Ran said.

"It's a man, then let him accept my invitation, and I will punch him down with a punch!" said the

blue-eyed beauty.

My mother is a Baller, and the novel Chapter 552 why not give it? Listen online with novels

Is the man about to accept the invitation? ?

Jiang Ran sighed. Chuck wouldn't know this. How could he accept it?
Was it knocked down by you?

So if this is the case, then Chuck must have no face to continue to go to relatives with himself.

After all, how embarrassing is it to be knocked down by a woman? !

"Stop talking." Jiang Ran sighed.

"When I get to the place, I will introduce you to a boyfriend from the United States and let you

know what a man is." The blue-eyed beauty said.

This is what she should do. They are all women. As friends, she wants to tell Jiang Ran what a

man is.

This is a woman's right to know.

Jiang Ran was no exception.

When I arrived, it was a hotel. There were a lot of luxury cars in the parking lot. It seems that

this relative of Jiang Ran, like her, is also a rich man.

Chuck followed and drove in. Looking back, she found that the black rose also came in, but she

didn't come out of the car. She compared the observation and observed the situation nearby.

She doesn't matter, wherever Chuck goes, she just goes wherever she goes.

Chuck called Black Rose.

Black Rose frowned, "What's the matter?"

"Well go in together, and have meals." Chuck said.

Anyway, go in and eat, but do nothing.

"You don't have to turn it off, you just do what you want." Black Rose hung up the phone. She

ate hamburgers as soon as she ate them. They were nearby, and they would buy them later.

She hasn't eaten Chinese food, but it's spicy, she doesn't like it. Hamburger fries are the best.
Chuck shrugged, okay, she is still passionate, she is the mother please come to protect yourself,

why not?

"Chuck, here," Jiang Ran waved.

Chuck walked past, but since it was Jiang Ran's birthday, would you like to send something? Go

directly to eat and drink, um, not very good? ?

Chuck walked over and said this to Jiang Ran. Jiang Ran shook his head. "I told you to come

over for dinner, but I didn't ask you to come over to give a gift. No more,"

Chuck is not very embarrassed, okay, just leave after a meal, it will do.


Chuck and Jiang Ran went inside, but I think, the blue-eyed beauty always seemed to feel a little

uncomfortable. Why? ? Didn't you mess with her?

Although her figure is particularly good, her bumps are beautiful, she is full of the youthful

vitality of the beautiful girl of the United States. After all, she is the same as Jiang Ran, who is

less than 20 years old, but Chuck did not pay much attention to her.

"Did your friend look upset at me?" Chuck asked, was there any misunderstanding?

"No, she is such a person," Jiang Ran hurriedly explained, and she didn't want Chuck to clash

with her friends.

"Well, that's how I thought about it," Chuck shrugged.

"Chuck, have you ever learned Taekwondo?" Jiang Ran asked. Chuck should not have learned

this figure, but it might be a good exercise.

"No, what did you do to learn that?"

Jiang Ran sighed. Sure enough, Chuck didn't say he was able to fight, that is, he had never

touched anything in this area. If he really fought with his friend just now, he would definitely be

knocked down with a punch.

Fortunately, there was no translator at that time, otherwise Chuck would be ugly.

"I learned something else,"

"Really?" Jiang Ran was pleasantly surprised, hopeful, what to learn, karate? ?

"Um, really,"

"What did you learn! Karate?"

"I didn't learn that. The first thing I learned was running, exercising, and push-ups to ensure my

physical strength..." Chuck said of his daily training tasks.

"Oh, like this? Well, don't say this, let's go in," Jiang Ran was disappointed, it turned out to be


Isn't this just exercise?

That policy is definitely not an opponent of his friend.

"Okay." Chuck happened to be a little hungry, and it was fine to go in for dinner.

However, Chuck still felt that the blue-eyed beauty walking in front had a perfect figure and long


Entered the hotel together, this belongs to Chinatown, this hotel is also very Chinese, so someone

at the door specially writes a gift book.

They were all humane. The blue-eyed beauty took out the prepared red envelope and handed it to

the person who received the gift book. Jiang Ran and two friends also wrote it.

Jiang Ran wrapped a card with a red envelope.

This is a birthday present.

Anyway, Jiang Ran said no, Chuck didn't give it. In fact, he came out anxiously, didn't take his

wallet, only took the mobile phone.

The person who wrote the gift book saw Chuck didn't mean it, and immediately showed


Traditional Chinese people don’t understand this rule?

Don't you know that it's crazy to sell silly? ?

"Jiang Ran, why is this your friend? It's too stingy not to write in the etiquette?" Jiang Ran's two

Chinese friends sneered sarcastically.

Originally, I have to write a little more, this is a blessing, don't you understand the number of

gifts? ?

"That's right, I have driven luxury cars, I don't even understand the rules. Is this pretending to be

crazy and selling silly things or something? I heard that many people drive luxury cars and can't

take out hundreds of pieces of their bodies. Is it someone like him? ???" Another friend sneered.

"No, he doesn't have to give it." Jiang Ran explained this.

Even blue-eyed beauties are unhappy. You are a fan of the Chinese people and you know this

rule. You, a Chinese, may not know it?

It's really not such a stingy person, just like a mouse without courage, it is so stingy, what kind of

man is this?

"Why isn't it necessary? Did he promise you that he just came here with a mix of food and


"Look what he looks like, and needless to say, he doesn't pretend to look like it. You said that

there are all these people. I can't stand it. You can see that my living expenses are all taken out.

He is so stingy. At least pretend to pretend, look at him, alas, Jiang Ran, are you short-sighted,
how do you like such a person? stingy, courageous and small, what does such a person want to

do? Anyway, give it to me I won't want it."

Two friends, you whispered me one by one, and expressed dissatisfaction with Chuck in my



When he is in favor of himself, he also eats one's meal. He also wants to eat one's meal. Why

doesn't he need to be in person?

"Ah, I'll give it," Jiang Ran couldn't listen anymore.

"Do not give it to you, ask him." The two friends said.

"Yes, Jiang Ran, as a Chinese, he selectively forgot. Such a person is not worth paying. Let him

leave." The blue-eyed beauty said.

She left, so she would introduce Jiang Ran to her boyfriend later!

"No, I told him well, you go first." Jiang Ran had no choice but to do nothing.

"No, I have to watch him take the money out. I hate people eating and drinking the most in my


The three girls stared at Chuck.

Jiang Ran sighed and walked in front of Chuck, "That... let's go in."

"OK, I am hungry too," Chuck followed in.

"Slow down!" Jiang Ran's two Chinese friends came.

Chuck was stunned, "Something?"

"Wen Wen, Qing Qing, don't say the two of you," Jiang Ran hurriedly stopped.

"Why not? I'm going to say, hello, do you understand the rules? You don't get anything on

someone's birthday?" a dark-haired girl said politely.

"Yes, why don't you go? Is it forgotten? No problem, I remind you." Another little beauty said.

"Uh, sorry, I didn't bring a wallet," Chuck waved awkwardly.

He took his mobile phone.

"Can you change the reason? If you don't go, you can't. Why do you say you didn't bring your

wallet? Who is this?"

The two friends disdain, this is definitely the kind of person who drives a luxury car and doesn't

have hundreds of dollars on his body.

"Stop talking, you go in," Jiang Ran was angry.

She knew whether Chuck had money or not, and she certainly did not bring a wallet.

"I see how he can eat well, eat and drink together. Well, let's go first."

"Okay, I don't want to sit with him,"

Including blue-eyed beauties have advanced, blue-eyed beauties don't bother to watch, timid as a

mouse, and have no money, Jiang Ran is blind eyes? It's okay to introduce one to Jiang Ran later,

Jiang Ran will kick off and kick off the strategy immediately, not a man, what do you want? ?

"Chuck, sorry, my friends..." Jiang Ran apologized.

"It's okay," Chuck didn't care. Chuck wouldn't be angry when he was happy today. He did it


Chuck accepted, "I'm calling people to get money."

"No, walk in and eat," Jiang Ran shook his head, Chuck shrugged, okay, just go in and eat.

My mother is an audio novel brought to you by Chapter 553

Chuck and Jiang Ran came in for the banquet. Jiang Ran took Chuck to a friend's seat. Chuck

felt that the banquet tonight should be good, and he could eat more. Anyway, he was already


"Don't sit here,"

"Yes, let me eat with such a stingy person, I will not be able to eat." Two Chinese friends said in

front of Chuck's face, the tone was full of sarcasm.

Yes, what about Chuckkai driving a luxury car?

There aren't a few dollars in my pocket. What kind of rich man is this? ?

Rich people don't understand this gift number?

What else to say, why didn’t you bring your wallet? ?

"You two, just have dinner together." Jiang Ran was a little angry. The two friends were too

much today.

"What's it?? I gave you a gift. I don't want to sit with someone who didn't give me a gift. Jiang

Ran, can't you let me eat?" said a friend.

"He didn't bring a wallet," Jiang Ran explained.

"Never mind, this reason doesn't believe it. He just doesn't want to give money. What do you say

so much?? What is so nice to say?"

"Wen Wen, he is very rich, he really did not bring a wallet." Jiang Ran was helpless.

"If you have money, let him take it out, and don't give him money. What money will such a

stingy person have?" The friend shook his head and said contemptuously, she didn't believe it!

The rich are not like this, definitely not like Chuck.

Didn't give the gift money, but still had a face to come in to eat, what is it so nice to say mixed

food and drink? ?

She also said that she didn't bring a wallet, she would laugh to death.

"Alas." Jiang Ran sighed, his friend.

"Jiang Ran, sit here and let him go to sit elsewhere." The blue-eyed beauty pulled Jiang Ran


She didn't want to see Chuck.

She will eat without appetite.

"Don't do this, you are my friends, and so is he, you" Jiang Ran was really angry.

Blue-eyed beauties can only compromise, what can they do? She didn't want to be stiff with

good friends for such a person like Chuck, and she would introduce her boyfriend to her later!

The other two Chinese friends despised Chuck. Why is this person so thick-skinned? ?

Forget it, for Jiang Ran's sake, let you sit down.

"Chuck, don't you mind, they are like this, sit down, the banquet is about to start," Jiang Ran said

to Chuck.

She is speechless. How about her three friends who are so uncomfortable with Chuck? ?

Chuck actually went to sit elsewhere just now, but he was full and he couldn't help it. He could

only sit here, forget it, just have a meal.

When the food came up, Chuck was really hungry, so he didn't eat it politely. Jiang Ran was

worried that Chuck was embarrassed, so he gave Chuck a dish.

In this way, Chuck was really embarrassed, "No,"

"Yes, are you hungry? Come on, eat this." Jiang Ran gave Chuck a dish and filled Chuck's bowl.

"Jiang Ran, why are you doing this? We still have to eat, but I paid for it," a friend said with

great dissatisfaction.

Only three dishes were served, and Jiang Ran caught Chuck so much.
"Have you not eaten? You haven't eaten such good food as the countrymen entered the city? No

wonder you don't give gifts, but you also have to eat with a cheeky face. It turns out that you

haven't eaten good food!"

Chuck looked at her, did not speak, and ate her own.

"Pretend to be rich, hang wire, eat with such a person, I have no appetite,"

"Ah, people nowadays, you can do anything with thick skin, oops! How can such a person go


"Ghost knows? I don't have any appetite, but people don't give money to eat so happy, why

should we give money to don't eat? We eat honestly and honestly, he eats secretly."

"Also, let's eat fast. If we give money, we must eat more than he does."

The three girls don't care about anything else. They despised Chuck for a while and ate it

directly. They didn't give Chuck the opportunity to make dishes. As long as they were Chuck's

chopsticks, their three chopsticks would definitely come over.

Chuck doesn't matter, because Jiang Ran keeps serving himself.

Chuck ate almost, and put down the tableware.

"Finally finished, a table has been eaten by a third of a person, have not eaten?" Someone said

dissatisfied with Chuck.

"The rice bucket is so bad that I don't have enough to eat. I don't want to eat with such a person

anymore. Today is the worst time I have had for a long time."

"Me too, I'm really lacking in quality. I just eat by myself and finish all the dishes. What are we

going to eat?"

Several people muttered, especially dissatisfied.

In fact, they eat and take pictures, and everyone else has to eat too.
Chuck ignored them, no need, he came over for dinner, not quarreling.

"Chuck, and a few of you, wait a minute. I'll go chat with my relatives." Jiang Ran originally

wanted to bring Chuck to the past.

But Chuck is definitely not willing.

Jiang Ran didn't want Chuck to be questioned by his relatives. How embarrassing? ?

Chuck shrugged.

"Don't talk nonsense about the three of you." Jiang Ran warned.

The three girls did not speak.

Jiang Ran didn't worry about saying hello to his relatives. This is a must. He came here

thousands of miles, and he must be like this.

Chuck sat drinking tea and waited for Jiang Ran. When Jiang Ran came, he also greeted and left.

Originally, he came out to eat, not to go shopping.

"Why didn't he leave? What are he doing here? Still wanting a meal?"

"Sure, there's a place for rubbing rice, don't you seize the opportunity to rub a few more times?"

"Hush, don't be so loud, what if he will tell Jiang Ran about our bad things?"

"What are you afraid of? Doesn't he understand English? I scold him now, he doesn't understand


"Yes, look at his hanging sample, alas, why is Jiang Ran's vision so low?"

"The ghost knows? Maybe Jiang Ran looked at him pitifully, so he pityed him and barely liked

him? Don't you know that Jiang Ran is very loving?"

The three girls spoke English. At this time, someone brought dessert.

"Yeah, there are desserts,"

"Good, take it quickly, don't let him take it, let him take it away,"
Both girls, including blue-eyed beauties, ate desserts, for fear that Chuckduo would take them.

Chuck didn't want to eat it because he was full, but looking at this dessert is a traditional Chinese

dessert. It is very good. I want to try black roses.

After all, what she said was protecting herself.

Chuck asked the waiter for a box and took a piece of pastry into the box.

"Mum, I can't stand it, I still pack it? It's not enough to eat so much, I still pack it? My mother,"

"Why don't you think he's gone?"

"Really, okay, I don't need to see him anymore. Hurry up,"

The two girls, including the blue-eyed beauties, were happy, whispering, Chuck packed the

dessert and went out, anyway, the black rose was outside, and it was just delivered.

"Let's go early, but what will we say when Jiang Ran comes over? Jiang Ran would think we

drove him away."

"Afraid of anything? Just say he left."

"It is estimated that he is still happy when he leaves,"

The three girls muttered.

Chuck came out of the hotel, looked around, and found the black rose's car, he walked straight


"What are you doing? Don't get close to me, maybe someone will find you!!!" Black Rose said


In this way, Chuck would tell others that someone secretly protected him? ?

"It's okay," Chuck shrugged.

"What are you going to do, just call me." Black roses and big blue eyes are cold light inside.
"This can't make a call. This one is for you. Our traditional Chinese mung bean cake is

delicious." Chuck put it in the car and left.

Seeing Chuck leave, Black Rose became even more angry. He didn't eat this, he already bought a

burger just now.

The black rose calmed down and took a few deep breaths before his anger disappeared. What

green bean cake? Is there such a thing? ?

The big black rose and blue eyes stared at the box on the seat, there was something in it, a little

scent, she hesitated for a few minutes, opened the box, and saw it for the first time.

"Eat? Delicious?" Black Rose expressed doubt.

She took it out, put it in her mouth, and took a bite. The black rose was a little stunned. "Sweet,

how is this done?... a little delicious..."

My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 554

Jiang Ran finished talking with her relatives. She came over, but she didn't see Chuck. She asked

unexpectedly, "What about Chuck?"


"Leave?? When?" Jiang Ran was stunned, why did he leave suddenly?

"Just now, you didn't see what he looked like. You packed a piece of mung bean cake and left.

You must keep it for tomorrow."

"What did you say?" Jiang Ran sighed.

She finally encountered Chuck, but she didn't expect Chuck to leave after eating, and she

planned to go out to play.

This needs to be tried, but Chuck is gone, what are you talking about now? ?
Call Chuck? Is it just embarrassing?

Jiang Ran was really down. It was good to chat with relatives just now, but when Chuck left, she

lost all of a sudden.


"Nothing. He doesn't understand us when we speak English,"

"That is, if he left by himself, maybe he found it by his conscience? Don't think that eating and

drinking is not enough?"

"No, I think he went back to get the money... I think he will take the money by this time next


"Haha, will you come over to eat and drink again at that time? You said you didn't bring your

wallet with you?"

"No way, that's what happened."

The three girls said with a lip, saying that it is best to go, and your eyes are more comfortable.

"Ah, you must have said something, otherwise he wouldn't... Chuck," Jiang Ran suddenly sighed

when she saw Chuck coming in, and she ran past in surprise.

It turns out that Chuck didn't leave! !

The three girls were dumbfounded and immediately angry.

"Emily, this person is too shameless, and actually came back, I think you should find a chance to

knock him down with a punch and let him retreat in difficulty! Otherwise, how can you follow

Jiang Ran all the time?" A girl made an idea .

"That's right, I came back after I left. This face is thicker than the city walls. I'm eye-opening!"
The blue-eyed beauty stared at Chuck, "It's okay, I will go to my friend and introduce Jiang Ran

to my friend. After seeing my friend, this Chuck will only feel inferior! Because someone who is

not a man sees the real He will be inferior when he is a man!!"

"Inferiority is useless, he is so thick-skinned, he will definitely be stupid."

"Oh, why is he so shameless?"

"It's okay, my friend knows a little taekwondo, I teach it, but it's enough to deal with people who

are not men, like mice," the blue-eyed beauty said.

Her friend, but the real person is tall!

Chuck was half headed, and Chuck would certainly be trembling with shock when he saw it.

What's more, this friend has half the strength of the blue-eyed beauty, and to deal with Chuck,

that's really a fist.

"Okay, just do it. I have to look at the way Chuck was beaten and made him so shameless!" The

two girls absolutely agreed!

Must agree.

As soon as Chuck came, they were in a bad mood. They hadn't had enough to eat just now!

Chuck must be taught.

"Go, let's go."

The three girls walked past.

"Where did you go to Chuck?" Jiang Ran asked with concern. She was all lost. Fortunately,

Chuck came back. Was he coming back for himself? ?

"Go and see in the car," Chuck said in a panic.

This panic must be said, or else to go and feed the world's number one female killer Black

Rose? ?
Jiang Ran would have been scared if he had not been in contact with these things.

It's better to lie.

Jiang Ran is good, Chuck is good.

"Well, I will continue to eat at night. The dishes at night are different. There are many delicious

ones," Jiang Ran said.

Chuck eats a lot, but it is normal for men to eat so much.

Chucksi wanted to come and go. This was difficult but he could only agree, "Okay."

"Well, don't mind the words of some of my friends, they have misunderstood you," Jiang Ran


"It's okay," Chuck didn't care.

"Jiang Ran, let's go play," the blue-eyed beauty came over and said.

Yes, Jiang Ran is also considering this matter. After all, it is only 12 o'clock now, and it is only

open at 6 or 7 pm. In the middle of this time, can't I just sit down? I have to find something to do,

otherwise how embarrassing?

"What do you think of Chuck?" Jiang Ran asked Chuck's opinion.

"Don't worry, don't you have to pay, don't you have no wallet? We won't let a person without a

wallet pay." A girl said contemptuously.

Never seen such a man.

Chucksi comes and goes, okay.

"it is good."

"Well, Emily, where are you going?" Jiang Ran asked the blue-eyed beauty.

"Just follow me," the blue-eyed beauty went out, and the other two girls followed.

Chuck shrugged.
"Chuck, will I take your car?" Jiang Ran asked quietly.

This is a bit embarrassing, after all, Chuck didn't invite him.

"Of course it's okay," Chuck went out without any comment.

Jiang Ran breathed a sigh of relief, went out and got into Chuck's car, sitting in the passenger


Chuck was in gear and saw Jiang Ran's long legs.

Jiang Ran was cautious and a little nervous. Of course, he was either nervous about what Chuck

would do to her or was nervous.

Chuck drove and saw that the black rose behind him slowly followed. Chuck was thinking, did

Black Rose eat mung bean cake?

It's estimated that I didn't eat it. Forget it. When I got it, leave her alone.

"Jiang Ran, let me go, is this a man?" A girl saw that Jiang Ran actually went to Chuck's car. She

was shocked, so she was not afraid of Chuck's hanging wire doing something to her in the car? ?

"Huh, it's okay. Jiang Ran is just now confused by the man's dead skin. When he meets my

friend, Jiang Ran will suddenly wake up. She will think, what is a man, what is Chuck? Said the

blue-eyed beauty disdainfully.

She knows that the only reason why Jiang Ran feels to people like Chuck is that Jiang Ran has

never seen a real man. He is too young to know.

When she saw it, Jiang Ran would kick Chuck away.

The three girls got in the car and she drove to lead the way while making a friend call.

"Are you in the store? Um, I'm here to play and introduce you to a Chinese beauty who is

punctual... rest assured, absolutely beautiful,"

The blue-eyed beauty said that his friends must introduce good men.
The journey is not far away and it will be there in half an hour.

It is a casino.

Just for fun.


Chuck was surprised. Where did the blue-eyed beauty say it was a casino? ? Jiang Ran was

surprised, "Will you play Chuck?"

"It's okay," Chuck had just gambled last time, but it was a pity that he lost the last time, but the

mother helped her win.

Chuck is thinking, do you want to open a casino in the country? ?

Chuck had this idea.

"It's okay, I have money," Jiang Ran said, and she had a card.

Didn't Chuck bring a wallet?

"No, I don't want to play," Chuck didn't plan to play. If he wanted to play, he would specifically

find a big casino to play. This casino is not big and it's meaningless to play.

Chuck wanted to go in and take a look at it and consider opening it in the United States.

Anyway, Mom also has several large casinos, but others don't know.

Ask my mother a little experience, it will be opened casually, then let Du Pei heart come over Mi


Chuck was happy thinking about it.

"I have money in my hand." Jiang Ran said seriously.

"I know, I don't like playing with this very much."

"Then I told them to change places to play," Jiang Ran thought it was a place like a pub, but did

not expect it to be a casino.

She has never been to such a place.

"It's okay, let's go in and see," Chuck had the idea.

"Well," Jiang Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Two people came out.

The three girls stared at Chuck contemptuously.

"Did this guy startle at the casino? Thought we wanted him to gamble?"

"Look at how he rubbed,"

Jiang Ran came, the three girls didn't speak, and the blue-eyed beauties didn't plan to make

Chuck bet, they didn't bring a wallet, so bet on a hair? ?

Is it possible to let them three girls pay for him to gamble?

Does this guy really think so? Treat yourself as a fool?

Three girls look at me and I look at you and reach a consensus.

"Okay, let's go in," Jiang Ran said. Chuck looked at the casino, and his thoughts became more


Five people went inside, Chuck was thinking, okay, just open a casino.

My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 555. Don’t you? Listen online with novels

Chuck came into this casino. The size of the casino behind the boss last time was too large. The

daily turnover is estimated to be billions of dollars, which is much smaller.

Chuck felt that it would be better to open it first, and then open it bigger.

This idea is even bigger, and Chuck can't wait to call Du Peixin immediately, so that she is ready

to come here.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Chuck looked at it, and it was Du Pei's heart.
"Jiang Ran, I'm answering a phone call," Chuck happened to be able to tell Du Peixin about it.

Anyway, Du Peixin had to follow himself for five years.

Then let her come over to the United States.

"Well," Jiang Ran nodded.

Chuck walked aside.

"What's so strange about this kind of person? They all said they don't want to give money, and

they still do it. When they come in, they answer the phone and leave. Interesting?" A girl was

extremely dissatisfied.

The blue-eyed beauty was too lazy to look at Chuck, and said to Jiang Ran with a smile, "Jiang

Ran, let's go in."

"Wait for Chuck," Jiang Ran worried that Chuck could not find her.

"What are you afraid of? He's such a big man, and he's afraid of losing him? Go!" A girl pushed

Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran had no choice but to go in.

The blue-eyed beauty smiled slightly. She had already greeted her and her friend had already

come over.

Wearing a black suit, tall and strong, handsome, this is the same as the model!

This is a temperament!

Both girls look nympho, so handsome! !

They are all thinking, let the blue-eyed beauty introduce themselves to a handsome boyfriend!

After they came to the United States, they felt that the Chinese men were really bad. They

wanted to find the American men as their boyfriends, because the American men were the real

"Hello, my name is Owen." The man came elegantly, with a very standard Chinese language.

That's right, the introduction on the blue-eyed beauty's phone is correct. Jiang Ran, he really did

see it at a glance. His bumpy figure was to the extreme.

It is really the standard Chinese beauty.

Jiang Ran was stunned. The blue-eyed beauty was proud. Was it dumbfounded?

This is the man. What is your interesting Chuck, just like the mouse, it's rubbish! !


"Hey, Du Peixin," Chuck answered the phone.

"Mr. Zhang, there is something to ask you over there," Du Peixin called.

"You don't need to ask me anymore, you can hand over with Yolanda. You can now buy air

tickets from the US," Chuck said.

"Miguo? Mr. Zhang, did you send me to Miguo? What?" Du Pei was astonished.

To be honest, she was very depressed. When she was at home, she managed several companies.

After following Chuck, she managed only one hotel.

She was particularly depressed.

"For Rice, I am going to invest here, you come to help me manage," Chuck said.

"Really?" Du Peixin needed an opportunity to go to Rice, and she was pleasantly surprised.

"Well, come to the United States these days, and I will pick you up when the time comes,"

"Okay, okay."

Du Peixin started. She knew that Chuck's kind of person, with such a great ability, could only

focus on Huaxia! ?

He must be looking at the world!

And Rice is one of the most important countries in the world. Chuck now lets himself pass. Is

this to start reusing himself?

Sure, then when the five-year period expires, she will have connections in the United States. Can

she expand her Du family business there?

This is a great opportunity!


Chuck hung up the phone, Du Pei heart was surprised, she thumped, she couldn't wait to call

Yolanda, connected, "Hey, Yolanda, come to my side when you are free, I will take over with

you ...No, I’m going to the United States. Chuck told me to go. Come here soon."

Chuck walked past the phone in his pocket and listened to Du Peixin's tone. Wasn't it a pleasure

to come to the United States?

Fortunately, otherwise Chuck can only order her.

"Emily, what's going on here? Are you really here?" Jiang Ran came back. The man was tall and

powerful, but Jiang Ran didn't like it.

She felt too tall, she was a little scared.

"Of course it is true. This is a man. Look at your Chuck. What is your friend? My friend can let

him lie down for a few days with a punch," the blue-eyed beauty said proudly.

Originally, Chuck's skinny monkey was really a punch.

"Don't say that, Emily, I don't want this." Jiang Ran refused.

She thought that the blue-eyed beauty was just kidding, but she didn't expect to be real. Where

could she stand it? ?

"It's okay, look." The blue-eyed beauty persuaded.

She wondered if Jiang Ran was contaminated with garbage into his bones? Don't even want such

a handsome American man? ?

The blue-eyed beauty can't understand it. Why eat spicy chicken if you eat meat?

The man smiled slightly, "Come and have fun first."

This is his place, so much chatting is enough. The woman he fancy hasn't got it yet, three hours,

at most that long, this Jiang Ran will be fascinated by himself.

This is his confidence.

"Farewell, I'll wait for Chuck to come," Jiang Ran felt that at this time, he couldn't go in.

She is afraid of such a tall person.

The blue-eyed beauty frowned, and at this time, Chuck came over.

The blue-eyed beauty winks at her friend.

This man named Irving certainly knows what to do.

"Jiang Ran, don't you play?" Chuck came over and asked curiously.

What are everyone doing here? ?

Is this man? Chuck saw Irving, he was very strong, and should be fighting a little, but Chuck

didn't fight him, nothing.

"Hello, my name is Irving." The man's hand reached out.

"Chuck," Chuck reached out and shook his hand.

The man sneered, and suddenly his hands were silently exerted, holding Chuck's hand.

Of course, the blue-eyed beauty saw it. The strength of his friend is very great. Such a person

like Chuck will definitely cry.

Chuck was stunned. This man has a lot of energy, but Chuck is not a vegetarian. He does

physical fitness training and fighting training every day, not to mention he now carries a special

metal ring weighing 20 pounds all the time. It! !

Chuckyun is breezy.

The man frowned, he sneered in his heart, and he still had a little effort, you know, I only used

half of my strength, with all of it, pinched your fingers!

He is ready to push hard, and Chuck is ready to give him a counterattack.

Jiang Ran found it and said quickly, "What are you doing??"

Men can only let go.

"It's nothing, just shake hands," the man smiled slightly.

"Chuck, are you okay?" Jiang Ran looked at Chuck's hand, all red.

Chuck shrugged.

It's a pity that the blue-eyed beauty whispered, pinch again, this Chuck will definitely cry out


Only hide behind women, men like mice.

"Don't stand here, go in and play well," the man snapped.

Someone took over the chips.

The man said, "Small meaning, everyone has 100,000 chips, and you can exchange cash for

more wins and less wins."

The two girls are pleasantly surprised. They are handsome and rich. They are really perfect men.

Chuck doesn't know how many times better than this. Huh, I didn't eat enough just now.

The two girls immediately took the chips and went to play inside. You can directly exchange

money without playing. Today's gifts are back and they are making a lot of money! !
The two girls were very happy. They even wanted to find a boyfriend from the United States.

They were tall and handsome.

"You too," the man looked at Chuck.

It's only one hundred thousand. He doesn't usually look at it more often, so he gives alms to


It doesn't matter.

Chuck didn't mean to gamble. Of course, he was too lazy to ask for it and shook his head.

"No money, white for you, you can exchange it for cash now," the man said. On the phone, the

blue-eyed beauty had already said Chuck's situation, saying that he didn't bring a wallet or

something, he heard All laughed to death.

"It's not a matter of money, I don't want to play." Chuckming said, he was like looking at the

operation of this casino, after all, the sound of this casino is very good!

Chuck is about to drive himself, and see if there is any harm.

"Really? I heard you didn't bring your wallet?" The man sneered. "There are a lot of these

hundred thousand!"

My mother is a Baller, and the novel 555

The man just wanted to ridicule Chuck. The blue-eyed beauty had already said that Chuck didn't

bring a wallet and looked like he didn't have the money to hold big money.

One hundred thousand yuan, used to laugh at a person, he thinks nothing.

The blue-eyed beauty has long been unhappy with Chuck. She is very satisfied with her friend's

doing this, giving you a hundred thousand dollars and sending you away, which is good enough

for you.
You Chuck's shameless face on Jiang Ran, let you make tens of thousands of dollars in shit luck,

you should be satisfied, you should get out of the money!

A person who doesn't give a gift to a banquet, 100,000 is very tempting to you, right? ?

The blue-eyed beauty stared at Chuck with contempt.

the man? ?

If Chuck was not a friend of Jiang Ran, she would have knocked Chuck out with a punch.

A man like a mouse should lie on the ground.

"No, what does this money do?" Chuck shook his head.

"Hehehe!!!" The man sneered. "What are you talking about? What is one hundred thousand

enough to do?"

If he didn't want to maintain his demeanor in front of Jiang Ran, otherwise he would laugh to


What is one hundred thousand enough?

He himself is qualified to say this, because really, one hundred thousand dollars, he usually

would not take a glance, but this is only limited to him.

In front of him, Chuck is qualified to say this?

No! !

Blue-eyed beauty disdains, how could there be such a superb man in this world? ?

It’s okay if you don’t have money. Just admit it right. It’s okay. Why should I lie and pretend?

She hates such dishonest men the most.

"I really don't do enough, I don't have enough to play with. I really want to gamble. I started by

buying 10 million chips," Chuck said.

Last time at the boss behind the scenes, Chuck bet like this, tens of millions of chips for.
This is the case with gambling, but at other times, one hundred thousand dollars is still very



The ridicule on the man's face can't be concealed. He opened a casino, and the people who

exchanged tens of millions of chips at a time are not without, but all those who have at least 500

million US dollars worth of money will spend tens of millions of gambles.

But this Chuck said that he had hundreds of millions of assets? ?

"Don't pretend," the man sneered. He had seen too many people like Chuck, and driving a luxury

car thought he was a rich man?

The whole net worth is a luxury car.

You are far away!

The blue-eyed beauty couldn't help it, and said in Huaxia, "You are so rich? Why can't I see it?

Why don't you give me a gift!"

"I didn't bring a wallet," Chuck shook his head.

"This reason is really high, don't you say that you gamble to start with ten million chips? Then

you change now...Oh, I know, would you say you didn't bring your wallet right? So can't you

change the right?" The blue-eyed beauty mocked.

"No, I don't want to bet today." Chuck shook his head.

He originally came out today and did not expect to meet Jiang Ran, so he ate a meal and came to

the casino. Chuck had the idea of opening the casino.

He is thinking about this matter, how can he be gambling?

The last time my mom won 50 billion in the casino. Later, my mom said to herself that Chuck

didn't need it at all. After all, it doesn't matter how much money he wants to find his mom. Why

is this 50 billion necessary? ?

"Oh, the reasons have changed?! So fast, I think the reason for not bringing a wallet is outdated,

so did you change it? You have so many reasons!" The blue-eyed beauty was even more


The man sneered, "You don't want to bet? Then you can exchange 10 million chips and show me

if you can? Is this always okay?"

"I don't want to bet on the chips?" Chuck shook his head and refused.

"Well, don't pretend to be ready. Hurry up and get away with 100,000 chips!" The blue-eyed

beauty couldn't hear it anymore.

She wanted to put a punch on Chuck.

"Emily," Jiang Ran was very angry.

"Jiang Ran, open your eyes and see if your friend is a man? Anything is a reason, are there so

many reasons? You see clearly, Owen next to you is a man, and he is not!!!" Blue eyes Beauty


She really can't figure it out, is Jiang Ran's eyes blind, or is it a beautiful aesthetic? !

Do all men like this?

"Emily, you are too much." Jiang Ran's eyes were red. She was sad. She knew that this friend

was for her own good, but she didn't need it!

"Do I know it for you? I take you as a friend, so I want to give it to you," the blue-eyed beauty


"I know, but don't tell him that." Jiang Ran sighed.
"But he just can't do it. Why can't I say that you look at him more? I really can't stand it

anymore," the blue-eyed beauty told.

Jiang Ran sighed. She knew that her friend's prejudice to Chuck was too great, and she said


And Jiang Ran knew that Chuck had a lot of money. Of course she knew that Chuck was

qualified to say this. She already felt the smell of gunpowder between Chuck and this man.

On the one hand, she was a little happy because Chuck seemed to be for herself.

But on the other hand, she was worried. She was worried that Chuck was beaten by this man.

Because this man is too strong, Chuck will definitely not lose.

Chuck is angering this man now. Chuck will be knocked down by this man.

Jiang Ran was anxious to ease the atmosphere, "Chuck, sorry, let's go somewhere else."

She can only do this, otherwise Chuck will definitely be beaten.

"It's good here, no need to go anywhere," Chuck suddenly changed his mind.

Jiang Ran's worried eyes just now, he saw, how to say, this Jiang Ran is also his classmates,

Chuck just didn't care, just don't think Jiang Ran is so sad.

"But Chuck."

Jiang Ran was worried. She saw that the man laughed at Chuck very much. This means that in

the eyes of this man, Chuck is someone who can bully casually, meaning that if he doesn't agree,

the man will kick and kick Chuck.

The strength of Chuck and this man is so different that he can't stand it.

"It's okay," Chuck shrugged, and then looked at the man named Owen, "I want these 100,000


"Oh? Whatever you want, I should be a beggar anyway," the man laughed.
"You just said, no matter how much you win, you can take it right?" Chuck asked clearly.

"Yes, I said that, as long as you have this ability, then how much money you win, how much I

change for you,"

Men are joking and winning money in their casinos. This is not a big chance. Those who are not

brave will soon lose their heads in fear.

"Well, remember your words." Chuck took the one hundred thousand dollar chip.

The blue-eyed beauty disdainfully sneered, "Is 100,000 enough? Didn't you just say that you

gamble money, at least you need to change tens of millions of dollars in chips?"

"Yes, it's not a gamble today. Let's play with you, not to mention, this 100,000 US dollars will

soon become 10 million." Chuck said plainly.

"Are you kidding me?" the blue-eyed beauty sneered.

The man also showed some playfulness.

"No, I'm not kidding you." Chuck shook his head, "Jiang Ran, let's go play with you guys."

"Well," Jiang Ran agreed.

Anyway, she is beside Chuck. This Owen really wants to fight Chuck. She will definitely stop it.

After all, this Owen will not hit a woman, right? ?

Chuck and Jiang Ran walked in to play. This casino is similar to the last one behind the scenes of

the boss's casino. You can play everything. Chuck has a look. As long as there are no particularly

powerful masters today, there should be no problem in winning money.

"Don't worry, I'm carrying money, not enough for you to change your chips." Jiang Ran said

with empathy.

She was worried that Chuck would be scared. After all, a college student, shouldn't have played

this before?
Chuck may lose! Fortunately, I brought my own card.

"Humph, let him pick up a bargain!" The blue-eyed beauty was a little unwilling.

"What are you afraid of? I'm afraid of gambling when I open a casino? I'm afraid he won't play.

People like him with 100,000 chips will soon lose. As long as he loses, he will be hung up and

lose more The more, the last car will be lost, but he wrote a lose word on his face, I saw it."

Owen smiled.

He has seen too many of these people. Chuck is a loser at first glance. Today, Chuck will lose a

lot of money. It is best to lose all! !

The blue-eyed beauty is happy, too, where is it so easy to win money?

She can also see how Chuck, a mouse-like person, lost more and more today!

My mother is a Baller's voice novel Chapter 557 You will lose out! Listen online with novels

"He actually took the chips too? Really, people like him who took the chips didn't change money

and ran?"

"Maybe I want to win a little bit, really greedy, looking at his loss, and want to win money?"

"Surely you can't win, hehe, Wenwen, how much have you won?"

"More than ten thousand, how about you?"

"Thirty thousand,"

"you are great."

"Hey, play again?"

"En, ah, don't play first, just look at Chuck and lose money. Isn't that so much fun?"

"Yeah, I'm happy, I'm in a good mood, we two will win more, let's go over."

"Uh huh,"
Two girls, you said one sentence happily. They just came in eagerly and won a lot.

They came to Chuck and Jiang Ran was beside them. They looked at Chuck and showed


Chuck looked at the type he played last time and directly pressed the multiples. Chuck's ears

were listening, and he would wait until he heard them correctly.

I didn’t make a few shots. What are you doing?

Wouldn't it be a pretentious way to change money in the casino and leave? ?

What a shame!

The two girls were even more disdainful, so timid, and playing with hair? ?

"Wen Wen, we two are ready,"

"En, I've got it right too. I've got 500 chips and I'm in the 20-fold area,"

"Yeah, I also like this. Then let's take the next 10,000 together?"


The two girls were under the bargaining chip, looking forward to it, their fists were both


Chuck didn't move, and Jiang Ran looked helplessly at his two friends.

The dealer opened.

The two girls were excited.

"Yeah, hit, hit, twenty times, I hit 200,000, yeah!!"

"Me too, so much money!"

The two girls screamed and were particularly excited because they won so much money at once.

The two girls held the chips in their hands and were full of happiness.
A girl contemptuously looked at Chuck, "Are you going to play? Gambling should be like ours,

and it's almost fierce!!! Fancy, then you must be decisive! How can you be as scared as you are?

Don't play anymore. ."

"That's right, be decisive." Another girl sneered.

Chuck looked at them and still didn't speak.

Soon, the next one started, the two girls continued to press, pressed 5,000 chips, and actually hit

again, they both screamed.

"You're so scared, just press with us."

"Yes, I think you are a friend of Jiang Ran, and you only managed to take you. If you win, you

will have to share half of us."

"Hurry up!"

The two girls immediately bet, and both bet 10,000 US dollars in chips, both in the 36-fold

area! !

They are all looking forward.

Chuck's ears moved, he got it right this time and pressed 100,000 chips in the double area.

Jiang Ran was stunned, playing so big? All in one go.

It's okay, bring your own card, it's okay to lose.

Jiang Ran thought so.

The two girls despised.

"Look at you, let you bet with us, you still don't want to, you will lose all this immediately!!"

"Affirmatively, how lucky are the two of us now, he, he has lost, and he also made a one-off

payment of one hundred thousand at a time. Are you so sure?"

"Oh, it's time to win again, open it!"

After the two girls despised Chuck, they clenched their fists and looked forward to it!

The one who wins must be himself, and the one who loses must be Chuck. Necessary, who told

him not to follow him? ?

He deserves to lose!

The blue-eyed beauties and Owen saw that they both laughed. They didn’t shoot for a long time,

and all of them were pressed. Is this a broken jar?

Well, lose, you will only lose more and more.

In fact, he can't look down on the luxury car that Chuck has. There are many in his family. What

else can Chuck lose? Even the car was a million dollars, and he didn't see the money.

He just wanted to see Chuck lose light.

Jiang Ran was nervous, Chuck was indifferent.

Both girls are going to make surprise expressions, medium, must be yourself!

But the dealer opened, and the two girls were dumbfounded.

"Yeah, no, how could this happen!"

"Chuck was really hit?"

"Luck shit luck?"


After the two girls were annoyed, they were even more disdainful, and occasionally walked away

with shit luck, forget it.

Jiang Ran's eyes are all stunned, Chuck actually bet?

Is this luck? !
Chuck is indifferent, there is no fluctuation, he is joking, he is listening to so many, he is most

sure to bet, how can it be missed?

He picked up 200,000 chips and prepared for the next one.

The blue-eyed beauty was surprised, annoyed, and finally disdainful, "actually betrayed."

"It's normal. It's too normal to win one or two. I opened the casino. I'm not afraid of winning. I'm

afraid he won't play," Owen smiled slightly and took a glass of wine.

He clearly knew the gambler's psychology.

He worried that Chuck would run away after winning two.

Others, don’t worry at all, because it is impossible to win all the time, and there will always be

one that will take the lead. At that time, it has been the beginning of losing.

"Look, he has one or two at most, and he will start to lose," Owen said confidently.

"Well, yes," the blue-eyed beauty agreed.

Chuck continued to listen.

"Wen Wen, which one do you bet?"

"I bet ten times, I pressed 50,000, anyway I won hundreds of thousands!"

"I also pressed 50,000!"

Both girls bet 50,000. They looked at Chuck and sneered. Do you still want to win this one? Not

all shit luck! !

Chuck glanced around, still pressing twice the area, full pressure!

What about all? ? You are waiting to lose!

The two girls thought so, but when the dealer opened again, both of their jaws would be startled,

because Chuck was pressed again.

"How come? Yeah, I lost 50,000."

"Woo, me too!"

Two girls annoyed! !

Feeling a hot face, Chuck slapped him invisiblely.

Chuck still didn't say a word, his face was indifferent, Jiang Ran was surprised, and was hit


Chuck took 400,000 chips and continued to press.

Anyway, it is the minimum multiple. After a few clicks, Chuck already has two million US

dollars in chips, and the two girls only have more than 30,000 chips in their hands. They are

desperately corrupt! !

"I won't believe it, keep losing?"

"I don't believe it, press it all!"

The two girls overwhelmed all. People like Chuck actually won money and lost money

themselves. The two of them are extremely unbalanced!

Chuck heard that and put two million chips in the five-fold area.

The dealers looked at Chuck more, and this Chinese man was really lucky.

Jiang Ran was stunned. She saw Chuck's 100,000 chips. With the current two million, he

actually won so much money? ?

The dealer opened again, and the people at this table were stunned because some two million

people became ten million!

Chuck was hit, and the two girls were overwhelmed and lost.

The dealer pushed the chips to Chuck, a bunch! !

Chuck was still expressionless, with no fluctuations.

This money, compared with the billions of his last time, is far away, and of course Chuck will

not have emotional fluctuations.

Jiang Ranmeimu is shocked!

Chuck, actually, a chip of 100,000 US dollars, won 10 million US dollars!

Is this a dream?

Chuck was so powerful, Jiang Ran was stunned.

She originally thought that Chuck would definitely lose money, she planned to lose Chuck, she

continued to buy chips for Chuck.

There are millions of dollars in her card, which should be enough for Chuck to play, but no need,

Chuck won money, and it is still 10 million dollars!

Oh my God! !

Jiang Ran was shocked to the extreme!

"A lot of money, he won a lot of money, woo..." Both girls were stunned, both envious, jealous

and hateful!

