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“Atomic Love in the Modern Periodic Table”

Take a modern periodic table, cut out the

complicated middle columns, and fold it
once along the middle of the Group 4
elements. The groups that kiss have
complementary electron structures and will
combine with each other.

1. Sodium touches chlorine—table salt!

2. You can predict other common compounds like potassium chloride, used in very large doses as
part of a lethal injection.

2.2 Periodic table

3. The Group 4 elements (shown as IVA above) in the middle bond readily with each other and
with themselves.
4. Silicon + silicon + silicon and infinitum links up into crystalline lattices, used to make
semiconductors for computers.
5. Carbon atoms—also Group 4—bond in long chains, and voilà: sugars. The chemical flexibility
of carbon is what makes it the key molecule of life.

1. Introduction
This chapter forms the fundamentals of inorganic chemistry. In this chapter we are going to study:
(a) What is periodic table and periodicity?
(b) What were the reason behind development of the periodic table?
(c) Different approaches attempted by the scientist in development of periodic table.
(d) What is Modern Periodic table?
(e) Classification of Elements. (Based upon outer electronic configuration)
(f ) Periodicity in properties.

Need of Classifying the Elements

In eighteenth century there were only 30 elements known and thus it was easier to study their properties
and to remember them. Later on with the discovery of new elements it became difficult to study them.
So scientist felt the need of simple method to facilitate the study of the properties of various elements and
their compounds. After endless attempts, some of them got success and all the elements were arranged
in such a manner, that alike elements were grouped together and different elements were placed far
apart. This systematic arrangement of elements is known as classification of elements which led to the
formation of periodic table.
Periodic table may be defined “as the arrangement of all the known elements according to their properties
in such a way that the elements of similar properties are grouped together in a tabular form”.

Earlier attempts of classification of elements (development of periodic table):

Earlier attempts to classify the elements resulted in grouping as metals and non-metals. Later on they
were classified on the basis of their atomic masses.

1.1 Dobereiner Triads Rule

Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner a German chemist in 1817, arranged the elements in a group of three
elements and in such a manner that the atomic mass of middle element was approximately the average
of the atomic masses of the other two elements of the triad.
Element: Lithium Sodium Potassium.
Atomic mass: 7 23 39

Foundation for Chemistry 2.3

Average of the atomic masses of lithium and potassium is only three triads could be arranged in this
manner at that time. They were:
Table 2.1: Dobereiner triad

Triads Elements Atomic masses Average of the atomic masses of the

first and third element
1 Li 7 7 39
Na 23 2

K 39
2. Ca 40 40 137
Sr 87.5 2

Ba 137
3. Cl 35.5 35.5 127
Br 80 2

I 127

Drawback of Dobereiner’s Traids Rule

The classification was not found satisfactory as it could be applied to the limited number of elements.
Now a days, some more triads have been made they are
Table 2.2: Triad of different group

(i) Potassium (K) Rubidium (Rb) Cesium (Cs)

(ii) Phosphorus (P) Arsenic (As) Antimony (Sb)
(iii) Sulphur (S) Selenium (Se) Tellurium (Te)
(iv) Hydrogen (H) Fluorine (F) Chlorine (Cl)
(v) Scandium (Sc) Yttrium (Y) Lanthanum (La)
For a Dobereiner’s triad, all the three elements should belong to the same group and the difference in
atomic number should be 8 or 18.

1.2 Newlands Law of Octave

One of the earliest attempt to arrange the elements in systematic manner was done by J.A.R. Newlands
in 1866. He correlated the chemical properties of the elements with the increasing order of atomic
masses. i.e. to arrange the element having lowest atomic mass (H) first and ending with the element
having the highest atomic mass. (Thorium was the 56th known element at that time).

2.4 Periodic table

Newlands Work – He arranged all the element known at that time in increasing order of the atomic
masses. He noticed that on breaking the list of element in seven groups and starting the new row with
eight element, the first element in each of those groups had similar physical and chemical properties.
Statement - When the elements are arranged in order of their increasing atomic masses, every eighth
element has the property similar to those of the first elements like the eighth note of an octave in music.
Thus according to this law, the physical and chemical properties are repeated after an interval of eight
elements and this is similar to eight notes of an octave on a musical scale shown below:
Table 2.3: Newlands octave

Sa (do) re (re) ga (mi) ma (fa) pa (so) da (la) ni (ri)

H Li Be B C N O
F Na Mg Al Si P S
Cl K Ca Cr Ti Mn Fe
Co and Ni Cu Zn Y In As Se
Br Rb Sr Ce and La Zr - -
The properties of Lithium are similar to that of the 8th element i.e. Na, Be is similar to Mg and so on.
1. Law of octaves was applicable only up to calcium. It worked well with lighter elements only.
2. At that time, only 56 elements existed in nature, but later several elements were discovered which
cannot be kept in periodic table as per this law. Their properties were not in accordance with the
law of octaves.
3. Iron which resembles cobalt and nickel in properties, were placed far away from these elements.
4. (i) In order to fit the element in this table, Newland adjusted two elements in the same column.
For example, cobalt and nickel were placed in the same position and in the same column as
fluorine, chlorine and bromine.
5. After the discovery of inert gases and included in the periodic table, it becomes the eighth
element from alkali, so this law had to be dropped out.

1.3 Mendeleev’s Periodic Table

D Mitri Ivanovich Mendeleev a Russian chemist in the year 1861,
arranged all the known elements (63 elements) in the form of a table
in which the elements were arranged in the increasing order of their
atomic mass and also on the similarities of chemical properties.
Elements were arranged on the basis of their physical and chemical
properties and also the formulae of the compounds they formed
with oxygen and hydrogen. He selected hydrogen and oxygen
Figure 2.1: D.M.I. Mendeleev

Foundation for Chemistry 2.5

because both the elements are very reactive and forms compound with almost all the other elements.
Definition-The table which classifies the elements in such a way that elements having similar properties
are placed in same vertical column or group is known as periodic table. The term “periodic” means
repetition of elements having similar properties after a certain regular interval.

Structural Features of Periodic table –

(a) The periodic table consists of vertical columns which are called as groups and horizontal rows
called as periods.
(b) Mendeleev’s periodic table had six periods and eight groups as shown in the table, he arranged all
the elements horizontally in the order of their increasing atomic masses and vertically according
to their similarities in properties.
(c) Each group was further sub divided into two sub groups A and B.
Table 2.4: Mendeleev’s periodic table

Achievements of the Mendeleev’s periodic table:

1. Systematic study of the elements: The elements were arranged in increasing order of their
atomic masses. This systematic arrangement helped to study the properties of various elements.
If the nature of the element present in a group is known, it becomes easier to predict or guess the
expected properties of other elements.
Position of hydrogen is uncertain becomes it resemble with IA group alkali metals elements and
VII A (halogens) group elements.
(i) Isotopes: Isotopes of an element have similar chemical properties but different atomic masses.

2.6 Periodic table

(ii) Position of isotopes: Since basis of periodic table was increasing atomic mass. So isotopes should
be placed separately but no separate place was given to isotopes.
(iii) Anomalous pairs of certain elements: Certain elements were not arranged according to their
increasing atomic mass eg.
(a) Argon (Atomic mass 39.9) was placed before potassium (atomic mass 39.0)
(b) Cobalt (58.95) before Nickel (58.70)
(c) Tellurium (127.6) before Nickel (126.9)
(d) Thorium (232) before Protactinium (231)
(iv) Similar elements were placed in different groups.
e.g. (a) Silver and thallium
(b) Barium and lead
(c) Copper and mercury
(d) Platinum and gold.
(v) Dissimilar elements were placed in same group eg. silver and gold were placed in a same group
while there is little similarity in physical and chemical properties.
(vi) Cause of periodicity: Mendeleev did not explain the cause of periodicity in the physical and
chemical properties of the elements.
(vii) Metals have not been separated from non-metals.
(viii) Position for elements of group (VIII): There is no proper position for the elements of group
(VIII) consisting of elements in three triads. These elements are placed outside the main
structure of the periodic table.
(ix) No fix position can be given to hydrogen in the periodic table.

1.4 The Modern Periodic Table

Henry Moseley in 1913, showed that properties of the elements can be determined by considering
atomic numbers instead of the atomic mass. It formed the basis of modern periodic law.
The law is states that “The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic function of
their atomic numbers”. This is because the atomic mass is a nuclear property (atomic number= No. of
protons +No. of neutrons) whereas atomic number implies for the no. of electrons in neutral atom or no.
of protons in nucleus. Nucleus is situated deep inside in the atoms and does not take part in chemical
reactions. Therefore the physical and chemical properties of elements depends upon the no. of electrons
and their electronic configuration which in turn depends upon atomic number (Z). So, when all the
elements are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic numbers, after a regular interval, elements
have similar no. of valence electrons therefore chemical properties are repeated i.e. periodicity in the
chemical properties of the elements occurs.

Foundation for Chemistry 2.7

Modern periodic table or long form of the periodic table:

It is also known as Bohr, Bury and Rang Werner periodic table.

(1) It is based on the Bohr-Bury electronic configuration concept and atomic number.
(2) This model is proposed by Rang and Werner.
This table is based on modern periodic law. The elements are arranged in the increasing order of atomic
numbers in such a way that elements having the same number of valence electrons are placed in the
same vertical column. It consists of 18 vertical columns and seven horizontal rows. Vertical columns of
periodic table are known as groups while horizontal rows are known as periods.

