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Final Project and Presentation

( Essay regarding SEO)

{What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Why is SEO important for

your business? What are the free tools and technologies that can be used
for SEO? What are the factors, variables you will consider to make Search
Engine Optimization for a small business (Cheesecake shop to bump up
sales? Please write a minimum 1500 words essay}

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a set of best practices for getting a website or page
ranked as highly as possible in one of the top search engines. SEOs (people who do search
engine optimization) like to refer to “search engines” in the generic sense to be democratic, but
in reality, Google is the search engine that is targeted most often. If a web page is ranked as the
top result in Google, a similar ranking will very likely follow in Yahoo and Bing.
Throughout this book, we’ll use “Google” and “search engine(s)” synonymously, since Google’s
indexing algorithm sets the agenda for all other general purpose search engines. SEO is a
constantly moving target. Many tips and concepts that worked famously two or three years ago
have either diminished in effectiveness, or are even counterproductive to implement at this point.
Unfortunately, no one in the SEO world has the last word on what works and what doesn’t with
100% authority. The reason is simple: search engines use proprietary algorithms (computational
rules and procedures) for deciding which pages command higher rankings in search results. If
everyone knew how Google’s algorithm worked, everyone would game the system. All we can
do from the outside is draw from years of experience, looking at different properties of high
ranking websites and trying to find commonalities. One of the most consistent features of
pages on the first page of Google is a relatively large number of inbound links. Suppose we
wrote the world’s greatest blog post on container gardening. Theoretically, outstanding content
gets circulated more than average or mediocre content. So, when other home and garden sites
address the topic of container gardening, they might reference your article in the form of a link,
and your post could wind up with thousands of links pointing to it. When you look up “iPhone”
in Google, the top result is almost always Apple, since the vast majority of iPhone-related
content has links to Apple’s website. Some webmasters and Internet marketers take the
reductionist view that links are the only factor that really matters in SEO. On the opposite
extreme, some blogging gurus insist that all that matters is writing good content, implying that
Google’s search results are a meritocracy. Example : Yahoo doesn’t have a search engine of its
own.It began as a directory,where “search” results came from sites handpicked by Yahoo’s own
staff. Yahoo now uses Bing’s search technology behind the scenes. Between the Bing website
and Yahoo, Bing-powered search is 26.1% of the US search market, while Google is 65.6%.

Search engine optimization isn’t the only way to increase a website’s traffic and income, but it’s
arguably the most important. This goes against the grain of popular sites that put social media
on a pedestal, insisting that bloggers and marketers should focus their attention primarily on
Facebook, Twitter and Google+ for driving pageviews. For many websites, social media is
indeed necessary, but not sufficient. Search traffic has its own unique advantages.Search traffic
is, relatively speaking, sustainable traffic. A #1 result in Google, maintained over time, will
deliver consistent traffic to a site day in and day out. If the term “container gardening” gets
around 300 searches a day in Google, the #1 result will be clicked on about 40% of the time,
meaning that your top ranked post on container gardening would receive about 120 visits today,
120 visits tomorrow, and so on. Search rankings aren’t static—they can be overtaken by new
pages that gain authority—but they require far less maintenance to maintain their
positions that social media updates.

There are some certain level of free tools and technologies that can be used for SEO which is
given below :

Google Page Speed Insights

It is a good starting point.Here’s why: PageSpeed Insights does not always use exact page speed.
It uses approximations.While you may get one result with Google Page Speed, you may also get
different results with other tools.To perform an effective analysis, it is crucial to maintain the
mindset that Google’s PageSpeed provides only part of the picture.To get the entire picture of
what the website is really doing, it is recommended to use multiple tools for your analysis.
2. Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is the crawler to have.

To create a substantial website audit, it is crucial to first perform a website crawl with this tool.
Depending on certain settings, it is possible to introduce false positives or errors into an audit
that you otherwise would not know about.
Screaming Frog can help you identify the basics like:
Missing page titles.
Missing meta descriptions.
Missing meta keywords.
Large images.
Errored response codes.
Errors in URLs.
Errors in canonicals.
Advanced things Screaming Frog can help you do include:
Identifying issues with pagination.
Diagnosing international SEO implementation issues.
Taking a deep dive into a website’s architecture.
3.Google Analytics

Where would we be without a solid analytics platform to analyze organic search

While free, it provides much in the way of information that can help you identify
things like penalties, issues with traffic, and anything else that may come your
In much the same way as Google Search Console works, if you setup Google
Analytics correctly, it would be ideal to have a monthly reporting process in
This process will help you save data for those situations where something awful
happens to the client’s Google Analytics access.
At least, we won’t have a situation where you lose all data for your clients.
4. Web Developer Toolbar

One of the primary uses for this extension is identifying issues with code,
specifically JavaScript implementations with menus and the user interface.
By turning off JavaScript and CSS, it is possible to identify where these issues are
occurring in the browser.
We auditing is not just limited to JavaScript and CSS issues.
We can also see alt text, find broken images, and view meta tag information and
response headers.