They had hundreds of thousands of dollars in chips just now, but now they are all gone and lost.

There is an imbalance in their hearts, because it was not Chuck who lost, but it was themselves? !

This should not be the case.

They regretted that they just exchanged hundreds of thousands of dollars and they should directly

exchange money. You can buy a lot of cosmetics, but now you have lost it, what should I do? ?

How to do!

The two girls looked at Chuck.

"Chuck, you have won so much, congratulations, can you give me a little? I lost all,"
"Yes, give me a little bit too. You won ten million. Give me half a million. Okay, please, okay.

Everyone came in together, but I saw that you won. Ah, I should have a share."

The two girls are so cute to Chuck, they are so cute, and Chuck won so much money, they will

definitely give themselves!

My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 558 How can you treat me? Listen online with


Half a million, right? "Chuck looked at them.

"Yeah, I'm Jiang Ran's friend, and so are you. We all lost. You should give us a little bit. After

all, you won 10 million, gave us 1 million, and you have 9 million."

"Uh huh."

Two girls blinked cutely.

Jiang Ran is speechless, his two friends!

She can't say anything.

"Yes, each of you takes half a million." Chuck agreed.

"Really, Chuck is so nice,"

The two girls reached out in surprise and hurriedly took the chips. One girl took an extra, and

there were more than 100,000, that is, she took more than 600,000.

"Qingqing, Chuck gave you half a million, what did you do with so much?" Jiang Ran had to


Too greedy.

"Oh, it's okay, Chuck won so much money, and still care about more than one hundred

"Yeah, Chuck doesn't care, she still has so much, I just took a little more!"

Both girls took more than 600,000, beautiful.

Chuck gave them a few glances without saying much.

The two girls continued to play, and Chuck continued to listen.

The two girls were thinking that Chuck must be so generous not for anything else, but for

pretending to be in front of Jiang Ran and also in front of herself.

Ha ha, he wants to pretend to be the best, so even if he loses again, he will definitely give it to

him if he asks for it.

Just continue playing.

The blue-eyed beauty in the back was shocked, and Owen, who was holding a glass next to her,

was cold-faced, particularly ugly, the same color as pig liver.

"He actually won ten million?" The blue-eyed beauty really felt like a dream.

How is this possible? !

She thought that Chuck would have to lose a few hundred thousand at most. Unexpectedly, he

actually won all the time and won ten million now! ?


Irving was annoyed. These 100,000 won to 10 million. He hadn't appeared in his casino. He

didn't expect Chuck to appear.

it is good!

See how much you can win! ?

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of him winning money, and I'm most afraid that he won't play

anymore," Owen sneered.

Looking at Chuck, do you still want to continue playing and want to win more money? !
Then the only result is to lose! !

Lost and ruined!

This is the fate of gamblers.

"He won't run away?" The blue-eyed beauty was annoyed. She wanted Chuck to get out of it.

Didn't expect him to win so much money with his good luck?

"No, look at him, he will start to lose, you see, he is about to lose," Owen confident.

"Hope, see him lose!"

"He will, you see, he has started again. Actually he is betting together again, is this luck so


Every time I bet together, the next one will definitely lose!

Chuck bet three times the area, he was accurate.

Jiang Ran was nervous, pressing more than 8 million at a time! A lot of money!

The two girls didn't follow Chuck. They felt that Chuck must lose. Which one has always won? ?

They both crushed another place!

Anyway, Chuck's money!

This one will be pressed, it will definitely hit, when the time comes, hum! ?

The dealer looked at Chuck and she unveiled it.

The people on the gambling table were shocked again, the bird was silent, and the eyes of the

two girls were as wide as eggs.

"What's wrong? Finally lost?" The blue-eyed beauty was stunned.

"Yes," Owen took a sip of red wine, but after he saw the dealer, a sip of red wine spewed out.

"This Mr. Huaxia has been hit, this is your bargaining chip!" The dealer looked at Chuck more

and pushed a lot of money over.

Chuck shrugged.

Jiang Ran was shocked again and won again? ?

The jaws of the two girls are about to be shocked, three times, more than 25 million, scary.

"Wow, Chuck, you are so powerful, have you won so much?"

"Uh huh, it's too powerful, can I get some? Okay,"

Two girls are coquettish.

Chuck shrugged, "Randomly,"

"Wow nice,"

The two girls embraced their chips in surprise, and the people nearby were envious.

Jiang Ran was speechless, her two friends actually took one million each this time.

Too greedy.

"I'll take a little more, you shouldn't mind."

"I also want,"

The two girls grabbed another, more than one hundred thousand.

"Do not mind, anyway, it is not for you, you have to pay it back," Chuck said.

"What, what else?"

"It's just that you win so much money, we only get so little, why are you so stingy?"

The two girls were suddenly unhappy and threw their chips on the table angrily.

"Think I'm stingy, then put the chips down, yes, you just took 680,000, but you, if you took

730,000, you have to return it to me," Chuckping said.

"What?? Wasn't it just for us?"

The two girls were angry and stared at Chuck!

"Who told you?" Chuck shrugged.

"Are you, are you sick? Are you neurotic? You just gave it to us,"

"Yes, you are too stingy, you said yes, now you can't say anything, why are you so shameless?"

The two girls cursed Chuck.

"I think you misunderstood, you two are worth more than one million?" Chuck looked at them.

"What do you mean? Why are we worthless?"

"Not worth it, so the money is returned to me," Chuck said.

"No, you gave it to me."

"I won't pay it back!"

The two girls stared at Chuck in exasperation, their eyes about to burst into flames.

"That won't work, you have to pay it back." Chuck squinted.

"I won't pay it back. How can you take me!? You look like you are hanging around and think

you won't be able to win a little money? Become a rich man? You are far from it!"

"I'm not paying back, what can you do?" The two girls sneered.

Not to return, how does this Chuck dare to treat himself? He dare! ?

The two of them are proud.

Jiang Ran was helpless. She didn't know how to speak. Both sides were friends.

"This Mr. Huaxia, do you continue to bet?!"

At this time, the dealer spoke.

Chuck looks at the dealer. This dealer is clever and should know that he will listen. It may

change a little.

"Continue to play." At this time, Owen and the blue-eyed beauty came over.

The blue-eyed beauty looked at the pile of chips on the table. She was shocked. This mouse-like

man was so lucky?

Owen's face is ugly, Chuck actually won more than 20 million, this is his shame!

Moreover, the reason why he came over was that Chuck stopped, which is a bad sign!

Of course, Jiang Ran persuaded Chuck, "Stop playing, enough."

Chuck looked at Jiang Ran.

"Why don't you play? You are so lucky, keep playing, you can win more money," Owen said.

I sneered in my heart, as long as you play again, all the money will be lost, not afraid of you

winning, I am afraid you will not play.

"Yeah, keep playing. I bite to see how much you can win and lose you." The two girls laughed.

"Not playing anymore."

Chuckwan shook his head, "Changing cash."


Owen's eyes were irritated, and the blue-eyed beauty was even more unhappy. She wanted to see

Chuck lose, not Zhang Che's money, but also won so much.

"You are so timid, are you a mouse?" The blue-eyed beauty must use aggressive methods against


She does not want Chuck to win so much money, she must stay!

Chuck ignored her and said to Owen, "I don't want to play for money."

It doesn't make sense. This dealer is clever. Chuck's suit may be useless to her, so why keep

playing? !

When I came out, I won more than 20 million US dollars, which is good, Chuck was satisfied.

The blue-eyed beauty was annoyed, "You are timid, if you are a man, you fight him, he can

knock you down with one punch!!!"

"So powerful?" Chuck touched his nose and looked at him.

"Alright, do you dare? If you win him, I will give you another one million dollars. No, this is too

harsh for you. It should be said that if you can resist for five seconds, I will give you one

hundred. Wan, do you dare?" The blue-eyed beauty sneered.

Five seconds? Chuck smiled, "Yes, but I won?"

"You won, what you said, that's what." The blue-eyed beauty sneered, just want to win because

of your kind? Dream you?

Owen sneered, all proud, five seconds? Oh, you can be hospitalized with just one punch!

"You said, well, I accepted," Chuck said calmly

My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 558 How can you treat me? Listen online with


Half a million, right? "Chuck looked at them.

"Yeah, I'm Jiang Ran's friend, and so are you. We all lost. You should give us a little bit. After

all, you won 10 million, gave us 1 million, and you have 9 million."

"Uh huh."

Two girls blinked cutely.

Jiang Ran is speechless, his two friends!

She can't say anything.

"Yes, each of you takes half a million." Chuck agreed.

"Really, Chuck is so nice,"

The two girls reached out in surprise and hurriedly took the chips. One girl took an extra, and

there were more than 100,000, that is, she took more than 600,000.
"Qingqing, Chuck gave you half a million, what did you do with so much?" Jiang Ran had to


Too greedy.

"Oh, it's okay, Chuck won so much money, and still care about more than one hundred


"Yeah, Chuck doesn't care, she still has so much, I just took a little more!"

Both girls took more than 600,000, beautiful.

Chuck gave them a few glances without saying much.

The two girls continued to play, and Chuck continued to listen.

The two girls were thinking that Chuck must be so generous not for anything else, but for

pretending to be in front of Jiang Ran and also in front of herself.

Ha ha, he wants to pretend to be the best, so even if he loses again, he will definitely give it to

him if he asks for it.

Just continue playing.

The blue-eyed beauty in the back was shocked, and Owen, who was holding a glass next to her,

was cold-faced, particularly ugly, the same color as pig liver.

"He actually won ten million?" The blue-eyed beauty really felt like a dream.

How is this possible? !

She thought that Chuck would have to lose a few hundred thousand at most. Unexpectedly, he

actually won all the time and won ten million now! ?


Irving was annoyed. These 100,000 won to 10 million. He hadn't appeared in his casino. He

didn't expect Chuck to appear.

it is good!

See how much you can win! ?

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of him winning money, and I'm most afraid that he won't play

anymore," Owen sneered.

Looking at Chuck, do you still want to continue playing and want to win more money? !

Then the only result is to lose! !

Lost and ruined!

This is the fate of gamblers.

"He won't run away?" The blue-eyed beauty was annoyed. She wanted Chuck to get out of it.

Didn't expect him to win so much money with his good luck?

"No, look at him, he will start to lose, you see, he is about to lose," Owen confident.

"Hope, see him lose!"

"He will, you see, he has started again. Actually he is betting together again, is this luck so


Every time I bet together, the next one will definitely lose!

Chuck bet three times the area, he was accurate.

Jiang Ran was nervous, pressing more than 8 million at a time! A lot of money!

The two girls didn't follow Chuck. They felt that Chuck must lose. Which one has always won? ?

They both crushed another place!

Anyway, Chuck's money!

This one will be pressed, it will definitely hit, when the time comes, hum! ?

The dealer looked at Chuck and she unveiled it.

The people on the gambling table were shocked again, the bird was silent, and the eyes of the

two girls were as wide as eggs.

"What's wrong? Finally lost?" The blue-eyed beauty was stunned.

"Yes," Owen took a sip of red wine, but after he saw the dealer, a sip of red wine spewed out.

"This Mr. Huaxia has been hit, this is your bargaining chip!" The dealer looked at Chuck more

and pushed a lot of money over.

Chuck shrugged.

Jiang Ran was shocked again and won again? ?

The jaws of the two girls are about to be shocked, three times, more than 25 million, scary.

"Wow, Chuck, you are so powerful, have you won so much?"

"Uh huh, it's too powerful, can I get some? Okay,"

Two girls are coquettish.

Chuck shrugged, "Randomly,"

"Wow nice,"

The two girls embraced their chips in surprise, and the people nearby were envious.

Jiang Ran was speechless, her two friends actually took one million each this time.

Too greedy.

"I'll take a little more, you shouldn't mind."

"I also want,"

The two girls grabbed another, more than one hundred thousand.

"Do not mind, anyway, it is not for you, you have to pay it back," Chuck said.

"What, what else?"

"It's just that you win so much money, we only get so little, why are you so stingy?"
The two girls were suddenly unhappy and threw their chips on the table angrily.

"Think I'm stingy, then put the chips down, yes, you just took 680,000, but you, if you took

730,000, you have to return it to me," Chuckping said.

"What?? Wasn't it just for us?"

The two girls were angry and stared at Chuck!

"Who told you?" Chuck shrugged.

"Are you, are you sick? Are you neurotic? You just gave it to us,"

"Yes, you are too stingy, you said yes, now you can't say anything, why are you so shameless?"

The two girls cursed Chuck.

"I think you misunderstood, you two are worth more than one million?" Chuck looked at them.

"What do you mean? Why are we worthless?"

"Not worth it, so the money is returned to me," Chuck said.

"No, you gave it to me."

"I won't pay it back!"

The two girls stared at Chuck in exasperation, their eyes about to burst into flames.

"That won't work, you have to pay it back." Chuck squinted.

"I won't pay it back. How can you take me!? You look like you are hanging around and think

you won't be able to win a little money? Become a rich man? You are far from it!"

"I'm not paying back, what can you do?" The two girls sneered.

Not to return, how does this Chuck dare to treat himself? He dare! ?

The two of them are proud.

Jiang Ran was helpless. She didn't know how to speak. Both sides were friends.

"This Mr. Huaxia, do you continue to bet?!"

At this time, the dealer spoke.

Chuck looks at the dealer. This dealer is clever and should know that he will listen. It may

change a little.

"Continue to play." At this time, Owen and the blue-eyed beauty came over.

The blue-eyed beauty looked at the pile of chips on the table. She was shocked. This mouse-like

man was so lucky?

Owen's face is ugly, Chuck actually won more than 20 million, this is his shame!

Moreover, the reason why he came over was that Chuck stopped, which is a bad sign!

Of course, Jiang Ran persuaded Chuck, "Stop playing, enough."

Chuck looked at Jiang Ran.

"Why don't you play? You are so lucky, keep playing, you can win more money," Owen said.

I sneered in my heart, as long as you play again, all the money will be lost, not afraid of you

winning, I am afraid you will not play.

"Yeah, keep playing. I bite to see how much you can win and lose you." The two girls laughed.

"Not playing anymore."

Chuckwan shook his head, "Changing cash."


Owen's eyes were irritated, and the blue-eyed beauty was even more unhappy. She wanted to see

Chuck lose, not Zhang Che's money, but also won so much.

"You are so timid, are you a mouse?" The blue-eyed beauty must use aggressive methods against


She does not want Chuck to win so much money, she must stay!

Chuck ignored her and said to Owen, "I don't want to play for money."
It doesn't make sense. This dealer is clever. Chuck's suit may be useless to her, so why keep

playing? !

When I came out, I won more than 20 million US dollars, which is good, Chuck was satisfied.

The blue-eyed beauty was annoyed, "You are timid, if you are a man, you fight him, he can

knock you down with one punch!!!"

"So powerful?" Chuck touched his nose and looked at him.

"Alright, do you dare? If you win him, I will give you another one million dollars. No, this is too

harsh for you. It should be said that if you can resist for five seconds, I will give you one

hundred. Wan, do you dare?" The blue-eyed beauty sneered.

Five seconds? Chuck smiled, "Yes, but I won?"

"You won, what you said, that's what." The blue-eyed beauty sneered, just want to win because

of your kind? Dream you?

Owen sneered, all proud, five seconds? Oh, you can be hospitalized with just one punch!

"You said, well, I accepted," Chuck said calmly

My mother is a Baller with the novel 560. Slap you! Listen online with novels

The audience was shocked! !

Both the onlookers and the guests who are still playing at the gambling table were stunned by

Owen's punch!

Such a tall person was actually beaten back? ?

So embarrassed, what happened?

Everyone came around.

The two girls were stunned. Was it just an illusion! ?

Jiang Ranmei stared like an egg, is this possible?

Chuck, with such a big physical gap, actually beat back such a strong and tall person with one


Her mind is blank. She was just ready to send Chuck to the hospital, but now she doesn't need it!

Chuck just said that he has also learned, but has Chuck also learned Kung Fu?

Just misunderstood that Chuck didn't learn? In fact, Chuck is very powerful?

Outside the casino, Black Rose saw this scene with a telescope, and she was expressionless.

"Actually so fast?"

She was a little surprised. She put down the telescope. She picked up the mung bean cake that

she hadn't finished and continued to eat. How did this happen? Really tasty……

In the casino, there is no sound! !

The most shocking audience was Irving, who was repulsed, and the blue-eyed beauty.

Irving clutched his stomach and stood up inconceivably. Was he actually beaten back?

After he was shocked, he was immediately irritated and attacked. Did this bastard attack me?

Blue-eyed beauties are dazed, what's going on? How could this mouse-like man beat Irving? !

Hallucinations must be hallucinations!

"Owen was beaten back with a punch. Who is this Chinese man? That's amazing!"

"It's awesome, Owen is embarrassed today! Such a big man, he can't beat a Chinese person, it's


The onlookers were all talking, and this harsh voice made Owen's temper badly and shameful! ?


Owen roared and rushed over like a beast.

Chuck shook his head, full of loopholes, full of flaws, is this psychological quality at a loss?
Chuck saw the opportunity, and it was another punch, but he had a ring made of special metal

weighing ten pounds in his hand. This punch is powerful!

Hit Irving's stomach.

Owen screamed, squatting on the ground with his stomach covered, wowed out the contents of

his stomach, suddenly. A pungent smell came out.

The raven is silent, and the audience is silent again!

If I said that Chuck's punch was a sneak attack just now, then punching China-Owen again, what

is this? This is a spike! !

The blue-eyed beauty was stunned, and her mouth could be stuffed with eggs.

"How are you possible!" Irving looked up at Chuck uncomfortably.

"You're so rubbish." Chuck kicked him.


Owen screamed and lay on the floor, Chuck fist smashed, Owen hugged his head like a mouse,

"Don't fight, I admit defeat!"

Owen got up.


Such a tall man actually begged for forgiveness?

The onlookers felt like dreaming.

The two girls were completely stagnant and their jaws had to fall off.

"Why? Why is he so powerful?"

Jiang Ran was the most surprised and shocked!

Chuck actually has this strength? You know, when he was in high school at that time, Chuck was

very weak. Why is it so powerful now?

"Owen, you?!" The blue-eyed beauty stared at him in exasperation.

"I," Owen blushed, and the ridicule in the neighborhood had made him lose his face. He stared at

Chuck insincerely, "Chang him for chips!"

Owen went in by himself. Today, this face is too big, but he can't beat a thin Chinese

man? Owen was ashamed to die.

What's more, still in front of Jiang Ran, he stayed faceless even more.

The people in the casino looked at each other!

Someone came over dumbfounded. "Sir, I will change it for you!"

"All right, all changed," Chuck said with a shrug.

Someone held Chuck's chips to change.

Everyone is envious of Chuck.

"Chuck, did you really learn?" Jiang Ran came over and asked blankly.

I thought Chuck had only exercised, and her heartbeat was quickened. Why is Chuck so

powerful, his muscles look good.

Jiang Ran had the feeling of seeing Chuck's line muscles in the bar that day...

I really want to make a conversation, my heart is like a horse...

After a while, the money was delivered, it was in a card, "Sir, there are two thousand five


"OK," Chuck put it away, not bad, today's income.

Chuck looked at the blue-eyed beauty, "What about your one million?"

"Come out with me, I'll give you!!!" The blue-eyed beauty went to the car and she had so much

cash in it.

Chuck shrugged, "Go, go out!"

Jiang Ran pulled two girls out.

The blue-eyed beauty was getting cash, and Chuck looked at the two girls, "Lend me my money

and give it back."

"Me, Chuck, don't be so stingy, I don't have that much money."

"Neither do I, Chuck, don't ask me for it,"

The two girls were scared, and Chuck was able to defeat the kind of man Owen, which is really


How dare they laugh at Chuck!

Jiang Ran didn't speak well.

"No?" Chuck looked at them.

"Yes, no, where do we have so much money?" The two girls were afraid to look at Chuck.

"No money? Then sell, you have money." Chuck said.

The two girls froze, and Jiang Ran froze.

"Woo, why do you say that? The two of us are nineteen, how can you do this?"

The two girls were crying. Chuck's words were unquestionable. They felt the coldness of

Chuck's words! ?

too horrible!

"Chuck, don't be like this, we are still studying, don't be like this." The two girls begged.

"Don't you say I can't take you?" Chuck said lightly.

"Woo, I'm scared."

The two girls were crying, but Chuck now has more than 20 million dollars in his hands. This is

a rich man, and a rich man adjusts himself. Isn't that a simple matter?

"It's useless to be afraid, pay back the money!" Chuck expressionless.

"I, woo, Jiang Ran, you speak for us, we are wrong, we really don't have that much money,"

Faced with the prayers of the two friends, Jiang Ran didn't know what to say. She was not a

saint, and felt that the two friends were too much along the way and should be taught a little


"Please useless, pay back, not pay back, I have ten thousand ways for you to pay back!"

This is really a matter of Chuck, a phone call, these two girls have to pay back.

It is justified to repay the debt.

"No, woo!" The two girls cried in fear, begging Chuck.

"Chuck, you won so much money, please, please don't you want us?"

"What does my winning have to do with borrowing money from you?" Chuck asked.

"Me, me, woo..."

The two girls were speechless and cried even more.

"Enough, isn't it more than one million? I'll help them!" The blue-eyed beauty took a million and

smashed it on Chuck.

The ground is full of US dollars.

Chuck didn't even look at the US dollar, just looked at her.

"You actually defeated Owen. You surprised me. Do you dare to accept my invitation like a

man? Fight me?" The blue-eyed beauty was angry!

"Emily, what are you doing?" Jiang Ran immediately persuaded.

"What are you doing? He is a spicy chicken. She just got lucky and just got lucky. She thought

she was better?" The blue-eyed beauty sneered.

In her view, Chuck is fast enough, and the others are not worth mentioning!

"Fight me! Some kind of fight me." Blue-eyed beauty provoked!

"No problem." Chuck shrugged.

Jiang Ran sighed, his friend!

"Finally agreed? No more mice? Like a man? But useless, I will still defeat you! Down with

you!!" The blue-eyed beauty came over.

Chuck looked at her.

"You said that my tricks are full of holes, well, I will show you that you are a spicy chicken!"

The blue-eyed beauty attacked quickly! ?

Her speed is as fast as the wind, she can play seven or eight in school! A Chinese person of

Chuck's size can be defeated in just a few clicks!

There were no exceptions before, and there will not be today.

She wants Chuck to know what it costs to insult herself!

Chuck looked at her and shook her head. "You are really amateur. You think you can beat a few

people and you are invincible? You still have a lot of loopholes in my eyes!!"

Chuck's eyes were fast, he saw the opportunity, and he slammed it!

Snapped! !

A big hand appeared on the pretty face of the blue-eyed beauty and hit her face heavily!

My mother is a Baller with the novel Chapter 601. You will! Listen online with novels

Hot pain! !

The blue-eyed beauty was stunned! She stopped and touched the slap-printed cheek blankly, she

was beaten?

Why is it so fast?

Jiang Ran, the two girls were stunned!

But they clearly know the strength of blue-eyed beauties!

There is no pressure to play seven or eight Chinese men at the same time, but now, Chuck

seconds? ?

"There are almost no attack skills, no speed, no pre-judgment on how opponents will move,

almost no reaction, you are just a beginner, where do you have a face to say this?" Chuck stared

at him, one Slap again hit her face heavily.

The blue-eyed beauties don't have any counterattack! Was slapped for two consecutive times,

standing blankly.

Chuck's words plunged into her heart like a needle, the hot pain on her face, plus the shock of

being spiked, this was something she had never experienced before.

Her self-confidence, her pride was wiped out by Chuck's slap, she was ashamed, feeling

shameless, and her beautiful blue eyes immediately burst into tears.

"Emily, don't cry, don't cry," the shocked Jiang Ran ran to support the blue-eyed beauty.

The blue-eyed beauty wiped her tears stubbornly, pushed Jiang Ran away, and stared at Chuck,

"Come again!"

Chuckpa slaps past.

Without a hand, the pretty face of the blue-eyed beauty was red and swollen.

The blue-eyed beauty cried.

"What's coming? You're so rubbish, will you come?" Chuck looked at her.

This kind of girl, playing seven or eight ordinary people is really good. In ordinary people, it is

like this, but in the fighting circle, this is a rookie.

Chuck has been taught by Logan, Betty, and Karen li for such a long time. It is easy for Chuck to

beat her! !

"Come." The blue-eyed beauty is stubborn.


Chuck slapped her fourth slap, so fast that the blue-eyed beauty could not see it.

The blue-eyed beauty was beaten to the ground, her face was swollen and ugly, she had more

tears, Chuck defeated the confidence in her heart, she actually did not fight back in the hands of a

Chinese, her dream was broken.

"Are you coming yet?" Chuck shrugged.

The blue-eyed beauty got up and walked to Chuck, "You, what did you learn?"

"It's none of your business, pick up the money on the ground one by one!" Chuck said coldly.

Beautiful blue-eyed woman bites her lip.


Chuck slapped her fifth!

The blue-eyed beauty cried.

"What right do you have to throw money on the ground in front of me? Pick it up!" Chuck

defeated her with a huge sense of oppression!

"Have you heard? Pick it up!" Chuck repeated, raising his hand.

The blue-eyed beauty wiped her tears. She squatted down and picked up the money one by one.

The tears were the same as the faucet. The aggrieved, shameful tears could not stop...

The two girls were completely shocked, including Jiang Ran.

What did Chuck learn, how is it so powerful? !

"To you," the blue-eyed beauty handed over one million to Chuck.

Chuck came next, but the blue-eyed beauty didn't let go.

Chuck frowned, "No?"

"No, what did you learn? I think you taught me." The blue-eyed beauty was struck, her fighting

spirit was ignited, and she wanted to learn!

Chuck took the money back and put it in his car.

The blue-eyed beauty followed, "You teach me, I give you money, my family has a lot of money,

my family is..."

Yes, she has a lot of money in her family.

"Who cares about your house? Go away!" Chuck said.

How could Chuck teach this kind of person? Being arrogant and not humble, I think that I am a

little powerful.

The blue-eyed beauty is stubborn, "No, I want you to teach me!"

Chuck didn't want to ignore her, looking at the two stunned girls, "Repay the money! Have you



The two girls were scared again by Chuck's indifferent voice.

"I said, I will help them back!" said the blue-eyed beauty.

"Who do you think you are?" Chuck asked.

"I." The blue-eyed beauties were speechless. "They are not that many. Why are you doing this?"

"Then why did you stare at me just now? Do you want to beat me? Excuse me, I got you?"

Chuck expressionless.

"I, I..." The blue-eyed beauty was speechless again.

Yeah, Chuck didn't mess with himself, but he always looked down on him.

If he can do this, why can't Chuck?

"Talk." Chuck was indifferent.

"I. I'm sorry, I shouldn't look down on you." The blue-eyed beauty bit her lips and apologized.

"I'm sorry, just to go? They both borrowed my money." Chuck reached out his hand, "Repay the


"Woo, Chuck, we are wrong, wrong."

The two girls knelt down pleadingly.

Jiang Ran sighed and was speechless. What can he say? ?

"Give you a week, not to repay the money, you are at your own risk, and there is no use

wherever you go." Chuck said coldly.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The two girls sat on the ground in shock, this is a dream, a dream...

What should I do? Not so much money, run? Chuck said that he could not run away.

Is that really going to sell? !

The two of them are in pain and regret, why should they do that?

Chuck didn't have any mood to eat anymore, "Jiang Ran, I'm back, thank you today."

"Ah? Chuck, are you going back?" Jiang Ran recovered and ran to Chuck.

"Well, go back."

Jiang Ran lost, "There is still food over there at night,"

"I won't go," Chuck shook his head.

"But, can you do it? I have promised my relatives," Jiang Ran pleaded, and Chuck let her fall

into a heartbeat again.

The muscles of the lines are so powerful! !

Chuck considered, "Come on,"

Jiang Ran was right, or Jiang Ran couldn't be sad.

"Hmm," Jiang Ran breathed a sigh of relief, "Then you get in the car, I'll take my friend's car,"

Jiang Ran had to comfort them three.

Chuck shrugged into his car, but the blue-eyed beauty ran over, "I will let you teach me, yes!"

"No," Chuck shook his head decisively.

"Yes, my family has more money than yours, you will!" The blue-eyed beauty is confident. She

has never said to others that she is a descendant of one of the four major families in the world.

She could see that Chuck had a little money, but compared to her family, what could it be? ?

"No." Chuck said the same.

"You will, my name is Emily, I... Hey!" said the blue-eyed beauty, Chuck had already started the


"Your face is not swollen enough, is it?"

Chuck is indifferent.

The blue-eyed beauty let go unconsciously, "Well, although I look down on you, but I won't be a

villain, if I tell my mother, you will die."

Yes, the four major families are omnipotent. In one sentence, Chuck would have to admit her

mistakes respectfully.

"Then you tell your mother quickly, say you fight with me, lose, and I slapped five times to see

how your mother reacted," Chuck smiled slightly, how could she ignore her?

"You die!!" The blue-eyed beauty was angry.

She got annoyed in her car, Jiang Ran let two girls get in the car, where are they still thinking

about eating? Dazedly left by car.

Jiang Ran sighed and got into the blue-eyed car.

"Emily, are you okay?" Jiang Ran asked with concern. The beautiful face of the blue-eyed beauty

was still red and swollen. Fortunately, she was beautiful.

"It's okay, why don't you say he is so powerful?" The blue-eyed beauty was annoyed.

"I don't know," Jiang Ran shook his head, and his heart accelerated.

"This bastard is hiding too deep. He is a little bit more powerful than my housekeeper, like, what

does his family do?" the blue-eyed beauty said.

"I don't know, it's much richer than my family anyway," Jiang Ran remembered Huaxia.

"That's not worth mentioning." The blue-eyed beauty drove.

"Emily, don't be angry, he didn't do it on purpose," Jiang Ran explained. She didn't know the

identity of the blue-eyed beauty, but knew that she was also rich in the United States. She

worried that the blue-eyed beauty would retaliate against Chuck.

It's useless to play that strategy again.

"Intentional? Isn't he intentional?" The blue-eyed beauty was annoyed and slapped herself. If her

mother knew about it, Chuck would definitely die.

But the blue-eyed beauty decided that she would oppress Chuck to teach herself, and then defeat

him again. Blame it on you, Chuck, without my family having money! !

My mother is a requirement of Chapter 562 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online with


It was not intentional," Jiang Ran sighed.

"Okay, didn't you do it on purpose?" The blue-eyed beauty pouted, touching the red and swollen

cheek herself, and died of pain.

The fighting spirit in her heart was inspired and she must defeat Chuck, a Chinese!
Wash away today's shame.

Jiang Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

To my relatives.

The three people got out of the car. The blue-eyed beauty didn't give Chuck a good look anyway,

and Chuck wouldn't care about her. She was beautiful and had a good figure, but her personality

was too bad.

This time there are no more two girls, and they are a lot quieter during the meal. However,

Chuck’s sentence made the two girls pay back the money after a week. This is not a joke. Chuck

will definitely get the money back.

So, after a week, Chuck will definitely find them!

After eating, Chuck went to the toilet, and the blue-eyed beauty also secretly followed. Chuck

came out and saw the blue-eyed beauty.

"I will let you teach me, and then I will defeat you with blue eyes!" The blue-eyed beauty felt

that only in this way would the shame in her heart disappear.

This is the best revenge for this person.

You teach me, I still beat you, step on you, blue-eyed beauty thinks this is the real revenge! !

I was slapped so much that I was aggrieved to cry.

"I said impossible." Chuck shook his head.

The blue-eyed beauty stopped Chuck, "I said it might be possible, my family is rich."

"What does your family have to do with me?"

"Of course you have. You Huaxia have a saying that money can make ghosts grind." The blue-

eyed beauty hummed.

"Do you mean to ask me to teach you?" Chuck touched his nose.
"Yes, teach me, and then I beat you!!" The blue-eyed beauty said confidently.

"So how much do you give me?"

"How much do you say? I can give it to you," the blue-eyed beloved, give? Yes, but can you

spend it?

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether money is money or not, as long as you follow my three

requirements, then you can teach you." Chuck shrugged.


The blue-eyed beauty was pleasantly surprised, but immediately arrogantly, "It doesn't matter if

you pay the money or not? What do you pretend to be? What are you pretending to say? Isn't it

good to teach me for money?"

"No," Chuck shook his head. "Because you don't compare with me, I'm not afraid of anyone."

This is true. Last time my mother said that she had bought a few small countries. Chuck knew

that the amount of money her mother had was comparable to the rest of the world.

"Are you making me happy?" the blue-eyed beauty sneered.

Her family is one of the four largest families in the world!


"Do you know who my parents are? I still have money compared to me, I don't want to compare

with you, because you are not qualified to understand?" The blue-eyed beauty said disdainfully.

Chuck doesn't matter.

"I'm too lazy to tell you, don't you say so much to tell me that you have money, and then do you

want to ask for more money? It's okay since you're worth it. It's okay, how much do you want?

I'll give it to me immediately," the blue-eyed beauty was too lazy Say more.

"I said no money, just follow my request, three." Chuck said with a shrug.
"Huh, pretend that I hate people like you the most. It's just for money. It's so nice to say. It's also

roundabout. Okay, you say your request." Blue eyes were impatient.

She can't wait for Chuck to teach her now, and then she beat Chuck on the soles of her feet.

So the humiliation of being slapped back was taken back.

"Listen, it's too easy to be my apprentice. The first one is, no, wear, clothes, I will teach you,"

Chuck said.

"You are going to die!!" The blue-eyed beauty was exasperated.

She was only 18 years old and was actually teased by this Chinese man?

"This is what you don't want, isn't I not teaching you? Don't bother me." Chuck left.

Where can a blue-eyed beauty stand?

He kicked a sneak attack against Chuck, Chuck had already been guarded, grabbed her leg, and

slapped it across her face with a slap.

The blue-eyed beauty is scared, can't she attack herself? ?

Seeing Chuck's slap hit her face, she closed her eyes tightly because she couldn't hide.

However, after two seconds, his face did not hurt.

The blue-eyed beauty opened her eyes and found Chuck's big hand stopped on her cheek.

"Don't dare to fight, right? Don't you dare to fight if you know my family has money? Ah, let go,


The blue-eyed beauty was proud and stared at Chuck, but she didn't expect Chuck to pinch her

cheek. In an instant, she felt that her face would be torn off.

The blue-eyed beauty immediately burst into tears.

"Pain, pain." The blue-eyed beauty struggled.

"Knowing the pain? Still attacking me?" Chuck expressionless, squeezed her hard.
The blue-eyed women all shed tears, but Chuck didn't pity Xiangxiyu at all.

This can be more painful than a slap.

"I dare not, let go," tears flowed out of the blue-eyed beauty Dou Da.

It hurts.

Chuck let go, "face is quite meaty."

Chuck also took the leg she kicked, and let her go, pushing her, and she fell to the ground.

"Hey," the blue-eyed beauty touched the stinged cheek and grieved up.

"I can't do it for the first request. The other two requests don't seem to be mentioned," Chuck


"You! You did it on purpose!" The blue-eyed beauty glared at her, how could she not wear it,

and what fighting would she learn? ?

What's that?

Rice is open, but she is not open to this point?

This is totally insulting! Great insult! !

"Why? You are not saying that our Huaxia men are thin and thin? Let me see how good your

American women are. I am right?" Chuck asked.

"Your Chinese men are not only weak, but also shameless! But I can't stop what Emily is going

to do, I will let you teach me obediently! Then, beat you and step on your face!" The blue-eyed

beauty is angry , Lengheng left.

Chuck looked at her long legs and shrugged her shoulders.

However, she really would not wear it, and she was too lazy to teach her.

No time.

Chuck went to see Jiang Ran. After the meal was over, he could leave.
Jiang Ran saw Emily leave angrily, she was helpless, but there was no way, she could only

persuade, "Chuck, this Emily's family is rich, you still pay a little attention..."

"My family is also very rich." Chuck didn't hide it, it was.

"It's different. Emily's home is in the United States. Your home is in China. It's different." Jiang

Ran shook his head. It must be different, and the nature was different.

Chuck is rich, she knows, but there is still a big gap between those who develop in China and

those who develop in China!

The obvious gaps are seen globally.

"What's the difference? My mother is really super rich. Last time my mother won 50 billion

dollars in the casino." Chuck said.

"This, don't say it," Jiang Ran was speechless, really speechless.

Where can a casino win or lose so much? ? It's impossible.

Fifty billion Chinese dollars is about the same, and $50 billion is simply impossible.

Is Chuck bragging in front of himself?

"Yes, don't say nothing, then let's go out." Chuck didn't want to say more.

"Okay," Jiang Ran agreed.

Chuck still packed a dessert, which was regarded as a dessert for Black Rose.

The two came to the door, Jiang Ran bit her lip, and if Chuck said to take her to go somewhere

else, she would agree.

After all, Chuck gave her a big surprise today.

Jiang Ran's heartbeat is accelerating, and he feels like dating.

It's really super.

"Thank you today, I'm going back," Chuck really did.

"Oh." Jiang Ran was disappointed. Chuck was not interested in himself at all?

But when I was studying, it was also a school flower. Chuck also peeked at her.

She remembered clearly.

But this is no wonder Chuck, Chuck now has too many beauties, see more, of course, he will not

have too many thoughts about women.

Chuck took the dessert to the parking place, Jiang Ran bit his lip, "Chuck."

Chuck turned to look at her, "What's the matter?"

"Chuck, where do you live?" Jiang Ran asked. She was still a few days away. She could go to

Chuck for another play. You could take the initiative and be better, otherwise you would have no


Chuck said, Jiang Ran was disappointed. She knew where Chuck said, but one of the most

famous rich areas in the country, Chuck didn't want to tell herself.

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Chuck's family is rich, and Jiang Ran certainly knows, but it is not enough to live in that kind of

place, where the net worth starts at $50 billion.

Chuck's family is unlikely to have so much money. The reason why Chuck said this is that she

didn't want to let herself go to her.

Jiang Ran was lost.

"Well, I remember," Jiang Ran smiled.

"Then I'm leaving," Chuck went to the parking place.

Jiang Ran is lost and sad, is he so unattractive? ?

She sighed and left by car.

"What are you doing here again?" Black Rose said coldly.

This allows others to see, how can they secretly protect?

"Here," Chuck gave her the packed snacks.

The black rose was stunned, and his big blue eyes were cold. "Who wants your stuff? Go back to

your car."

Chuck shrugged, "I don't want anything? What about the mung bean cake for you at noon?"

"Lost," Black Rose lied, she ate, and she wanted to eat a piece, which was particularly delicious.

"You, what a waste." Chuck collapsed.

"Who asked you to give it to me? Haven't got in the car yet? Let others see it, and I won't protect

you anymore," Black Rose said coldly.

Chuck felt kindly...forget it.

Chuck got into the car by himself, and Black Rose saw Chuck drive away. Black Rose smelled a

clear scent, and her stomach was hungry. She couldn't help but open the box, not the pastry to eat

at noon. What is this? ?

She took a bite and felt delicious.

These Chinese snacks are really good, but they only bring one piece. Why not bring one more

piece of delicious food?

Black Rose was thinking, maybe Chuck was stingy, if he took seven or eight pieces, he would be

able to finish it all.

Black Rose drove with Chuck from afar, and drove and ate while she was finished. She put away

the box and couldn't let Chuck see it, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

But she was suddenly alert, because there was a car behind her who suddenly followed, she

immediately called Chuck.


"See if there is a car following you, you speed away from them!" Black Rose said coldly.

"it is good."

Chuck in the front accelerated, and in the cars that followed, there was a beautiful girl sneering.

That's right, the blue-eyed beauty.

How could she leave so easily? She was angered by Chuck and ran out to call someone.

How could Chuck run away so easily? She must let Chuck obediently promise to teach herself,

and then defeat him!

This must be done! !

"Chasing!" said the blue-eyed beauty.

"Yes!" The strong man driving obeys the command.

Increase the throttle and chase directly!

The Black Rose who was about to catch up was annoyed because a big truck or two just blocked

her! She couldn't see Chuck's car all at once!

Chuck looked at the rearview mirror and saw three cars chasing over. He frowned, he had been

driving for a while, and his car skills were fine. He slammed on the accelerator and the engine

roared and roared!

His car was galloping on the road. It's nothing. Isn't it right? Isn't there a black rose? ?

What's more, Chuck wants to solve this kind of thing by himself, and has also convinced you to

keep the black roses protected. There will always be a day he faces, so it is necessary to solve it

from now on.

Chuck's driving speed is amazing.

The blue-eyed beauty was exasperated, "What did you open?"

"Miss Hui, he was driving Mai..." The strong man was careful.

The performance of Chuck's car is so good that Karen li has modified it, so ordinary cars simply

can't catch up.

"Let me drive!" The blue-eyed beauty was angry.

Immediately changed, the blue-eyed beauty suddenly stepped on the accelerator, the speed was

equally amazing.

She chased up excitedly, bang! !

When he hit Chuck's car, Chuck saw her from the rearview mirror, Chuck frowned, and the blue-

eyed beauty came over, side by side with Chuck.

"Parking, you promised to teach me, then I won't hit you." Blue-eyed beauty proudly said.

This has already given Chuck a face. In the past, she had already crashed Chuck's car.

Chuck's eyes were cold and drove away. The blue-eyed beauty was annoyed and continued to

chase. She had too much experience in chasing cars. She was not your opponent in fighting, but

you did not drive me well, and I knocked you over.

The blue-eyed beauty has caught the time!

Boom it!

Rumbling, Chuck's car was overturned. Chuck responded well and was under control. He was hit

by a bump and felt very painful.

After the car stopped, Chuck opened the seat belt and crawled out of the car, staring coldly at the

blue-eyed beauty who got off the car with a sneer.

Others, there are seven or eight people who are tall and powerful.

Usually blue-eyed beauties don't call people at all, but when she enters, she is trembling with

anger and must be called! ?

"Miss, do you want us to beat him a few times?" a strong man asked cautiously.

Snapped? !

The blue-eyed beauty slapped it and hit the strong man's face. The strong man didn't dare to

move and didn't dare to squeak.

"If I only give you a fight, I will come out again? Use your brain!" the blue-eyed beauty said in


"Yes, yes." The strong man bowed his head and dared not talk back.

This blue-eyed beauty background is too big.

If he dares to talk back, he doesn’t know how to die.

The blue-eyed beauty walked past with a sneer, and several strong men stared at Chuckhu!

"Chuck, you should be a little more fun, teach me well, and when I defeat you, I will give you a

sum of money that you can't use for life," the blue-eyed beauty said sarcastically.

Of course, Chuck has no fear at all. Black Rose is hiding in a dark place to protect himself, so

today is a good fight, just to see what his strength is.

You can also exercise yourself!

"No, let them go." Chuck said.

These strong men should be powerful mercenaries, but Chuck has been fighting for so long, and

playing these should have no problem.

"Chuck, you are too ignorant, I said, I will give you money, will you give 100 million US dollars

enough?? I say one thing, say it to you, I will give it to you, if you don't believe it, I can give you

now, But you have to teach me!" Blue-eyed beauty is angry!

"Do not teach." Chuck refused. "There is another 100 million? What is it?"

Mom's winnings are all tens of billions of wins. One hundred million dollars is really nothing.
"Chuck are you still pretending? One hundred million dollars is nothing? Ha ha ha!!!" The blue-

eyed beauty is angry and disdainful, and one hundred million dollars is nothing? ?

In this case, only the four big families in the world can speak? Other people have this

qualification? ?

"You forced me, but you can rest assured, I will still give you money, 100 million dollars, you

are only worth so much! Grab him for me, remember, don't hurt him, I want him to finish Teach

me completely, and then I will defeat him in a fair and fair manner!" The blue-eyed beauty


Several strong men passed by.

Chuck was expressionless, and a few strong men caught him, Chuck immediately attacked! !

The fighting reaction made Chuck dodge and punched out!

This punch is amazing!

On the stomach of a strong man, the muscles on the face of the strong man were twitching, he

felt something to spit out, he fell on the ground, his face shocked.

At a very fast speed, the attack moves have not been prevented!

This is a master of fighting! !

Yes, because of the short training time, Chuck's strength is not up to Betty's level, not to mention

Logan and Karen li's level, but Chuck got Logan's fighting skills, and his mother's dumplings.

Granted, Chuck knows the skills of attack and fights, not afraid.

Skills make up for the lack of strength.