The co-relation between the groups in Mendeleev’s periodic table and in modern
form of periodic table are given below:
Table 2.5: Co-relation between mendeleev’s periodic table and modern periodic table


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 9,10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18

Elements belonging to same group having same number of electrons in the outer most shell, have similar
Table 2.6: Modern periodic table

2.8 Periodic table

1.5 Quantum Mechnical Model of an Atom

After the Dalton’s theory of atoms many experiments were done in order to know the structure
of atom. The most acceptable model is quantum mechanical model.
The mass of atom lies in it nucleolus i.e. protons and neutrons make up the nucleolus at the
centre of the atom. And electrons revolve around the nucleolus in discrete energy levels known
as shells.
The quantum mechanical model of an atom is governed by 4 quantum No’s
Principal quantum number (n)
Azimuthal quantum number (l)
Magnetic quantum number (m)
Spin quantum number (s)
The principal Quantum Number (n)
n = 1, 2, 3, 4……..
Shell = K, L, M, N………
It determines the size and to large extent the energy of the orbital.
Azimuthal Quantum Number (l) is also known as orbital angular momentum.
It defines the 3-D shape of an orbital.
For a given value of ‘n’ l, can have values from (l = 0 to n - 1)
l = 0, 1, 2, …… (n - 1)
Table 2.7: Different value of n

n=1 n =2 n=3
l=0 l = 0 or l = 1 The possible values of l are.
l = 0 , 1, 2

Each shell (n) consist of one or more sub shells or sub-levels.

The number of sub-shell in the principal shell is equal to n (The principal quantum number of
that shell)
Table 2.8: Different Value of l

Value of l Notation for sub shell

0 s
1 p
2 d

Foundation for Chemistry 2.9

Value of l Notation for sub shell

3 f
4 g

Table 2.9: Sub shell notation

Value of n Value of l Sub shell notation

1 0 1s
2 0 2s
2 1 2p
3 0 3s
3 1 3p
3 2 3d

The Magnetic Quantum Number (ml)

It gives the spatial orientation of the orbital with respect to standard set of co-ordinate axis.
Actually it determines the no. of orbital present in a (Sub-shell) (i.e. for particular value of l).
For any sub-shell (defined value of ‘l’) (2 l + 1) values of ml are possible and these are given by
ml = -l, - (l - 1), - (l - 2) , ……. 0, 1, …… (l - 2), (l - 1), l
Table 2.10: Prediction of No. of orbitals

Value of l 0 1 2 3 4 5
Sub shell notation s p d f g h
No. of orbitals 1 3 5 7 9 11

The Spin Quantum Number (ms)

It tells that e- besides having charge and mass has an intrinsic spin angular momentum, similar to
that of earth as it spins on its own axis. It also tells that an e- can have only two spin states in an
orbital. There are simply two orientations and are distinguished by the spin quantum numbers
(+1/2 and -1/2) also shown as spin up or spin down.
An orbital cannot hold more than two electrons and these two electrons should have opposite
spins. The e-‘s are generally filled in increasing order of energy of orbitals and following Paulis
exclusion principal and Hund’s Rule. Pauli’s exclusion principal states that no two e- in an atom
can have all the four Quantum Numbers same.

2.10 Periodic table

Hund’s Rule- In a sub-shell (s, p, d, f )

The pairing of electrons is done in an orbital only after all the orbital in that sub shell have at least
one e- this is also known as Hund’s multiplicity rule.
The total no. of orbitals for a particular principal quantum no. (n) = n2
In the ground state of the atoms, the orbitals are filled in order of their increasing energies on the
basis of (n + l) rule.
Energy of orbital (n + l) for that orbital.
The orbital are filled in the order
1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p……..
Important Points:
1. The electrons present in the outer most shell are known as valence shell electrons.
2. When electrons are removed from atoms to from ions they are removed from the outer most shell
3. Stability of half filled and full filled sub-shell is more and some electronic configuration are their
violating the (n + l) rule.

1.5.1 Description of Periods

Table 2.11: Description of periods

Period n Sub shell No. of elements Element Name of period

1. 1 1s 2 1
H, 2He Shortest
2. 2 2s, 2p 8 3
Li – 10Ne Short
3. 3 3s, 3p 8 11
Na - 18Ar Short
4. 4 4s, 3d, 4p 18 19
K – 36 Kr Long
5. 5 5s, 4d, 5p 18 37
Rb – 54 Xe Long
6. 6 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p 32 55
Cs – 86 Rn Longest
7. 7 7s, 5f, 6d, 26 87
Fr - 112 Unb Incomplete

1.5.2 Description of Groups

1st/IA/Alkali metals
H = 1s1
Li = 1s2 , 2s1
Na = 1s2 , 2s2 2p6 , 3s1

Foundation for Chemistry 2.11

K = 1s2 , 2s2 2p6 , 3s2 3p6 , 4s1

Outer shell (valence shell) electronic configuration = ns1(n = number of shell)
Number of valence shell e– = 1
Where n is also the period number in the modern periodic table.
2nd/IIA/Alkali earth metals
Be = 1s2, 2s2
Mg = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2
Ca = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2
Outer shell (valence shell) electronic configuration = ns2
Number of valence shell e– = 2
13th/IIIA/Boron Family
B = 1s2, 2s2, 2p1
Al = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p1
Ga = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d10,4s2,4p1
Outer shell (valence shell) electronic configuration = ns2 np1
Number of valence shell e– s = 3
14th/IVA/Carbon Family
C = 1s2, 2s2, 2p2
Si = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p2
Ge = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10, 4p2
Outer shell (valence shell) electronic configuration = ns2 np2
Number of valence e– s= 4
15th/VA/Nitrogen family/Pnictogen : (Used in fertilizer as urea)
N = 1s2, 2s2, 2p3
P = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p3
As = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10, 4p3
Outer shell (valence shell) electronic configuration = ns2 np3
Number of valence shell e– = 5
16th/VIA/Oxygen family/Chalcogen : (Ore forming)
O = 1s2, 2s2, 2p4

2.12 Periodic table

S = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p4

Se = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6,3d10, 4s2, 4p4
Outer shell (valence shell) electronic configuration : ns2 np4
Number of valence shell e– s= 6
17th/VIIA/Fluorine family/Halogens : (Salt forming)
F = 1s2, 2s2, 2p5
Cl = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p5
Br = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10, 4p5
Outer shell (valence shell) electronic configuration = ns2 np5
Number of valence shell e– s= 7
18th/Zero group/Inert gases / Noble gases :
Ne = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6
Ar = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6
Kr = 1s2, 2s2, 3p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d10,4s2, 4p6
Outer shell (valence shell) electronic configuration = ns2 np6 ( except He)
Number of valence shell e– = 8
Elements of group 16 are known as chalocogens Elements of group 17 are known as halogens.

1.6 Classification of Elements Based on the Orbital of Differentiating


Classification on the basis of subshell in which last electron (e–) enters.

1. s-block elements:
i. Those in which differentiating electron enters into outermost s-subshell.
ii. These have ns1 or ns2 configuration followed with (n–1) s2p6 or (n–1) s2 in Li and Be.
(a) ns1 alkali metals or I-group;
(b) ns2 alkaline earth metals or II-group
iii. ns1 elements group 1
Li 3 2 2s1 or [He] 2s1
Na 11 2, 8, 3s1 or [Ne] 3s1
K 19 2, 8, 8, 4s1 or [Ar] 4s1

Foundation for Chemistry 2.13

iv. ns2 elements group 2

Be 4 2 2s2 or [He] 2s2
Mg 12 2, 8, 3s 2 or [Ne] 3s2
Ca 20 2, 8, 8, 4s2 or [Ar] 4s2
2. p-block elements:
Those in which the differentiating electron enters in p-orbital of outermost shell. This block
includes 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 group elements.
Table 2.12: Elements of p-Block

Order of the period ns2 np1 13 group ns2 np1 14 group ns2 np3 15 group
n=2 B 2s22p1 C 2s22p2 N 2s22p3
n=3 Al 3s23p1 Si 3s23p2 P 3s23p3
Order of the period ns2np4 16 group ns2np5 17 group ns2np6 18 group
n=2 O 2s22p4 F 2s22p5 Ne 2s2 2p6
n=3 S 3s23p4 Cl 3s2 3p5 Ar 3s2 3p6
3. d-block elements:
(a) Elements having two incomplete outer shells are known as transition elements.
(b ) In these elements, differentiating electron enters in (n–1)d orbital. This block has 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11 and 12 groups (total 10 groups).
(c) They have configuration (n–1)s2p6d1–10 ns1 or 2.
(d) d-block elements lie between s and p block elements and are thus known as transition elements.
4. f-block elements:
(a) In these elements, the differentiating electron enters in (n–2) f-orbital.
(b) Elements having three incomplete outer shells are known as inner-transition or f-block elements,
i.e., they have configuration (n–2)s2p6d10f1–14, (n–1)s2p6d0–1, ns2.
(c) There are two series of f-block elements corresponding to the filling of 4f and 5f orbitals.
Some main characteristic features of elements are listed below:
(a) s-Block Elements
(i) The electronic configuration of outermost shell of s-block elements is ns1 (alkali metals:
group 1) or ns2 (alkaline earth metals; group 2)
(ii) These are highly reactive elements and are strong reducing agents.
(iii) These are soft metals having low melting points and boiling points.

2.14 Periodic table

(iv) All are good conductors of heat and electricity.

