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Model View Controller – MVC
(lecture # 15)

Engr. Muhammad Raees


Date: November 13, 2020


• The MVC
• Routing
• Views and Controllers
• Model Binding

Web Engineering 3
MVC – Revisited

• Model
• Represents an individual database table (or a record from the database table)
– such as “Company”, “Dog”
• View
• Represents the template that output your data to the end user – such as a login
page, with given set of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
• Controller
• Like a traffic cop, takes the HTTP requests from the browsers, gets the right
data out of the database (model), validates the user input, and eventually
sends backs a response to a user (inside a view).

Web Engineering 4
HTTP Methods

Web Engineering
• MVC applications use the routing system for URLs map to controllers and actions.
• A route is a rule that is used to decide how a request is handled.
• You can request any of the following URLs, and they will be directed to the Index action
on the HomeController:
• /
• /Home
• /Home/Index
• Routing (like real routes) is method to specify the Paths/URLs/Resources of any web
• For PHP API: routes/api.php
• For PHP WebApp: routes/web.php
• Route::get (‘/’, function(){ //root route
• return “Hello World”;
• }
Web Engineering 6
Some Routing Examples
• Route::get('/', 'HomeController@index');
• Route::get('Home', 'HomeController@index’);
• Route::get('Services/{id?}', 'HomeController@Services')->middleware('verified’);
• Route::get('contactus', function(){
• return view('contactus');
• });
• Route::post('/Blog/posts/{post}/comment', 'HomeController@MakeComment')-
• Route::resource('EditProfile', 'UserController')->middleware('auth’);
• Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'namespace' => 'Admin', 'middleware' => 'auth'],
function() {
• Route::resource('/posts', 'PostController', ['middleware' => 'admin’]);
• }

Web Engineering 7
Route names

• The simplest way to refer to the routes anywhere in web application is by using
them as relative or absolute URL paths. However, routes can also be used by their
• Route::get(“Home/New”, “HomeController@New”)->name(“”);

• This is how the above route can be accessed.

• <a href="{{ route(‘') }}“ />

• {{ }} sign is equivalent to <?php … ?> for php code in Laravel.

Web Engineering 8
Signed Routes
• Signed routes are used for sending notifications, such as password reset, accepting
invitation, verifying account etc.

• URL::route(“invitation”, [“invitation”=> 12345, “answer”=> “yes”]);

• URL::signedRoute(“invitation”, [“invitation”=> 12345, “answer”=> “yes”]);

• URL::temporarySignedRoute(“invitation”,
[“invitation”=> 12345, “answer”=> “yes”]);
• The links can be protected using the “signed” middleware for blocking
unauthorized access.

Web Engineering 9
• Views are returned by routes directly (as seen above) or the controllers return the
views by processing the requests.
• Views are the files describing how the output will look like.
• There are two types of views in Laravel.
• Plain php views
• Blade template views
• Views can be simple or embedded with arguments.
• Route::get('offers', function(){ return view('frontend.offers');
• });
• $posts = Post::with(['user', 'category', 'tags', 'comments'])->published()-
• return view('blog', compact('posts'));

Web Engineering 10

• All the routes map to actions defined in controllers. In the MVC pattern, incoming
requests are handled by controllers.
• Controllers are PHP files (usually inheriting from the App/Http/Controller, which
is the built-in MVC base).
• Each public method in a controller is known as an action method, meaning you
can invoke it from the Web via some URL to perform an action.
• Open the existing controller to view the methods.

• php artisan make:controller ControllerName

• Command to create new controllers inside a Laravel project.

Web Engineering 11
Getting Input from User

• The second most common task of controllers is to get input from the users, which
is provided through an html form. The input is collected and stored/used through
“post” action of webpage and route.

• Route::post(“tasks”, “TaskController@store”);

• The input is collected through the request created by the browser.

• Task::create(request()->only([‘title’, ‘description’]));

Web Engineering 12
Resource Controller

• Sometimes naming controller actions can be the hardest thing.

• Laravel provides predefined names for controller methods being used for CRUD
applications, called resource controllers.

• php artisan make:controller ControllerName --resource

• This can be viewed in routes defined above.

Web Engineering 13
Route – Model Binding

• One of the most common routing pattern is finding resource with given ID.

• Route::get(“conference/{id}”, function($id){
• $conference=Conference::findOrFail($id);

• The above method is called implicit route binding.

• Otherway, a custom response can also be sent using the response methods
provided by the Laravel.

Web Engineering 14

• Chapter 3, Laravel_ Up & Running. A Framework for Building Modern PHP

Apps by Matt Stauffer – (2019, O’Reilly Media).

Web Engineering 15

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