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Landscape and Urban Planning 100 (2011) 98–108

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Mapping traditional cultural landscapes in the Mediterranean area using a

combined multidisciplinary approach: Method and application to Mount Etna
(Sicily; Italy)
Sebastiano Cullotta ∗ , Giuseppe Barbera
Dipartimento di Colture Arboree, Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 4, 90128 Palermo, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Traditional cultural landscapes (TCLs) are prominent in Mediterranean countries. The abundance of this
Received 9 July 2010 landscape type, however, is not reflected by broad-scale inventories and mapping tools. The aim of this
Received in revised form paper is to highlight the need for a multidisciplinary approach to landscape analysis, with special refer-
11 November 2010
ence to the Mediterranean area. We propose an integrated method that combines deductive and inductive
Accepted 22 November 2010
processes to define and map TCLs in a study area (Mount Etna, Sicily, Italy). We also develop a procedure to
Available online 19 December 2010
characterize the primary components of these landscapes as a reference to be used in cultural-landscape
descriptions. For mapping purposes, three different scales of analysis were examined to select appropri-
Landscape inventory
ate data-sets of interest. At the broadest scale (1:250,000–100,000), land systems of territorial contexts
Multi-disciplinary approach (LSTCs) were detected by overlaying climatic, lithomorphological and topological maps. At the second
Hierarchical classification level (1:100,000–25,000), landscapes of main agroforestry systems (LMASs) were identified by adding
Traditional land-use primary land-cover and land-use maps. At the third and most detailed scale (1:25,000–10,000), TCLs were
Rural heritage features specified using detailed land-use maps of traditional agro-forestry systems. This procedure provides a
Agroforestry systems tool to define and characterize the primary components of TCLs and to designate specific characters of
importance (e.g., landscape composition and configuration, traditional techniques of land-management,
and heritage features). By following this procedure, we detect a large number of TCLs in the Mt. Etna
region, an important and representative area of Mediterranean cultural landscapes.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction species (of which 11% are endemic), making it one of the pri-
mary biodiversity hotspots in the Mediterranean Basin (Médail
Contemporary European policies that aim to enhance knowl- and Quézel, 1997). Substantial diversity is also present in culti-
edge about and conservation of cultural landscapes (e.g., the vated species and intraspecific varieties and landraces. Moreover,
European Landscape Convention; Council of Europe, 2000) are par- Sicily has hosted continuous and intensive agricultural activity
ticularly relevant for regions such as Sicily. Because of its central since the Neolithic Age (Sereni, 1961), leading to remarkable
position in the Mediterranean Basin, its ecological diversity and bio- growth of its autochthonous species in terms of both quantity
diversity, and its longstanding history of exchanges among major (with varieties brought from other regions as a result of historical
agricultural civilizations, Sicily encompasses several agricultural events) and intraspecific biodiversity (through anthropic selec-
landscapes and agroforestry systems. As a consequence of different tion). These characteristics are common in many areas around
natural and historical settings intersecting for millennia, Sicily can the Mediterranean Basin (e.g., Blondel, 2006; Geri et al., 2010a;
be viewed as representative of the Mediterranean area as a whole, Grove and Rackham, 2002; Mazzoleni et al., 2004a; Sirami et al.,
particularly its agricultural landscapes. 2010).
Owing to its location and the variability of its physiography, Sicily’s high environmental variability is particularly visible
lithology, and pedology (Fierotti, 1988) and therefore of its meso- in locations where plains, hills, high mountains, the sea, and
and micro-climates, Sicily has been a major reservoir of biodi- sizeable human settlements all occur within a small area. Tra-
versity since the Tertiary period (Groves and Di Castri, 1991). ditional landscapes (sensu Antrop, 1997) are often encountered
For example, Sicily is home to approximately 2700 vascular-plant in such areas, showing historical identities that were largely sta-
ble until the mid-twentieth century (Antrop, 2005; Bignal et al.,
1995; Vos and Meekes, 1999) but that have in recent years been
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 091 23861229; fax: +39 091 23861211. subject to either agricultural intensification or abandonment (re-
E-mail addresses: (S. Cullotta), (G. Barbera). naturalization) and degradation (e.g., urbanization). Through these