Page speed has been a hot topic in recent years, and auditing website page
speed audits brings you to a plethora of tools that are useful.
To that end, is one of those essential SEO tools for your agency.
Cool things that can be done with include:
Waterfall speed tests.
Competitor speed tests.
Competitor speed videos.
Identifying how long it takes a site to fully load.
Time to first byte.
Start render time.
Document object model (DOM) elements.
This is useful for figuring out how a site’s technical elements interact to create the
final result, or display time.
Structured Data Testing Tool
This tool performs one function and one function well: it helps you test Schema
structured data markup against the known data from that Google
This is a fantastic way to identify issues with your Schema coding before the code
is implemented.

7.GTMetrix Page Speed Report

GTMetrix is a page speed report card that provides a different perspective on
page speed.
By diving deep into page requests, CSS and JavaScript files that need to load,
and other website elements, it is possible to clean up many elements that
contribute to high page speed


8. Majestic
Majestic is a long-standing tool in the SEO industry with unique linking insights.
Like Ahrefs, you can identify things like linking patterns by downloading reports
of the site’s full link profile.
It is also possible to find things like bad neighborhoods, and other domains a
website owner owns.
Using this bad neighborhood report, it is also possible to diagnose issues with a
site’s linking arising out of issues with the site’s website associations.
Like most tools, Majestic has its own values for calculating technical link attributes
like Trust Flow, Citation Flow, and other linking elements contributing to trust,
relevance, and authority.
It is also possible through their own link graphs to identify any issues occurring
with the link profile over time.
Any agency’s workflow will greatly benefit from the inclusion of Majestic into
their link diagnosing processes.

This tool is one of those in-depth tools that comes along once in a great while.
For technical SEO, Botify is one of the most complete technical SEO tools
Its claim to fame includes the ability to reconcile search intent and technical SEO
with its in-depth keywords analysis tool.
It is possible to tie things like crawl budget and technical SEO elements that map
to searcher intent.
Not only that, it is possible to identify all the technical SEO factors that are
contributing to ranking through its detailed technical analysis.
In its detailed reporting, it is also possible to detect changes in how people are
searching, regardless of the industry that you are focused on.
The powerful part of Botify includes its in-depth reports that are capable of tying
data to information that you can really act on.


SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a process of optimizing our cheesecake website
to get more traffic to increase growth and profit. Even if your website is not that good, but SEO
can help your business to grow more.
Even if You are not taking too many measures, there are minimal chances to bring effective
1 User Experience
It includes reducing bounce rate time and increasing CTR and dwell time
REDUCING Bounce rate time :
a. Optimize page load time.
If there is an issue in page-content, the bounce rate becomes high.
b. Smart Formatting.'
 Even if our content is unique and incredible, but it has very poor formatting—chances of
higher Bounce rate time increases.
 Use of headers
 Bulleted lists

use of grids
INCREASING Dwell time:
Dwell time is the total time spent on the website before returning to the SERP.
For example, when you search for a cheesecake shop, We visit the first website suggested, but
then we realize the content or facilities are not good at this website then you return to the back
search page and open the second one. Now we spend more time at the second website, so IF
most users have high dwell time for the second website then Google will consider the second
website as #1 website in search of cheesecake shops
Therefore, Our aim to increase the Dwell time of visitors on our cheesecake website.
It means utilizing links from another website to your website to ease visitors.
<a href ="">Joe's cheesecake shop</a>
Above is an example of a hyperlink.
There are two uses of hyperlinks
 To rank the websites over the internet.
 To discover new web pages.
3 Social Signals
This term means making the website socially active
There are two ways to this :
 Creating Social media profiles for your business.
 Making it easier to share over the internet.
The process includes providing the cheesecake shop's address, providing name and contact
details of the owner.
Providing Customer Reviews.
I am optimizing it for Local search.

5 Technical
Making the website more technical means creating an internally organized code or functioning of
the website.
Use H1,H2,...H6 tags properlt.
Using meta description
Use keywords in image tags
Use schema markup.
6 Page Speed
He is making the website more easily accessible over all types of network services.
This can be done by checking the site with mobile testing tools
7 Accessible URL
 Using the HTTP protocol
 Creating a flexible sitemap
 Creating a robot.txt file
 The robot.txt file must be located at the root of the site.

8 Domain And Page Authority Check

A page authority check is done to predict the website's strength or ranking on the scale of one to
Domain authority checks Usdes the ML model to identify the algorithms used that correlates
with the ranking of websites over the internet.

9 Mobile Friendliness
 The design of the website should be responsive
 No content should be hidden for small screens
 More accessible Tabs and buttons
 Larger Fonts

10 Content Optimization
Adding the primary keyword in the early on content
Keeping the indentation organized.
We are using Video to make the content more visual and more comfortable to remember.

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