A few strong men were angry, but the blue-eyed beauties ordered him again, they could not hurt

Chuck, they could only catch Chuck.

The blue-eyed beauty was shocked. These few people knew that she had no problem playing a

dozen or so, but she was knocked to the ground by Chuck. This skill is really powerful! !

The blue-eyed beauty wanted to teach her this technique awkwardly, and then defeated Chuck

with teeth!


Chuck's fists are like the wind, and he dodges like the wind. Several big men catch Chuck, but

they can't catch them at all. Chuck's speed is fast.

A big man came over and asked, "Miss, he is too fast. If you don't hurt him, it's not easy to catch


"You guys are waste! Seven or eight people can't catch him? Huh, okay, hurt him a little, just a

little bit," the blue-eyed beauty stared at Chuck, his eyes were breathing fire, and today you are


My mother is an accident in Chapter 664 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online with


After receiving instructions from the blue-eyed beauty, this brawny man is poisonous and can

hurt you, so there is no need to be afraid.

Several strong men shot together!

Siege of Chuck! !

Chuck stared at the blue-eyed beauty. He rushed over and kicked the blue-eyed beauty with one

foot. The blue-eyed beauty fell to the ground, crying in pain.

"You, you don't know any good!" The blue-eyed beauty crawled up.

"Dare you hit our young lady? Find death!" Several strong men were furious!
If this is to let the parents of blue-eyed beauties know, then they are done today.

A few people besieged, punched and kicked, Chuck was not afraid, but instead became more and

more brave, nothing. At this time, it was useless, only to fight!

Chuck knows his own strength, and his own strength has increased madly during this time.

This is a good thing, Chuck decided to fight a celebration, knock down these people, and then

teach this woman! !


"He is a master of fighting, grab him!" a strong man roared.

Several other strong men punched and kicked around Chuck. They had not seen such a tenacious

person as Chuck, who was too tenacious to fight.

This way of fighting, if the power comes up, they will all lie underground in a minute.

Chuck was fearless, he fought more and more courageously, punched out a fist, combined fists, a

strong man screamed and wailed on the ground.

"No, use all your strength, he is going to run, run, fast!!"

There are still a few big guys in chaos, Chucktai will break one by one, so that everyone will lie

down, the only difference is who lay down first.

Seeing Chuck is too powerful. These few people are not enough to fight, the blue-eyed beauty is

anxious and annoyed, and absolutely can not let Chuck run away, you must catch him today!

Chuck was kicking himself just now. In the afternoon, he still hit his face, angry, anxious, and

can't wait to get revenge, so that the blue-eyed beauty took out a steel pipe from the car and ran

to face Chuck's Head hit!

Sneak attack! !

The red blood in the blue-eyed beauty's eyes disappeared, and she was frightened because

Chuck's head was bleeding, and he turned his head, "You..."

Slamming, Chuck lay motionless on the ground.

"Ah, I killed him, killed him." The blue-eyed beauty threw the steel pipe in her hands anxiously.

There is still blood on this steel pipe head.

A strong man squatted down to check, "It's okay, he just passed out. Don't worry about it, miss.

Don't worry if this kind of person dies, isn't it a Chinese person? It doesn't matter..."

Snapped! !

The beautiful blue-eyed slap came out in anger.

"I never thought about killing him, I just wanted to win him and take back the humiliation he

gave me!!" The blue-eyed beauty was angry and she calmed down.

The brave man did not dare to talk back, but said, "What do you mean, miss..."

The blue-eyed beauty stared at Chuck and suddenly sneered. "Let you be ignorant, take him

away, and immediately find me the best doctor to treat him, I think he is still not interesting this



A few strong men immediately lifted up the stationary Chuck and put it in the car. Someone

stopped Chuck to stop bleeding.

"You three, deal with the scene well, burn all traces, and interfere with all monitoring equipment

nearby, all within 10 kilometers!" a strong man instructed.

"Yes!" Someone did it immediately.

The blue-eyed beauty got in the car. She looked at Chuck with her eyes closed, and she was

proud, "I said, you can't run, what I have to do, there is nothing I can't do... deal with it?"
"All right.."


The beautiful blue-eyed woman drove, and the others got on and left.

Ten minutes later, the black rose blocked by the big truck just came over. She saw Chuck's car

overturned and it caught fire. She was shocked.

The accelerator stepped over.

When she stopped, she ran down with a strong fire extinguisher and extinguished the car. She

looked nervously inside the car and was empty, and she was relieved temporarily.

She started to call Chuck, but turned off!

She started to look around, but she didn't see it, she found a bloodshed on the ground, this is? ?

The black rose took a breath.

She anxiously took out the phone to call Karen li. She had no confidence and didn't even know

how to speak. Her task failed, but there was no way. Chuck had an accident. She must tell Karen



"What should I do?" The two girls who owed money came back.

"Woo, I regret it, I shouldn't treat him that way, what should I do now?"

The two girls cried, and they tried to find a way, but they dared not tell the family, but each of

them cost seven or eight hundred thousand dollars!

They are just students. Where can I find them?

"Are we really going to sell?" A girl despaired.

"Well, I understand his idea. He is forcing us both to accompany him," the other girl stopped

crying and was annoyed!


"Yes, look at his virtue? Obviously rich, but let us pay it back, did we just say a few words about

him? As for that? Do you remember that he said he would let us sell? His meaning is too obvious

, He forced us to repay the money, just to make us compromise with him!"

"Ah? I don't want it. I want to find Mi Guo's boyfriend. I don't want to accompany him."

"But what if we don't follow his heart? We can't get the money out of it."

"But, it's disgusting, someone like him..."

"Alas, there is no way out. It's a night of grievances. When the time is up, the two of us will go

with him."

"Okay, it can only be like this, but he is so disgusting that he threatens us so much,"

The two girls made an angry decision, didn't they just force themselves? ?

Well, see how long you can be proud!


Karen li is dealing with things, and the Ok family has dealt with Karen li.

And the momentum is fierce.

Karen li is thinking about how to fight back.

Boom, buzz!

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Betty came in after supper, "Mr. Li, it's very late, have something to eat."

Karen li put down something in her hand and smiled to eat, she asked, "Has Ce'er come back?"

"Young Master hasn't returned yet, but I called Black Rose in the afternoon, and she said that

Young Master and his classmates were eating wedding wine," Betty said.
"Well, you can relax, but the people of the Ok family may take action. You should pay attention

to the black rose. Forget it, or wait for some time to come over. I told him not to go out recently

and stay at home. Now,"

Karen li feels that the Ouke family is dealing with himself. The Li overlord of the Li family is

also secretly stalking, as well as the recent incident of Chuck's father Zhang Qingyang, Karen li

is a little helpless.

This is a good response.

"Well, I think this is the best way," Betty also agreed. This place has everything. Chuck can stay

here and it is safe.

"Oh, what happened to Yvette?"

"She has been dealing with the matter of taking over recently, and the treatment is almost the

same. When I came over, I saw that she was still dealing with it, and it was estimated that she

was also waiting for the young master to come back." Betty saw Yvette's tired handling of


Yes, Yvette has almost no day and night lately. She wants to take over quickly, and then let these

be on the right track, she has time to continue to do the right hand. After all, her goal is to

surpass Karen li and then duel with Karen li. ! !

This is Yvette's uncovered idea.

"That's not bad," Karen li was satisfied.

"But, if this continues, will Yvette..." Betty worried.

"It's okay, what she does is her business, and it's her business if she can improve," Karen li

smiled and shook her head.

"Well, the Oak family has fought back, and several companies have been affected," Betty was


Karen li did not choose to fight back immediately, she was watching.

"Ok family, look first, I have to lead out the overlord Li, deal with him, then deal with the Ok


"Also, Lord Li always wanted to kill the young master and solve him, then the young master

would be much safer,"

"Yes, I think so too. Ce'er's safety is my most important thing. Others are not worth mentioning.

Eat together," Karen li ate supper.

Betty also sat down.

However, Karen li's cell phone on the table rang, Betty went to get it, and seeing it was a black

rose, she doubted to Karen li, "It is a black rose,"

Karen li swipes to answer, "What's the matter with Ceer?"

She asked habitually.

"Sorry, something happened to Chuck." There was a black rose in the phone. Karen li was

stunned. The phone in his hand fell to the ground...

My mother is a Baller with a novel of audio

Seeing Karen li's mobile phones fall to the ground, Betty was shocked and squatted down

quickly to pick up her mobile phone.

But Karen li recovered, and picked up the phone all at once, his hands were shaking a little,

"Black Rose, what are you talking about? What's wrong with my son?"

What happened to the young master?

Betty was shocked because she had been with Karen li for so many years, and she had never seen

Karen li so gaffeous. Now, the only thing that can make Karen li look like this is Chuck.

"I just came back with Chuck. When there was a car tracking halfway, I let Chuck leave. I

continued to follow, but a big truck stopped me. After I resolved to catch up, I saw..."

"What did you see?" Karen li's voice shivered.

"I saw Chuckkai's car catching fire..." Black Rose said here.

"Me, my son is inside? In the car?" Karen li's eyes suddenly turned red.

"No, but there is a pool of blood on the scene."

"No, then surely still alive, where. Where are you?"

"I'm thirty kilometers away from your home..."

"I am coming over now."

Karen li hung up the phone, her eyes turned red, and Betty asked carefully, "Master Li, young


"There was an accident, my son had an accident," Karen li ran outside, and of course Baili

followed closely.

When he ran out, Yvette, who had just finished working, came out to drink tiredly, and saw

Karen li and Betty so anxious. She was stunned. What's wrong? ?

Yvette was particularly hesitant, but there was a strange tension in his heart.

"Ah... Karen li, what's wrong with you? What happened?" Yvette ran over, and she felt

something was wrong.

Why is Karen li so calm?

What can make Karen li like this is definitely not a trivial matter.

"There is something wrong with Ceer," Karen li said looking back.


Yvette was stunned. She felt that her heart was suddenly emptied. Her eyes were blurred and

asked anxiously, "What's wrong with him?"

"Cere was being followed, and when the black rose rushed over, the celebrity's car burned and

the person was gone," Karen li said quickly.

Yvette's eyes flushed anxiously, "Then I will go with you,"


Three people came out of the villa, Karen li drove, the engine roared astoundingly, and the car

drove out of the villa quickly.

"How could this happen?" Yvette called Chuck's phone and turned off.

Yvette's heart was beating.

"Don't panic, let's talk in the past," Karen li remained calm.

"Yes." Yvette wiped anxious tears.

In less than five minutes, the car arrived and three people got off.

At this time, the blood of the black rose squatting on the ground had almost coagulated.

Black Rose saw Karen li coming.

She stood up.

"Betty, immediately check Fang Yuan's thirty-mile monitoring." Karen li said.

"Yes," Betty did immediately.

Yvette saw the car that had been burned into ruins, and her tears shed silently. How could this


She still intends to return Chuck today. She chats with Chuck before going to bed.

But can't Chuck come back?

Karen li remained calm. For the first time, Black Rose walked over without confidence. She

couldn't face Karen li, but she still had to say, "Sorry, I..."

"I know I tried my best, black rose, you tell me the most detailed situation, what car is chasing

my son..."

"Well," Black Rose said in detail.

Karen li looks for clues in Black Rose's words.

She has always been silent, has not interrupted any words of Black Rose, and has not missed a

word that Black Rose said.

Until the black roses are all finished.

"Who do you think is following my son?" Karen li asked after finally listening.

"This, but your Li family, or who would catch him?" Black Rose analyzed this while waiting.

All of the other party's new cars, no license plates, and no black roses.

If it is general revenge, then Chuck will definitely die tragically, but Chuck is arrested, this is not


Karen li was meditating. At this time, Betty finished the inquiry. "General Li, the monitoring

here is all disturbed and cannot be found."

Karen li has already thought that the on-site treatment method is very professional, so there will

be no clue to represent this place.

"Mr. Li, will it be..." Betty said.

"Will it be done by the person who monitored Chuck last time?" Black Rose and Betty thought

about going together.

"No, it shouldn't be. If it were him, he wouldn't do it this way," Karen li thought of it, but this

method was not the first two.

So Karen li thought it was not him.

This is something else.

The latest situation is the Ok family and the Li family.

There should be only these two families.

Betty said nothing. Black Rose was thinking about it.

"I want to use the car," Yvette's eyes came red.

"What do you want to do?" Karen li asked.

This time is not a time for panic, but a time for calm consideration.

"The car tied to Chuck must have gone in this direction. I will see if I can catch it or find other

clues." Yvette must rescue Chuck.

She couldn't wait a second.

Wait for her to die.

"Don't panic," Karen li sighed.

"I didn't, really didn't. Give me the car. I'll go and see," Yvette explained, but the tears in his eyes

flowed out in disappointment.

"Well," Karen li gave Yvette the car key.

Yvette got the car key and got on the car, Karen li said, "Is there any clue tell me that this matter

is not so simple!!!"

It should be the Li family and the Oak family.

This is not something that Yvette can handle alone.

"I will," Yvette started the car, and Karen li said again, "Wait,"

Yvette stepped on the brakes and listened to Karen li.

Karen li looked at the black rose, "You are good with Yvette, black rose. Both of you have good

analytical skills and see if you can find anything along the way."

"Okay," Black Rose obeyed.

Karen li mainly felt that Yvette wouldn't worry about letting her go alone. If the rescue came

back, and Yvette had another accident, she didn't know how to explain to Chuck.

"Yvette, Black Rose is with you, don't panic, don't be impulsive, there are clues telling me, I'm

going to the Li family now!" Karen li said.

"Well, I will listen to you this time."

It's about Chuck's life and death. Yvette will certainly be obedient. After all, Karen li's

experience is much richer than hers.

The black rose got in the car.

Yvette drove and Black Rose left.

Karen li was silent for a few seconds, Betty said, "I think we should go to the Li family


Karen li didn't answer. She walked to the car that burned for a little while and a half. She

climbed in and took out her dagger to find something in it.

She pulled out a hidden camera from a steel bar, but it was burned out. This is some of the safety

actions Karen li did before, in case something happened, she can look for it.

She made a total of three people, and she found them all, but they all burned out to varying

degrees, and she climbed out with three cameras.

She must know that after Chuck drove out of the car, and then there was an accident, she had to

know exactly who she met, and then she should analyze the matter.

"Let the technology company fix it," Karen li said.

"This, it should take three or four days," Betty has experience, because this burnt is too serious,

and the chance of repair is low.

"Two days, try two days, I can't wait too long." Karen li was anxious, and she was also a little

flustered, because Chuck was her only son, and she had no energy to survive after the accident.

Because everything she is preparing for Chuck now, Chuck can not inherit, then who is she to? ?

"Well, I'll fix it immediately." Betty has started to call, very few, there are two cars coming, is a

professional of Karen li Technology Company.

The next few people are all technological geniuses.

Betty gave a serious explanation, and several people immediately went to the headquarters of the

technology company to deal with it, leaving a car.

After they left, Karen li was silent, Betty couldn't wait, "Mr. Li, this repair will take a few days,

then we will go at this time..."

"Go to Li's house first, whether he did it or not, I have to tell the person who caught my son what

it was like to catch my son's end!" Karen li's voice was particularly cold! !

My mother is a Baller. The 566th chapter is coming

Of course, Betty knew the reason why Karen li did this, and told the person who caught Chuck,

what was the end, let this person retreat, and let Chuck, or the end is the end of the Li family! !

Karen li got in the car, and Betty followed, "Mr. Li, call someone?"

"Call! I want to surround the Li family!"

Karen li's eyes are cold, this is a cold look!

Karen li was completely angry. Chuck, as her anti-scale, was actually touched by someone today.

She will at any cost make the person who caught Chuck know that she should never catch


This will give people a sense of deterrence. As a mother, Karen li first wants others to be

deterred. She dare not kill Chuck. She must first find a way to save Chuck's life!

This is the most direct method!

The engine was roaring, Karen li was driving, Betty sat on it, and headed for the Li family! !

Betty called, "Start the first-level family guard!"

The guards were all trained for Chuck. At this time, Chuck had an accident and must be


The car galloped on the unmanned road. Within three minutes, a consistent engine sound came

from behind. Thirty armored off-road vehicles appeared and followed behind Karen li.

This is a spectacular scene! !

Thirty huge armored off-road vehicles, like a fierce beast, are full of tyranny!

Ignore all the rampage!

This is Chuck's guard team! Came out today!

It's amazing, what financial resources are there to call so many people!

Along the way, the speed is amazing. This goal is the Li family of one of the four major

families! !


Li family!

Lord Li, Lord Li, and several other members of the Li family are talking about something.
Overlord Li is very satisfied with this plan. The Ok family has started to seize this opportunity to

deal with Karen li. When he learned that several companies in Karen li have been greatly

affected, he could not sleep happily.

"However, Karen li has not yet resisted. What is this going to do?" Li Overlord was not satisfied

with this.

He wanted to see Karen li fighting with the Ouke family directly, so both defeats hurt, and he

came out to clean up the mess! !

What a wonderful thing?

"Karen li's character is like that. If you don't take it, you don't take it. When you take it, you will

die. For up to a week, Karen li will definitely break into the Ouke family! By then, Karen li may

die inside!" It's also Karen li's brother.

He hated Karen li because Karen li was so good that he didn't have a sense of presence in the Li

family. He spends a lot of time every day, but there is really no sense of presence.

The head of the Li family is silent.

He didn't say a word.

"Dad, you can rest assured that when we swallow all of Karen li, then our Li family will be the

first family in the world, and there will be no comparison to our Li family!!" Li Overlord vowed.

Full of excitement!

As his eldest son, then the next homeowner would let him do it, then he is the homeowner of the

world's first family, how pretentious? !

"I think the quietness is not as simple as you said," the head of the Li family worried.

He felt that this should not be the case last time. He is now more and more discovering that

Karen li is not that simple. This is the feeling of being a father.

The fact that Karen li's departure led to the Li family's heavy damage forced him to think so. He

didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that Karen li was so important to the Li family.

"Dad, you are too worried." Overlord Li shook his head.

"Yeah, dad, don't you think about it, how strong can Karen li be? It was only because of our Li

family that she started her wings. When she got hard, she thought of flying. In fact, she left us

and the Li family had a greater impact on her, just She shamelessly refused to admit it," a

middle-aged man said disdainfully.

Originally, how many years did Karen li develop?

It is entirely through the Li family's contacts that she has everything she has today. Last time,

Karen li actually didn't admit it, and also bluntly said that relying on herself and relying on a fart


Not the Li family, she Karen li is nothing.

Wings are hard, and one day will be broken.

The owner of the Li family was silent and sighed. He now regrets the situation of the Li family.

He regrets driving Karen li out. If not, then the Li family will not be like this now.

In order to take care of the overall situation, he had thoughts of calling Karen li in person and let

her come back, but he, as a father, couldn't say the words.

"That is, the Ouke family has now turned over with Karen li. The strength of the Ouke family is

even stronger than that of the Li family. It is simply not that Karen li can resist..." Others also

expressed their own ideas.

Everyone believes that Karen li's personal strength is okay, but the overall strength is simply not

enough to confront the Ouke family.

What they want is to let Karen li use her personal fighting strength to break into the Ok family

and hit the core members of the Ok family. Then, the Ok family will be in chaos.

The Li family seized this opportunity to annex again! !

This plan is perfect!

"With your quiet and cleverness, you must know that we did it. She may come to our Li family

first!" The Li family owner said.

Several of his sons laughed and shook their heads.

"Dad, what if she knows? The Ok family has dealt with her, she has no time at all, and she has

no time to come to our Li family. After all, the Ok family only gives her a headache, how can

there be energy to come here? What about?"

"I think so too. These days, like the headed turtles, they do not resist, and they must be secretly

preparing to give the Ok family a big trick! There is no way to do it."

Several brothers expressed their opinions, and Overlord Li laughed, "Dad, you really want to

think about it, Karen li, she dare to come to our Li family?"

That is, dare to come! ?

No face?

The owner of the Li family sighed, "Forget it, I don't care about this matter. Anyway, I won't be

able to do this position for a long time. Everything still has to be dealt with by you."

Overlord Li is excited. Does this mean that he wants to be the owner? !

Overlord Li can't wait any longer.

"Don't worry, Dad, I will do it beautifully. Karen li was kicked out by us, and she can only make

one tool. I guess she must have burned her head at this time. After all, the Ok family is not

kidding, she I must be anxious now that I can’t fall asleep," Li Overlord laughed.
"Haha, sure!"

Several brothers laughed, full of ridicule.

They are all ready to celebrate now. The overlord Li is poisonous, Karen li, after all, you still

have to plant in my hands! !

When you die, I will kill your son and avenge my son! !

Karen li, Karen li, blame you too badly, killing my son is the biggest mistake you ever made in

your life! ?

There were laughter in the room.

But suddenly, someone knocked on the door, and Overlord Li frowned, "Come in!"

A person ran in and was a little flustered.

"Not good." The man was anxious.

Several of Li Overlord's smiles stopped, and all of Li's family opened their eyes.

"What's wrong?" Li Overlord asked coldly.

What can be wrong in the middle of the night? ?

The fuss!

"There are a lot of cars coming towards us." The man said anxiously.

Overlord Li looked at each other with several other brothers.

"What's the matter? I'll mobilize and monitor me!" Li Overlord froze.

"Yes!" The man immediately began to operate, and a screen lit up in the room.

"She, who boldly broke into our Li family at night? Looking for death!!!"


"Well, will someone from the Oak family come over? We found out that we asked someone to

kill his family?" One person was a little worried.

After all, the strength of the Li family is now reduced, and the people of the Ok family know

that, then deal with it, this is still a bit troublesome! !

A lot of pictures appeared on the screen, all of them were all in the vicinity of the Li family!

A long caravan divided into many directions and began to encircle the Li family.

These teams are well-trained, armored off-road vehicles, but not ordinary people can get it.

"Zoom in on the front car!!!" Li Overlord ordered.

Someone did it and zoomed in on the monitoring. The car in the front can clearly see that it was

a woman driving, it was Karen li! !

My mother is a Baller with novel 567. He is dead? Listen online with novels

Karen li, dare to come to the Li family! ! "

Several people in the room immediately boiled, like gunpowder, because the people on the

monitoring screen were ignited at once.

The owner of the Li family was stunned. Did Karen li come over at night? ?

What is this for?

"She's really not afraid of death! The Oak family is not enough to deal with her, but actually deal

with my Li family!"

Overlord Li was extremely angry.

"Brother, let the family guard go out and stop Karen li for me!"

"Yes, dare to come over to the Li family? Let her go back and forth!"

Some people suggested that the group was angry!

If this is spread, where will the Li family's face go? !

"The captain of the family escort team seems to have been trained by Karen li," Li Overlord

calmed down.

"It's okay, does he dare to favor Karen li?"

The overlord Li nodded, "Let all the members of the family guards come out! I want to catch

Karen li and catch alive!"

Karen li can't die yet, because Karen li is a tool to deal with the Ok family.

As a tool, how can she die early?

Must die well! !

"Yes." The person who just came in ran out.

In terms of monitoring, Karen li has driven the Li family after all, but the Li family guards all

appeared, like the ancient city guards, forming a copper wall and iron walls.

See how you Karen li attacked!

"Does Karen li want to kill the dead net?" someone asked.

"Fish dead net broken? Huh, does she have this qualification? No!?" Overlord Li sneered.

Yes, Karen li came from the Li family. Is it eligible to fight against the Li family?

What's more, the Oak family has dealt with Karen li. What strength does she have for internal

and external problems?

"I think Karen li jumped the wall in a hurry. Fortunately, she was kicked out of the Li family.

Otherwise, such a person would really bring shame to our Li family ancestors!"

"That is, she, like garbage, look at her car, and it has been converted into armor. Her technology

company has been driving for so long, what can you research?? Unbeatable garbage!"

Some people laughed at it. Now that the Li family guards are out, they are the same people in the

army. act recklessly.

On the monitoring screen, Karen li's convoy rammed into the family escort, and the scene was


"Crazy, she is a lunatic!!"

In the monitoring, Karen li is too crazy to drive and crash like this. Her cars are all made by her

own, they are all special metals developed by her own technology company, and they are crash-


This is not available in other cars, so it is not enough for Karen li's car collision.

Inside the room, several of Karen li's brothers were surprised by Karen li's car. How is this

different from the truck?

"Why is her car so hard?"

"Did her so-called technology company really research something?"

Several people looked at each other!

"What on earth did she want to do? Rampage, like a mad dog."

Overlord Li stared at the monitor screen, he sneered, "She is going to come into our Li family!"

"No, she was kicked out. The Li family doesn't have her place, so I can't do it!"

Several people immediately refused.

"Family escort team, try my best to stop Karen li's car!" Li Overlord ordered.


Here, there is chaos outside. The people brought by Karen li are all specially trained, and the

level of coordination is simply not comparable to others.

Now narrow the encirclement, like a broken bamboo!

Karen li's strength was revealed!

An off-road vehicle blocked Karen li, a man with a tangled and respectful face! ?

This is the captain of the Li family guard team, and also Karen li taught him many things,

silently perfected the Li family guard team!

"Mr. Li, don't do this!" said the captain.

"Keep off!!" Karen li stepped on the accelerator and continued to rampage!

"President Li,"


Karen li's car came over, it was amazing power, the captain's car was completely unstoppable

and was knocked away!

"Mr. Li!" The captain continued to chase.

"Today, stop me from dying?!" Karen li's voice came out.

The captain twitched, but Karen li's words were full of murderous opportunities. He felt



The convoy brought by Karen li smashed the Li family guards like a broken bamboo!

This is a group of invincible and invincible beasts!

Born for Chuck, now fight for Chuck! !


"She, a lunatic, has actually broken through, is any group of people garbage?" Someone in the

room was extremely angry!

The overlord Li's face is ugly. Are these people in Karen li so powerful?

But it's okay, the family guards are just the first defense!

The Li family's means are more than that!

Karen li, you are underestimating the Li family! Really powerful means haven't come out yet!


The people brought by Karen li have surrounded the Li family and stopped!

Only Karen li's car will drive again! Came to the gate of the Li family!

"Let her come in, but I want to see how she has jumped the wall today!" Li Overlord sneered!

Several other people laughed. When they were kicked out and come back now, what do you want

to do? ?

The door opened, and Karen li drove in, bringing the others on standby.

"Go, let's go out and see her!" Overlord Li showed a joke.

Several other people were excited.

The owner of the Li family sighed, "How are you going to treat her?"

"How, Dad, I want to let her know what the consequences of her doing today!"

Overlord Li went out, others followed!

The owner of the Li family looked at the monitoring screen and looked like Karen li. He sighed

and regretted more in his heart.

He discovered that Karen li's eyes were blood red. What was he doing? Really fish dead?

"It's wrong, you don't have this strength yet." The head of the Li family shook his head.

Keep reading, he doesn't want to go out.

Li Family Hall! !

Several people of Li Overlord have arrived, and he has already ordered it. Someone has given

orders to the outsiders brought by Karen li!

When the time comes, Karen li will catch the turtle in an urn!

"She's so courageous!"
"Oh, the dog hastily jumped over the wall. What can't be done? I guess she came over to beg for

us," a man laughed.

"I think so too, beg us to help her deal with the Ok family, hey, why is she so stupid?"


Several people laughed, Karen li came in, and one came in. Betty wanted to follow, but she

didn't let it.

"Karen li, you are in such a big situation today, what is this for?" Li Overlord scoffed.

Come in alone? What an ignorant act! !

There are no other people, you can catch her by a few people, this is the sheep into the tiger's


"Are you here to beg us?" Overlord Li sneered.

Karen li approached step by step, her eyes kept staring at Li Overlord, "I'll only ask you a word!"

"Oh, if you ask me, I'm going to answer? What are you thinking? You thought you were my Li

family?" Li overlord disdain.

"Let you run last time, you can't run today!" Several other people stared at Karen li.

She must be left today! ?

"Are you doing your son's business!" Karen li asked!

"Oh, your son is dead, right? Haha, good thing. Good thing, come over and tell me this thing, do

you want me to celebrate? Haha!" Overlord Li laughed viciously.

It turned out that Karen li came like a crazy dog just for Chuck!

Is this an accident? Was it killed? ? Still killed by someone?

Good thing!
It's just that Li Overlord was a little sorry, because he was about to commit suicide by himself,

but he didn't expect to be caught first.

But fortunately, death is enough!

His son can rest in peace.

"The boy Chuck is your son. He must be a short-lived ghost. He doesn’t need us to do anything. I

asked you, was he beaten to death, or was he hacked to death? Tell me, make me happy "The

other said mockingly.

"I see, you have come to the wrong place. It must have been done by people of the Ok family.

They killed your son. You go find them. What are we doing here?"

"Haha, didn't the boss say that? She came to make us happy."


Inside the room, there were laughter from several people, died well! !

"Karen li, you have come to the wrong place, but today you cannot go!" Li Overlord said coldly!

My mother is a Baller with the novel Chapter 568 Are you still human? Listen online with


Faced with their ridicule by Li Overlord, Karen li's eyes were full of coldness, Chuck was her

counterscale, and now, these people are ridiculing!


Anger, which breeds in Karen li's heart, seems to be ignited and can't be controlled at once!

"My son will not die!"

Karen li walked up step by step. Several of the overlord Li frowned, and they all came around.

They were ready to do it themselves! !

As a former member of the Li family, Karen li was kicked out, even if it was not a good head

tortoise, even hit the Li family!

This is absolutely intolerable! ?

"Can't die? Then what are you doing here? Hehe, the person who killed your son really did a

good thing!"

"That is, your son will die if he dies, and come to our Li family to come to the wild?!"

Several people ridiculed and sneered. Suddenly, Karen li appeared in front of a middle-aged man

like a mobile. She punched out with a punch weighing several hundred pounds! !


This is an amazing speed and an amazing power. There is a ridiculous middle-aged man on his

face. His eyes are wide open. His face is shocked, pained and feared for a moment!

With a scream, he flew out like garbage!


Slammed on the table and chairs, embarrassed.

Silent? !

There was no sound in this room.

Overlord Li was surprised, but all the outfield players were masters of fighting. Was Karen li

punched him? Doesn't have a bit of backhand? !

He can't do this with Li Overlord!

It's amazing, what is Karen li's strength?

"Karen li, I'm your brother, you are so upset me, you..." The middle-aged man climbed up, he

felt that he was about to pass out, Karen li's punch power is amazing!

"You still know that you are my brother? But starting today, you are not!"
Karen li's footsteps are moving, this speed is too fast, this middle-aged man has not yet reacted,

Karen li's fist has hit his chest!


This is the scream of tears!

In the anger of Karen li, the garbage fell to the ground like a spit, spitting blood and dying.

Two punches make a fighting master like this, this is something that Li Overlord did not expect!

When I drove Karen li out last time, Karen li shot, but it has not reached the point where it is

today. Does Karen li still have reservations at that time?

In the room, the head of the Li family who was watching the monitoring pictures was shocked! ?

He is also a master of fighting, but he couldn't do this when he was young, Karen li actually did


To what extent has his own daughter been so strong?

I can't imagine it!

Shaking, regretting, spread in the hearts of the Li family. If you haven't chased her out, if you

haven't been so strict with her since childhood, then...

"Karen li, you are looking for death!" Overlord Li is angry!

"No, it's you who died!"

Karen li was dispatched and came directly to Li Overlord!

With this punch, amazing power appeared!

"Shoot together, besieging her!" Overlord Li was frightened!

Everyone shot, several combat masters shot, that position is also amazing!

But Karen li spotted Li overlord, and fist hit him!

"court death!"
Li Overlord sneered, men and women are different, bones are different, no matter how powerful

you are, the skeleton is not as big as a man, destined for your strength is not as big as my Li

overlord, compared with my fist, and abandon your hand!

Make you a waste! ?

Karen li ignores everything and smashes two fists!

But beyond everyone's expectation, Master Li's arm trembles, and he feels that he has smashed

an iron fist, which is too hard!

His fist was deformed and it was bleeding.

The pain made him suddenly wake up!

"Karen li.?"

Li Overlord backed away in shock, but Karen li's seemingly petite fist smashed past!

The speed is reaching the limit of humanity!


A rubbish flew out, vomiting blood, embarrassed! !

Overlord Li climbed up in shock, squatting on the ground like a broken body, and he was

shocked like a mountain in his heart.

Yourself! Today is so weak?

how can that be? !

Overlord Li is incredible!

The other people were stunned and their jaws were shocked. They just used their full strength to

siege, but they were easily evaded by Karen li. In one second, the strongest Li Overlord was

beaten away , The same as garbage.

The shock could not describe them.

Suddenly, the figure rushed over, and Li Overlord backed away, but there was no chance at all,

and he grabbed his neck with one hand!

The sense of suffocation suddenly attacked Li Overlord, and the fear of death came, and

Overlord Li was frightened, "You, you..."

Is this a dream? How can you be so vulnerable today? !

"It's you who is dying! You didn't tie my son, but I'm going to kill you to let the person who tied

my son know, what is the end!"

Karen li has never been a killer!

Overlord Li feared, "Don't, I'm your brother. When you were a kid, I still hugged you, and I


"If not, I have assassinated you!" Karen li's hands are working hard. Her five fingers have

already been so powerful, it is not difficult to pinch a person's neck!

At this moment, Lord Li had already regretted it. What did he do?

It turned out that I was so vulnerable in front of Karen li.

It turned out that Karen li could kill himself long ago!

I've been playing with fire all the time, and today I'm igniting my upper body!

In the room, the others were stunned for a long time, and no one thought of this scene.

"Quiet, stop! He is your brother!!!"

At this time, an old voice came out.

The head of the Li family came out tremblingly. What he saw on the monitoring screen, his heart

was shaking. Karen li, the child, had been hiding his true strength, and finally revealed it today.

Such turbulent waves!

"Dad," Overlord Li shouted in fear and pain.

Karen li turned around and said, "He is not, I have always been an outsider at the Li family!"

Several people in the room were speechless!

This gap between heaven and earth makes them awake and awake while still dreaming!

It turned out that Karen li was not so good!

It turns out that Karen li's strength has surpassed the Li family!



Too many, this moment popped up in the minds of several people, smashing the walls they have

been proud of!

"Alas, quiet, I'm wrong, I shouldn't treat you so much, let your brother go, he's your dear

brother!" Li family sighed.

He has no confidence? What can you do? His daughter was kicked out. He always thought that it

was to throw out an optional person, but today Karen li proved that this optional person is so


"No! His son is going to kill my son, he is going to kill my son, is this something the brother

did?" Karen li refused, her fingers were hard, Li overlord suffocated, fear came again, so clear,

let Li overlord Submerged in fear.

"Quiet, you are still surnamed Li after all! I was wrong, let your dear brother! Do you want me to

finish the Li family?! I kneel down for you!" Li family head kneeled!

Several people inside the room suddenly awakened!

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"Where can she bear you kneeling, get up, get up quickly!"
"Don't kneel!"

Several people passed by and wanted to help the old man up, but he refused and stared at Karen

li with regretful eyes, "Karen, let go of your brother, I have kneeled for you, what else would you

do? Do I give you a kowtow?!"

"Karen li, how do you become a daughter? Dad kneels down for you, what else do you want?

Are you still human? Still human?" Someone was angry.

"You are not qualified to speak to me, I am not a person? Then you will all die today!!" Karen

li's cold voice echoed in the room!

A few people were speechless, yeah, if Karen li is really not a person, then no one of the Li

family can survive today!

Karen li's anger, they felt it!

No one refuted, no confidence, I don’t know how to refute, Karen li was so good to the Li

family, and now he was kicked out, and he still wants to yin her and annex her, as if he is not a

human being on this side, and he does not consider a little affection!

"Quiet, let your brother go, I will kowtow you!" The head of the Li family husky, he kowtowed.

My mother is a Baller with novels, Chapter 569

Karen li is definitely not an iron-hearted person. In fact, when her father knelt down, she was

already soft-hearted.

Yeah, after all, he is still surnamed Li!

What's more, this man who knelt down and kowtowed is very old, with white hair!

"Karen li, you are not a human being, you are not as good as a pig or a dog, and your animals are

not as good. Dad gave you a head. What else do you want?"
"That is, Karen li, you are a beast. The beast is not as good as you. Dad kneels and kowtows to

you. No matter how big it is, you should also put it down. How can you do this?"

This is a curse from Karen li's relatives.

"Shut up!!" Li family head scolded!


"We are beasts! We are so quiet, things are not on your own, you are not qualified to say her!" Li

family head said hoarsely, full of regret.


Several cursers were speechless again! !

"Quiet, let go of your brother, our Li family will never do that again."

If the overlord Li dies, the situation of the Li family will continue to deteriorate, because Karen

li, who was originally the top beam, was driven out, and now the top beam is dead, then the Li

family is not going downhill, but falling straight!

Then the Li family will end miserably, because the Li family is fat, many families want to seize

this opportunity to annex! !

Karen li turned to stare at the overlord Li who had rolled her eyes. She was silent for a second

and let go, but her fist smashed out!


The overlord Li screamed. This was the garbage flying out. He lay still on the ground. There was

still fear on the face of the overwhelmed Li Overlord.

"Start today, don't bother me! The Li family and I have nothing to do!" Karen li went out!

"Quiet, I am your dad, did you forget?" The head of the Li family was heartbroken.

Karen li saw this old man, she shook her head, "Do you have the confidence to say this?"
The head of the Li family is speechless! Yeah, he couldn't speak for himself.

For Karen li, is he still a father?

"I don't have a dad! I don't have a brother, starting today!!" Karen li went out.

Here, the silence is so extreme that there is only breathing!

Finally, the owner of the Li family looked at the ruin-like home, he sighed...

"Dad, Karen li she..."

"Go tell people to take them both to the hospital. Starting today, don't provoke the quiet again."

Li Jia said with a sigh.

"Dad, Karen li is too hidden, her combat is so powerful, she is a scheming bitch!" Someone


The head of the Li family walked over, and with a snap, he slapped! !

"Shut up, she is your sister!" Li Family Master reprimanded!

"Dad, she doesn't recognize me anymore." This man feels aggrieved and touches his cheek. How

dare he show a little anger?

"It's not that she doesn't recognize us, it's that we don't let her recognize it,"

The owner of the Li family is worried, he has a feeling that from today on, the Li family will

start to decline. Without Karen li, Li Jia will fall to this point. The owner of the Li family



"What did you say? The Li family was under siege? Is this possible? Who did it?"

The people in the Ok family were shocked!

The news came out at once!

"It's true that Karen li did it! The family guards of the Li family are just like the paper, and they

were easily broken by Karen li,"

"What? She actually has this strength? Why did you do this? Why did you suddenly turn your


The people in the family are unimaginable!

The Li family is also a big four family. Why is it so vulnerable in front of Karen li?

"I heard that it was Karen li's son who was gone. She looked for her son and went to the Li


"Karen li still has a son?"

"Yes, it seems that I have recently come to the United States. Karen li did this. This is killing

chickens and monkeys. Tell the people who tied her son to be careful!"

"Who did this?"

"Who knows this? It wasn't made by our family anyway," several people were talking.

"People will bring those in the laboratory, and Karen li may hit our house!" said the owner of the

Oak family coldly.

Karen li suddenly shot, this is not a good signal!

"She dare, dare to bite our house like a crazy dog, I let her die!"

"That is, those people in our laboratory have no pain, ten people can kill Karen li, she dare to


Family members began to disdain.

What if you Karen li can play again? In the high-tech era, it is not possible to solve the problem

by killing and killing.

"Let those people come over!"


Someone started to prepare!

"Also, stop attacking Karen li for the time being. The Li family was attacked by Karen li at night.

A few people must have died. Now, let me attack the Li family with all my strength. I will eat

the fat of the Li family!!" The owner of the Ok family showed a little excitement!

After eating the Li family, which is also the four major families, then his Oak family is enough to

dominate the world!

This opportunity, but you Karen li gave it, don't seize it, then isn't it sorry you Karen li? ?

"Dad, I have wanted to do this for a long time, and I will prepare immediately!"

The people of the Oak family got excited.


at the same time.

The Luofu family, one of the four major families!

After receiving this news, the Li family was attacked!

"Karen li's son was arrested? Who caught it? Those of the Ok family did it?" a charming young

woman murmured to herself.

This young woman, if Jiang Ran is here, she must know, because this young woman does not

look like a blue-eyed beauty?

That's right, this is the mother of the blue-eyed beauty Emily!

"Maybe, otherwise who would do such a boring thing?"

The other person also spoke, and all the beautiful women in this room were beautiful, but the

Luofu family was mostly women.

"Yes, catch Karen li's son, don't do this thing, she Karen li has been in the United States for so

many years, it is not a joke," said the young woman.

"No, isn't it just a woman who was kicked out by the Li family? Nothing, she could only anger

the Li family, and dare to anger the other families. Recently, the Ok family dealt with her, and

she didn't dare to let her fart, Like the shrinking head turtle, I dare not resist. I think she can hit

the Li family this time. She is just a member of the Li family. She is familiar with the Li family.

Home, can she enter the door??" A young woman in jeans shook her head and looked disdainful.

Yes, they know that Karen li was kicked out. What strength does a bereavement dog have?

"Forget about mentioning her, what about your daughter Emily?"

The charming young woman shook her head. "I don't know. I didn't come back today. It's so


"Isn't it going to date someone?"

"No, I know that Emily's child, the average man, she simply can't look down." Feng Yun young

woman is more satisfied.

His daughter is very good at cleaning herself, which is still very good.

"Yes, who is eligible for Emily?"

The charming young woman smiled slightly, "Forget it, don't say, we don't need to do anything

about Karen li, it's not our family..."

"What if it is? She still dares to call Karen li?" The young woman in jeans sneered.

The Rose family is the arms family. Does she dare to come over? A bomb will kill you! !

"Yes, even if our family tied up his son, there is nothing to worry about," said another blonde

young woman.

The charming young woman nodded, too, what are you worried about? ?
She took out her mobile phone and called her daughter.

"Hello, mom."

"You are not going home yet at this late hour?" The young Fengyun woman pretended to be

angry and must have been drinking at any place in the bar. She said nothing. She didn't go to that

kind of place. Although Emily went to the bar, she went to her house. It's open.

"Mom, I'm going abroad a few days."

"What are you doing abroad?"

"Play, I found a fun thing, I think I will be very happy!"

The charming young woman has no way to take her daughter, "Come back early."

"Got it, hang up."

The charming young woman smiled slightly.

"What is Emily doing?"

"She said that she found a fun thing, she is playing." Feng Yun young woman is crying and

laughing, what is this fun thing?

My mother was a Baller with a novel, Chapter 570, compromised? Listen online with



headache! !

Chuck opened his eyes from the pain. He looked and found that he was actually in a house. He

got up and touched his head. It hurt so much.

The stinging tingled Chuck's scalp.

what happened?
He shook his head and walked to the door, and found that the door was actually locked. He

walked to the window and found that the outside was actually deserted.

There is nowhere to go, where is this? ?

Why do you stay here?

He thought hard about it and finally thought of what had happened. He fought with the blue-eyed

beauties. Suddenly he felt a headache and turned his head to look. He saw a bloody iron rod in

the hands of the blue-eyed beauties.

Then I don't remember anything.

Remembered, she was tied here by her?

Chuck was angry, he kicked the door hard, "Come out, come out!!"

As if it were an air prison, no one ignored him.

Chuck seems to be talking to himself.

"Let me go, let me go!"

Chuck roared, his cell phone was missing, his mother could not be reached, what happened to his

mother? ?


black Rose?

How are they? Do you want to be kept here all your life?

Chuck was in pain, but he calmed down quickly, and he could not panic. In this case, he could

escape, and find a way to escape!

Absolutely, I can't give up!

The mother must be looking for herself. How can she surrender herself?
Chuck was calmly observing that he had a headache, but he still had the strength. He didn't get

stupid by a stick, and he still had a chance to live.

"Huh, why don't you call it? Actually pretending to be calm?" The blue-eyed beauty disdain.

"How is his condition? Is his head okay?" the blue-eyed beauty asked.

"Miss, he has lost too much blood on his head, but the problem is not, but it may be a little

hidden," the doctor said cautiously.

When he saw Chuck, he was also scared, too much blood, the stick with the blue-eyed beauty

was completely dead!

Chuck was able to survive and wake up so quickly, only good luck.

"Hidden troubles? What hidden troubles?" the blue-eyed beauty asked. She looked at Chuck in

the house by monitoring!

Still turning around, want to escape?