0169-2046/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Cullotta, G. Barbera / Landscape and Urban Planning 100 (2011) 98–108 99

Fig. 1. Geographic location of Sicily in the heart of the Mediterranean Basin showing the study area of Mt. Etna.

processes, traditional landscapes are now shrinking and gradually thus integrating landscape-ecology analyses and traditional cul-
disappearing (Aalen, 2001; Agnoletti, 2007; Green and Vos, 2001). tural land-management descriptions.
Traditional agricultural and agroforestry landscapes are charac- Here, we describe a case study in which TCLs were identified on
terized by low-intensity systems and land-management activities, Mount Etna (E Sicily) (Fig. 1), a volcano that is one of the highest
providing a high degree of multifunctionality (Jones-Walters, 2008; mountains in the Mediterranean Basin. Because of its planime-
Pinto-Correia and Vos, 2004; Vos and Klijn, 2000) in terms of pro- try and orography, Mt. Etna is representative of many natural and
duction (typical products), environment (e.g., soil protection and cultural Mediterranean landscapes as well as agricultural and agro-
biodiversity), and culture (distinctive landscapes). forestry systems.
The cultural and ecological relevance of traditional cultural
landscapes (TCLs) makes it necessary to increase our knowl- 2. Materials and methods
edge of these landscapes through an integrated, multidisciplinary
approach (Farina and Naveh, 1993; Naveh and Liebermann, 1994). 2.1. Study area
Such an approach involves a multi-tiered classification of their
environmental variability (both natural and anthropic); landscapes Mt. Etna is roughly a right-circular volcanic cone (Fig. 1), extend-
are first identified on the basis of their primary natural features and ing over about 137,859 ha and ranging from 0 m to 3350 m a.s.l.
then on the basis of anthropic activities over time (Antrop, 1997; Because of its size, Mt. Etna is highly variable in physiography
Vogiatzakis et al., 2006). and slope and in natural and anthropogenic biological richness, and
Similar integrated approaches have been employed in several it encompasses a great diversity of cultural systems and landscapes
inventories and similar initiatives at the European (Bunce, 2001; (Barbera et al., 2010; Busacca, 2000; Chester et al., 1985; Patanè
Meeus, 1995; Stanners and Bourdeau, 1995) and national (APAT, et al., 2004; Poli Marchese, 1982; Poli-Marchese and Patti, 2000;
2003; Blasi, 2007; Firmino, 1999; Hooke, 1998; Van Eetvelde and Regione Siciliana; 1996; TCI, 1977).
Antrop, 2009) levels. These studies differ in the particular method- Our study area consists of the volcanic cone and its old and
ologies used in terms of data inputs and in-depth analyses. A recent lava flows (effusive vents) (Allard et al., 2006; Chester et al.,
classification of TCLs in Italy has not yet been produced (Barbera 1985; Favalli et al., 1999; Salvi et al., 2006). The margins of the
and Cullotta, 2009). Devising such a classification is the first step study area include small landscape patches that are otherwise
in the characterization and integrated assessment of their function widespread elements of the surrounding region, such as fluvial and
and conservation. fluvial-lake incoherent systems and clayey substrates. The study
To address this gap, which exists at various territorial levels, area also includes all recent, old, and/or terraced lava deposits;
the present study emphasizes the importance of an integrated, the latter include marly-clay deposits, varicolored clays, and are-
multidisciplinary, and multi-scale approach to TCLs in a region naceous clay or clayey-silt soils (Fierotti, 1988; Regione Siciliana,
with high environmental and cultural diversity that make it rep- 1996).
resentative of the Mediterranean area. This approach incorporates Since the Neolithic Age, the study area (as well as all of Sicily)
inventories and mapping as well as functional characterization, has hosted continuous and intensive agricultural activity, which
100 S. Cullotta, G. Barbera / Landscape and Urban Planning 100 (2011) 98–108

Fig. 2. Phases and scales of the applied methodology (gray background) and their connections with other landscape-mapping processes (e.g., vegetation-pattern landscapes).

