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Federation of Nigeria

Official Gazette |
No. 66 LAGOS- 20th October, 1960 Vol. 47
_ Page ‘ Page
Movements of Officers 1264-72 Inland Waterways Notice 1281
Appointment of Ministers 1272 London General Certificate of Education
June 1960 Results .. oe oe 1281-2
Appointment of Parliamentary Secretaries .. 1273
Examination Results in Nigerian Languages 1282
Establishmentof Offices of Ministers 41273
Acknowledgement oe os ee, ve 1282
Establishment of Diplomatic Corps at
Lagos. . oe ~ 1273 Admission into the Federal Emergency
Science School oe oe we «+ ©1283.
Enrolment in Special List B of H.M.O.C.S. 1273
Notice by; Board of Customs and Excise 1283
Royal Nigerian Military Forces 1274
Cocoa Purchases in the Federation os -. 1284
Royal Nigerian Navy .. . 1274
Vacancies wae . 1284-6
Probate Notices 1274-6
Customs and Extcise Notices .. 1286-8
Lands required for the Service of the Federal
Government. . ve - 1276-7
Return of Employment and Ramicigs 1277
Confirmation of Ordinances 1278
LN. No. Short Title Page
Cancellation of Certificateof Registration
_. of Trade Union 1278 168 ‘Transfer-of Functions Order, 1960.. B509

Minerals Regulations .. .. +e .. 1278 169 Customs‘Tariff (Duties and Exemp-

tions) (No. 7) Order, 1960 B511
Postal Agencies—Openingof. . 1278-9
Latest Dates of Posting at Lagos of Christ= 170 Pensions (Amendmeist) Regulations,
mus Mails .. + 4 1960... o oe ..- B512

Loss of Receipts and Local Purchase Order, _ Bill entitled the Royal geri Navy
ete... +s ee aks 279-81 Act, 1960 .. C351
1264 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No.66, Vol. 47

Government Notice No. 2003 ;

' The following are notified for general information :— ~
. Date of Date of
Department — Name Appointment Appointment Arrival
Administration ° Adeniji, O. Administrative Officer, Class
IV (External Affairs) 47-60 —_
Akpoyoware, M. P. .. Administrative Officer, Class" ~
IV (External Affairs) . 29-8-60 —
Obe, E. .. Administrative Officer, Class\
: . JV (External Affairs) . 12-9-60 —
Sani, Mallam M. .. Administrative Officer, Class
IV(External Affairs} . 8-8-60 © —
Ministry of Commerce Nwankwa, J. C. Clerical Assistant ce 3-9-60 —_
and Industry Sule, A. 5. Clerical Assistant as 7-9-60
Ministry of Communi- Anisiobi, L. I. Technical Ofticer-in-Training 23-8-60 —_
cations Anizor, F. A. -.. 3rd Class Clerk... . 48-60 —
: Fafoyeku, E. O. Mechanical Accounting
Assistant . . 1-9-60° —_
Mordi, H. U. Technical Officer-in-Training ' 19-8-60 —
Ndokwu, W. O. 3rd Class Clerk .. . 1-9-60 —
Ohia, E. O. .. Clerical Assistant . 1-1-60 —_
QOsondu. 8. I. .. Technical Officer-in-Training 12-8-60 _—
Udoma, D. D. Clerical Assistant 1~-1-60 —_
Unaegbu, F, O 3rd Class Clerk -. 13-8-60 _
Ministry of Education 4Onwualu, PD.O. Teacher, Grade II . we 1-9-60 —
Ministry of Health daSilva, V. O. .. Medical Laboratory
Technologist . - 25-7-60 —
‘Eneli, Mrs G. C. Staff Nurse/Midwife .. 20-6-60 —_
Ogundeji,Airs ALF. Staff Midwife... .. 26-8-60 —
. Ukpe, U.I _ _++ X-Ray Technician oe 1-9-58 —
Ministry of Information Ukauwa, E. E. -» Driver Mechanic 7-7-60 —
Ministry of Mines and Dim,L. Sub-Inspector, Grade LIT 1-9-60+ —_
Ministry of Works and Anwanyi, J. A. .. Clerical Assistant. 4-11-59 —
Surveys Green, D. O. L. Drawing Office Attendant 15-8-60 —_
c. V.S. Executive Engineer 2-9-60 3-9-60
; Pedersen, A. B. Executive Engineer 12-8-60 13-9-60
Police Kwentoh, P. 0. .. 3rd Class Clerk .. 5-460 _
1 Appointmentortransfer.

| - Date of
Department Name Appointment Promotion
Administration Girei, Mallam I. M. Administrative Officer, External Affairs .. 15-9-60
Administrator-General Alebiosu, A. B. ’ Ist Class Clerk .. - 1-4-60
General Executive Class Ladejobi, [. A. ..’ Senior Executive Officer j-4-60
Government Coastal Adedeji, B. O. Coastal Assistant, Grade I 1-9-60
Agency Pondei, M. M. Coastal Assistant, Grade I 1-9-60
Inland Revenue | Osindero, E, A. Deputy Chairman 21-9~60
Ministry of Commerce ‘Long, F. S, J Accountant 17-12-58
and Industry :
Ministry of Communi- *Egere, J. F. A. Executive Officer (Accounts) .. 11-8~60
cations :
: °Nkele, A. Principal :‘Telecommunications Engineer
; (Supernumerary) os se 1-9-59
Rdevemi, AL. Head Postmaster, Grade III .. 27-1-60 -
so, F A. Meteorological Superintendent 1-8-60
20th October, 1960 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1265
. Date of
Department Name Appointment Promotion
Ministry of Finance . ‘Umoren, S, T. ,. Machine Operator 1~11-59
Ministry of Health . Jaja,L.H.D. : Medical Laboratory Technologis 27-1-60
Ministry of Information Mosanya, V. F. .. Senior Overseer .. . oe 7-5-60
Ministry of Works and Onoyom,D.E. .. Assistant Technical Officer . 8-6-60
Surveys 0

1 Promoted from Accountant (Scale B) to Accountant (Scale A). Notification in Gazette No. 60 of
29-9-60 amended.
‘2. Notification in Gazette No. 45 of 23-7:59 amended.
.3 Notification in Gazette No. 60 of 29-9-60 amended.
4 Promotion ontrial.

Date of
Depariment Name Appointment ' Confirmation
Administration Nwankwo, M. O. Administrative Officer, Class IV 2-8-60
. Administrator-General Uwabor, D. A. .. 3rd Class Clerk 27-12-58
* Agricultural Research . Appah, A. T. Agricultural Assistant, Grade I 1-10-60
so Emodi, A. N, Agricultural Assistant, Grade II] 6-6-58
‘ Korede, J. O. Field Overseer, GradeII . 1-2-59
Odumodu, I. E. .. Agricultural Assistant, Grade Il 9-10-58
. Okwakpam, B.A. .. Agricultural Assistant, Grade III 16-2-60
House of Representatives Ketiku, J. F. .- 3rd Class Clerk .. . .. 2-9-60
Ministry of Commerce Okechukwu,G. A. .. Storekeeper, Grade III os -. 13-9-60
and Industry oot ,
Ministry of Communica- Agu, C. E, .. Meteorological Assistant, Grade IV 3-5-60
tions Briggs, V. . Postmaster, Grade I §-8-59
: Eyo, D. E. Investigation Officer 14-1-60
Mustapha,-D. M. Engineer 12-7-60
Kalu, N. Postal Officer and Telegraphist 7-6-60.
Ogan, E. S. Technical Officer 1-7-60
1Okoye, A.:O. | Telephone Operator 1-+-60
Olugboji, S. A. «| Assistant 'Telecommunications Controller _ 3-3-59
Onyebueke, H. O. .. Postal Officer and Telegraphist . 7-6-60.
Ministry of Defence *Apesin, P. O. 3rd Class Clerk + oe 1-7-60
Ministry of Education ~Doust, T. F. Education Officer oe -- 21-8-60
Green, Miss R. Woman Education Officer oe -« 18-9-60
Miners, N. J. Education Officer .. ae -» 21-8-60
o. L, Nkanteen, E. I. Clerical Assistant -- 25-9-60
Ministry of Health Ekong, N. U. . 2nd Class Medical LaboratoryTechnician 8-12-59
Qgunjemilusi, Miss A. Staff Midwife .. 1-10-60
+ _ Oguniade,J. O. Artisan, Grade II 1-4-60
Ministry of Labour Jagha, E. C. Labour Inspector .. oe 1-4+-58
Ministry of Lagos Affairs Adejare, J.. Clerical Assistant oe -. . 8-9-59
Ministry of Pensions . Rafiu, R. O. Clerical Assistant 29~-5-60
_ Udoffia, E Instructor, Federal Training Centre 259-59
Ministry of Works and Aiwerioba, G. O. Executive Engineer, Grade IV 15-9-59
Surveys Aluko, D. W.I. .. Executive Engineer, Grade Iv 5-12-57
Ogundiran, D. + .. Artisan, Grade II . 1-10-55
Nigerian Railway , Awogboro, S A. Assistant Cash Teller 1-10-56
Chima, H Timekeeper , 1-4-51
Churuogu, G. C. Timekeeper — 1-4-50
Igbokwe, A. O. . Shed Overseer 1-4-5001
-Jimo, J. A. .. Stores Clerk 1-10-55
Nwokeji, S. C. .. Shed Overseer .. os - 1-545
Obiapa, C.N. .» Shed Overseer .. .. e 1-4-51
Oji, I. .« Engine Turner .. oe 71-52
Okonrende, M. B. Senior Permanent Way Inspector 1-10-42
Oshun, L. Clerical Assistant : os 7-1-52
Ovbude,I. ‘Timekeeper we -. _ 1-4-51
Urodje, K _ ++ Craftsman Blacksmith =... »» 12-9-50
' Uzor, D.C. -. ‘Timekeeper . . 14-31
Wickliffe, S. O. Chargeman 1-10-44
1266 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 66, Vol. 47

Date of .
Debartment Naie Appointment _ Confirmation
Police -- -» Onwu, C. ' +,, Assistant Superintendentof Police -- 146-60
Statistics .. | . Ifemade, M. O. .. 3rd Class Clerk -: .. _ -- 18-6-60
West African Institute Akpan,A. E. .. Clerical Assistant ve _.. - 1-10-60
for Oil Palm Research Bassey, E. E. _ «+ Clerical Assistant - o. . 1-10-60
1 Notification in Gazetie No. 50 of 25-8-60 amended.
2 Notification in Gazette No. 46 of 11-8-60 amended.

. _ - Date of
Department Name Acting Appointment Acting Dateof
Appointment Reversion
Administrator-General Dabiri, A. F. O .- Federal Administrator-General 27-6-60' | 1~9-60
: R .. Bent, DrF.C Senior Specialist Officer -- 148-60 _—
Agricultural esearch Shutters,JA.A"P.M. Senior Specialist Officer
; (Botanist) .s -. _31-5-60 148-60
ise. ..
Customs and Excise Maduegbuna,
aduegbu P.B.O. | Senior Collector
end Excise of Customs - -00-6-60 _
Nsuk, W. U. .. Senior Collector of Customs”
and Excise . - 16-8-60 _
Phillips, E. 0. .. Senior Collector of Customs
and Excise we .. 31-3-60 _
ive Cl Kosoko, F. B. ... Assistant Executive Officer .. 1-9-60 —_—
General Executive Class Kosoko,FB L. .. Senior Executive Officer -. 25-7-60 —_
7 t Coastal -Okoro, M. .. Executive Officer , -- 23-660 ~ —
Goverment Cos Orok, E.B. ++ Assistant Coastal Agent, ae
+ Grade II . oe 23-6-60 —_
House of Representatives Ukpabioh,N.S. .. Chief Clerk os -- 149-60" —
Ministry of ree Adesoye, O. A. .. Senior Commercial Officer .. 6-9-60° —
ee Padus Delalu, G.O.A. :. Senior Commercial Officer 1. 22-860 —
Egwu, M.I. .- Principal Produce Officer .. 29-8-60 —_
Obebe, J. A. .. Produce Officer .. « | 2-1-60 —
Onyewuotu, T.O. .. Produce Officer .. -. 24-860
- - Okusaga, A. .- Principal Produce Officer .. 46-60 29-8-60
Ministry of Communi- Amosun,S.L. - .. Senior Executive Officer -
cations | (Accounts) .. 9-5-60 11-9-60
1Egere, J. F. A. .. Executive Officer (Accounts) _ _ 20-8~-58 10-8-60
Fashesin, 1.0.0. .. Executive Officer (Accounts) 9-5-60 11-9-60
Isang, I. M: -- Senior Technician, Grade I 11-+-60 11-7-60
Johnson, A. P. -. Senior Meteorologist 3-5-60 22-9-60
Johnson, M. L. -. Senior Technician, Grade I. 18-5-60 2-9-60
Omere, P. A, -» Senior Technical Officer
: . (Transmission) . 14-60 5-9-60
Onwudiwe, L. H. E, Assistant Executive Officer .. 25-2-60 17-9-60
Qsimokun, J.O. .. Supervisor -- 5-10-60 —
Thomas, A, .. Supervisor (Telegraphs). ++ 12-9-60 =
Ministry of Health .. Alakija,,.DrO. B, ++ Chief Medical Adviser -. 29-4-60 7-9-60
; Awoliyi, DrS.O. .. Deputy Chief Medical Adviser 29--4-60 7-9-60
Bassey, DrE.E. .. Specialist Otolaryngologist .. 11~-7-60 —_—
.Giwa, Mrs C.S. A... NursingSister *.. -- 67-60 —
‘Ibekwe,D.M. .. Radiographer .. . .. 1-7-60 23-8-60
sOgunro,B.K. ==... Radiographer ww 0s ws 1-9-60
*Oshodi, Dr W.O. .. Specialist Nutrition -- 10-860 9 —
Thomas, P. A, -- Nursing S :perintendent os 5-8-60 —
Williams, Dr A.J... .. Specialist Physician . 1-3-60 3-7-60
Minigsry of Labour .. McEwen, Mrs W.A. Chief Social Welfare Officer 98-60 —
Minietty of Lagos Affairs Akintayo,G.A- .. Senior Inspector of Lands .. 89-60 —
Ministry of Mines and Jones, DrH.A. ., Assistant Director - 18860 —
Power McCallum,G.C. .. Principal Geologist : .. 18-8-60 —
20th October, 1960 -OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1267