Where does this seem to be hidden?

"He hurt his brain, it may affect the memory, there may be some memory, which was missed by

the stick of the lady, maybe..." the doctor said.

"Memory? What kind of hidden trouble is this? How much memory does he have to do with me?

I want others to be okay?" the blue-eyed beauty said coldly.

"People are fine. His physical fitness is very good. It should be the best one I have ever seen as a

doctor for so long."

"Best? He is a weak Chinese, but you are a doctor of the United States. You used to treat strong

and tall Americans! His physical fitness can be better than other Americans?" The blue-eyed

beauty shook her head, very questioning .

"Yes, he is not taller and stronger than the Americans, but his physical qualities exceed them,

otherwise how can he wake up so quickly? This genetic problem, I think his parents may have

better physical fitness, otherwise he will not give birth to him." Doctor In analysis.

"Gene? OK, go and see him!" The blue-eyed beauty asked no more. She only wanted to teach

Chuck now, and then she defeated Chuck, then she would be very happy! ?

The blue-eyed beauty went out, and several people followed.

In Chuck's room, a wall suddenly became transparent, and Chuck saw her!

For a moment, his eyes were full of icy cold!

"It really is you!"

"Yes, it's me. Who told you not to be funny? I don't want to give you the money, but let me use

this method, is it honest now?" The blue-eyed beauty is proud.

Chuck's angry look inside, she really felt too cool.

"Let me go? Or you will regret it!" Chuck's eyes are like a sword!

"Sorry? I don't regret anything I do. I only know that what I want to do, no one can stop you,

including you! You are my toy now, and you still don't know!"

The blue-eyed beauties are more proud, and she thought of Chuck slapping her so much, and

now get back a little interest.

"let me out!"

"Release? I will let you go and give you a sum of money, but you have to be obedient, teach me,

and then I defeat you! Wash away the shame you gave me!"

Chuck stared at her!

compromise? He doesn't want to!

"You don't know who I am, you will regret it!"

"Hehehe, you don't know who I am. If I say it, it will scare you. The regret you said is not worth

mentioning in front of me!" The blue-eyed beauty sneered.

She was also angry, Chuck was so disobedient?

Chuck ignored it. He continued to observe the house and had to go out!

"What do you expect someone to come to find you? Is it possible? No one can find this place

unless I let you go."

Chuck did not answer!

"Huh, think for yourself! Give him food."

The blue-eyed beauty was angry and left.

The doctor arranged immediately.

Chuck was sitting in a closed house, he did not give up, he was still looking for flaws.

He will also see his mother, Yvette, Logan, Murong Qing, Zelda...

Chuck has too many people to meet.

I still have ambitious ambitions, and I want to build my own business empire. I want to be the

richest man in the world. Too many things...

You must not be stuck here!

Opportunity, where is the opportunity to escape, there are virgin forests nearby, how to

escape? This is a big problem!

"Still holding on? See how long you can hold on?" The blue-eyed beauty disdains.

A day later, Chuck sat down calmly, and the house could not escape, the only thing was to

promise the blue-eyed beauty first.

Seeing her, and then looking for a chance to catch her!

Then you can go out!

Men can bend and stretch!

"Come and see me!" Chuck roared! !

"How long do I think you can resist? It's a compromise in less than a day. It really disappointed

me. Forget it. Hurry up to beat you. I'm going to play other things. You are a Chinese, but you

are not qualified to let me Too much time!" Blue-eyed beauty passed.

But what made Chuck cold was that there was still a glass.

Chuck looked at this glass, it was absolutely bulletproof glass!

Unarmed, how could he break the glass and grab her?

"Is it fun?" the blue-eyed beauty sneered. "I said everything. I will do what I have to do. I can't

do it yet. Do you say it?"

"Okay, I can teach you, but how do you teach?" Chuck expressionless.

"Yes, do you think I'm stupid? I know what you think, but it's impossible. When I don't reach

your strength, I can't see you alone," the blue-eyed beauty laughed.

Sure, she was a fool again, of course she knew what Chuck might be thinking.

"No problem, give me fitness equipment, is this okay?" Chuck actually has a special metal ring

on both hands, but it's too small to be of much use.

"No problem, I will not bully you. I will keep you in top condition. I will beat you again, but

fitness equipment will not let you go out. You need to be honest... prepare him for fitness

equipment!" Commanded.

Someone immediately prepared.

"Teach me now," the blue-eyed beauty was excited.

She admits that she has taken a fancy to Chuck's fighting style. If she learns by herself, she will

definitely play better than me, because she is stronger than Chuck!
Chuck nodded and said some fighting skills. Of course, those who are "masters" will keep one

hand. Chuck said that he avoids the weight and ignores the real fighting skills. That is Karen li

Logan's experience for so many years, Chuck How can it be said?

But even so, the blue-eyed beauty was particularly excited to hear, because she was really useful,

she froze! !

"Strength is very important, your strength is insufficient." Chuckzhi said.

The last time she hit her, Chuck saw that fighting and skills are important, but strength is also

indispensable, and it can even be said to be particularly important.

Chuck wants to recover quickly in the past few days to build a foundation for his escape.

"Okay, I listen to you. Now I will train day and night." The blue-eyed beauty went out excitedly.

Today's lecture is over, Chuck looks out the window, Yvette, I will go out by myself!

My mother is a Baller with novels. Chapter 571 Call Logan to listen to novels with audio.

The blue-eyed beauty returned to her room. While on the road, she heard her men talking.

"My friend from the United States called me and said that the Li family was beaten."

"Which Li family?"

"It's the Li family of the four big families!"

"What?! Who was beaten by the Li family?"

"Karen li."

The two men had a lot of discussion. The blue-eyed beauty heard it, and there was a trace of

curiosity. Of course, she knew the Li family. After all, her family is one of the four major


She also knows Karen li, but isn't Karen li the Li family?
Why attack Li family?

Betrayal? ? This Karen li is really not a thing. How can this be done?

I really haven't seen such a shameless person when I hit my own family!

"Miss." The two men lowered their heads.

"Why did Karen li hit the Li family?" the blue-eyed beauty asked.

Do you want to eat the Li family?

It seems that the Li family did a good job of driving out Karen li before.

"It seems that I heard that the Li family was going to be annexed."

"No, I heard that it seems that Karen li's son was gone, and then Karen li went to the Li family to

be a servant before calling Li's family!"

The two men expressed their opinions.

"My son is gone? Was he caught by the Li family?" The blue-eyed beauty despised.

What kind of garbage family are these?

Catch your own loved one's son?

Blue eyes beauty ruined in three ways! !

"It seems like this, I heard that Karen li's son is a shame,"

"No, I heard that Karen li's son wanted to take the Li family, so he was caught by the Li family."

"That's that mother and son want to eat the Li family?" The blue-eyed beauty sneered.

Are there such people?

"should be."

"What happened to the Li family?"

"It was successfully attacked by Karen li at night, and there was a lot of rumors there. I heard

that Karen li was hit alone, and several people of the Li family were seriously injured. Even the

owner of the Li family was kneeling!" said one of the men.

"Karen li is too human. He actually let his father kneel. The son born by such a woman is

definitely a trash, and should be caught!" The blue-eyed beauty sneered.

Obviously, this mother and son are a pair of garbage!

"That is, I heard that her son can't do well, soak up women all day, that kind of garbage is

deserved! But I heard that Karen li's garbage son was not caught by the Li family, but someone

else." One of them said suspiciously.

"Who was caught?" the other man asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter who was caught, the important thing is that the two of you made me look

closely at that person, and don't let him run away!" The blue-eyed beauty was not interested in


It’s not the Li family, it must be someone else!

This is definitely a battle between families. She has no interest in intervening. Her only interest

now is to learn Chuck's fighting, and then defeat him and trample him!

Take back your own shame! !

"Yes!" the two men dared not say more.

The blue-eyed beauty will arrive in the room and start to do what Chuck said. She is thinking.

She thinks what Chuck said today is right. She is confident that she can definitely defeat Chuck!

She started exercising with excitement.


"Betty, the monitoring has not been repaired yet?" Karen li was completely anxious here.
She originally thought that the video could be repaired in three days, but to this day, there is no


She knows that the repair is very difficult, but there is no way, she has to worry when it comes to

her son!

"No, the company has repaired it as soon as possible, which is more difficult than she thought."

Betty has no confidence, and the monitoring in the car is damaged too much. The difficulty of

repairing is undoubtedly amazing.

People across the tech company have been repairing all night.

"As soon as possible," Karen li was feeble.

She hadn't slept for the last three days. She was anxious. Chuck suddenly disappeared. Although

she released the news and told the person who caught Chuck not to hurt Chuck's life, but now,

this effect is not too big.

"Well, I know," Betty went out. She would definitely do her best about Chuck.

But at this time, she suddenly thought of something, and she came back, "Mr. Li, I heard that the

best repair expert in this area is in China."

"Please, no matter how much money you spend, please bring him over to me," Karen li has a

brilliant look in his eyes! !

"Actually not, President Li, just call President Tang. Mr. Tang has a company in this area in

China. That person was digged away from other companies by Mr. Tang at a high price..." Betty

thought of this. Logan's business scope is also very wide!

There are also technology companies. Although Karen li is not as big as Karen li, it is still very

good in specializing in some small fields. If you specialize in something, then there will

definitely be results.

Karen li slapped her forehead. Why did you forget her? ?

Too distraught, too anxious, Karen li has never been so anxious in her life, and made her forget


Karen li immediately took out her mobile phone and called Logan.

At this time during the day, but because of the time difference, it was more than 12 o'clock in the

night of China. According to Logan's habit of going to bed early and getting up early, she had

already fallen asleep.

But Logan, who was sleeping, heard the sound of her mobile phone. She woke up confused and

took a look at the mobile phone in the cabinet next to her. She smiled immediately, "I haven't

called in a long time."

She answered, "Aunt Karen, how are you..."

"Logan, to make a long story short, you bring the restoration experts from your technology

company to the side of the country," Karen li went directly to the topic.

"What happened?!"

Logan sat up from the bed and was particularly surprised. Because of Karen li's tone, she had

little or no such tone. She was anxious, particularly anxious.

Why is this so calm for Karen li?

"Cer has an accident and was arrested. I installed a monitor on the car he drove, but it was

burned down, and I..." Karen li said halfway.

Logan immediately got down from the bed, "Okay, I'll come right now!!"

The phone hung up, Logan put on her clothes, and immediately called, "Hey, let me ask Director

Zhang to come to my airport now!...He doesn't work at night? It's okay, I'll give him 10 million

and let him go with me. Trip to the United States!!! Arrange!"

Hanging up the phone, she immediately made another call.

"I arrived at the airport in fifteen minutes and prepared for me. I'm going to the country!"

Doing all this well, Logan packed things out of the house.

Drive to the airport!

But out of his villa area, a car drove outside, and Qian Yueying of the Qian family drove.

She has recently been busy with Qianjia's business, but she couldn't sleep at night, so she drove

around nearby, and she didn't know why she came here. Maybe, Chuck once lived here.

She saw that it was so late, Logan drove out, she was very surprised, came out so late, did she

pick someone up? ?

To pick Chuck? After all, Chuck seems to have been away from Beijing for a long time, and he

has not seen him recently.

Logan frowned as the car was stopped.

Qian Yueying came down, "That, President Tang, you are going to..."

"Miguo, I'm going to Miguo!" Logan turned the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator,

leaving only Qian Yueying.

She was stunned. She saw Logan was very anxious. What was the situation?

What happened to Mi Guo?

Logan has left quickly. Qian Yueying looked at it for a long time and sighed. What happened to

him recently? ?
My daughter has always wanted to see Uncle Chuck, and Qian Yueying said that she is very

helpless. Her daughter seems to want Chuck to be her father, but is this possible? ?

Qian Yueying was lost in the car, she felt very unclear in her heart, a little lost her soul, did she

really like Chuck?

Otherwise, why do you drive here in the middle of the night?

"Alas, he is old, and he has a daughter. He is so young, how can he fall in love with himself?"

Qian Yueying sighed, feeling uneasy.

Logan arrived at the airport, and the private airport had already prepared the plane to the United


She got on the plane and the plane took off!

She started to call Chuck again and again, but they were all shutting down. Logan was anxious to

the extreme, "Cer, you must not be in trouble. If something happens, what should I do? Rest

assured, I will find you of!!"

My mother is a local tycoon. Novel 572. The clue comes out. Listen to the novel online

Logan took Director Zhang of his company to the United States all night. At the airport, Betty

drove over to pick up and went directly to Karen li's technology company.

Director Zhang immediately went into repair work.

"How long has Ce'er disappeared?" Logan didn't sleep on the plane, mainly because she couldn't


I was too worried about Chuck. The gunshot wound on her body was almost all right, but

recently Chuck came to Mi Guo and did not call her. She was a little lost in her heart, but it was

Chuck's safety, happiness is the most important, myself... not so important.

It's good to hold the feeling in my heart.

"It's the fourth day now." Karen li was haggard.

I haven't slept for four days. This is not something that ordinary people can resist. It is also due

to Karen li's strong physique.

Switch to another person and have been in the hospital long ago.

"For so long, are there no other clues?" Logan's voice trembled.

Four days, what this means, she dare not think about it.

Because when a person disappears, it will be more and more dangerous when it is a time!

Four days, maybe...

Logan's heartbeat must stop!

How could this be? ?

"No, the scene has been dealt with, more professional treatment, now only rely on this

monitoring to find clues." Karen li felt no way for the first time.

I still have too little protection for Chuck. In the most recent time, I should not agree to let him

go out.

"Well, Aunt Karen, please go to sleep for a while," Logan was worried. If Chuck hadn't found it

yet, Karen li would be exhausted first.

"No need, me..."

"Go, I'll watch, Betty, you have a rest too."

Logan said to Betty that she was too haggard!

Karen li looked at Betty and found her haggard. By the way, she forgot her. Karen li took Betty

to rest. There is Logan who can rest assured.

"Director Zhang, the trouble is speeding up. This person is particularly important to me," Logan

couldn't suppress the anxiety in her heart. Yes, Chuck was the most important person she is now.

"Relax," Director Zhang seriously.

He was dug by Logan, but did not see Logan like this!

This process continues, a day later, the results came out, this waiting process is to live like

years! !

For Logan, she is anxious every minute and every second, but it is useless to be anxious.

I can only pray to God constantly, and I can make Chuck alive.

When the result came out, Logan almost burst into tears, Karen li, who had rested, and Betty


"Three people, this monitoring damage is too serious. At this stage, only one third can be

repaired, which is already the limit." Director Zhang after a day of hard work, he was also

haggard to the extreme, but it was better. A little result.

Director Zhang began to release the repaired monitoring screen.

Karen li, Logan and Bettydu are watching closely.

Puff, puff!

The monitoring started to be released, but after a long period of blurring, I couldn't see anything

at all. Karen li was nervous, and the picture appeared soon, the picture! !

After a long time, there is finally a picture, but the picture is still blurry, you can see Chuck and

several people fighting, very brave, in the face of the siege of several people, there is no falling

wind, Zhang Chi is gentle, not panic. Busy one by one broke.

"There is no reason, Ceer should have no problem dealing with these few people, how could he

be caught?" Karen li's eyes were cold and doubtful.

"Yes, Ceer's fighting is improving very quickly. These few look down on their faces, but in terms

of figure, they are absolute mercenaries. It is no problem for Ceer to beat them. How could... Ah,

hide, hide!"

Logan said, and suddenly saw a blurry woman carrying a steel pipe and attacked Chuck's head.

Chuck lay softly on the ground, and there was a lot of blood on his head.

Karen li is full of murderous opportunities! ?

"This is actually the case!" Karen li was so cold that she felt terribly sad to see her son attacked!

In the next picture, a few people carried Chuck into the car and then handled the scene.

Logan was heartbroken, and Chuck was taken away like this. The woman's stroke made Chuck

like that. It must be very painful! !

"Director Zhang, trouble repairing the picture. I want to see what the kidnappers look like!"

Logan said coldly.

Director Zhang nodded and began to repair as much as possible.

However, the process was also lengthy. The memory card was badly damaged and difficult to

repair. Finally, Director Zhang and several people from Karen li Technology Company joined

forces to repair some pictures.

No one can see the picture of the car, especially the woman, it is useless to repair it, it is not clear

at all! !

"We tried our best, this picture is our best." Director Zhang said tiredly.

"Betty, immediately give me a comparison of the monitoring in other areas, where did I finally

get a few cars, and I found out!" Karen li's voice was cold.

Betty immediately went to deal.

It was another long wait. One day later, Betty came over tiredly. Karen li and Logan were

nervous, all in unison, "How?"

"Going abroad." Betty said tiredly.

In the past few days, Karen li has sent people to look for in the United States, but they have not

found it.

"Where did you go?" Logan asked.

"Still checking, one day, give me another day, absolutely," Betty knew, Chuck has been missing

for a week, too long, the probability of survival is too small.

She was also worried.

"Okay, you go." Karen li agreed.

Betty went to investigate. At this time, Karen li's cell phone suddenly rang. She took it out to see

that it was black rose, and her eyes were shiny! ?

Black Rose and Yvette didn't come over the phone for a week. At that time, they drove to chase

according to their feelings.

Is this a result now? ?

"Hey, black rose!"

"Yvette and I went to the Amazon side. I drove around the clock for a week and night. I think

Chuck should be somewhere in Amazon." Black Rose said tiredly.

She has seen those cars, and they have been chasing them all the way. The two of them are based

on feelings, thinking about their location. If she is said, where will she take Chuck? ?

They considered that in the end Huang Tian was not disheartened, and finally let Black Rose and

Yvette find clues, and asked someone that they saw a plane entering Amazon!

Calculated according to time, it should be.

"Amazon?" Karen li was stunned. Why did Chuck be tied to Amazon?

Why is this so?

"Yes, you can ask someone to come over. Yvette and I are ready to go in."

"Okay, I'll come over immediately." Karen li hung up.

"Aunt Karen, how is it?" Loganxin was about to stop, too nervous.

"Amazon." Karen li's eyes flashed.

"Amazon? How to go back to Amazon?" LoganBetty was surprised.

"Betty, what do you think?" Karen li asked.

"I think when I go abroad, according to the route, I also think of where it is, but I haven't

determined yet."

"Enough is enough, Betty, Logan and I are going to Amazon now, and you will lead people

over!" Karen li said.

Amazon is too big, and it is still virgin forest, this must be looked for in all aspects.

"Okay!" Betty nodded her head. It must be enough for a few people to go.

"It's best to check first, what hidden buildings are there on Amazon, and maybe it's in one of

these buildings," Logan was careful.

"Well, I will do it."

Karen li and Logan had already gone out as perseverance, but Betty asked, "The Ouke family..."

"No matter, my son is the most important." Karen li didn't think about it at all. As long as the

Oak family dare, then she found Chuck and she would wash the Oak family! !

Karen li drove, and Logan arrived at the airport.

She called people on Amazon. She also has a base in Amazon, but it is not there, but she can be

provided with equipment to go into Amazon, which is too dangerous.

Less than a day later, Karen li drove a plane to the Amazon. The equipment she had prepared

was already ready, super-powered off-road vehicles, as well as guns, daggers, and various wild

survival things.

Logan and Karen li have changed clothes for too long, and they are all in a hurry! !

Loganmei stares at the deep forest in the distance, Ceer, don't be afraid, we'll save you!

My mother is the 573th chapter of the Baller's audio novel You rubbish! Listen online with


Chuck has been imprisoned for ten days. The injury on his head is all right, no pain, but it feels a

bit weird.

It seems that I can't remember anything. Chuck thought about it all.

Chuck didn't want to. For these ten days, the blue-eyed beauties came to learn every afternoon.

Chuck was taught except for some necessary skills.

Chuck was also forced.

Only when the blue-eyed beauty sees her strength increase will she be confident and challenge

herself as much as possible!

When challenged, it was when Chuck left!

Chuck recovered almost.

In addition to exercising for ten days, he also observed the environment as much as possible.

Chuck had a headache. Chuck thought what desert was nearby, but no, Chuck saw the deep

forest. This is the depth of the virgin forest.

Chuck has no experience of survival in the wild. After escaping, how to survive in the crisis-

ridden forest is also a question that has to be considered.

Chuck knew the dangers of this place.

But what about danger? Chuck must leave here! !

"Come on, hurry!" Outside the glass, the blue-eyed beauty urged.

Chuck came over and continued to teach blue-eyed beauties. He kept suggesting that blue-eyed

beauties could challenge themselves. This has been the case these days, constantly increasing the

confidence of blue-eyed beauties...

Seeing her sneer on her face, Chuck knew that in these three days, she would definitely challenge

herself! ?

"How do I think you are getting more and more garbage?" The blue-eyed beauty sneered.

Over the past ten days, she has benefited a lot!

She has already met Zhang Ze's attack. It's nothing. There are so many attack skills. She has

already met.

The last time Chuck was able to defeat himself was a sneak attack. Without a sneak attack, he

was nothing.

I have more power than him. Now that I have learned his flexibility, I can challenge him! ?

Chuck was silent, but there was intentional anger on his face.

The blue-eyed beauty was happy and proudly said, "Garbage, you're so trashy, don't learn

anymore, be prepared, and tomorrow I will challenge you and beat you!?"

"Challenge me tomorrow? You are so anxious before you finish your studies?" Chuck

deliberately excited her.

"I've seen you through, you have nothing to buy. I've finished my studies now, what else can you

teach me? I won't learn from a rubbish! Are you afraid?" The blue-eyed beauty sneered. Teasing.
"Your routine is known to me, are you afraid of being defeated by me? Are you really trash, you

know? The Chinese men are like you, and tomorrow, I will defeat you!" The blue-eyed beauty

left proudly.

Chuck's eyes chilled and beat me? ?

I taught you the essence of one-tenth of fighting, can you beat me?

Chuck lay down and rested, because he can go out tomorrow!

He has to prepare thoroughly, and he will face bigger problems if he goes out tomorrow.

"Miss, beat him tomorrow. Are you really going to let him go?"

Asked by his staff, what if he was retaliated by Chuck?

"Why don't you put it? That kind of trash, keeping him is a waste of money," the blue-eyed

beauty said disdainfully.

"However, after he goes out, he may get revenge."

"Revenge? He dare to revenge me? He is tired of life? I told him, who I am, he will scare urine,

and dare to revenge me? I destroy his family!" Blue-eyed beauty said angrily.

"Yes Yes,"

"After defeating him tomorrow, I will seriously injure him, and I will still give him the money,

but this is Amazon, he can go out alive and talk about it alone!" said the blue-eyed beauty.

Immediately no longer dare to talk.

Arrived the next day.

Chuck nourished her spirits and waited for her to come to challenge. After lunch, Chuck rested

for a while, and the blue-eyed beauty joked over.

"You want to fight me like this?"

Chuck saw that the glass in front of him had not yet opened, and he spoke.
If the glass doesn't open, he doesn't have a chance to catch her at all, let alone leave here.

"Of course not, come here, open the glass in front of you!" the blue-eyed beauty ordered.


The glass between the two rose, and Chuck did see the progress of this blue-eyed beauty. For

more than ten days, her exposed arm had obvious muscles.

Chuck will not underestimate the enemy, after all, this is a perverted crazy woman.

Chuck moved his tibia, but when he found something, he frowned, "Why is there a gun at me?"

Yes, Chuck found an infrared lock on himself.

"Just in case." The blue-eyed beauty laughed, she was not stupid.

What if the one who hurriedly jumped the wall and died with himself? ?

She is a descendant of four big families. How can she be dragged to death by this nameless


Chuck is not worthy! !

"What if I win?" Chuck sarcastically.

"No, prevent you from becoming annoyed and turning into a mad dog to bite me! Be smarter and

fight me! I will not treat you badly!" The blue-eyed beauty came over.

She is excited! !

Chuck did not panic. Since that is the case, then the plan must be changed.

"Start!" The blue-eyed beauty attacked quickly.

Big long legs kicked out, extremely fast!

Chuck was surprised, she still has a lot of talent, in order to defeat herself, she really worked

hard during this time.

Chuck dodges and slaps in the past.

"Want to hit me again? Is it possible? Go to hell!" She laughed smugly.

She already knew the routine of Chuck, and she had already prevented it. How could she be

beaten by Chuck?

Two people fighting!

Chuck sinks in his heart, because no matter how fast he moves, the infrared light on his body can

keep up with his rhythm and lock himself.

This is difficult.

If you are a little abnormal, you must eat bullets.

What should I do?

Chuck is thinking hard!

"Garbage, go to die!" The blue-eyed beauty is getting more and more proud. She sees the right

time and kicks her long legs.

Chuck fell like a bag and coughed violently.

"Haha, it turns out you're such a trash." Blue-eyed beauties all laughed.

She saw it, Chuck was a trash!

Will he actually lose to him before? The blue-eyed beauty couldn't figure it out for herself, she

thought it was ridiculous.


The blue-eyed beauty kicked over, and Chuckxun could not hide in time. On one knee, Chuck

spit out bitter water, coughing violently while covering her chest.

"Cough, cough..."

Chuck is embarrassed!
"It really disappoints me, I look up at you," the blue-eyed beauty shook her head

contemptuously, so disappointed, Chuck had only this strength.

He wasted so much time on him.

Quickly solve him!


The blue-eyed beauty rushed over like a wind. Chuck stared at her and smashed her fist. The

blue-eyed beauty laughed. It was too garbage. Such an attack is full of holes! !


The blue-eyed beauty slapped Chuck on the face. Chuck's fist was intercepted without even

approaching her.

Chuck staggered.

"Does it hurt? I asked you if it hurts? Don't you remember? That's how you beat me like that,

don't you remember? It doesn't matter, I will help you remember!" The blue-eyed beauties are all


The slap mark on Chuck's face, but she laid it herself. She put all her strength into it and Chuck's

mouth was broken.

Chuck attacked, the blue-eyed beauties seized first, and the second slap hit Chuck's face!

Snapped! !

Extremely crisp!

Chuck was repelled and leaned against the wall, embarrassed!

"This is the second slap, you can't bear it? How come you have reached this point of garbage? It

is not over yet, you hit me a few times, I will hit you a few times!!!" Slap.

Chuck was hit and his face was red and swollen!

Embarrassed leaning against the wall, the blue-eyed beauty laughed and attacked again! ? She

was so happy that she was hurt by Chuck last time and she can get it back together today.

Today, she will wash away the shame! She was excited and felt that this time it was right, the

shame was to wash it with shame!

Chuck's eyes flickered, enough, he waited for the opportunity enough, the blue-eyed beauty

finally blocked the infrared, this is the opportunity!

Chuck grabbed out, "You are over!!!"

He wanted to escape himself, and Chuckru grabbed it, grabbed the blue-eyed beauty's hand at

once, his other big hand grabbed the blue-eyed beauty's neck, you are done!

My mother is entering Chapter 574 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online with novels

The blue-eyed beauty was shocked! !

how is this possible? How can he catch himself suddenly?


Chuck grabbed the blue-eyed beauty's neck and blocked the infrared rays with the blue-eyed

beauty's body. The blue-eyed beauty felt suffocated!

"You!!! Did you just pretend? You?!" The blue-eyed beauty was furious. It is now obvious. Just

defeating Chuck by yourself was all fake? !

"Otherwise, do you think you can beat me in more than ten days?" Chuck sarcastically.

How is this possible?

This blue-eyed beauty is talented, but not as high as this.

"Asshole! Let me go, shoot, shoot!" The blue-eyed beauty was exasperated.
Chuck didn't mean to pity Xiangxixiyu, and pinched his neck, as if to pinch himself.

"Miss, you can't hit him, your body stopped him," someone said, full of anxiety.

This man with a gun is also helpless. Just now, Chuck took the opportunity and suddenly shot,

the speed was amazing!

He was startled, and when he reacted, he could no longer target Chuck.

He was also anxious, if the blue-eyed beauty had an accident, he would have died terribly.

"Let me! You bastard!" the blue-eyed beauty suffocated.

Chuck pinched her neck so hard that she was particularly uncomfortable.

"Take me out!" Chuck said coldly.

"No, no! I was going to let you go, you actually attacked me, I won't let you!!" The blue-eyed

beauty became stubborn.

The confidence in her heart was hit again, and she felt insulted by the sky.

I was confident that I could defeat Chuck, but what about the end? Chuck was actually playing

tricks, and Chuck could subdue himself with one move!

She was furious!

"Do not let go?" Chuck hummed.

"If I don't let it go, I won't let it go! You bastard, you actually didn't teach me the real thing, you

bastard!" The blue-eyed beauty screamed!

"Of course I won't teach you anymore, it's just your pen," Chuck said.

"You! Just wait, I won't let you go, no!!" The blue-eyed beauty is out, and Chuck dares to kill

her? !

She has to go to Chuckye to the end! Absolutely no compromise!

She was stubborn in nature, and now she knows she was being played by Chuck.

"Really?" Chuck said in the blue-eyed beauty's ear.

Pinch her neck violently, the blue-eyed beauty coughs, suffering, "Kill me, my people will make

you die without corpses! Also kill your family, everyone you know will die! You dare to kill me


Yes, this is the foundation of the blue-eyed beauty, but he is one of the four big families, who

dares to kill himself! ?

"You are so powerful." Chuck uses her body to protect herself.

"Let me go, I can give you a chance, I can let you go!" Blue-eyed beauty sneered.

"No, I don't like passive, I like to take the initiative, don't you let me go out, right?" Chuck

lowered his head, but at this time, he leaned on the back of the blue-eyed beauty.

Use her body to block the infrared of the sniper rifle! !

"Yes, you die this heart, I Emily is absolutely not threatened! You will beg me like a dog!"

The blue-eyed beauty is proud, she feels that her hands on her neck have been loosened a lot,

which means Chuck compromised.

Really play by yourself? What are you playing with?

"You are in good shape." Chuck expressionless.

"What do you want to do? Bastard, what do you want to do?" The blue-eyed beauty was startled,

this tone? ? What does he want to do?

"Aren't you tall? Are you very powerful? You shouldn't mind your body being watched by your

men?" Chuck was indifferent.

"You, don't! What do you want to do? Ah!" The blue-eyed beauty was furious as Chuck grabbed

the dress on his shoulder with one hand...



Logan and Karen li saw the depths of the forest. There was a building in it, especially hidden,

and there were people patrolling!

"Cere is in this?" Loganmei flashes!

Intuition told her that Chuck was locked in.

She and Karen li have been searching for three days in this forest day and night, and finally saw

this hidden building, plus someone holding hands, then it may be.

"Should." Karen li stared at the front.

"Then we will attack directly!" Logan could not bear it.

She can't wait to save Chuck.

"Wait, Yvette doesn't know where to go," Karen li was thinking about it. Yvette and Black Rose

had already come to Amazon long ago.

Actually behind yourself? ?

Was Yvette's black rose over there and found another place?

"Maybe Yvette is already nearby. She may be thinking of ways to attack," Logan said. This is

not a general building. It is full of high technology everywhere. Like the tower, it is easy to

defend and difficult to attack!

"Possibly, I will use the satellite phone to contact Black Rose," Karen li took out his mobile

phone and called Black Rose.

It took a while for the black rose to answer, and Karen li immediately said, "Logan and I arrived

at the Amazon and saw a building inside. You...what? You also saw it? Have been squatting for

a long time? Where are you? I'll go find you! Well, Logan and I are waiting here."
Karen li breathed a sigh of relief, and Black Rose told her that she was in a nearby place.

Because this building had a particularly tight defense, Black Rose and Yvette were trying to get


After all, there are infrared rays on the walls of the building. If you are not careful, continuous

bullets will come over.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, there was a rustle nearby, and Yvette and the prostrate

creeping in for the black rose came over, Karen li breathing.

Black Rose saw Logan.

Logan saw her, and the two looked at each other. Logan knew that Black Rose was protecting


The two men stared at each other for a few seconds, the previous grudges disappeared, and the

two nodded silently.

"I watched here with Black Rose, it's easy to defend and difficult to attack, so..." Yvette said.

In the days of Amazon, Yvette was already haggard, but there was no way, she wanted to see


"Well," Karen li nodded. "So, I'm going in now, and I've solved the gun outside the wall. You

come in again."

"I will go with you!" Yvette said.

"No, I'll just go, Logan, Black Rose, Yvette, you three see the timing!" Karen li is the strongest

among the four, and of course she will take the lead.

She crawled forward, and soon disappeared into the sight of the three people.

All three are quiet and silent.

"I haven't seen you for a long time," Yvette said. Logan was in China. She came over for Chuck.
"Well, long time no see." Logan said.

Black Rose didn't speak, how to say, she has been inseparable from Yvette recently, she thinks,

Yvette has changed some of her ideas.

She didn't think she would treat others well, but this time, she felt that Yvette should be better.

Logan is the same.

Originally, Black Rose and Logan had such a little sympathy, so silence was the best.

The three of them waited. At this time, Karen li was close to the building. Her body was like the

wind, perfectly avoiding the infrared glance, she was against the wall!

Seeing a patrolling person, she ran silently, clicked, no other sounds, she resolved a person, and

then slowly entered.

Entering the interior, she started to find the control room and found this, then Yvette, Logan, and

Black Rose could come in.

When she came in, she could save Chuck, and she had to be extremely cautious when it came to

the life and death of her son.

With rich experience, Karen li quickly solved the people in the control room. During this

process, there was no abnormal noise. She turned off the infrared light outside.

Yvette and the three of them saw it outside. This was a signal that the three of them were

creeping forward, all entering the building at the fastest speed.

Yvette was nervous, her husband, I'm here.

Loganmei's eyes flashed, and her heart was tense. She hadn't seen Chuck for a long time. It was

really a long time. She missed Chuck...

As for the Black Rose, she was also nervous. After all, she didn't protect Chuck. The three came

in and immediately joined Karen li.

"Start!" Karen li said coldly!

My mother is a Baller. The novel 575 is staggered. Listen online.

Woo, you bastard, you are shameless, nasty! "The blue-eyed beauty collapsed.

Chuck has already pulled out her top, and she has no mercy on Xiangyu!

How can this be done like this?

"Can you let it go? I'll ask you again!" Chuck said indifferently.

"Don't let it go, I won't let it go!" the blue-eyed beauty said annoyed.

This is a huge insult!

Chuck grabbed her clothes, "Can't you put it on?"

"No, I let it go, I let it go!" The blue-eyed beauty was terrified. If she was seen by her men, she

would be ashamed!

"Look at your acquaintance, let you take the gun and throw it away for me." Chuck said.

"Throw a gun!" the blue-eyed beauty screamed.

She was threatened by Chuck, she was angry!

He lost his gun and Chuck grabbed her. This is his hostage, and he must ask the blue-eyed beauty

to send herself out.

Chuck holds her and has come out of this. Many blue-eyed beauties have chased them out. If the

blue-eyed beauties have an accident, they will definitely not survive!

"Let me go, what do you want?" The blue-eyed beauty screamed!

"Let your men back!" Chuck pinched her neck!

"Cough, back, back." The blue-eyed beauty coughed violently.

These hands looked at each other and could only back away, because Chuck didn't pity

Xiangxixiyu, pinched her neck vigorously, and her blue-eyed beauties were almost dying.

"Let me go, otherwise you will regret it!" Blue-eyed beauty threatened.

"No, I'll say it later when safe," Chuck held her and walked into the deep forest of the Amazon.

He went in with blue-eyed beauties and stared at the people chasing outside, "One step closer, I'll

kill her! "

"She, let our young lady, she has a little damage, your family will die!"

"Almost released!"

These men are angry!

"I'm safe, I will let her go," Chuck was indifferent.

No hurry, this woman, Chuck remembered.

"Retreat! As soon as I find you follow, I will strangle her!" Chuck said coldly.

Your fingers are already hard!

"Cough!!" The blue-eyed beauty suffocated her eyes.

Where did these men dare to follow, immediately retreated.

"Don't hurt the lady!" Some people scolded!

"If you don't follow me, I will let her go," Chuck stepped back, grabbing the blue-eyed beauty,

and slowly disappeared into the deep forest.

All hands looked at each other!

"What to do! What to do! If something goes wrong, all of us can't live!" Someone panicked.

"Follow, we must follow!"

"But, what happened to the man who found him, in case his dog jumped the wall and killed the

After thinking of these men immediately, after deciding, they must follow, let the best sniper

follow, follow Chuck, and find a chance to shoot him!

Someone will prepare!

Otherwise, these men can't stand it.

But at this time, someone ran over in a panic, "It's not good, someone broke in!"

"What?! How could it break in? Kill me!"

The leader was angry, but a bullet came over.


This leader was shot in a shot! !

Everyone at the scene was startled!



The bullets were fired, and dozens of people on the scene were almost dead. The marksmanship

was too accurate.

Yes, Karen li and the four of them came.

How could these men be opponents of the four of them?

"Ah, spare life, spare life!"

The rest are afraid to beg for mercy!

Karen li walked indifferently. They and Yvette had just searched around, but they couldn't find


They were a little flustered, did they find the wrong place?

"Say, is there a young Chinese man held here by you?" Karen li said indifferently.

"Yes, yes." Someone nodded hurriedly.

They didn't see such a terrible person as Karen li, like ice cubes, full of killing. This fear made

them afraid of the bottom of their hearts.

"What about that person?" Yvette worried.

"Escaped, just caught our lady and escaped."

The four of Karen li looked at each other and fled?

But I just came here!

Chuck actually fled by himself?

"Escaped there?" Logan asked anxiously.


Someone showed the way.

All four of you look at me. I see you. The black rose shot and killed everyone here.

Everyone here should die!

"I will chase."

Logan can’t bear it anymore. This is the Amazon forest. There are too many unknown dangers in

it. Chuck doesn’t have the experience of survival in the wild. This will cause big problems!

"I will go too!" Yvette eagerly.

"I'm going too," said Black Rose, who had all arrived here, and missed Chuck.

Karen li looked at the direction of Chuck's escape, she suddenly smiled.

Yvette was stunned, Logan, and Black Rose were stunned.

"My son grew up, it seems that I underestimated my son, he actually escaped himself."

Karen li is happy. She has been worried about the extreme during this time. When she heard the

news just now, she was stunned and happy.

This is a growing process, and now it seems that Chuck has grasped this matter and growing up,

she should be happy.

This is an experience for Chuck. As a mother, she knows that Chuck is safe enough. Hasn't she

been like this before? ?

"But this forest is too dangerous." Logan was absolutely uneasy.

There are all kinds of poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders, Chuck doesn't know, what if I get


"Well, you have to find it," Karen li agreed.

Logan, Yvette, and Black Rose immediately ran into the deep forest.

It won't be seen soon.

An hour later, a helicopter flew in the sky, and it was Betty who brought him over.

Betty saw so many dead bodies at the scene. She was surprised and did not see Chuck!

"Mr. Li, this..." Betty came down from the plane and all the people inside came out.

All are well-trained people.

"Cer is here, but Cer escaped himself," Karen li said with a smile.

"Master escaped by yourself?" Betty was stunned. How did you do it? ?

This place is heavily guarded!

"Yes, Logan, Yvette, and Black Rose have already gone to find," Karen li rest assured that the

three of them were looking separately, and one of them could always find Chuck.

Bettysong sighed, "Master is so powerful,"

Karen li smiled slightly, and then the smile disappeared until it was cold, "Betty, who is this

place? Did you find out?"

"Check it out, it belongs to the Luofu family." Betty said.

"Luofu family?" Karen li frowned. This is one of the four big families, but he doesn't seem to be

in conflict with them. Why should he do this? Karen li couldn't figure it out. If you deal with

yourself, why not call yourself?

It's so strange, what the hell is going on!

"Yes, President Li, what should the Luofu family do now?"

"This will be dealt with after Zeer returns!" Karen li asked Chuck's opinion.

"Yes!" Betty nodded.

This really depends on Chuck's meaning. Chuck said how to do it, Karen li will definitely agree.

"Then we now?" Betty asked.

"Go back," Karen li turned around.

"But don't wait for the young master?" Betty was worried.

"Wait, wait for him at home. My son grows up, and I should be happy." Karen li smiled slightly.

She was worried and happy. This process was really beyond description. Fortunately, Chuck

grew up and knew that he was saving himself. Good thing.

Bettysong breathed, and Karen li got on the plane, some people left to deal with this place.

In the forest, Yvette, Logan and Black Rose have chased a long distance.

But they didn't catch up, it should be Chuck to avoid those people's pursuit, so he didn't stop.

"That won't work, we have to find them separately!" Logan suggested.

Now no one else is chasing, the only danger is the danger from the Amazon forest, so look for

them separately.

"Well, I agree."

"I agree."
Yvette, Black Rose has no opinion, and the chance of finding them separately is still much


"Then be careful,"



"I go here,"

"I go over there."

Yvette, Black Rose left, and Logan was looking in another direction. Chuck must be found

before she could feel at ease, otherwise she would be very panicked.

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let me go! "The blue-eyed beauty is very uncomfortable. She just saw a particularly large python,

and she was terrified.

Chuck looked at her indifferently, grabbed her and continued to walk. This must wait for him to

walk out of this deep forest.

It is safe to leave here.

"Let me go, let me go!" The blue-eyed beauty is angry!

When Chuck was inside, she tore her clothes, and now she is ashamed! Chuck has been holding

his neck.

Chuck let go of him, he was also hot.

In the virgin forest, this sultry heat was extremely uncomfortable, damp, and the clothes on the

body were soaked with sweat, tightly clinging to your skin and not breathable.

Especially uncomfortable.
"Go!" Chuck asked coldly.

"I don't go, don't go!" The blue-eyed beauty refused in exasperation. She was afraid that she

couldn't find how to go back here. There were many poisonous snakes nearby and spiders bigger

than their heads, so terrifying.


Chuck slapped her.

Hitting her face heavily, the blue-eyed beauty immediately covered her cheek and stared at

Chuck, "Are you hitting me again?"


Chuck slapped her again, the blue-eyed beauty dared not look at Chuck, because Chuck was a


Beating a woman like this.

"Go!" Chuck was indifferent.

The blue-eyed beauty hated Chuck in her heart, but she could only follow Chuck.

After walking for a long time, she was tired, panting, and didn't want to go at all. When she was

aggrieved and said she was tired, Chuck slammed it and hit her in the face.

The blue-eyed beauty grieved and cried, "You killed me,"

"Do you think I don't want to kill?" Chuck mobilized.

If it were not for her, she had already started to open a casino in the United States. By the way, I

forgot that Du Peixin was still at the airport.

All of Chuck's plans were destroyed by this woman.

"Don't kill me, don't," the blue-eyed beauty shook her head.

"Go!" Chuck had to leave here quickly, he also felt the danger.
This place is perilous! !

The blue-eyed beauty was afraid. The cry of the animals around her had made her afraid. She

took Chuck's hand and Chuck turned around and slapped her face.


The blue-eyed beauty cried, "I'm afraid, go away, take me out of here."

"Is she all you, if not you, I will be here?" Chuck said indifferently.

"Me, take me out of here," the blue-eyed beauty begged.

"Go!" Chuck only left by his own feelings.

Suddenly, the blue-eyed beauty saw a viper, "Ah, snake, snake!"

The snake is very thick and scared to death.

Chuck saw it and immediately took a tree branch to kill the snake. To be honest, he was also

hungry and nothing particular about it. He cut the snake's head and tore the snake skin to roast


After walking for so long, the blue-eyed beauty became hungry and smelled the scent. She

swallowed, "Give me some food."

Chuck looked at her, how could it be for her? ?

Almost all he had finished eating, feeling that his energy was restored, he was ready to continue


The blue-eyed beauty was angry. She ate a little bit of meat near Chuck. Chuck slapped her. The

blue-eyed beauty cried while eating.

Where did she do such a thing, immediately felt ashamed! ?

"Give me a bit, I'm hungry, I can't walk," the blue-eyed beauty cried.

I was tortured, so painful, how could this be? !

She grabbed the food and swallowed it all, Chuck stared at her.

"Go," Chuck stood up.

"I'm tired, take a break." The blue-eyed beauty was sore all over.

"How to rest?" Chuck stared at her body.

The blue-eyed beauty was angry, "What do you see? Shameless! Dirty!"

She covered herself and got up and left.

Chuck continues to walk, he must go out quickly. At this time, he has no other thoughts, this

woman, Chuck will not touch her!

Because Chuck wants her to regret it! !

In other parts of the virgin forest, Yvette, Logan, and Black Rose were all looking for Chuck.