has produced the wide range of landscape systems and forms that shrublands) prevail above 1000 m a.s.l. (Poli-Marchese and Patti,
characterizes the island. Indeed, the Sicilian landscape has been 2000). Below 1000 m a.s.l., the matrix is agricultural and contains
enriched by diverse influences that, in terms of both crops and cul- various combinations of closed agro-forestry systems (i.e., coltura
ture, have come with the various stages of local history (including promiscua) (Barbera et al., 2004; Busacca, 2000).
the dominion of Greece and Carthage, the Roman Empire, the “Arab
Agricultural Revolution” of the Middle Ages, the introduction of 2.2. Multidisciplinary approach
American species, 18th- and 19th-century scientific research) (e.g.,
Barbera, 2000; Di Pasquale et al., 2004). In landscape ecology, researchers usually employ a hierarchical-
Mt. Etna is the highest volcano in Europe and by many accounts classification approach to analyze discrete environmental units
the most aesthetically regarded volcano in the world. The beauty according to a set of applied controlling factors (Howard and
of its landscape is the result of a unique natural and an excep- Mitchell, 1980; Klijn and Udo de Haes, 1994; Zonneveld, 1995). The
tional human history that has inspired many great philosophers, idea is to identify homogeneous environmental units according to
artists, scientists from Homer and Plato in the Ancient Greek era to the scale of observation.
contemporary times. For Romantic-era European travelers of the A set of informative factors that match the relevant geo-
“Grand Tour” and today’s tourist alike, Mount Etna has often been informative level can provide a further description of landscapes in
referred to as: “the solemn moment that makes the heart beat of geographical, ecological, and cultural terms. These factors include
any trip to Sicily” (Tuzet, 1988). Of the aesthetic qualities of the Mt. geomorphology, geology, climate, soil, vegetation, agricultural land
Etna landscape that draw such acclaim, perhaps most notable is the use, history, and cultural perceptions (Forman and Godron, 1986;
contrast provided between the rocky sublime of the volcano itself Zonneveld, 1995).
and the rolling, pastoral mix of cultivated fields and woodlands First, landscapes are identified on the basis of their primary
that surround it. Historically, the landscape of Etna area evolved abiotic natural factors (physiography, lithology, climate, and ter-
through continuous ruptures represented by lava flows that period- ritorial topology). Second, landscapes can be classified based on
ically upset ownership and land use. This counterpoint between the their biotic features and anthropic activity over time (natural veg-
“death” of the sterile lava and the “life” of the woods and fields pro- etation cover, agricultural land use, and other thematic maps may
vide for a visually complex landscape mosaic that has high cultural be useful) (Antrop, 1997; Vogiatzakis et al., 2006).
and historic value. For example, the landscape character assessment (LCA)
The present landscape matrix of Mt. Etna is characterized by a approach tends to define landscape character as a distinct, recognis-
mixture of different traditional land uses and land covers. In gen- able and consistent pattern of elements in the landscape that makes
eral, natural and semi-natural communities (especially forests and one landscape different from another (Swanwick, 2002). Unique
S. Cullotta, G. Barbera / Landscape and Urban Planning 100 (2011) 98–108 101

Table 1
Primary landscape components and features in traditional cultural landscapes (TCLs) and in non-TCLs, especially in Mediterranean areas.

Main components TCLs Modern cultural landscapes Natural and semi-natural landscapes

Landscape composition and configuration:

Patch composition Agronomic and forestry land-uses/covers Only agronomic land-uses Largely forest and pre-forest stands
(domus-hortus-ager-saltus-sylva) (domus-ager) (saltus-sylva)
Patch shape Heterogeneous (topography) Regular (geometric) Heterogeneous
Patch configuration Mostly dispersed/clumped Mostly uniform Mostly uniform
Corridors Mostly present Mostly not present Present
Remnant natural patches Mostly present Absent (Only natural cover)

Traditional techniques of land management:

Mechanisation Usually not employed Employed Employed/not employed
Local plant varieties Employed Usually not employed Natural varieties
Crop rotation Employed Not employed /
Crop promiscuity Employed Not employed /
Fertilization Organic Chemical /
Animal traction Present (today mostly remnant/relict) Absent Present (mostly remnant)
Livestock grazing Present (in rotation) Absent Present
Local animal races Employed Usually not employed Employed

Specific and intra-specific biodiversity:

Natural species High (plants and animals) Absent (or very low) High (flora and fauna)
Cultivated species Medium-high (polyculture) Low (monoculture) Low-absent
Cultivated varieties Medium-high (polyculture) Low (monoculture) low-absent

