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Matthew Nelson

Mrs. Clemente

BA 322

Mexico Venture Trip

1. Identify the parties involved. What are each parties’ interests? What do they care about? What do I
care about? Prioritize interests for all parties.

The parties involved are Workforce USA, Nomina Mex & me.

Workforce USA is looking to increase sales in their Mexico division despite the peso devaluation. Nomina
Mex is looking to increase sales as well even though it could be hard for them due to the peso
devaluation. I am there to increase sales. I will be offering different sorts of incentives to motivate the
sales team as well as optimize the staff team by moving and eliminating different members of the staff.

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2. Consider options for joint benefit.

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There are plenty of options to increase sales, however if we cannot increase sales, we intend to buyout

Martinez’s shares in the company. That has been discussed before. However, some of our options
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include moving staff positions, for example Martinez’s brother has a position in the company where he is
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getting paid the 2nd highest and we really do not know what exactly he is doing. We also have extra staff
in our facilities. We should eliminate them or relocate them to different positions in the company. Also,
we are offering discounts, pay increases, and other incentives to excite the sales team to do their best.
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3. What is your BATNA? Their BATNA? Be sure to read Chapter 6 of "Getting to Yes"

My BATNA would be giving the discount at 15% as well as eliminating some of the unneeded staff or
relocating them to different positions. If worse comes to worst and we are unable to reach any sort of
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agreement, we will consider buying out Martinez’s shares.

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Their BATNA would have to be an increase of commission but I do not have a number of what he would
like it to be. My boss authorized an increase up to 10% if we meet sales. He may ask for the sales

increase without the incentive and just want the 10% for example. We are looking for the best for our
business and we want to do our best to make sure their sales increase that way to make their

profitability increase.

4. What is fair?

I think a majority of what we have to offer or changes we have are fair. We want to see our company
increase our profitability in harsh times and we have a lot of great ideas on how to do so. I am willing to
hear what they think about it as well to make the transition to greater sales easier for them. I will not
shut out their ideas and I am willing to communicate with them and hear their ideas.

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5. How will you communicate?

I will communicate mainly by English because I read that many Spanish speakers can communicate in
English, especially in the business setting. I do know a bit of Spanish, just enough to get through a

6. How will you build trust?

I will attempt to build trust mainly by being polite and conversational. I will not just be there on business
I will be there to make a lifelong friend and coworker. I can open up about soccer and make it so they can
see myself not as a boss, rather a friend that wants to see their branch do the best.

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