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MATRIC ID : 2020837154







To determine the standard enthalpy of formation of magnesium oxide, Hof


A) Heat capacity of calorimeter

1) 50cm 3
of tap water was delivered by burette into calorimeter. The cover and
thermometer were replaced and the water temperature was recorded for four
minutes at one minute interval.
2) 50cm3 of hot water (at 40°C - 50°C above room temperature) using graduated
cylinder and poured into a beaker. The temperature quickly recorded by another
thermometer and poured completely inti the calorimeter (containing cold water) at
the fifth minutes. The replace then be replace and the water carefully stirred with
the thermometer. The temperature be recorded for every 15 seconds for next 3
3) Steps one (1) and two (2) was repeated using the copper calorimeter.

B) Reaction 2: Magnesium with Hydrochloric Acid

1) 1.0 – 1.1 g of magnesium powder was weighed and the exact weight and be
2) 50cm3 of 2 M HCL be drained from a burette into the calorimeter. The cover and
thermometer were replaced. The temperature of HCL be recorded every minute
for 4 minutes. At the fifth minute, the magnesium powder quickly poured into HCl.
Lid was replaced and carefully stirred the contents in calorimeter with the
thermometer. The temperature was recorded for next 3 minutes at 15 seconds

C) Reaction 3: Magnesium oxide with Hydrochloric Acid

1) 1.6 – 1.8 g of magnesium oxide was weighed. The exact weight used was
2) Step two (2) in B was repeated.

Temperature of hot water (oC) : 73.0

Temperature of water (oC) : 31.5
Mass of Mg (g) : 1.0293
Mass of Mg O(g) : 1.6025

COFFEE CUP Mg and HCl MgO and HCl


Time (sec) T(oC) Time (sec) T(oC) Time (sec) T(oC)

60 31.5 60 31.5 60 31.5

120 31.5 120 31.5 120 31.5
180 31.5 180 31.5 180 31.5
240 31.5 240 31.5 240 31.5
300 - 300 - 300 -
360 68.0 360 70.0 360 50.5
375 66.0 375 65.0 375 50.5
390 50.0 390 65.0 390 50.5
405 50.0 405 65.0 405 50.0
420 50.0 420 64.0 420 50.0
435 50.0 435 64.0 435 50.0
450 50.0 450 64.0 450 49.5
465 50.0 465 64.0 465 49.5
480 49.0 480 63.0 480 49.0
495 49.0 495 62.0 495 49.0
510 49.0 510 62.0 510 49.0
525 49.0 525 62.0 525 48.5
540 48.0 540 61.0 540 48.5

Hess Law’s states that if change is brought about in one stage or through
intermediate stages, the chemical change is the same as the heat evolved or absorbed. The
law of conservation energy is applied. The validity oh Hess’s Law can be present
experimentally by measuring the heat change when reaction is brought in two or more
different ways (G I Brown BA, 1964)

Based on the experiment, the number of heat capacities (C) of a coffee cup
calorimeter was calculated and compared with . The heat capacities for coffee cup is 15.675
J/℃ . This coffee cup calorimeter is a greater insulator thus the heat transfer to the
surrounding is slow.

Next, the second reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid.

Mg + 2HCl = MgCl2 + H2

Reaction 2 involved magnesium and hydrochloric acid which produced magnesium chloride
and hydrogen. The hydrogen has displaced the magnesium as it is more reactive.
Magnesium oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to give magnesium chloride solution. The
mole has been calculated and it gives 0.0423 mol while the heat transfer is 8.2 kJ.The
calculated enthalphy is -193.868 kJ/mol . This is an exothermic reaction as the enthalphy is
in negative value which means the heat released to surrounding while the reaction occur.

Third reaction involved Magnesium oxide and hydrochloric acid.