(v) Most of these metals (except Be and Mg) and their salts imparts characteristic colour to the
flame e.g., sodium imparts a golden yellow colour; potassium imparts violet colour to the
(vi) The valency of I group elements is +1 and those of II group elements is + 2.(g) Most of these
form ionic compounds on account of their lower ionisation energy.
(b) p-Block Elements
(i) The electronic configuration of outermost shell of p-block elements (group 13, 14, 15, 16,
17 and 18) is ns2 np1-6.
(ii) The oxidizing power of these elements increases along the period but decreases down the
(iii) Elements on the extreme right of the periodic table are nonmetals. Halogens and noble
gases are nonmetals.
(iv) Most of them form covalent compounds.
(v) Most of these elements show negative (except some metals) as well as positive oxidation
states (except F).
(vi) These elements include metals and non-metals with a few metalloids. The metallic character,
however, decreases along the period but increases down the group.
(vii) These possess relatively higher ionisation energy which tends to increase along the period
but decreases down the group(h) The elements along zig-zag line are metalloids. B, Si, Ar,
Te, At, Ge, Sf
(c) d-Block Elements
(i) The electronic configuration of outermost shell of d-block elements is ns0-2 followed with
(n – 1) s2p6d1-10.
(ii) These elements show variable oxidation states.
(iii) All of these are good conductors of heat and electricity.
(iv) Metals and their ions are generally paramagnetic due to the presence of unpaired electrons.
(v) Most of the transition metals form coloured ions (Zn2+, Hg2+, Cd2+ are colourless).
(vi) All (except Hg) are hard, ductile metals with high melting point and boiling point
(vii) Most transition metals form alloys.
(viii) Their ionisation energies are higher than s-block elements but lesser than p-block elements.
(ix) Most of the transition metal ions posses the tendency to form complex ion.

Foundation for Chemistry 2.15

(x) Most of these elements possess catalytic activity

(d) f-Block Elements
(i) Lanthanoids are also known as rare earth elements whereas most of the members of actinoid
series are known as transuranic elements (made artificially).
(ii) These show variable valency .The electronic configuration of outermost shell of f-block elements
is ns2 followed with (n –2) f1-14, (n –1) d0-1.
(iii) All are metals.
(iv) These also form complexes.
(v) Actinoids are radioactive.
(vi) These form coloured ions.
Atomic Radius
The distance of the outermost energy shell (orbit) from the center of the nucleus of the atom is
called atomic radius of an element (and hence atomic size). It is denoted by symbol r.
(a) Atomic size of a nonmetal is equal to half of the distance between the center of the nuclei of two
atoms bonded by a single covalent bond. For example, the atomic radius of H atom is 37 pm
which is equal to half the distance between two H atoms in H2.
(b) Units of atomic size : Atomic size is expressed in the units of length as cm, m, nm, pm. The
various units of length are related by
100 cm = 1 m
10-9 m = 1 nm (nanometer)
10-12 m = 1 pm (picometer)
In older books, angstrom (Å = 10-8 cm = 10-10 m). Unit of pm (picometer, 1 pm = 10-12 m).

1.7 Variation of Atomic Size of Elements Across a Period

i. The atomic size decreases from left to right in a period as the atomic number increases across a
ii. The variation of atomic size (atomic radii) of the element of the 2nd period is indicated in the
Examples of Variation of Atomic Radii of the Elements of Period 2:
Table 2.13: Variation of Atomic Radii of the Elements of Period 2

Element Li Be B C N O F
Atomic number 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2.16 Periodic table

Atomic radius (pm) 152 111 88 77 75 74 72

It is seen that, in a period, the atomic radius of first element is larger than the atomic radii of
other elements (radii is plural of radius).

2. Periodicity in Properties

The electronic configurations of atoms display a periodic variation with increase in atomic number. Since
the properties of elements depends upon the electronic configurations, so the elements exhibit periodic
variation of physical and chemical properties. Some properties of elements are:-

2.1 Valency

Definition- It is defined as the combining capacity of the element. Valency is determined by the number
of electrons present in outer most shell. These electrons are known as valence electrons.
Tends of Variation of valency across a period: The number of valency electrons increases from 1 to 8
on moving across a period. The valency of an element with respect to hydrogen and halogen increases
from 1 to 4 and then decreases from 4 to zero. With respect to oxygen, valency increases from 1 to 7.
Trends of Variation of valency along a group: On moving down a group, the no. of valence electrons
remains same. So, the valence of all the elements of a group is same.
Group (1) elements have valency 1
Group (2) elements have valency 2

2.2 Atomic Size

Atomic size is also known as atomic radius of an atom.

Definition - It can be defined as the distance between the centre of the nucleus of an atom and the
valence shell containing electrons in an isolated atom since it is very difficult to measure the atomic
radius because -
(i) The isolation of single atom is very difficult.
(ii) There is no well-defined boundary for the atom.
So the more accurate definition of atomic radius is -
(Half the internuclear distance between the two atoms in a homatomic molecule is known as
atomic radius)
This internuclear distance is also known as bond length. It depends upon the type of bond
by which two atoms combine. Based on chemical bonds, atomic radius is divided in to four

Foundation for Chemistry 2.17

Figure 2.2: Different types of atomic radius

(A) Covalent radius (Single bonded covalent radius)

Covalent radius can be defined as the half of the internuclear distance between two singly bonded
atoms of same element. (Homonuclear atom)
Covalent radius for heteroatoms.
(i) In case of hetero atomic molecule (A – B), if the electronegativity difference is less. Then, covalent
radius of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon is taken from the compound H2O2, N2H4 and C2H6
This radii is subtracted from the bond length of A–B molecules.
eg. C–I (electronegativity is almost same 2.5)
Internuclear distance C–I is 2.13Å, covalent radius of carbon in compound C2H6 is 0.77Å
covalent radius of I– will be.
dC I rC rI (Covalent radius of iodine)

(Covalent radius of carbon)

i.e. 2.13 = 0.77 + rI ; rI = 2.13 – 0.77 = 1.36Å

(ii) When electronegativity difference is more. Then bond length is determined by the Schole maker
and Stevenson law –
dA B rA rB 0.09(X A XB )

Where dA B = Bond length of d molecule; XA = Electronegativity of A; XB = Electronegativity

of B

2.18 Periodic table

Example – Bond length of F2 = 1.44 Å

0 0
i,e. dF F 1.44 A ; rF 0.72 A

0 0
dH H 0.74 A, rH 0.37 A

Electronegativity of Fluorine is 4.0 and electronegativity of Hydrogen is 2.1.

dH F rF rH 0.09(XF XH ) = 0.72 + 0.37 – 0.09(4 – 2.1)= 1.09 – (0.09 × 1.9) = 1.09 – 0.171

= 0.919Å
(B) Ionic Radius –Ionic radius is further classified into two categories namely,
(i) Cationic radius (ii) Anionic radius
(i) Cationic Radius –
Size of cation
magnitude of the charge or Zeff

eq. Fe > Fe2+ > Fe3+

Radius of cation is always smaller than its parent atom.
(ii) Anionic radius –
Anionic radius is always greater than atomic radius because in anion electrons are more than
the protons so effective nuclear charge reduces and inter electronic repulsion increases so
size of anion also increases.
(C) Metallic Radius –
Half of the internuclear distance between two adjacent metallic atoms.
Metallic radius
Metallic bond strength

(D) Vander Waal’s radius –

Those atoms which are not bonded with each other experiences a weak attractive force to come
nearer. Half of the distance between the nuclei of adjacently placed atoms in solid state of a noble
gas is Vander Waal’s radius.
Vander Waal radius =2 × covalent radius
Variation of atomic size in a group:
When we move from top to bottom in a group, a new shell of electron is added in each period.
This addition increases the size.
Thus on moving down a group of periodic table, the size of the atom increases.

Foundation for Chemistry 2.19

Table 2.14: Atomic radii of group one element

Group - I Elements Atomic Radii (pm)

Lithium (Li) 152
Sodium (Na) 186
Potassium (K) 231
Rubidium (Rb) 244
Cesium (Ca) 262
Francium (Fr) - Figure 2.3: Size of
atom in a period
Variation of atomic size in period:
In general, atomic radii decreases across a period from left to right. For example, in IInd period,
Li atom is largest and Fluorine is the smallest atom because nuclear charge increases with increase
in atomic number. Electrons are also increasing but these are added to the same shell.
Table 2.15: Variation of atomic size in period

Element Li Be B C N O F
Atomic Number 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Nuclear Charge +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
Electronic 2, 1 2, 1 2, 3 2, 4 2, 5 2, 6 2, 7
Radius (pm) 152 111 88 77 74 66 64
Trends in Periodic table -Atomic size decreases
along the period and increases down the group.
Noble gas have Vander wall’s radius which is greater
than covalent radius.
Figure 2.4:Trends of atomic radius
across period
2.3 Metallic and Non – Metallic Character
Definition -Metallic character is the tendency of atoms of the elements to lose electrons and
form positive ions.
It can be expressed as M M+ + e–
Therefore, metals are also called as electropositive elements.
Trends in Periodic table - The metallic character increases from top to bottom in a group,
the metallic character of the element goes on increasing eg. Li is least metallic element while
Caesium is most metallic element in group I.

2.20 Periodic table

Table 2.16: metallic character of group one element

Elements Metallic Character

Litium (Li) Least Metallic
Sodium (Na)
Potassium (K)
Rubidium (Rb)
Cesium (Cs) Most Metallic

If we use the term electropositive in place of metallic character, we can say that electropositive
character goes on increasing as we move from top to bottom in the periodic table. If we consider
the electronegative character, it goes on decreasing as we move down in a group of the periodic

2.4 Ionization Enthalpy

Definition -The minimum amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bounded electron
from an isolated gaseous neutral atom to form gaseous electropositive ion is called Ionization enthalpy.
Its unit is kilo joules per mole (kJ/mol)
M (g) + Energy M+ (g) + e–
It is a measure of tendency to lose electrons by atoms.
Trends in Periodic table-The tendency to lose electron increases from top to bottom in a group and it
decreases, on moving left to right in a period.

2.5 Electron Gain Enthalpy

Definition -It is defined as the amount of energy released when an isolated gaseous atom in the ground
state accepts an electron to form gaseous negative ion i.e. an anion. It is a measure of tendency of an atom
to accept an extra electron to form an anion. Its unit is kilo joule per mole (kJ/mol).
Trends in Periodic table -Electron gain enthalpy of elements goes on increasing as we move from left to
right in a period. In group, it decreases from top to bottom.

