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Match the description in column A to its concept in column B. Write

the letter of the correct answer in your notebook..


1. correlated with the level of confidence in the

a. leading
knowledge, skills and abilities associated with
leading others.
b. leadership
2. being open with employees regarding the
c. Leading and
financial operations and other classified
information about a company.
d. power
3. strong yearning to control others and
resources and let others do things on one's
e. authority
f. Expert power
4. a leader’s behavior is coherent with his
g. Trustworthiness
5. exceptional knowledge, skills, and expertise
h. power
6. stiff right to get people do things
i. Honesty
7. influence decision and control resources
j. Leadership
Quarter 2 Week 13– A
8. the same person can exhibit
The learner analyze leadership, motivation, and
9. ability to promote confidence and the process communication work in an organization
k. adaptability
of persuading others

10. setting up direction and influencing others

Layout Artist:
Principles of Organization and Management, Serrano, Angelita O.
Organization and Management for Senior High School, Cabrera, HM. F, Altajeros,
EPS I - Mathematics
A.DC, Benjamin, R. (2016) KIM S. ARCEÑA, EdD
GENERALIZATION 3. Reward power – it is the leader’s control over treasured rewards like salary
increases and recommendation for promotion.
Leadership is granted in the hierarchy but at the same time individual
4. Expert power – this power stems on the special knowledge, skills, and
leadership is imperative. The leader is the figurative spokesman, the ultimate
expertise the leader possesses.
coordinator, the chief participant in decisions as to goals, the principal change
content and the model to the organization. 5. Referent power – it is the ability to control based on the faithfulness to
leaders and the group members’ aspiration to delight the person.
Nature of Leadership
6. Information power – it is the ability to control the information needed by
Leading is setting up direction and influencing others to pursue that others in order to reach an important decision.
direction. We encounter leaders in our everyday lives. We identify specific
persons as leaders because of the way they act and relate with other people. Characteristics of a Good Leader
Leadership can be defined as both the ability and the process of influencing Leadership effectiveness comes from the mixture of a number of
others to make them understand what needs to be done and to work at their best characteristics that could successfully influence other people. Here are the most
to accomplish the shared objectives. Leadership has two forms: formal noted powerful ones:
leadership and informal leadership. Formal leadership is influence over other
1. Drive and passion – leaders are noted for the sweat they spend in their work
people because of a person’s appointed or elected position. On the other hand,
and the enthusiasm they have for work and work associates.
informal leadership is influence over other people not because of a person’s
position, but due to his or special skills or qualities as a person. Formal and 2. Power motive – power motivation is a strong longing to control others and
informal leaders are capable of directing the actions of other people for them to resources and let others do things on ones behalf.
act or behave in a certain way that the leader wants. 3. Self-confidence combined with humility – self-confident leaders mirrors an
Differences between Leading and Managing image that encourages subordinates to have faith in them. When combined
with humility which put other people in the limelight, the leader becomes
In the workplace, a leader may it necessarily be a manager. The more influential.
opposite is also true – a manager may not necessarily be a leader. This is due to
differences in mindsets, work orientation, and main responsibilities between a 4. Trustworthiness and honesty – effective leaders build strong employee trust
leader and a manager. to gain high productivity and commitment. Trustworthiness means a leader’s
behavior is consistent with his intentions. Simply means for the leader to
LEADER MANAGER practices what he preaches. Honesty is being open with employees about the
financial operations and other sensitive information about a company.
More concerned in setting a direction More concerned with short-term
for the organization in the long-term challenges in the workplace 5. Good intellectual ability, knowledge and technical competence – effective
leaders are good problem-solvers and knowledgeable about the business or
Highly focused on crafting strategies Highly focused on implementing technology for which they are accountable. They mix academic intelligence
strategies with practical ability.
Strives to empower others Strives to accomplish task 6. Sense of humor – humor eases pressure and monotony, neutralizes
unfriendliness and helps build relationships among employees in the
Mostly inspires people Mostly directs people workplace. The leader who cracks jokes occasionally is likely to be perceived
as approachable and friendly.
Leadership Use of Power and Authority
7. Emotional intelligence – effective leaders show good emotional intelligence
Leaders through their power and authority persuade people to do things. which is the ability to manage themselves and their relationships effectively.
Power is the ability to influence decision and control resources. People with power Emotional intelligence includes traits and behavior such as self-confidence.,
typically have the likelihood to use influence often. Charm and talent can assist empathy, passion for task and visionary leadership. Sensitivity to the needs of
attain power. Authority is the formal right to get people do things or to control others and not vocally abusing them is another form of emotional intelligence.
resources. It is just the organization which can award authority. The following are Another important feature of emotional intelligence is to generate good
some types of power being used by leaders, such as: feelings in those being led.
1. Legitimate power - it is the authentic right of a leader to make certain types 8. Leadership efficacy – leadership efficacy refers to a specific form of efficacy
of request or to tell others what to do. (feeling effective) associated with the level of confidence in the knowledge,
2. Coercive power – this is the ability of the leader to penalized others. skills and abilities associated with leading others.

