Life of Julius Caesar

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Life of Julius Caesar

Instructions: Please read each section and arrange them in the correct order from 1-10.

Between 58 and 50 BC, Caesar’s armies conquered vast new

territories including parts of Britain. After Crassus was killed in 53 BC,
Caesar and Pompey became bitter rivals and one year later civil war
broke out. In 49 BC, Caesar defeated Pompey. Pompey fled to Egypt
where he was put to death by the Egyptian king, Ptolemy.
From 65 BC Caesar was officer in charge of public entertainment. He
spent a great deal of money on entertainment for the ordinary
citizens and became very popular.
1 Life of Julius Caesar
After achieving more victories in Asia Minor and Africa, Caesar
returned to Rome later in 47 BC to a jubilant welcome. During the
next few years, he set about dealing with the social and political
problems of Rome. He made a great many reforms which bought
benefits to the plebeians but which made him unpopular with the
nobles. They feared he would become king.
IN 60 BC Caesar and two powerful men, Pompey and Crassus, took
control of the senate, which had become corrupt and inefficient.
They ruled as a triumvirate for seven years.
Julius Caesar was a brilliant politician and general. He was very
popular with the plebeians of Rome and worked hard to solve their
problems. Caesar was also ambitious enough to use bribery and
murder to achieve his goals and made many powerful enemies who
eventually destroyed him.
Julius Caesar was born on July 12, 100 BC in Rome. He was born into
a poor branch of a noble family but became the most powerful
person in Rome.
In the same year, Caesar avenged Pompey’s death. He defeated
Ptolemy and placed the government of Egypt in the hands of
Ptolemy’s sister, Cleopatra. At this time, too, Caesar and Cleopatra
became lovers.
As a boy, Julius Caesar was a good scholar and sportsman. By the age
of 15 he had married and become interested in politics. When he
was young man, Caesar spent some time in the army and practised
On Feb 15, 44 BC Caesar was offered the crown but rejected it,
fearing his enemies in the Senate. One month later, on March 15, he
was stabbed to death by a group of senators, and civil war began
again in Rome.
Timeline: Julius Caesar
Instructions: Please use the information above to fill in the blank boxes

Time Event

100 BC

Good scholar and sportsman


When young

Made officer in charge of public entertainment. He spent a great deal of

money on entertainment for the ordinary citizens and became very


Julius Caesar conquered vast new territories, including parts of Britain


49BC -Julius Caesar defeated Pompey. Pompey fled to Egypt

- Pompey killed by Egyptian king, Ptolemy
- Julius Caesar became Cleopatra’s lover

Later in 47 BC -

Dealt with social and political problems of Rome

Feb 15, 44BC

March 15, 44BC

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