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Evoking the uncanny that lies behind the reality

Unheimlich Hitchcock’s Vertigo, the women are

A recent exhibition at the Fotomuseum,Winterthur, Switzerland. treated as tabulae rasae onto which like-
Anna Gaskell’s work can also be seen in the exhibition Anna Gaskell ness can be projected—applied in the
at the Museum of Modern A rt ,O x fo r d ,U K , until June 27, 1999. form of make-up, wigs, and uniform
clothing. From a distance, the effect is

igmund Freud would, no doubt, tised, made still, staring straight ahead. one of regularity. Close to, the false
have had something to say about It takes me a few minutes to realise eyelashes and fingernails are freakishly
the nickname we’ve given to our that this is another trick of the camera. obvious, the artifice revealed. Beecroft
first cloned media star, Dolly the In fact, the children have been magi- selected and made-up the women who
Sheep. Not only does its jolliness belie cally displaced from computers: the appeared in her 1995–98 performances
the deep anxieties that accompany deletion of the screen and keyboard in to resemble hers e l f. The wo r k
such success, but the name Dolly also front of them, and the neat arrange- becomes, then, like a multiple self-
alludes to one of Freud’s primary cri- ment of dolls and toy wooden animals portrait. In painted or sculpted form,
teria for the evocation of a portraits have always claimed
feeling of uncanny - n e s s — immortality for the subject.
namely, a confusion between In this work, the mutability
the animate and the inani- and mortality of its ve ry
mate, commonly felt in look- substance serves to fragment
ing at “ wa x work figures, that sense of self, to deny the
dolls, and automata”. eternal.
The immaculately designed Gaskell and Hoey make
Fotomuseum, in Winterthur, work that brings out a crucial
Switzerland, is host to an element in unders t a n d i n g
exhibition of five contempo- F r e u d ’s essay : t h at of the
rary European and American proximity of “heimlich” and
p h o t o gr a p h e rs — Va n e s s a “unheimlich”. Heimlich,
Beecroft, Anna Gaskell, Dana Freud reveals, can mean both
Hoey, Natacha Leseur, and “familiar” or “homely” and
Wendy McMurdo—that takes “concealed from sight, hid-
its title from Freud’s 1919 den”. Unheimlich, then, is an
essay “Unheimlich” or “The unexpected return of some-
U n c a n ny ” . Although it is thing once familiar, thought
clearly the subjects of these to be repressed. Hoey’s pho-
p h o t o graphs that have tographs—a woman walking
solicited their selection— her dog in the woods, three
McMurdo’s doppelgängers, girls attempting to cross a
B e e c r o f t ’s tableaux viva n t, small stream—are of ordinary
G a s k e l l ’s “Alice in Wendy McMurdo’s Helen, Sheffield 1996 situations that somehow inti-
Wo n d e r l a n d ” wo r l d , a n d mate a sense of foreboding.
Leseur’s attractive-repulsive body-art behind them, adds to the uncanny G a s k e l l ’s exquisitely constru c t e d
made from meat and foodstuffs—it is impression that these small children pieces (like film stills) conjure up a
also the photographic medium itself are only part animate, or conversely, sunny world of wholesome little girls.
t h at evokes a number of Freud’s that they have become part auto- But as the series progresses, dark shad-
“uncanny” effects. m atic—logged into the computer- ows are cast over the innocent primary
In McMurdo’s photographs we see machine. colours. The childhood games depicted
children fight with, gaze at, and sleep- Beecroft’s photographs of her per- have a menacing edge; the girls betray
walk past their doubles. I reassure f o rmances continue the doubling their sugar-and-spice image.
myself that it must be digital manipu- theme. Freud wrote that the appear- Freud suggested that although we in
lation that allows the artist to clone her ance of one’s double—though origi- the 20th century believe ourselves to
subjects, but it is still unsettling. At a nally conceived of as a guardian spirit have surmounted superstition, substi-
more basic level, though, there is that effected, according to Otto Rank tuting rationality, those old beliefs still
inevitably a simultaneous and slightly in 1914, “an energetic denial of the exist, buried in our consciousness,
spooky sense of presence and absence power of death”—has now “become a “ready to seize any confirmation”.
in the photographic portrait. Attempts thing of terror, just as after the collapse Unheimlich exploits that repressed ten-
to “capture” lifelikeness are always of their religion, the gods turned into dency, evoking the uncanny that lies
countered by underlying knowledge of demons”. In Beecroft’s work, we see behind the reality we take for granted.
the stillness of the two-dimensional rows of what appear to be identical As the exhibition’s curator says, “the
image. As Roland Barthes writes in women, standing or sitting, staring uncanny is no longer manifested in
Camera Lucida (New York: Hill & blankly ahead. The uncanny effect of deep dark forests as it is in fairy tales, it
Wang, 1981) “the photograph carries doubling is exacerbated by the less is around every corner of everyday
its referent with it, as the condemned than perfect verisimilitude of the dop- life”.
man to the corpse in certain tortures”. pelgängers. Upon closer inspection, it
McMurdo draws on another con- becomes apparent that Beecroft’s
temporary anxiety. Her photographs of women are not identical but that they Catherine Wood
children are set in typical nurseries or have been fabricated to appear as such. 153 Grove Lane, Camberwell,
playrooms, but they seem to be hypno- Like Madeleine’s double in Alfred London SE5 8BG, UK

1890 THE LANCET • Vol 353 • May 29, 1999

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