Match the description in column A to its concept in column B. Write

the letter of the correct answer in your notebook..


1. great leaders are born and not made a. Transactional

2. recognize specific personality or behavioral
characteristics shared by leaders b. Managerial grid

3. two dimensions of leader behavior c. Servant

4. intense desire to lead others to reach shared d. Supportive
e. Mahatma Gandhi
5. leadership is not viewed as position power and Obama

6. the leader is friendly towards subordinates and f. Middle-of-the-

displays personal concern for their needs, road style
welfare, and well-being. g. Great Man
7. transformational leaders
h. Trait theory
8. motivating through a system of rewards and
punishment i. Hersey-
Blanchard model
9. this refers to the balancing or equilibrium j. Exploitive Quarter 2 Week 13– B
10. leadership style according to the readiness of
The learner analyze leadership, motivation, and
k. Leadership
motivation communication work in an organization

Layout Artist:
Principles of Organization and Management, Serrano, Angelita O. EPS I - Mathematics
Organization and Management for Senior High School, Cabrera, HM. F, Altajeros,
A.DC, Benjamin, R. (2016)
GENERALIZATION 2. Supportive – the leader is friendly towards subordinates and displays personal
concern for their needs, welfare, and well-being.
Leadership should result in the willingness of the individuals to work with
3. Participative – the leader believes in group-decision-making and shares
enthusiasm, passion and self reliance. The leader guides them and facilitates their
information with subordinates.
progress towards the attainment of organizational vision, mission, goals, and
4. Achievement-oriented – the leader sets challenging goals and encourages
objectives. Leadership theories emerged in order to respond to the need by
employees to reach their peak performance.
explaining certain aspects of leadership, and to better understand what drives
success in this area. Further the theory states that the relationship between leadership style
and effectiveness is dependent on the following variables:
1. Employee characteristics – these include factors such as employees’ needs,
Great Man Theory experience, satisfaction, willingness to leave the organization and anxiety.
The Great Man Theory asserts the leaders in general and great leaders 2. Characteristics of work environment – these include factors such as structure
are born and not made. Based on the theory, leadership calls for certain qualities and team dynamics that are outside the control of employee.
like charm, persuasiveness, commanding personality, high degree of intuition,
Transactional Leadership Model
judgement, courage, intelligence, aggressiveness and action orientation which are
of such a nature that they cannot be taught and learnt in a formal sense. The A theoretical model which states that leaders guide their subordinates
term Great Man was used because during those times, leadership was thought of toward the achievement of their organization’s goals by using social exchange or
principally as a male quality, especially in terms of military leadership. transactions and by offering rewards in exchange for their productivity.