They didn't stop to rest. Yvette was exhausted, his face was pale, and the sweat of the bean was

constantly flowing.

In this kind of place, she has little experience of survival.

But even without experience, you should find Chuck.

Black Rose and Logan have a lot of experience, they are tired, and they have not stopped.

Black Rose glanced around, her big blue eyes were speechless, "How did you escape so fast

when you escaped? Well, such a thing will definitely happen again,"

Black Rose has no confidence, what if he found Chuck himself? Will it be a bit embarrassing?

After all, he didn't protect Chuck!

She continued to search.

Loganmei looked at her, and she was worried in her heart. She knew that Chuck grew up, but she

couldn't help worrying.

You must find Chuck yourself.

None of the three stopped.

But who will find Chuck first? ?


Jiang Ran saw two girls. She had been in the country for more than ten days. She was very lost

because she called Chuck and turned off.

Did Chuck deliberately ignore himself?

She was very disappointed. In fact, she wanted to live where Chuck said, but no, how could

Chuck live in that kind of place?

When she sighed, she was prepared to go back.

But the last time the two girls came over, it's been fifteen days. Chuck hasn't found them yet. The

two of them are very nervous. Did Chuck forget?

Both of them planned to show up to Chuck to pay back the money, but Chuck didn't show up and

must have forgotten.

"Jiang Ran, what about Chuck? He didn't come to find us two." The two girls said.

"I didn't find him, his phone was turned off." Jiang Ran sighed.

"Really, what happened to him?" The two girls were happy.

If Chuck had an accident, the two of them would not have to pay back the money! There is no

need to serve Chuck with two people!

So not the best?

They don't want to be ruined by Chuck.

"Don't talk nonsense, Chuck has his own business, so he shut down." Jiang Ran shook his head.

Certainly it was not Chuck.

"The best, he has the best things," The two girls are happy, is Chuck dead?
It’s best to die.

Two girls proud, hum, let you bully our two girls, you deserve something! !


An airport in the United States! Du Peixin has been making calls to Chuck for more than ten

days in a row. She turned off and she was speechless.

Is Chuck playing himself!

It shouldn't be. What should Chuck do with himself? ?

But he didn't have any cell phones to shut down, and he just couldn't pick himself up?

You know, Du Peixin has been staying in a hotel near the airport for more than ten days. She

came to work. She has no thoughts about playing. She is helpless.

When does Chuck answer the phone? !


"What did you say? My daughter was caught? Who caught it?" Luo Fu's family.

The mother of blue-eyed beauty Emily, the young charming woman yelled in exasperation.

She found out that a base on the Amazon side had been destroyed. You need to know that her

daughter was inside.

"The young lady caught a man before, and this man caught the young lady and fled with the

young lady," said a man kneeling on the ground.

I'm especially scared because this charming young woman is already angry!

"Who is this guy?"

"Chuck, a Chinese man!"

"Why should my daughter catch him?!"

"This Chuck hit the lady."

"What, dare to beat my daughter?" The young Fengyun woman was so angry that she dared to

beat her daughter?


"Send me someone immediately! Immediately! If something goes wrong with my daughter, all

of you will die!!" Feng Yun said angrily.

"Yes Yes!"

The man got up and ran out. The young woman was surrounded by anger.

"Don't worry, Emily's smart girl should be fine," the young woman in jeans came, and she was

worried too.

Such a thing would happen.

"Emily was actually caught by a Chinese person. I hate Chinese men the most in my life!" Feng

Yun said coldly.

"I hate it too, Chinese men, timid, weak, I hate the most, but what should I do now?"

"Sister, you help me find out Chuck's family. I want to catch his whole family and see if he dares

to catch my daughter!"

"Okay, I'll check it immediately! Dare to catch Emily and kill his family!"

The charming young woman's beautiful eyes shoot out a tremendous coldness, and she decides to

seize this Chuck, torture him, and make him feel fear! !

My mother is a Baller with audio novels Chapter 577 Survival audio novels Listen online

go! "

"After a break, my clothes were cut by branches," the blue-eyed beauty cried, and Chuck had

never let her hear it. This was really painful and painful.
She was almost bitten by a viper just now. After all, she was wearing denim shorts and her long

legs were bitten by mosquitoes in the Amazon. Has she encountered such a thing?

She felt particularly insulted!

She hated Chuck to the extreme in her heart, and she was still very good to Chuck before. She

also planned to give him money and give a fart! !

After grabbing him, you should torture him, just look at his pain. What else do you learn from

him? The blue-eyed beauty regrets what she has done? !

"Take it off!" Chuck said indifferently.

He was caught in a difficult problem, and had been walking for almost two days without

stopping, which actually gave Chuck a sense of loss.

This Amazon forest is too scary. If you continue this way, your confidence will be greatly


Chuck must find a way.

Otherwise, it may be a dead end.

"You bastards, you Chinese are all perverts!!!" The blue-eyed beauty was exasperated.

"Shut up!" Chuck said coldly.

It's still so loud in the middle of the night, are you looking for death?

"I'm tired. Are you tired of me?" the blue-eyed beauty cried.

Too tired, her feet are about to break, so she will break down!

Chuck wiped his sweat, and felt that he should take a rest, so he could not bear it. Chuck glanced

alertly and found a stone, he went over there, and the blue-eyed beauty wiped tears and followed.

Chuck sat down to sleep on his own. The blue-eyed beauty was afraid. There are so many

monsters in this forest. What if you get into your body?

"Hey, hello." The blue-eyed beauty called.

"Another word, I killed you!" Chuck said directly.

This kind of dangerous situation was caused by her. Otherwise, at this time, she would have slept

with Yvette.

"Don't, I'm afraid," the blue-eyed beauty no matter what, she is afraid of poisonous insects, and

she is afraid of Chuck, even more she is tired.

She closed her eyes and slept with Chuck in her arms. She also got her head into Chuck's arms

and wanted Chuck to protect her.

Chuck opened her eyes and slammed her face against the blue-eyed beauty. A slap mark

appeared on her beautiful face.

"Go away," Chuck scolded.

"Woo, don't hit me," the blue-eyed beauty cried, still holding Chuck, "I'm scared."


Chuck pushed her away with his hand, and he was also tired. What if the woman fell asleep

while she fell asleep?

Chuck didn't want to die in vain.

The blue-eyed beauty wiped her tears, "Don't do this, I am a woman..."

"You are reminding me what I should do to you?" Chuck eyes stared at her.

"No, don't think about it." The blue-eyed beauty shook her head. Of course she didn't mean that.

If she did something with a Huaxia man, she would feel sick, especially sick. She is a big family,

and Huaxia deserves it Get yourself? ?

"Don't make me think about it, you shut up!" Chuck closed his eyes.
"I'm afraid, you see there are venomous snakes over there, and a lot of mosquitoes bite me," the

blue-eyed beauty cried.

Chuck didn't care about her, what's his business? ?

The blue-eyed beauty gritted her teeth and found a few vines, "Hey, you tied me up and let me

sleep next to you,"

Chuck ignored her.



Chuck opened his eyes and shot cold light.

"Don't do this. I'm not good for you if I die. My mother will kill your whole family. You have to

guarantee me to live!" said the blue-eyed beauty.

"You are wrong. After I go out, I will let you see for yourself how your home was destroyed

because of you!" Chuck moved a strong murderous heart.

"You? It's not that I underestimate you. The family of people like you can't be regarded as a

family, in front of my house," the blue-eyed beauty was proud.

You are four big families, but you are not.

This gap is different.

"Look at it," Chuck ignored it.

This is waiting to be seen!

"What to see? Do you know who my family is? I tell you now, I belong to the Luofu family of

four big families. What do you show me?" The blue-eyed beauty was proud.

This matter, she must speak out, scaring you to death.

Otherwise, you still abuse me like that.

"Are you from the Luofu family?" Chuck was surprised.

Regarding the four major families in the world, Chuck certainly knows that his mother's Li

family is just that, and there is the Luofu family. This family is an arms dealer.

This is a super family.

Chuck looked at her again. Unexpectedly, this woman with a pen is actually a member of this

family. No wonder, you can establish a base on Amazon. This is really not something the

average family can do.

"Yes, are you afraid? I told you a long time ago, I am not easy!" The blue-eyed beauty sat down

and looked at Chuck proudly.

"My family can destroy your house a hundred times, it's all my words," the blue-eyed beauty said


"So, if you don't guarantee me to survive, will your family be miserable? All your loved ones,

including all the people you know are going to die! So, you obediently, take me out here, I will

let you go, otherwise I let my mother kill you!" The blue-eyed beauty leaned on Chuck's body.

Chuck looked at her and slapped her on the smug face.

Snapped! !

The blue-eyed beauty was stunned. She sat upright. "Dare you dare to beat me?"

She felt incredible.

Chuck's courage is too big, obviously knowing that he belongs to the Luofu family, he still

fights? !

"Why not dare?" Chuck asked. "Your mother is amazing?"

"Yes, my mother is the most powerful woman in the world," the blue-eyed beauty said angrily.

"Then I will you," Chuck said.

"You?!" The blue-eyed beauty froze. She felt that she had heard it wrong. What did the Chinese

man say? ?

"What are you talking about? You want c..." The blue-eyed beauty is incredible.

This Chinese person does not know what he is talking about?

My mother, but the world's largest army, fire, business, whoever you want to kill your mother,

but was insulted by this Chinese man?

"Don't you say your mother is good?" Chuck asked.

"You are going to die!" The blue-eyed beauty stretched her hand to slap Chuck.

But how could it be possible?

Chuck grabbed his hand, Chuck's eyes chilled, "I said it! You look good,"

"You are going to die, my mother is going to kill your whole family," the blue-eyed beauty was


This insult is too big. If you tell your mother, then your mother will be furious! !


Chuck slapped her. The blue-eyed beauty was annoyed. She dared not speak and shed tears. She

had been slapped a lot by Chuck along the way. Her beautiful face was red and swollen.

"Speak again, I killed you." Chuck said.

The blue-eyed beauty didn't dare to speak anymore. She hated it. She must make Chuck regret it.

She regretted saying what she just said, but she dared to insult her mother.

However, there are a lot of poisonous insects around. She is afraid that she can't sleep at all. The

only thing she can do is to get closer to Chuck, Chuckzhuang, all mosquitoes bit him, and all

insects bit him.

Don't come over and bite yourself.

The blue-eyed beauty fell asleep. In the morning, Chuck found that this woman with a pen in her

arms hugged herself. Chuck slapped her with a slap.

The blue-eyed beauty woke up and found Chuck's cold eyes. She lowered her head and was

angry, "Don't hit me,"

Chuck stood up. Today, he must look for the right direction. If he stays in this place for too long,

it is really not a good thing.

"Go!" Chuck scolded.

The blue-eyed beauty crawled up, "Go grab a snake and roast it like you did yesterday, share it

with me,"

Chuck didn't care about her, even if he caught it, he wouldn't give it to her. He was thinking

about how to get out, he continued to walk, but Chuck's luck seemed to be there, he walked in

the Amazon forest with the blue-eyed beauty for three days It was three nights, and finally I saw

a boat by a river. Chuck immediately waved his hand. This should be the indigenous people of

Amazon. Chuck can let them lead the way and get out of here, so they can contact their mother.


Blue-eyed beauty, fear, "Don't call it, what if these people are cannibals?"

My mother is a local tycoon, novels, Chapter 578

The blue-eyed beauty reminded Chuck that he had watched movies in this area, but he felt that in

this era, how could such a thing happen? ?

Not believable!
But the anti-human heart is indispensable. During the past three days, Chuck had already made

some self-defense weapons. He picked up a broken bone the day before yesterday, and he simply

grinded it into a bone knife. This knife Chuck Hiding himself.

"Hey, I talk to you, have you heard? Look at them, so primitive," the blue-eyed beauty was


If you have a fine skin and tender meat, if you meet a cannibal, then you will definitely die.

"Shut up!" Chuck scolded.

At this time, those people have rowed over, the clothes are a bit primitive, but shouldn't they be


"You want to protect me, I'm in trouble, and your whole family will die," the blue-eyed beauty

pulled Chuck away.

This is too scary.

"Go away!" Chuck kicked her.

The blue-eyed beauty shed tears, but she still held Chuck, "I don't want to die, I'm only eighteen,

I don't want to die."

"It's annoying," Chuck was annoyed.

Isn't this woman's previous courage so big? ? Is it like this when you encounter this?

At this time, someone else had rowed over, and Chuck saw two people, what was on his face.

"Look at their eyes and stare at me all the time," the blue-eyed beauty was afraid. She was torn

by Chuck when her coat was at the base, and her pants were cut by barbed branches. She had

never been like this. .

"Protect me, I'm dead, and they will kill you too, please protect me,"
Chuck considered that this was still a bit correct. If they started to deal with blue-eyed beauties,

they would suffer too.

These people have been in the deep forest all year round and have fought against various wild

beasts. This combat power cannot be underestimated.

Chuck took off her jacket and gave her, "Hurry up."

The blue-eyed beauty was put on immediately, and she felt a little safe.

But still holding Chuck's hand.

"Wow wow," these two people said that Chuck didn't understand. How could he even understand

English, and how could he understand these indigenous languages? ?

"What did they say?" Chuck asked.

"I'm scared, I don't know," the blue-eyed beauty really doesn't know, and she doesn't understand

this, "you have to protect me, you have to..."

"Shut up and hear?" Chuck was angry.

The beautiful blue-eyed woman bit her lips and shut up.

"Release!" Chuck scolded.

"Not loose, not loose." The blue-eyed beauty did not leave the group, pulling Chuck tightly.

"Wow wow," the two men were making a gesture, Chuck understood a little, they were going to

take themselves out of here.

Of course Chuck agreed.

"Let's go," Chuck went up, but the shabby woman didn't go, and still pulled herself.

"I'm afraid, they don't have good eyesight, they are really not good people, look at yourself, I

would rather be tortured by you, touched by you, you can beat me every day, and don't be eaten

by them." The blue-eyed beauty shed tears, this For a few days, she felt that she had eaten all the
hardships of her life. She had been raised since childhood and had never survived in such a harsh


Psychological pressure, physical torture, and Chuck's constant beatings have pushed her to the

brink of collapse of her defenses.

What's more, she really felt the fear.

Chuck frowned, and he looked at the two men again, but at this time, how important a boat is,

Chuck knew that going out along this river would always meet people, always meet the city, then

he found someone himself , Call your mother, then your dangerous life is over.

Chuck was hesitant, but suddenly saw one of them carrying a bracelet with Huaxia characters on


Could it be that there are Chinese people there?

Chuck has the feeling of meeting his fellow countryman. If this Chinese has a cell phone, then he

can call his mother directly. Isn't it enough for my mother to send a helicopter?

"Come up," Chuck said, his voice stern.

"Woo," the blue-eyed beauty came up crying, leaning against Chuck to let go.

"Wow wow," the two people on the boat were saying, and they started rowing.

"Push them down and we will go boating," the blue-eyed beauty whispered.

"Who told you to us?" Chuck kept staring at one of the bracelets. Are there any Chinese people

on their side? ?

"You, you just wait to be eaten by them, and I will commit suicide!" The blue-eyed beauty is

angry, but still unwilling to let go.

Chuck didn't pay attention to her. At this time, these two people kept talking, and kept looking at

themselves and the blue-eyed beauty. Of course Chuck was wary, he was not a fool.
Maybe after an hour, Chuck saw someone on the shore and Chuck stared.

"Protect me, I'll give you money, a lot, a lot," the blue-eyed beauty almost cried.

"Shut up!" Chuck now especially wants to understand some other languages. It would be nice if

he knew what they were talking about.

But if the mother is here, she will definitely understand.

Unfortunately, there is no time to learn now.

The boat docked, and the two invited Chuck and the blue-eyed beauty to get up. Chuck got off

the boat, and the blue-eyed beauty didn't release Chuck for a moment. Although, Chuck's hand

touched her, but this time, she Don't mind, she just wants to live, not to be eaten by others.

Still saying something, there were ten people coming, all very tall people, Chuck faced a little


Not to mention the blue-eyed beauty that has collapsed.

"Wow wow."

A man said something and motioned for Chuck to follow.

Chuck didn't hesitate to follow. After a while, he went to a village with old buildings in it. It was

as if he had arrived at the primitive tribe, but the clothes still had modern clothes.

Chuck has seen this documentary, and it should not be a cannibal.

Chuck is watching, are there any Huaxia people here, so you can ask for directions yourself, in

case there are any Huaxia people traveling here? ?

Can you understand the language here?

Chuck looked, but didn't find it, but he was brought in by these men. Chuck had been observing

all around. If something went wrong, how should he escape?

This is Chuck's first thing to consider.

"No, no, protect me, they will take me away, Chuck," the blue-eyed beauty cried and pulled


Chuck turned to look at her and saw several women whispering about blue-eyed beauties. Chuck

didn't understand it, but heard it and wanted blue-eyed beauties to go elsewhere.

"Please, protect me, I don't want to die," the blue-eyed beauty pleaded.

"Ah, don't," the blue-eyed beauty grabbed Chuck's hand and was broken apart by several women.

The blue-eyed beauty with crying fear went elsewhere. The blue-eyed beauty cried in despair.

"No, please. , I’m wrong, you save me, I don’t want to be eaten."

Chuck didn't make sense.

"Wow wow," someone was saying, Chuck hesitated for a few seconds. The man was pointing at

a room. This one was made of mud, and his feet could be kicked apart. Chuck discovered that the

eyes of these people were really true. Not quite right.

If there is a problem, Chuck decides to leave by himself. As for the blue-eyed beauty, she is


Fortunately, all of these people are big and big, thinking that Chuck is weak, Chuck really wants

to leave, it is not difficult, after all, Chuck is now a master of fighting, not to mention that he has

a stock knife hidden in him!

However, Chuck wanted to see if other Chinese people were caught in it? If yes, then how can

you see that people of the same skin color are trapped without saving?

Chuck is not a Virgin bitch, but they are all Chinese people. This is enough, and it is enough for

Chuck to take this risk. After all, that person had a bracelet with Chinese people in the hands just

now, it is impossible to get it for nothing. ?

"Wow wow," several people scolded.

Chuck was pushed by himself, and then an earth door was closed. The door was full of wooden

slats and could be kicked with one foot. The key is that there were so many people outside. This

is a problem!

Chuck was locked up, it was very dark inside, Chuck didn't see clearly, but whispered, "Hey, are

there Chinese people?"

Chuck asked clearly, if not, then he was ready to escape now, but after Chuck called a few times,

a weak voice rang out in the dark, "You... have you also been caught in?"

My mother is a Baller's audio novels Chapter 597 The hidden family audio novels Listen


Chuck heard the voice, and he was shocked. It was a woman's voice, but it was a particularly

strange woman's voice.

Sure enough, there were really Chinese people who were really caught here and locked up. In

this place, Chuck can kick a few feet, but for women who have no power, they are definitely not


"Me too, who are you?" Chuck looked darkly.

"I'm here," the woman's voice is too weak, how long has it been locked? ?

Chuck touched a woman's hand. It was cold and cold. Chuck approached and saw a pair of

beautiful eyes. This is a beauty. It should be eighteen or nine years old.

"Who are you? How were you caught in?"

Chuck asked.

"Aren't you here to save me?" The woman was a little surprised. No, it should be a special

"No, I accidentally met those people on Amazon," which is nothing to lie about.

"Ah, isn't it?" the woman sighed calmly.

"How long have you been arrested?" Chuck asked.

"It's been more than three days. I ran out secretly and was caught." The woman didn't have any

fear. In this case, she was very calm.

Chuck has doubts, where did her calmness come from? ?

Wouldn’t it be the children of a big family?

"What family are you from Huaxia?" Chuck was a little curious.

"I am not from the Huaxia family," the woman shook her head, looking calm.

"Then where are you from? I don't mind if I speak. I think you have a lot of confidence. What

kind of children should you be from a big family? Tell me, what kind of family are you?" Chuck

wanted to know.

He came to the rice country, of course, he did not continue to be alone, and knew many families

in the world, including some families in China.

"I said you don't know." The woman shook her head.

"What do you mean? I definitely know. You said," Chuck especially wanted to know. This

woman's talk is too emboldened. She has grown up in a big family since she was a child. This

needs to be heard from a young age. Also cultivated.

It is definitely not pretended, nor is it possible overnight.

"It seems that you really don't know, you don't think that there are no other families in the world

except for families now?" the woman said lightly.

"What do you mean by saying this?" Chuck was weird.

"Look, you don't know, in this world, in addition to the superficial family, some secret family,

you don't know." The woman said.

"What a hidden family?" Chuck smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" The woman was strange.

"I don't want to hide you either. Your mother is very powerful. There are many industries in the

world. Several small countries have bought them. There are many industries in the United States

and China. Your secret family is more powerful than me. Mom is amazing?" Chuck smiled.

"Then tell me, who is your mother?" The woman seemed to be so interested.

"Karen li, my mother is Karen li, have you heard of it?" Chuck laughed. She really wanted to be

so powerful in her house. She must have heard it.

"Karen li? Is it Karen li who has the most potential to enter our hidden family in the past two

decades?" In the darkness, the woman's eyes shine slightly.

"What? My mom can't enter any hidden family?" Chuck was upset, how powerful was his

mom? ? With so many industries around the world, this so-called hidden family can't get into it?

"Can't get in." The woman simply shook her head.

"Then what is your hidden family doing?" Chuck wanted to ask clearly.

"It's the same business as your mother,"

"What kind of business does your secret family do?" Chuck wondered, did he encounter a

neuropathy? Being stupid?

However, the calmness of this woman's talk really made Chuck feel the pressure.

"So tell you, there are three hidden families in the world, which have been passed down for

thousands of years, I am one of this family, the world is divided by our three families, your
mother, just barely entered our hidden family Threshold people, and still the kind of particularly

reluctant." The woman said.

"Is it true or false? The world is divided by three families? Is this possible?" Chuck was forced.

"So you don’t know this. Our family had already made enough money to buy global money

when you were in the Ming dynasty. It’s just that the family has a legacy and shouldn’t show

their heads. So our family was when my grandpa’s grandpa, It has really been divided into one-

third of the world. When my grandfather's grandfather died, my grandfather has always

maintained this situation." The woman said lightly.

"You mean, your family has been hiding? Where is it hiding?"

"Where else? Where you don't know, in Dashan, your mother Karen li's entire family property is

only the money that our family can earn in a year. You said she is eligible to enter the secret


Chuck was shocked. Are these hidden families really making money silently every day? ?

"The reason why our family is hidden is that we don’t want to be subject to family disputes.

Your mother Karen li, I have been paying attention in secret in recent years. She has been facing

family problems in recent years. If she has also become a hidden family, then She would not

encounter these problems, is it not good to make money silently?" said the woman.

Chuck feels good.

"But my mom has bought several small countries, she..."

"The countries she bought are all we don't want, otherwise she can't buy them," the woman

shook her head and interrupted Chuck.

Chuck was speechless.

"Your mother is still a bit powerful, but still far away from our secret family. After all, how

many generations have our families accumulated?? You can't imagine that she has only been for

more than 20 years, but, If she died at the age of seventy or eighty, pass the property to you, if

you can live to the age of seventy or eighty, then pass on the family property for several

generations, but the premise is that you can have the commercial vision of your mother Karen li.

Seven or eight generations, your family barely entered the secret family." The woman said


Chuck couldn't say it, so I had to ask my mother. I don't know if my mother knew about it.

Anyway, Chuck thought that my mother was rich enough.

Others have inherited it for so many years, if it is true, then the mother is certainly not as rich as

they are.

"I said, you are so rich, how long do you live?" Chuck said, died too early, is it not a loss? ?

"Birth, sickness and death are inevitable, and no one can escape, but now my medical

technology, my grandpa is 108 years old,"

"Haha, the longest living in the world, seems to be more than 120 years old?"

"That's an individual gene. This is someone else's longevity gene. Most people can only live in

their 70s and 80s. This can't be changed. My dad died at 80." The woman said.

Chuck smiled slightly, "Yes, death is definitely inevitable, so why do you hide yourself?"

"Inheritance, inheritance, if it is too public, it will appear in three generations." The woman has a

trace of seriousness.

"If you think this, the money your mother makes is not enough for you to squander."

"Yeah, my mother said that I can use it as much as I want." Chuck shrugged.
"I think it's funny, your mother is really, she doesn't understand yet, her money is just a little,"

the woman shook her head.

"But my mother said to me, she can do it, I can use as much as possible." Chuck said.

"Well, she is a good mother and is very good for you. If you can't use much, it is enough for

you." The woman nodded.

"So what's your name?"

"This can't tell you, people in my family should know that I was arrested and will come over to

rescue me soon. I can take you out and be paid for your chat with me," the woman said.

"Haha, no, I can take you out, but are there any other Chinese people?" Chuck smiled.

Keep waiting, who knows what will happen? ?

"It's gone, but how do you take me away? Your mother seems to be fighting a little, do you too?"

"What does my mother know a little bit? My mother is the best fighting master." Chuck was a

little speechless.

"You are wrong. Really powerful combat masters will not appear. Your mother's ranking is only

the second in the world, but if some of our bodyguards also come out to participate in the

ranking, your mother will not be able to enter the top 100." The woman is faint Said.

My mother is a local tycoon. Novel 580. Thank you for listening to the novel online.

Chuck was stunned. The woman said that her bodyguards came out to rank, and Mom couldn't

be ranked one hundred? This may? ?

To be honest, Chuck has never seen the ultimate strength of his mother. In other words, this

woman thinks that she has seen the strength her mother wants others to think.

I don't know if this is correct or not, and Chuck doesn't want to say this.
But hearing the woman saying so, Chuck was still very unhappy, "You..."

"That's what it is. The powerful people won't come out," the woman said lightly.

"Then your family is so powerful, how did you get caught?" Chuck said.

"I was arrested because I came out this time and did not bring the bodyguards out, otherwise, no

one got close to me." The woman was plain.

Chuck believes that she did not brag, she is very likely to have this ability.

Forget it, Chuck doesn't want to mention this, secret family? This Chuck doesn't really want to


What do people do with so many things in life? ?

But Chuck still wants to be the richest man in the world, so can't he do it?

After all, the world she talks about has been divided by three secret families. If you want to be

the richest person in the world, wouldn't it be necessary to buy these three secret families?

However, this woman also said that all the money the mother has now is just one year's income.

This gap is too big.

Chuck was a bit frustrated.

"What do you sigh? I said, I will take you out." The woman said lightly.

"No, I want to be the richest man in the world," Chuck murmured.


The woman smiled for the first time.

Chuck saw the white teeth in the dark.

"Look at me?" Chuck was not happy.

"Your idea is naive, but you can be the richest person in the world, anyway, our secret family

will not come out and show up," the woman said lightly.
This is to let Chuck play by himself?

Chuck doesn't need to be like this. He wants to be the world's richest man.

"Forget it, don't tell you, I'm going out, can't you go?" Chuck originally wanted to save the

Chinese people out, but this woman is not a Chinese woman.

"Can you go out?" In the darkness, the woman's eyes shine.

"Yes, this wall is made of mud," Chuck also has a ring made of special metal on his finger, and

his practical fist can be used, but still use your feet.

"Well, you take me out, I can meet your three requirements, anything can be, as long as you

mention." The woman said.

"Anything?" Chuck touched his nose, his face strange.

"Don't think about it." The woman was serious.

"Well, remember first, you get up, I'm kicking now," Chuck prepared.

"I hurt my leg," the woman said.

"Then want me to take you out?"

"No hug, you can do it with your back," the woman is a little difficult to speak. After all, because

of identity, no man has dared to touch her body.

"Then I'm at a loss, and I'm adding two requirements. Is there a total of five requirements?"

Chuck thought, if she is really a member of the secret family, then these five requirements are


"You are greedy, but I admire greedy people, yes." The woman nodded.

Chuck laughed, looking for a place, kicking his legs, and it was really easy. The outsiders, seeing

Chuck's lack of power, thought that he had no strength. Now Chuck's strength can be very great.
In a few moments, Chuck kicked a mouthful, and there was some movement outside, and it

should be found. Chuck hugged the woman and suddenly stopped.

The woman was stunned, "Run!"

"You are as beautiful as my wife," Chuck said.

It is true that this woman is so beautiful that she is so beautiful that her facial features are so

indescribable, noble, and she has a totally different feeling. Chuckxin believes that this woman

should really be a member of a secret family.

Otherwise, the average person really has no such temperament.

"Are you teasing me?" The woman frowned, and she heard the frivolousness in Chuck's words.

"No, my wife is as beautiful as you, and my Aunt Logan is also as beautiful as you," Chuck said


"Well, believe you, take me out."

Chuck is actually quite enjoyable, after all, this is a great beauty after all.

"Wow wow," someone ran outside, Chuck hugged the woman, a kick kicked this man.

At night, only this person heard.

Chuck ran after holding the woman.

But he suddenly came to a dirt house, he stopped, the woman was stunned, she heard a woman

begging for mercy.

Does Chuck want to save this person? ?

Chuck just stopped for a second and ran away. The woman was stunned again. But there was

someone in the room begging, still a woman.

Obviously, the woman in this room is facing something terrible.

He didn't save?
The woman looked at Chuck, decisively, ruthlessly, this man might have done something.

The room was embarrassed.

The blue-eyed beauty was forced into the corner, and she was surrounded by fear.

Three big men surrounded her. She had rebelled just now, but it was useless. These three men

were too powerful, and often fought against the beasts, making them attack amazing.

The blue-eyed beauty could not stand such a siege and was defeated in a few clicks.

"Don't... I'll give you money, don't treat me like this."

The blue-eyed beauty is desperate, and she knows what these three people are doing to



But she could not escape by herself, and no one came to save herself.

At this time, she hated, especially hated Chuck, she said that she would rather be tortured by

Chuck, and do not face such a thing.

At the very least, Chuck will not force what happens to him.

It’s all Chuck, it’s him! !

"Wow wow."

The three men smiled with a smile that men only understood, and the three of them were


This smile, the blue-eyed beauty felt a deep despair, she closed her eyes, ready to commit

suicide! !

But suddenly, something happened.



Three screams, the blue-eyed beauty opened her eyes hurriedly, and found that all three men

were stunned. They had blood on the back of their heads. Who?

The blue-eyed beauty couldn't see the other people, fear, and let her ran out, but she saw that one

of the men had a mobile phone in his pocket, which should be robbed.

She took the phone and ran out, "Who saved me?"

No one answered.


The blue-eyed beauty continued to lower her voice.

"No matter who it is, thank you, my name is Emily, you can go to the United States to find me,"

The blue-eyed beauty didn't dare to stay any longer, used her strength, and ran into the forest.

"Wow wow!"

This village is chaotic, chaotic,...

The blue-eyed beauty ran frantically, until she couldn't hear the sound completely, she panted to

find a place to hide. She took out her phone, but the phone had power, but no signal.

She had to continue to run until she got a signal and dialed her mother's phone.

She was extremely nervous.

The phone was connected, it was my mother's indifferent voice, "Hello..."

"Mom, it's me, I'm Emily." The blue-eyed beauty cried.

"Daughter? Daughter, where are you?" Here, the young woman in the rhyme burst into tears

excitedly. She was so happy. She was worried for a few days. She had not slept for a few days.
"Ooooo, I'm still in the Amazon forest. I just escaped from a cannibal village. Mom, you're going

to send a plane to pick me up, and there are people. I'm going to kill the people in that village."

Blue eyes There is hate in the beauty! !

"Okay, okay, how did you escape from your daughter?"

"One person stunned a few people, and I escaped,"

"What about the one who caught you?"

"It's him, it's him and I were arrested!" The blue-eyed beauty was so angry that the fear and

despair just made her blue eyes red, so horrible, she wanted to kill.

Why doesn't Chuck listen to his own?

Fortunately, someone saved himself! !

"he died?"

"Yes, I hope he died inside!" The blue-eyed beauty looked at her direction of escape. Zhang

Zhang almost insulted himself. Such a person should be eaten.

"Okay, daughter, you say the address, I will ask someone to pick you up."

The blue-eyed beauty said that she didn’t know. The young woman said that the blue-eyed

beauty didn’t hang up the phone. She stared at that direction. Chuck, I escaped, what about

you? ?

My mother is to find him in the 581th chapter of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online

with novels

"I didn't expect you to save her." The woman held by Chuck in the forest said so unexpectedly.

After all, Chuck just ran away just now.

Chuck was expressionless.

He didn't want to save, but what to say, the blue-eyed beauty was also brought in by himself. If

he was forced, he would definitely die tragically. Chuck didn't want her to do that.

What Chuck said before, he will do it, and let her see it!

So Chuck just took a stone in, and the three men were all on their brains. Where did they want

someone to sneak attack?

Three times, they didn't miss, and three people were stunned.

Perhaps one was killed directly.

The back of the head is still a sharp stone.

Chuck stunned them and came out. The others looked at herself, but this blue-eyed beauty was

shrouded in despair, so she ran very fast and should have run away.

"What is your relationship with her?" The woman was so curious.

"I only appeared here because of her."

"Then why did you save her?" The woman was stunned.

"Because... I said a word to her, I will do it." Chuck squinted, like a lion.

"What did you say?"

Chuck ran around her, ran to the river, and placed the woman in a big wooden hollowed boat, but

accidentally, Chuck's head was buried.

Woman stunned.

Chuck should row when nothing happened.

Woman closed her eyes.

Chuck quickly paddled down the water and could definitely encounter any civilized village.

At that time, the crisis will be lifted.

Chuck worked hard to row the boat, and the boat went down the river and quickly left here.
"Bang, bang, beep, beep, beep!!!"

The bullets were shooting wildly, the scene wailed and everyone was killed!

This is a mercenary force. In a helicopter, the blue-eyed beauty looks at everything indifferently.

This place almost took away the most precious thing! !

"Wow wow wow wow..."

The three people in the room were really killed by Chuck. The other two were pointed at by

guns, kneeling and begging for mercy, and their heads were covered with blood.

"Kill them!" the blue-eyed beauty said indifferently, these two people, she hated!


The mercenary pulls the trigger!


The bullets shot the two men dead, and the scene was as quiet as the dead.

"Miss Hui, I didn't find that person!" said a mercenary, looking down.

"No!?" Blue-eyed beauty is angry!

Did Chuck actually? Have you escaped?

"It must be Chuck. When you escaped, Miss, he seized the opportunity and escaped. This person

was actually rescued unintentionally by Miss."

"Really?" The blue-eyed beauty was cold.

These days, it is something she will never forget for her life, and the person who has suffered for

her is Chuck! !

However, he actually gave him the opportunity to escape? !

The blue-eyed beauty is extremely angry!

"It must be so!"

"That's good, find me for him, and come alive." The blue-eyed beauty decided to return all her

despair to Chuck! ?

"Yes!" Some mercenaries started looking.

"Slow down," the blue-eyed beauty ordered.

"Miss, what else do you need?" Several mercenaries bowed their heads. This beautiful woman

was the daughter of the head of the Luofu family!

How dare Chuck dare to mess with it? !

Don't die!

"Help me find someone."

"What did you say?"

"I don't know. When I was surrounded by three people, a person suddenly rushed in and stunned

three people. When I opened my eyes, the person ran away, and I didn't see it." A little gentle.

If it weren't for this person, he would have been insulted already, or even dead.

This person, she wanted to find, and then thank, what to give.

Because of this person, you can survive!

All mercenaries looked at each other, this. . How to find

"Go!" the blue-eyed beauty ordered!

"Yes!" The mercenary left.

The beautiful blue-eyed woman also left on the helicopter. Behind a big tree, a pair of beautiful

eyes appeared, and she was a little stunned.

"Cer was here, and then escaped? Where did he escape?"

Logan, chased here without rest, she just heard the sound of shooting, so she came over.

But I didn't expect that there was really news from Chuck.
Logan continued to search because these mercenaries were also looking for Chuck! ?

In the darkness, Logan's figure was silent.



Zhang Planning Boat finally arrived at a small town with modern buildings. Chuck was assured

that now he needed to find a mobile phone and then call his mother.

Close to the beach, people nearby had strange eyes. After all, Chuckke had been tortured like a

beggar in the virgin forest these days.

Chuck continued to hug the woman.

She hurt her leg and it was not easy to move.

"Do you understand the language here?" Chuck asked.

He doesn't understand.

"I don't understand, we are here, just stay for one day, my people will come." The woman said.

"Are there any dollars in you?"

Chuck wants to eat, nowhere without money.

"No." The woman shook her head, her phone, and everything was taken away.

Nothing left.

Chuck can only look at her speechlessly, holding her to find a place to rest, but, Chuck has been

holding her like this, it is inevitable to have some ideas.

"Don't tease me, I'm dangerous," the woman said solemnly.

"Beauty, I can't help it. You see I have been locked up for more than ten days. I have been in the

forest for five or six days. I haven't seen any other women. I can't help it." Chuck is speechless,

and Who is calling this woman as beautiful as his wife Yvette? !

The woman closed her eyes, "I'm dangerous."

"Okay, okay," Chuck looked at her and told the truth, it was beautiful.

Comparable to that, Ouyang Fei and the like are much more beautiful.

First of all, the temperament is the difference between heaven and earth! ?

"So where do we rest? Didn't you say that one third of the world is yours?"

"I'm not talking here, this is someone else's house," the woman shook her head.

Chuck thought, anyway, this woman's person will come, so just find a place to eat directly and


"Does this work?"

"Well, I'm hungry too. Looking for a place to eat, my people will find me."

In this case, Chuck is not polite anymore, and he goes in when he finds a place.

Chuck is no longer wrong. He is tired and hungry. He can only take a woman to steal clothes

from someone else's house. Otherwise, wherever he goes, others think he is a beggar.

Chuck stole the clothes, put on herself, and stolen the woman. The woman was definitely

inconvenient to change. Chuck put her down where no one was, and then turned around, walked

not far away and waited.

The woman was stunned. "It's a bit interesting, there is a color heart, it's human nature, but it can

be controlled, and it may not be done afterwards."

The woman began to change clothes.

Ding Ding Ding!

Suddenly, there was a ringing in her body, and she took out a glittering thing from under her

shoes and put it to her ear.

"Miss, we are here, and there will be about three minutes to your place. Wait a minute." This

flashing thing is a communication device of the latest technology.

So, she can be found anytime, anywhere, just whether she wants it or not.

"No," the woman looked at Chuck.

"No? Miss, are you?"

This voice is very stunned, why not use it?

"Know why I came out this time?" the woman said lightly.

"I know, the patriarch asked you to get married, saying that you are not young, and you don't

want to, so..." The voice was careful.

"Just know it." The woman was faint.

"Then you found someone who wants to get married?"

"No, but I met someone who was okay,"

"Can I ask what is the name?"


There was silence for thirty seconds, and the voice came out, "Chuck is the son of Karen li. This

Karen li has been very popular recently, and his family is not yet qualified for Miss Gao Pan!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't qualify, you come out and meet so many people, but he is barely

okay," the woman calmly looked at Chuck waiting in the distance.

Chuck hugged her all the way, how to say, she can feel that this man is not bad, at least, not so


"Then what do you mean??"

"I'm in love with him..." The woman's beautiful eyes squinted with a command, as if she was in

the same toy as her fancy.

My mother is a Baller with a novel.

what? Are you fancy with him? "

"Yes, there's such a fancy," the woman said.

"Then he will be thrilled, you are taken by Miss, he will..."

"Confidentiality first." The lightness in the woman's beautiful eyes.

"Of course, I always listen to you, Miss,"

"Okay, don't say it, I will let you show up whenever I want, and I will try him again," the woman


"Yes, but, you... the patriarch's meaning is very obvious. If you can't get married, don't take the

last step with that Chuck. You know what I mean. Sorry, I may have talked too much, don't

mind, "

"I know, I won't do it casually," of course the woman will not give Chuck anymore.

How long have you known this? She is not so open. The more such a super family, the more

strict the rules and follow the tradition.

A woman can only have one man, that is her husband in the future! This is tradition!

"Okay, but miss, do you want me to do something?"

"No need to,"


The woman tucked this thing back into her shoes and changed her clothes.

"Okay," the woman came out.

Chuck looked stunned. He might have been an instinctive man thinking, so when stealing

clothes, he always took that kind of transparent clothes. Now, it looks so beautiful.
"What are you looking at?" The woman looked beautifully.

"It's nothing. You are as beautiful as my wife," Chuck laughed.

The woman didn't say this, "You are teasing me,"

"I don't have it, my wife Jiang..." Chuck explained, he was just eloquently speaking, other things,

Chuck didn't even think about it.

"Needless to say," the woman shook her head.

Chuck didn't say much, and took the woman to the restaurant to eat, and now you can go in, but

Chuck is looking for someone to borrow a mobile phone. Others don't actually borrow it. Chuck

can only be annoyed and can't be robbed.

After dinner, Chuck and so on, waited for the woman's person to come, but did not come until

the evening.

"Don't you say you will come over?"

"What might be wrong,"

"What's your secret family?"

Chuck is speechless, is this woman really fake? !

"Okay, you can only eat the king's meal," Chuck hugged the woman and ran.

The people in the restaurant chased them out with a knife. Chuck was full and full of energy. It

was okay to run alone. Of course, he would not be caught up by such a person who would not


Quickly found a place to hide.

The woman smiled slightly, "This is the first time I have eaten a king meal,"

"It's the first time for me to find a place to sleep," Chucksi was sleepy. Li Tian didn't sleep well.

Today, he can find a corner to sleep.

"Okay, no problem," the woman agreed.

Chuck found a ruin, took the woman in, and put her next to him, and then slept by herself. After

this time, Chuck thought of Yvette.

Especially special.

Naturally, there is no other thought, if Chuck just had money, he must have done something,

anyway, no one else.

But now, Chuck only wants to sleep.

"Don't touch me?" the woman said.

Chuck opened his eyes, "Are you playing with me? Or are you playing with me?"

Doesn't this woman say that she is particularly dangerous? For the secret family, Chuck felt that

he should not provoke him for a while, otherwise his mother might be implicated.

"I didn't play with you, you are a man, I am a woman, everyone is an adult." The woman said


Chuck looked at her again, strangely in her heart, how did she feel, what she said was so


"Forget it, I have a wife," Chuck closed his eyes.

"you have not married."

"But I have a girl who grew up together. I like her. When I am old enough, I will marry her."

Chuckxin vowed.


Yvette has followed him for so long, Chuck has long decided that he must marry Yvette, and that

the most luxurious wedding is to let everyone know that Yvette is my wife of Chuck.

"It's just not married," the woman had no expression.

"I will get married, don't think about it, go to sleep." Chuck closed his eyes.

To talk nonsense again, Chuck may have to think about it.

The woman looked at Chuck, her eyes were all narrowed, she had a colored heart, and she could

control it. This man was a bit funny.

She has spoken here, just a temptation, if Xiao Chuck saw her, then she would be expressionless,

because her people will appear immediately, it also means that Chuck, like other men, is a man

who is caught on the brain and cannot be marry.

The woman watched Chuck fall asleep, she barely stood up, but Chuck might have been asleep,

and tossed and turned, and came over,

For a moment, the woman's expression was colorful, stunned, angry, cold, and a little shy, and

suddenly appeared on her face.

As long as she screams, this man who touches himself will die within ten seconds!

"Pretend to sleep, or intentionally?" The woman hummed.

"Wife, wife..." Chuck drooled.

The woman was stunned and smiled slightly, "Fortunately."

She took Chuck's hand and moved to the side. Once again took out that thing.

"Hello, miss, will I come over to pick you up now?"

The woman looked at the sleeping Chuck. She thought about it for a few seconds. "Let me know

who this Chuck's wife is."


Thirty seconds later, "Yvette, this woman grew up with him. He used to be a teacher, now he is a

killer of the killer organization, code-named Blood Leopard."

"Killer? Somewhat interesting, why are you a killer?" The woman was stunned.
"Because Karen li is her father's enemy, she mostly wants to improve herself by being a killer,"

"It's interesting. Actually this is the case. Then the two of them are impossible. How does this

Yvette look?"

"This one……"


"Pretty, pretty,"

"Oh, compare with me?"

"No, how can this woman be compared with you?"

"I mean looks,"

"This...she reveals low feelings everywhere, she has good facial features, and the rest are

completely incomparable to you, Miss."

"So, what did he say is true?" The woman looked back at Chuck, who was asleep.

Chuck said he was as beautiful as his wife. Now it seems that Chuck has not lied.

Really similar to myself.

