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Original Article

Journal of Reinforced Plastics

and Composites

An experimental study of temperature 2016, Vol. 35(7) 566–578

! The Author(s) 2016
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distribution in an autoclave
DOI: 10.1177/0731684415624768

NEJ Kluge1, TS Lundström1, A-L Ljung1, LG Westerberg1 and

T Nyman2

In this work, the temperature distribution on an industrial mold tool is monitored during autoclave runs with three
settings. In one of the settings, the temperature and pressure follow a scheme used in real moldings, while in the other
two cases, the temperature is increased as fast as possible with and without an applied pressure. The temperature
difference over the tool is relatively large and varies between 29 C and 76 C validating a detailed investigation of the
temperature at different points. Two results of this are that positions on the up-stream side of the tool are heated faster
than positions down-stream and the heating over the tool is symmetric while that within is asymmetric. Roughly
estimated heat transfer coefficients reveal that the temperature ramping has no significant effect on the local heat
transfer coefficients while the applied pressure more than doubled them. In addition flow field measurements with
particle image velocimetry are performed, revealing a very slow flow near the roof of the autoclave and a velocity peak
near the floor of it, indicating that the flow profile within the autoclave and variation in heat transfer coefficients should
be considered in autoclave simulations.

Composites manufacturing, autoclave, pressure, heat transfer, flow, particle image velocimetry

Introduction lay-up there is often a breather and a bleeder for

Fiber reinforced polymer composites can be tailor- removal of air and excess of resin, respectively.
made to have excellent mechanical properties and Finally, the lay-up is sealed with an air-tight bag and
added functionality. There are many methods to manu- the breather is attached to a vacuum pump. This mold
facture composites like sheet molding compound1,2 and tool is then placed within an autoclave which is a pres-
the vacuum infusion process.3–6 A third method is auto- sure vessel where the gas within is heated and set into
clave molding which often is used when high- motion in order to cure the fiber reinforced polymer
performance components are made for the aircraft composites. The applied pressure within the autoclave
and space industry, for instance. Features of products has for instance a decreasing effect on the amount of
made with autoclave molding are very high fiber con- voids in the molded components and will also contrib-
tent, a minimum amount of voids and a corresponding ute to a high fiber volume fraction.7–13 Composites
high stiffness to weight ratio.7 Drawbacks include
expensive equipment, relatively high energy consump-
tion, high costs of the material, and long cycle times.
The number of studies on the autoclave process is 1
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics, Luleå University of
relatively small and new studies are warranted due to Technology, Luleå, Sweden
increasing demands on quality, reduced energy con- SAAB Aerostructures, Linköping, Sweden
sumption and reduction of costs.
Corresponding author:
When autoclave molding is employed a mold is cov- NEJ Kluge, Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics, Luleå University
ered with a lay-up of pre-impregnated fabrics and add- of Technology, Luleå 97187, Sweden.
itional parts such as honey-combs. On top of such a Email:
Kluge et al. 567

made with autoclave molding are in fact of very good fan sucks the air through a package that heats it to a
quality in general. desired temperature. Then the air is transported to the
To achieve a high quality, it is important to keep the other end of the autoclave and turns back in the concave
temperature within components from increasing too end and into the space where the molding tools are
high during curing since this may decrease the mechan- placed. This end also serves as the door into the auto-
ical properties of the molded component.14 This can clave. This autoclave has a moveable floor to facilitate
happen even if the temperature of the gas that sur- the transportation of equipment and molds into and out
rounds the component is below the critical temperature of it, which inserted into the autoclave results in a height
due to an exothermic reaction caused by the cure. of 2.2 m in the center. The fan in this particular auto-
Simulations can be performed to predict the tempera- clave is capable to move the air with approximately
ture in the laminates where the exothermic reaction is 1.4 m/s on average when the autoclave is pressurized
considered. However, in such simulations, it is often according to the autoclave manufacturer. This velocity
assumed that the heat transfer coefficient has a constant was used exclusively throughout the experiments per-
value.15–18 By changing the value of the assumed heat formed in this work. The tool, presented in Figure 2,
transfer coefficient, it has been observed that the pre- being about 1 m wide, 2.4 m long and 1.1 m high, was
dicted temperature distribution in the laminates was placed in the centre of the autoclave.
significantly affected.18 It has, moreover, been experi-
mentally observed that just by changing location within
the autoclave, large variations of the heat transfer coef-
ficient are obtained.19 This is a problem in autoclave
molding since an uneven temperature can cause non-
synchronous cure of the composite, which may lead to
entrapment of voids and residual stresses in the mater-
ial that cause delamination.20
In this work, the temperature distribution over a
mold tool is studied with 48 temperature sensors
placed at multiple locations. This is done in order to
reveal the local effects of different autoclave settings
regarding air temperature ramping and pressure. In
addition, the velocity field inside a cylindrical autoclave
was measured with an optical method based on Particle
Image Velocimetry (PIV). It is of general interest to
know the velocity field especially regarding the location
of the tools within the autoclave.