Trait Theory Transformational Leadership Model

A theory based on leader traits or personal characteristics that A view that developed from transactional leadership. It states that leaders
differentiate leaders for followers. The trait theory of leadership evolved from the inspire or transform followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes. Through their
earlier great man theory, which was based on the assumption that leaders were leadership, they can excite and inspire followers to exert extra effort to achieve
born with some innate ability to lead. Among the core traits identified are: group goals.
1. Achievement drive – high level of effort, ambition, energy and initiative Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid
2. Leadership motivation – intense desire to lead others to reach shared goals Blake and Mouton’s leadership grid is a graphical portrayal of a framework
3. Honesty and integrity – trustworthy, reliable and open for classifying leadership styles. The framework has two dimensions. One
dimension examines a leader’s concern for production, which is focused on
4. Self-confidence – belief in one’s self, ideas and ability
accomplishing task or giving priority to profits and results. At the same time, the
5. Cognitive ability – capable of exercising good judgment other dimension in the framework examines the leader’s concern for people,
6. Knowledge of business – knowledge of industry and technical matters which is focused on accommodating or giving priority to people’s needs, such as
7. Emotional maturity – psychologically stable working conditions and human development.
8. Others – charisma, creativity, and flexibility In summary , the following are different leadership style based on the
House’s Path-Goal Theory leadership grid:
A theory developed by Robert House which states that the leader’s task is  Autocratic style – this is referring to the task management, dictatorial style,
to lead his other followers or subordinates in achieving their goals by providing and this is highly emphasizing task over people.
them direction needed in order to ensure compatibility of these said goals with  Human relation style – this refers to the country club, collegial style and highly
the organization’s goal. emphasizes people over task – the exact opposite of autocratic style.
House’s theory supports servant leadership. As per servant leadership  Laissez-faire style – this refers to the impoverished managerial style. This style
theory, leadership is not viewed as a position of power. Rather, leaders act as has very low concern for task and people or “anything goes” style.
coaches and facilitators to their subordinates. According to House’s path-goal  Democratic style – this refers to the team management style. This has both
theory, a leader effectiveness depends on quite a few employee and high concern for task and people.
environmental contingent factors and certain leadership style. There are four  Middle-of-the-road style – this refers to the balancing or equilibrium.
style of leadership under this theory, which are:
Hersey-Blanchard Model
1. Directive – the leader offers guidelines, lets subordinates know what is
expected of them, sets performance standards for them and controls behavior. The theory focused on subordinates’ readiness or extend to which the
said subordinates have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific work
power. All individuals possess a combination of these needs, and the dominant
needs are thought to drive employee behavior.
Those who have high need for achievement have a strong need to be
successful. Individuals who have high need for affiliation want to be liked and
accepted by others. Those with a high need for power desire to influence others
and control their environment. McClelland’s theory of acquired needs has
significant implications for the motivation of employees.

Fill in the blank with the correct word or phrase to make the statement
complete. Write your answers in your notebook.

1. _________ refers to the internal needs and drives of a person that gives
direction to his behavior and decides the level of energy and effort that he
puts in his work.

2. The ________ theory is instituted on a simple principle that human beings

have needs that are hierarchically ranked.

3. ________ hints that individuals who are discourage in their attempts to

appease the one need may move back to another.

4. Individuals who have __________ intend to be liked and accepted by others.

5. When the basis of motivation is __________ the work behavior is being

performed to obtain some reward which maybe material or social in nature.

6. When the source of motivation is _________ the work behavior is being

performed for its own inherent value. Quarter 2 Week 13– C
7. ________ are the influential dissatisfiers and can cause negative feelings to
The learner analyze leadership, motivation, and
communication work in an organization
8. Those who have a __________ have a strong need to be successful.