"Well, almost, do you need me to solve this Yvette? After all, she is not qualified to compare

with you, how can she be qualified to compete with you for men?"


"Yes, solve, I found out, she should also be in Amazon,"

"Oh, come and find him?"

"Yes, so as long as you agree, an hour later, she can die without knowing it. Chuck will not find

any clue, you can rest assured,"

"I'm always at ease when you do things, but this time forget it, let her go, the woman needs to be

compared, he will know that I am much better than this Yvette," the woman calm.
"Yes, then I'll pick you up now?"

"This, I'm injured, you come to pick me up, help me deal with it first, I have to try him,"

"Are you injured? Okay, wait a minute!"

In less than a minute, someone came, and all ten men in black were well-trained.

Quickly treat the wound to the woman, the woman waved her hand, and everyone left. During

this process, there was no sound, and Chuck slept without any abnormalities.

Woman, sitting next to Chuck, sleeping with her eyes closed, quite honest.



Yvette sneezed, she was very tired, but why did she sneeze suddenly? She looked around

strangely and didn't have a cold.

However, just now, Yvette had a feeling of being stared at by a beast, as if someone would

suddenly appear and kill himself.

Yvette glanced vigilantly and found nothing abnormal.

Don't think about it, or find Chuck quickly. She is already anxious. She picks a wild fruit to eat,

and continues to look for it without rest.


The woman woke up in the morning, she was angry, shy, and cold again for a moment, because

how did Chuck sleep? Press yourself, hand.

She is patient, is this man pretending or sleeping? ! Woman doubts!

Chuck woke up and saw himself leaning on her. He was embarrassed, "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

Is it okay for a woman to hold back her anger? You know you just did this action, you just need

to die, you will die? ?

My mother is a local tycoon, novel 583. You don’t know what audio novel you missed.

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Nothing. "

The woman shook her head, and the embarrassed expression on Chuck's face was not pretended,

and she didn't care anyway. Anyway, Chuck's hand had touched it last night.

"Why don't your people come yet?" Chuck was speechless. Is this woman in the secret family?

Two days? No one has come yet? ?

"Something went wrong, so you sent me to the next city," the woman said.

This one still has to look at Chuck. Finally, it's hard to see a man who is barely okay. This

depends on it. After all... The difference between Chuck's mother Karen li and her family is too


This is considered to be a high climb. If married, the child born cannot be named Zhang.


Chuck compromised. Although he had no idea about this woman, she was also a beautiful

woman comparable to Yvette in every aspect. It was not bad to be able to be with such a

beautiful woman.

At least eye-catching.

"Well," the woman stood up.

"Huh, is your leg injured?" Chuck was surprised. He was badly injured last night. How could it

be better all night?

This is actually nothing for a woman. As a hidden family, her family has the most traditional

Chinese medicine.
If you are just sprained, then apply the medicine.

"A little better," the woman said lightly.

"That shouldn't need to be hug?" Chuck asked, this is actually very uncomfortable, not that she is

heavy, but it is, the pain of holding a beautiful woman, most people can't imagine.

What's more, her figure is similar to that of Yvette.

"You think?"

"Well, hugging me is a bit uncomfortable," Chuck didn't hide.

"Really? Then continue to hug me and leave," said the woman. She would continue to test

Chuck. If Chuck married herself, then she absolutely would not allow Chuck to do anything with

another woman, absolutely! !

"Okay," Chuck hugged her.

Chuck was so energetic that he had rested well, and it would be no problem to hold her for a day.

When Chuck didn't pay attention, the woman clicked on the back, which was telling people

nearby to follow.

It’s really impossible to move without money, neither by car, nor by phone, Chuck is speechless

and collapsed, what's the matter!

The woman didn't speak, and she felt more and more secure. "You can be the richest man in the

world, I can help you."

"Help me? Why did you help me?" Of course Chuck doesn't want to.

He is not a soft guy, and it is enough to have a mother to give money. With his own efforts, we

can see if we can realize this wish.

"I'm willing to help you." The woman did not say a word in the back, but I want you to go into

"I still rely on myself."

"It's not that I look down on you. With our hidden family, no one can be the richest man in the

world!!!" The woman said lightly.

In this tone, Chuck felt a bit domineering.

"I will work hard."

"It’s useless for you to work hard, because you walk three mountains above your head that you

can never climb over. The reason why you can see a little sun is what we let you see. In this

world, except I can help you, others, I can't help you, let alone your wife," the woman's eyes


Chuck didn't care when listening to the front, but when talking about Yvette later, Chuck was a

little annoyed.

"You are far from my wife, you are far away, she will never talk to me like that now, she is


The woman frowned, "That's because your wife is incapable, so you can only obey your words,

which is the so-called empathy in your mouth. I am different from her. I can make you the

richest person in the world, she can't!"

"You are such a good pen, what about your people?!" Chuckdong.

"You are too ignorant, and I am starting to be a little disappointed in you." The woman shook her

head and said for ten seconds, someone came out.

Chuck actually said something like this.

"If you are disappointed, let's be disappointed." Chuck does not matter. This is not Yvette. Chuck

is too lazy to coax.

"Let me down," the woman said.

"Do you want to go by yourself?" Chuck looked at her, she has long legs, and if she limped later,

it wouldn't work.

"Yes, I'm disappointed with you. I can give you ten seconds. You let me raise hope for you


"Forget it, I don't need your hope," Chuck shook his head.

"You don't know what you missed, do you know? I can ask your mother to come and see me

now!" The woman was confident.

"You bull pen, I'm too lazy to take care of you, I'm leaving."

Of course, Chuck did the same, put her on the side of the road, turned around and walked away

without any hesitation.

Decisive and simple, you bull pen, still call my mother over, I will not bird you.

The woman narrowed her eyes and stared at Chuck who had left.

Thirty seconds later, a man came out, "Miss, this person is ignorant, or give him a lesson, let his

mother go bankrupt, it is also your thing."

"No, I suddenly think he is more interesting, dare to refuse me?" The woman suddenly smiled,

she said, how many men would kneel? ?

Chuck didn't do it, but aroused her desire to conquer.

The man bowed his head, "He doesn't understand."

"He really doesn't understand. He wants to be the richest man in the world. I can let him do it

tomorrow. He doesn't understand what he missed. I will tell him slowly! Now call Karen li and

let her come here to see you Me!" said the woman.

"Yes," the man pulled out his phone.

I found a number I had never dialed and dialed it.

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Hey." This is the voice of doubt, yes, it is indeed Karen li answering the phone.

This number is unfamiliar, she has never seen it.

"Karen li?" the man asked lightly.

"Yes, I am."

"My lady asked you to come over to see her,"

"Miss your family?" Karen li looked over here again. The phone number on the screen of the

phone did not belong.

What kind of lady is this?


"Who is your lady, please?" Karen li is strange, what happened? ?

"Wanjia, you shouldn't have heard of it, because you haven't been able to reach this level yet.

You don't understand. I can tell you a little bit." The man said lightly.

"Ten thousand families?" Here, Karen li's eyes flashed in a fine light.

Betty, who was in the office together, was stunned. Karen li, who was in a good mood these past

two days, how did she answer a phone call? ?

"Need me to introduce some to you?!" The man's tone was indifferent throughout.

"No, which lady in Wanjia?"

"So you have heard of Wanjia? Have you been in touch with something you can't touch yet?

You're not bad."

"Thank you for the compliment, which lady is that?"

"You don't have the right to know this, my lady is on Amazon..."

"Your family is on Amazon??" Karen li's eyes flashed again!

Isn’t his son Chuck on Amazon?

"Yes, give you five hours to fly over! Because my lady only waits for you for five hours." The

man hung up the phone directly.

Respectfully said to the woman, "Miss, she has been notified, she will arrive immediately after

five hours."

"Well," the woman nodded lightly, no surprise.

"That lady went over there, I have already arranged it." The man made the gesture.

The woman looked at the direction of Chuck, "I will tell you now what you missed! No, I will let

your mother tell you what you missed."

The woman turned and walked, the man snapped his fingers, a man appeared, his eyes cold.

"Follow him!"


The man in black chased it, the speed of his movements, like the fastest man in the world...


"Mr. Li, what's the matter with you?" Betty was particularly surprised. Karen li answered the

phone and was silent for a minute. Her eyes kept blinking.

"Mr. Li..."

Karen li came back, "Betty, you immediately prepared the plane for me, I am going to Amazon


Betty was stunned, "Mr. Li, did the young master have an accident?"

Otherwise, Karen li wouldn't be like this, but what danger is there for Chuck? No more, Black

Rose, Yvette, Logan are all over there!

"Yes, Ce'er may have an accident, hurry!" Karen li said, her eyes staring in one direction, and

she shined! !

My mother is a Baller with novel 580. I have no dreams! Listen online with novels

Chuck continued to walk, and ignored the woman. She was completely tall. The key is that she

didn't use her a penny. Her arrogance really made Chuck feel sick.

He walked for a long time by himself, and felt that he could not go on like this, so he had to call

his mother as soon as possible to ask about this matter.

There must be really this hidden family, so is the gap between mom and this hidden family really

so big? ?

Mom has all the property now, and people earn it in one year? !

This is too scary!

Chuck felt a little uneasy, so it’s better to contact his mother earlier.

But if he didn’t understand it, he couldn’t borrow his mobile phone. He thought of a way.

Anyway, he was hungry. Then go eat a king’s meal. When paying the money, people will

definitely let themselves call.

Then it's time for my mom to send someone over.

Chuck saw a restaurant and stepped in. Someone received him. Chuck ordered several dishes. He

sat and waited.

In this place, Chuck is actually not used to eating, but there is no way, he is hungry. !

After he finished eating, he called the waiter to come, Chuck showed no money. The waiter

immediately got angry and roared, and several strong men came over, kicking and kicking

Chuck is speechless, these people don't let people call to send money over? !

If you don’t follow the rules, Chuck is full. How could he be overthrown by the big guys and a

few fights? Chuck grabbed a mobile phone.

This person is terrified. Chuck collapses. How important is a foreign language!


Suddenly a person ran out, did he still have a gun, Chuck ran away, bang, bang! !

Gunshots continued.


Chuck was so angry that he ran into the crowd. So many people dare not shoot.

Chuck's scalp ran madly, no matter how powerful he was, even a bullet came to death.

boom? !

When Chuck ran, he suddenly hit a man.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Chuck ran away without even seeing it.

But one hand suddenly pulled Chuck.

Chuck collapsed, "Sorry, I didn't mean it,"

What a dangerous thing it is to be caught while running away? !

"I did it on purpose." This was an excited voice.

This is Hua Xia's voice. Chuck turned her head and saw a woman with wet eyes, and her lips

were shaking.

Chuckxi burst into tears and hugged her tightly, "Aunt Logan, Aunt Logan... Really?"

Chuck was excited. At this time, it was so exciting to see Logan.

"It's me! It's me,"

Logan said softly that her tears were coming out. She had been searching for so many days. She

was suffering every day, not the exhaustion of physical and mental fatigue, but the worry.

She worried that Chuck had an accident.

She was just about to leave here quickly, and when she was looking elsewhere, she was suddenly

hit by someone. When she saw someone who hit her, she burst into tears in a flash.

Since the last time I saw Chuck's head shot by a steel pipe, she felt distressed.

On the way to find, she was distressed all the way. How much hard will Chuck without any

unexpected survival experience be able to come out? !

She didn't want to come out from Amazon because she thought Chuck might not be able to come

out, but after she considered, she still chose to grow up.

So she came out to find it, but after a day of searching, there was no result. She was shaken and

wanted to go back to Amazon to find it again, but at this time, she met the person she most

wanted to see.

"Wow wow..."

A group of people chased over, Chuck loosened Logan and blocked Logan.

This group of people was fierce and glaring at Chuck, with a gun at Chuck.

"What are you doing?" Logan's eyes froze.

Chuck was stunned, Logan actually spoke the language of this place? She would actually?

And still so standard! Bravo!

Chuck has worshipped.

"He doesn't give money for meals and beats people." Someone said annoyed.

Logan was stunned this time, "Cer, do they say they don't give money for meals?"

"Me, Aunt Logan, I don't have any money." Chuck was embarrassed.
Loganpo smiled, "silly boy."

She scratched Chuck's hair.

Then she took out a few dollars and came out, "Give it! He has money, a lot, a lot!?"

These people saw their eyes straight for hundreds of dollars.

The glare just now disappeared, he laughed and laughed, said something, and then left with


Chucksong said, "Aunt Logan..."

"Silly boy, have you been full just now?" Logan asked gently.

"There is still a bit." Chuck touched his belly.

"What do you want to eat? I bring it," Logan was particularly gentle, and could not leave her

eyes open.

"Aunt Logan, do I have a dream?" Chuck felt that this smile was too familiar, but wasn't Logan

in China? !

"Stupid boy, no." Logan was stunned because Chuck suddenly hugged herself.

This hug feels so good.

Logan took Chuck to dinner elsewhere. Of course, he found the most luxurious hotel. Chuck

wanted to eat and order something. Logan was also hungry, but she wanted to see Chuck eat, so

she felt real. . She did not dream herself.

"Cer, are you full?"

"I am full,"

"Then go to rest for a while, and stay for one night today." Logan wanted to call Yvette, Black

Rose, and Karen li, and Chuck found it.

"Well, but Aunt Logan, can you accompany me today?" Chuck felt that today, he especially

wanted to sleep on Logan.

Seeing Logan, he felt dreaming.

"Okay, take it."

Logan smiled slightly and took Chuck up.

"Wow, that Chinese girlfriend is really beautiful,"

"Yes, it would be nice if my girlfriend,"

A few locals envy Chuck, saying that Chuck doesn't understand, but Logan understands.

Logan was happy.

When he arrived at the hotel, Chuck's tiredness at this time suddenly became better. He just

wanted to sleep and leaned on Logan to sleep.

"Cer, go to take a bath first. During this time, you are in the wild and need to take a bath and

rest," Logan said.

"Well," Chuck was sleepy, and he came out after bathing.

Logan did not want to let go when he came out.

In the past few days, Logan's tenderness is the best sleeping pill. Chuck fell asleep by Logan.

Loganan looked quietly, and she didn't want to think of anything, just wanted to look at it like

this. Isn't this what she likes to do? ?

When Logan saw the sleeping Chuck, she couldn't help but suddenly bit her lip together and let

Chuck take a sip.

"Took my first kiss, and I also... Ah!" Logan suddenly covered her mouth, and her beautiful face

suddenly turned red to the extreme.

Because two people came in, one was Karen li and the other was Betty.
Karen li was stunned. She was stunned. "Do you open the room without closing the door? I

pushed and opened..."

Betty was also stunned. Logan actually kissed Chuck? Did you read it right? !


Logan was extremely shy, just clicked on Chuck, this was seen by Karen li! !

She wanted to find a hole in the ground. For the first time, she felt that she could not face Karen

li at all.

"Logan, Ce'er fell asleep and came out, I have something to say," Karen li was lost in

consternation, with a trace of dignity! !

"Ah? Me, me." Logan blushed and put Chuck lightly, covering something for Chuck.

Then came out with Karen li.

Betty took care of Chuck in the room. She saw Chuck and felt relieved in her heart. "Master, it's

so good to live..."

"Me, Ceer and I did nothing, really nothing." Logan explained, she suddenly felt so nervous.

Because it was seen by Chuck's mother Karen li!

She suddenly had a feeling of doing something wrong, bowing her head without any confidence,

this was the first time she spoke intermittently.

"Well, Logan don't be nervous, I wish to do something with him, really did nothing?" Karen li

suddenly smiled.

"No, there really isn't," Logan lowered her head. She suddenly lost, and she didn't really do

anything. She kissed herself when Chuck didn't know it was her. There was nothing else.

However, this is not representative, it is impossible for two people? ?

My mother is a Baller, and the 589th chapter tells you clearly! Listen online with novels

"Why not" Karen li's smile was gone, she could feel Logan's sadness.


Logan didn't know how to answer at all, she sighed, "Because Ce'er doesn't like me at all, he just

respects me, he likes Yvette."

Logan has a sad feeling of falling out of love. The first love, no, it should not be love, this is the

secret love of unrequited love, but Chuckhao is fine, he is not so important.

"I can't take care of you," Karen li shook her head.

She can only guide this affectionate love. She certainly cannot force Chuck, and she is not


"Well, I know. By the way, what happened just now, what happened just now," Logan broke

again and again.

Karen li smiled slightly, "I didn't see it, neither did Betty,"

Logan can like his son, which is a good thing, but Logan is suffering.

"Thank you," Logan felt relieved. She did it secretly, and if Chuck knew it, she would collapse.

"By the way, Aunt Karen, you suddenly come here to have something." Logan thought of the

key point.

Why should Karen li come here?

"Did you find any other abnormalities when you met Ceer?" Karen li glanced at her eyes.

"No," Logan shook her head, she didn't find it.

Not at all, maybe she was stunned by surprise.

"Now" Karen li asked again.

At this time, Logan was on the balcony, her beautiful eyes glanced out, she still shook her head,

"No, is something wrong?"

"Let me tell you, don't look, there is a man in your building at about 500 meters at three o'clock."

Karen li said.

"What is this person?" Logan certainly didn't read it.

"If I guess well, this person has been following Ce'er. When you meet Ce'er, he has always

followed him." Karen li gazed at a place intentionally or unintentionally.

Her sixth sense is accurate. When she first came, she hadn't noticed yet, but when she walked

into the hotel, she felt that someone was monitoring herself.

Sure enough, she came in to find a place to cover and really saw the suspicious person.

Logan dignified

She is not bad, but she can't find anyone else. The strength of this person is extraordinary.

"I'm going to solve this person now" Logan absolutely does not allow such things to happen.

"Don't worry, I came here because I received a call from someone" Karen li calmed down.


Karen li's eyes flashed in the eyes of "hidden families and thousands of families"

"Miss, time is up. This Karen li has already arrived here, but it's still not coming." Inside the

luxury hotel.

The man looked at the woman who had put on clean clothes.

"It's kind of interesting, Karen li is so precious to her son, it must be to see her son first," the

woman said lightly.

"She can't tell the lesson from her," she said

"Ask it there," said the woman.

"Yes." The man immediately contacted the person who followed Chuck. A minute later, he

received a message.

There is a picture in it, a man and a woman.

"Miss, look," the man handed his cell phone respectfully.

The woman glanced and frowned.

"This woman is Yvette" asked indifferently.

"No, it's a person called Logan from Huaxia." The man explained.

"Logan had never heard of it." The woman was more indifferent.

"Logan was cultivated by Karen li in one hand. A deep biography of Karen li's fighting. Now in

a movie company that has sprung up in recent years, she is the behind-the-scenes boss, but she

should be a "man stop."

"What should be"

"Logan is eleven years older than Chuck, and Karen li nurtured her in this way. I think Karen li's

plan is..."

"Train a spare tire for Chuck," the woman said lightly.

"Yes, Logan is older than Chuck, but she is also a master of fighting, with good physical quality,

which makes her look"

"It doesn't look like this. It's getting old when it's old. It's getting older when it's older. It's the

same for maintenance." The woman shook her head, her tone indifferent.

"That is, where can she compare with you who just turned 20?"

"This is nothing to worry about Logan. I can give Karen li a chance this time to let her see her

baby son and come over to see me again." The woman closed her eyes.
"Do you want to make Logan busy? Her foundation is not as stable as Karen li. It's too simple to

handle." The man commented.

"Forget it, don't move first, I have to see what gesture Karen li uses to see me," the woman's eyes

didn't open. During this process, her mood didn't fluctuate at all.

"Yes." The man lowered his head.

"Aunt Logan."

Chuck was confused about Betty, Betty collapsed, "less"

Betty didn't dare to call, in case Karen li saw it, what to do Chuck would be reprimanded by

Karen li.

After being caught for a while, Betty endured, but fortunately Chuck was dreaming, and soon let

go, Betty dared not sit beside Chuck.

She just watched Chuck sleeping on the sofa. She worried that Chuck fell to the ground before

she sat down.

did not expect. .

"Mr. Li," Betty saw Karen li and Logan coming in, and she lowered her head.

Karen li looked at her strangely, "Betty, why are you blushing?"

"Master just said a dream, I heard it," Betty said.

"Well, this kid doesn't know what to think all day long, don't mind." Karen li is in trouble.

Of course, Betty shook her head. If Chuck caught him, Karen li would definitely scold Chuck.

"Aunt Karen, you are going to see her now," Logan asked.

She already knew about it just now, the secret family, Karen li once told her once, but Logan

didn't remember much. This time, listening again, Logan remembered it.

Wanjia, this family has been passed down for dozens of generations
Knowing this is enough.

"Well, she asked me to see her in the past, then see you,"

"However, I think that I should wake up and ask what is going on." Logan thinks it should be

like this.

"Yes, Mr. Li asked about it, what should the young master know," Betty also suggested.

Karen li considered for a few seconds, "Yes."

She came over, "Cer, wake up,"

Chuck, still dreaming, woke up suddenly, "Mom, why are you here?"

Chuck was pleasantly surprised. He had a dream just now, and he still had a mobile phone. He

called his mother and told her something, but I didn't expect it to be true.

Karen li touched the back of Chuck, "Qie Er, do you still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, it's just a little uncomfortable,"

Chuck said it.

Karen li, Logan, and Betty looked at each other, but they saw Chuck was beaten with their own

eyes, so heavy, or head. .

Chuck saw Betty and called Li sister, Betty immediately lowered her head.

Chuck was stunned.

"Relax, Ce'er, when you arrive in the United States, I will take you to the inspection

immediately. It will be fine," Karen li said comfortably.


"Cer, I will ask you something." Karen li was serious.

"Mom, you said."

"How did you escape, then tell me everything you encountered, don't miss anyone,"
"Okay, I'm holding it." Chuck said a lot, including meeting those people and saving the women

of the secret family, all of which were said.

Karen li, Logan and Betty looked at each other again

"Cer, what name did you save that woman?" Karen li asked.

"She didn't tell me, mom, there are really hidden families," Chuck asked curiously.

"There is, of course, there is light, there is darkness," Karen li nodded.

"That world is really of three families"

"Well, yes," Karen li also nodded.

Chuck was shocked. There were really three hidden families. Chuck felt incredible. "The woman

said, "Mother, you have all the property, and they earn it in a year. Is this true?"

The woman said very confidently. Chuck felt that way. If it was true, then his family could not

be compared with others. This is a huge gap.

Karen li was stunned, his eyes rolled, and suddenly he smiled slightly, "Cer, what do you think?"

My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 586 You are wrong again! Listen online with


Chuck thinks, my mother should not be as simple as the bright one, because the mother said,

there are bright and dark.

This does not mean that the money that the mother knows is what the woman said. What can all

her family earn in one year? ?

What about in the dark?

"Mother, did you hide a lot of money?" Chuck lowered his voice, fearing someone nearby.
"Yes, the money is hidden, but no matter how much money, it will be yours in the future." Karen

li smiled slightly.

Chucksong was relieved, and it seemed that the mother was not as simple as the woman said.

"The Hidden Family, when I was a killer, I came into contact with them, and I learned something

from them, and my wealth is not exposed," Karen li said.

Yes, Karen li is not as simple as it seems.

"So, mom, you have a lot of property that their secret family doesn't know about?" Chuck was a

little excited. After all, the woman's tone really made Chuck feel uncomfortable.

It also made Chuck feel a sense of oppression. That kind of feeling was very bad, and Chuck

didn't want to feel it anymore.

"Of course,"

Karen li smiled, "Anyway, I will tell you, don't be afraid of anyone. Just do something, mother, I

will help you."

Chuck was relieved. The mother said so, the meaning was simple. She said that her mother's

money may not be as much as that of the secret family. Chuck must know that after all, the

mother has only developed for more than 20 years.

The secret family of others, but it has been passed down for dozens of generations. The

accumulation of wealth is really terrifying.

Karen li can't compare, it's too normal.

Not as rich as the hidden family, but the money will not be less.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Chuck was curious.

"The girl you said asked me to come."

"She? What did she ask your mother to do?" Chuck was confused. What did it mean to let her

come? ?

"This is about to ask her." Karen li's eyes flickered.

"Then I will go with your mother," Chuck wanted to see what the woman wanted to do.

"No, you and Logan are waiting for me here," Karen li looked at Logan intentionally or


In such a moment, Logan bowed her head, and her pretty face suddenly turned a little shy.

Karen li is not interesting, but this glance makes Logan think of the embarrassing thing just now.

"Okay." Mom must be able to handle such a thing.

Chuck looked at that kind of woman.

"Betty, let's go." Karen li said, and of course Betty went out.

"Aunt Logan, what's wrong with you?" Chuck found Logan was a little wrong.

"It's okay, Ce'er, you're going to sleep well," Logan is a little supportive.

Chuck knew just now that Yvette also came out to find himself. Of course he wanted to call

Yvette and let her come here.

"Aunt Logan, please call Yvette,"

"Okay." Logan took out his phone...


"Miss, Karen li is here," the man said respectfully.

The woman opened her eyes and looked outside calmly.

"What does it look like?" The woman had a little interest.

"Miss Hui, she brought a man, and then she looked particularly capable." The man said.

"Ability?" The woman shook her head, moving gently.


Someone knocked on the door.

"She's coming,"

"Let her come in," the woman's lazy back seat leaned on the sofa.

"Miss Hui, she is not yet qualified to see your true face, Miss," the man shook his head, a

respectful reminder.

"It's not qualified, but forget it, I also want to see face to face what she looks like,"

"Yes." The man walked to the door and opened the door.

There were two people standing at the door, Karen li and Betty.

"Check!" the man said coldly.

"How to check?" Karen li was plain, her eyes saw the inside, inside the large and luxurious

presidential suite, a beautiful girl with a little laziness.

The woman's eyes brightened Karen li standing at the door, so a little surprised

People in their forties are better than their mothers in terms of maintenance...

How to maintain it?

"Search." The man was indifferent.

Betty frowned and searched her body, but she had to touch her hand, not to mention a man, even

a woman, she couldn't touch Karen li's body casually.

Still searching? ?

Karen li glanced at him, "What are you afraid of? You are the one who called me, you are full of

gas, you are also a master of fighting, afraid of me? I am not in the eyes of you?"

"You still have a little self-knowledge." The corner of the man's mouth curled up, which was a

bit of mocking arrogance.

Betty is very angry!

But Karen li has no other expressions!

"Let her come in," the woman said.

"Yes, come in," the man said.

Karen li walked in with her legs in, but when Betty followed, the man reached out to stop her,

"You are not qualified to come near my lady!!"

Yes, a small follower, still eligible to see a secret family, future heirs? !

This is simply an insult to his young lady! ?

Karen li stopped, "What qualifications do you have?"

"Karen li, it seems that you have no self-knowledge. Our 10,000 families, even a maid, are richer

than you, you know?! Not to mention me?" the man mocked.

"How about you?! A housekeeper and bodyguard, amazing? Not yet called by someone?" Karen

li retorted.

"You!" The man's eyes shot cold light!

Out of the secret family, no one dared to speak to him like this!

This is really death!

If the woman is not there, he has already killed Karen li himself.

Karen li pulled Betty in.

"Give me a dismounted horse, Karen li, what do you want to do?" The woman remained lazy.

In her view, no one can make her fluctuate.

"I don't want to do anything. It's you who let me come over. Now that I'm here, I still won't let

my people in. This is the hospitality of your secret family!?" Karen li said.

"No, no, no, you said the wrong thing,"

The woman stretched out a finger, shaking lazily, "Guest, please, and you, I'm called, talking and

obedient, this difference is so big, you are not qualified to be my guest."

The man ridiculed that among the hidden families, there are ten thousand of them. Apart from

the other two families, who else in the world can be a guest of women? !


Not to mention your little Karen li.

Betty was particularly angry, and Karen li was insulted.

But what scene did Karen li never see? Her expression didn't change, "So?"

"So, if I let you come, you have to come! This is what your son asked me to tell you," the woman


"My son is simple, he won't do it." Of course Karen li knew what the woman was going to do.

"Simple is not simple, let's not talk about this, as long as it is a normal man, there is no simple!

Your son missed the person he will regret in his life, I am reminding him now." The woman is


The voices are all at their extreme.

The man ridiculed that Chuck didn't know what to do, and was taken by her own family. This

was the last time that the galaxy was saved. The eighteen generations of the ancestors had

accumulated virtue before they could encounter it in this life.

But this Chuck didn't cherish it? Not grateful? !

"So, do you really like my son? To be my son's wife?" Karen li smiled a little.

"No, no, no, you are wrong again."

The woman lazily shook her finger, "No one is eligible to marry me, including your son, he... I

will be taken for granted. I will give you a sum of money. "
"Into the burden? You let my son into the burden?" Karen li was stunned, even Betty was a little


She knows, does the child born actually have the surname of the woman? How can even her

husband have the surname? !

What logic is this?

"No, you are wrong again, he was not in trouble, I bought him with money," the woman shook

her finger, yes, entered Wanjia, then everything is Wanjia!

Karen li's face was serious, "You..."

"Sit, because you are his mother's sake, you can sit down in front of me, but don't look at

Erlang's legs, I hate someone like this in front of me." The woman pointed a spot in the corner.

In her view, Karen li is only qualified to sit in the corner. As for the sofa beside her, Karen li is

not qualified to sit! !

My mother is a Baller with novel 587. You are really obedient! Listen online with novels

Betty was particularly angry. Really, Karen li had never encountered such a thing. It was really

annoying! !

Actually let Karen li sit in the corner?

"What's the matter? Don't sit? I looked at Chuck's face before I let you sit. Of course, the chair

doesn't sit, you are on the ground, but you don't need to be close to me for ten meters. The other

ground, you are casual Sit, but when you sit, remember to pad paper towels, because, I hate

people staining my floor." The woman said lazily.

"To make a long story short, my son doesn't like you, so you don't have to face my son, and I

don't have to sit because I will leave after I finish speaking." Karen li shook his head.
"No, no, you are wrong again,"

The woman is extremely lazy. "It doesn't matter whether I like it or not. I like it. Then I won't

care whether you like it or not. No one can run."

"You... well, I'm really..." Karen li was speechless, really speechless.

She has lived for more than forty years and has never met such a person.

"Don't talk to my lady in this tone." The man stared at Karen li with a voice like ice cubes, with

majesty? !

"Don't talk to me in this tone." Karen li frowned.

"Miss, do you want to slap her?" the man asked, because the woman was here.

If the woman is not there, then he must have hit him with a slap at the moment Karen li spoke.

"Forget it, give her a chance!!"

The woman shook her finger lazily, "Karen li, it seems that you don't know much about my


"You don't know me well." Karen li narrowed his eyes! ?

"Really? Ha ha ha, as long as I want to, anyone in front of me is invisible, don't you believe it? It

seems that you really don't believe it!" The woman had such a smile.

Karen li looked at the woman.

The woman raised her hand, beauty eyes wandered around Karen li, he suddenly smiled, "Since

you don’t believe it, then I prove to you that you are doing good maintenance, the facial features

are also good, there are definitely many men who like you, and there is more temptation, Then

you must be difficult to control, check, check with me how many people she derailed..."

The man nodded, looked at Karen li for a few moments, and made a mocking call.

Betty's annoyed, is this woman abnormal? !

However, Karen li's eyes were calm! The body is not afraid of the shadow!

A minute later, the man received the phone call, frowned, and walked to the woman, saying,


The woman had such a little consternation and surprise, and looked at Karen li again, "Did you


"You can find the women in the world?" Karen li asked.

"Yes, it's okay, as long as I am willing, but you, there is a little surprise to me, is it not? It's a bit

like me, I won't leave after I get married." The woman said lazily.

"Then you should check if your mother has been derailed. For you, it should be simple." Karen li

said calmly.

Snapped! !


The man came in front of Karen li, his eyes were as vicious as a snake!

With just one order, he will kill Karen li!

Regardless of being close, Karen li's eyes didn't jump, and even her eyelashes didn't move, she

was calm!

Taishan collapsed without surprise! !

The woman's lazy expression solidified, and slowly, indifferently appeared on her face, "Karen

li, do you know what you are talking about?!"

"Yes, you said it yourself," Karen li shrugged.

Betty is so funny in her heart that she can find out, so check if your mother can do it? !

"Miss, do you want me to solve her immediately?" the man asked.

"Karen li, you are a little emboldened. I don't know where you are emboldened?" The woman

stood up from the sofa, indifferently, as if the emperor walked around.

"You can check, my words have been finished, my son doesn't like you, so don't force him, and,

your butler bodyguard has a bad temper, you should take care of it!" Karen li Shao Shook his



The man's fist suddenly came out like a gust of wind, and hit Karen li's face! !

Horrifying so suffocating, Betty was shocked! ?

But Karen li had no expression at all, and let this fist suddenly stop only a few millimeters across

his face.

The man frowned, so calm!

You know, the strength of one punch, but you can kill a person, not to mention in the case of

your anger, what masters on the surface today, under three strokes will die! !

The beauty of women fluctuates.

Karen li looked at the man, "Did your master not speak, dare you?"

Man twitching!

Yes, the woman didn't speak, he didn't dare to fight, because this punch is to kill people! !

"Betty, let's go." Karen li said.

Bettyxin went out with Karen li with a lingering fear.

The man scolded, "Slow down! My lady hasn't let you go yet."

"You are really a good dog, your master will like you." Karen li has gone out.

The man is extremely angry!

dog! ?
This woman actually said she was a dog?

It really makes him out of control! !

"Miss, she..." The man wanted to kill Karen li. Is this an insult?

The woman sat down and lay back, "It's kind of interesting. I haven't met this kind of person in a

long time. For the sake of being a woman, I actually admire her so much. It seems that she has

done it in just 20 years. It’s not too bad...Nu San, you are a good combat master of my family,

what is her strength? Do you feel it?"

"This? She is very calm, but according to her strength, just that punch, I was enough to kill her!"

The man was confident.

That punch, so close, Karen li can't hide it! !

The woman nodded lazily, "Well,"

"What should I do now, Miss?" the man asked.

"I asked you, did you find out just now? She hasn't been derailed?" The woman raised the

question again.

"No," the man shook his head.

"That's not bad, since she is so confident, so simple, too simple, she must have something in the

dark, check her, I want to know what she has done in the past two decades!"

"Yes... but what about Chuck?" The man nodded. This is too simple. Take a moment and it will

come out after a check.

"He? I said it, and let him know what he missed, then..." said the woman lazily.

The man nodded respectfully...


"Huh, President Li, that woman is really wonderful." Betty Tucao.

I have never seen a woman like that. It's so strange. I checked that kind of thing just now.

"Well, the man beside him just now, if you meet, don't deal with him alone." Karen li said.

"Well, I also felt that the man was very powerful. The speed and explosiveness of the moment

were very strong and strong!" Betty felt a little worried.

If she was replaced by her just now, she would definitely not face so calmly with Karen li, she

would definitely back away, or even resist!

"Yes, this man, it's not simple," Karen li's eyes flickered finely? !

"Then, President Li, can you solve him?" Betty told the truth, after so many years, Karen li hasn't

seen her full efforts.

Because Karen li hasn't met the person who gave her all her strength.

"I won't know if this is a fight. I won't underestimate the enemy, not at all! Being able to be a

bodyguard of such an important person in the Hidden Family is definitely not bad. In the Hidden

Family, it's a real crouching tiger, hidden dragon! "Karen li shook her head."

"Well, but I think, your strength, Mr. Li, if the man just wrestled with you, then maybe two

moves, you can kill him." Betty said his thoughts.

Karen li smiled slightly, "Maybe, he just shot a lot of explosive force just now, but there is a

loophole. Just shot, you can really kill him with one move."

Betty was surprised, Karen li admitted this? !

"Mr. Li, what the hell are you?" Betty was confused.

Karen li smiled, "You can achieve it with your efforts. I have already carried a hundred kilos of

things in my hands, and a chain on my legs, which is also one hundred kilos...I will lift ten kilos

next month, and then next year, I will lift another ten kilograms..."
Betty was stunned, she knew this, but did not know that Karen li could continue to add, what is

this concept?

My mother is shocked by Chapter 558 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online with novels

Betty was shocked. Karen li was refreshing her cognition again and again. It can be said that

Betty believed that Karen li's physical fitness at this time was almost reaching the limit of human


"But, will this secret family start to deal with..." Betty worried about this.

Now the matter with the Ok family has not been resolved yet. This secret family is not

comparable to the four major families.

"It's okay, no one can force my son. I will help him with my son's affairs," Karen li said.

Bettyen, "Will the young master be brought back later, what about the Luofu family?"

Chuck was so miserable this time, this one must be doubled back! !

"I asked Ceer what he meant, he shouldn't know about it yet, go, go back,"

"Well, by the way, what about the man who monitors the young master? Did he keep monitoring

the young master?" Betty worried.

This is a big problem, this is not Chuck's whereabouts, all that woman knew?

"Just leave, don't move this family of tens of thousands of people for a while, wait for me to

settle the affairs of the Ouke family, and..." Karen li suddenly fell silent.

"Your grandfather Zhang Qingyang?" Betty asked.

She could feel that Karen li was still very lost, even a little disappointed!

Yes, when Karen li followed the bullet on the tracker last time, she knew something.
In addition, Zhang Qingyang has not been in contact recently. After all, Karen li broke into the

Li family, but it was spread in the United States.

"Well, I must understand this matter. He... why did he have that idea, Ceer is his biological son,

why did he do that." Karen li was a little uncomfortable.

She just couldn't figure it out, why?

You did it wrong, so tell yourself!

"Mr. Li, don't think too much, Master is still waiting." Betty said.

She felt the sadness of Karen li.

After all, the man who has been loyal for so long has actually got distracted.

What is this for? !

"Well," Karen li shook her head and sorted out her emotions.

She took the phone and called Black Rose.

The black rose still vibrating in the jungle here. She took it out to see that it was Karen li.


"My son has been found by Logan."

"Huh." Black Rose was relieved. After so many days, she had been searching for a long time.

Basically, she didn't have a good rest. Today, you can take a good rest.

"I'll send you the address, you come over and eat together," Karen li continued.

"I still have a rest first. I saw a big tree, and I went to sleep for a while."

"Well, thank you,"

"Yes, he... it's okay," Black Rose hung up the phone, she climbed a big tree, and found a forked

place to lie down.

So comfortable.
She was feeling exhausted. She closed her eyes and suddenly thought of something. She licked

her tongue. "Suddenly, it seems to eat mung bean cake..."


"Aunt Logan,"

Chuck continued to sleep, but he slept on Logan's legs and could not fall asleep again.

Maybe I heard what my mother said just now, and he was thinking about something else.

"What's wrong?" Logan smiled softly, and she arranged Chuck's hair with her hands.

"can not fall asleep,"

"Want to talk?"

"Yes, Aunt Logan, can I ask you a question?" Chuck looked at her.

"Yes, you ask."

Chuck actually wanted to ask why Logan didn't wear jeans. After all, Chuck wanted to see what

Logan's back looks like, but it's definitely inappropriate to ask.

"What's wrong? Why don't you ask?" Logan looked at Chuck for a long time, and she smiled


"I still forget it, don't ask, I continue to sleep well," Chuck shook his head, Logan so hard to find

himself, he still asked that kind of question, how could it work? ?

Logan will definitely feel particularly embarrassed.

So how do you continue to chat?

"Why? You can ask, ask me what, I will tell you," Logan took it seriously.

What can Chuck ask himself? It must be some of my own things, such as how to have the

present, such as what I usually do, and other things...

Yes, Logan is particularly simple in this respect, but she never thought about it. Chuck may ask

himself why he usually doesn’t wear jeans?

She might be so dumbfounded, so dumb...

"Well, don't ask, I fell asleep," Chuck shook his head, Meimei continued to sleep.

He still hugs Logan, so he can have a sweet dream.

Gradually, Logan saw Chuck fell asleep, she was at ease, she was thinking, what question did

Chuck just want to ask? ?

How to stop talking, aroused her curiosity.

"Speaking again, what dream are you doing?... Have you ever dreamed of me? Have you?"

Logan lowered her voice and asked, Chuck fell asleep. Where can I hear it?

"I also sleep for a while."

Logan secretly clicked on Chuck's cheek. She closed her eyes and prepared to sleep on the sofa,


"Aunt Logan, you..."

A shocked voice came in.

Yes, this person is Yvette, the expression on her face is shocked, especially the pair of eyes, with

a stunned incomparable!

She had just received a call from Logan and knew Chuck was safe. She was crying in joy in the


Without a little delay, she rushed over non-stop, she had too much to say, too much...

She just wanted to stay with Chuck now.

However, when Yvette arrived at the door, and she was expecting to knock on the door with

nervous expectation, she found that the door was not closed, and she unconsciously acted and

pushed the door in...

Then I saw the scene just now, Logan kissed Chuck...

She was shocked. .

Yes, Logan did not close the door again in a trance, was seen.

In the face of Yvette's shocked expression, Logan's beautiful face suddenly turned red, her eyes

dodged, and she put down Chuck's head busy and covered him with something.

Silent! The room was quiet, and the needle was audible!

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

"Yvette, I..." Logan never felt that he would be as embarrassed as he is now! !

Just seen by Karen li just now, she just feels shy. After all, at the very least, Karen li originally

made a match between Chuck and herself.

Then you kiss Chuck, and she is seen by Chuck's mother. This is only shy.

But when Zhang Yi's wife Yvette saw it, she felt panicked and instantly collapsed.

Embarrassment, pain, and loss, and even guilt over Yvette, all of a sudden made Logan panicked

and confused.

She didn't know what to do, she didn't know at all. She wished Yvette came over and gave her a

few slaps. She would not resist, she would only feel guilty.

It is impossible for Chuck and himself. Why do you kiss him? ?

"Yvette, I..." Logan felt Yvette's eyes change.

Shocked, with a hint of anger, and then finally to loss, and pain.

"Aunt Logan, let's talk," Yvette went out.

Logan's legs could not move, Yvette slapped himself a few times, and he felt better!

But Yvette didn't do it.

Logan looked at Chuck, who was asleep, and she walked out with legs like lead pouring.

The two stared at each other, and Logan lost her confidence for the first time. She felt that she

was particularly guilty and very special...

She couldn't imagine the embarrassment just now.

"Aunt Logan, when did this start?" Yvette took a breath and calmed down.

"I... the time when you disappeared began," Logan said, and Chuck was inseparable at that time,

especially when she took care of Chuck because Yvette was missing and in a low mood.

Every night, Chuck falls asleep on Logan's legs.

Yvette understood that it was really that time, because only then, Chuck and Logan stayed

together for a long time, no wonder, Logan would come over so far.

I should have felt it for a long time, but Yvette didn’t think about it. How did she get it, Logan


"You have fallen in love with me since then... fell in love with him?"

"Well, I'm sorry, I... I will never, never again." Logan apologized.

My mother is a Baller

Logan whispered, she didn't feel confident at all, because she couldn't help herself, so Yvette, the

wife of Chuck, caught a straight one.

She has a feeling of doing something wrong.

Yvette was quiet and silent, she did not deny it, so when she saw Logan's relationship with

Chuck, she was particularly angry and very angry!

Because in Yvette's heart, Logan has always been an elder, but actually did such a thing.

However, Yvette calmed down when she was angry. She didn't know how to deal with it. She

was very tangled. Also, she felt a little embarrassed.

"Aunt Logan, don't say that," Yvette shook his head.

In Yvette's eyes, Logan has always been a gentle and understanding woman.

She could understand something she couldn't help but do.

"I..." Logan bit her lip and Yvette's forgiveness made her feel more guilty.

She had already decided in her heart that she would never do that again, and even if she couldn't

help herself, she must absolutely control herself.

"Aunt Logan, I want to ask you a question." Yvette urged her to ask.

"You said,"

"Have you and Chuck ever done that..." Yvette couldn't say anymore.

"No, no." Logan didn't understand what Yvette meant. She was asking if she had been with


Of course not, Logan didn't pay much attention to this aspect. What she wanted was spiritual.

She cares more about this.

"Yvette, you believe me, really don't. Ceer doesn't like me, doesn't like me, how can I do

anything with him?" Logan shook his head.

The tone was anxious, for fear that Yvette would not believe it.

"Well, Aunt Logan, I believe you." Yvette is serious, she is also a woman, and of course can feel

that Logan's words are really fake.

She can clearly feel what kind of person Logan is.

"Yvette, do you really believe me?" Logan bit her lip.

"Well, I believe, Aunt Logan gives me the feeling that you are very principled and will not do

such a thing. Even just now, it is only after he falls asleep..." Yvette stopped.