3. Transition Elements

According to IUPAC definition transition elements are those element whose atom has a d subshell
partially filled or atoms which can give rise to cations with an incomplete d sub-shell. Transition Elements
are the elements in which the differentiating electron enters the second last shell of the atom. (Except 4s2
3d10, Example Zn, Cd, Hg)

Foundation for Chemistry 2.21

Differentiating features of transition elements are:

(a) The d-block elements form the transition elements.
(b) The second last shell in these elements is incomplete.
(c) They are hard and dense metals.
(d) They have variable oxidation states.
(e) They are good catalysts.
(f ) They form coloured compounds as the electrons in the second last shell (d-electrons) can be
excited by absorption of a portion of white light.
(g) They readily form alloys like bronze.
(h) Elements in the middle of the periodic table are transition metals.

3.1 Inner Transition Elements

Inner transition elements are the elements in which the last electron enters the third last shell of the
atom. Inner transition element comprises of two series namely lanthanide series and the actinide series.
Differentiating features of Inner transition elements are:
(a) The f-block elements form the Inner transition elements.
(b) The third last shell is incomplete.
(c) They show similar properties because of the similar electronic configuration of the last two shells.
(d) They exhibit common oxidation state +3.
(e) All inner transition elements belong to Group III-B, Group III of modern periodic table.
Important Terms:
Isotopes: Atoms of the same element having same atomic number but different mass numbers are called
ISOTOPES. They have the same number of electrons and protons but differ in the number of neutrons.
Isobars: Atoms of different elements having different atomic numbers but same mass numbers are called
ISOBARS. They differ in the number of protons and neutrons in nucleus, but their sum is the same. E.g.
: 18Ar40 and 20Ca40
Isotones: Atoms of different elements having different atomic numbers and mass number but the same
number of neutrons are called ISOTONES. E.g. : 19K39, 20Ca40
Isodiaphers: Atoms of different elements having different atomic numbers and mass numbers but having
the same isotopic number are called ISODIAPHERS. {Isotopic number is (n-p) or (A-2Z)}. E.g. 9F19,
Na23. (n = no. of neutrons and p = no of protons)
Isosters: These are molecules having same number of atoms and electrons. E.g.: N2O and CO2, CO
and N2.

2.22 Periodic table

Amphoteric Oxides: Oxides which react with both acids and bases to give salt and water. Metalloids and
a few metals form amphoteric oxides. E.g.: BeO, ZnO, Al2O3, SnO, PbO and Sb2O3.
Diagonal Relationship: There exist a similarity in properties of elements
that are situated diagonally. Lighter elements of short periods show
similarity in properties when viewed diagonally in the periodic table.
Li and Mg are diagonal neighbors in the Periodic Table, which form a bridge between two adjacent
periods. So, they are also called Bridge Elements.
This is type of relationship is known as diagonal relationship.

3.1.1 Similarities between Properties of Li and Mg are as follows

1. Reaction with Nitrogen -Li and Mg both react directly with nitrogen to form lithium nitride
(Li3N) and magnesium nitride (Mg3N2) whereas other alkali metals of IA group does not form
2. Solubility in water - Fluorides, carbonates and phosphates of Li and Mg are insoluble in water
whereas these compounds of other alkali metals are soluble.
3. Hardness- Li and Mg both are hard metals, whereas other metals of IA group are soft.
4. Basic strength of Hydroxides - LiOH and Mg(OH)2 both are weak bases, whereas hydroxides
of other elements of IA group are strong bases.
5. Bond strength- Metallic bond in Li and Mg is strong as compared to other alkali metals.
6. M.P and B.P-Their melting and boiling points are high.
7. Decomposition- By thermal disintegration of LiNO3 and Mg (NO3)2 , Li2O and MgO is
obtained respectively.
8. Thermal Stability -Thermal stability of Li2CO3 and MgCO3 is very less compared to other alkali
metals and they liberate CO2 gas easily on heating.
Similarly Be shows similarity to Al of IIIA group compared to other elements of IIA group which
are as follows.
1. These elements do not provide colour to Bunsen burner.
2. They are comparatively stable in air.
3. There is no tendency of making peroxides and superoxides in them.

Foundation for Chemistry 2.23

4. Be and Al both forms halogen bridge halides.

Flow chart 2.1: Trends of periodic properties

3.1.2 Important Facts

1. The liquid non-metal is bromine and liquid metal is Hg, cesium, francium and gallium have low
melting points.
2. The most electropositive and least electronegative element is Cs while least electropositive and
most electronegative element is F.
3. The non-metal having highest melting point is diamond-3727°C. For metals, it is tungsten. (W)
4. The metal with poorest conductivity is lead and the non-metal with poorest conductivity is
5. The most abundant elements in the earth’s crust are oxygen, silicon and aluminium in that order.
6. The compound with highest ionic character is CsF. (EN of Cs is 0.7 and of F is 4.0).
7. The strongest acid is perchloric acid, (HClO4) and strongest alkali is CsOH.
8. The element that is stored under water is P; those stored under kerosene are K and Na.
9. Non-metals having shining like metals (lustre) are graphite and iodine.
10. The best conductor amongst non-metals is graphite (allotrope of C).
11. The lightest element and most abundant in universe is hydrogen.

2.24 Periodic table

12. Copper, silver and gold are known as coinage metals.

13. The most rare element on earth is astatine (a halogen).
14. The heaviest naturally occurring element is uranium.
15. The best conductor of heat and electricity is silver.
16. The most reactive gaseous element is fluorine.
17. The element that sublimes on heating is iodine.
18. Gold and platinum are known as noble metals.
19. The most abundant transition element is iron.
20. Osmium and Iridium are the densest metals.
21. The most reactive liquid element is cesium.
22. The most reactive solid element is lithium.
23. The most poisonous element is plutonium.
24. Chlorine has the highest electron affinity.
25. The most abundant metal is Aluminium.
26. Helium has the highest ionisation potential.
27. The most abundant gas is nitrogen.
28. The lightest metal is lithium.

Foundation for Chemistry 2.25


• Element are classified on the basis of similarities in their physical and chemical properties.

• Dobereiner grouped elements into triads.

• Newland grouped elements on the basis of law of octaves.

• Mendeleev grouped elements in the increasing order of their atomic masses and the similarity in
chemical properties, where in, he was able to predict the existence of some elements on the basis of
gaps in the periodic table.

• Moseley discovered that fundamental property of an element is its atomic number, rather than atomic
mass. He revised Mendeleev periodic Table on the basis of atomic numbers of elements and removed
some of its anomalies.

• Elements in the long form of modern periodic table are arranged in 18 vertical columns called groups
and 7 horizontal rows called periods.

• The elements arranged in the long form of periodic table show (i) periodicity of properties (ii) atomic
size (iii) valency (iv) metallic and non-metallic character.

2.26 Periodic table


Example 1. Which physical and chemical properties of the elements were used by Mendeleev in creating
his periodic table? List two observations which posed a challenge of Mendeleev’s periodic law.

Sol. The creation of Mendeleev’s periodic table was based upon certain physical and chemical
Physical properties: The atomic masses of the elements was taken into account and the elements
were arranged in order of increasing atomic masses. The influences of their physical properties
such as melting points, boiling points, density etc.
Chemical properties: The distribution of the elements into different groups was linked with
formation of hydrides by combining with hydrogen and formation of oxides by combining with
oxygen. This is linked with the valency of the elements.
The two main observations which posed challenge to Mendeleev’s periodic table are as follows:
(i) Position of isotopes: Since the isotopes of an element differ in their atomic masses, they must
be assigned separate slots or positions in the periodic table.
(ii) Anomalous positions of some elements: In the Mendeleev’s periodic table, certain elements
with higher atomic masses precede or placed before the elements with lower atomic masses.
For example, the element Ar (Atomic mass = 39.9) is placed before the element K (Atomic mass
= 39.1)
Example 2. Using the part of the periodic table given below, answer the questions that follow.

Group Period I II III IV V VI VII Zero

1 H He
2 Li Be B C N O F Ne
3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
4 K Ca

(i) Na has physical properties similar to which elements and why?

(ii) Write the electronic configuration of N and P.
(iii) State one property common to fluorine and chlorine.

Sol. (i) Na has physical properties similar to Li and K. All the three elements have one electron each
in the valence of their atoms. These are known as alkali metals.
(ii) Electronic configuration of N (Z = 7) = 2, 5

Foundation for Chemistry 2.27

Electronic configuration of P (Z = 15) = 2, 8, 5

(iii) Both the elements have seven electrons in the valence shells as their atoms
Fluorine (Z = 19) = 2, 7 ; Chlorine (Z = 17) = 2, 8, 7
Example 3. Table given below shows a part of the periodic table

H He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

Using this table explain why

(a) Li and Na are considered as active metals.
(b) Atomic size of Mg is less than that of Na.
(c) Fluorine is more reactive than chlorine.

Sol. (a) Both Li and Na are active elements since their atoms have only one electron in their valence
shells. They readily lose this electron to have the configuration of the nearest noble gas
(b) Mg is placed after Na in the same period (third). As the atomic size decreases along a period,
the size of Mg is less than that of Na.
(c) Both F and Cl belong to group 17 (halogen family). Since fluorine is more electronegative
than chlorine, it is therefore more reactive also.
Example 4. (a) Why do all the elements of the same group have similar properties?
(b) How will the tendency to gain electrons change as we go from left to right across a period?
Why ?