: Date of
Department Name , Acting Appointment Acting Date of
: . _ : Appointment Reversion
Ministry of Transport Keppel, W. B. A. J... Deputy Director .. 9-7-60 16-8-60
~ and Aviation
Ministry of Works and Adegun, J. A. Assistant Chief Clerk 10-5-60 12-8-60
Surveys Alekhougie, S. . Foreman . .. 1-8-60 —
Anintah, P, A. C, . Assistant Chief Clerk -.» 15-6-59 15-8-60
Ariori, N. A. A. . Furniture Supervisor 1-8-60 —
Babalola, T. A. Senior Lithographer, Grade II 15-7-60 _
Duff, A.D. Chief Waterworks
Superintendent 144-60 —
“ Dury, E. BE. ... Foreman - 10-7-59 _
.. Ene-Ita; N. 1) "Technical Officer
(Lithographer) 4-760 _
~~ Okoro, J. N, -.. Accounting Machine
: Superintendent, Grade IT 7-12-59 8-8-60
Popoola, J. A .. Chief Clerk _ . 17-11-58 1-9-60
Shasona, H.B. .. Foreman . 1-9-60 -
Williams, A. +» Senior Lithographer, Grade I 47-60 —_—
. Police os .. Ayalogu, R. N. Assistant Superintendent of
Police 1-8-60 _
*Barham, A. S. .. Assistant Commissioner of
Police 19-6-60 _
Blezard, A. J. .. Assistant Commissionerof
Police: 14-60 18-6-60
Blezard, A. J. .. Assistant Commissioner of cs
Police 25-6-60 —_
- Chatterton, M.C. Assistant Commissioner of
Police 24-6-60 —_—
Cressy, N. R CommissionerofPolice 20-9-60 —_
Dover, E. Senior Superintendent of
- Police .. 11-7-60 —_
Fountain, c.v.o., D. 8. Inspector-General of Police . 28-4-60 3-8-60
Guyler, M.C.H. .. Senior Superintendent of
. Police 4-8-60 _
Harman, J. D. .7 Assistant Commissioner of
Oe Police . 1460 246-60
Hodge, c.v.0., J. E. .. Duputy Inspector-General of
: Police - 12-5-60 3-8-60
Keane, D. J. ’ ., Senior Superintendent of
Police 10-2-60 10-6-60
Keleko, R. A. .. Senior Pay and Quartermaster 15-7-60 _—
Levett, P. H. .» Senior Superintendent of .
Police 6-59-60 _
Macfarlane,I. .. Assistant Superintendent of
: Police © 1-12-58 8-8-60
McDougall, G. M. Senior Superintendent of
Police 42-60 31-3-60
McDougall, G. M.° .. Assistant Commissioner of .
Police os 14-60 25-6-60
McGarry, G. .. Assistant Commissioner of
3 Police 18-6-60 —
O'Sullivan, M.B.E., J.J. Deputy Commissioner of
_ Police 1-460 29-5-60
Pepple, F. K. I. -- Senior Superintendent of
Police 4-12-59 31-8-60
Turner, C. O. Assistant Superintendent of
Police . 8-8-60 —
Prisons .. Cawcutt, K. G. .. Senior Technical Instructor .. 20-9-60 —
Eshun, S. K. .. Assistant Chief Clerk .. 27-5-60 12~-9-60
Jackson, J. S. F. -» Senior Technical Instructor .. 16-8-60 19-9-60
_ Kinsman, E. . .. Assistant Director, Western :
Region — oe 3-9-60 —_
Okoye, R. ',. Chief Warder; Grade I .. 29-6-60 —
Reiling, Ww. Cc. .. Assistant Director, ‘Western
2 °° Region 3-2-60 3-9-60
Usoro, M. U. .. Assistant Chief Clerk 30-5-60 17~9-60
1268 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 66, Vol. 47

Date of
Acting Date of
Depariment Name Acting Appointment Appointment Reversion
Statistics .. . 4Fadairo, W. O. Statistical Officer §-5-60 —_
Okoye, D. C. Assistant Executive Officer 19-4-60 19~-7-60
Veterinary Research .. 2Chaplin, Miss H. J. :. Principal, Veterinary School - 28-10-60 17-9-60
1 No Acting Allowance payable.
2 50 per cent Acting Allowance payable.
3 75 per cent Acting Allowance payable.
4 65 per cent Allowance nowpayable.

Date of Leave
Depariment Name Appointment - Departure Granted
Administration Cousins, J. G. Assistant Secretary (Prisons) 28-6-60 183 days
‘ Hall, M. B. .. Permanent Secretary (Office
of the Governor-General
and Council of Ministers) 8-10-60 63 days
Whalley, J. Administrative Officer, Class
IIT (Ministry of Economic
Development) an 8-9-60 105 days
Administration .. Cordy, A. J. Administrative Officer 27-9-60 131 days
(Southern Cameroons) Nesbitt-Hawes, Administrative Officer, .
P.J. D. Class IT oe 26-8-60 70 days
Agricultural Research .. Harris, K. M. Specialist Officer 6-7-60 92 days
Agriculture (Southern Jervis, T. S. Coffee Adviser .. 19-4-60 104 days
Antiquities -- Willett, F. Archaeologist .. a 7-6-60 65 days °
Government Coastal Smith, F. J. Assistant Coastal Agent,
Agency GradeI oe ws 3~3-60 152 days
Inland Revenue ' Lewis, W.J. Deputy Chairman ~ 20-9-60 127 days
Ministry of Commerce Mkparu, C. O. PrincipalAccountant 20-9-60 173 days
and Industry
Ministry of Communica- Akinbohun,I, A. Postmaster, Grade I oe 22-8-60 60 days
tions Akindele, R. O. Chief Supervisor, Grade II .. 14-10-60 60 days
Brooks, A. H. Senior Telecommunications
Engineer +. : 4-10-60 111 days
Crossman, R. Radio Officer o. . 14-6-60 105 days
Dale, J. F. Instructor, Grade I 16-9-60 147 days
Eyo, M. E. Postmaster, Grade I we 7-11-69 55 days
Fajumobi, D. A. Chief ‘Technician . 4-10-60 60 days
Ihenacho,J. I. Senior Technical Officer . 15-10-60 112 days
Johnson, J. A. Assistant Postal Controller .. 26-9-60 60 days
Larmie, G. A. K. Meteorological Assistant,
Grade I oe 24-5-60 100 days
Nweke, B. N. Chief Technician 11-8-60 85 days
Nwalusi, E. Senior Technical Officer 16-5-60 102 days
Ogunkoya, A. A. Postmaster, Grade I 15-9-60 188 days
Oyelowo, A. O. Accountant . 19-4-60 80 days
Oyeyinka; M.A... Instructor, Grade IT 29-8-60 65days.
Osikominu, M. O. ., Meteorological Assistant,
Grade I | “- ve ' 9-8-60 60 days
Ministry of Education Williams,J. J. Deputy Chief Federal Adviser
on Education .. . 8-9-60 77 days
Ministry of Education Brown, L. D, Technical Instructor ee 19-9-60 28 days
(Southern Cameroons)
Ministry of Finance .. Beech, J. H. Principal Establishment Officer 28-7-60 86 days
Mini f Health Akinrele, Mrs A. A. .. Nursing Superintendent 16-12-59 95 days
Ministry of Se Baker, RHR. |. Superintendent Radiographer 20-9-60 137 days
Bankole, A. E. Nursing Superintendent 11-9-60 50 days
Epelle, Mrs H, Nursing Sister .. oe 15-8-60 80 days
Kuti, M. A. 0. vs Limb Fitter 9-5~60 95 days
Cee Nwachukwn, Dr P. O, Medical Officer .. - ut. 23-8-60 100 days .
; WMilnistry of Information Chamberlain, E. Film Production Officer 20-9-60 126 days
20th October, 1960 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1269

: Date of Leave
Department Name Appointment © Departure Granted
Ministry of Labour .. Anthony,P. Labour Officer 23-8-60 95 days
Ministry of Lagos McGirr, J. W. Senior Valuation Officer -. 3-10-60 173 days
Ministry of Mines and Calton, D. R. . Inspector of Mines 8-9-60 63 days
Power Carlton, R. L. H. . Inspector of Mines -- 98-60 105 days
Coakley, P. D. .. Inspector of Mines we 6-9-60 119 days
Ferguson, I. S. .. Principal Inspector of Mines 29-9-60 "121 days
Ministry of Transport _ Beechey, P. J. Staff Pilot ae 17-10-60 112 days
and Aviation
Ministry of Works and Aneke, V. H. A. Senior Executive Engineer .. 8-10-60 143 days
- Surveys Bates, M. P, Architect . 2-9-60 126 days
: Bull, G. C. «. Works Superintendent 22-9-60 84 days
| Frost, R. J. | .. Executive Engineer 15-8-60 126 days
I" Higgins, K. G. .. Electrical Engineer . =11-9-60 126 days
\ ' Green, J. D. .. Works Superintendent .. 28-9-60 105 days
Kanyi, M. F, .. Executive Engineer - 4, 4-10-60 120 days
Loggie, B. G. ... Assistant Works Manager. 9-8-60 105 days
Orayejekwe, E. .. Executive Engineer ~ .. 29-9-60 141 days
Page, A. FB. . Quantity Surveyor . 27-71-60 126 days
Whyte, W.S. .. Executive Engineer .. 18-6-60 112 days
Stirling, G. .. Quantity Surveyor .. 5-10-60 126 days
Williams, W. G. A... Executive Engineer §-6-60 86 days
. Seuthen,J. .. Executive Engineer 21-7-60 140 days
Ministry of Works and Andrews, D.J. .. Executive Engineer .. 28-9-60 175 days
‘Transport (Southern .
Police Agbabiaka, A. S. E. Assistant Commissioner of
Police . 12-10-60 75 days
Alhaji, I. .. Assistant Superintendent of
Police .- 12-9-60 81 days
Egbuson, J. M. .. Superintendent of Police 14-7-60 60 days
Fosbrooke, E. .. Assistant Superinterident of
° Police 28-8-60 126 days
Kamalu, E. _ .. Assistant Superintendent of
‘ Police 1-8-60 75 days
Okoli, P. N. Assistant Superintendent of |
Police . 11-2-60 79 days
Reiling, W. .. Senior Superintendent of
‘ Police ° 8-9-60 91 days
Thoyts, M. H. E. Deputy, Superintendent of
, Police 6~7-60 105 days
Ugowe, E. O. Assistant Superintendent of
Police . 1~9-60 140 days
Prime Minister’s Office Ogunsulire, Mrs S, A. Personal Secretary, Grade 1a 6-9-60 71 days
Peddar, J. E, W. .. Assistant Superintendentof Ct
. 5 Oversea Communications .. 28-9-60 119 days
Veterinary Research Griffin, R. M. Veterinary Research Officer .. 89-60, 105 days
West African Institute Robertson, J.S. =... Senior Scientific Officer 20-4-60 126 days
for Oil Palm Research

Date of .
Department Name | Appointment Resumption
Administration — 1. Egbo, A. S.N. .. Administrative Officer, Class IV - .. 1--60
Kari, Mallam A. ~.. Administrative Officer (Prime Minister’s
Office) 17-9-60
King, J. E. Permanent Secretary (Acting) Ministry of
Lagos Affairs .. -» 14-9-60
Marlow, Miss C. E, Woman Assisant Sete .in f 5-10 -60
Murray, J. Deputy Permanent Secretary (Ministry o
v5 Finance) 14-9-60
.. Permanent Secretary .. 15-9-60
Wool-Lewis, C. E.
Customs and Excise Alagoa,H.N. | .- Inspector/Instructor (Maritime) -- 16-8-60
1270 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 66,: Vol. 47