"Thank you, I will never again, absolutely not." When Logan said this, he was very sad.

In fact, she has been in control all the time. She will bury everything in her heart, but she

couldn't help it just because she couldn't help it.

In the future, she will never be able to do that again. Even, she must keep a distance from Chuck

and cannot stay in a room.

"Aunt Logan, I don't know how to say this, but, I know it feels that there is no way to do this. I

didn't see it as if it weren't." Yvette could only deal with it like this.

"Thank you, starting today, I will keep a distance from him," Logan said lost.

"In fact, it's not necessary..." Yvette didn't know what he and Chuck ended up with.

Karen li, who killed his father and enemy, is always sandwiched between two people. How to

deal with this matter?

Yvette attacked the future of Chuck and could not see it at all.

So what can you do? ?

Now with Chuck, the first is that she cannot refuse Chuck.

The second is that she also likes it. The current situation can only be controversial.

"It is necessary, there is," Logan took it seriously.

Yvette suddenly felt inexplicable, and she couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

"What is necessary? Aunt Logan... Yvette, wife,"

The confused Chuck woke up and didn't see Logan. He came out unexpectedly and saw Yvette

who hadn't seen him for a long time. At that moment, Chuck was excited like a child.

He rushed over and hugged Yvette.

Affected by this enthusiasm, Yvette also moved, his tears blurred, "Her husband..."

The two embraced.

Logan, beside her, was lonely and lonely, and her eyes were wet. She didn't want Chuck to see

her like this. She lowered her head.

You can't be like him for a lifetime.

After the surprise, Yvette woke up and there was Logan beside him.

She couldn't look like Logan.

"Her husband, don't do this," Yvette struggled.

Chuck also awakened, yes, Logan is still around.

"Aunt Logan,"

"Well, I'll go next to it. You and Yvette have a good talk." Logan raised her head and smiled,

burying the bitterness in her heart.

She has always been like this, and she is unwilling to show her emotions in this regard.

Indeed, Chuck has many words to say to Yvette, "Uh huh."

Chuckla and Yvette entered the room. Yvette was a little complicated and followed Chuck into

the room.

It's empty outside.

Logan walked outside herself, looking at the traffic outside, she suddenly felt like she wanted to

cry, or wanted to cry.

But no.

How can I cry? What if Chuck sees it?

How do you explain it yourself?

She controlled herself sadly. At this time, there was a voice behind her, "Logan, what's wrong

with you?"

Karen li and Betty are back.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Logan shook her head and completely suppressed the emotion in her heart.

Karen li looked up at the hotel and realized, "Yvette is back?"

"Well, come back."

"And what did you see?"

"Well, I saw it."

"Then, Yvette got angry?"

"No, she didn't get angry at all, didn't see the same."

"Then you..." Karen li knew Logan's character, too.

Logan is heartbroken, otherwise how could this be? ?

"I'm fine." Logan has suppressed his emotions.

"Ah, you guys, I don't know how to say it,"

Karen li is helpless. As a person who loves this kind of love, she can't say it at all.

"Well," Logan was silent for the first time in front of Karen li, but only for a few seconds, she

asked quickly, "Sister Karen..."

"I think you call me aunt, I like it more," Karen li stretched out his hand and sorted Logan's

forehead's hair.


"Don't be,"

"Well, what did the woman say?"

Logan is worried about this. The hidden family is really not a joke. If the hidden family takes

action, the situation is absolutely in crisis.

"She said she wanted to let Ceer get into trouble and follow her surname,"

"What? No, absolutely not." Logan immediately shook his head.

How is this possible? !

Let Chuck enter into trouble, but also want Chuck to change his surname to Wan?

"I can't say that, but her person, you didn't call it, really... It's hard to say in a word, now it can

only be, the soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth." This is Karen li's method.

After returning to the United States, she will immediately solve the problems of the Ouke family,

and then resist the hidden family with all her strength! !

"Well," Logan breathed a sigh of relief, what was the difference from selling Chuck? !

This is absolutely not allowed.

"Betty, you go up and call Ce'er, Yvette comes down, and then go back to the rice country

together," Karen li said.

Bettyen, walk up.

Seeing Logan's emotions is still a bit lost, Karen li "amount", on this issue, she is embarrassed,

"After going back, I will accompany you to drink,"

"Well." Logan thought he was going to drink some wine, which made him feel better.

in the room.

Chuck is really happy.

Yvette lay beside Chuck, "Her husband, do you still have a headache?"

"It doesn't hurt, it's just a little uncomfortable," Chuck still felt a little bit. This can only be said

after arriving in the United States.

"Then check it carefully, husband, can you answer me a question?"

"Of course, you ask."

"In your mind, what does Logan look like?" Yvette asked this question.

this problem?

Yeah, Chuck was a little confused. First of all, it was amazing. When I saw Logan, it was


Then there is the idea, then what is it? Because of Logan's careful care during that period, Chuck

felt that, thinking that, she was sorry Logan.

So he respected, and now respects Logan.

"Respect her." Chuck said.

"Respect?" Yvette was stunned, Logan was so perfect, Chuck didn't even like it? She doesn't

even know what she thinks?


Yvette was quiet, "Husband."

Chuck hugged her, "Why mention this suddenly?"

"Nothing, husband, miss me?" Yvette blushed, Chuck understood, of course, but just thinking,

what happened to Logan just now? What did Yvette tell Logan? ?

"Wife, what did you say to Aunt Logan just now?" Chuck asked.

My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 590

"Nothing." Of course Yvette would not say what he just saw.

Because Chuck said it personally, but respect Logan.

There is no idea in that respect, so what do you say to embarrass Chuck and Logan? ?
"En." Chuck also felt that there would be nothing.

Logan and Yvette have a good relationship, what can they say?

But Chuck was thinking that Logan's beautiful eyes had a bit of sadness that could not be

concealed for a moment when he looked at Logan. Why?

Chuck thinks that he should have read it wrong, Logan shouldn't have anything to be sad about,


Successful career. The character is good and beautiful.

Chuck didn't think much, "wife, it's been a long time..."

"Little villain, thinking again, waiting for a while." Yvette smiled slightly, too, and it has been a

long time since he was together.


The sound of knocking on the door.

"Master, Mr. Li is back, let you go down. Now I'm back to the United States," Betty's voice was


"Okay, I will come out immediately," Chuck said.

"Wife, go back and say," Chuck stood up.

"Okay, listen to you, go back to whatever you say, listen to you." Yvette was a little gentle.

Really, she was terrified this time. Especially worried.

Just lying in Chuck's heart, listening to Chuck's heartbeat, she felt real and Chuck was still alive.

Chuck smiled slightly, "All listen to me?"

"En. But you know, I can't accept anything now," Yvette said.

Yvette still can't cross this hurdle. She likes Chuck. In addition to this, she satisfies all

requirements of Chuck.
I don't know when it started, it has always been like this.

"Well, let's go back." Chuck and Yvette went out.

"Aunt Logan?" Chuck asked Betty when she was outside.

"Wait below,"

"Then you saw that person this time, what did she say?" Chuck was more concerned about this.

Of course, Betty said everything, and said her own view of the woman. When Yvette knew

nothing about it, especially when she heard that woman wanted Chuck to go into trouble, she

was not angry. Here comes.

"She actually?? Want my husband to join in?" Yvette's eyes chilled.

"Well, that's what she said." Betty was also angry.

Chuck has the powerful mother Karen li, how can it be added?

"Husband, what happened to you?" Yvette was a little jealous. She didn't eat Logan's, but this

woman's jealousy, she had to eat it.

She can't stand to rob Chuck with such insults!

"Nothing, I just saved her and brought her out." Chuck was also speechless.

He couldn't figure it out, how did this woman think of herself?

Chuck thinks, is this woman too powerful to regard herself as a fancy toy? ?

Yes, she is a toy in her eyes? !

"Nothing happened in the middle? I don't believe it, I recruited it!" Yvette became serious, as if

he were a teacher at that time.

Betty is also curious, yes, the two have been together for a few days, should something happen?

"Really? She hurt her foot. I held her for a few days."

"You hugged her for a few days? Husband, how can you do this?" Yvette vinegar up.
It really shouldn't be!

Betty smiled, but suddenly felt that she was laughing?

Chuck hugs her? !


Chuck admitted that he was really a bitch of the Virgin this time, and he really shouldn't save the

woman. Just go out and do what the hell is going on?

When she arrived, the woman was not touched at all, but instead called her mother, Chuck was


Chuckzhen especially regretted saving her.

At that time, what did you do about that business?

"Ignore you, don't think of touching me today, I will not listen to you, no, absolutely not," Yvette

shook his head.

Chuck must be punished.

Otherwise, how many women have to hook up? !

Logan has fallen, and so is Zelda. Yvette felt more and more thought... sour.

"My wife," Chuck apologized when she knew she was wrong.

This sound made Yvette soft-hearted, but remained serious.

She wants to break free. But if she tried hard, it was useless, she wouldn't struggle anymore,

whatever he did, she would not be obedient tonight anyway. I have to sleep in separate beds...

But...I haven't slept well for a long time. She only felt safe by relying on Chuck. What should I


Do not listen, absolutely do not listen! !

Three people down.

The car is ready, just go directly to the airport.

Chuck thought, take a good rest after going back, sit in, Karen li drove.

Logan looked out of the window, Chuck called her, and Loganen gave a cry.

Chuck felt strange, what happened to Logan today?

He didn't ask too much, it should be too tired, I have found myself for so long.

At the airport, Chuck boarded a private jet. Take off to the United States.

On the plane, Chuck and Yvette apologized.

Yvette shook his head, "I'm not angry, but I won't listen to you today,"

Chuck was helpless.

Yvette watched Chuck's head down, but she couldn't bear it either, "Her husband, come here, but

you can't touch me,"

Chuck smiled and came over, leaning on Yvette.

Yvette was right, "Her husband, I will give you something."


"Look, I was in the Amazon forest. I saw it by the river when I was drinking water." Yvette took

out a transparent stone the size of his eyes, and it was a little red.

"This is a diamond?" Chuck was surprised.

"Um, it should be a blood drill, so heavy, it should be valuable. Here you are, don't mess up in

the future, be obedient, you know?" Yvette said.

I feel that I am still like a teacher, so I want to give a gift to comfort Chuck.

She thought it was funny, but it was interesting.

"Wife, you hold this diamond," what does Chuck want the diamond to do?
"Here, you will be obedient in the future, don’t just be a woman. You have to do anything to

women, don’t you know? Otherwise, I will be angry, especially angry, and the consequences of

my anger. That is, not to listen to you "Jian Yinan said.

Of course Chuck knew that he couldn't do something sorry for Yvette, but he did it before, with

Zelda, Queenie, and Murong Qing.

I don't know what happened to them.

This should be a secret in Chuck's heart.

"Well, I know," Chuck nodded and collected the diamonds. If he was short of money, he could

sell them. After all, this diamond is very big. Chuck never saw such a big diamond. It should be

very valuable, so you can take it.

"Really?" Yvette smiled slightly.


"You, I don't believe you. However, just listen to me as much as possible, do you know?" Yvette

knew Chuck's identity, how could there be no other woman around? ?

She knows that she also wants Chuck alone, but something that cannot be avoided, then it is up

to Chuck to realize that she does not want to interfere too much with Chuck, which is not good.

"Got it, wife, will you listen to me tonight?" Chuck cares about this.

"No, this is my punishment for getting angry this time. Sleeping honestly tonight, don't think

about anything, you said, I won't listen." Yvette became serious.

Chuck is all right, okay, but, relying on Yvette to rest for a while, this is still ok.


"who are you looking for?"

Jiang Ran had an indifferent man in front of him. This was the bodyguard of Karen li's villa area.

He had noticed that Jiang Ran, the girl who had been watching here these days, hesitated.

Who are you looking for?

"I..." Jiang Ran really didn't know how he came.

She couldn't contact Chuck for a long time. She only had to follow Chuck's place. Come and ask.

What if Chuck really lives here?

"Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Chuck." Jiang Ran said nervously. She asked about this place. This is a woman's

place called Karen li.

This is the place where the super rich can only live, and this piece is all Karen li. In other words,

no one else can live in this place.

So why does Chuck say that he lives here? ?

"Are you looking for our young master?" the man asked in surprise.

My mother is a Baller

My mother is a Baller, and the novel 591 is a waste! Listen online with novels

Jiang Ran was really stunned!

She asked about this place. It was the villa of Karen li, the super rich man of the United States.

This piece belongs to her. However, such a rich person? ?

This is, Chuck is called Master?

"Chuck is your young master? Who is Karen li?" Jiang Ran asked knowingly, but she wanted to

know for sure.

"Son, of course son, are you?" The man looked at Jiang Ran.
It's about the same age as Chuck, is it a classmate? ?

Jiang Ran was shocked. She knew Chuck was rich, but she didn't expect it to be so rich! ?

Jiang Ran felt incredible!

"Student, I am your junior's classmate," Jiang Ran murmured, feeling dreaming.

She suddenly felt so ridiculous. At that time in China, she still looked down on Chuck. What

qualifications did she have to look down on him? !

Also, Chuck said that while living here. I didn't believe it.

Why don't you believe it? !

Jiang Ran suddenly found he couldn't understand himself.

"Is he inside now?" Jiang Ran asked, since Chuck really lived here.

"No," the man shook his head. The matter has already spread to the United States, and Karen li's

son was caught.

"Then where is he?"

The man was silent for a second, "Something happened to my young master,"

"What happened? What happened?" Jiang Ran panicked.

It turns out that it's no wonder that Chuck's mobile phone has always been turned off. I didn't

expect something to happen! !

"Catched." The man said.


Jiang Ran froze, "Who was caught?"

"not sure."

"How could this be? How could it be? I'm looking for him," Jiang Ran ran away and left by car.

The man was stunned.

Forget it, let her go find it!

Soon. The car came over.

It was Karen li who brought Chuck back.

Chuck felt relieved that the family returned at noon.

"That, young master, just now a girl came to you and said it was your classmate," the man

walked over.

"Classmate?" Chuck touched his nose, should it be Jiang Ran?

After so many days, she is still in the United States?

Did not go back?

Chuck thought he was wrong, so he let the bodyguard describe his appearance, and the

bodyguard said.

Chuck is in tens of a dozen, it is Jiang Ran, forget it, I will get in touch again if I have a chance.

But those two people who owe their money, Chuck did not forget! !

They must be brought in!

Yvette looked at Chuck, his eyes calm.

Of course Chuck knows what it means, "It's a classmate."

"I won't listen to you," Yvette walked in.

Chuck is helpless, Yvette must have misunderstood, this is no way!

The point is, he and Jiang Ran have nothing to do with it!

This is a bit wrong.

The whole family went in, but Chuck thought of someone, Du Peixin, where did that woman

go? ?
"You go to the airport now and pick me up for a woman named Du Peixin." Chuck said to the


"Yes, sir, I will pass now." The man left.

When he arrived home, Karen li put on an apron to make a delicious meal. Chuck had never

eaten anything good on Amazon. Karen li had asked Betty to call a doctor.

After finishing the meal, Chucktou will be checked.

What went wrong?

Otherwise, Karen li could not rest assured.

Karen li, Logan, Yvette. Chuck, and Betty, have dinner together.

Yvette and Logan bowed their heads.

Karen li understands what is going on, so the meal was very quiet. After the meal, the doctor

came and everyone accompanied Chuck to do the examination.

The process is actually very fast, but Karen li and the others waited a long time, and they were

suffering every minute and one second.

After the treatment, the doctor came out.

Karen li asked nervously, "How is my son?"

Yvette, Logan and Betty are all nervous!


The doctor said quietly for a few seconds, "What about the young master's situation? His head

was hit by heavy objects, which directly affected his brain. Fortunately, the young master's

physical fitness is good, and he has resisted it, but it may be affected by neural memory. ."

The four men looked at each other.

"So what do you mean, my son will lose memory?" Karen li panicked, how could this be?
"This chance is very low, almost no, mainly affects his memory. This is a big problem," the

doctor sighed abnormally.

In this respect, it is really not treatable with general medicine.

"Doctor, you mean, is it right? Will memory decline?" Logan was anxious.

"you could put it that way."

"How should that be treated?" several people said in unison.

Actually so serious? Memory in decline. This is a big problem. There is nothing wrong with

being young now, but when you get old, then the problem will definitely come out.

"This, I have to go back and study it. President Li is assured that I will do my best for the young

master!" said the doctor.

"Dr. Liu, I believe you, but my son will never lose memory?" Karen li asked cautiously. In case

of amnesia, this is a big problem!

"This chance is very low, even if you have amnesia, it is also a short clip of amnesia, which has

no effect on the overall memory. Doesn't the master still know you?"

"Yes. Know," Karen li breathed a sigh of relief. Yes, Chuck hasn't seen any problems so far.

I know everyone.

Yvette felt the same way. Logan and Betty were the same.

"Okay, then I went to study. In terms of drugs, President Li still needs to have a psychological

preparation, which may be very rare." The doctor gave a vaccination in advance.

"No problem, as long as my son is okay, there is no problem with how much money and how

much it costs."

"it is good,"

The doctor left.

Several people in Karen li went in.

"Mother, is there no problem?" Chuck just felt uncomfortable.

"Relax, no problem." Karen li smiled and comforted.

Chuck was relieved, and his head was hit so hard, should it take some time to repair? There

should be no problem.

"Cer. Take a good rest, I will avenge you tomorrow," Karen li's eyes were cold.

If it was not the girl of the Luo Fu family, how could Chuck encounter such a thing? ?

"Mum, that belongs to the Luofu family,"

"Well, I know, rest, we are out." Karen li said.

Logan wanted to stay for a while, but. She went out with Karen li in her heart.

"Wife," Chuck called.

"Obey, you have to rest. I will listen to you tomorrow." Yvette felt distressed, she touched

Chuck's head. The hair on this wound hasn't grown very much yet, it must be very painful.

"Do not believe today?"

"No, I said, I won't listen to you today," Yvette shook his head seriously.

"Okay," Chuck also had a headache, so he slept better.


Yvette gave Chuck a sip.

"Don't think about it, this is my biggest concession, sleep well, and do whatever you want me to

do tomorrow, just do it, well, I'm out." Yvette went out.

Chuck smiled slightly, his wife is so good! !


"Waste, you are all a group of waste!"

The blue-eyed beauty is furious in the villa! ?

"Miss Hui. That Chuck really couldn't find it." Several mercenaries knelt down. They had been

searching in the Amazon deep forest for a long time, but they couldn't find it!

"He, I'll find him sooner or later, but what about that person? The one who saved me? You didn't

find it? What are you doing?" The blue-eyed beauty was furious.

"Sorry, Miss. You are too vague, there is no voice, no appearance, we are not easy to find." The

mercenaries are helpless.

Nothing, how to find it? At the very least, it needs a look!

Even if you don’t look like it, you need some characteristics. For example, where there are

tattoos and where there are moles, there is no such thing. How to find them?

"Go to death, if you can't find it, you will all die. See if you can't find it, can't you go soon?"


Several mercenaries went out bitterly.

The blue-eyed beauty was annoyed and was upset about something. The young woman of her

mother came in, "Daughter, why are you so angry?"

"They are all waste. I asked them to find someone to save me. Waste?" The blue-eyed beauty

was so angry that she wanted these people to do it!

You must know who saved yourself, and you must repay him!

My mother is a Baller, and the novel 591 is a waste! Listen online with novels

Jiang Ran was really stunned!

She asked about this place. It was the villa of Karen li, the super rich man of the United States.

This piece belongs to her. However, such a rich person? ?

This is, Chuck is called Master?

"Chuck is your young master? Who is Karen li?" Jiang Ran asked knowingly, but she wanted to

know for sure.

"Son, of course son, are you?" The man looked at Jiang Ran.

It's about the same age as Chuck, is it a classmate? ?

Jiang Ran was shocked. She knew Chuck was rich, but she didn't expect it to be so rich! ?

Jiang Ran felt incredible!

"Student, I am your junior's classmate," Jiang Ran murmured, feeling dreaming.

She suddenly felt so ridiculous. At that time in China, she still looked down on Chuck. What

qualifications did she have to look down on him? !

Also, Chuck said that while living here. I didn't believe it.

Why don't you believe it? !

Jiang Ran suddenly found he couldn't understand himself.

"Is he inside now?" Jiang Ran asked, since Chuck really lived here.

"No," the man shook his head. The matter has already spread to the United States, and Karen li's

son was caught.

"Then where is he?"

The man was silent for a second, "Something happened to my young master,"

"What happened? What happened?" Jiang Ran panicked.

It turns out that it's no wonder that Chuck's mobile phone has always been turned off. I didn't

expect something to happen! !

"Catched." The man said.

Jiang Ran froze, "Who was caught?"

"not sure."

"How could this be? How could it be? I'm looking for him," Jiang Ran ran away and left by car.

The man was stunned.

Forget it, let her go find it!

Soon. The car came over.

It was Karen li who brought Chuck back.

Chuck felt relieved that the family returned at noon.

"That, young master, just now a girl came to you and said it was your classmate," the man

walked over.

"Classmate?" Chuck touched his nose, should it be Jiang Ran?

After so many days, she is still in the United States?

Did not go back?

Chuck thought he was wrong, so he let the bodyguard describe his appearance, and the

bodyguard said.

Chuck is in tens of a dozen, it is Jiang Ran, forget it, I will get in touch again if I have a chance.

But those two people who owe their money, Chuck did not forget! !

They must be brought in!

Yvette looked at Chuck, his eyes calm.

Of course Chuck knows what it means, "It's a classmate."

"I won't listen to you," Yvette walked in.

Chuck is helpless, Yvette must have misunderstood, this is no way!

The point is, he and Jiang Ran have nothing to do with it!
This is a bit wrong.

The whole family went in, but Chuck thought of someone, Du Peixin, where did that woman

go? ?

"You go to the airport now and pick me up for a woman named Du Peixin." Chuck said to the


"Yes, sir, I will pass now." The man left.

When he arrived home, Karen li put on an apron to make a delicious meal. Chuck had never

eaten anything good on Amazon. Karen li had asked Betty to call a doctor.

After finishing the meal, Chucktou will be checked.

What went wrong?

Otherwise, Karen li could not rest assured.

Karen li, Logan, Yvette. Chuck, and Betty, have dinner together.

Yvette and Logan bowed their heads.

Karen li understands what is going on, so the meal was very quiet. After the meal, the doctor

came and everyone accompanied Chuck to do the examination.

The process is actually very fast, but Karen li and the others waited a long time, and they were

suffering every minute and one second.

After the treatment, the doctor came out.

Karen li asked nervously, "How is my son?"

Yvette, Logan and Betty are all nervous!

The doctor said quietly for a few seconds, "What about the young master's situation? His head

was hit by heavy objects, which directly affected his brain. Fortunately, the young master's

physical fitness is good, and he has resisted it, but it may be affected by neural memory. ."

The four men looked at each other.

"So what do you mean, my son will lose memory?" Karen li panicked, how could this be?

"This chance is very low, almost no, mainly affects his memory. This is a big problem," the

doctor sighed abnormally.

In this respect, it is really not treatable with general medicine.

"Doctor, you mean, is it right? Will memory decline?" Logan was anxious.

"you could put it that way."

"How should that be treated?" several people said in unison.

Actually so serious? Memory in decline. This is a big problem. There is nothing wrong with

being young now, but when you get old, then the problem will definitely come out.

"This, I have to go back and study it. President Li is assured that I will do my best for the young

master!" said the doctor.

"Dr. Liu, I believe you, but my son will never lose memory?" Karen li asked cautiously. In case

of amnesia, this is a big problem!

"This chance is very low, even if you have amnesia, it is also a short clip of amnesia, which has

no effect on the overall memory. Doesn't the master still know you?"

"Yes. Know," Karen li breathed a sigh of relief. Yes, Chuck hasn't seen any problems so far.

I know everyone.

Yvette felt the same way. Logan and Betty were the same.
"Okay, then I went to study. In terms of drugs, President Li still needs to have a psychological

preparation, which may be very rare." The doctor gave a vaccination in advance.

"No problem, as long as my son is okay, there is no problem with how much money and how

much it costs."

"it is good,"

The doctor left.

Several people in Karen li went in.

"Mother, is there no problem?" Chuck just felt uncomfortable.

"Relax, no problem." Karen li smiled and comforted.

Chuck was relieved, and his head was hit so hard, should it take some time to repair? There

should be no problem.

"Cer. Take a good rest, I will avenge you tomorrow," Karen li's eyes were cold.

If it was not the girl of the Luo Fu family, how could Chuck encounter such a thing? ?

"Mum, that belongs to the Luofu family,"

"Well, I know, rest, we are out." Karen li said.

Logan wanted to stay for a while, but. She went out with Karen li in her heart.

"Wife," Chuck called.

"Obey, you have to rest. I will listen to you tomorrow." Yvette felt distressed, she touched

Chuck's head. The hair on this wound hasn't grown very much yet, it must be very painful.

"Do not believe today?"

"No, I said, I won't listen to you today," Yvette shook his head seriously.

"Okay," Chuck also had a headache, so he slept better.

Yvette gave Chuck a sip.

"Don't think about it, this is my biggest concession, sleep well, and do whatever you want me to

do tomorrow, just do it, well, I'm out." Yvette went out.

Chuck smiled slightly, his wife is so good! !


"Waste, you are all a group of waste!"

The blue-eyed beauty is furious in the villa! ?

"Miss Hui. That Chuck really couldn't find it." Several mercenaries knelt down. They had been

searching in the Amazon deep forest for a long time, but they couldn't find it!

"He, I'll find him sooner or later, but what about that person? The one who saved me? You didn't

find it? What are you doing?" The blue-eyed beauty was furious.

"Sorry, Miss. You are too vague, there is no voice, no appearance, we are not easy to find." The

mercenaries are helpless.

Nothing, how to find it? At the very least, it needs a look!

Even if you don’t look like it, you need some characteristics. For example, where there are

tattoos and where there are moles, there is no such thing. How to find them?

"Go to death, if you can't find it, you will all die. See if you can't find it, can't you go soon?"


Several mercenaries went out bitterly.

The blue-eyed beauty was annoyed and was upset about something. The young woman of her

mother came in, "Daughter, why are you so angry?"

"They are all waste. I asked them to find someone to save me. Waste?" The blue-eyed beauty

was so angry that she wanted these people to do it!

You must know who saved yourself, and you must repay him!

My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 592

The blue-eyed beauty is also thinking these days. What does the person who saved himself look

like that day?

High is not high, handsome is not handsome.

Why not show up? ?

Selfless dedication?

She certainly can't do this, but the only thing she can be sure of is that the person who saved

herself is definitely a rice country!

This is something she can definitely be sure of!

Because it is possible to stone three people. One of them was also smashed to death. This must

be the strength of only the talents of the United States!

No one else! !

"Emily, you didn't see that person at all?" Feng Yun's young woman smiled slightly.

If she can save her daughter, then she will certainly not be stingy.

She still knows the remuneration of some money, as long as the person dares to ask for it, she

can speak out. Then she will give! !

"No, no," the blue-eyed beauty was disappointed.

Why didn't the person who saved himself did anything?

Why didn't you come out and see you at that time!

"Don't worry, they will find it," Feng Yun young woman comforted, she felt that her daughter

was anxiously anxious.

This is, saved by the hero. and so? The deer crashed? ?


"Mom, I think he must be an American." The blue-eyed beauty said.

"Well, I also think it is because only American talents will do that. So, you have to find that

person, and then?" The young woman Fengyun smiled slightly, with a lot of amorous feelings.

Of course she understood her daughter's thoughts.

"Mom," the blue-eyed beauty is a little bit shy.


She was rescued in the most dangerous and desperate time.

It is as if this mysterious man has given himself a new life. What is this?

This is to pull myself out of despair! Like an angel!

The blue-eyed beauty is in love with this feeling of being saved, which is great.

She wanted to find this man now, just to be with him.

The pursuit of love by women in the United States is direct and decisive.

It's not easy to feel emotional!

"Well, I know what you are thinking, I will not object, what you like, that is." Feng Yun young

woman touched the head of her daughter, revealing doting.

This person who can save people from leaving has no problem in character.

Then her daughter's heart was moved and she liked it, and she certainly would not object.

After all, his daughter is so old. It seems that he has never had a girlfriend.

At this age, it should be.

"Thank you," the blue-eyed beauty is happy.

With your life-saving benefactor, you will definitely be happy and happy.
Full of worship! !

"By the way, how is the person who caught you?" the young woman Fengyun asked.

This person, she had to see him dead, and actually caught her daughter to such a dangerous

place, and almost killed her daughter. If he was not saved, his daughter must have died.

This person, she wants thousands of swords! !

"Run away, that man, I want him to die!" The blue-eyed beauty was exasperated.

If it were not for him, he would not be so dangerous!

So desperate!

"Relax, okay, is this person called Chuck, right?" Feng Yun asked the young woman.

"Yes, disgusting Chinese!" Blue-eyed beauty hates.

She still remembers how many times she was slapped by Chuck while in Amazon.

She particularly regrets now!

What do you regret?

Regret should not give Chuck a chance, after stunned him at that time, he should find a place to

bury him and kill him! !

In this way, I will not experience that kind of despair!

"Emily, don't worry." The glamour young women's eyes are cold? !

"Mom, I heard there, what is that Karen li's son was arrested by, wasn't you the mother?" the

blue-eyed beauty asked boringly.

It's really upset!

She wanted to see the man who saved herself too much.

"Of course not. What am I doing with her son?" The young Fengyun woman shook her head, not

much fun.
"Who was arrested? The Ok family? I heard that Karen li called someone to kill a person in the

Ok family, so the Ok family arrested Karen li's son for revenge? This is called self-sufficiency!"

The blue-eyed beauty laughed.

In the eyes of the four big families, the others are not worth mentioning at all. Not to mention

Karen li, who was kicked out of the Li family?

But, she was also surprised, because the blue-eyed beauty knew that Karen li actually attacked

the Li family, and she was as successful as shit luck.

"Well, her son, I don't know what the situation is. It may not have been secretly killed by the

people of the Ok family," Feng Yun analyzed.

During this time, Karen li is quiet and peaceful, it should be mourning for her son!

"If you die, die." The blue-eyed beauty doesn't matter.

"Well, is the daughter going to relax?" Feng Yun young woman smiled slightly.

"Forget it, I didn't think about it. I think I liked the person who saved myself," the blue-eyed

beauty was unhappy.

"What if this person is ugly?"

"Then I like it too," the blue-eyed beauty swears full of determination.

"Okay, I won't interfere with you. Go out and relax, there is just an activity." Feng Yun said.

"Okay," the blue-eyed beauty barely stood up.

"Changing a set of clothes." Fengyun young woman asked someone to bring the clothes over.

The blue-eyed beauty looks at her mother and feels that her mother's figure is very well

maintained. That kind of charm, she will be fascinated by a woman.

Good queen!

However, his mother divorced. Keep the window empty.

"What are you looking at?" asked the young woman.

"Mom, I tell you, that bastard Chuck actually said..." The blue-eyed beauty stopped talking, and

she couldn't talk anymore.

Chuck said he wanted his mother.

She heard the fire, not to mention telling her mother.

"What did he say?" The young Fengyun smiled slightly, and the charm was touching.

My daughter, what do you want to say?

"It's nothing, Mom. Let's go out and I'm bored." The blue-eyed beauty said.

She has already changed her clothes.

The mother and daughter went out, and there were bodyguards nearby to ensure their safety.

Arrived at a reception site. It is full of flamboyant, full of noble atmosphere!

Fengyun young woman took her daughter to this reception.

How to say, they are the four big families of the Luofu family. At the reception of this kind of

reception, they are also attracting attention, but the average person does not dare to come close,

because they are not qualified to come close!

"Emily," a man came, full of grace.

This man, the blue-eyed beauty knows, this is his classmate, and has chased himself. It is

considered the second-rate family of the United States.

Fairly handsome.

"Something?" The blue-eyed beauty was indifferent.

"Emily, why haven't you been here for so long, where have you been?" the man asked with


It seems that she hasn't seen this time, she is even more beautiful.
"What's your business? Stop talking to me. I already have someone I like," the blue-eyed beauty

refused indifferently.

The one who saved himself, but the object of his own heart, must be with him, other men, let's

get away!

"People you like? Who is it?" The man was stunned. Who would be fooled by Emily? !

"It's a hero!" The blue-eyed beauty is full of longing for love.

Mysterious person, did you do it on purpose?

When you really want to see you, will you appear in front of yourself?

It must be so, you are preparing to surprise me.

"Hero?" The man is still stunned. He faces money in the four big families. What kind of person

can be considered a hero?

"Yes, so you are far away from me." The blue-eyed beauty went to find her mother.

The man was stunned. Who is Emily's hero? !

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" The blue-eyed beauty suddenly saw her mother, and the young

woman's face was cold.

This is the call, then?

what's the situation?

"One of the bases has caught fire," Feng Yun's young woman's face gloomed down, and she was

surprised. She just received a call saying that a base in her family had caught fire for unknown


You know, as a base, how strict is the security aspect, and it actually caught fire? ?

This is usually impossible.

"Fire? This is their operation error." The blue-eyed beauty immediately analyzed it. This base

will definitely have this problem. It is also inevitable, normal!

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"Mom, they will extinguish the fire. It's just a base. There are few bases in our house?"

There was a fire before, and it’s enough to extinguish the fire. Even if all of them are burnt, it

doesn’t matter!

Anyway, there is something in my own family. What about one or two bases?

"The key is that everything is burned out. It exploded." The young Fengyun woman shook her

head. This can be a bit serious, a serious mistake!

This is simply not allowed at the base.

"That's okay, our family doesn't lack one or two bases, just ask someone to come back," the blue-

eyed beauty commented.

"Well, it's okay, continue." Fengyun young woman smiled again.

My daughter has grown up and can handle things without surprise, this is very good!

It will also be beneficial to inherit the family in the future.

Because the family is like this, don't panic!

Then it's easy to handle things!

"Well, mom, let's go to the bar, by the way, the man over there seems to be watching you." The

blue-eyed beauty said, a handsome old man from the United States.

"Don't think about it, I have no thoughts." Fengyun young woman shook her head, but she

managed the Luofu family. Be careful in this regard.

"Well, I know, drinking, I'm depressed too!" The blue-eyed beauty wanted to get drunk, so when

you woke up, did those mercenaries have any results!

The mother and daughter went to drink.

But at this time, the young woman's mobile phone rang again, her beautiful brow furrowed, took

it out, and answered.

"What's the matter?" Feng Yun said indifferently!

She is the patriarch of the family, and speaking to her opponents, then she must be indifferent

and majestic!

"It's not good, it's not good." Inside the phone, there was a trembling and fearful voice.

"What's wrong?"

"Number three, base number three..."

"What happened to Base No. 3?" The young woman's face sank suddenly.

"There is a fire, all the arms will be burned, and ten newly-developed helicopters have also

been..." This voice dare not go on.

Just now, the bald head caught fire, followed by an explosion. They did not have time to fight the

fire, and the fire spread at an alarming rate.

Along with the explosion, all the most valuable weapons research results of this base have been

completely dissipated.

"Do you want to die, right?" The young woman Yunfeng became somber.

This value is great, but billions of dollars, what is more important? ?

Research results!

It was actually burned.

"Me, me, Rao Ming. I've seen it very closely, but suddenly it caught fire, and I'm too late." The

people inside the phone were almost crying scared,

"Check, if the check is not clear, I want your whole family to die!!!" Feng Yun young woman

hung up the phone.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" The blue-eyed beauty was stunned. Why was her mother's face

so ugly at this time? !

What is the situation?

"Base 3 caught fire, a helicopter worth 150 million US dollars, ten of them were burned, and all

others were burned."

"What?!" The blue-eyed beauty was stunned. Why did it catch fire again? What happened?

Is there any relationship between the two fires? The difference is so short.

"Someone may have to adjust our Luofu family!!!" The young Fengyun woman had to think

about this aspect.

If only one base caught fire, it was the base's management personnel. I neglected and left my


However, two bases caught fire and everything was burned. Then this seriousness is great! ?

Where is there such a coincidence in the world?

"Mom, is it impossible? Who dares to deal with our Luofu family?" The blue-eyed beauty

immediately shook her head in denial.

My family is one of the four major families, and the world can compare. Just a few, how could

anyone dare to do this? ?

Not afraid of doing so, the whole family will die?

"There may also be some fatalities," Feng Yun young woman analyzed.
This is still possible. The four big families will not do this kind of blatantly. After all, if you did

it, wouldn’t you do it yourself?

At this level, the overall situation is very important, so sometimes something like this

happens. The other four major families can be directly excluded.

"What should I do?" The blue-eyed beauty was angry.

This loss is nothing to their family.

However, this is openly challenging the majesty of the Luofu family! !

This is intolerable.

The majesty of a family is particularly important. If it is said that someone dared to do so, then it

must be severely punished, otherwise others would think that their family is bullying.

"I let the other bases be fully monitored!" said Feng Yun's young woman. In fact, it is the same

as usual.

She is also a bit strange. The guards at the base are so tight that it can't be said that it is true that a

fly can't fly in!

Even if you fly in, you know.

But in this case, how do you get in? ?

This is a particularly big problem!

But as soon as the young woman's mobile phone came out, she rang herself and called. Shown

above is Base No. 6.

The blue-eyed beauty was stunned.

The charming young woman's eyes were cold, and she answered.

"No, it's not good. Base No. 6 was attacked and caught fire..." The voice in the phone was


"What?!" The young Fengyun woman was so angry that she fell on her phone. How long did it


The three bases of my own home caught fire after such a short period of time? this is? ?

"sorry, I……"

"Check. It's unclear, you're all going to die!" Fengyun young woman stayed here without any


She hung up the phone.

"Daughter, we will not attend today's reception, go back." Feng Yun young woman knew this

matter was a bit serious.

You may have encountered a madman who is not afraid of death.


The blue-eyed beauty must know the importance. In this case, the obvious problem is big.

It must be dealt with immediately!

The mother and daughter left quickly.

The other people at the reception looked at each other! !

"What happened? What happened to the Luofu family?"

"I don't know, maybe something happened,"

"I just saw that their mother and daughter were particularly angry. What might have happened to


"What can they do, they are from the four big families..."

"Hush, I just got a call, her base 3 is on fire..."

"What? Artificial or something else?"

"How do you know this? But looking at their mother-girl looks, more than one base should be on


"Someone has to deal with the Luofu family?"

"Who dares this?"

"Anyway. I have a good show!"

One sentence for these people, and one sentence for me to express my thoughts, but all agree that

there is a good show.

After all!

Such a thing. Not always seen!


"It's all waste!"

After arriving home, the charming young woman was extremely angry, and it was only twenty

minutes on the road. She actually received a call again and said that the base 11 was on fire.

This is serious! !

So how could a tight base catch fire?

How did other people get in?

"Mom, what the hell is going on? How do I feel that this is done by three other families." The

blue-eyed beauty was angry.

This is totally trampling the majesty of her Luofu family!

This is a shame!

"The other three families?" The beautiful young woman's eyes are cold.
"It is impossible for the Li family, they were attacked by Karen li, self-confident, and have the

courage to provoke me? As for the Ok family, he is also fighting with Karen li in secret, and

there is no time to provoke me, as for..." Feng Yun The young woman stopped.

Because at this time, her sister came back, a young woman in jeans.

"Sister, Emily, what the hell is going on? I just received the call, and all four bases were on fire.

What happened?" The young woman in jeans was extremely angry!

"There is no news from the four bases yet," said Feng Yun young woman. This is the most

serious problem.

The loss of these four bases has exceeded 30 billion US dollars!

Those research results are worth tens of billions!

"Asshole! Dare to provoke our Luofu family! Wait to die!" The young jeans woman was furious!

"Sure!" Feng Yun young woman still wanted to speak.

Ding Ding Ding!

The phone actually rang again, and the young woman's eyes were twitching. She looked at it.

My mother is a Baller with a novel of Chapter 594. She is actually her! Listen online with



The charming young woman answered the phone. Both the blue-eyed beauty and the jeans young

woman were frightened!

Obviously, this 18th base was burned again.

However, the base is strictly monitored!

how did you do that.

Ten seconds later, Feng Yun's young woman's face was ugly. "Check it for me. I can't find it.

Your family will die!!"

The phone hangs up!

"Sister. Base 18 was burnt?" the young woman in jeans asked weakly.

"Well." Feng Yun young woman said.

The two looked at each other! ?


"Who the hell? These people simply can't do it by ordinary means," the young woman in jeans


This question is too big!

"It really shouldn't be possible to find the base, but successfully traversed a lot of surveillance. In

the armed of hundreds of people, the base was burned. How difficult is this, we all know!" Feng

Yun young woman analyzed.

"Yes. I know, but there are few people in the world who can do this!" The young woman in jeans

shook her head.

"Is it a killer?" The blue-eyed beauty analyzed, there are still a few killers in the world that can

do this!

I heard that Black Rose can do that number one female killer.

"Killer? Emily, what do you mean, what kind of black rose?" said the young woman in jeans.


"This should not be the case. The boss of the killer organization, I know, what we do, she knows

it. It irritated me, I let a bomb pass, so that her body could not be found." Feng Yun young

woman shook her head.

The behind-the-scenes boss of the killer organization should not be involved in such a thing,

because she is angry with the Luofu family, which she can't bear! !

"Then they are not black roses, who else? Can this be done?" The young woman in jeans thought

it made sense, but who else?

"Emily, you have to close the door." The young Fengyun woman suddenly became serious.

"Well," the blue-eyed beauty immediately went to close the doors and windows.

The three women looked at each other.

"Sister, what do you want to say?" the young woman in jeans asked.

"Hidden family, did I tell you?" The young woman of Fengyun feels that the other three families

have no time to deal with themselves, even if it is dealt with, they will not be so blatant!

So they can be ruled out! !

As for other families, dare? ?

Have that kind of strength? ? How many bases do you destroy yourself in a row?

No other family!

"Sister, do you mean that the secret family has shot us?? But sister, don't you say that they don't

show their heads at all and only make money silently? Shouldn't they do such a high-profile

thing?" Jeans young woman Shakes his head late. I think it's unlikely.

She was surprised when she heard Fengyun young woman say this before!

Because his family is already one of the four strongest families in the world, now? ?

There are three more powerful secret families, which makes her unacceptable!

"Yes, mom, the hidden family won't do this. I asked them without offending them." The blue-

eyed beauty is no.

Is there a reason for anything?

Plain and unexplained. River water does not violate well water, why do you do that? !

The blue-eyed beauty cannot understand!

"But only the secret family, with this strength can do it, I heard that their family's bodyguard,

that is the most powerful person in the world, it is not difficult to get in and out of our base!"

There is a flash of light in the beauty of the young woman .

What she thought about just now, denied other families, so only the secret family has this


This spearhead has to point to the hidden family!


The young women in jeans and the beautiful blue-eyed women are all stunned.

"If it is really a person from the secret family, what should we do?"

"This is difficult. I don't know what they want to do." Feng Yun's young woman has a headache.

It's really a secret family, so what should she do?

This is a big problem!

The raven is silent!

All three women are in trouble!

Overnight passed. The three women did not sleep for the simple reason that they received five

more calls halfway.

Represents the time of day. Ten bases were destroyed and hundreds of billions of dollars were

lost! !

This is only a trivial matter. The key is that his family's face has been beaten so hard, and ten

bases have been destroyed. Then ten slaps hit his family's face!

Overnight, the Luo Fu family boiled in the rice country.

The news could not be blocked at all.

Everyone is talking about this. Is anyone going to deal with the Luofu family!

The Luofu family was destroyed so many bases overnight, is it going to be bankrupt!

"Too much, if this secret family did it!" The young woman in jeans was extremely angry!

This face, she herself feels hot! !

The young woman's face was ugly. Overnight, the majesty of the Luofu family was greatly


The three women were overwhelmed with anger!

at the same time!

Ok family!

The core members of these families are dumbfounded! I don't even know what happened.

"What's going on? This Luofu family base was destroyed. Who did this?"

"Who knows, is it Li family or..."

"Li family? You're almost over, you can't see it, and dare to provoke the Luofu family? Looking

for death?"

"Yeah, who did that?"

The Ok family is full of doubts. This is so sudden that there is no sign at all!


"What do you think about the Luofu family?"

The Li family, the main eyes of the Li family, are flashing.

"Isn't it made by the Ok family?" someone analyzed.