Sol. (a) The properties of the elements are linked with the valence shell electronic configuration of
their atoms. The elements with the same configuration are expected to have similar properties.
In a group, the elements are separated by definite gaps of atomic numbers and have same
number of electrons in the valence shells of their atoms. For example, the alkali metals in
group I have one electron each. They have similar properties. For further details, consult text
(b) In moving from left towards the right across a period, the tendency of the elements to gain
electrons increases.
Explanation. In general, the atoms of all the elements have a desire or an urge to have stable
electronic configuration of the nearest noble gas elements or to have eight electrons in their
outermost or valence shells. Now, across a period, the valence electrons are added one by one

2.28 Periodic table

from left to the right. This is supported by the electronic configuration of the elements present
in period 3 or third period.
Element Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
No. of valence electrons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No. of electrons needed 7 6 5 4 5 2 1 0
in valence shell
This clearly shows that the element chlorine needs one electron while oxygen requires two, to
have a stable electronic configuration. Thus, tendency to gain electrons increases from left to
right across a period.
Example 5. Which of the following compounds has a positive enthalpy of solution?
(a) LiF (b) LiCl (c) LiBr (d) LiI

Sol: (a) LiF is sparingly soluble at room temperature due to its high lattice energy.
Example 6. Which of the following statement is/are wrong?
(a) Van der Waals’ radius of iodine is more than its covalent radius.
(b) All isoelectronic ions belong to same period of the periodic table.
(c) I.E.1 of N is higher than that of O while I.E.2 of O is higher than that of N.
(d) The electron gain enthalpy of N is almost zero while that of P is 74.3kJ mol-1.

Sol: (b) In the isoelectronic species, all isoelectronic anions belong to the same period and cations to
the next period.
Example 7. Consider the following changes:

(1) M(s) M(g) (2) M(s) M 2 (g) 2e

(3) M(g) M (g) e (4) M (g) M2 (g) e

(5) M(g) M2 (g) 2e

The second ionization energy of M could be calculated from the values associated with:
(a) 1+3+4 (b) 2-1+3 (c) 1+5 (d) 5-3

Sol: (d) Second ionization energy is amount of energy required to take out an electron from the
monopositive cation.
Hence M(g) M2 (g) 2e

M (g) M e

Foundation for Chemistry 2.29

Example 8. Aqueous solution of two compounds M1-O-H and M2-O-H are prepared in two different
beakers. If the electronegativity of M1 = 3.4, M2 = 1.2, O = 3.5 and H = 2.1, then the nature
of two solutions will be respectively:
(a) acidic, basic (b) acidic, acidic (c) basic, acidic (d) basic, basic

Sol: (a) The electronegativity difference between M1 and O is 0.1. which indicates M1 – O bond
will be covalent, since O — H bond having more ionic character will break and H+ ions will
release and acidic solution is formed. Whereas difference between electronegativity of M2 – O
bond is 2.3. Thus, M2—OH bond will break, hence solution will be basic in nature.
Example 9. The ground state electronic configuration of the elements, U, V, W, X and Y (these symbols
do not have any chemical significance ) are as follows :
U 1s2 2s2 2p3
V 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1
W 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2
X 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s2
Y 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p63d10 4s2 4p6
Determine which sequences of elements satisfy the following statements:
(i) Element forms a carbonate which is not decomposed by heating
(ii) Element is most likely to form colored ionic compounds
(iii) Elements has largest atomic radius
(iv) Element forms only acidic oxide
(a) V W Y U (b) V X Y W (c) V W Y X (d) V X W U

Sol: (b)
(i) Alkali metal carbonates do not decompose even at red hot V
(ii) Transition metal ions having unpaired d- electrons are coloured in aq. sol/compounds
(iii) In case of Kr Van der Waal’s radius is considered , which is largest atomic radius Y
(iv) Si atom has only acid SiO2 W

2.30 Periodic table

EXERCISE 1 – For School Examinations

Fill in the Blanks

Directions: Complete the following statements with an appropriate word/term to be filled in the blank
Q.1 The law of triads was given by .
Q.2 According to Modern periodic law, the elements are arranged in the periodic table in the order
of their increasing .
Q.3 Elements with eight electrons in their outermost energy shell are called .
Q.4 If two elements have the same number of valence electrons, then they belong to the same
of the periodic table.
Q.5 The elements in groups 1, 2 and 13 to 18 are known as elements.
Q.6 The valency of an atom is equal to its .
Q.7 The atomic size in a period .
Q.8 Dobereiner grouped the elements into triads and Newlands gave the .
Q.9 Mendeleev arranged the elements in increasing order of their and according
to their properties.
Q.10 Mendeleev predicted the existence of some yet to be discovered elements on the basis of
in his periodic table.
Q.11 Elements in the Modern periodic table are arranged in vertical columns
called and horizontal rows called .

True / False

Directions: Read the following statements and write your answer as true or false.
Q.12 As nuclear charge increases, atomic orbitals become smaller and more stable.
True False
Q.13 As number of shells increases, atomic orbitals become larger and less stable.
True False
Q.14 Atomic radii decrease from left to right across a row of the periodic table.
True False

Foundation for Chemistry 2.31

Q.15 Atomic radii increase from top to bottom down a column of the periodic table.
True False
Q.16 Fluorine has highest electron affinity in the periodic table.
True False
Q.17 Noble gases are placed extremely left in the periodic table.
True False
Q.18 Magnesium is more metallic in nature than sodium.
True False
Q.19 The number of shells increases in a given period from left to right in the periodic table.
True False
Q.20 The elements silicon, germanium and arsenic are called metalloids.
True False
Q.21 Elements are classified on the basis of similarities in their properties.
True False
Q.22 Rows in the periodic table are called periods.
True False
Q.23 The columns of the periodic table are called groups.
True False
Q.24 You will find metals on the extreme right side of the periodic table.
True False
Q.25 Although the order of elements is based on atomic number, vertical families share similar chemical
True False

Match the Following Columns

Directions: Each question contains statements given in two columns which have to be matched.
Statements (A, B, C, D) in column I have to be matched with statements (p, q, r, s) in Column II
Q.26 Match the element with its groups numbres.

Column I Column II
(A) Nitrogen (p) 15
(B) Aluminium (q) 16

2.32 Periodic table

(C) Chlorine (r) 17

(D) Oxygen (s) 13

Q.27 Match the element with its groups numbres.

Column I Column II
(A) Hydrogen (p) 3
(B) Sodium (q) 4
(C) Calcium (r) 6
(D) Barium (s) 1

Q.28 Match the property with its element.

Column I Column II
(A) Element with largest size in second period (p) Boron
(B) Element with smallest size in group 13 (q) Fluorine
(C) Element with maximum non-metallic character. (r) Bromine
(D) Element with smallest size in fourth period (s) Lithium

Q.29 Match the elements with the block to which they belary.

Column I Column II
(A) ‘s’ block elements (p) Cr
(B) ‘p’ block elements (q) Na
(C) ‘d’ block elements (r) Ce
(D) ‘f’ block elements (s) Si

Very Short Answer Questions

Directions: Give answer in one word or one sentence.

Q.30 Did Dobereiner’s triads also exist in the columns of Newlands’ octaves? Compare and find out.
Q.31 What were the limitations of Dobereiner’s classification?
Q.32 Besides gallium, which other elements have since been discovered that were left by Mendeleev in
his periodic table?
Q.33 What was the criteria used by Mendeleev in creating his periodic table?

Foundation for Chemistry 2.33

Q.34 Why do you think the noble gases are placed in a separate group?
Q.35 How could the modern periodic table remove various anomalies of Mendeleev’s periodic table?
Q.36 Name two elements you would expect to show chemical reactions similar to magnesium. What
is the basis for your choice?
Q.37 Name (a) three elements that have a single electron in their outermost shells. (b) two elements
that have two electrons in their outermost shells. (c) three elements with filled outermost shells.
Q.38 In the Modern periodic table, which are the metals among the first ten elements ?
Q.39 By considering their position in the periodic table, which one of the following elements would
you expect to have maximum metallic characteristic? Ga Ge As Se Be.
Q.40 What is the basis of the modern periodic table ?
Q.41 In how many blocks has the modern periodic table been divided ?
Q.42 Why elements in any given group have similar properties?
Q.43 Why some gaps were left in Mendeleev’s periodic table ?
Q.44 Why are the group 2 elements called alkaline earth metals?
Q.45 What was Dobereiner’s basis of classifying elements ?
Q.46 Out of Li, Ge and N; which forms the most basic oxide and which forms the most acidic oxide?
Q.47 Define group.
Q.48 Name the scientist who proposed Modern Periodic table.
Q.49 Predict the location in the periodic table (row and column) of element with atomic number 111.
Q.50 What element immediately follows Xenon in the periodic table?
Q.51 Name two metals that react with bromine to give compounds with the chemical formula MBr.
Q.52 Write the names and symbols of all elements that occupy the same row of the periodic table as
Q.53 Which is the smallest atom in group VIIA ?
Q.54 Use the second period of the periodic table as an example to show that the size of atoms decreases
as we move from left to right. Explain the trend.
Q.55 What is the atomic number of the element that would occupy, the position in row 7, column 17
of the periodic table?

2.34 Periodic table

Short Answer Questions

Directions: Give answer in two to three sentences.