Rural linear elements and features:

Stonewalls Widespread (according to the presence of Absent Absent
rock outcrop)
Terraces Generally widespread Absent Absent
Dry-stone enclosures Generally widespread Absent Absent
Hedgerows and ecotones Generally widespread Mostly absent Present
Green belts Generally present Mostly absent (Natural cover)
Tracks and footpaths Highly present Present Present
Small ponds Present Mostly not present /
Small animal and human shelters Present Absent Present

Material heritage features:

Old rural country houses and settlements Present/widespread Absent Absent or isolated
Local agronomic and forestry manual tools Employed Not employed Employed
Old tools and machines (wine presses, Present and mostly employed Absent Absent
water mills, water tanks, etc.)
Manuscripts Present/widespread Absent Present
Poems Present Absent Present
Historic paintings and pictures Present/widespread Absent Present

Non-material heritage features:

Toponyms Present/widespread Absent Present
Dialects Present (words and phrases linked to rural Absent Present
Music Present Absent Present
Other oral tradition Present Absent Present

combinations of geology, landform, soils, vegetation, land use, field approach including both deductive (for abiotic ecological factors)
patterns and human settlement create the character, which makes and inductive (for vegetation types) processes.
different landscapes distinct from each other and gives each its Here, we suggest a possible methodology for the definition of
particular sense of place (Swanwick, 2004). This process aims to TCLs based not only on land-cover and land-use maps (sectorial
identifying areas of similar character, classifying and mapping them approach) but also on a combination of deductive and inductive
and describing their particular landscape type. processes (combined multidisciplinary approach). This procedure
Following these considerations, various hierarchical frame- identifies and defines TCLs within homogeneous environmental
works for land classification and mapping have been designed units (in terms of climatic, lithological, and geomorphological fac-
(Blasi et al., 2000; Zonneveld, 1995). From a higher to a lower tors) and arranges them within a hierarchical classification system.
level of abstraction, the following environmental units have been Fig. 2 shows the integrated methodology for mapping TCLs. The
delineated (see Blasi et al., 2000): land regions (detected by interactions between biophysical features and human activities
macroclimatic features – scale > 1:250,000); land systems (primar- (see the methodological explanations below) and their differ-
ily defined according to significant lithological and geographical entiation compared to other landscape-mapping processes (e.g.,
differences – scale 1:500,000–1:250,000); land facets (identified landscape of vegetation patterns) are highlighted.
according to morphology and bioclimatic types and showing units
where major vegetation series and land-cover types prevail – scale 2.3. Definition and characterization of a traditional cultural
1:250,000–1:50,000); and land units and land elements (includ- landscape (TCL)
ing vegetation series and syntaxonomic associations, respectively
– scale < 1:50,000). For a TCL inventory, it is necessary to begin by defining a tra-
In defining landscape-typological models for the mapping of ditional landscape. The word “traditional” refers to landscapes
vegetation patterns, Blasi et al. (2005) have proposed a combined with long histories and slow rates of change in accordance with
102 S. Cullotta, G. Barbera / Landscape and Urban Planning 100 (2011) 98–108