Experimental setups and analysis

The experiments in this work were carried out at SAAB
Aerostructures in Linköping, Sweden, at full-scale indus-
trial conditions with a proper 11.0 m long cylindrical hot
air autoclave having a diameter of 3.0 m. A description
of the autoclave can be seen in Figure 1. In this case, a

Figure 1. Sketch of the design of the industrial autoclave used Figure 2. The front (a) and the back (b) of the tool seen from
in the experiments. lateral viewpoints and measurement positions.
568 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 35(7)

was placed in the center of the autoclave with the front

Temperature distribution of the tool facing the flow of air, see Figure 1, similar
The temperature distribution on a selected tool was temperatures were expected from these locations. With
monitored at 48 positions for three different autoclave the same logic, the temperature difference between
settings. This tool was built of S235JRG2 steel with points 1 and 13 was expected to be in the same range
material properties listed in Table 1. as the temperature difference between points 9 and 21,
The front and back of the utilized tool can be seen etc., see Figure 2(a).
from two viewpoints in Figure 2(a) and (b), respect- Three different process settings were used in this
ively, where the locations of the monitored positions study listed in Table 2. Out of these, setting 1 with
can be seen as well. When several measurement points applied pressure and a moderate air temperature
are attached to the same marked location in Figure 2, it increase of about 2 C/min resembles a real autoclave
is only the first point that is located at the visible mark- manufacturing cycle best. Settings 2 and 3 are more
ing. The remaining points are placed at different depths extreme and applied in order to actually force the for-
on a line normal to the surface that penetrates the mation of large temperature gradients over the tool.
surface at the marked location. To be more specific, For setting 2, pressure was applied as in setting 1, but
the second point, in parentheses, is located on the the temperature was set to increase as fast as possible.
same metal sheet as the first point, but on the opposite The temperature was also set to increase as fast as pos-
side. If a third or fourth point is given in square brack- sible with setting 3 as well, but the autoclave was set to
ets, these are located further into the tool on the next run without any applied pressure.
metal sheet, where the third point is located on the first The resulting air temperature and pressure inside
surface, seen from without, and the fourth point in the autoclave for the three settings are exposed in
parentheses is placed on the opposite side of the third Figure 3 where it can be seen that the main tempera-
point, deeper into the tool. Out of these 48 measure- ture increase is not initiated until the final pressure
ment points, four were built-in and used in regular has been reached for settings 1 and 2, which occurred
manufacturing routines (points 17–20). The remaining after about 18–19 min, while the temperature increase
44 positions were monitored with thermocouples that is initiated after 5 min for setting 1. Focus in this
were mounted with isolating joint and sealant tape. In study is on the time after the main temperature
addition, the temperature and pressure of the surround- increases has been initiated until respective run ends
ing air within the autoclave were monitored as well which practically implies minutes 18–125, 19–81, and
during the experimental runs. The data were stored 5–127 for, respectively, case. As a consequence of the
each 60th second. Scrutinizing the monitored positions initial pressure increase with settings 1 and 2, the air
in Figure 2 further, it can be seen that many points have temperature has already increased to about 35 C
a corresponding point on the other side of the some- inside the autoclave before the main temperature
what symmetric tool, e.g. points 1–4 have points 9–12 increase is initiated, see Figure 3. When the tempera-
as corresponding measurement locations. Since the tool ture was set to increase as fast as possible for settings
2 and 3, the air temperatures increased almost at the
same rate being 14 and 15 C/min at maximum for
respective setting, see Figure 3.
Table 1. Material properties of S235JRG2 steel.

