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Final Assignment- MGT211/3124 (Organizational Behavior)

Instructions: Total marks of the exam is 40. Keep the answers short and to the point.
Emphasize on the quality of the writing, not quantity. Calibri font is used. Font size is 12, with
single spacing as line spacing. Do not change the format.

Q.1 (20 Marks): How application of motivational theories can be applied in the school where
you have studied? Mention how the authority of that school can motivate the employees
(teachers and staffs) to ensure better performance from them through application of the
motivational theories. (You must show application of three theories at least)
Answer: There are several types of application of motivational theories. As I had studied from
school there have been several lecturers and employees who get demotivated and as a result
they several of my teacher and staffs rotate their jobs. thus, I’d like discuss the few theories
that the teachers and staffs can get motivated.
I'd prefer to use a theory called two factors theory.
1. Two factors theory: The responses differed considerably and led Hertzberg to his two-
factor theory—also noted as motivation-hygiene theory. 2 problems Theory, argues
there are a unit 2, factors that an organization can benefit influence motivation within
the geographical point. These factors are:
 Motivators: This may encourage staff to work a lot of durable. Motivating factors
will build my lecturers a lot of obedient, and that they felt glad job. For instance, by
motivating those lecturers can do their job the maximum amount as possible;
they're going to build their responsibility terribly often. Therefore, within these case
in the job ought to provide my faculty teachers the possibility to be told new skills.
This might happen either on the duty or through tons of formal work. Conjointly
they need to allow my lecturer Promotion opportunities, these can build them active
and motivated through my faculty.
 Hygiene factors: These factors are enclosed as poor salaries, questions of safety in
operating place, unhealthy relationship between manager and supervisor or others,
company rules and policies. Therefore, these factors can build impact on the staff or
less exerting. So, for example, the lecturers of my faculty are incredibly accountable
to their works, they take categories regularly however their salaries be just ten,000
to 20,000 because it is incredibly poor salaries in today’s generation on the opposite
hand one in all my feminine chemistry teacher get pestered by the accountant. In
order that they need to leave our faculty as shortly as doable, here we've to allow
them further salaries that they merit and provides high levels of protection security
to my female teacher.
So, the authority a lot of takes this theory for motivating our faculty teacher. As rational motive
factors can build my teacher well-versed for his or her job. They get motivated through this
theory of method and wish to attend a lot of categories. On the opposite hand Hygiene issue
are includes poor salaries, unhealthy relations with workers or managers therefore in these
cases the authority ought to take some explicit step to maximize the lost. They have
exaggerated the salaries; provide some rewards and additional bonus to my teacher as they get
motivated by this. Therefore, these factors are additionally providing motivations application to
the teachers.

2. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: This can be the simplest documented theory of Maslow’s
theory. Maslow hypothesized that among each creature, there are a unit 5 exiting steps
of wants which can make the academics a lot of motivated.
- Physiological wants: It includes the primary stage of human needs. Being a
region of human society teacher needs shelters, foods, sex, thirst or others
basic all wants. Thus, if one in every of those is missing they'll be
demotivated. as an example of one employee don’t have shelter or a right
place to remain together with his family. Thus, he and his mate are taking a
shelter in roadside space. By these circumstances the employee got
demotivates through these jobs and desires to rotate the duty. Thus,
physiological wants are way necessary to any or all human being.
Applications of Maslow’s hierarchy theory to the work of sophistication teacher would
they wants some obvious issue. Before they take our categories want to they have to}
need some physiological wants. As they need shelter to measure, they want excellent
quantity of foods additionally some basic wants. If they need no shelter however will
they teach US properly. From my faculty I noticed that one in every of my teacher don’t
have shelter, she sleeps in a slum and as a result she can’t build attention to our
category. She felt gloom all the time as we tend to couldn’t learn something. therefore,
the authority should take these physiological needs.
- Safety: It includes physical and mentally wants. These needs embody job
security, health, and safe environments. If somebody does not feel safe in
academic degree atmosphere, they are going to appear for to hunt out safety
before they decide to meet any higher level wants. The teacher wants
additional security protection for his or her live.
Safety is that the major application of Maslow’s hierarchy theory. If the teacher felt
insecure they can’t listen to our category. as an example, academics live in an
exceedingly front of college but at some point, they moon-faced a humorous downside.
a number of decocts visits their home and took all the money and jewelries they need.
thus, as result they got demotivate. She can’t offer us correct lesson of studies, as she
felt terribly insecure in these places because of her safety.
- Social: creature is social being. everybody needs friends, Affection,
belongingness. So, the teacher as a personality's being they needs these
kinds of social attraction and costiveness. If the teacher of my faculty felt he
or she is lonely, they need no friend or colleagues in this faculty they felt
terribly depressed. as an example, in my faculty there was a mathematics
teacher who is incredibly introvert however folks love him for his
qualification. thus, these can make him motivated for his or her job. She
ne'er felt like lonely or depressed although he or she is introvert.
- Esteem: when having some wants academics additionally needs some
additional estimation wants. There are a unit 2 styles of estimation for
human wants. One is external, the academics needs some self-respect, some
action or anatomy. Here it creates positive image to the employees in
organization additionally world. These esteems are incredibly necessary for
each human life, thus because it is most significant for my faculty teacher
who were giving American state such an honest lesson. as an example, the
chairman of our college known as my teacher and affronted him for
qualification; as a result, my teacher will get demotivated and left our
college. thus, these self-respects are obligatory for each school teacher
additionally each employee. On the opposite hand the external would like is
standing, recognition or attention. we tend to all understand that goodwill
makes someone felt proud for his own works. as an example, in our sports
prizing ceremony the chairman of our college announces our teacher name
and gave him a giant prize thus these attentions can build teacher a lot of
motivated through his job or through my faculty.
- Self-actualization: Drive to become what we tend to area unit capable of
becoming; includes growth, achieving our potential, and fulfilment. as an
example, an employee might need notice their skills if their energy is
targeted on attaining the elemental needs of humans. As they move up
Maslow's hierarchy of needs, they'll eventually notice themselves reaching
the summit.
Self-actualization is wherever teacher ought to give as level of instructional lessons that
student can learn them at the top of their death. By these students gets inspire
regarding their academics and additionally teacher get motivated regarding their work.
They wished to build more analysis through the work fictional new a lot of things.