Q.56 Arrange these atoms and ions in order of decreasing size: Mg2+, Ca2+ and Ca.
Q.57 What were the limitations of Newlands’ law of octaves?
Q.58 (a) Lithium, sodium, potassium are all metals that react with water to liberate hydrogen gas. Is
there any similarity in the atoms of these elements ?
(b) Helium is an unreactive gas and neon is a gas of extremely low reactivity. What, if anything,
do their atoms have in common ?
Q.59 What do you understand by the term periodicity? Are the properties of the elements placed in a
group, same? Illustrate.
Q.60 Why does the size of the atom increases down the group ?
Q.61 Define and explain Medeleev’s Periodic law ?
Q.62 (a) Which elements or ions from among Ar, S2-, Si- and Cl3+ are isoelectronic with P+ ?
(b) Which ions from among Fe3+, Ni3+, and Co3+ are isoelectronic with Mn2+?
Q.63 Explain why the first ionization energy of lithium is less than that for beryllium, but the second
ionization energy of beryllium is less than that for lithium.
Q.64 What is the general electron configuration for the valence electrons in
(a) group IA (b) group IV A
(c) group VIIA?
Q.65 Write the symbol for a cation with a 1+ charge that has the electron configuration
(a) 1 s22s22p63s23 p1 (b) 1 s22s22p63s1
(c) 1s22s22p63 s23p64s1 3d6
Q.66 Which species in each of the following pairs is larger? Give an explanation for your answer.
(a) Na or Na+ (b) O2- or F-
(c)Ni2+ or Ni3+
Q.67 Using only a periodic table as a guide, arrange each of the following series of atoms in order of
increasing size.
(a) B, O, Li (b) C, N, Si
(c) S, As, Sn

Foundation for Chemistry 2.35

Q.68 Using only a periodic table as a guide, arrange each of the following series of species in order of
increasing size.
(a) Li, Be2+, Be (b) Cl, S, S2-
(c) N, C, Si
Q.69 Indicate which species in each pair has the higher ionization energy. Explain the reason for your
(a) Na and Rb (b) O2- and F-
Q.70 Which will be greater, the second ionization energy of boron or that of beryllium? Explain your
Q.71 What are the names and chemical symbols of the elements that are vertical and horizontal
neighbors of sulfur in the periodic table? Which of these have chemical properties similar to
those of sulfur?
Q.72 Why does the metallic character increase down the group? Arrange the following atoms in order
of decreasing atomic radius: Na, Al, P, Cl, Mg.
Q.73 Arrange the following atoms in order of increasing radius: P, Si, N.

2.36 Periodic table

EXERCISE 2 – For Competitive Examinations

Multiple Choice Questions

Directions: Answer the following questions.

Q.1 Cl, Br, I, if this is Dobereiner’s triad and the atomic masses of Cl and I are 35.5 and 127
respectively the atomic mass of Br is -
(a) 162.5 (b) 91.5 (c) 81.25 (d) 45.625
Q.2 Newlands could classify elements only upto
(a) Copper (b) Chlorine (c) Calcium (d) Chromium
Q.3 Mendeleev classified elements in -
(a) Increasing order of atomic groups
(b) Eight periods and eight groups
(c) Six periods and eight groups
(d) Eight periods and seven groups
Q.4 Noble gases were included in Mendeleev’s periodic table in the -
(a) 1st group (b) 7th group
(c) 8th group (d) None of these
Q.5 The long form of periodic table consists of -
(a) Seven periods and eight groups
(b) Seven periods and eighteen groups
(c) Eight periods and eighteen groups
(d) Eighteen periods and eight groups
Q.6 In the modern periodic table, one of the following does not have appropriate position -
(a) Transition elements (b) Inert gases
(c) Inner transition elements (d) Halogens
Q.7 An element M has an atomic number 9 and atomic mass 17. Its ion will be represented by –
(a) M (b) M+2 (c) M- (d) M-2
Q.8 The correct order of first IE of C, N, O, F is -
(a) F > O > N > C (b) C > N > O > F
(c) O > N > F > C (d) F > N > O > C

Foundation for Chemistry 2.37

Q.9 Elements belonging to the same group have similar properties because -
(a) They have similar electronic configuration of the outermost shell
(b) Their atomic numbers go on increasing as we move down the group
(c) All of them are metallic elements.
(d) None of the above
Q.10 The atoms of elements belonging to the same group of periodic table have the same –
(a) Number of protons (b) Number of electrons
(c) Number of neutrons (d) Number of electrons in the outermost shell
Q.11 Which of the following is the correct order of relative size?
(a) I- > I+> I (b) I- > I > I+
(c) I > I+ > I- (d) I+ > I- > I
Q.12 The element with the smallest size in the group 13 is -
(a) Beryllium (b) Carbon
(c) Aluminium (d) Boron
Q.13 Which of the following hydroxides is most basic?
(a) Be(OH)2 (b) Ba(OH)2
(c) Ca(OH)2 (d) Mg(OH)2
Q.14 The element with smallest size in the 4th period is -
(a) Chlorine (b) Iodine
(c) Fluorine (d) Bromine
Q.15 The most metallic element in the fifth period is -
(a) Silver (b) Rubidium
(c) Gold (d) Rhodium
Q.16 If the two members of a Dobereiner triad are chlorine and iodine, the third member of this triad
is -
(a) Fluorine (b) Bromine
(c) Sodium (d) Calcium
Q.17 If the two members of a Dobereiner triad are phosphorus and antimony, the third member of
this triad is -
(a) Arsenic (b) Sulphur
(c) Iodine (d) Calcium

2.38 Periodic table

Q.18 According to Mendeleev periodic law, the properties of elements are periodic function of their -
(a) Atomic masses (b) Atomic numbers
(c) Atomic volumes (d) Densities
Q.19 The elements with atomic numbers 2, 10, 18, 36, 54 and 86 are all -
(a) Halogens (b) Noble gases
(c) Noble metals (d) Light metals
Q.20 How many periods are there in the long form of the periodic table?
(a) 6 (b) 7
(c) 8 (d) 9
Q.21 The elements with atomic numbers 3,11, 19, 37 and 55 belong to
(a) Alkali metals (b) Alkaline earth metals
(c) Halogens (d) Noble gases
Q.22 The elements with atomic numbers 9, 17, 35, 53 and 85 belong to
(a) Alkali metals (b) Alkaline earth metals
(c) Halogens (d) Noble gases
Q.23 Each transition series contains a total of -
(a) 2 elements (b) 8 elements
(c) 10 elements (d) 18 elements
Q.24 The number of elements in each of the inner transition series is -
(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 14
Q.25 The number of elements in the third period of the periodic table is -
(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 18 (d) 32
Q.26 The total number of elements in VII group of the periodic table is -
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 9
Q.27 The total number of elements in the group IB is -
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 9
Q.28 Which of the following elements has the least non-metallic character?
(a) Fluorine (b) Chlorine (c) Bromine (d) Iodine
Q.29 Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl2, which is a solid with a high melting point.
X would most likely be in the same group of the periodic table as -
(a) Na (b) Mg (c) Al (d) Si

Foundation for Chemistry 2.39

Q.30 About how many known elements are there -

(a) 10 (b) 50 (c) 100 (d) 200
Q.31 Elements in the periodic table are arranged by
(a) Atomic number (b) Atomic weight
(c) Number of neutrons (d) Chemical reactivity
Q.32 Which of these things you will not find in the periodic table on the wall?
(a) Element name and symbol (b) Atomic weight
(c) Atomic orbital radius (d) Atomic number
Q.33 Which scientist came up with the concept of a periodic table that included all of the known
(a) Joseph Priestly (b) Dmitri Mendeleev
(c) Antoine Lavoisier (d) Albert Einstein
Q.34 The alkali metals are in which group of the periodic table?
(a) Group 1 (b) Group 2
(c) Group 3 (d) Group 4
Q.35 As you go down the group, the alkali metals become -
(a) Brighter (b) Hotter
(c) More reactive (d) Less reactive
Q.36 Where are the transition metals in the periodic table?
(a) In group 0
(b) In group 1
(c) In group 2
(d) In a central block with group number 3 to 11
Q.37 The noble gases are unreactive because
(a) They react with sodium (b) They have a full outer shell of electrons
(c) They have a half outer shell of neutrons (d) They are too thin
Q.38 Which of the following element has most ionisation energy?
(a) Al (b) In (c) Ga (d) B
Q.39 Which of the following element is not in the liquid state?
(a) Hg (b) Li (c) Ga (d) Br

2.40 Periodic table

Q.40 Which sequence of ionisation potential is correct?

(a) B < Be (b) Be < B (c) Be = B (d) None
Q.41 In which of the following process highest energy is required?
(a) Cu →Cu+ (b) Al →Al+ (c) Zn →Zn+ (d) Li →Li+
Q.42 Arrange F, Cl, O, N in the decreasing order of electronegativity -
(a) O>F>N>Cl (b) F>N>Cl>O
(c) Cl>F>N>O (d) F>O>N≈Cl
Q.43 Which element has the highest electronegativity among the following?
(a) C (b) Mg (c) O (d) S
Q.44 In the following, the element with the highest electropositivity is
(a) Copper (b) Caesium (c) Barium (d) Chromium
Q.45 Which of the following elements are analogous to the lanthanides?
(a) Actinides (b) Borides (c) Carbides (d) Hydrides
Q.46 Arrange the following in increasing order of their atomic radius : Na, K, Mg, Rb -
(a) Mg < K < Na < Rb (b) Mg < Na < K < Rb
(c) Mg < Na < Rb < K (d) Na < K < Rb < Mg
Q.47 Among the following elements, which is metalloido?
(a) Pb (b) C (c) Si (d) Zn
Q.48 Which shows variable valency ?
(a) s-block elements (b) p-block elements
(c) d-block elements (d) Radioactive elements
Q.49 Dobereiner traids is-
(a) Na,K,Rb (b) Mg,S,As (c) Cl,Br, I (d) P,S,As
Q.50 Elements in which 4f orbitals are progressively filled are called as –
(a) Transition elements (b) Lanthanides
(c) Actinides (d) Inert gases
Q.51 To which block is related, an element having electronic configuration 1s2 2s22p6 3s23p63d10 4s1
in the periodic table-
(a) s-block (b) p-block
(c) d-block (d) f-block

Foundation for Chemistry 2.41

Q.52 Which of the following elements is a lanthanide (Rare-earth element)?