Property Value Estimation of average heat transfer coefficient

Density 7822.8 (kg m3) To further analyze the heat transfer to the tool with
Specific heat 470–500 (J kg1 K1) different settings of the autoclave, estimations of heat
Thermal conductivity 53.35 (W m1 K1) transfer coefficients are also presented in the results

Table 2. Process instructions for the different settings. All settings used the low air velocity (1.4 m/s on average).

Setting Process instructions

1 Pressure increase to 610 kPa. Then moderate temperature increase (about 2 C/min).
2 Pressure increase to 610 kPa. Then fastest temperature increase (up to 14 C/min).
3 No additional pressure. Fastest temperature increase (up to 15 C/min).
Kluge et al. 569







0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Seng 1 Seng 2 Seng 3
Seng 1 Seng 2 Seng 3

Figure 3. Temperature and pressure histories inside the autoclave for the three settings. Solid lines show the temperature ( C)
and dashed lines represent the pressure (kPa).

section. These are estimated by starting from the defin- assuming a constant increase of heat energy between
ition of the external heat transfer coefficient21 the time steps the total heat flux into the piece can be
estimated as
h¼ ð1Þ
ðTw  T1 Þ Qn
qtot,n ¼ ð4Þ
where q is the heat flux through the surface, Tw is the
temperature of the wall and T1 is the temperature of where t in the current case is 60 s. The heat flux from
the surrounding air. In this case, Tw and T1 are known each side and position is for simplicity assumed to be
from the experiments, but the heat flux has to be esti- proportional to their surface temperatures as
mated. This is done by assuming that the temperature
sensors mounted on opposite sides of a metal sheet Tp,n
qp,n ¼ qtot,n ð5Þ
form a 0.1  0.1 m2 piece, 8 or 10 mm thick depending Tp,n þ Tpopp,n
on location. Heat transfer along the metal sheets is neg-
lected and the temperature through the thickness in It should, however, be noted that this assumption is
assumed to be linearly dependent on surface tempera- very rough, one side may, for example, dominate the
tures. The average temperature for these pieces at step n heat flux from convection, while the other side increase
of the two positions in heat mainly by conduction through the material. The
heat transfer coefficient for each position is nevertheless
Tp,n þ Tpopp,n then given by
Tn ¼ ð2Þ
hp,n ¼   ð6Þ
where p denotes position and –opp denotes opposite are Tp,n  T1,n
then used to compute the total energy that have entered
the piece between the measurements This procedure is carried out for all position that has a
thermocouple mounted on the opposite side on the
Qn ¼ mCp ðTn  Tn1 Þ ð3Þ metal sheet. There are, however, a few special cases.
The heat transfer coefficients for position 1 and 28
where m is the mass estimated by using the density were estimated by using the temperature for them,
7822.8 kg m3 for the tool, and Cp the specific heat cap- Tp,n, as average temperature, Tn, and their heat flux
acity assumed constant at 485 J kg1 K1. By also were simply assumed to be 50 % of qtot,n because
570 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 35(7)

monitored positions on their opposite sides were

assumed faulty. For positions 46 and 47 in the front 2
and back, all of the heat flux could be assumed to 1.8
emanate from one side since they were mounted on 1.6