E Date of
Department Name Appointment Resumption
General Executive Class Orija, D. A. Executive Officer (Accounts) 15-8-60
Inland Revenue Ekpunobi, C. C. Assistant Legal Adviser . 29-8-60
Thomas, R. J. G Principal Inspector of Taxes .-. 31-8-60.
Ministry of Commerce Egwu, M.I. Senior Produce Officer --.. . we? 1: 29-8-60-
and Industry Hayward, L. A. Principal Scientific Officer... -- 14-9-60
Inyama, G. C. 0. Marketing Officer - . -. 31-8-60.
Isichei, 5. Y. Accountant . Ve 1-9-60
Marshall, F. L. . Senior Shipping Officer oe .- °42-9-60°
Ministry of Communi- Amon, E. A. .. Engineer . we . «« > 1-8-60
cations Bokini, M. B. .» Stores Officer .. .. --*. 27-8-60- |
Denton,B. K. .. Engineer ae - -. | 8-9-60°
Goodison, H. .. AreaEngineer .. oe oe 229-60
Harmer,B. S. .. Chief Technical Officer oe .. _8-8-60
Hopwood, B. - TT Specialist . .- 1-11-59
Kabiawu, 1.B. A. . , Grade I 27-7-60
Larmie, G. A. K. M Assistant, Grade I 5-9-60 ~.
Okoye, C. A. Controller oe 11-9-60
Osunde, I. I. O. . Chief Technician 5-8-60
Ramsden,R. F. .. Chief Technician 20-9--60
. Wilson, A. A. .. Senior Telecommunications Engineer 20-7--60
Ministry of Education Awokoya, L.T. M.A. Lecturer . . 7-9-60 -
Callaghan, B. .. Education Officer an 15-9-60
Dacre, Miss M. .. Woman Education Officer 18-9-60
Fish, M. Technical Instructor 12-9-60.
. Garthwaite, E. F. Lecturer 16-9-60
Gregory, 5. G. Technical Instructor 15-9-60
Green, Miss R. E. .. Woman Education Officer 14-9--60
Jeffery, R. W. Education Officer 18-9--60
Knight, A. Technical Instructor 12-9-60
Mathews, Miss S. Woman Education Officer ... 18-9-60
IMaton, W. R. E. Lecturer, Yaba Technical Institute 14-8-60
Mitchell, E. J. Technical Instructor as 16-9-60
Moremon,J. R.° - Senior Technical Instructor . 16-9-60
Moore-Lewy, G . Lecturer, Yaba Technical Institute 10-9-60
Ojini, J.C Assistant Lecturer, Yaba Technical .
Institute 18-8-60
Reading,J. H. Principal, Trade Centre, Yaba 14-9-60 _
Reed, C. G. Chief Education Officer . 27-8-60 ~
- Rothwell, M. Technical Instructor - +» 12-9-60
Snowsell, R.E.E. .. Principal, Man O’War Bay Training -. 16-9-60
Rosenberge,S. .. Education Officer -. 14-9-60
Walmsley, F. R. Lecturer oe » 16-9-60
' Watson,E. P. Senior Technical Tnstructor +s 14-9-60
Wilson, Miss C. L. C. Woman Education Officer .» 11-9-60
Young, R. I. . Technical Instructor _ . +» 12-9-60
Ministry of Finance .. - Page, D. E. Principal Accountant _ 26-9-60
Ojo, P. B. Accountant 5-10-60
Ministry of Health .. Akinrele, Mrs A.A... Nursing Sister .. 1-7-60 _
‘Bodman, Miss D. E. Matron oF oe -. 22-7-60.
Fadahunsi, Mrs F. J Nursing Sister .. oe .. 8-7-60
Folarin, N. A. Nursing Superintendent ..- 15-8-60
Kuti, M. A. O. .. Limb Fitter oe oe i. 29-8-60
Ministry of Information Underwood, J.R.G. Film Production Officer 11-9-60
Ministry of Justice _ Miller, C. H. E. .. Senior Crown Counsel . 18-9-60
Ministry of Labour . Adekoya, D. B. Labour Officer. .. a -- 15-9-60
Ministry of Lagos Deans,J. 5. .. Principal Valuation Officer .. 21-9-60
Ministry of Mines and Mortimer, Miss M. J. Secre T pist . + «. 31-8-60
Power Rait, D. M. _ ChiefElectiteal Engineer -- 27-9-60
Ministry of Pensions .. Bajulaiye, I. O. .. Instructor ve “ -- 31-8-60
Ministry of Transport Gill,E. H. an Technical Officer 30-7-60
and Aviation Sessi, J. A. K. ve ‘raffic Control Officer, Grade III 23-9--60
Ministry of Works and Alan-Lees, J. F. os Dent ty Director . .. 149-60
Surveys — Bain, W. .. -Prinéipal Accountant ee +» 21-7-60
Cooper, M.A.R. .. Surveyor we -. 3-10-60
Galloway, A. A. . Assistant Works Manager... .. 21-7-60
Hartshorn, T. F. Works Superintendent te ne 1+9-68
20th. October, 1960 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1271

Date of
Depariment Name Appointment Resumption
Ministry of Works and Jones,J. T. Assistant Works Manager .. .» 149-60
Surveys—continued Miller, R. M. H. Electrical Supérintendent -. 16-9-60
. Nicholas; R.C. - Works Superintendent - oe ~. 19-9-60
Webster, W. R. . Works Superintendent o -. 12-7-60
Police Agbakoba, B. P.O. .. Assistant SuperintendentofPolice . 29-8-60
Akoma,J. ,. Assistant Superintendentof Police . 9-9-60
Doh, J... Assistant SuperintendentofPolice . 14-9-60
Ezeadiugwu, J. N. Assistant Superintendentof Police 3-7-60
Hartstone, R. J. Deputy Superintendent ofPolice 8-9~60
Horabin, J. L. Assistant Superintendentof Police .. 18-9-60
Tjoma, J. N. .. Assistant Superintendentof Police .. 25-5-60
Loremikan, E.—.._-—« Assistant SuperintendentofPolice .- 26-8-60 -
Nwaka, P. .. Assistant SuperintendentofPolice .. 22-4-60
Randall, F. A.B. .. Senior Superintendent of Police . 10-9-60
‘Prisons... .» Booth, A. . Assistant Director of Prisons : 26-5-60
Chukwurah, J.O. .. Superintendent of Prisons . 25-7-60
Edwards, L. G. Superintendent of Prisons . 21-8-60
; Ejike, R. O. Stores Officer... : 17-9-60
West African Institute Jordan, A. M. .. Senior Scientific Officer ae .. 17-8-60
for Trypanosomiasis Broom-field, K. E. .. Senior Laboratory Superintendent . 30-7-60
Research . . .
Veterinary Research . Forsyth, A. A. Veterinary Education Officer «. 21-9-60

1 Notification in Gazette No. 53 of 8-9-60 amended.

Post to «hich Date of
Department Name Appointment transferred Transfer
Ministry of Health .. Eze, MrsL.S. Senior Staff Nurse, ‘Senior Staff Nurse .. 269-60
Southern Cameroons .
Ministry of Works and Lane, C. H. A. Mechanical Engineer, Chief Mechanical
Surveys . Grade I Engineer, Northern
Region Public
~ Service 21-7-60


. Departure Arrival
Department Name Appointment from at New
: Nigeria Post
Administration . Harriman, L. Assistant Secretary 5-9-60 6-9-60


: Date of SO, .
Department Name » Appointment Leaving Reasons for leaving
; - : Seruice Service
Agricultural Ugochukwu, E. N. Archive Assistant,
Research Grade III -. 30~9-60 Resigned
Customs and Dada, Miss M:A. Clerical Assistant 3-10-60. Resigned
Inland Revenue Tomiro, S. Assessment Clerk,
Cy Grade III .. 23-9-60 Resigned
Ministry. of Chinweokwu, S.A. Produce Inspector, , :
Commerce Grade III .. 27-8-60 Resigned”
and Industry _—_
Ministry of Davies, E. .. Postal Office#—__. .. 13-9-60 Resigned
Communica- Yesufu, M. T. Technical Officer .. 157-60 Resigried
. aoe ~~


Ministry of Sodipo, A. O. .. 3rd Class Clerk .» 1-10-60

1272 * OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 66, Vol. 47


Date of
Department Name Appointment leaving Reasonsforleaving
Service ° * Service
Ministry of Kemdirim, N. B 3rd Class Clerk -. 28-9-60 Resigned
Labour Oyewumi, S. O. .. 3rd Class Clerk 4-10-60 Resigned
Ministry of Umar, Mallani:M. S$. Sub-Inspector, Grade Ut - 1-10-60 Resigned
Mines and *
Ministry of Raper, M. L. .. Quantity Surveyor -» 19-8-60 Resigned
Works and Simpson, W.L. .. Works Superintendent .. 3-10-60 Completed Contract
Police .- Carrigher, S.J. ... Assistant Superintendent .
: of Police .. +. 7-9-60 Completed Contract -
West African Babatunde, G. M. Laboratory Assistant, ;
Institute for Grade ITI -» 18-9-60 Resigned ~
Research -"

His Excellency the Governor-General announces with regret the death of the following :-—
Hares, H. J., late Pensioner (Fx Provincial Postmaster), in the United Kingdom, on 4th August, 1960.
Jas1, A. S. O., late Printer (1st Class) Ministry of Information, at No. 27 Elegbata Street, Lagos, on 9th -
September, 1960.
Prrcatrn, G. D., late Pensioner (Ev Administrative Officer) Administration, in the United Kingdom, on
19th August, 1960.

GovernmentNotice No. 2004 j

In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 84 of the Constitution of the Federation of
Nigeria set out in the Second Schedule to the Nigeria (Constitution) Order in Council, 1960, His Excellency
Sir James ROBERTSON, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.0., K.B.E., Governor-General and Commander-in-Chiefof the Federation
has been pleased to appoint, from the 1st of October, 1960, the following Ministers :-—
Alhaji the Hon. Sir ApuBakar Tarawa BALEWA, K.B.E. Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
MP. and Commonwealth Relations
Alhaji the Hon. Munammanu RisaDU, 4.B.E.,M.P. .. Minister of Defence
The Hon. Chief Festus Okorie-Es0u, C.M.G.,M.P. .. Minister of Finance
The Hon. R. A. NJoKu, M.P... .. Minister of Transport and Aviation
Alhaji the Hon. Monammanv Inuwa Was, M.P. .. Minister of Works and Surveys
The Hon, J. M. Jounson, Mp. +» «+ +. Minister of Labour
The Hon. ZANNA BuKAR DIpcHARIMA, M.P. .. .. Minister of Commerce and Industry
The Hon. AJA NWACHUKU MP. ce oe .. Minister of Education
Alhaji the Hon. SHenu SHAGARI, MP. .. .- .. Minister of Pensions
Alhaji the Hon. Usman SARKI, M.P. ... .. .. Minister of Internal Affairs
-* The Hon. Marrama SuLE, M.P. .. oe .. Minister of Mines and Power
_ The Hon. T. O. S. BENSON, M.P. -- .- .. Minister of Information ,
Alhaji the Hon. Wazrri IBRAHIM, MP. .. os .. Minister of Health —
The Hon. OLu AKINFOSILE, M.P. wens .. Minister of Communications
The Hon. Musa Yar’ADUA, M.P. . . .. Minister of Lagos Affairs
The Hon. Jaya WACHUKU, M.-P. .. . . .. Minister of Economic Development
Dr the Hon. T. O. Exras .- . + ... Attorney-General and Ministerof Justice
The Hon. M. T, Mau, MP... .» Navy . ar
Senator the Hon. D:. M. A. Majekodunmi *. Army Ministers of State in the Ministry of Defence.
Senator the Hon. Dr E.A. Estn “ re +» Ministers of State in the Ministry of Foreign
Senator the Hon. Nusnv Bamattr . . . Affairs and CommonwealthRelations.
The Hon. M. A. OLAREWAJU, M.P.
. Ministers of State in the Prime Minister’s Office.
The Hon. J. C. OBANDE, M.P.
Minister of State not of Cabinet rank :— 7
Chief the Hon. H. Omo-Osacig, up... oe .. Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance,
C. O. Lawson, -
Acting Deputy Secretary to the
Council of Ministers
20th October, 1960 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1273

Government Notice No. 2005 :

In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by subsection (1) of section 88 of the Constitution of the
Federation of Nigeria set out in the Second Schedule to the Nigeria (Constitution) Order in Council, 1960,
His Excellency, Sir JAMES ROBERTSON, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.0., K.B.E., Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief
of the Federation has been pleased to appoint, from the ist of October, 1960, the following Parliamentary
Secretaries :— -
Mr F. U. Mpaxocu’ a Leeae .. Ministry of Economic Development
-Mr T. A, Lamoye we teas .. Ministry of Finance
MrM. Oxitolr “ a . . .. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Common-
~ wealth Relations .
Mr FE, T. Oropr.. — .. ve va .. Prime Minister’s Odice
Mr R.B, K. OKAFoR.. ve o - .. Ministry of Justice.
‘ C. O, Lawson, |
Acting Deputy Secretary to the
Council of Ministers

Government Notice ‘No. 2006___ ,

in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by subsection (3) of section 81 of the Constitution of the’
Federation of Nigeria set out in the Second Schedule to the Nigeria (Constitution) Order in Council, 1960,
His Excellency, Sir James ROBERTSON, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.0., K.B.E., Governor-Generaland Commander-in-Chief
of the Federation has been pleased to establish, from the 1st of October, 1960, the offices of :—
(i) Minister of Foreign Affairs and Commonyyealth Relations; ot
(i) Attorney-General ; and
(iti)Minister of Justice.
. C. O, Lawson,
Acting Deputy Secretary to the
Council of Ministers

Government Notice No. 2007

, ESTABLISHMENT OF Diplomatic Corps ar Lacos
It is notified for general informationthat thefollowing Commonwealth High Commissioners and Foreign
Ambassadors having presented their Letters of Introduction and Letters of Credence to the Honourable the
Prime Minister and His Excellency the Governor-General respectively, are hereby recognised as having
established the Diplomatic Corps at Lagos :— ce
1. His Excellency the Right Honourable Viscount Head, High Commissionerfor the United Kingdom
in Nigeria, who is also Doyen of the Corps. .
2. His Excellency MrJoseph Palmer 2nd, Ambassadorof the United States of America at Lagos.
3. His Excellency M. Raymond Offroy, Ambassador of France‘at. Lagos.
4, His Excellency Dr H. Graf Von Posadowsky-Wehner, Ambassadorof the Federal Republic of Ger-
many at Lagos.
5. His Excellency Mr V. C. M. Tay, High Commissioner for the Republic of Ghana in Nigeria.
6. His Excellency Mr P. N. Haksar, High Commissioner for the Republic of India in Nigeria.
. 7. His Excellency Mr Channan Yavor, Ambassadorof the State of Israel at Lagos.
8. His Excellency Mr T. L. Carter, High Commissioner for Canada in Nigeria.
. Ais Excellency MrJ. F. Bowles, High Commissioner for the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
in Nigeria, ns
10. L. E. Phillips, Esq., Acting High Commissioner for Australia in Nigeria.