the environment (Antrop, 1997; Antrop, 2005). Traditional land- stone walls, terraces, dry-stone enclosures, stone towers, small ani-
scapes are partly natural and partly cultural, resulting from the mal and human shelters, hedgerows, tracks and footpaths, ponds.
long-term interaction between humans and nature (Farina, 1998; Other important heritage features include material and non-
UNESCO, 1999). They are often characterized by a small spatial material elements: traditional architecture (old rural country
scale, limited technology, low use of fertilizers and pesticides, houses and settlements and their distribution patterns) (Cañas
high biodiversity with a mosaic of important wildlife habitats, et al., 2009; Fuentes et al., 2010), manuscripts, poems, historic
and amenity value (Altieri and Nicholls, 2002; Moreira et al., paintings and pictures, toponyms, dialects, forms of social organi-
2006; Vos and Klijn, 2000). Such structural and functional char- zation, music, oral traditions, and tools such as wine presses, water
acteristics separate traditional land uses from modern agricultural mills, and water tanks.
systems. A preliminary analysis suggests that TCLs and natural or semi-
Most traditional agricultural systems, and the traditional natural landscapes show many similarities (see Table 1).
landscapes where they occur, remained unchanged in Euro-
Mediterranean countries (e.g., Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece) 2.4. Data processing and mapping
until the mid-twentieth century (Geri et al., 2010b; Gomez-
Limon and Fernandez, 1999; Grove and Rackham, 2002; Kizos The spatial data layers used in this study to classify and map the
and Koulouri, 2006; Mazzoleni et al., 2004b; Moreira et al., Mt. Etna-area TCLs (see Fig. 3) include geomorphology (substrates
2001; Petanidou et al., 2008; Pinto-Correia, 2000; Sereni, 1961; and soils, climate, land cover and land use) and selected histor-
Sirami et al., 2010). These systems were based on locally avail- ical documents hinting at important rural processes (a detailed
able resources and on multi-crop and multifunctional production map of terraced systems in Sicily). These data sources include the
models. In Italy, for example, the number of modern landscapes following:
and agricultural systems increased remarkably from the mid- to
late-1950s onward (Agnoletti, 2007; Di Gennaro, 2007), when the • a map of the land systems of Italy (Sistemi di Paesaggi d’Italia)
country underwent substantial industrialization. (Blasi, 2007), with 37 land systems detected in Sicily and 4 in the
In a pan-European landscape inventory, Meeus placed these Mt. Etna area;
landscapes among the most typical in the region (“regional • the division of Sicily into 18 territorial contexts (sensu sub-
landscapes”), giving them names such as Coltura promiscua, Monta- regional areas) (Regione Siciliana, 1996) on the basis of key
dos/Dehesa, Polder, Bocages, Semi-bocages, Mountains, and Terraces geomorphological factors and general cultural characteristics,
(Meeus, 1995). All of these types are cultural, man-made land- such as territorial units considered for sub-regional environmen-
scapes, each with distinguishing features. tal and landscape planning;
According to the European Landscape Convention (Article 1; • a map of the most recurrent agricultural landscapes in Sicily
Council of Europe, 2000), it is crucial to examine both ecological (mainly an aggregation of land uses) drafted for the Linee Guida del
and socio-economic landscape attributes and features. Therefore, Piano Territoriale Paesistico Regionale (Guidelines for the Regional
our work includes both aspects, aiming to define a more compre- Landscape Plan; Regione Siciliana, 1996);
hensive and global landscape inventory that can be used as a basic • the CORINE Land Cover 2000 database (EEA, 2000) and its techni-
knowledge set for the development of dynamic strategies, holistic cal implementation throughout Italy, including the relevant map
planning initiatives, and cultural landscape conservation. and a detailed classification system (CLC 2005 – APAT, 2005);
In defining a cultural landscape, aspects such as its structure, • a map of terraces in Sicily (Barbera et al., 2010), the first inventory
configuration, scenery, biodiversity, and economic value should be of terraced areas in the whole region;
taken into account because they all contribute to the interactions • a map of land uses in Sicily, with greater detail for agricultural
between natural and cultural features. In this study, we considered uses, drafted for the 1994 Agricultural Census (Regione Siciliana,
the following primary components (see Table 1 and Moreira et al., 1994);
2006): • several detailed land-use maps drafted for local agricultural uses
and forest management practices.
• Landscape composition and configuration.
• Traditional techniques of land management. All data were referenced to the same geographic system (UTM
• Rural linear elements and features. 32N datum WGS84) and combined in a Geographic Information
• Other material and non-material heritage features. System (GIS) using ArcGIS - ArcView 9.2 software (ESRI). Within
this framework, the vector layers were used in the different phases
Landscape patches and their configuration are particularly rel- of the hierarchical procedure to detect TCLs (Fig. 3).
evant in cultural landscapes. Land-cover and land-use types (both In phase 1, the climatic, lithological, and geomorphological fac-
natural and anthropogenic) and their spatial patterns significantly tors (as shown in the land system map; Blasi, 2007) and a map of
contribute to environmental sustainability and historical/scenic the eighteen primary territorial contexts in Sicily (Regione Siciliana,
identity within a cultural landscape. 1996), which includes the Mt. Etna area, were overlaid in a GIS
Traditional land-management practices and techniques have to geographically divide the land systems into sub-regional areas,
formed these landscapes across centuries. The agricultural, thus defining “Land Systems of Territorial Context” or LSTCs (scale
forestry, and agroforestry systems that have been employed show 1:250,000–1:100,000; Figs. 2 and 3).
ecological stability over time, often maintaining a high level of In phase 2 (scale 1:100,000–1:25,000; Figs. 2 and 3), only the Mt.
biodiversity (at the species and structural levels) (Table 1). Manage- Etna study area was considered (sub-regional scale). “Landscapes
ment practices and techniques include types of animal husbandry of Main Agroforestry Systems” (LMASs) were outlined within LSTCs
and livestock grazing, uses of local breeds (Moreira et al., 2006), through a map-overlaying procedure involving overall land-cover
local agronomic tools, and crop rotation and mixing. and land-use maps and thematic maps of relevant rural features
Specific management practices and the best uses of land space (including the map of primary agricultural landscapes, the Corine
(which are particularly important in the Mediterranean area for Land Cover map, and the terraced-areas map). An LMAS, therefore,
physiographical reasons) have produced various types of small includes all relevant landscapes with different degrees of:
(punctual) and linear rural heritage features. Usually constructed
from local lithological or vegetal materials, these structures include • naturalness or anthropization;
S. Cullotta, G. Barbera / Landscape and Urban Planning 100 (2011) 98–108 103