Height (m)
hollow pipes with walls that were 4 mm thick, and the
heat transfer coefficients were estimated by assuming 1
that the average temperature Tn in equation (2) was 0.8
the same as the surface temperature. 0.6
Averaged results from equation (6) are presented in 0.2
the section with the results. The average was taken until 0
the first position with each setting reached the final 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Velocity (m/s)
temperature since the energy in equation (3) becomes
zero when the temperature stabilizes.
Figure 4. The velocity inside the autoclave for different heights
from the floor.
Flow measurement
The velocity field inside the autoclave was measured
with PIV.22–24 In the present case, a Safex nebelgerät
F2010 smoke generator was applied to produce the par-
ticles in the form of smoke and a 150 mW portable red In this section, results from the PIV measurements
laser device was used to illuminate a thin sheet in the yielding the flow field, the temperature distributions
center of the autoclave along the flow direction. The and the approximations of the local heat transfer coef-
pattern of the smoke moving within the laser sheet ficients are presented.
was recorded on a 720p video at 50 Hz with a Canon
EOS 550 camera placed near the cylindrical wall about
1.5 m up-stream the tool, facing the center of the auto-
Flow field
clave. This can be seen as one of the simplest ways to The velocity in the center of the autoclave as a function
setup a PIV-system that also fit into the autoclave of height, where the moveable floor is ground zero, can
under investigation. The image frames from these be seen in Figure 4. The results clearly show that the
movies were extracted and used in a correlation process velocity near the roof and floor of the autoclave is very
with the analysis software DaVis 7.2 where it was the low. The maximum velocity of about 2.1 m/s is consid-
pattern of the moving smoke that was used for the cor- erably higher than the average velocity 1.4 m/s given by
relation. While running the smoke machine, the smoke the manufacturer. The peak velocity does not appear in
quickly spread and became homogeneously distributed the center between the floor and roof, instead it is more
inside the closed autoclave. As a consequence, cross in the center of the whole autoclave, which becomes
correlation becomes unfeasible since there is nothing closer to the floor than the roof. Between the height
to correlate with. Therefore, the smoke had to be por- 1.0 m and 1.4 m, the results gave a velocity profile of
tioned manually by filling large plastic bags which then non-physical behavior. The velocity distribution in this
were released at the end of the autoclave, behind the region is most likely more linearly distributed in reality.
tool, in order to not disturb the flow. Since this was
done manually inside the autoclave, no pressure was
applied and the measurements were consequently also
Temperature distributions
performed in room temperature (24 C). The cross-cor- Scrutinizing the temperature history at each monitor
relation between two images only gave the velocity at point it can be seen that most of the measurement
spots where smoke was moving at that specific time points gave sound results. Two of the monitored
interval. Therefore, a correlation method called sum points, 13 and 25, were however found to give unrea-
of correlation was used that adds results from multiple sonable low temperatures and were excluded. A likely
image pairs into one, giving an average velocity field reason is that these thermocouples did not have direct
over the whole area. To capture the whole height of the contact with the surface of the tool.
autoclave, the camera had one high and one low pos- The general heating behavior of the tool with the
ition. The results for each position are then combined different settings can be seen in Figure 5 where the
to give the velocity field over the whole height where the max, min, and average temperature of all proper moni-
result from a vertical line was extracted with the DaVis tor points on the tool are presented as well as the max-
software. imum temperature difference on the tool together with
Kluge et al. 571

°C Seng 1 Seng 2 Seng 3

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120

Figure 5. The temperature of the air inside the autoclave, the max, the average, the min, and the difference between max and min
temperature over the tool.