Gavernment Notice No. 2008

ENROLMENT IN SPECIAL List ‘B’ or Her Mayesty’s Overseas CIvit SERVICE :
. ; Enrolment
: Rank Ministry|Depariment Date
N.J. Field .. |... Surveyor oe o .. Ministry of Works and Surveys
‘ (Surveys Division) .. .. 26-9--60
F, A. Cassidy .. .. Deputy Chief Inspectorof Ministry of Mines and Power
Mines (Mines Division) oe .» 26-9-60
, Ministry of Economic Develop-
E. B. Cowell .. .. Specialist (Pasture Research) ..
, . ment (Agric, Dept.—Southern
_ Cameroons) .. .e .. 27-9-60
E.Jones.. .. .. Deputy Director of Federal Ministry of Works and Surveys.
Public Works ’ (Works Division) ee .- 30-9-60
P48800/S. 5/C. 3 , ,

1274 | OFFICIAL GAZETTE No, 66, Vol. 47

Government Notice No, 2009

-- Itis notified for general information that General Siz LasHMER WHISTLER, G.C.B., K-B-E., D.S.0.» relinquished.
his appointment as Hon. Colonel, The Royal Nigerian Military Forces, with effect from the 30th September,
1960, and accepted an invitation from the Prime Minister and Minister of Defence to reassumethat appoint-
ment from the ist October, 1960. , a
. a ..
Government Notice No. 2010 : ae
The following Commissions and Warrants are notified for general information :—
’ Acting Permanent Secretary,
- Ministry of Defence
Lagos, 13th October, 1960. o
Rarpu NEviLie STANBURY,D.S.C:, in the rank of Lieutenant-Commander from 17th June, 1960.
Joun SHoLTo GLENDENNING,in the rank of Lieutenant-Commander from 22nd April, 1960.
STANLEY Kirk, in the rank of Lieutenant-Commander from 14th February, 1960,
Lewis Cuartes Heasert Dover, in the rank of Senior Commissioned Officer from 25th March, 1960.

Government Notice No. 2011 oo Government Notice N. 2012.

In THe Ma or Section 2407 THE ° In THE Hicu Courr or Lacos, Nicgria,
; 4 of. THE REVISED Laws
NOoTIck IS HEREBY GIVEN thatall creditors and other _,Peceased .
persons havingclaims against the estate of any of the
deceased persons whose names and addresses are Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of
set out below are hereby required to send particulars — eight days application will be made in the Probate
Registry of the High Court of Lagos,, Nigeria, for - ,
in writing of their claims to me the undersigned on a :
or before the 17th day of November, 1960, after the re-sealing of the Letters of Administration with
i str the Will annexed of George Duke Midgley, who
wyhich,dateTshalProcedto e aeeeielod died on the 21st day of October, 1959 at “ White-
thereto, having regard only to the claims of which smith’ Aspenden, Hertfordshire, England, granted
notice shall then have been received. by the Principal Probate Registray of the High
AND ail indebted to the said estat Court of Justice, in England.
all persons indebted to the said estate are :
hereby requested to make paymentforthwith. Daren at Lagos this 3rd day of August, 1960. —
. = ‘ : ”
1. Emmanuet Oxvurunso’ Aprsryi, late of the , G. L. Impey,Se
Posts and ‘Telegraphs Department, Zaria, PHC490 Attorney for the Administratrix
died at the General Hospital, Zaria, on the Government Notice No, 2013
7th day of December, 1958. Companies Ordinanck Chapter 37 (1958 Revised
2. Joun Oxon,late of the Nigeria Police, died
at Onitsha-Uku, Asaba, on the 12th day of
of the Laws.-ALG.G,
of the Federation
of Nigeria
September, 1958. A THE Petron OF Genoa Mea MTD
* BmaTiel
of 5eptember, 1959
, . ;
sbovenamed compiny, daly convened and Bed a
8 €
_ Thursday the 30th June, 1960, at 3 o’clock in the
t an ordinary General Meeting
theoffice of R. C. Rickett at 4 Noad Avenue, Jos, on
o e

4, Appa DamacaraM,late of the Nigeria Police, afternoon, the following Special Resolution . was
died at Zinder-Kano Road, on the 30th day passed, and, at an Extraordinary General Meeting
of November, 1958. _ 2. of the companyheld at the office of R. C. Rickett at
5. Farayr Aricpanu,late of the Posts and Tele- 4 Noad Avenue, Jos, on Thursday the 14th July,
graphs Department, died at the University 1960, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon thesaid resolution
College Hospital, Ibadan, on the 14th day of WS confirmed :—
August, 1959, “That the Company be wound up voluntarily
ATED atat LagosLagos this this 20th d ay of October, 1960. _ ‘ under the provisionsof
Cap38 Laws of Nigeria and Companies
the that WilfredOrdinanc
M. N. .Q. Sacoz, x Region. of Nisoria, ‘ ‘Accountant,"beheen
Federal Adwministrator-General - appointed liquidator for the purpose of suc
The Federal Administrator-General’ _ winding up.
18-24 Tkoyi Road, Lagos. Office, Daren this 14th day of July, 1960, RE
334/30 RC930/89 ‘Chairman
20th October, 1960 © OFFICIAL GAZETTE . 1275

Governinent Notice No. 2014

In THE Hic Courr or Lacos
Wuureas the person whose. nameis set out in thefirst column hereunder died intestate on the date
and at the place stated in the said column.
AND WHEREAS the person or persons whose addresses and relationship (if any) to the deceased are set~
out in the second column hereof have applied to the High Court of Lagos for grant of Letters of Administra-
tion of the personal property of the said deceased.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Letters of Administration will be granted to such persons unless a notice
_ to prohibit the grant thereofis filed in this Registry within 14 (fourteen) days from the date thereof :—
Deceased Applicantsfor Grant
1, Jostan: OGUNFUNMILAYO PuHILLIPs, late of Aina Phillips of 55 King George Avenue, Yaba, and John
No. 55 King George Avenue, Yaba, died Michael Williams of 9 Lawani Street, Onitiri Layout,
on the 27th day of July, 1959, at the Yaba, the widow and uncle respectively of the deceased.
University College Hospital, Ibadan,
Daren at Lagos, this 13th day of October, 1960.
E. A. Caxton-Martiss,
. . . Probate Registrar
Probate Registry, High Court, Lagos.
339/Vol. VIII . .

Government Notice No.2015 = sg 6. Jonas Upana,late Stores Labourer, GradeITI,

of the Nigerian Railway Corporation, died
In THE HicH Court or Lacos, NIGERIA - at the General Hospital, Enugu, on the 28th
PROBATE REGISTRY day of June, 1955.
Wuereas the Federal Administrator-General by 7, James AzusrKE ONoNYE, late Produce Clerk
virtue of the power conferred on him bysection 58 employed by Messrs John Holt and Co. Ltd.,
of the Administrator-General’s Ordinance, Cap. 4 Ewohimi, Ishan Division, died at the General.
of the Revised Laws of Nigeria 1948 intends to Hospital, Onitsha, on the 5th day of January,
apply to the High Court of Lagos or the High Court _
of the appropriate Region of Nigeria for permission Daren at Lagos this 20th day of October, 1960.
to administer the estates of the deceased persons
whose names and addresses are set out below and M. N. Q. Sacog,
who. died intestate on the dates set out opposite Federal Administrator-General’
their names. : The Federal Administrator-General’s Office,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Federal Adminis- _. 18-24 Ikoyi Road, Lagos.
trator-General will apply for such permission Oe 335/Vol. II
accordingly unless notices to prohibit the same are
filed in thisoffice within twenty-eight (28) days from Government Notice No. 2016
the date hereof, In THE Matter oF THE ESTATE OF
Notice is also given that all creditors having Awawu alias Iva Tapa—Deceased
claims against the said estates ‘should submit their NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS UNDER
claims to me the undersigned on or before the SECTION 41 OF THE ADMINISTRATOR-
17th day of November, 1960, after which date I GENERAL’S ORDINANCE, CAP. 4 OF THE
will proceed to distribute the assets of the said REVISED LAWS OF NIGERIA
estates amongst the parties entitled thereto having
regard only to the claims of which notice shall BE IT KNOWN to those whom it may concern that
the above-named deceased died intestate onthe 20th
then have been received. day of January, 1960, at Lagos without known heirs
AND all persons indebted to the said estates are or next-of-kin. . :
hereby requested to make payment forthwith.
. AND WHEREAS the administration of the said estate
1. Bettro Isapan, alias Betto Ayacse, late of has now been completed and there is a residue of
16 Ajayi Street, Apapa, died at Dr Doherty © £103-1s-5d. :
Dispensary, Lagos, on the 12th day of August, Ir 1s HEREBY NOTIFIED as prescribed by section 41
of the Administrator-General’s Ordinance, Cap. 4
2. Basa Ako, late Daily Watchman of Elder ‘of the Revised Laws of Nigeria that all persons
"Dempster Agencies Limited, died on the 7th claiming to be interested in the above estate on legal,
January, 1955. equitable or moral grounds are at liberty to present
3. Joun Axameruza, late of Elder Dempster their petition to the High Court of Lagos, Nigeria,
Agencies Ltd., died at Umocham Emekuku, within 2 years from the date of this Notice.
Owerri, on the 8th day of February, 1960: Daren at Lagosthis 20th day of October, 1960.
4, Oruprez Osmrxatu, late of Odogbolu, Western
Region of Nigeria, died at Leverville in the M.N. Q. Sacoe,
Belgian Congo, on the 15th day of June, 1952. Federal Administrator-General
5. Meprxe Ixeurr ONuNAaKU, late of No. 87a
Agege Motor Road, Mushin, died at Lagos Administrator-General’s Office,
on or about the 22nd day of January, 1959, 18-24 Ikoyi Road, Lagos. 4135436
1276 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 66, Vol. 47

Government Notice No. 2017 _ 2. Any person claiming to have any right or
interest in the said land is required within six weeks .
In THE Marrer or tue ESTATE OF from the date ofthis notice to send to the Minister of
Lawant Sanni—Deceased Lagos Affairs, care of the Permanent Secretary,
NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS UNDER Ministry of Lands and Labour, Western Region at
SECTION 41 OF THE ADMINISTRATOR- his office in Ibadan a statement of his right and
GENERAL’S ORDINANCE, CAP. 4 OF THE interest and of the evidence thereof, and of any
REVISED LAWS OF NIGERIA claim made by him in respect of such right or
BE IT KNOWN to those whom it may concern that interest. ‘ , ‘
the above-named deceased diedintestate on the 16th 3. The Governor-General is willing to treat for
day of October, 1954, in Lagos. the acquisition of the said land.
AND WHEREAS the administration of the said estate 4. Land in respect of which no statement is’
has now been completed and there is a residue of received is liable to be dealt with as unoccupied land.
£46-19s-8d, = ,
5. Awp Notice is also hereby given that the
It is HEREBY NOTIFIED as prescribed by section 41 Governor-General intends to, enter into possession
of the Administrator-General’s Ordinance, Cap. 4 of the said land at the expiration of six weeks from
of the Revised Laws of Nigeria that all persons theday following the publicatign of this notice.
claiming to be interested in the above estate on legal,
equitable or moral grounds are at liberty to present
6, Any person who shall wilfully hinder or
obstruct the Governor-General or any person
their petition to the High Court of Lagos, Nigeria,.
within 2 years from the date ofthis Notice. employed byhim from taking possession of the said
landis liable, under the provisions ofthe Ordinance
Daten at Lagos this 20th day of October, 1960. above-mentioned on convictionto a fine oftwenty-five
- * M.N.Q. Sacoz, pounds or to imprisonmentfor three months.
| ° Federal Administrator-General ‘ Datep the 30th day of September, 1960. -
Admministrator-General’s Office, , MuxHaAMMADU RiBaDu,
18-24 Ikoyi Road, Lagos. “ Minister of Lagos Affairs
ot P11941 © 07577 .