3. There are several staffs in my faculty who are demotivated to their jobs. therefore, the
authority will take X and Y theory and additionally they can follow McClelland’s theory
of needs.
X theory and Y theory: Individuals dislike work, have little or no ambition, and
square measure unwilling to need responsibility. the staff during this case are terribly
lazy they don’t wish to figure, they dislike to figure however takes his salaries at a
similar time.

So, in my case there are several staffs who are terribly lazy, they don’t wish to figure
even they don’t build amount finish alarm, serves water or snacks to teacher and
remainder of workers. therefore, the managers or academics would ought to offer them
with this assumption encourage their people using a rigid "carrot and stick" approach,
that rewards smart performance and punishes poor performance. If they are doing this
same factor they'll be rotate any time or cutting salaries kind them

Theory Y – folks that are terribly self-motivated and enjoy the challenge of labor. They
always needed to figure yieldingly, they like to work and that they volitionally to figure
and complete any sorts of job the maximum amount as attainable.

There are few workers who is volitionally working, they're very punctual, they serve the
food as much as attainable. On the opposite hand they additionally facilitate United
States of America from many ways as an example if we need additional paper or
luncheon they struggle their best to meet our need. thus, managers and teachers with
this assumption have a great deal of cooperative relationship with those individuals, and
inspire them by allowing them to work on their own initiative, giving them
responsibility, and empowering them to create picks. The authority will inspire them
with several fascinating gifts, rewards and additionally promotional activities.

Q.2 (20 Marks): Suppose, you are the Territory Manager of Narayanganj area of Marico
Bangladesh Limited. Imagine that, you have a monthly sales target of 6 crore taka for the
month of November. Now you have the task to provide the monthly target to your
salespersons. You want to give them SMART goals so that they can achieve the target. How you
may ensure you are providing them SMART goals?
Answer: As the territory manager of Marico Bangladesh Limited of Narayanganj area the
responsibility comes upon me. So, if I have a monthly sales target of 6 crore taka for the month
November I need to provide some specific tasks among my salespersons to achieve my goal.
And for that I want to give them SMART goals so that they can achieve the target.
So, what is SMART goals? S.M.A.R.T goals means specific, time-based, realistic and achievable
goals. These are advantageous for a multitude of reasons. These are basically the factors that
help in achieving a specific goal or for smart goal setting.
The SMART full form varies with respect to the tasks specified by the project and can vary
under different circumstances. By conducting these ideas, I can ensure that I am providing them
SMART goals, because according to the plan I am giving them SMART goals, which follows these
ideas I am giving below and these are the elements for ensure SMART goals,

1. Specific: It means the project idea should be specific. And it should be done by those skilled
persons who really cares about the project. Without that project cannot be fixed.

2. Measurable: The project should run as if they can predict the future of it, which means
they has to have some target objective. Therefore, they will be able to measure how much
of the project has been completed.

3. Agreed upon: Both company and stakeholders need to discuss about the project outcome
which will come later on and then they both need to be agree about the project. Only then
the project will continue.

4. Realistic: The project should represent an objective on which you are working. Means the
project has to be some specific outcome that everyone can measure the success rate or can
get a part of the profit from the project if it results good. The project should be on a real
topic that all can rely on for the future result.

5. Time-based: As it should be time bounded and there should be a limit of the time for the
specific task or the project. As I am giving them a deadline which is November. Therefore, it
also follows this rule too.

SMART Goals comes handy when a specific object or project occurs. So, I got a task for make 6
crores as the sales target before November, I think SMART goals are perfect decision that I can
make for the salespersons to achieve their goal as promised.
For ensure the process is running there are some objectives to complete,
Process objectives: It lets you know how well the project can be done and how the project can
be achieved. Gives the detailed idea and the plan to achieve success for the project efficiently.
Describes the participants, their activities and behaviors, which means it also includes the
behavior of workers as like how the behave, how much they work and how they work.
Impact objectives: Let’s you know what the long-term effects are from the project. Which
means when a project starts, company and stakeholders can know the full process of the
project and impact objectives give them the idea about it.
How well does the project impacts on others? Which is the company need to keep it on mind
that the project is not a thing that profits or impacts any single person or a single company. It
impacts the whole system. Keeping it on mind the company need to continue its work,
otherwise the project should stop.
Outcome objectives: Let’s you know what kind of results are formed during the completion of
the project. So that, the outcome becomes clear with everyone.
And depends how it will affect the knowledge and the behavior of the target audience.
Personal objectives: Personal development is an ideal factor for the SMART goals.

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