the temperature of the air inside the autoclave. Notice up-stream point, position 1, is heated at a faster rate
that the initial increase in pressure for settings 1 and 2 than the three down-stream points. A thorough inves-
implies that the initial temperature of the tool starts at tigation yields that among the three down-stream
about 32 C as compared to about 25 C for setting 3, points, position 2 has the highest temperature. The
see Figure 5. For setting 1 the max, min and average coldest positions of them during large portions of the
temperatures on the tool increase at about the same heating period are interestingly position 3. The reason
rate as the air, but with different lag. As a consequence, for this may be that position 3 is in an area wherein
the maximum temperature difference stays approxi- flow separation occurs.
mately constant after it reached 29 C and until the The results obtained from positions mounted on the
monitored points approaches the final temperature, corresponding positions on the right flange of the tool,
see Figure 5. For setting 2, the temperature of the air position 9 to 12 in Figure 2, showed very similar results
increases more rapidly than for setting 1 which is and behavior. While the temperature distribution is
reflected in a rapid increase of the tool temperature rather symmetric between the left and right side on
but neither the max, min or average tool temperature the top of the tool the symmetry is not that obvious
increase at the same rate as the air. As a consequence, inside the tool. The non-symmetric heating within the
the maximum temperature difference increases until it tool is disclosed in Figure 7 where the temperature dif-
peaks at 58 C. By comparing the results from settings 2 ferences between positions on top of the tool and their
and 3 in Figure 5 it is evident that the absence of corresponding position on the opposite side are pre-
applied pressure with setting 3 results in a slower over- sented for the left (a) and right (b) flange. Equal for-
all heating of the tool. The maximum temperature dif- matting of lines implies that the results are for the
ference peaks at 76 C at a later stage than the peak corresponding locations on the left and right side, see
form for setting 2. For all settings, the highest tempera- Figure 2. A positive difference indicates that the upper
ture is recorded at point 46 that is placed in the front of side is warmer. The most significant differences between
the tool, see Figure 2. Interestingly, the temperature the left and right flange are obtained for setting 2 and 3.
logged at point 40 did, however, for periods reach the Regarding the back of the tool (4–16 and 12–24) the
same temperature as 46 with setting 1. Several sensors upper position became warmer on both sides, but the
being placed within the middle main frame 33, 35, 36, difference on the left side is much smaller than the dif-
and 45 are among those given the lowest temperature. ference on the right side. The temperature difference
The temperature distributions for the whole tool will between positions 2 and 14 in Figure 7(a) shows inter-
now be presented in more detail where results are estingly that the temperature at position 14, placed
divided into groups representing different parts of the within the tool on the underside of the top metal
tool. sheet, increased at a faster rate than position 2 on top
The temperature histories for the thermocouples at of the tool for all settings. This behavior is repeated on
positions 1 to 4, mounted on the left flange of the tool the right side between positions 10 and 22 for settings 2
(see Figure 2), can be seen in Figure 6. The most and 3, see Figure 7(b). The temperature differences
572 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 35(7)

°C Seng 1 Seng 2 Seng 3

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120

Figure 6. The temperatures for points 1–4 on the left flange on top of the tool, and the maximum temperature difference between
them for settings 1–3.

°C Seng 1 Seng 2 Seng 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120


Seng 1 Seng 2 Seng 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120

Figure 7. The temperature differences between points on the upper and lower side of the top on the left (a) and right (b) flange for
settings 1–3.
Kluge et al. 573

°C Seng 1 Seng 2 Seng 3








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120

Figure 8. The temperature for positions in the immersion on the top and the maximum temperature difference between them for
settings 1–3.

at the third positions from the front, which also where indicate that along the tool, there are larger differences
the highest located monitored temperature differences in flow speed within the tool than around it.
according to Figure 2, showed a more symmetric heat- The temperature in the middle main frame was also
ing, the temperature differences between positions 3–15 monitored. If concerning both of the two outermost
and between positions 11–23 were small for all settings. metal sheets together there are large temperature differ-
The temperature distribution in the immersed form ences that reach 20 C with setting 1, 44 C with setting
on top of the tool behaves similarly as the temperature 2, and 61 C with setting 3. The maximum temperature
distribution on the flanges on top of the tool. Even difference for, respectively, sheet was however lower.
though the position in front, position 5, was mounted To exemplify, for the outer sheet on the left side this
at the margin in the beginning of the immersion (see difference was 6 C, 17 C, and 23 C for settings 1, 2,
Figure 2) this position had the highest heating rate of and 3, respectively. For the second metal sheet, the
the points in the immersion for all settings, see Figure 8. maximum temperature differences were a little bit
The temperature for the positions behind, positions 6, larger which can be seen in Figure 10. The position in
7, and 8, are spread in a small temperature range simi- front on each side of the metal sheet is warmer than the
larly as positions 2, 3 and 4 on one of the flanges. It is, positions down-stream, see Figure 10. The lowest tem-
however, more clear that heat transfer to the third pos- perature at each depth was given by the position being
ition from the front (position 7) is decimated due to a placed in the back. For the outer sheet, this behavior
possible flow separation. The maximum temperature was repeated, but the temperature gap between the
differences are smaller between positions in the immer- most up-stream point and the two positions down-
sion than between positions on the flanges. The reason stream was not as distinct. The reason for the more
for this is mainly that the position in front on the distinct temperature gap for the second metal sheet
flanges was heated at a faster rate than the position in may be an indication of significant conduction heat
front in the immersion. A careful analysis furthermore transfer from the top side of the tool where the effect
shows that the points in the immersion are heated at a become more apparent if the air flow is more dampened
slower rate than those on the flanges. deeper into the tool. But it can also depend on a com-
Figure 9 show the temperatures of positions 17–20 plex flow inside the tool. The previously described non-
being the built-in monitors on the tool placed beneath symmetry of temperature increase within the tool was
positions 5–8. Interestingly, it is not the position in the repeated in the middle main frame where positions on
front that increases in temperature fastest. Instead, it is the left side generally increased in temperature at a
the second position, position 18 that has the highest faster rate than positions on the right side for settings
temperature increase rate. The temperature differences 2 and 3.
between these positions are larger as compared to the The temperature histories for the position in front
upper side, but stayed at a rather constant level with on the bottom main frame, position 46, is simply the
setting 1. The increased temperature differences maximum temperature for the whole tool and each
574 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 35(7)

