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Rondolo, Elison C.

November 28, 2020

ECE 3B Engr. A. Macatangay

4. Discuss the types of ecological succession.

There are two types of ecological succession – primary and secondary succession.

Primary succession is the progression of an ecosystem in an area that has

never had a community living within it occurs. For example, an area in which a
community has never lived before. It would be a new lava or rock from a volcano
that makes a new island.

This ecological succession begins in a place without

any soil. In the beginning, there is only rock, sand,
volcanic ash. Since there is no soil, there is no
community. In order for there to be soil there must be
nutrients like nitrogen. The first inhabitants are
lichens (those that can survive in such an
environment). Over hundreds of years these plants
convert the rock into soil that can support simple plants such as grasses. These grasses further modify
the soil, which is then colonized by other types of plants. The final stage of succession is a climax
community, which is a very stable stage that can endure for hundreds of years.

In secondary succession, plants and animals

recolonize an environment after a major destruction.
Examples are devastating flood, wildfire, landslide,
lava flow, or human activity
Plants are ruined but the soil is safe. The
soils already have the seeds of plants, grasses, and
trees. More seeds are brought to the area by wind
and birds. The succession begins again but the primary species are different. Because soil is present,
this ecological succession is faster than primary succession.

1. Differentiate the two types of food chain. In your opinion, which is more important and why?
There are two types of food chain – grazing and detritus food chain.

Grazing food chain where the energy are derived from

the sun or gained from photosynthesis. It begins with
primary producers, the energy from plants is transferred
to herbivores then to carnivores.

Detritus food chain begins with dead organic

materials. ead organic matter and the organisms feeding on the
dead and decaying matter are referred to as detritivores or
decomposers. These detritivores are eaten by predators. The
detritus food chain produces a large amount of energy to the

For me, grazing food chain is more important than detritus food chain because primary producers are plants
that contains nutrients that need by other living organisms. We know that nutrients are extremely important to
our life.

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