The 3 Idiots Reflective Essay

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Date: MARCH 24, 2021

Section: SECTION 7



This film has greatly influenced me and has pushed me to believe that great success can be
achieved by taking the path less traveled and thus not following the crowd. This film has instilled in me
the value of striving for perfection rather than success. As a student, I, like many others, have always
been motivated by accomplishment, whether it was earning the highest score on an exam or being
chosen to represent the school in an elite competition. However, this resulted in a very difficult life, one
in which success was tasted but not completely realized. This film changed my perspective on success
because it demonstrated that you can achieve success but it won't last if you don't aspire for excellence.

I liked the story of the movie and, in particular, Rancho's character because he was intelligent,
funny, and always tried to support his friends. The film taught us valuable lessons such as the value of
education and friendship, as well as the importance of following our dreams and choosing the career of
our dreams, because if we enjoy what we do, we will be satisfied and success will find us.

Despite the fact that Rancho was a student at the Imperial College of Engineering (ICE), he
disagreed with most of his teachers' belief that life was a skill. His greatest conflicts in college were with
his instructor "Virus," because they had opposing views on education: Rancho believed that education
should be centered on the pursuit and desire for knowledge, while Virus believed that education should
be based on the teaching of concepts and their memorization by students. It was vital to the ICE that
their students be able to work under pressure and complete their assignments on time, but it was often
so difficult for them that some of them decided to commit suicide.

I think that sometimes it is necessary to give more time on projects or complicated assignments
because students also need to breathe and relax, of this way they will enjoy to do their assignments and
will be more creative in the realization of them. I agree that giving more time to projects or difficult
assignments is often important because students need to breathe and relax in order to enjoy doing their
assignments and be more innovative in their execution. We can see the difficult circumstances that
Rancho and his friends have to resolve as the film progresses, especially in college due to Rancho's way
of thinking and acting. With the passage of time and his good grades, he is able to graduate with all
honors and the recognition of Virus, who bestows upon him his own pen, which he had claimed at the
beginning of the film should be given to an outstanding student.

In general, I believe that the film demonstrated that teachers must engage students in the
pursuit of knowledge and that students should complete their assignments not only with the goal of
completing them on time, but also with the goal of learning from their assignments. Some teachers need
to rethink their approach to education and, as a result, how they instruct their students.

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