°C Seng 1 Seng 2 Seng 3

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120

Figure 9. The temperatures for the built in monitoring positions on the lower side of the immersion on the top metal sheet and the
maximum temperature difference between them.

°C Seng 1 Seng 2 Seng 3

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120

Figure 10. The temperature for positions mounted on the outer (black) and inner (red) surface of the second metal sheet from the
left in the middle main frame and the maximum temperature difference between them for settings 1–3.

setting in Figure 5. Position 47 on the back of the tool possible for position 46 and 47 since the opposite sides
increased in temperature at a slower rate than the front, for these positions are located within cavities.
and the temperature difference compared with the front
reached a constant value of 17 C with setting 1, peaked
at 50 C with setting 2, and at about 60 C with setting 3.
Heat transfer coefficients
Position 48 on the side of the tool, without obstacles in The estimated average heat transfer coefficients for set-
front, followed the temperature increase of position 46 tings 1 and 2 are similar even though these runs were
better. With setting 1, the difference between position performed with different temperature ramping rates,
48 and 46 was only about 2 C throughout the run, see Figures 11 and 12. The only clear difference between
while it reached at most 10 C with setting 2 and 20 C them is for positions 34 and 40 which achieve much
with setting 3. Position 48 on the side may however be higher average heat transfer coefficients with setting 1.
heated from the opposite side of the metal, this is not The pattern of the heat transfer coefficients for setting 3
Kluge et al. 575

Figure 11. The average heat transfer coefficient (W m2 K1) with setting 1.

Figure 12. The average heat transfer coefficients (W m2 K1) with setting 2.

is in agreement with the other settings, but the heat in Slesinger et al.,19 but this was expected since the
transfer coefficients with setting 3 are about a third of autoclave in Slesinger et al.19 was of different design,
the others, see Figure 13. While scrutinizing these esti- used a higher pressure (690 kPa), and had a higher inlet
mates of average heat transfer coefficient, it should be velocity (5 m s1).
noted that by allocating heat flux to different positions
with Equation (5), each side received about 50% of the
total heat flux. If the estimated average heat transfer
coefficient from all positions instead is interpreted as an For a typical autoclave run with the tool studied the
overall heat transfer coefficient, the values 38.4, 36.7, maximum temperature difference between the 46 pos-
and 14.8 W m2 K1 are obtained for settings 1, 2, and itions studied is rather constant and about 29 C.
3, respectively. Hence by increasing the relative pres- For the higher ramping rate investigated T varies
sure to 610 kPa, the overall heat transfer coefficient is throughout the run and has a peek of nearly
increased by a factor of 2.6. The estimated heat transfer 58 C and 76 C when no pressure is applied. Hence
coefficients in this study are lower than those estimated the T is crucially dependent on the rate of ramping
576 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 35(7)

Figure 13. The average heat transfer coefficients (W m2 K1) for setting 3.