(a) Cadmium (b) Californium
(c) Cerium (d) Cesium
Q.53 If the valence shell electronic configuration for an element is ns2np5, this element will belong to
the group of -
(a) Alkali metals (b) Inert metals
(c) Noble gases (d) Halogens
Q.54 If an atom has electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d3 4s2, it will be placed in -
(a) Second group (b) Third group
(c) Fifth group (d) Sixth group
Q.55 On moving from left to right across a period in the table, the metallic character -
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) Remains constant (d) First increases and then decreases
Q.56 Which of the following is the atomic number of a metal?
(a) 32 (b) 34
(c) 36 (d) 38
Q.57 All the elements in a group in the periodic table have the same -
(a) Atomic number (b) Electronic configuration
(c) Atomic weight (d) Number of electrons in the outermost shell
Q.58 Which has the maximum atomic radius?
(a) Al (b) Si (c) P (d) Mg
Q.59 Which one of the following ions has the highest value of ionic radius?
(a) O2- (b) B3+ (c) Li+ (d) F-
Q.60 Which one of the following is the smallest in size?
(a) N3- (D) O2- (c) F- (d) Na+
Q.61 The size of the following species increases in the order –
(a) Mg2+ < Na+ < F- < Al (b) F- < Al <Na+ > Mg2+
(c) Al < Mg < F- <Na+ (d) Na+ < Al < F- < Mg2+
Q.62 Elements of which group form anions most readily -
(a) Oxygen family (b) Nitrogen group
(c) Halogens (d) Alkali metals

2.42 Periodic table

Q.63 The correct order of radii is -

(a) N<Be<B (b) F- < O2- < N3‒
(c) Na < Li <K (d) Fe3+ < Fe2+ < Fe4+
Q.64 Which of the following element has maximum, first ionisation potential?
(a) V (b) Ti
(c) Cr (d) Mn
Q.65 Which of the following order is wrong?
(a) NH3 < PH3 < AsH3‒ acidic nature (b) Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Cs+ - ionic radius
(c) Al2O3 < MgO < Na2O < K2O - basic (d) Li < Be < B < C -1st ionisation potential
Q.66 Which one of the following arrangements represents the correct order of electron gain enthalpy
(with negative sign) of the given atomic species -
(a) Cl<F<S<O (b) O<S<F<Cl
(c) S<O<Cl<F (d) F<CI<O<S
Q.67 Arrange S, O and Se in ascending order of electron affinity
(a) Se < S <O (b) Se<O<S
(c) S < O < Se (d) S < Se < O
Q.68 Which of the following is correct regarding ionic radii?
(a) Ti4+ < Mn7+ (b) 35Cl- < 37Cl‒
(c) K+ > Cl– (d) P3+ > P5+

More than One Correct

Directions: This section contains multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and
(d) out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct.
Q.69 Which of the following are representative element?
(a) Fe (b) K
(c) Ba (d) N
Q.70 Which one of the following are electropositive element?
(a) Sodium (b) Calcium
(c) Oxygen (d) Chlorine
Q.71 Which of the following pair of elements has same property?
(a) 10, 12 (b) 11, 20
(c) 20, 38 (d) 13, 31

Foundation for Chemistry 2.43

Q.72 All the members in a group of a long form of periodic table have the same -
(a) Valency (b) Number of valence electrons
(c) Chemical properties (d) Physical characteristics
Q.73 Metals are included in the long form of periodic table in the
(a) s-block (b) p-block
(c) d-block (d) f-block
Q.74 Important merits of modern periodic table is
(a) It explains why element in the same group have the same chemical properties.
(b) Hydrogen has been placed accurately.
(c) Isotopes have been placed of same position.
(d) It is based on classifying elements according to their atomic number.
Q.75 The difference between ions and atoms is of
(a) Relative size (b) Configuration
(c) Presence of charge (d) Mass of nucleus
Q.76 I.E. increases with –
(a) Decrease in atomic size (b) Increase in nuclear charge
(c) Increase in penetration effect of electrons (d) Decrease in nuclear charge
Q.77 While moving in a period left to right?
(a) Atomic size decrease (b) Nuclear charge increase
(c) I.E. increases (d) I.E. decreases
Q.78 Which of the following properties generally decrease along a period?
(a) Atomic size (b) Non-metallic character
(c) Metallic character (d) None of the above
Q.79 Which of the following elements will form acidic oxide?
(a) Na (b) Si (c) Mg (d) P
Q.80 In the periodic table, the metallic character of elements —
(a) Increases, (i) from left to right across a period and (ii) on descending a group
(b) Decreases, (i) from left to right across a period and (ii) on moving up group from bottom to
(c) Increases from left to right across a period and decreases on descending a group
(d) Increases from right to left across a period and increases on descending a group

2.44 Periodic table

Q.81 Which of the following statements is (are) correct statement about the trends when going from
left to right across the periods of periodic table?
(a) The elements become less metallic in nature.
(b) The number of valence electrons increases.
(c) The atoms lose their electrons more easily.
(d) The oxides become more acidic.
Q.82 Transition metals can —
(a) Show variable oxidation states (b) Form coloured compounds
(c) Float in air (d) Create oxygen
Q.83 Which one of the following is not an s block element?
(a) Aluminium (b) Chromium
(c) Niobium (d) Potassium
Q.84 The statement that is true for the long form of the periodic table is —
(a) It reflects the sequence of filling the electrons in the order of sub-energy levels s, p, d and f.
(b) It helps to predict the stable valency states of the elements
(c) It reflects trends in physical and chemical properties of the elements.
(d) It helps to predict the relative atomicity of the bonds between any two elements.
Q.85 The correct statement among the following is
(a) The first ionisation potential of Al is less than the first ionisation potential of Mg
(b) The second ionisation potential of Mg is greater than the second ionisation potential of Na.
(c) The first ionisation potential of Na is less than the first ionisation potential of Mg
(d) The third ionisation potential of Mg is greater than the third ionisation potential of Al.
Q.86 The statement that is correct for the period classification of elements is —
(a) The properties of elements are the periodic functions of their atomic numbers.
(b) Non-metallic elements are lesser in number than metallic elements
(c) The first ionisation energies along a period do not vary in a regular manner with increase in
atomic number
(d) For transition elements, the d-sub-shells are filled with electrons monotonically with increase
in atomic number

Foundation for Chemistry 2.45

Fill in the Blanks

Directions: Complete the following statements with an appropriate word/term to be filled in the passages.
Q.87 In the periodic table, elements are ordered in increasing
(1) so that (2) of elements, fall
into vertical columns. Of the four general categories of elements, calcium is a
(3) element, nickel is a (4) and
xenon is (5) . An element in Group IIA, such as
calcium, is also known as an (6) metal.
Q.88 Metallic character increases from (1)
to (2) and from
(3) to (4) with respect to position
of elements in the periodic table. Nonmetallic character increases from
(5) to (6) and from
(7) to (8)
in the periodic table.

Passage Based Questions

Directions: Study the given passage (s) and answer the following questions.
The atomic radii of first group elements are given below:

Group I Na Li Rb Cs K
Atomic radius (pm) 86 152 244 262 231
Atomic radii of the elements of the second period are given below

Period II B Be O N Li C
Atomic radius pm) 88 111 66 74 152 77

Q.89 Table 1 give atomic radii variation of group 1 elements. What is the common name of elements
of first group
(a) Alkali metals (b) Alkaline earth metals
(c) Halogens (d) Transition metals
Q.90 In table 1, which element has the largest atomic radius.
(a) Na (b) K (c) Cs (d) Li

2.46 Periodic table

Q.91 In table 2, which element has the smallest atomic radii

(a) B (b) C (c) 0 (d) N

Q.92 In table 2, which element has the largest atomic radii

(a) Be (b) Li (c) N (d) B

Assertion and Reason

Directions: Each of these questions contains an assertion followed by reason. Read them carefully and
answer the questions on the basis of following options. You have to select from following the one that
best describes the two statements.
(a) If both assertion and reason are correct and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are correct, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is correct but reason is incorrect.
(d) If assertion is incorrect but reason is correct.
Q.93 Assertion: Group I (1s) elements are known as the alkali elements.
Reason: s-orbital can accommodate only two electrons.
Q.94 Assertion: Nitrogen has higher ionization energy than that of oxygen.
Reason: Nitrogen has smaller atomic size than that of oxygen.
Q.95 Assertion: According to Mendeleev, periodic properties of elements is a function of their atomic
Reason : Atomic number is equal to the number of protons.
Q.96 Assertion : Elements in the same vertical column have similar properties.
Reason : Elements have periodic dependence upon the atomic number.

Foundation for Chemistry 2.47

Multiple Matching Question

Directions: Each question contains statements given in two columns which have to be matched.
Statements (A, B, C, D) in column I have to be matched with statements (p, q, r, s) in Column II

Column I Column II
(A) s-block elements (p) Alkali metals
(B) p-block elements (q) Alkaline earth metals
(C) Representative elements (r) Halogens
(D) High ionisation energy (s) Noble gases

Chart Based Question

Directions: Complete the following table by writing symbol of elements, atomic no. and group name
in vacant spaces.

