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Rondolo, Elison C.

January 24, 2021

ECE 3B Engr. A. Macatangay
GEC 2 – Assignment

1. Classify different solid wastes around you. Take pictures and describe each.


These are the wastes from our household activities such

cooking, cleaning, repairs, hobbies, redecoration, empty
containers, used packets, papers, broken glass, plastic items,
broken and useless furniture. This waste can be comprised of
non-hazardous waste and hazardous waste.


These are the piles of old roofs and woods. It is

generated during the construction, renovation, and
demolition of buildings or structures. These wastes include
materials such as concrete, bricks, wood and lumber, roofing,
drywall, landscape and other wastes.


These are the glass bottles of alcoholic drinks and soft

drinks. Rubbish is mostly dry material such as glass, paper,
cloth, or wood that does not readily decompose. Some forms
of rubbish are recyclable, and some municipalities compost
yard waste and other garbage on a large scale.


These are the old plastic water bottles. Plastics are

found in nondurable products, such as disposable diapers,
trash bags, cups, utensils, medical devices and household
items such as shower curtains. It is the most commonly-
recycled household plastics.

These are the old, rusty and defective bicycle. Thes eare
large household wastes that cannot be accommodated in the
normal storage containers of the household and thus they
require special collection.


These are the tree trimmings from our backyard. are

mainly organic and characterized by a high biological oxygen
demand, chemical oxygen demand, high water content and
variations in composition. It is very likely that bacteria
contaminate them, which is an environmental problem.

2. Segregate your wastes generated at home according to different categories of MSW. Take
pictures and discuss each segregated waste at the end of the week.
There are 4 different categories of MSW - organic waste, toxic waste, recyclable waste and soiled. But
we don’t have soiled waste in our home, we only segregate those waste I’d gathered in three categories such
as organic, toxic and recyclable waste.


These are the old medicine, paints, chemicals. It is

waste with properties that make it dangerous or capable
of having a harmful effect on human health or the


These are the empty plastic bottles. These waste or

materials that can be processed and used again


These are the dried leaves from our backyard. It

could be turned into compost to grow crops, reducing
dependency on chemical fertilizers, or clean organic waste
could be used to feed animals.
3. What are your thoughts on the proper waste management practices? How are you implementing such
practices at home?

My thoughts of proper waste management practices is that waste management

refers to the practice of collecting, transporting, processing or disposing of various
waste materials, handling and monitoring them. In this respect, it is important to
observe sustainability so that every bit of waste can be managed efficiently rather than
just dumping everything in landfills. I apply this practice at home by applying 3R's in
such a way. By reducing waste at home, use reusable shopping bags, drink from reusable
mug or bottle of water, limit hazardous waste, compost food scraps and trimmings and
other things to reduce waste at home.

4. Enumerate the components of solid waste management. State where you live and the location of each
of the component in your neighborhood.

There are 5 components of solid waste management - generation, storage,

collection, transportation, and disposal. The generation and storage of solid waste is in
every household. It shall be the duty and responsibility of every person or household in
control of any establishment where garbage is created or accumulated to at all times
keep or cause to be kept adequate portable storage containers to be deposited all
garbage, rubbish or waste in storage containers. Every household shall require solid waste
collection. It shall be the responsibility of the household to apply for solid waste collection
services. In our barangay hall, there is a large storage of different solid waste. For
every 3-4 times a week, the municipality’s garbage collector will come to collect our
segregated garbage, they then put it in a garbage truck and to be transported those
waste and be disposed or dump into a landfills.

5. State ways on how you can practice the 3Rs at home.

We must learn 3R first – reuse, reduce, and recycle. There are many ways to
practice it at home, not just at home, but everywhere. And by practicing it, we can
avoid wasting the world's resources. In our home, we are using weaved products called
“pandan products or balulang”. We use it as a shopping bags when we are going to
market. I also reuse my used and old papers as a scratch paper to reduce paper
consumption. Instead of throwing, we collect and store plastic bottles, glass bottles, tin
cans, scrap metals and cartons. And sold it to the junk collector. Practicing 3Rs is more
simple than you think. In most situations, it’s about choosing between one’s self-interest
and environmental wellness.

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