of temperature and of the pressure but is rather large slightly larger on the left side (see Figure 2(a)) and the
for all cases validating a detailed investigation of the opening in the back where air can leave the interior of
temperature at different points. the tool was also larger on the left side (see Figure 2(b)).
The reason for the constant temperature difference It may, however, also depend on a non-symmetric flow
for the typical autoclave run may be that there is time inside the autoclave. If the measured differences depend
for the heat from the hot areas to be distributed to on these small differences in tool geometry or non-sym-
other colder areas by conduction. The rate of this is metric flow inside the autoclave is unclear.
governed by the conductivity that differs between The estimated average heat transfer coefficients
materials. So, one way to handle a faster ramping up became very similar for settings 1 and 2. Some positions
of the temperature is to choose another tool material. differed though. It is reasonable to address those to
The tool used in this study was built with a type of steel heat transfer caused by conduction inside the material
with a thermal conductivity of 53 W m1 K1 and the that with the longer cycle time with setting 1 had more
specific heat capacity of 485 J kg1 K1. A realistic effect than with setting 2.
option to this would, for instance, be copper with a When the estimated heat transfer coefficients are cal-
thermal conductivity of 400 W m1 K1 and a specific culated, it is assumed that the heat transfer from each
heat capacity of 385 J kg1 K1.25 The price for copper side depends on the surface temperature which in prac-
is relatively high though, but a compromise can be to tice resulted in about 50% share for each side. This
drape the area where laminates are placed with copper. assumption may result in misleading results since it is
As a consequence, it is also likely that the heat gener- possible that the flow is stagnant at some positions,
ated from the exothermal curing reaction would be dis- making the convection heat transfer negligible com-
tributed faster. pared to the other side if the air speed much fast
The detailed evaluation of the temperature history of there. For the top metal sheet on the tool, the positions
the point on the tool yields that the positions on the on the upper side are for example likely to stand for
up-stream side of the tool are heated faster than pos- more than 50% of the total heat flux since the speed of
itions down-stream on the flanges, in the immersion and the air flow probably is much higher there than inside
on the bottom main frame. It is also clear that the heat- the tool. So, the total heat flux can be estimated, but it
ing over the tool is symmetric while that within it is is not sure how much each side is contributing to it.
asymmetric. The heating within the immersion is less Hence, the sum of heat transfer coefficient on each side
than on the flanges. All these observations indicate is probably in agreement with the sum of the real heat
that the convection of air is of highest importance. transfer coefficients. By comparing the results from dif-
The faster heating of the up-stream points may ferent positions, the values were, however, reasonable
simply be due to a higher velocity of the boundary since position 46 in the front, where the heat flux actu-
layer at these points. This may also explain the slower ally could be neglected on the opposite side due to a
heating of the immersion. The non-symmetric behavior cavity, achieved both the highest heat transfer coeffi-
may be an effect of the not fully symmetric geometry of cient and temperature. Position 47 on the back, where
the tool. The air intakes in the front were, for example, heat flux also could be neglected due to a cavity, both
Kluge et al. 577

received low heat transfer coefficient and temperature. With simple means, a velocity profile with a clear
If, for example, the heat transfer from the opposite side peak near the floor was obtained where the velocity
of position 9 with setting 2 would be neglected, the heat was 50% higher than the claimed average velocity
transfer coefficient for position 9 would become inside the autoclave.
107 W m2 K1 which is higher than the obtained
value for position 46 (70 W m2 K1). Acknowledgements
The PIV measurements disclose that there is a jet Acknowledgements to everyone at SAAB Aerostructures who
near the floor. This behavior in combination with the made these measurements possible and shared useful insights,
large temperature differences observed on the tool indi- only available through years of experience, about autoclave
cate that it is important to reveal the actual flow behav- manufacturing. Staffan Nilsson and Roland Andersson at
ior inside autoclaves in order to decrease the autoclave SAAB Aerostructures are greatly acknowledged for running
manufacturing cycles by optimizing the flow. The effect the autoclave during the experiments. Dr. Torbjörn Green is
of homogenous velocity versus the experimentally acknowledged for fruitful inputs regarding PIV.
observed velocity field in this work will be investigated
further with CFD simulations in a future work. In add- Declaration of Conflicting Interests
ition, the results also showed a non-physical sudden The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
increase of air speed. This was probably due to insuffi- respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
cient amount of smoke. This can be avoided with a article.
high-speed camera, intended for PIV measurements,
and a stronger laser. Using such a system the velocity Funding
field can be measured in additional planes revealing The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
variations of the flow within horizontal planes in the port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
autoclave. article: This study is part of the PRICE project, led by Saab
Aerostructures, which receives funding from NFFP (National
Aviation Engineering Research Program).
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