Government Notice No. 2019

Government Notice No. 2018
Public Lands Acquisition Ordinance (Chapter 185)
Public -Lands Acquisition Ordinance (Chapter 167)
Notice is hereby given that all that parcel of land Wuereas by the Government Notice No. 1589
published in the Official Gazette No. 49 of 18th
along Shagamu-Ijebu Ode Road, at Ikenne in the
August, 1960, the Minister of Education has declared
Remo Division, Ijebu Province, Western Region of
under section 33 (¢) (6) of the Education (Lagos)
Nigeria containing an area of approximately 2.948
Acres the boundaries of which are described below Ordinance No. 26 of 1957 that the lands herein
is required by the Governor-General for public . described are required by the Government of the _
Federation for Educational purposes.
purposes absolutely and- in particular for Road -
Improvements. Notice is hereby given that the following land
situate at Suru-Lere, Lagos in that part of the Colony
DESCRIPTION of Nigeria which is comprised in the Federal Terri-
Starting at a concrete pillar marked P,B.H. 4607 tory of Lagos, the boundaries of which are herein
the co-ordinates of which are 573.93 feet North and described are required by the Governor-General
1,297.39 feet West of a concrete pillar marked I.C.S. for public purposes absolutely and ip particular for
3T the origin of Ikenne Cadastral Surveys the extending a school. $
boundaries run in straight lines the bearings and, DescriPrion
lengths of which are as follows :-—
All that piece or parcel of land at Suru-Lere within
From Bearings Lengths To that part of the Colony of Nigeria which is comprised
P.BH4607 102°47’ 198.8 feet P.B.H 4608 in the Federal Territory of Lagos comprising an
PBN 4608 111°37’. 499.5 feet P.B.H 4609 area of approximately 5,582.00 square yards, the
P.BH 4609 115°03% 699.0 feet P.B.H 4610 boundaries of which are described below: ~.
P.BH 4610 103°63’ 193.0feet P.BH 4611
P.BH 4611 99°23’ 321.6feet P.BH 4612 Starting at a concrete pillar marked LD.5290,
P.B.H 4612 188°36’ 99.4feet P.BH 4613 the co-ordinates of which are 1,801.90 feet South and
4,586.72 feet West of a concrete pillar marked L..C.S,
P.B.H 4613 282° 43 «342.1 feet PBH 4614
P.BH 4614 291°20° 2894fect P.B.H 4615 165P, the origin of Lagos Cadastral Surveys, the
P.BH4615 294°48’ 408.9 feet P.B.H 4616 boundaries run in straight lines, the bearings and
P.BH 4616 296°15’ 304.1 feet’ ” P.B.H 4617 lengths of which are as follows :—
P.B.H 4617 291° 01’ 181.2 feet PBI 4618 From Bearings Lengths - To
P.B.H 4618 286°34’ 195.2feet P.B,H 4619 LD.5290 198° 30’ 330. 6 feet LD.5289
P.B.H 4619 273°42’ 197.3 feet P.B.H 4620 LD.5289 195° 59° 48.4 feet LD.5288
P.B.H 4620 10° 34’ 100.7 feet P.B.H 4607 LD,5288 183° 26’ 50.1 feet LD.5287
(the starting point). LD.5287 173° 33’ 45.1 feet LD,.5286
All property beacons are concrete pillars, all LD.5286 266° 07’ 100.0 feet - LD.2269
bearings and lengths are approximateand all bearings LD.2269 353° 50° 58.3 feet 1LD,2323
arereferred to Colony,North. LD.2323 3° 33” 69.6 feet. LD,3090
20th October, 1960. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 4277
From Bearing Length To From Bearing Length To
LD.3090 15°33’ 63.7 feet 1LD.3138 LD6575 150°09’ 184feet LD6576
LD.3138 18°29’ 3121 feet LD.3248 LD6576 202°18° 71.0feet CPi
LD.3248 65°17’ 34.3 feet LD.3249 CPi 197°31’ 44.9 feet LD6578
LD.3249 112°01’ 75.3 feet LD.5290 LD6578 243° 08 20.0 feet LD6579
(the starting point), LD6579 aT 3 ° 38 feet LD6699
b te pillars earin LD6699 ; , .6 feet 7
and.[enerheareapprozimateand ail Gearince oes ~‘LD6377 «285° 42’ S5.1 feet LID6712
referred to True North. LD6712 292° 03 54.7 feet LD6573
°. Am claiming to b soht LD6573 19°46’ 170.0 feet LD6574
» Any persod g to have any right
interest in the said land is required within six weeks
or 76574 109°55’ 203.5 feet LD6575
from the date of this Notice to send to the Minister (the starting point).
of Lagos Affairs, care of the Chief Executive Officer,
Lagos Executive Development Board, Layos, a All property beacons are concrete pillars, all
bearings and lengths are approximate and all
statementofhis right and interest and of the evidencebearings are referred to True North.
thereof and of any claim made by him in respect of |
such right or interest. 2. Any person claiming to have any right or
3. The Governor-General is willing to treat for interest in the said landis required within six weeks
the acquisition of the said land. from the date of this Notice to: send to the Minister
4. Lands in respect of which no statement is of Lagos Affairs care of the Chief Executive Officer,
received are liable to be dealt with as unoccupied Lagos Execitive Development Board, Lagos, a
lands. statementof his right and interest and of the evidence
thereof, and of any claim made by him in respect of
5. AND NOTICE is hereby given that the Governor- such right or interest.
General intends to enter into possession of the said
land at the expiration of six weeks from the day 3. The Governor-General is willing to treat for
following the publication of this Notice, ‘the acquisition of the said land. +
6. Any person who shall wilfully hinder or obs-
truct the Governor-General or any person employed 4, Land in respect of which 'no statement is
by him from taking possession of the said land is received is liable to be dealt with as unoccupied land.
liable under the provisions of the Ordinance above-
5, AND NOTICE is hereby given that the Governor-
mentioned on conviction to a fine of twenty-five General intends to enter into possession of the said
poundsor to imprisonmentfor three months. land at the expiration of six weeks from the day
Daten this 27th day of September, 1960. following the publication ofthis notice.
Minister of Lagos Affairs 6. Any person whoshall wilfully hinder or obstruct
07517/47 the Governor-General or any person employed by
him from taking possession of the said landis liable
under the provisions of the Ordinance above-
Government Notice No. 2020 mentioned on conviction to 2 fine of twenty-five
Public Lands Acquisition Ordinance (Chapter 167) pounds or to imprisonment for three months.
GOVERNMENT * Daten this 27th day of September, 1960.
- Wuereas by the Government Notice No. 1590
published in Official Gazette No. 49 of 18th August, Munamnapu Riapv,
1960, the Minister of Education has declared under Minister of Lagos Affairs
section 33 (i) (6) of the Education (Lagos) Ordinance.
No. 26 of 1957 that the lands herein described are L0103/Vol. 3
required by the Government of the Federation for
Educational purposes.
_Notice is hereby given that the following land Government Notice'No. 1925 (2nd publication)
situate at Amusa Street, Yaba, in that part of the Statistics Ordinance, Sections 8 and 14
Colony of Nigeria which is comprised in the Federal (No. 44 of 1957)
Territory of Lagos, the boundaries of which are
herein described are required by the Governor- RETURN OF EMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGS
General for public purposes absolutely and in parti- SEPTEMBER 1960
cular for building a school. Notice is hereby given that all business establish-
DESCRIPTION ments employing 10 or more persons are required
ALL that piece or parcel of land at Amusa Street, to furnish by 30th November, 1960 a Return relating
Yaba, within that part of the Colony of Nigeria which to numbers employed and earnings as at the 30th
is comprised in the Federal Territory of Lagos September, 1960 in the manner and detail called
comprising an area of approximately 3,879.25 square for on the prescribed Forms E.S. 21 and E.S. 2ia
yards, the boundaries of which are described below : and the accompanying notes and instructions.
STARTING at a concrete pillar marked LD6575, Forms and full instructions on -the submission
the co-ordinates of which are 1,308.05 feet North and of the Return are being distributed and employers
4,567.51 feet East ofa concrete pillar marked L.C.S. who have not received them by 30th October, 1960
165P, the origin of Lagos Cadastral Surveys, the should apply to the nearest Labour Office.
boundaries run in straight lines, the bearings and
lengths of which are as follows :— ML/D£/34/17
1278 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 66, Vol. 47.

Government Notice No. 2021 Government Notice No, 2025

The Right Honourable the Secretary of State for
_ theColonies has been pleased to notify that Her ABO MBAISE POSTAL AGENCY—
Majesty will not be advised to exercise her power of OPENING OF
disallowance with respect to the following It is notified for general information that a Postal
Ordinances :-— Agency was opened at Abo Mbaise in Onitsha Divi-
Ordinance No. 21 of 1960, Supplementary sion of Onitsha Province on 8th June, 1960, for the
Sppropriation (1958-59) (No. 3) Ordinance, sale of stamps, transaction of Postal Order business,
acceptance and delivery of registered articles and
Ordinance No. 24 of 1960, Supplementary receipt and despatch of mails.
Appropriation (1959-60) (No. 3) Ordinance, The circulation of mails is to Owerri.
GG02422/S, 21
Government Notice No. 2022 Director of Posts and Telegraphs
UNION Government Notice No, 2026
THE Feperat Survey Lasour Tourtnc
Starr Union Recisrerep No. 551 Ministry or ComMMUNICATIONS !
The Certificate of Registration of the above- EKO-ENDE POSTAL AGENCY—OPENING OF
Famed Union was cancelled on 16th day of August, It is notified for general information that a Postal
3 \sency was opened at Eko-Ende in Oshun Division
Daten this 20th day of October, 1960. of Oyo Province on 19th September, 1960, for the
J. A. Octy, sale of stamps, the transaction of Postal Order
Registrar of Trade Unions business, acceptance and delivery of registered
TU905 articles and receipt and despatch of mails. The.
circulation of mails is to Ikirun
Government Notice No. 2023
Minerals Regulations _°‘J._A. FARRER, ~
For the purpose of computing the royalty on the Director ofPosts and Telegraphs
minerals specified hereunder, the following informa- MC/PT0008
tion is given :—
Rate of
Average Daily Royaltyappli- Government Notice No. 2027
London Price cable during
Minerals during the quarter the period MInNistRyY OF COMMUNICATIONS
ended 30th Sep- 1st October to OTAN-ILE POSTAL AGENCY—
tember, 1960 31st December, OPENING OF
1960 It is notified for general information that a Postal
£ sd Percentage Agency was openedat Otan-Ile in Ijesha Division of
Gold 12 10 1.9884 10 Oyo Province on 19-9-60 for the sale of stamps,
per oz. the transaction of postal order business, acceptance
troy ' and delivery of registered articles and receipt and
Silver .. 0 0 79.25 6 despatch of mails.
per oz.
troy J. A. Farrer, | ‘
Lead .. ~ 7014 1 2 Director of Posts and Telegraphs
per ton MC/PT0008
Zinc .. -- 88 410 3
per ton
Wolfram -- Government Notice No. 2028
ore) .- 718 4 . 5
220/0/35 It is notified for general information that a Postal
Agency was opened at Etiti in Onitsha Division of
Government Notice No. 2024 - Onitsha Province on the 15th September, 1960, for
Minerals Regulations the sale of stamps, transaction of postal order
Ratz or RoyvALttry oN EXPORTATION oF TIN business, acceptance and delivery of registered
articles, the delivery of parcels and receipt and des
For the purpose of computing the amount of patch ofmails. . .
royalty payable upon exportations oftin during the
perind 14th October to 13th November, 1960, the The circulation of to Nnewi.
average mean price during the month ended Sep-
tember 1960, was £803-17s-2d and the rate of
royalty payable will therefore be £115-3s-1.8dper ton.
- ' Director of Postsand Telegraphs
220/0/35 McC/PT0008
“20th October, 1960 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — 1279.
Government Notice No. 2029
Information concerning countries notlisted and latest dates of posting at places other than Lagos can *
be obtained from yourlocal Postmaster.. While every reasonableprecaution has been taken in the compilation
ofabe dates, no liability can be accepted in any case of an item failing to arrive at its destination by
_ . Surface
Destination Air Letters and Packets Parcels
Australia . o 6th December 12th October 12th October
Cameroons Republic .- 15th December 24th October 24th October
Canada +. 10th December ist November ist November
Congo Republic _ 10th December 24th October 24th October
Central African Republic 12th December 24th -October .. 24th October -
Ceylon .. . 10th December 24th October .. 24th October
Dahomey Republic o 14th December Sth December ... 5th December
Europe (Continentof) 12th December... 8th November 8th November
bia oe . 14th December .. 24th November 24th November
Ghana... oe . 17th December . 24th November 24th November
India a 10th December 24th October 24th October
Israel .. . 9th Décember 24th October 24th October
Ivory Coast Republic.” 15th December 24th October 24th October
Jamaica . ee an 8th December 8th November 24th October
Japan. . . 12th December 12th October 12th October
Kenya, Uganda and
4 Tangntiyita .. 12th December 7th November 7th November
Lebanon. : 12th December .. 24th October 12th October
Liberia .. 15th December -.. 24th November 24th November
Malaya .. . 9th December 24th October 24th October
New Zealand .. 5th December 12th October .. 12th October
Pakistan . 12th Decémber 24th October . 24thOctober
Rhodesia and Nyasaland Federation 12th December 7th November 7th November
Senegal . . . 14th December 24th October 24th October
Sierra Leone 15th December 24th November 24th November
South Africa .. 10th December 7th November 7th November
* South America 12th December 12th October 12th October |
- Syria... . 12th December 24th October 12th October
Trinidad . 12th December 24th October 12th October
United Kingdom 17th December .. 24th November .. 24th November
USA. .. 12th December .. 1st November ist November
PT0008 Director, Posts and Telegraphs Department
Government Notice No. 2030 Government Notice No. 2031
It is notified for general information that Nkwogwu Itiis notified for general information that a Postal
_ Postal Agency was closed after business on 27th
Agency was opened at Amainyinta in Okigwi
' August 1960, and a Sub Post Office opened on 29th
Division of Owerri Province on the 10th Septemher,
August, 1960at Nkwogwu. 1960 for of stamps, the transaction of postal
2. All classes of Postal and Telegraph business order business, acceptance and delivery of registered
are transacted. articles, receipt and despatch of mails and the
3. The following entry should be made after delivery ofparcels.
Nimo on Page 284 of the Post Office Guide, 1959
The circulation of mails is to Umuahia.
Edition :
Name of Details of
Office Province Type Service J. A. Farrer,
Nkwogwu Sub- ‘. Gub- — Director of Posts and Telegraphs
‘Post Office Owerri Office TA, NT. MC/PT.0008 : .
andthe deletion of the Postal Agency. should be made
in the Post OfficeCompendium. . Government Notice No. 2032
4, Theusual hours of -attendance for postal and
: telegraph business are observed. The Post Office’ Loss or Treasury Receipt VoucHER
: will not ‘open on| Sundays and Public Holidays.
It is hereby notified that the Treasury Receipt
Voucher No. 230438/213 dated 12th July, 1960, for
elo eeeDe ' Divector 1osts and Telegraphs £38-2s-9d, issued to the Ministry o:f Agricultureand
MC/PT.0008 ‘Natural Resources has been reported lost.
1280 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ‘No. 66, Vol. 47