MgO + 2HCl = MgCl2 + 2H2O

In this reaction, magnesium oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form magnesium chloride
salt and water. This is neutralization process as hydrogen ion is replaced by magnesium ion
due to the high reactivity. The number of mole that has been calculated is 0.0398 mol. It
shows that reaction 3 is the limiting reactant because it has smaller number of mole to be
compare with reaction 2. The heat transfer is 4.381 kJ while the enthalpy is -110.075 kJ/mol.
The reaction is also exothermic reaction as the enthalpy values is in negative which shows
that this reaction released heat into surrounding.
Mg(s) + 1/2O2 = MgO

In order to produce this equation, few steps has been taken

Mg(s) + 2HCl = MgCl2 + H2 ------------------------ (2)

MgO + 2HCl = MgCl2 + 2H2O-----------------------(3)

H2(g) + 1/2O2 = H2O-----------------------------------(4)
MgCl2 + H2O = MgO + 2HCl------------------------(5) from equation (3)

Mg(s) + 1/2O2 = MgO

According to Hess’s Law, the enthalpy in any given reaction is the sum of the
entalphy of the sub reaction. Determining the heat of reaction of MgO is difficult as the
combustion of Mg metal results in a large evolution of heat and toxic femus. Enthalpy can be
calculated by the summation of the enthalpy changes for the reaction of Mg and MgO with
dilute acid solutions and the enthalpy of formation of liquid water. Thus, we can produce
chemical equation on the formation of magnesium oxide by referring to the chemical
equations for reaction 2,3 and 4. The last equation will be as O2 = MgO.

1/2 O2 (g) + H2 (g) → H2O (l)

Oxygen and hydrogen gas react will produce what at the end of the reaction. The
enthalpy of formation for this reaction is ΔrH°(298.15 K) = -285.8261 ± 0.040 kJ/mol

The enthalpy that has been calculated between reaction 2,3 and 4 is -369.794 kJ/mol.
The standard heat of formation of solid magnesium oxide at 25℃ is equal to -601.7 kJ/mole.
(Lide, 2001). The value of per cent error is 38.54 %. The difference is quite high due to some
errors. Some possible error that might occur during the experiment which affected the result
is the instrument. The instrument used such as beaker, graduated cylinder and coffee cup
might not be cleaned and dried properly before experiment be done. The error also might be
occur during the pouring stage as the heat is loss to the surrounding and the mixer is not
fully stirred. The reaction started quickly which would lead to the lower enthalpy. Moreover,
the cup was not covered properly so the heat can escape easily and lastly, the thermometer
was used to stir the solution is one of the big reason why our data and result is inaccurate.
There are some precautions that need to be taken seriously while doing this
experiments such as wear glove while handling hydrochloric acid as it is corrosive and can
cause burn. Wear googles while burning the magnesium metal as it will produce sparks or
flames that can cause permanently damage to our eyes. Do not handle magnesium with
bare hands. Wear PPE (proper personal equipment) properly while in laboratory. Wash
hands thoroughly with soaps before leaving the lab. Other than that, chemical waste must be
disposed in disposable container and make sure it is been kept in fume chamber.

Recommendation can be applied in future when conduct the experiment. Some

improvement may lead to a better result and can reduce the percentage error. The
procedure must be prepared for several times to get the accurate result. The procedure also
need to be done properly for a better result and outcome. Student should study the
experiment to have some knowledge before run the experiments to avoid mistakes happen.
Lastly, the stirrer used should be replace by using another stirrer such as rod glass instead
of thermometer to ensure the chemical mixed thoroughly.

This experiment is conducted to determine the number of heat capacity of coffee cup
calorimeter which is found as 15.675 kJ/mol. The standard enthalpy of formation of
magnesium oxide also can be determine which is -369.793 kJ/mol. Thus, the objective of
this experiment has been achieved.


1. G I Brown BA. (1964). Introduction to Physical Chemistry. U.K:G. I. Brown

2. Laider / Meiser / Sanctuary, Physical Chemistry, Fourth Edition.ISBN:


3. Lide, D. R. (2001). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 82nd Edition.

Taylor & Francis

4. OpenStax. (2016). Chemistry. OpenStax


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