Fig. 3. Phases of dataset processing according to the three scales of analysis and the hierarchical definition and mapping of landscape units (for landscape-unit numbers,
see Table 2).

• agricultural intensification or extensification (i.e., monoculture Reference units and their denominations identified during the
vs. mixed crops and agroforestry systems), and three processing phases are reported in Table 2. Fig. 3 shows a graph
• the absence or presence of rural features (e.g., stonewalls, ter- comparing the different landscape units in spatial terms, thus tak-
races, and hedgerows). ing into account the greater detail incorporated as we progress from
phase 1 to phase 3.
Finally, in phase 3 (scale 1:25,000–1:10,000; Figs. 2 and 3), TCLs
were identified within the agro-forestry systems through an over-
laying procedure entailing the LMAS map and a detailed regional 3. Results: Mt. Etna as a case study
land-use map of both agricultural uses and forestry or agroforestry
practices. The presence of traditional agricultural land uses was ver- On a territorial scale, the first phase led to the identification of
ified from a checklist of traditional and historical practices carried four LSTCs, all showing a prevalence of volcanic substrate; in the
out at the regional level. second phase, seven LMASs were detected (Fig. 3). Their denom-
104 S. Cullotta, G. Barbera / Landscape and Urban Planning 100 (2011) 98–108

Table 2
Hierarchical classification system for landscape types (s.l.) detected in different phases for the study area of Mt. Etna.

Land system of territorial contexts (LSTC) Landscape of main agroforestry systems Traditional cultural landscapes (TCL)

(Phase 1) (Phase 2) (Phase 3)

(only the epithet of the traditional characteristic
land use, which is added to the denomination
detected in phase 2 (middle column), is reported)

1. Basic and intermediate volcanos of Mt. Etna 1.1. High-altitude extra-forest volcanic /
1.2. Mountain forest volcanic landscape 1.2.1 . . .. . .. . . of beech coppice
1.2.2 . . .. . .. . . of chestnut coppice
1.2.3 . . .. . .. . . of deciduous and evergreen oak
1.2.4 . . .. . .. . . of laricio pine high forest
1.3. Submountain-basal volcanic landscape 1.3.1 . . .. . .. . . of vineyards
with fine-grained land mosaic of agroforestry
systems (coltura promiscua) and a considerable
presence of rural heritage features (terraces)
1.3.2 . . .. . .. . . of pistachio-nut orchards
1.3.3 . . .. . .. . . of hazelnut orchards
1.3.4 . . .. . .. . . of mixed orchards and crops
1.4. Subcoastal-basal volcanic landscape with 1.4.1 . . .. . .. . . of citrus orchards
generally irrigated agricultural systems and a
considerable presence of rural heritage
features (terraces)
1.4.2 . . .. . .. . . of mixed orchards and crops
2. Coastal plains and fluvial deltas of Mt. Etna 2.1. Coastal-plain volcanic landscape with 2.1.1 . . .. . .. . . of citrus orchards
intensive irrigated agricultural systems and a
considerable presence of artificial surfaces
(human settlements)
2.1.2 . . .. . .. . . of mixed orchards and crops
3. Mainly arenaceous-conglomeratic compact reliefs of Mt. Etna 3.1. Mainly sandy-conglomerate relief 3.1.1 . . .. . .. . . of mixed orchards and crops
landscape (the Alcantara River Basin) with
diversified agroforestry systems and a
considerable presence of rural heritage
features (terraces)
3.1.2 . . .. . .. . . of sowable fields and
4. Marly rock reliefs of Mt. Etna 4.1. Marly, terraced, and alluvial relief 4.1.1 . . .. . .. . . of mixed orchards and crops
landscape (the Simeto River Valley) with
diversified agroforestry systems and little
presence of rural heritage features
4.1.2 . . .. . .. . . of sowable fields and