2. The Treasury Receipt Voucher is hereby Government Notice No. 2036

declared cancelled. Any person who comes into
possession of it or is able to furnish any information Loss oF Loca, Purcuase ORDERS
relating to it should please report the facts to the It has been reported by the Permanent Secretary,
nearest Police Station. Ministry of Works, Kaduna, Northern Region, that
A. T. Kemp, the Local Purchase Orders Nos. 070017, 070018 and
Accountant-General, 070019 issued by Provincial Engineer, Ministry ‘of
12/1 Western Region Works, Kabba Province, to Messrs John Holt,
Lokoja, has been reportedlost. ,
2. The Local Purchase Orders Nos. 070017,
070018 and 070019 are hereby declared cancelled.
Government Notice No. 2033 3. Any?person who comes in possession of them
Loss or Lasr Pay Certificate or is able to furnish any information relating to them.
should please report the facts to the nearest Police
It has been reported by the Principal, Institute of Station and to this Office.
Administration, Zaria, Northern Region, that Last
Pay Certificate No. ZST.473/60-61 issued to J. E. Briscos,
Mallam M. Sani Maru, has been reportedlost.
53/4/Vol. 6 Northern Region
2. The Last Pay Certificate is hereby declared
3. Any person who comesin possession ofit or is
Government. Notice No. 2037 °
able to furnish any information relating to it should Loss oF Locat Purcuasz ORDER :
please report the facts to the nearest Police Station It is notified for general information that Local
and to this Office. Purchase Order No. 21424 issued by the Permanent
. J. E. Briscog, Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, to the Manager, ~
Accountant-General, B.E.W.A.C., Enugu, on 19th November, 1957, is —
53/2/Vol. 4 Northern Region reported missing.
2, 'The Local Purchase Order is- herebycancelled.
3. Any person who comes into possession ofthis
Government Notice No. 2034 Local Purchase Order or is able to give information
relating thereto should report the facts to the nearest
Loss or Motor TRANSPORT WARRANT ‘Police Station and to this office.
It has been reported by the Senior Resident,
Plateau Province, that Government Motor Transport G. DESBORDES,
Warrant No. 60520 of the 6th September, 1960, Acting Accountant-General,
issued to Mallam Muhtar Bello travelling from Jos 6420/526 Ministry of Finance
to Numan, has been reportedlost.
2. The Motor Transport Warrant is hereby de- Government Notice No. 2038
clared cancelled. : - ? Loss or Loca Purcuase ORDER
-. 3, Any person who comes in possession of it or In view of Audit Query No. K/747/57-58 of 18th
is able to furnish any information relating to it ‘December, 1958 it has been observed by the Director
should please report the facts to the nearest Police of Audit, Kaduna, that the Local Purchase Order
Station and to this Office. No. 379980 of May 1957 issued by the Officer i/c.
J. E. Briscoz, C.T.S. Oturkpo to G. Gottschalk & Co. Ltd., Jos,
Accountant-General, said to be attached to Jos P.V. 3531 of September,
Northern Region} 1957, has been reported lost,
FD2156 2. The Local Purchase Order is hereby declared
3. Any person who comesin possession ofit or is
Government Notice No. 2035 able to furnish any information relating to it should
Loss or Locat Purcwasz ORDER please report the facts to the nearest Police Station this Office.
It is hereby notified that the Original Local oo J. E. Briscoe,
Purchase Order No. 'WR.035282 issued by the Accountant-General,
Accountant-General, the Treasury Accounting Divi-
sion, Western Region, Ibadan, to the Manager, Northern Region
Paterson, Zochonis and Company Limited, for 300 53 /4/Vol. 6 -
Handy Angles, nuts, bolts, Washers and Anchor
plates has been reported lost. Government Notice No. 2039 a
The Original Local Purchase Order is hereby * Loss or Locat. Purcuasz Orpers
declared cancelled. Any person who comes into
possession of it or is able to furnish any information In view of Audit Query No. K/790/58-59 of 10th
relating to it should please report. the facts to‘ the November, 1959, it has been observed by the
nearest Police Station. Director of Audit, Kaduna,that the Local Purchase
‘Orders Nos. 402251 and 316372 of 8th October, 1956
A. T. Kenp, and 22nd May, 1956 issued by the Provincial
Accountont-General, Veterinary Officer, Ilorin to Kingsway Chemists
GP10/S. 2 West i
‘es sen Region Lagos, said to be attached to Lagos Payment Voucher
No. 6118 of Septernber 1958, has been reported lost.
20th October, 1960 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1281

2. The Local Purchase Orders are hereby declared Government Notice Ne. 2043
cancelled. :
3. Any person who comes in possession of them NicErtaNn CoLLece oF TecHNoLocy, Enucu BRANCH
or is able to furnish anyinformation relating to them LONDON GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF
should please report the facts to the nearest Police EDUCATION, JUNE 1960
Station and to this Office.
J. E. Briscoz, Advanced Level Passes
Northern Region Anyanwu, P. C., Pure Mathematics, Applied
53/4/Vol. 6 - Mathematics. :
Daramota, J. A., Pure Mathematics, Applied
Mathematics, Physics.
Ipazeso, A. A., Pure Mathematics, Physics.
Government Notice No. 2040
AcpataKa, S. O., Physics, Chemistry, Botany
Loss oF Loca, Purcuase OrpDER (with distinction). co
Acs1, S. E., Botany, Zoology.
It has been reported by the Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Works, Northern Region, Kaduna, that Acsorro, S. E., Physics, Chemistry, Botany.
the Local Purchase Order No. 071474 of 19th April, Amarxwu, E, C., Physics, Chemistry (with distinc-
1960, issued by Provincial Engineer, Ministry of tion) Botany (with distinction)
Works, Jos, to B.E.W.A.C., Jos, has been reported ANEKWE, P. A., English Literature, History.
lost. _ AtocHo, D. T., English Literature, Geography.
Brame, V. B., Physics, Chemistry, Zoology
. The Local Purchase Order is hereby declared
{with distinction)
Curscsu, J. C., Pure Mathematics, Applied
3,Any person who comes in possession ofit or is Mathematics, Physics.
able to furnish any information relating to it should Cumnwvsa, B. N. A., Zoology.
please report the facts to the nearest Police Station Cauxumerye, A. A., Physics, Chemistry, Botany.
and to this Office. Daneana, L. A. C., Pure Mathematics, Applied
j. E. Briscog, , Mathematics, Physics.
<iccountant-General, Exec, F. A. O., English Literature, History.
Northern Region Exest, D. O., Pure Mathematics (with distinction),
53/4/Vol. 6 aeA Mathematics, Physics (with distinction).
ou, A. O., Physics, Chemistry, Botany.
Exone, T. U., English Literature, Pure Mathe-
Government Notice No. 2041 matics.
Loss or Rartway PasSENGER WARRANT
_ Eprr, Miss A. D., English Literature, Geography.
Ezurn, M. I., Chemistry, Botany, Zoology.
It has been reported by the Resident, Ilorin Isanca, U. A., English Literature. :
Province, that the Railway. Passenger Warrant Inz, Miss E. N., English Literature. = ~
No. A413313 issued to Mallam S. Aremu Aiyelabe-. Itopisia, S. O., Physics, Chemistry, Botany.
gan, Provincial Court Clerk, Ilorin, from Zaria to
Ixuno, A. D. C., Chemistry.
Lorin, has been reportedlost. ~
Kome, Miss F. N. N., Physics, Chemistry,
2. The Railway Passenger Warrant No. A413313 _Zoology. ,
is hereby declared cancelled. Msanvuco, B. C., Mathematics, Physics.
3. Any person who comes in possession of it or Meonu, O. O., Physics, Chemistry, Zoology.
is able to furnish any information relating to it Mavuyonecua, J. O. N., History, Latin.
should please report the facts to the nearest Police Moyexwu, A..N., Physics.

Station andto this Office. Monr,J. N., English Literature, History.

J. E. Briscog, ° Noeote, J. E., English Literature, History.
Accountant-General, Nxrayimvo, G. N. C., Pure Mathematics, Applied
Northern Region Mathematics, Physics.
53/2/Vol. + Nnoxa, Miss C. N., English Literature, History,
@ Mathematics.
Nwaczara, J. O., English Literature, Geography,
Government Notice No. 2042 History. L,
Nwaicwe, C. N. C., Pure Mathematics, Applied
INLAND Waterways DEPARTMENT NoTIcE™ Mathematics, Physics.
7s No. 11/1960 Nwanxwo,B. N., Physics, Chemistry, Zoology.
It is notified for general information that Seismic NwoKko1o, Miss C. I., English Literature.
Operations will take place in the navigable inland Nworau, K. K. D., EnglishLiterature, History.
waterways and creeks between Lagos and Gbekebo Nwosv, K. L., Pure Mathematics, Applied
over a period of twelve months from the date of the Mathematics, Physics.
publication of this Notice. All craft passing areas Onaya, H. O. G., Pure Mathematics, Applied
in which..these operations are taking place should Mathematics.
proceed with caution. Outs, G. N., Zoology.
C. ATKINSON, Oxeke, Miss P, C., Eriglish Literature.
Director, Inland Waterways Department Oxerzaror, L. M.N., English Literature, History.
LAN.0144 Oxon, A. N., Pure Mathematics.
1282 .

Oxoto, D. N., Chemistry, Botany. . Department/ Date of

Oxonxwo, Miss E. N., English Literature, Ministry of Name Pass
Geography, History. .
Oxoro, B. L. C., Pure Mathematics, Applied Agriculture R. H. Booker .. 4-6-60
—continued D. J. Andrews 46-60
Mathematics, Physics. . ..
Oxove, E. I. C., Physics, Chemistry (with distine- C. R, Moore 27-5-60
tion) Botany. ; . C. S, Storm 27-5-60
Oxpaza, E. C., Physics, Chemistry, Zoology. R. G, Brereton .. 13-6-60 .
Ora, Miss J. O., English Literature, History. C. B. Sykes 10-6-60
Osaka, A. U., Botany. Health DrK.D.B. Thom-
Onusa, O., Applied Mathematics. son .. es 8-6~60
Onvona, C. I., Pure Mathematics, Applied Land and Survey G. I. Oraeki 9-6-60
Mathematics. : Police . -- C.R.W. Mitchell 10-6-60
Onvona,R. E., History, Latin. Social Welfare M. L. Bellow 8-6-60
OnwvrcsuzizE, G. N., Applied Mathematics, and Co-opera-
Physics. . tives .
ONYEUKWU, Miss J. O., History. .
Osaxwe, G. C., Pure Mathematics, Applied Kanuri CottogutarTsst ; Junior SERVICE
Mathematics, Physics. Department] Date of
Tacuane, C. C., English Literature, History. Ministry of Name Pass
UprcsunaM, Miss S. O. E., English Literature,
Geography. Audit a. A. Labbo 9~7—60
Upounwa, I. T., Mathematics, Physics, Chemis-
try. .
Uewwuanya, Miss 8. N., History.
Department| Date of
Uurara, M. O., Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry... Ministry of Name . Pass
Unen, U. O., Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathe-
Animal Health Y. Shettima 9-6-60
Waka, S. N., English Literature. . - and Forestry
Wost, R. A. U., Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.
Hausa Cotroguian Tsst ; Junior SERVICE
ED/H.14/S.1 Depariment| . Date of
Ministry of Name Pass
Government Notice No. 2044 Administration C.0O.Odiari .. 13-660
E. A. Irewolede 4-6-60
NorTHERN REGION £ F, C. Okoye 9-6-60
JUNE 1960PASS LIST A. Z. Salawu 4-6-60
I. Ilorin .. .- 10-6-60 ©
Lower STanparp Hausa—Part‘B’ Education .. J. A, Adedayo 10-6-60
Department} Date of Finance C.Lamurde 8-6-60
Ministry of Name Pass Y.M,Akaba 9-6-60
Administration § W. F. Sharp 4-6-60 S. O. Daniel 4-6-60 -
jJ.ASDaly — 4-6-60 U.S. Sadiku ss. 9-6-60 °
S. B. Awoniyi ..-' 10-6-60 M. S. Olorunhudo 9-6-60
F.N. Goodwin... 4-6-60 Health - ,. RIL, Akure 10-6-60
O..1, Okoronkwo 9-6-60 —
Education E. McBride 9-6-60 _ D. Okekere 10-6-60
Barclays Bank .. J. A. O. Obaeze 10-6-60 Mines and Power: J. O. Iloba —18-6-60
Police .. .. 8S. Adewusi 10-6-60 E.C. Oyekaba .. 18-6-60 -
S. Dimka 4-6-60 Police Michael Nnebife 4-6-60
Parr ‘A’ Raphael Obodoekea 46-60
Administration W.F. Sharp . 8& 9-6-60 H. G. Jerr,
Education .. 5S. G. Lewis - 8& 9-6-60 C.4/13 Permanent Secretary,.
ED/FE/32 Ministry of Education,
E. McBride . 8& 96-60 Northern Region
Police. .. .. §, Dimka -. 8& 9-6~-60
Barclays Bank .. J.A.O.Obaeze 8& 9-6-60
Government Notice No. 2043
" Administration R. E. H.Fitzher- Ministry oF Frvance (TREASURY Diviston)
bert .. 31-7-60 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Havsa CoL.ooutan TEST : SENIOR SERVICE The Accountant-General of the Federation of
Nigeria acknowledges the receipt of the sum of £1
Depariment? Date of (one pound) remitted to him anonymously as “‘part
Ministry of Name Pass of myrestitution”. ‘This amount has been credited
Agriculture .. RJ. Thorpe ., 46-60 to revenue on Lagos Receipt Voucher No, 84 of the
S. A. K. Smith 18-6-60 5th of October, 1960.
K. J. Kinross 10-6-60 , 24112/38
20th October, 1960 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1283

