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Let’s create

rules for living

on a desert

Primary Plus

Let’s be fair!
Why is it important to have rules?

Let’s be careful!
I’m learning about everyday rules.

1 Look at the pictures. Complete the rules.

Don’t drop Don’t feed Keep Look Queue Respect Say Use

1. 2.

before you cross the street. ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.

3. 4.

your neighbours. litter.

5. 6.

zebra crossings. the pigeons.

7. 8.

here. your dog on a lead.

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2 Why should we follow these rules?

You shouldn’t drop litter because I agree. And it makes the

it’s bad for the environment. neighbourhood look dirty.
Look at language

1 Listen to the conversations. Match each conversation to one of the rules in

3 activity 1. Write each rule.

Conversation 1:

Conversation 2:

4 Listen again and circle True or False.

1. Ahmed wants Dani to walk faster. True False

2. Ahmed has an English exam. True False
3. Dani tells Ahmed to wait before crossing. True False
4. Paola is in the park with her mum. True False
5. She thinks the pigeons are annoying. True False
6. She wants to give the pigeons some bread. True False

5 What rules do we have in each place at school?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6 Create a poster about school rules.

1. Talk about rules at your school.

We mustn’t be late for school today. 2. Write the school rules on a poster.
We should wait for the crossing
to turn green. 3. Draw a picture for each rule.
You must be more careful when
crossing the street. 4. Read your classmates’ posters.
We shouldn’t feed the pigeons.

How well did I do?

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I talked about the rules in different

areas of my school.
I wrote a list of school rules.

I decorated my poster with pictures.

Let’s stay safe!
I’m learning about how rules keep us safe.

7 Listen to the poem. Number the pictures in order.

A. B. C.

D. E. F.

8 Listen again and write the missing words.

I walk to school with my mum I sit in my classroom at my desk

We say ‘Hello!’ to everyone! I must keep it 3. , not a mess
We wait at the lights when they’re 1. I love doing projects with my friends
We 2.
when they go green instead We 4. our books and all our pens

At lunchtime I go to the 5.
I wash my hands so they’re clean
I cycle around the park with my dad
I want chicken, chips and peas
We wear our helmets and kneepads
And when I ask, I say 6. ‘ !’
We must put our 7. in the bins
And mustn’t 8. the cheeky pigeons!
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We travel home on the bus

Dad 9. buy tickets for both of us
A kind girl offers me her seat
I say, 10.‘ ! That’s very sweet!’

Listening and speaking

9 Listen to Jin and Lena. Where are they? Tick (✔) the correct picture.

A. B. C.

10 Listen again and complete the rules.

1. No is allowed in the pool area.

2. You mustn’t in the pool area.

3. You mustn’t dive in the end of the pool.

4. You mustn’t take off your swimming .

5. You mustn’t play games.

What rules do you have to follow at these places? Why?

11 What can happen if you break the rules?

beach gym playground school You mustn’t ... You should ...

Create a list of rules for a fun
12 playground. Think about:
l What equipment is there in the
l How can you stay safe when
you’re using the equipment?
l How can children
play nicely at the

Present your rules to

How well did I do?
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13 the class. Listen to I created a list of rules for a playground.

your classmates’ rules.
Share ideas about how I presented the rules to the class.
to improve each I listened to my classmates’ suggestions
other’s lists. and suggested improvements to my
classmates’ lists.
I’m learning how to behave in the
countryside and around wildlife.

Critical thinking and problem solving

1 Watch the beginning of Shaun

14 Encounters. Two aliens visit the
farm. How do you think they are
going to behave?

2 Watch Shaun Encounters.

15 Describe the aliens’ behaviour.
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The aliens cause some problems on the farm. How does their
16 behaviour affect the others? How does it make the others feel?

Collaboration and communication

Imagine you are one of the aliens.

17 Write a note to Bitzer to say sorry for
the bad things you did on the farm.

Core skills

Creativity and imagination

Think about how the aliens would behave somewhere in

18 your town or city. Draw and describe what the aliens do.

Leadership and personal development

Remember something naughty that you did when

19 you were little. Explain why you do not do this now.

Digital literacy

Make a video guide on how to behave when in the countryside

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20 and around wildlife.

1. Think about 2. Plan a video 3. Practise the 4. Record

the rules you about these script and your video.
need to follow rules. Write make any
when in the a script. necessary
countryside or Check it. props.
around wildlife.

How well did I do?

I made notes about how to behave in the countryside
and around wildlife.
I wrote and checked my video script.
I practised my video script before recording it.
How d o r u l e s h e l p u s?
I’m learning about how rules help us.

Jenny is an explorer. She is on an exciting jungle expedition with her team but
21 the explorers have a problem. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions.
1. What is the mystery?
2. How do the explorers find out what is happening?
3. How do they solve the problem?