They didn't even know this news overnight, they were all surprised!

After all, the Li family is tired now!

Knowing this is undoubtedly big news.

"It shouldn't be. Is the Ok family not fighting Li Qing? How can there be time to disperse and

deal with the Luofu family suddenly?"

None of the Li family knew how to say this, too suddenly.

After being quiet for more than ten minutes, the head of the Li family suddenly spoke, "Where is

Karen now?"

"Unclear, what do she do?" Someone pouted.

"That's what she does?"

The Li family was immediately dissatisfied.

The last time Karen li attacked the Li family during this time, they became the laughing stock of

others after tea and dinner. Isn't that enough? ?

"Is Karen still in the country of rice?" The head of the Li family repeated this remark.

"Yes. Isn't she looking for her son? I don't know if I found it. Anyway, someone saw her a few

days ago. Dad, why are you asking her?" She's not our Li family anymore. …"

"Shut up! If Karen is in the US, then she should have done it," the head of the Li family scolded.

"She did it? Is it possible?"

No one in the Li family believes that she has this strength. Challenge the Luofu family?

"Maybe, the quiet personal strength can do this... I will tell you what I said today. If it passes, no

matter who it is, I will drive him out! Did you hear me?" Blame!

The Li family looked at each other, they would not dare! !

But did Karen li really do it? Then she is too brave!

Dare to provoke the Luofu family, die?

Luo Fu family here!

The three women fell silent, and no one spoke.

suddenly! !

The phone rang again, and the young woman's face was gloomy. Was another base destroyed? !

She took a look at the base 3 just now!

"Say!?" Answered, the young woman was expressionless!

"I found it. A monitor saw a person..."

"send to me!!"


The phone hung up.

"Mom. How is it?"


Both the blue-eyed beauty and the young jeans woman asked, nervous.

"There is a result, it's photographed." Fengyun young woman is also nervous. If it is really a

secret family, what should I do?

After all, the secret family is particularly terrifying. The whole world is divided by three

families. The so-called four families are just eating leftovers from others.

This gap is huge!

Ding, here comes the message.

The charming young woman opened it and looked at it. In the night, a person passed by, and the

picture was frozen. It was a woman!

The charming young woman was furious, "It's you!!!"

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I saw that the people on this screen were wearing black clothes and had their hair tied up,

especially capable, that was Karen li! ! Such a moment of anger, the young woman of charm is

beyond description! She always thought it was a secret family, because only the secret family

can do this, and under her strict base guard, she can also intersperse easily! Is this something

ordinary people can do?

Unexpectedly, it wasn't made by the secret family, but by a funeral dog! To be honest, after the

young woman of Feng Yun confirmed that her family was attacked yesterday, she denied Karen

li at once! why?

First, Karen li's strength is not good! Second, Karen li was kicked out by the Li family! Third,

Karen li, regardless of family friendship, actually attacked his Li family, this is a pig

dog! Fourth, Karen li is looking for her son, and has no time to provoke herself, dare to provoke


But it was just such a person who denied it! The young woman's anger at this time is no less than

that of a volcano! ! "Mom, this is..." The blue-eyed beauty saw the stop-frame photo of the

monitoring screen and felt a bit familiar.

Because she rarely sees Karen li! "Actually she! Is this Karen li going to die?

How dare you provoke our Luofu family?

The young woman in jeans was shocked and angry! She didn't think Karen li was actually, why

didn't the secret family do it?

! "what?

Is she Karen li? "

The blue-eyed beauty was stunned.

what happened?

Why did Karen li deal with his Luofu family! Looking for death?

Impatient of living?

In a flash, the blue-eyed beauty couldn't understand it! What a brave dog for a family

dog! "Sister, why did she attack us?

Do you want to attack the Li family last time?

Tell others that she is looking for her son?


The young woman in jeans is too cold.

"Possibly! Karen li, I didn't trouble you, but you took the initiative to provoke me!"

The charming young woman's eyes are cold! ! Yesterday to today, ten bases were actually

destroyed by Karen li, and the face of his Luo Fu family was slapped by Karen li fiercely! How

does this count?

"Well, no matter what she means, dare to do so to our Luofu family, let our Luofu family lose

face overnight, this matter, we must let her pay back ten times! Sister, let me clean up her

company , Also made her company catch fire!!"

The young woman in jeans was extremely angry.

This thing, fire! The majesty of the Luofu family was actually destroyed by a dog who lost his

family! This anger is so high! "Okay, you arrange people to do it now. Remember to be more

beautiful. My Luofu family will not be as obscured as her. It will burn to the ground. I want to let

everyone in the United States know that it offends my Luofu family. What is it?"

The charming young woman's eyes are full of coldness! This anger must be scrubbed with

blood! "Okay, sister, I will do beautiful!"

The young woman in jeans sneered coldly, she went outside! But at this time, suddenly the

phone rang.

It’s a young woman.

The young woman in jeans who came to the door stopped, and she was angry, "Could another

base be destroyed?"

The charming young woman stares at her mobile phone with her home number on it.

The blue-eyed beauty was stunned, "Mom, take it!"

The charming young woman answered, "Say!!"

"Karen li said he wants to see you!"

This is the voice of the captain of his own family guard.


The charming young woman became extremely hot all at once.

Is this self-launching?

Not even looking for a place to hide, but dare to come home?

! The charming young woman sneered, "How many of them?

Should they bring a lot of people? "

This is necessary to reapply the old tricks. Like the Li family, attacking yourself?

It is a pity that she is an arms dealer, and her annual investment in the family escort team is


Want to sneak attack?

is it possible?

The blue-eyed beauty and the jeans young woman looked at each other for three seconds, they

were stunned, and then it was cold, and they took the initiative to send them to the door! This is

death! "Just a few people! A car!"

The captain of the family escort team was also stunned. He did not know if the base was

destroyed by Karen li.

So I was surprised! Why did Karen li come here suddenly?

After all, at the very least, there is no intersection between the Luo Fu family and Karen li. Why

should I drive to visit?

"a car?"

The young woman who was still sneering was stunned.

She thought it was a lot of cars, plus planes and the like came over! Actually not, what is the


Do you come to guilt?

The sneer on the young woman's face appeared again.

"Do you want to let them in?"

The captain of the family guard asked carefully.

He heard the sneer of the charming young woman, what's the situation?

"Release, why not?

! Let them in! "


The phone hung up.

"Karen li brought a few people over."

The charming young woman smiled slightly, like a spring breeze.

"How many people?

Haha, I know, she must know, we know she did it, so she came to her knees and apologized! ! "

Young woman in jeans laughs.

So much simpler?

Karen li is delivered to the door, so what are you going to do?

Fengyun young woman sneered, "It is estimated that she has only one car after all!"

"But isn't Karen li very powerful?

Fighting? "

The blue-eyed beauty thought of this problem.

"Daughter, it is useless to fight fiercely. In this world, there is no one who can withstand bullets.

Even if she is even more powerful, there is no place to use it in our house!"

The charming young woman laughed at the fact that she was in a strict guard! There are guns

everywhere, what if she comes in?

"Yes," the blue-eyed beauty sighed with relief.

How safe is her home, she grew up here since childhood, still don't know?

Karen li is useless when he comes in.

"Fortunately, this is Karen li. If it is a secret family, then..." The young woman in jeans was so


The hidden family is really not comparable to their Luofu family, this difference is big! If it is a

secret family, then all they can do is open their eyes and close their eyes.

Is it still fighting with the strong hidden family?

That's too dangerous.

"Yes, the hidden family should not do this to us."

The charming young woman told the truth, she was relieved.

Now Karen li has taken the initiative, this is still very good! Now, she wants to vent all her anger

last night.

This Karen li mad dog destroys his base, this hatred must be reported! "Karen li brought people


The phone rang again.

The charming young women, the young jeans women, and the blue-eyed women all look out.

The first thing to come in is Karen li.

Indifferent look.

The charming young woman's beautiful eyes shoot out cold.

"Karen li, give me an explanation?

Why ruin my base! ! "

"Say! Actually, I tell you, you are looking for death!"

Young woman in jeans scolded! The blue-eyed beauty saw Karen li, she was a little surprised,

what was it?

She is very rare in this Karen li, but how do you feel that she is a bit like a person today?

Did you read it wrong?

Well, it should be wrong.


Are you asking me why? "

Karen li's eyes narrowed.

This kind of security is still so indifferent.

"Yes, I give you a chance to say the reason! Otherwise, I will make your whole family die!"

The charming young woman spoke.

She was very angry when she saw Karen li. This man was the one who embarrassed her Luofu

family last night! At this time, she felt that her face was hot.

Because I was beaten by Karen li last night, this hatred must be reported today! ! "My reason is

simple, because your daughter!!"

Karen li stared at the blue-eyed beauty.

At this moment, the killer came out.

"My daughter?

What are you talking about? "

Charm young woman scolded! "Yes, because Emily?

Karen li, what reason do you want to find?

Kneel! ! "

The young woman in jeans sneered.

"Karen li, make it clear?


The charming young woman stared coldly at Karen li! The blue-eyed beauty was stunned and

then angry because of herself?

I didn't do anything by myself, why was it because of myself?

"Your daughter caught my son and tortured my son.

You said I should not destroy your base? "

Karen li said.

My mother is a Baller with a novel of Chapter 596 looking for death! Listen online with


Fengyun young woman and jeans young woman laughed at once! "Karen li, Karen li, are you

really a bereavement dog, or a mad dog, biting people on the blind man's head?


Fengyun young woman laughed! "That is, the last time you attacked the Li family just to tell the

people who arrested your son to pay attention, and now there is no result, actually want to take

me and our Luofu family to operate?

what do you think?

Do you have this qualification? "

The young woman in jeans is about to laugh.

This is really crazy dog behavior! Attacking the Li family has no warning effect, so the trick is

used on his own Luofu family?

"Karen li, I am very dissatisfied with this explanation!"

The charming young woman sneered, "You said, you destroyed my ten bases overnight, what are

you going to do?

I also give you a chance to say it yourself! "

"It seems that my warning has no effect on you, Emily!!"

Karen li's eyes have been staring at the blue-eyed beauty.


The blue-eyed beauty was stunned.

The young woman of charm and the young woman of jeans suddenly froze.

"You stunned my son with a stick and grabbed my son to go to Amazon. Did you forget this?


Karen li's voices are all cold! "what?


The blue-eyed beauty was stunned, and a nasty Chinese came out of her head.

She understood why when Karen li came in just now, she felt a little bit familiar with herself.

"Chuck is your son?"

The blue-eyed beauty talked.

"Yes, he is my son, what did you do?

Use me to say more? "

Karen li's expression is cold.

"You, you let him out."

Blue-eyed beauty is angry.

At this time, behind Karen li, Chuck, Yvette, Logan, and Betty all appeared.
Several people are expressionless.

The blue-eyed beauty stared at Chuck, and at this moment she was extremely angry.

Seeing this expression of her daughter, the young woman in style is stunned, as is the young

woman in jeans.

"Emily, the fun you said before, is Karen li's son?"

The charming young woman asked subconsciously.

Because it was so unexpected! His daughter caught Karen li's son and went to Amazon! This

one! ?

In a flash, the young woman in jeans disappeared a little bit, and she lost her breath.

This is also Emily's mistake. If you don't catch someone's son, why are they coming?

! "Well, I didn't expect that he never said."

Blue-eyed beauty is angry.

After the young woman was surprised, she didn't know what to say for a while.

She knew what had happened.

Her daughter provokes Chuck, and then defeated by Chuck, but her daughter was angry, so she

found someone around Chuck, hitting Chuck's head with an iron rod, stunned him, and took him

to Amazon.

Then let Chuck teach his daughter, and was eventually killed, grabbing his daughter and fled.

It seems that his daughter did something wrong.

Silent! The young woman who was still domineering just now was speechless at this

time! ! "What if I catch your son?

I didn’t give him anything, didn’t I give him something to drink?

I said, as long as he fights me and loses, I let him go and give him money. He actually caught me

and almost killed me. How to calculate this account?


For a moment, the despair that the blue-eyed beauty encountered in Amazon made her scream.

"Why are you so straightforward?"

Karen li shook her head.


I hate you Chinese people, why did he hit me?


Why don't you ask this?


Beautiful blue eyes vent.

"Because you provoked him, you lost," Karen li said.

"I provoked him, but should I beat me if I lose?


The blue-eyed beauty was annoyed, as if she had returned to the day, and she had been slapped

before she started playing with Chuck.

"Yes, you should fight if you lose. You don't provoke my son. There is nothing. Besides, you are

not qualified to provoke my son," Karen li said coldly.

"I am not qualified?

mom! ! I want to catch a few of them today, I want to catch them! ! "

The blue-eyed beauty was startled and angry, snarling like a lunatic.

The charming young woman is stunned.

"Do you think I should?


Karen li asked.

The young woman of Fengyun and the young woman of jeans glanced at each other, and the face

of young woman of Fengyun regained cold. "Well, even if this is my daughter's fault, but you

ruined my base. Isn't this what you can do?


"You think I destroyed your base, this matter is over?


Karen li asked coldly.

"Hehehe! So, do you want to continue?

What else can you do?


The charming young woman sneered! This joke is so nice! "You forgot, are you still in our


Do you know how many guns are at you at this time? "

Young woman in jeans taunts.

Since several people in Karen li entered the door, many guns were directed at them.

As long as the order is given, then these people will become Ma Honeycomb! ! "I'm going to do

it, how many guns are useless!"

Karen li shook her head.

"is it?
Ha ha, I really thought that I ruined ten bases in my house like a ghost, do you think you are



Young woman in jeans mocks.

"It seems that there is no need to say some things, really."

Karen li shook her head and stepped forward.

The charming young woman's eyes narrowed, "Karen li, if you step forward, I will let you

become a horse honeycomb!!"

This voice echoed coldly in the hall! The cold muzzle seemed to stretch out.

"Can I not bring people in, how can I do without a little skill?


Karen li took out a thing, a bead.

Suddenly, she let go of the bead and dropped it to the ground. At the moment of landing, the

sound of popping and harsh sound came out.

boom! Fengyun young women, jeans young women, including blue-eyed beauties, and other

people with guns in the hall, subconsciously covered their ears! Because this sound is too

harsh! It's an invisible attack! ! Woo! Everyone didn't see what was happening, just a blurry

shadow was moving. Suddenly, the young woman's body stiffened because... There was one

more person beside her, Karen li! ?

The young woman in jeans and the blue-eyed woman was shocked! "mom?



"More guns are useless, and more than your guns, mine hasn't come out yet, you know?"
Karen li said.

"Karen li, what do you want to do?"

The charming young woman is angry.

She was shocked and horrified! Why is Karen li so fast?

She came over at once, and she understood why her tight base would be easily

destroyed! Because, Karen li is too scary.

Chuck was also shocked, his mother's speed is too fast! This is just the case of her body bearing

weight. If you do not carry weight, the speed is unimaginable.

Logan and Betty's complexion are normal, this is just Karen li's normal play.

Only after Yvette was stunned, he felt deeper in his heart. Can he kill himself at this speed?

! When can I surpass her?

"I said, do you think I destroyed your base?

If your daughter was caught and tortured, would you end so simple? "

Karen li asked.

"You are wrong, I will not end easily, but why do you compare with me?

I belong to the four big families, and you, who were kicked out by the Li family, you are not

even a second-rate family," the young woman said calmly.


But the me of the second-rate family in your mouth is by your side and can always kill you. Is

this irony? "

Karen li said with a shrug.

You're just a little capable, and a real family depends on overall strength! "

The charming young woman laughed.

"Release my mother! Almost!"

Blue-eyed beauties! Her eyes are blood red! Karen li's speed just shocked her completely. Is this

the limit of human speed?

Was it actually done by a Chinese person?

How is this possible?

! "You think I don't blame you, but as I said just now, I didn't end so easily. Your daughter

arrested my son and tortured him, ruining your ten bases. Is it finished?

Impossible, you know?

I have to tell you that your daughter is not qualified to compare with my son! "

Karen li said coldly. The genius remembers the first three and five first

My mother is a Baller with a novel 569. I'm right! Listen online with novels

The charming young woman feels ridiculous, even if Chuck is your son of Karen li, then what


The gap between families, can you be more important than my daughter?

! "Let my sister, how much do you want, I will give you!"

Young woman in jeans scolded! The relationship between the two is the best. They manage the

Luofu family together. She sees that her sister has been caught, and she is extremely angry! "I'm

not asking for money."

Karen li shook her head and stared at the blue-eyed beauty.

"Then what do you want, if you dare to hurt my sister, I will kill you, I will kill your family!"

Young woman in jeans threatens.

She can definitely do this! ! Didn’t Emily catch your son?

You ruined ten bases, but you can't say enough?

! Who do you think you are Karen li?

What is it?

! "I don't like others threatening me, even less, and threatening my family. You sister, I think it's

better to let her rest for a while!"

Suddenly, Karen li's eyes were cold, kicking on the young jeans woman! ?



The young woman in jeans flew out like rubbish, wow, lame, and fell on the sofa in

embarrassment, the sofa actually collapsed.

The young woman in jeans hummed and passed out.

The blue-eyed beauty was shocked, and the young Fengyun woman was annoyed at once, "Dare

you dare to beat my sister?"

"It's her who hits!"

Karen li said.

She knows this young woman in jeans, she has long wanted to fight.

Even with a doctor on this foot, she couldn't get up for half a year.

Must lie on the hospital bed for at least half a year! "Karen li, you know what you are doing?"

The charming young woman is angry.

Her sister is so beautiful. At this time, she was so embarrassed that she was so stunned that she

felt the heartache.

"You don't know yet?

Since I destroyed your first base, you should know that I'm on fire! ! "

Karen li is indeed on fire.

She had never felt this way. She saw that a piece of meat that had fallen off her body was beaten

by someone and was still kept in that kind of place. Eventually she almost died in Amazon. She

was very distressed.

"Karen li, what do you want?

What's the matter, rush me and let my mother go?


The blue-eyed beauty's blood-red eyes stared at Karen li.

"Daughter, stay away."

The charming young woman said quickly.

This Karen li has no human nature. Just now her own sister all fight. At this time, her daughter

must not be spared?

! "mom."

The blue-eyed beauty does not retreat! "Don't you know what is wrong?"

Karen li asked.

"I don't know, I'm not wrong, nothing wrong!"

Blue-eyed beauty screaming! What did you do wrong from start to finish?

Nothing wrong?
No, the most wrong thing is that Chuck should have been killed at that time, and he shouldn't be

foolish and ready to let him go! This is my biggest mistake from start to finish! ?

"and so?"

Karen li's eyes were cold.

Chuck is staring at her, is that right?

! Logan, Yvette, and Betty all looked cold.

This woman, shameless! ?

"So it's wrong for you to catch my mother, it's wrong to beat my aunt, and it's wrong to ruin my

base. It's you, and your son Chuck!

The blue-eyed beauty was furious, and she was right! Karen li's eyes were cold, and she was

holding a young woman with charm.

"Don't move my mother, move, I will die with you!! It's all your fault, especially your son

Chuck, he's all wrong!"

"He shouldn't be a Chinese, he shouldn't beat me, shouldn't he?

I arrest him, this is punishment! This is what he deserves! "

"You still don't know what's wrong, that's good, it's simple," Karen li walked to the blue-eyed

beauty, holding the young woman.

The blue-eyed beauty's body was trembling, and Karen li's approaching gave her a sense of

oppression never felt before.

"You said that my son is a Chinese person wrong?"

Karen li said.

"Yes, Huaxia men are weak and timid, this is his biggest fault!"

The blue-eyed beauty stared at her.

"Then what do you mean is that you are very good at rice?"

"Yes, we Americans are a hundred times more powerful than you Huaxia people, we are taller,

we..." the blue-eyed beauty said, mocking a little.

Yes, the people of the United States are tall and cannot be compared with Chinese people. This is

a natural physical advantage! "You are tall, you are brave, but why can't you beat my son?"

Karen li asked.

"I..." The blue-eyed beauty was speechless.

"Why are not you talking?"

"I can win him now, but you will let my mother go!"

Blue-eyed beauty scolded.

Karen li looked at Chuck.

Chuck came out.

The blue-eyed beauty is poisonous, "This is what you came out of, die!"

She rushed out, the amazing speed made her confident, you can beat Chuck, surely! The long

legs kicked out and were close to Chuck.

But Chuck was indifferent, turned around, and slapped it out with a slap! Snapped! ! The wide

palm hit the beautiful face of the blue-eyed woman, so crisp! The blue-eyed beauty froze and

covered her face.

Snapped! With a slap, the blue-eyed beauty fell to the ground, feeling that her face was no longer

her own.

The charming young woman was shocked. Her daughter was a bit too powerful. Was she slapped

by a slap?

! Chuck looked at her.

The blue-eyed beauty got up from the ground.

"Are you amazing?"

Karen li spoke.

The blue-eyed beauty covered her cheeks and looked back at Karen li, "Yes, I am amazing, I am

not wrong!"

"Daughter..." Fengyun young woman suddenly felt that something was wrong.

His daughter provoked Chuck and was beaten, this, how should I say! The latter matter was also

made by her daughter. This mistake made the young woman feel a little bit wrong.

"Mom, what am I doing wrong?

The Ministry is all wrong, the Ministry is all him! I hate him, hate him! "

The blue-eyed beauty burst into tears.

The desperation she experienced on Amazon is vividly visible. That kind of desperation was

almost taken by her. That must have been a terrible death. It was Chuck! If it was not the face of

Chuckhua, how could he do that kind of thing! ?

The charming young woman was speechless. She wouldn't be like this when she was caught by

Karen li. She was just questioned by her daughter. He did.

"Chuck, do you know my despair?

Do you know how I got here?

do you know?

I let you enter that village, you must enter, why should you enter? "

The aggressive questioning of the blue-eyed beauty.

"You don't want why you appear on Amazon?

You caught me in," Chuck was indifferent.

"I caught you, but it means you can catch me out?

Can you take me to Amazon?

On behalf of you can take me to eat human race? "

The blue-eyed beauty growled like crazy.

"I was taken away by those people. Do you know what they are doing to me?

You don’t know, I am a girl who was pulled into a room by them, they want to force me, I can’t

resist, despair is going to die, you have no experience with these,” the blue-eyed beauty said with

tears, that kind of despair, she didn’t want to experience it anymore Arrived.

At that time, she was ready to die. Fortunately, someone saved herself, and this person has not

appeared selflessly to this day.

"Desperate! Didn't you come out?"

Chuck is indifferent.

At this moment, he particularly regrets, what did he do to save her then?

Should leave directly.

Chuck felt that in the future, she would definitely not be able to be compassionate. If she did

something wrong, she should let her suffer the consequences?

! "come out?

Do you know how I came out?

When I was desperate, a man showed up and hit three men with stones. Only then did I get a

chance to run out, otherwise I would have died long ago because of your stupidity! ! I almost

died, did you say it wasn’t you wrong? "

The blue-eyed beauty questioned, she growled! The desperate picture made her tremble. At that

time, it was really the darkest time in her life, and this is because of the Chinese person in front
of me, this Chuck! He gave it to himself! If it weren't that person, he would have died long ago,

and he still died miserably! "I was wrong," Chuck shook his head.

"Huh, now admit your stupidity?"

The blue-eyed girl sneered, and finally admitted?

You Huaxia people are so timid that they don't admit to making mistakes?

! "No, I was wrong. I should have left by myself at that time, and I should not have saved you,"

Chuck said suddenly. The genius remembers the first three and five first

My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 598 is you? Listen online with novels

"What are you talking about?" The blue-eyed beauty sneered.

She even found it ridiculous!

"You Chuck saved me? Maybe? It was because that person saved me. I ran out and gave you a

chance to escape!" The blue-eyed beauty mocked.

This person is really shameless.

Actually saying this, how shameful is this thing done? !

The charming young woman was stunned.

Yvette, Logan, and Betty were all a little surprised.

Silent! !

"Do you think so?" Chuck expressionless.

"Of course it is. The mysterious man saved me. How could it be you?!" The blue-eyed beauty

hated it.

Actually saying this, this is to thank him himself? !

It's disgusting!
"Then explain why he didn't show up?" Chuck asked.

"People save me like you are so disgusting. I never thought about rewarding." The blue-eyed

beauty sneered.

"According to what you mean, or did you save me?"

"Yes, it wasn't my leaving that caused confusion. You have a chance to run?" The blue-eyed

beauties didn't believe it.

"That's what you mean. It's impossible for me to know your situation at that time?" Chuck asked


"Yes, how could you know?" Blue-eyed beauty sneered?

may? !


See how you edit it! ?

"Okay, you said something wrong just now, not because you didn’t want to show up, but because

you were so entangled at that time. You were crying inside, saying don’t move you, I had already

run away, I heard your pleading voice, I came back, I felt You should be rescued, so I picked up

a rock and hit three people inside, all of which were in the back of the head. I think one of them

should be killed by me. In the process, did I say anything wrong???" Chuck said .


In an instant, the expression of the blue-eyed beauty went from stunned, to surprise, to shock,

and finally it was incredible! !

Because Chuck said this process is true, nothing wrong!

How could he know the detailed process? !

how could it be possible!

Is he really saving himself? !


The blue-eyed beauty was confused at once, but the American people fantasized in her heart.

Because the American people are brave, how could a timid Chinese save them?

She couldn't believe it and couldn't accept this fact!

However, Chuck was right, did he really save himself?

I still intend to repay him, and I also like to like it??

The blue-eyed beauty collapsed at this moment, and what she thought was completely different

from the reality.

She can't accept it!

Why didn't you save yourself? If yes, then you can fall in love and you can get married, but??

She felt a burning pain on her face!

"I regret saving you." Chuck said indifferently.

At that time, I should leave directly. What should I do to save her?

I'm still in a trace of indifferent heart!

The charming young woman was stunned. She looked at Chuck, but she did not expect that

Chuck actually saved her daughter?


Actually in that situation. I did it and gave my daughter another life, this? !

In a flash, the charming young woman felt a little emboldened.

Just when Karen li said that her daughter was the one who caught Chuck, she was a little

shocked, and she was a bit emboldened, but she couldn't let her face down.

But this matter is indeed that his daughter did something wrong.
However, Karen li grabbed herself like this and stunned her sister, and she felt that her daughter

was doing right, but now?

This Chuck actually saved her daughter, she didn't know what to say? !

I just feel, I feel no confidence.

"Daughter, is it real?! He saved you?" Feng Yun asked the young woman.

A huge contrast. The blue-eyed beauty burst into tears, "Yes??"


The charming young woman is even more emboldened. This is because her daughter did

something wrong.

She looked at Chuck again. Suddenly, Chuck glanced a little.

She said that one is one, Chuck saved her daughter, she still has to thank for this matter.

Without Chuck, his daughter died.

She manages such a big family. The rewards and penalties must be clear.

"But why did you save me?" There is still a little luck in the blue-eyed beauty, you are lying to

me, right?

Correct? !

"I don't want you to die in the hands of those people, be forced, be killed, you should be dealt

with by me!" Chuck said.

The blue-eyed beauty is sad, "You should say earlier, you should show up at that time, which

makes me happy??"

She stopped.

"You fight, I let you fight." The blue-eyed beauty said, "I was wrong, you saved me, and I can

give it back to you."


Chuck slapped her in the face.

The blue-eyed beauty didn't hum, but got up on the ground and Chuck kicked her.

The blue-eyed beauty fell out clutching her stomach and vomited blood.

"Don't fight, don't fight my daughter." Feng Yun young woman is distressed.

She did not scream out.

"Mom, don't say it, I was wrong." The blue-eyed beauty climbed up and Chuck walked past.

Yvette saw this, she felt relieved, how to say, in exchange for her, this blue-eyed beauty,

absolutely dead!

Because she almost killed Chuck, Chuck's head still hurts.

How should this hatred be reported? !

"Karen li, what do you want, I'll give it to you, don't let your son beat my daughter." Of course,

the young woman of Fengyun can't see it anymore. If you fight like this, her daughter will

definitely be seriously injured! !

"You thought your daughter was beaten, and this matter was over? My son was almost dead.

How about this account?" Karen li asked, expressionless.

In a flash, the charming young woman was speechless!

Yeah, if her daughter encountered such a thing, what would she do? Absolutely destroy this


"Karen li, things have reached this point, what do you want?" Feng Yun young woman sighed.

"My son has the final say." Karen li said.

The charming young woman looks at Chuck.

Chuck has beaten the blue-eyed beauties five or six times in a row, and the blue-eyed beauties

can't get up. It looks like they're going to pass out, Chuck didn't keep his hands!

The charming young woman can't stand it anymore, "Hey, don't fight, my daughter is wrong, you

have any requirements, I agree, you don't fight!"

Yes, this time. Her daughter is everything to her!

She is willing to do anything for her daughter, as long as her daughter is no longer tortured.

"What can you promise me?" Chuck looked over expressionlessly.

"What do you say, apart from asking me for the Luofu family, I promise you everything,

absolutely no words!!! As long as you agree! Don't beat my daughter! Let her go. She knows

wrong, she really knows!" Feng Yun Young woman sighs.

She has no confidence.

Chuck rescued his daughter, but his daughter still did that, that is, she complained with virtue.

How can it look like this? !

Chuck slapped on the face of the blue-eyed beauty, who fell to the ground. She choked,

confused, "Why did you save me? Why??"


Before she finished speaking, she passed out.

Her face was swollen, and there was blood in her mouth.

"Okay, you said it!" Chuck looked at the young woman.

"Yes, I said, you can ask your mother, I will speak, and I will never go back on my words!!"

Feng Yun young woman got serious.

Karen li nodded. As Chuck's mother, she felt that this thing was not enough. Chuck played not

enough. Although, the blue-eyed beauty was seriously injured. But his son Chuck almost died!
"Then you remember your words, I will contact you!" Chuck said.

"Okay, come and contact at any time! I said it!" The young woman nodded, her face dignified! !

"Mom. Let's go!" Chuck said.


Karen li let go of the young woman, and a few people went outside.

hall. Silent!

The charming young woman hurried over and scolded, "Don't go to prepare a doctor yet?"

Someone will prepare.

"How about Chuck?" The blue-eyed beauty woke up confused.

"He left, I promised him a request." Feng Yun young woman worried, she would really do it!

But what requirements will Chuck mention?

But she already said that she couldn't ask her Luofu family, she felt at ease.

"Mom??" The blue-eyed beauty suddenly panicked.

"What's wrong with my daughter?" Fengyun young woman was stunned.

The blue-eyed beauty was busy in her ear and said, "Mom, why do you agree? Do you know?

When I was with Amazon, he once told me that he was going to sleep with you??"

My mother is a Baller, the novel 599th chapter is in pain! Listen online with novels

"Daughter, what are you talking about?"

In a flash, Feng Yun's young woman was shocked. She was stunned and her chin was shocked.

What did your daughter say?

Chuck said to be yourself? !

She is incredible!
What she actually thought just now, maybe Chuck's request was for something like money, then

she gave it, as long as she didn't ask for the Luofu family, then she could give anything!

She had a little psychological preparation in her heart. But what is the situation?

What did your daughter say?

"Mom, I said, he said before. To sleep in front of me?" The blue-eyed beauty was scared.

My mother said absolutely nothing, and promised to ask, no matter what. Will definitely agree.

Then? Chuck made this request, will his mother agree?

The blue-eyed beauty dare not think about it anymore! !

"Daughter, you're right!" The young Fengyun woman was completely stunned.


Chuck will make such a request? Sleeping?? yourself?

how can that be possible?

The charming young woman was very angry just now, even angry!

That kind of request? !

However, I said absolutely promised, what should I do?

The charming young woman panicked at once.

"No, mother, why did you promise him!" The blue-eyed beauty cried.

She fainted just now, but she didn't expect this result. She wished she was killed by Chuck just


And don’t see that happen.

Now that Chuck saved herself, she collapsed to the bottom, and the thoughts in her heart made

her suffer.

Because she also decided to repay the mysterious man who saved herself with her own body!
But how can I repay? ?


The charming young woman slumped on the ground.

She is very beautiful and has a charming charm. She gave birth to a daughter at the age of sixteen

and is now thirty-four.

She likes sports and maintains her figure. Beautiful face, especially well-maintained, like the

kind of early 20s, many people don’t believe that blue-eyed beauties are her daughters. When

they walk together, they say they are sisters??

The mood of the young woman in a moment is beyond description! !

She was dazed, tangled, pained, struggling, angry. Finally there is despair?

If Chuckzhen made that request?

What I should do if I just said that I can do it absolutely, and I have always done it. ?

At this time, the charming young woman has fallen into pain!


The Luofu family destroyed ten bases overnight. This matter was spread in the United States.

Everyone was talking about it. Who actually did it?

It stands to reason that the Luofu family is one of the four big families. In the face of such

insults, then it will definitely initiate revenge immediately!

But as the day passed, nothing happened. Shouldn’t the city be full of wind and rain, bloody

winds, crazy revenge, and upset? ?

To highlight the reputation of the four major families?

But, the bird is silent!

No response at all!
Quiet to the extreme!

What does this look like? ?

Like someone slaps the Luofu family in public, but the Luofu family didn't resist, and they

silently endured it!

What is going on here?

What happened?

What can be said, the people of the United States are all forced. Because it is not right, the Luofu

family is too quiet.

Who is this man who destroyed the ten bases of the Luofu family?

Everyone discusses this after dinner.

There is a lot of discussion about who this is.


"Miss, the Luo Fu family did that for Karen li, in order to avenge Chuck,"

Ten thousand hidden families!

The woman reads lazily.

"Oh, what did she do?" The woman was plain.

"Yes, she did it." When this happened, how could it be secret, how could it be hidden from the

eyes and ears of the secret family?

It can be said that there is nothing that the secret family does not know all over the world.

"It's kind of interesting, this Karen li really surprised me!" The woman put down her book.

Being able to destroy the ten bases of the Luofu family overnight, her secret family can certainly

do so easily.

Not to waste any effort yet.

But this easy to use four-character word is only suitable for the secret family. Now, this Karen li

has actually done this, so, I really look at her first.

"By the way, I asked you to check Karen li. How is it going?" the woman asked with interest.

"This??" The man is a bit hard to say.

"What's the matter? Zhiwuwuwu, say something directly." said the woman.

"Yes, I found a little bit. Karen li really has some other things. They are hidden deep. I spent a

little time to find out." The man said.

He passed some clues and found something. It was a few companies. The boss behind the scene

was Karen li!

He was also very surprised when he knew this!

Their secret family knows the world well! !

Now, for Karen li, does the secret family actually know anything?

"Oh? What is it?" The woman was lazy.

"A pharmaceutical factory, a network, and..." said the man.

"It's kind of interesting, this Karen li actually learned from our hidden family."

"Where is Karen li eligible to learn the secret family?" The man disdains, even if he finds out

several companies, what about?

Compared with the secret family. It was also a sky, a land, the difference between ants and


"This Karen li is clever and high-key on the surface. Actually low-key, what we see now should

be what she wants us to see, and the real her. It was actually hidden by her, which is a bit

interesting," the woman said.

"Miss, what are you saying is true?" The man was stunned and could actually do such a thing in

the sight of the three secret families?

How can it be done? After all, the simplest, but the whole world has been divided by the secret


Karen li actually did such a thing under the tiger's eyelids, is it possible? ?

"It should be, try my best to find out, how many things Karen li still hides," the cold light flashed

inside the woman's beautiful eyes!

She was a little angry, Karen li could actually do this?

"Yes, I will check immediately." The man nodded. Of course he saw it, and the woman was


This is not a good sign!

The man was about to leave, but the woman suddenly thought of something and became lazy

again. "Oh, what happened to the matter I asked you to check yesterday?"

"Chuck's father, Zhang Qingyang? This man??" The man stopped.

"What's wrong?" The woman was lazy.

"A bit mysterious."

"Oh, of course it's mysterious. A woman like Karen li can see him. You said there is no mystery.

How could it be worthy of Karen li?" The woman thought of this yesterday.

Leaving aside the rest, the woman admits that Karen li can compare with herself in terms of IQ.

How can someone with a high IQ find an unknown person? ?

This is too unreasonable.

"Where is the mystery?" the woman asked.

"I can't find where Zhang Qingyang is, nor his family background, everything seems to be


The man said it, to the extent that surprised him, as much as the discovery of Karen li's hiding.

I couldn't find it, but this is a situation rarely encountered by the hidden family before!

"Oh, this is normal. No matter when, the door is always checked. Give me this Zhang Qingyang

to check it out! It is estimated that it is also a person with a background similar to Karen li." The

woman picked up the book.

"Yes! That Chuck, do you still need to be monitored?" The man felt that his lady seemed to be

more interested in Chuck, did she really like Chuck? ?

"Why not?" the woman asked.

"Miss, can I ask?" The man was careful.


"Do you really want to marry Chuck?" The man thinks, what is that to marry Chuck? That is

why Chuck's toad ate the lady's swan meat? !

"Yes, he is the only man I am interested in now." The laziness of the woman's pretty face was


"So what should Karen li disagree with?" the man asked.

"Disagree? I haven't done what I want to do, she disagrees, I let her agree, force her to agree, not

agree, then only let her disappear forever!!" Inside the woman's beautiful eyes, suddenly There is

a cold light!
My mother is a Baller. 600 chapter of the novel What did you think of? Listen online with


"Mr. Zhang, what should I do?"

Du Pei, who was taken over by Chuck's caller, was stunned. She knew this villa area, but this is

the place where the super rich of the United States can live! !

No wonder Chuck can destroy the Zhao family.

But she is too curious, how much money does Chuckjia have?

"I am going to open a casino here in the United States. You are in charge. You are now going to

my mother's casino to learn management."

Chuck said, Chuck felt that it was possible to open a casino. I asked my mother yesterday, and

she smiled and agreed.

Chuck said it would be better to open one, Karen li shook his head, and said that if he wanted to

open it, he would open the biggest one! !

Chuck listened to her mother.

However, the main choice of location, Chuck still has to see for himself. When the time comes,

let the mother give the money.

Well, I still have to eat old!

There is no way to invest in the largest casino, that is super big! ?

Du Peixin has the ability to study for a period of time, there should be no more problems.

"Okay. I will do it well." Du Pei was surprised by the truth, the biggest casino? Can you manage

such a big place by yourself?

"Well, I have arranged it. You go out with me now and go to my mother's casino. You have a

look. I have to ask other things, too." Chuck also has this question.
"Uh huh."

"Du Pei Xin, you need to be serious. You have to deal with the affairs of the United States. The

casino is just my first start, and the rest will start one after another." Chuck urged.

"Really?" Du Pei smiled in surprise, and she liked that.

Because she likes to be busy!


"Thank you, I will do it well. You finally reused me," Du Peixin said. At that time, Chuck asked

her to manage a hotel, and she was a little depressed. Now she is being reused.

She was pleasantly surprised.

However, she suddenly discovered that Chuck's eyes were a little weird. She was stunned, "Mr.

Zhang, is there anything wrong?"

"You didn't wear your clothes well," Chuck said, turning around and leaving.

Du Pei was stunned. She looked down and suddenly blushed. She didn't buckle her button. She

hurried it and went out with Chuck.

She was thinking, what did Chuck see just now?

She shook her head a little, a little instinctively shy.

But stop thinking.

I came here for work, and gave Chuck the people he had been in contact with for five years. All

aspects of experience are your greatest wealth!

Karen li, Betty, Yvette, and Logan are all going. Karen li knows that Chuck is going to open a

casino. She is happy.

First of all, the profit is very high!

Second, you can cultivate Chuck's character!

This is what Karen li can't wait to do now.

There is a mother, Logan, and Yvette, and they are accompanied, so Chuck has nothing to worry


After returning, Chuck's head was still uncomfortable, but his exercise did not pull it down at all!

You must improve your strength. The last time I was caught by a blue-eyed beauty because of

my poor reaction, Chuck would never allow it!

Because there is only one life!

"Right, Ceer, what are you going to ask the Luofu family," Karen li, who was driving, asked with

a smile.

She doesn't lack money, and Chuck certainly won't mention it.

So what else?

Yvette. Logan, including Bettydu, looked at Chuck.

"Mom, I haven't figured it out yet," Chuck shook his head.

"Well, don't worry, the woman of the Luofu family will really say that, whatever you ask, he will

agree and think slowly!" Karen li continued to drive with a smile.

Chuck nodded. Did he do it? ? So??

Chuck has an idea?

At this time, Betty's mobile phone sitting next to her rang, and she answered, it was about the

Ouke family. She said, "Mr. Li, over the Oke family??"

"It's okay, let's go to see the casino's operation today with Ce'er," Karen li shook her head. This

is something she would be happy to do. After all, Chuck was almost gone last time.

Betty's phone was put away.

Black Rose came back and told Karen li that it would take a few days before he could continue

to protect Chuck.

Of course Karen li agreed.

Black rose she is in

The killer organization is here, what is she doing here?

Of course, Ouyang Fei!

Ouyang Fei, who took her picture, always wanted to kill this woman in her heart! !

Three days, see if she can’t kill Ouyang Fei, she will continue to protect Chuck.

Ouyang Fei has finished training. What has she done for more than a month?

Every day, she is training insanely, and her strength has improved, even the boss behind the

scenes is surprised.

Too fast, this improvement!

This is also Ouyang Fei's talent to make a foundation, plus lunatics like forbearance and training,

with her current strength.

Today, Ouyang Fei came, and she always hated the boss behind her heart!

Because she made the man want himself.

Breaking her mind, she felt insulted by Tianda.

So this hatred is being accumulated by Ouyang Fei every day. She is looking for opportunities

and must grasp the boss behind the scenes!

Take a picture of her, and then spread it out, men around the world see it.

When we arrived at a private room, the beautiful behind-the-scenes boss was sitting in it, with

red wine in front of him.

"Boss," Ouyang Fei came in, and the idea in her heart was so full of ideas! !
"Your strength has improved quickly and you can take on the task. I will make you popular in

the killer circle, starting today. Your starting price is three million dollars!" the boss said.

For more than a month, Ouyang Fei's performance surprised her. She felt that she was

right. Ouyang Fei, a poisonous woman, has the potential to replace Black Rose as the first female

killer! !

And this may be great!

"Three million dollars?" Ouyang Fei had a surprise in his heart, so much money? !

In addition to the commission of the killer organization, you should be able to get two million


She never thought about this number.

"Yes. But I will tell you my rules again." The boss behind the scene became serious.

"Please speak,"

"My killer organization does not accept tasks related to Karen li and her son Chuck, so you

should not take it privately, otherwise I will make you regret it."

Ouyang Fei was angry, she just wanted to kill Chuck, but now the boss actually says so? She was

very annoyed.

"Got it," Ouyang Fei chose to make a temporary compromise.

She suddenly thought of an attention, why do you want to do it yourself? ?

If you can take a picture of her, then threaten her and Chuck will not die? !

Ouyang Fei sneered in his heart.

"But I can ask, why do you want to do this?" Ouyang Fei asked, and the killer organization had a

mission that it couldn't handle?

"Karen li is someone I know, Chuck is her son, and well. It's an interesting little guy." The boss

behind the scene drank red wine and smiled slightly.

Thinking of that time, Chuck and himself stayed in the private room, and actually blatantly

counteracted themselves.

To be honest, she wanted to slap it.

But then?

She thought. Because no man dared to tease himself so much!

Suddenly she felt that it was a bit interesting and interesting, and wanted to chat with Chuck

alone, to see if he dare to tease herself!

Ouyang Fei envy jealousy!

Chuck's life is great!

But when you take a picture of the boss behind the scenes, then Chuck you will definitely die!

"Okay, you can go out and prepare," the boss waved his hand behind the scenes.

"Well, can I have some wine?" Ouyang Fei said weakly.

"Come on," the boss behind the scene gave her a drink.

Ouyang Fei took a sip, "Boss, can you call me the last time you called me? I??"

"Oh," the boss was surprised. This matter is actively mentioned?


"No problem," the boss behind the scene smiled faintly and immediately arranged for someone

to come in.

Ouyang Fei is actually thinking that this is a way to approach her. Only by approaching her step

by step, can she have a chance.

Afterwards, Ouyang Fei saw the behind-the-scenes boss she was just watching had actually

drank too much and fell asleep. The thoughts in her heart suddenly became stronger. This was an

opportunity. She secretly took photos of her, she absolutely didn't know, after all, she had two

experiences in taking photos!

Ouyang Fei walked past lightly, this is the opportunity you gave me!

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