. *Government Notice No. 2046 (8) . Employmentsince leaving Schoolor College.

(9) Proposed course of studyafterpassing the
ae SCHOOL In 1961
(10) Full information in regard to any bond
Applications are invited from suitably qualified or similar commitments to any organisation, e.g.,
Nigerians for admission into the Federal Emergency a Voluntary Education Agency.
. Science School in January, 1961, for the two-year
course leading to the General Certificate of Educa- Applicants who have previously submitted appli-
tion (Advanced Level) in Science Subjects. cations are required to submit fresh applications.
Applications from candidates in GovernmentService,
Qualifications—(1) Candidates must have passed Statutory Corporations, Voluntary Agencies, .or
the West African School Certificate Examination or Commercial Houses must be submitted through the
the Cambridge School Certificate Examination with Heads of the applicants’ Departments and be
credits in English Language, Elementary Mathematics accompanied by Confidential Reports as to the
and two of the following science subjects : candidates’ suitability.
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics’ with SN1092
Chemistry and Additional Mathematics.
(i) The General Certificate of Education exami-.
nation at Ordinary Level with a pass in English Lan- .
guage, Elementary Mathematics and any two of the Government Notice No. 2047
subjects mentioned above at onesitting, will also be
(iii) Northern Students and girls who are still
at School and who will be sitting for the West AMENDMENT TO PeRMITs TO ENTER Customs AREAS
African School Certificate examination in December, Government Notice No. 693 of 1959 (as amended
1960,. and offering English Language, Elementary by Government Notices No. 596 of 1960 in Gazette
Mathematics and any two of the science subjects _ No. 16 of 31st March, 1960 and No. 1695 of 1960 in
mentioned in (i) above may apply through the Gazette No. 52 of 1st September, 19*0) is hereby
Principals of their Schools. Only the applications of amended as follows :—
those who in the judgmentof Principals are capable
of doing sixth form workshould be forwarded. Delete the whole of the ‘NOTE’ after sub-
paragraph (iv) (6) up to and including sub-
Conditions governing admission :. Candidates will paragraphs(a)-(c) and substitute :- ,
be accepted on the basis of their academic qualifi-
cations and the result of personal interviews. A. Note.—Passes will be granted as follows :—_~
selected candidate will be required to pass a ' (a) Passes Generally -—
_ medical eramination, enter into a bond to abide by
the regulations governing the Federal Emergency’ : Courtesy facilities will be granted to V.I.Ps.
Science School, and pursue courses of studies and other persons of similar status as approved
leading to qualifications required for posts in the by the Minister and notified by him to the
Federal Public Service or any other organisation Board. Noactual passes will be issued.
Government may stipulate.:..Government will also
require. candidates to enter into a bond to serve for (6) Permanent Passes will be issued to :—
a period of years after completing their training. (i) All airport employees and others whose
A few places will be available for fee-paying students duties necessitate their entering the Customs
in the evening classes, « Area. :
Method of application: Applications should be (ii) One officer from the External Affairs
addressed to the Senior Lecturer-in-Charge, Federal Branch. :
Emergency Science School, Onikan, Lagos, to reach
him notlater than Saturday, the 19th of November, (iii) Government Visitors’ Liaison Officer,
1960, and should contain the following information :-— Ministry of Information.
(1). Full Name. ‘ - (iz) Resident, Kano.
(2) Age and sex. | (v) Senior District Officer, Kano.
¢ (c) Day Passes will be issued to :
(3) Present address...
(@). Persons (not normally more than 3) seeing
(4) Name of Present Employer (if in employ- off or meeting persons as stated in (¢) above.
(#2) Persons meeting or seeing off children
(5) Schools/Colleges attended. . who are travelling unaccompanied byan adult.
(6) Marital status (stating whether married or (iii) Persons meeting or seeing off invalids who
single, and the numberof children,if any). . require assistance.
(7) Copies (not original) of Certi (iv) Persons to act as interpreters to those who
examinations’ passed (candidates invi cannot speak English, ~~
interview will be required to produce
original Certificates), : 305/7
1284 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 66, Vol. 47.
Government Notice No. 2048
It is notified for general information that the 1960-61 Cocoa Season commenced pn the 2nd September,
1960 in the Western Region,on the 1st-2nd September, 1960 in the Northern Region and on the 9th Septem-
ber, 1960 in the Eastern Region. Purchases declared from these dates up to the 29th September, 1960
were as follows :—
(ALi Tons)
From the beginning of the Season
Main Crop _ Light Crop Grand Total.
Western Region: I WM Total IF UW Total
Main and Light
Lagos Ports . 6,884 — 6884 60 — 60
Benin Portsy 1.1) 186 — 18 2.— 2% 6,944 212 -

Total, Western-Region ... .. 7070 — 7,070 8 — 86 7,156

Northern Region oe owe we _- — — — ain
Eastern Region . +. .- . — ae S100 CO 10 10°
Grand Total 4. 7,070 — =7,070 96 t—~=«S;866

Government Notice No. 1998 (2ndpublication) The appointmentwill be initially for one tour of
12 months, renewable by mutual agreement for
Unrversiry CoLtece Hospitat, Ipapan
subsequent tours. Conditions of service are
VACANCY FOR SENIOR HOUSE OFFICER! generally similar to those applicable to contract
REGISTRAR officers in the service of Federal Government,
Applications are invited from fully registered Application forms may be obtained from the House
medical practitioners for appointment as Senior Governor, University College Hospital, Ibadan, to
House Officer/Registrar in the Department of whom completed applicktions. should be sent. not
Clinical Pathology of the above Teaching Hospital later than 30th October, 1960.
Candidates for appointment as Senior House
Officer should normally have completed one year MH1188/S. 8
after full registration and those for appointment as .
Registrar should have held a Senior House Officer
* post and have some post-registration experience
in Clinical Pathology.
Government Notice No. 2049 ©
Salaries.—Registrar £1,452, £1,512 per annum,
Senior House Offi er £1,392 per annum. ‘The Universiyy Cotiecr Hosprrar, Inapan
appointment will initially be for one tour of 12 VACANCY FOR SENIOR HOUSE OFFICER/
months, renewable in the case of a Registrar for a
second tour by mutual agreement.
Applications areinvited from Registered Medical
Conditions of service are generally similar to those Practitioners for the above appointment in the
applicable to contract officers in the Federal Govern- General Out-~Patients Department. _
ment. Application forms may be obtained from
the House Governor, to whom completed forms
should be sent not later than 15th October, 1960. The salaries offered are: Registrar £1,452. per
MH1188/S. 8 annum rising by one annual -increment to £1,512
per annum. Senior House Officer £1,392 per
annum. Inducement addition is paid where appli-
cable. A special allowance at the rate of £180 per:
Government Notice No. 1999 (2nd publication) annum is payable to a Nigerian appointee.
University CoLiece.Hospira., Inapan
VACANCY FOR SENIOR REGISTRAR— The appointment will initially be for one tour’:
INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH of 12 months, renewable, in the case of a Registrar,
for a second tour by mutual agreement. Conditions
Applications are invited from medical Practitioners of service are generally similar to those applicable
with the requisite post-graduate experience for to contract officers in the Federal Government.
appointment as Senior Registrar in the Institute of
Public Health.
Application forms may be obtained from the
Salary.—£1,776 rising to £1,980 per annum plus House Governor to whom completed applications
inducement addition where payable. Experience should be sent not later than 26th October, 1960.
in a rural health centre in ghe tropics will be an
advantage. MH1188/S. 8
_ 20th October, 1960 — OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1285

Government Notice No. 2050 Government Notice No. 2000 (2nd publication)-
Universtry Couece Hospirat, IsapAN NIGERIAN CoLLecr oF Arts, ScriNice AND
Applications are invited from State Registered
Nurses whoare also Midwives for the post of Labour Internal Auditor is required by the Nigerian College
‘Ward. Superintendent in the above Teaching of Arts, Science and Technology, on contract, for
Hospital, Candidates should have had good expe- tours of 15-24 months in the first instance. The
rience in a busy: Obstetics Unit, preferably where College has Branches at Zaria, Ibadan and Enugu.
bothmedical students and pupil midwives are The successful candidate wili be stationed in Head-
training. quarters at Zaria but will be required to make
frequentvisits to the Branches duringhis tour.
Candidates ofNigerian origin will be appointed
on pensionable terms on.a salary of £657 per annum Candidates, not over 45 years, must have had good
_ *sising by nine annual increments to £996 per annum. practical experience of audit systemeither with a
' An expatriate may be employed on contract terms local authority, practising accountant or Govern-
> ona salary of £720 per annum rising by nine annual ment department, and must bea memberof one of
increaments to £1,092 per annum plus inducement the recognisedbédies of professional accountants.
addition where payable. A departmental allowance
Contract Salary, according to age, qualifications
of £30 per annum is payable to a successful Nigerian and experience in scale (including inducement
candidate and £33 per annum -to an expatriate. allowance) £972 to £2,040 per annum, Gratuities
The contract appointmentwill initially be for two . paid at the rate of £100-150 per annum where
tours of 12-18 months duration, renewable for
subsequent tours by mutual agreement. Entry applicable.
pointinto the salary scale will be related to qualifi- Passages to and from Nigeria for officer and his
cations and experience. wife. Children’s passages up to a maximum value
of two adult return passages in any one tour, plus
Conditions of service are generally similar to those separation allowance where children are maintained
applying to officers in the service of the Federal .
Government. mo , at home.