22 Read Jenny’s diary entries. Check your answers from activity 21.

12 January 2020
I’m worried about our food. We came to the island two weeks ago with enough food for
six weeks. But I checked this morning, and more than half of it has already gone! For
example, most of the fruit has disappeared from the storeroom. We brought a lot of
bananas with us, and now we have hardly any left! I asked the team members, but
they said they didn’t take them.
13 January 2020
I had a meeting today with Asha, the head scientist, and we now have an idea to find out
where all the food is going. We decided to put a secret camera outside the storeroom and
leave it recording all night. That way, if anyone tries to take the food, we’ll see them. The
camera is hidden, and Asha and I are the only ones who know that it’s there. Hopefully,
we’ll catch the thief!
14 January 2020
Well, we solved the mystery! This morning, we went and checked the storeroom. More food
was missing. All the bananas have gone now, and most of the oranges. Some other food
too. We got the camera and when we watched the recording, we were really surprised.
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Some visitors came to our camp in the night – but they weren’t human, they were
monkeys! They broke into the storeroom and stole the food while we were all asleep.
I had another meeting with the team members, and we decided on some new rules.
We must lock the windows and doors of the storeroom at night. Also, we mustn’t waste
any of the food we still have. If we follow these rules, the monkeys won’t be able to
break in, and we’ll have enough food for the rest of the expedition.
Reading and writing

23 Read the sentences and circle True or False.

1. Jenny’s team have been in the jungle for a month. True False
2. They didn’t bring enough food for the expedition. True False
3. Jenny and Asha didn’t tell the rest of the team about the camera. True False
4. The monkeys took all the bananas and oranges. True False
5. Jenny and her team agreed on two new rules to solve the problem. True False

24 Look at the picture. Complete the speech bubbles and add a caption to say
what is happening.

Create a comic strip story about an adventure. Add captions and speech
25 bubbles. Then share your comic strip and read your classmates’ comic strips.

1. Imagine you’re 2. Think of a 3. Think of a rule 4. Create a

on an expedition solution to that could stop comic strip
like Jenny’s. the problem. the problem telling your
Think of a from story.
problem that happening
could happen. again.
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How well did I do?

I thought of an interesting problem and a possible solution.
I thought of a rule to stop the problem from happening again.
I created a comic strip story.

Project Why is it important
to have rules?

What rules do we need in real life?

Think What happens when we break a rule?
about the
project. What is life like on a desert island?
What things might people need rules
for on the island?

Make a

• How many r
ules do we ne
• What proble
desert islands s are there on
Carry out ?

2 • What is a so
research on
desert cial contract?
islands. • How can we
sure everyone e
will agree
to the rules?
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In this project, you might need to talk about …

Making rules: help look queue up respect say use
Explaining rules: Always ... Don’t ... Never ... You must ... You mustn’t ...
You should ... You shouldn’t ...

Imagine that you’re living on a remote desert island
with a group of people. You’re learning that it isn’t

Make a draft always easy for people to live together in peace without
copy of your
having some rules to follow. Create a social contract of
social contract.
rules designed for living on this desert island.
Do we have a Will our rules keep
variety of rules? everyone safe?

Can everyone
stick to the rules?
n Show your
Rules for living o draft social
our desert island: contract to
1. Don’t feed the
the other
islanders to
2. You must share get feedback.
your food.

your social Present your social

contract. contract to the other
islanders. Will they
all agree to your rules?

My learning
How well did I do
How well did I do? in this module?
I came up with useful rules for
living on a desert island.
I wrote a clearly worded
social contract.
I improved my contract after
getting feedback.
v2.0 Prototype

Why we need rules:

1.03 || v2.0

This rule is important because ...

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We need this rule so that ...

If everyone follows this rule, ...
If we don’t follow this rule, ...
Without this rule ...

My choice
1. Put the apostrophe 2. What rules have you 3. Find the rules.
(’) in the correct got at home? Then make your
place. own wordsnake.
In my house, …
Dont feed the pigeons. ecty

In mine too!


You shouldnt bother the

You mustnt litter.

urs o

Its important to look before

crossing. ase

4. Write five rules at 5. Make a word cloud 6. Write five crazy rules
your school. with words for rules. for your English
class. Try to make
them fun!


street swimming
aliens playground

7. Roll the dice. Name 8. Think of a new rule for 9. What rules are these
as many rules as your neighbourhood. people breaking?
you can for the topic Design a sign for it.
in ten seconds.
Let’s feed the pigeons!
1 = parks

2 = the cinema

3 = the swimming pool

The person is red, let’s cross!

4 = public transport
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I’ll leave my empty juice

5 = sports matches carton on the grass.
6 = museums


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