9. ________ is involved of the real satisfiers, and therefore the ones that
motivate people in the workplace.
10. Those with a _______ desire to influence others and control their ARIEL D. DOMOYONG
Layout Artist:
REFERENCES EPS I - Mathematics
Principles of Organization and Management, Serrano, Angelita O.
Organization and Management for Senior High School, Cabrera, HM. F, Altajeros, KIM S. ARCEÑA, EdD
A.DC, Benjamin, R. (2016)
Businesses with unmotivated employees frequently encounter low ERG theory, developed by Clayton Alderfer, is a variation of Maslow’s
productivity and high turnover rates. Numerous theories help enlighten how hierarchy of needs. As an alternative of the five needs that are hierarchically
workers are motivated and offer suggestions on how to enhance motivation in the organized. He proposed that basic human needs may be clustered under three
work place. Understanding which theory best fits employees may help get better categories, which are existence, relatedness, and growth . Existence matches to
any business by increasing employee retention rates and improving worker Maslow’s physiological and safety needs, relatedness corresponds to social
productivity. needs, and growth refers to esteem and self-actualization needs.
Nature of Motivation Alderfer’s theory is more open-
minded and it does not assume a
Motivation pertains to the internal needs and drives of a person that
progression of needs from one level to
gives direction to his behavior and determines the level of energy and effort that
another level. As such, this theory
he puts in his work. Motivation of people may come from intrinsic or extrinsic
responded to the main criticism raised
sources. When the source of motivation is intrinsic, the work behavior is being
against Maslow’s theory. Needs do not
performed for its own inherent value. In the workplace setting, individuals seek
conform to a progression order. That is,
for a greater sense of purpose in what they are doing. They expect some degree
an individual can choose to start from
of autonomy that would allow them flexibility and creativity to do things. They
any level of needs based on what he
also look for opportunities to enhance their skills and talents, which promotes self
likes. There is no fixed prioritization of
growth and career advancement. As such, in the workplace, purpose, autonomy,
individual needs. The theory has a
and mastery are sources of intrinsic motivation among managers and employees.
frustration-regression hypothesis
When they overlap, an employee gets a greater level of intrinsic motivation.
suggesting that individuals who are
On the other hand, when the source of motivation is extrinsic, the work discourage in their attempts to satisfy
behavior is being performed to acquire some reward which maybe material or the one need may move back to
social in nature. An example of an extrinsic motivation that is material in nature is another.
monetary rewards.
Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory Frederick Herzberg two-factor
Need-Based Theories of Motivation theory states that there are two separate
The most primitive studies of motivation concerned an assessment of sets of factors that influence motivation.
individual needs. In particular, early researchers thought that employees seek One set is called maintenance (hygiene)
hard and show goal-driven behavior in order to please needs. Four theories are factors because they must not be ignored.
placed under these categories which are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, ERG They are the potent dissatisfiers and can
theory, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, McClelland’s acquired-needs theory. cause negative feelings to employees.
However, these factors are merely
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs dissatisfiers and therefore, not strongly
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a related to motivation. The other set of
picture recognizable to most factors, called motivational factors, is
business students and managers. comprised of the real satisfiers, and
The theory is founded on a simple therefore the ones that actually motivate
principle that humans beings have people in the workplace.
needs that are hierarchically
ranked. There are some needs that McClelland’s Acquired-needs Theory
are fundamental to all human Among the need-based approaches
beings, and their absence nothing to motivation, David McClelland’s acquired-
else matter. As these basic needs needs theory is one that has received the
are satisfied, people start looking maximum amount of support. According to
to satisfy higher order needs. In this theory, individuals acquire three types
other words, once lower level need of needs as result of their life experiences.
is satisfied, it no longer serves as These needs are the needs for achievement,
motivator. the need for affiliation, and the need for
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your