inations reflect their physiography and the distribution of major 1.4 – Subcoastal-basal volcanic landscape with generally irri-
crops and/or vegetative cover. Interestingly, LMASs (i.e., macro- gated agricultural systems and a considerable presence of rural
agriculture landscapes) seem to match particular altitudinal ranges heritage features (terraces). Usually located below 300–400 m,
(Table 2). The landscapes detected in this phase are listed below. these landscapes often show a high density of terraced areas and
1.1 – High-altitude extra-forest volcanic landscape. Located a diversified landscape mosaic. Irrigated fruit crops (citrus fruits)
above 2000 m, this LMAS is characterized by high-altitude open and mixed crops (such as olive and almond trees, pistachios, and
pulvini (prostrate) vegetation and volcanic desert. cactus pears) prevail. Here, the abandonment of agriculture, urban-
1.2 – Mountain-forest volcanic landscape. With an altitude rang- ization, and the building of new infrastructure are the main causes
ing from 1100 to 2000 m a.s.l., this type of landscape may vary in of landscape transformation.
terms of prevailing species (deciduous and evergreen oaks, chest- 2.1 – Coastal-plain volcanic landscape with intensive irrigated
nut, European beech, laricio pine, various endemic shrubs) and agricultural systems and a considerable presence of artificial sur-
forestry-management or structural systems (currently maintained faces (human settlements). This type of landscape is characterized
coppice, old and abandoned coppice, coppice in conversion to high by fruit orchards (citrus groves), vegetable gardens, and artificial
forest, high forest, and forest stands undergoing natural succession surfaces. Here, the abandonment of agriculture, urbanization, and
dynamics). the building of new infrastructure are the main causes of landscape
1.3 – Submountain-basal volcanic landscape with fine-grained transformation.
land mosaic of agroforestry systems (coltura promiscua) and a con- 3.1 – Mainly compact sandy-conglomerate relief landscape (the
siderable presence of rural heritage features (terraces). Located Alcantara River Basin) with diversified agroforestry systems and a
in the foothills (400/500–1000/1100 m), this LMAS shows a high considerable presence of rural heritage features (terraces). This set
density of terraced areas and a diversified landscape mosaic (see of areas is heterogeneous due to diverse physiography and land-
Fig. 5a and b). Mixed fruit crops and other traditional crops, such cover and land-use types. These areas predominantly feature fruit
as pistachios, hazelnuts, and vineyards, prevail. Several currently crops such as pears, apples, plums, chestnuts, walnuts, cactus pears,
uncultivated agricultural areas are visible between forest patches, almonds, hazelnuts, olives, mulberries, and grapes.
within variable-structural patches, or within zones that are difficult 4.1 – Marly, terraced, and alluvial relief landscape (the Simeto
to categorize. Here, forest regeneration and human settlements are River Valley) with diversified agroforestry systems and little
the main causes of landscape transformation (Fig. 4). presence of rural heritage features. This set of areas is also het-
S. Cullotta, G. Barbera / Landscape and Urban Planning 100 (2011) 98–108 105

Fig. 4. Renaturation through the encroachment of shrub-tree cover in natural vegetation.

