Feed Costs Calculator

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Feed Value & Ration Calculator

Year in and year out feed cost is one of the greatest costs ranchers face.
This spreadsheet aims to help ranchers be mindful of the nutrient values of their
feedstuffs as well as find a least cost ration for cows in the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd trimester.

Throughout the spreadsheet, cells highlighted in bright green, ---->

are meant to be adjusted based on the specifics of each individual.
Three feedstuffs come preloaded in this spreadsheet, with two additional feedstuffs.
Producers are encouraged to input feedstuffs and associated values for their operations.

Under the "TC/Ton" (total cost per ton) column for each scenario the
lowest priced feedstuffs will be green, the middle priced feedstuffs
will be yellow and highest priced feedstuff will be red.

If you have any questions comments or concerns feel free to contact me

Office Phone: 701-456-1121

Email: levi.helmuth@bismarckstate.edu
Calculations 2017 Green Acres Land & Cattle Co

Base Scenario
bales/load lbs/bale lbs/load lb/ton tons/load $/mi Trucking $/Ton Miles Truckin/Ton TC/Ton
Hay 35 1,350 47,250 2,000 23.625 5 180 60 12.70 192.70
Wheat Midds 50,000 2,000 25 5 95 185 37.00 132.00
Mod. DDG 50,000 2,000 25 5 155 40 8.00 163.00
Kochia Hay 35 1200 42,000 2,000 21 5 130 20 4.76 134.76
Pea Screenings 50,000 2,000 25 5 30 60 12.00 42.00

Nutrient Content & Feed Values

Feedstuff DM TDN CP DM lb/ton TDN lb/ton CP lb/ton $/lb DM $/lb TDN $/lb CP
Hay 90% 53% 8% 1,800 954 144 $ 0.107 $ 0.202 $ 1.338
Wheat Midds 90% 88% 14% 1,800 1,584 252 $ 0.073 $ 0.083 $ 0.524
Mod. DDG 51% 91% 26% 1,020 928.20 265.20 $ 0.160 $ 0.176 $ 0.615
Kochia Hay 87% 57.00% 17% 1,740 1,140 340 $ 0.08 $ 0.12 $ 0.40
Pea Screenings 90% 75.50% 20% 1,800 1,510 400 $ 0.02 $ 0.03 $ 0.11

Special thanks goes to Dr. Janna Block, NDSU Extension Area Livestock Specialist, for help with this spreadsheet
Nutrient Content Feed Value Calculations were taken from:
Dahlen, Carl. Redden, R. "Comparing Value of Feedstuffs" (2015) AS1742

Nutrient Contents were taken from:

Lardy, Greg. Anderson, Vern. Dahlen, Carl. "Alternative feeds for ruminants." (2009). AS1182 (Revised).

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