1. Which among the fundamental functions of management cannot be done

well without effective communication?
a. planning b. organizing c. controlling d. all of these
2. It is a process of exchanging verbal and non-verbal messages.
a. Communication c. Business communication
b. Written communication d. Oral communication
3. It is a key thought that the sender desires to communicate.
a. Context b. Medium c. Message d. Feedback
4. It is the chief element of communication process as it allows the sender to
examine the worth of the message.
a. Sender b. Feedback c. Receiver d. Medium
5. It reveals hidden sentiments of human beings, such as angers, anxiety, joy,
doubt, sadness, fear, and sarcasm.
a. Verbal communication c. Non-verbal communication
c. Oral communication d. Written communication
6. Is the method for transmitting the message that is chosen by the sender.
a. Context b. Medium c. Message d. Feedback
7. Pertains to a person as the source of an idea that is intended to be
conveyed or delivered to another person.
a. Sender b. Feedback c. Receiver d. Medium Quarter 2 Week 13– D
8. May be a person or a group of persons that decodes the message the
The learner analyze leadership, motivation, and
sender wants to communicate.
communication work in an organization
a. Sender b. Feedback c. Receiver d. Medium
9. Pertains to oral and written communication
a. Verbal communication c. Non-verbal communication
c. Oral communication d. Written communication Writer:
10. Is where the sender picks the message to communicate within. ARIEL D. DOMOYONG
a. Context b. Medium c. Message d. Feedback Layout Artist:
Principles of Organization and Management, Serrano, Angelita O. EPS I - Mathematics
Organization and Management for Senior High School, Cabrera, HM. F, Altajeros, KIM S. ARCEÑA, EdD
A.DC, Benjamin, R. (2016)
GENERALIZATION Communication Process
Communication is the process of sending messages that contain a To effective lead and direct people within the organization, managers
meaning and purpose. Managers use communication in directing people. They need to the communication process. The process of communication consists of
use communication channels such as face-to-face meetings, written policies, and important elements. Mangers need to know these elements to identify any source
e-mails, to guide members in their work. It is important for managers to develop of potential barriers in the communication process.
effective skills in oral and written communications. Learning to properly use social
media is an asset.
The Nature of Communication
Communication is defined as the process of sending and receiving
message that contains a meaning and purpose intended for a specific audience.
The process of communication is an essential functions of managers who are
tasked with leadership roles. Managers use communication in directing people. In
fact, managers cannot perform the functions of planning, organizing, staffing,
leading, and controlling without communication. Simply, management and
organization cannot exist without communication. It is impossible for managers of
an organization to perform their work and accomplish their target objectives if The major elements of communication process are as follows:
they do not know how to communicate effectively with each other, as well as • Context – communication is affected by the context in which it takes place.
with other key people outside their organization, such as their customers, This context may be physical, social, chronological or cultural. Every
suppliers, financiers, regulators, and industry partners. communication progresses with context. The sender picks the message to
communicate within a context.
Types of Communication • Sender – pertains to a person (or a group of persons) as the source of an idea
 Non-verbal communication pertains to facial expressions, body movements, that is intended to be conveyed or delivered to another person (or a group of
eye contact, and other subtle physical signs that reveal some inner feelings or persons). The sender encodes his idea into words, gestures, symbols, or signs
emotional state of a person. It reveals hidden sentiments of human beings, that form into message that can be understood by the other person.
such as angers, anxiety, joy, doubt, sadness, fear, and sarcasm. • Message – is the specific idea that the sender wants to transmit to the
 Verbal communication pertains to oral and written communication. Managers receiver. The sender has a specific purpose contained in the message. This
need to be proficient in verbal communication to be effective in giving purpose may be to inform, to explain, to persuade, to inquire from, to ask a
instructions, explaining policies, or promoting products or services. favor, to request, to command, or other specific intent.
1. Oral communication- an oral communication can be formal or • Medium/Channel – is the method for transmitting the message that is
informal. Generally, in business communication it is a formal means chosen by the sender. The sender must select a fitting medium for passing on
of communication like meetings, interviews, group discussions, the message otherwise the message may not be conveyed to the preferred
speeches, etc. Grapevine is an example of informal communication. receiver.
2. Written communication – written means of communication includes • Decoder/Receiver – pertains to the target audience of the message
agenda, reports, manuals and so on. transmitted by the sender. The receiver may be a person or a group of persons
Importance of Communication that decodes the message the sender wants to communicate.
The importance of communication in an organization can be summed up • Feedback – is the chief element of communication process as it allows the
as follows. sender to examine the worth of the message. It helps the sender in
1. Communication encourages motivation by telling and clarifying the employees authenticating the accurate interpretation of message by the decoder.
about the task to be done, the way they are performing the task, and how to Feedback may be verbal through words or non-verbal like smiles, sighs, and
improve their performance if it is not up to the standard. other forms. It may be in written format also like memos, reports, and other
2. Communication is a basis of information to the organizational members for types.
decision-making process as it facilitates naming and reviewing alternative
course of actions. EXERCISES
3. Communication also plays a vital role in changing individual’s attitudes, like a
well informed individual will have better attitude than less informed individual. Answer the following questions in your notebook.
1. How do managers use communication to direct people within the
4. Communication also assists in socializing.
5. Communication also helps in controlling process. 2. Identify and explain the elements of communication process.


WEEK 13– A WEEK 13– C

Exercise Exercise

1. J 1. Motivation
2. I 2. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
3. H 3. frustration-regression hypothesis
4. G 4. high need for affiliation
5. F 5. extrinsic
6. E 6. intrinsic
7. D 7. maintenance (hygiene) factors
8. C 8. high need for achievement
9. B 9. motivational factors
10. A 10. high need for power

WEEK 13– B WEEK 13 – D

Exercise Exercise
1. G 1. D
2. H 2. A
3. B 3. C
4. K 4. B
5. C 5. C
6. D 6. B
7. E
7. A
8. A
8. C
9. F
10. I 9. A
10. A

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