erogeneous in terms of its land-cover and land-use types and progressive regeneration of shrubland (Fig. 4). Vineyards are now
predominantly features fruit crops such as pears, apples, almonds, mainly distributed along the foothills of the northern and north-
cactus pears, pistachios, olives, and grapes as well as locally eastern slopes of Mt. Etna, with small to medium-sized patches
widespread grazing pastures. of both pure and mixed (coltura promiscua) crops. Traditional land-
In general, LMAS conservation appears to decrease as altitude management techniques include irregularly spaced grapevines and
decreases (Fig. 3). For example, within the most widespread LMASs old grapevine plants (Fig. 5c and 5d). Linear and point rural fea-
in our study area (types 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4; Fig. 3), the major tures are often detected, especially dry-stone terraces and walls
changes in land cover and use occur along the foothills (type 1.3) (Fig. 5a–d), dry-stone enclosures, small stone towers (from stone
and the coast (type 1.4), where agroforestry systems and rural gathering), stone-paved pathways (flagstones) and small stairs
features prevail. The primary explanation for such changes is the or staircases connecting different terracing levels, stone water
abandonment of agriculture, which has resulted in landscape trans- tanks, and small votive artifacts (as documented in a sizable lit-
formation due to widespread renaturation (Fig. 4), especially in erature). The scattered old rural settlements in each vineyard
low-altitude forested areas, and anthropization (i.e., urbanization property include small and simple structures (i.e., single or double
and the building of new infrastructure), especially along the coast rooms) and larger houses with several rooms (e.g., winery, wine
and near areas with high population densities. cellar, storeroom for agronomic cultivation tools, courtyard, and
In the third phase (Fig. 3), sixteen TCLs were identified. Their sharecropper (mezzadro) rooms, all of which make up the coun-
denominations are the same as in Phase 2, with the addition of try residence of a middle- or noble-class landowner; Barbera et al.,
descriptive phrases designating their traditional land uses (Table 2). 2010) (see Fig. 5g and h). In the local dialect, much of the terminol-
As an example, one of the most widespread TCLs in our study area ogy is related to agronomic techniques, tools (Fig. 5f), and layouts
is described below. of a traditional farm, and various local economic activities are still
1.3.1 − TCL consisting of a “submountain-basal volcanic land- linked to traditional land-management techniques, such as the use
scape with a fine-grained land mosaic of coltura promiscua and of chestnut coppices for wood production along the vegetated belt
a considerable presence of rural heritage features (terraces) of of Mt. Etna (included in the “mountain forest landscapes”; Table 2).
vineyards” (Fig. 5). This TCL is a subunit of LMAS 1.3 from Phase The wood thus obtained is used to make barrel staves and grapevine
2. Its landscape composition and configuration are characterized supports (Fig. 5c and 5d).
by a small-scale land-use mosaic of crops, shrubland, and forests
(Fig. 5a and 5b). The proportions of these primary land-use classes
have changed over the last century. Traditional vineyard sys- 4. Discussion and conclusions
tems were particularly widespread during the nineteenth century
and the first half of the twentieth century (Busacca, 2000). Sub- The conservation of traditional landscapes is an issue of growing
sequently, diffuse land abandonment occurred, resulting in the importance. A preliminary inventory is an essential tool to acquire
106 S. Cullotta, G. Barbera / Landscape and Urban Planning 100 (2011) 98–108

Fig. 5. Components and features of a traditional cultural landscape (TCL) of type 1.3.1 (“Submountain-basal volcanic landscape with fine-grained land mosaic of coltura
promiscua and a considerable presence of rural heritage features (terraces) of vineyards”) (NE slope of Mt. Etna): (a–b) landscape composition and configuration of land-use
mosaics in agroforestry systems (coltura promiscua) dominated by vineyards, with widespread forest and pre-forest patches; (c–d) details of a traditional vineyard for local
production with dry-stone walls, terraces, and old grapevine plants fastened to chestnut stakes; (e) illustration of the historic landscape with terraces (Escher, 1932); (f) a
rural monument built with parts of a large old wine press made of local chestnut and oak wood; (g) a landowner’s country residence with winery and wine cellar on the
ground floor; (h) a common rural country house with winery, wine cellar, storeroom, and a small residence.
S. Cullotta, G. Barbera / Landscape and Urban Planning 100 (2011) 98–108 107

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