Application forms may: be obtained from the Partly furnished quarters, leave and other privi-
House Governor to whont completed applications leges in accordance with the regulations of the
should be sent not later than 26th October, 1960. Federal Government of Nigeria for the time being
in force. . -
MH1188/S. 8
Application forms and further particulars obtain-
able from the Reyistrar, Niyerian College of Arts,
Science and Technology, Zaria, Nigeria, or The
Government Notice No. 2051 Secretary, Council for Overseas Colleges of Arts,
/Untverstry CoLiEcE Hosrrtat, Ipapan Science and Technology, 12 Lincoln’s Inn Fields,
Isondon, W.C.2., to be completed and returned by
“ VACANCY FOR OCCUPATIONAL 31st October, 1960. Applications from officers in
‘THERAPIST , Government Service must be submitted through
/ Applications are invited from Members of the applicant’s Head of Departmentand be accompanied
/ Association of Occupational Therapists for appoint- by a confidential report.
ment as Occupational Therapist to assist the present ED/H14/S. 1
Occupational Therapist in the above. Hospital.
The Department was started two years ago and there
"is much progress to be madein developing the work. © Government Notice No. 2001 (2nd publication)
The post which will be vacant in April 1961, offers EasTERN REGIONAL MARKETING BoarD
interesting work with scope for initiative. Previous
experience is essential, VACANCY FOR SENIOR ACCOUNTANT
Candidates of Nigerian origin will be appointed Applications are invited from suitably qualified -
on pensionable terms on an initial salary of £684 Nigerian candidates for appointment to the post of
’ per annum rising by 12 annual increments to £1,164 Senior Accountant in the executive organisation of
per arinum., An expatriate may be appointed © the Eastern Regional Marketing Board.
"on contract terms on a salary of £756 per annum

Scale of salary.—£1,450-50-1,750.
ising by 12 annual increments to £1,284 per annum
plus inducement addition.. The contract. appoint- Qualifications.—1. Applicants must have a full
ment will initially be for two tours of 12-18 months pass in the final examination of any of the- following
hodies qualifying for associate membership :—
duration, renewable for subsequent tours by mutual
agreement. Entry point into the salary scale will {a) Institute of Chartered Accountants (England,
be related to qualifications and experience of the _ Scotland or Ireland). —

successful candidate. (8) Society of Incorporated Accountants and

Conditions of service are generally similar to those Auditors,
applying to officers. of the Federal Government. (c) Association of Certified and Corporate
Application forms may be obtained from the House Accountants, :
Governor, to whom completed applications should
be sent not later than 27th October, 1960. 2. Applicants must be capable of preparing final
accounts of a large organisation. The Board’s
MH1188/S. 8 annual turnover normally exceeds £20 million.
1286 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 66, Vol. 47

Duties.—Subject to the directions of the Chief beof advantage if they have had some experience in
Accountant, the successful applicant will be respon- shipping, commercial or comparable employment.
sible for the organisation and efficient running of Candidates should be prepared to work for longer
the Accounts Section of the Board’s executive hours occasionally... They should be prepared also to
organisation at Port Harcourt, including the introduc- raintain strict discipline in the Shipping Master’s
tion of accounting systems for the Pay and Cash ce,
Division which will shortly be established.
_ Duties:—Candidates will be expected to deal with
Other conditions of service.—i. The appointment the following matters :
will be on probation for three years with a view to
confirmation in the Board’s permanent establish- (a) Engagement and Discharge of Crews of
mentat the end ofthat period. MerchantShips;
2. A contributory Provident Fund schemeis in
operation. — o (6) Engagement of individual Seamen for
British Ships;
3. Partly furnished: accomniodation is available
if required for which rent is payable at the rate of (c) Ensuring. : that seamen on engagement
8 per cent ofsalary, thoroughly understand the Ships’ Articles;
Method of application—Further details of the (@) Enforcing the provisions of the British.
appointment may be obtained from the Secretary,- Mer¢hant Shipping Acts which relate to Crews 3.
Eastern Regional Marketing Board, Works Road, —
(¢) ‘Repatriation arrangements for all distressed
Port Harcourt, to whom applications should be ~
addressed to reach him notlater than 3ist October, British Seamen in accordance with relevant
1960. : . regulations ;
PP2/879 ° (f) Ensuring that Ships comply with the law, and
’ (g) Enforcing and collecting fines imposed .
Government Notice No. 2002 (2nd publication) _ under the Merchant Shipping Acts. ,
Other conditions of service-——Appointment will
VACANCY FOR ASSISTANT SHIPPING normally be on probation for 3 years in the first
MASTER instance with the prospect of confirmation in the
pensionable establishmentif the necessary conditions
Applications. are invited from suitably qualified are satisfied. Candidates recruited from outside the
Nigerian candidates for appointment as Assistant Federal Public Service who are not considered suit-
Shipping Master in the Shipping Master’s Office. able for confirmation after the probationary period
Salary scale——The salary scale for the post is will be requested to leave the service. Officers
Scale C(E) 1, 2—£450-458 ; £468-21-510; £537- already in the Service will revert to their previous
564 ; £594-27-702 ; £786-822. posts.
Qualifications:—Candidates for the post of Assist-
ant Shipping Master must possess personality and Method of application.—Applications giving full
drive. ‘They should not be over 30 years of age and details of théapplicant’s name, age, education and
should possess one of the followingcertificates: =" qualificdtions and previous employment in the
candidate’s own handwriting should be addressed
_(@) Higher School Certificate with three prin- to the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of
cipal passes on one occasion or four principal Transport and Aviation, Lagos so 4s to reach him not
passes on two occasions. later than 13th November, 1960.
(6) General Certificate of Education with three
passes at the Advanced Level on one occasion or -Applications from candidates in Government
four passes at the Advanced Level on two occa- Service should be-submitted through the Head of
sions, applicant’s: Ministry/Department. Permanent
Candidates in Government Service who are above Secretaries; are requested to forward only those
the age of 30 years, but’ who are otherwise qualified applications. they are able to recommend. :
may be considered for appointment. They must be
able to speak and write English fluently, and it will FC1053/S. 4

} Government Notice No. 2082.


Boarp.or Customs AND EXCISE

Unless previouslycleared the following unclaimed goods lying in the Government Warehouse, VIC-
TORIA,will be sold by public auction at the Government Warehouse, Victoria, on the Wednesday succeeding
the elapse of one calendar month from the date of first publication of the notice commencingat 9.30 a.m.
Date of Nameof air- : Number of _.
report craft or ship Marks and Nos. packages Description ofpackages
5-8-60 Hedvig Sonne Holt (S) UDF Victoria 1-3 3 Cases Cotton Shirts
58-60 Hedvig Sonne. Holt (S) FPS Victoria 1 ve 1 Case Cotton Shirts

' 20th October, 1960 OFFICIAL GAZETTE “4387
Government Notice No. 2053
Unless previously cleared, the following unclaimed goods Government Warehoused at APAPA may
be sold by public auction at the Government Warehouse, Apapa, on the Thursday succeeding the elapse
of one calendar monthfrom the date offirst publication of this notice, commencingat 9.30 a.m.
Date of Name of air- Number of
report craft or ship Marks and Nos. packages Deseription of packages
11-11-58 Eboe PAZ.Apapa 4/10/58 1972 No.
2 Drums Snowcem
. 11-11-58 Eboe NIMNIN__. Drum Snowcem
26-5-60 African Sun/L G.B.O. EF P28 WPB 338
South via Apapa . Case Wine

24-7-60 Piave | FAOPZinder via Apapa |Mat”
PUB_EA 30791 FSS . oe ‘Bale Cotton Goods
,29-4-60 Kohima U.A.C. Tech. Iddo Cases Caterpillar Parts
12-7-60 Tamo — CF. & C.O. (W.A.) Ltd Lagos’ . 1 Bales Furniture
18-7-60 Saentis| FAOP Zinder via Apapa
16623A 1/2B... Cases Insulating Bottles

WReUY bh
' 18-7-60 Saentis YAC, Lagos 1191 1/2 Cases Fountain Pens
18-7-60 Saentis Adetraco Lagos T 198 /1394/W_ Cases Ball Pens
23-7-60 Giorgio Cini II Nidogas Lagos 3624/3823 ve Case Sundry Goods
2-6-60 Vander Hagen YAO. Lagos on os Bale Steel Shovels .
17-7-60 | Glynafon. O.S.A. Lagos .. os Touble Bags White Rice
22-6-60 Brattings Borg TAOB Tanimose Afiolu
Batteries E.B. ... a Cases. Sundry Goods
' 22-7-60 Jalavijaya K.LC.P, Ltd. Lagos-1/3 Cases Shoes
1-7-60 Degema C.Z. 289 Ibadan via Apapa 42ii Cases Platform Scales
13-4-60° Piave Holt SPXR Victoria Cases Tomatoes
8-7-60 General Margin: RST. 3 Lagos 5914 1/2 oe Cases Cotton Piece Goods
8-7-60 General Margin RST. 35913 Lagos - Case Cotton Piece Goods
8-7-60 General Margin FAOPPort Harcourt via Apapa
29031 /52 38/N. 29041 /52/55/
56 N/45/47 .- Cases Stationery

24-7-60 Foucould _ S.C.0.A. Motors Apapa 44666 Bundle Motor Parts

14-7-60 Sangara Azad 529 Lagos 26/35 36/37 .. Cases Cotton Goods
te _

14-7-60 Sangara Azad 1555 56/65 Victoria via

Lagos .- Cases Enamelware

11-7-60 Patani. Cappa Dalberto Lagos Cases Slates


Unknown Unknown PZ.L Lagos Port Harcourt

F028/160 15... Carton Sundry Goods

3-7-60 Benin Kust Phillips Apapa 158733. 9576.

669488/89 669490 _Cartons Radio Parts
dee fe bee Oy

3-7-60 Benin Kust Phillips Apapa 8379 Case Transformers

15-7-60 African Dawn NIMNIN ., . Bales Cotton Twill
-23-7-60 Kamerun N.Petrokokino Zinder Apapa Carton Beer
18-7-60 Saentis Commercial—Finance and
Credit Ltd. 30/36 Ajayi
Bembe St. Lagos Nigeria 174 - 1 Crate Shoes
14-8-60 Oti OF. KDA 829 1/2 Apapa we 12 Cases Steel Armchairs
9-4-60 Akasa Palm OB. SSD 583 w 1 1 Carton Beer
And a miscellaneous quantity of unidentifiable cargo lying on the dump(orstacking area, or in the
Government Warehouse or any other place as the case may be),

Government Notice No. 2054

Boarp or Cusroms AND. EXcIse
Unless previously cleared, the following unclaimed goods Government Warehoused ata WARRI will
be sold by public auction at Government Warehouse, Warri, on the Wednesday succeeding the elapse of one
calendar‘month from the date of first Publication of this notice, commencing at 10 a.m.
Date of Nameof air- Number of
report craft or ship Marks and Nos. packages Description ofpackages
26-3-60 Trelissick GEO.C. HD 10233 WARRI
. 1 Roll Floor Covering
21-5-60 Alca N/M N/N - 1 Carton Containing 3 bottles
x64Cth Carlsberg Beer
19..5-60 Sapele Palm N/M NIN “as o 1 Bundle Containing 46 pieces
Empty Cement Paper Bags
1288 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No.66, Vol. 47.
Board or Customs AND ExcisE—continued .
Date of Nameof air- Number of ;
report craft or ship Marks and Nos. packages Description ofpackages
26-5-60 Burutu Palm N/M NIN -1 Bundle Containing 30 pieces
. Empty Cement Paper Bags
23-5-60 Onitsha OD. WST. 583 WARRI Al 1 Case Containing 3 Tumblers
~ and 1 Metal Service Tray
18-5-60 Koyan DEM & SB WARRI N/N 2 ‘Pieces Rice Pans {both are -
slightly broken)
23-7-60- Patani W.R.1478 ONITSHA via .
WARRI3 +. 2 Cases Medical Preparations
23-7-60 Patani W.R. 14780 ONITSHA via
WARRI1/2 o. 1 Case Medical Preparations
19-4-60 Sangara” GBO. BB. HA. 807 WARRI “os
N/N ee . 3 . Tins Coat Tar

18-5-60 Koyan GBO. BC. HG. HA. 1033 , .

WARRI N/N 1 Drum Paint © ~~
9.6-60 Enugu Palm N/IM N/IN 1 Bundle Steel Works
7-5-60 Waal H.Q.T.C. WRI. 1-5 5 Cases Sewing Machine

Government Notice No. 2055

: Unless previously cleared, the following unclaimed goods Government Warehoused at SAPELE
will be sold by public auction at Government Warehouse, Sapele, on the Wednesday succeeding the elapse of
one calendar month from the date offirst publication of this notice, commencingat 9 a.m.
Date of © Naine of air- Number of
veport craft or ship Marks and Nos. _ .: packages Description of packages
Unknown Unknown GBO.AL. 397-SAPELE. N/N 1 Case Peak Milk
25-5-60 Sapele Palm BTS. EGU, SAPELE N/N 3 Loose ts Asbestos Corrugated |
" 26-5-60 Alca - CHELLARAM’S 2077P oe
WARRININ .. 1 Case Peak Milk
26-5-60 Alca CKB. ETH-2 N/N 1 Carton Tumblers
26-5-60 Alca CKB. HYG. N/N 1 Case Heinekens Beer
4-6-60 Filleigh ' CKB. ECM.10679, 10682 2 Cases Batteries
4-6-60 Unknown ES. WR. 1253-SAPELE 717 .. 1 Carton Biscuits
9-6-60 Sangara _DUMEZE SAPELE NIN 4 Drums Bitumen
12-6-60 Enugu Palm FAOL 11952 N/N . 1 *Loose Rice Pan
12-6-60 Enugu Palm DANDE-137-CF. NIN 1 Box Sundries
12-6-60 Dixcove OA.-K-581-8620 x 5 N/N 1 Carton OrangeJuice
15-6-60 Kalewa CKB. HYG. SAPELE NIN . 1 Case Heinekens Beer
15-6-60 Kalewa SAB. HYG. SAPELE N/N 1 Case Heinekens Beer
20-6-60 Cambray PMZ-WHK-7091. N/N 2 Carton Biscuits
20-7-60 Sekondi N/M NIN - -- 1 Bundle Rings
20-7-60 Sekondi N/M NIN + w. 1 Drum Coal Tar
26-7-60 Patani FAOL. 23778B N/N -1 Carton Parafin
26-7-60 Patani _ OE-SAP-409 8345... 1 Carton Surf ~~
26-7-60 Patani OF-WST-583 NiN - 1° Case Stout -
A miscellaneous quantity of unidentifiable cargo,lying on the dump(orstacki
Warehouse, or any other place, as the case may be). ngarea, orin the Government

Printed and Published by the Federal Government Printer, Nigeria. 3174/1060/5,800

Annual Subscription from 1st January each year is: Nigeria, £3. Overseas, £3-10s post free. Presentissue (including Sup-
plement) aoe Sorte Subscribers who wish to obtain ee afterIst Ay should apply to Federal Government Printer
‘or amende scription. :

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