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Name: Daicy Q.

Course: PhD 808 (Quality and Quantity Management in Education)
Professor: Jennie Mativo, Ph. D., CESO VI
Case Study: Problems Encountered by Teachers on ICT Integration

Teaching is one of the most challenging lines of work in our society. It is where
knowledge is expanding quickly, and much of it is available to students and teachers. Modern
developments of new and exciting technologies have given new possibilities in a teaching
job. However, they have placed increased demands on teachers and students to use these new
technologies in the teaching and learning process.

For the learners to succeed 21st-century results, teachers need to finger well-
appointed using technology and wield teacher and teaching-related practices to their use of
technology in the classroom

Balangbalang Elementary School is one of the recipients of the project from KOICA,
a non – government organization which aims to help improve the learning of children through
technology. Moreover, the school also receives computers and other ICT devices from the
DepEd Computerization Program of DCP.

School population is around 400 – 450 learners from Kindergarten to Grade six.
Equipped with ICT facilities, its aim to give not only quality education but learning which
can compete globally through the use of ICT.

The present problem of the school as to ICT usage is that teachers do not embrace
change. Most of them still use the traditional way of teaching. In spite of the modern facilities
which are present at school, those equipment remains unused since teachers lack confidence
to make use of it for the betterment of their teaching.

In connection to the present condition of the school, it is the purpose of the study to
identify the problems encountered by the teachers in integrating ICT in their teaching.
This case study aims to identify the problems encountered by the teachers upon the
integration of ICT. Teachers are called to have the Focus Group Discussion. This will
identify if what are the problems they encounter personally on ICT integration. Here are their
answers in order. First, they admitted that they lack ICT skills most specially in
troubleshooting. To answer this need, ICT coordinators conducts LAC Session which
discusses on Basic ICT Skills which also focuses on basic troubleshooting. Teachers were
also given opportunity to maneuver computers in order to know the actual situation if errors

Second, teachers lack confidence to use ICT equipment at school for they are afraid
that they might damage it. This was also address on the LAC Session. ICT Coordinators
make a schedule of the usage of the ICT Laboratory. Each Grade shall have its schedule of
when to use the ICT Laboratory including the teacher and all its learners. Teachers will also
give time to teach their learners on the basic of computers including the common one which
is encoding. Film showing and reading activities are done inside the ICT laboratory in order
to give an interactive learning to children.

Third, lack of internet connection and inefficient number of some needed ICT devices
such as projector and printer. In order to address this need, the school head provides projector
and printer by grade level with PTA donations and other sponsors. This was done one at a
time, depending on the availability of the budget. With this kind of idea, teachers able to feel
that their teaching enhancement is a necessary tool on improving the learning of the children.

Having LAC Sessions on ICT skills able to improve the ICT competency level of the
teachers. Making use of ICT devices and ICT laboratory able to enhance the teaching skills
and give learners interactive way of learning. On the idea of the school head, teachers now
will have no reason not to integrate ICT in teaching.

It is only a matter of being open. Not be afraid to admit each weaknesses and be open
for change and ways to conquer fears – these are only simple ways to solve problems and
create things for the improvement of everybody.

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