Name and Symbol of element Atomic Number Category of element

Sodium (Na) s-block element
d block element
Chlorine (Cl) 17
20 s block element

2.48 Periodic table

Exercise 1 – For School Examinations

Fill in the Blanks

1. Dobereiner 2. Atomic number

3. Noble gases 4. Group
5. Main group or representative elements.
6. Combining capacity 7. Decreases
8. Law of Octaves 9. Atomic masses, Chemical
10. Gaps 11. 18, groups, 7, periods

True / False

12. True 13. True 14. True 15. True 16. True
17. False noble gases are placed extremely right in the periodic table.
18. False
19. False. The number of shells remain same in a given period.
20. True 21. True
22. True Rows in the periodic table are called periods. The columns of the periodic table are called
23. True
24. False
Inert gases are found on the far right of the periodic table. Halogens are in the second group
form the right. Metals of all types are found around the left and middle side of the periodic table.
There may be alkali transition, or alkaline earth metals across the table.
25. True

Match the Following Columns

26. A –(p); B – (s); C – (r); D – (q)

27. A – (s); B – (p); C – (q); D – (r)
28. A – (s); B – (p); C – (q); D – (r)
29. A – (q); B – (s); C – (p); D – (r)

Foundation for Chemistry 2.49

Very Short Answer Questions

30. Yes, they also exist in the columns of Newlands’ Octaves.

31. Dobereiner could identify only three triads from the elements known at that time. Thus, he could
arrange only a few elements in this manner and his classification not receive wide acceptance.
32. Germanium, Scandium
33. Mendeleev’s periodic table was based on atomic weight.
34. It is because noble gases resemble each other in properties and do not resemble with other group
of elements.
35. Modern periodic table is based on atomic number, therefore problem of placing Ar, K, Co, Ni
was easily removed. Secondly, problem of isotopes was also solved, because have same atomic
36. Calcium and barium. It is because they belong to same group and have same number of valence
37. (a) Na, K, Li (b) Be, Mg (c) He, Ne, Ar.
38. Li and Be are metals.
39. Gallium has maximum metallic character.
40. The basis of the modern periodic table is Mosley periodic law that is, the properties of the
elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.
41. The periodic table is divided into four blocks (s-block, p-block, d-block and f-block) on the basis
of their electronic configuration.
42. The chemical properties of an atom are largely determined by its valence electrons. In a given
group, the number of valence electrons are same, hence they have the same properties.
43. Mendeleev left some gaps in his periodic table for the elements yet to be discovered. He even
predicted the properties of these elements by studying the properties of the neighbouring elements.
44. These elements are called alkaline earth metals because they form basic hydroxides which are less
soluble in water than group 1 hydroxides.
45. According to the Doberenier, elements having similar properties can be arranged in triads in
which atomic mass of the middle element is the mean of the atomic mass of the other two
46. Lithium forms the most basic oxide as it is a metal and nitrogen forms the most acidic oxide as
it is a non-metal.
47. The vertical columns in Mendeleev’s, as well as in Modern periodic table, are called groups.
48. Henry Mosely, a scientist, proposed the Modern periodic table based on modern periodic law.
49. Row = 7, column = Group 11 (directly below gold)

2.50 Periodic table

50. Cesium
51. Metals from group 1: Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs.
52. Lithium, (Li); beryllium, (Be); boron, (B); carbon, (C); oxygen, (O); fluorine, (F); and neon,
53. F
54. The effective nuclear charge on the outermost electrons increases across the period.
55. 117

Short Answer Questions

56. Ca> Ca2+> Mg2+

Cations are smaller than their parent atoms, so Ca2+ has smaller size than the Ca atom. Because
Ca is below Mg in group IIA of the periodic table, Ca2+ is larger than Mg2+.
57. (i) Law of octaves was applicable only up to calcium because after Ca; every eighth element did
not possess properties similar to first.
(ii) New elements discovered could not fit into the law of octaves on the basis of their properties.
(iii) Newland adjusted two elements in same slot e.g., Co and Ni which differ entirely from
halogens. Iron resembles with Co and Ni, has been placed far away from these elements.
58. (a) All of them are highly reactive and have one electron in their outer most shell. i.e., they lose
electrons easily.
(b) Both have completely filled outermost shell.
59. The repetition of similar properties in chemical elements as indicated by their position in periodic
table is known as periodicity. Yes the properties of an element placed in a group are same because
they have same number of electron in their outermost shell.
60. This is due to addition of extra shell which outweighs the effect of increased nuclear charge.
61. It states that, the properties of elements are the periodic functions of their atomic masses. It means
the properties of the elements depend on their atomic masses and the elements are positioned in
the periodic table on the basis of their increasing atomic masses.
62. (a). Only Cl3+is isoelectronic with P+ (Isoelectronic- Species having same number of e-)
The P+cation has 14 electrons and S2- have 18 electrons, Si- has 15 electrons, and Cl3+ has 14
(b) The Mn2+cation has 23e- and the electron configuration [Ar]3d5 The Fe3+ ion also has 23 e-
and the same electron configuration; they are isoelectronic. The Ni3+ ion has 25 e- ([Ar]3d7)
and Co3+ has 24 electrons ([Ar]3d6). Neither is isoelectronic with Mn2+.
(Note: Remember to remove first the valence electrons with the highest n value, 4s in this case).

Foundation for Chemistry 2.51

63. For lithium and beryllium, the first electron is ionized from the 2s sublevel.
⦁ In case of Beryllium, 2s sublevel is completely filled therefore being more stable in comparison
to partially filled 2s subshell of lithium.
⦁ Thus first ionisation energy is more for beryllium.
⦁ While removing second electron in case of lithium it has to be removed from 1s subshell which
acquires extra stability due to completely filled configuration. Thus, require more energy in
comparison to 1s subshell of beryllium.
64. (a) ns 1(b) ns2np2 (c) ns2np5
65. (a) Si+ (b) Mg+ (c) Fe+
66. Na. A cation always has a smaller size that a neutral atom.
(b) O2-.The size of anion increase as the charge increases.
(c)Ni2+. The size of cation decreases as the charge increases.
67. (a) O <B<Li (b)N<C< Si (c)S<As<Sn
68. (a) Be2+<Be <Li (b) Cl< S < S2- (c)N<C<Si
69. (a) Ionisation potential of Rb will be higher than Na. Na > Rb.
Reason being in a group, the ionisation potential decreases from top to bottom.
(b) In a period,ionisation potential increases from left to right, i.e., F-> O-
70. Boron has greater ionization energy . In both cases, a valence 2s electron is being removed, but
B+ has fully filled inert configuration.(More stable )
71. Vertical neighbours are oxygen (O) and selenium (Se), horizontal neighbours are phosphorus (P)
and chlorine (Cl). Oxygen and selenium have similar chemical properties.
⦁ The metallic character increases with increase in atomic number of elements from top to
⦁ This is due to the fact that the number of valence shells and the distance of valence electrons
increases from the nucleus. The size also increases from top to bottom. Thus, it is easier to
remove electrons from the valence shell of atom of element present at lower position in group.
⦁ There is a regular decrease in atomic radii of the representative element as we move from left
to right in a periods.
⦁ This is becuase number of energy shells remain the same in a period but nuclear charge
increases gradually as the atomic number increases, hence the correct order will be
Na>Mg>Al >P>Cl.

2.52 Periodic table

18. ⦁ N and P are in the same group and N is above P. Therefore, the radius of N is smaller than that
of P (atomic radius increases as we go down a group).
⦁ Both Si and P are in the third period, and Si is to the left of P. Therefore, the radius of P is
smaller than that of Si (atomic radius decreases as we move from left to right across a period).
⦁ Thus the order of increasing radius is N < P < Si.

Exercise 2 – For Competitive Examinations

Multiple Choice Questions

1. (c) According to Dobereneir’s triad, the atomic mass of Br will be average of the atomic masses
35.5 127
of Cl and I 81.25
2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (c)
7. (c) The element is halogen and has one less electron than inert gas configuration, hence can be
represented as M– ion.
8. (d) In a period, the value of ionisation potential increases from left to right with breaks where the
atoms have some what stable configurations hence the correct order will be F > N > O > C
9. (a) 10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (b)
13 (b) Except Be(OH)2 ,which is amphoteric in nature, other M(OH)2 are basic in nature. The basic
strength increases from Be(OH)2 to Ba(OH)2.
14. (a) On moving along a period, atomic radii decreases.
15 (b) The metallic character decreases as we move from left to right in a period.
16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (b) 21. (a)
22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25. (b)
26. (b) The VII group contains 5 elements F, Cl, Br, I and At
27. (a) Group I B contain Cu, Ag and Au.
28. (d) Non-metallic character decreases in the groups from top to bottom, hence Iodine will be least
29. (b)
30. (c) There are about 110 known elements listed in the periodic table. As scientists continue to
experiment with particle accelerators and cyclotrons, they will be able to make more elements.

Foundation for Chemistry 2.53

Many of the manmade elements on the periodic table only last for a few milliseconds before
they break apart.
31. (a) The elements of the periodic table are organized by atomic number. The atomic number
represents the number of protons and electrons in a neutral atom.
32. (c) You will not get information about the atomic radius of an atom. The square for each element
will have the atomic number, atomic weight, name, and symbol for each element
33. (b) Dmitri Mendeleev is credited with designing the modern periodic table. Joseph Priestly and
Antoine Lavoisier were both chemists. Albert Einstein developed theories on photoelectric
34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (d) 37. (b)
38. (d) On moving down in a group, from top to bottom, ionisation potential decreases from top to
39. (a)
40. (a) Due to fully filled stable orbitals, ionisation energy of Be is more than B.
41. (d) Lithium has smallest size. Hence a large amount of energy is needed for removal of an
42. (d) On moving along a period, electronegativity increases and on moving down in a group,
electronegativity decreases the correct order of electronegativity is
F O N Cl
4.0 3.5 3.0 3.0

43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (a) 46. (c)

47. (c) 48. (c) 49. (c) 50. (b)
51. (c) 52. (c) 53. (d) 54. (c)
55. (b)
56. (d) 38 is the atomic no. of strontium (Sr) which is s-block element and all the elements of s-block
are metals.
57. (a)
58. (d) Mg. As we move across the period, atomic radius decreases.
59. (a) O2– has the highest value of ionic radii as this can be explained on the bases of Z/e
No.of electron
When Z/e ratio increases, the size decreases and when Z/e ratio decreases, the size increases.
60. (d) Na+ < F- < O2- < N3-
All are isoelectronic, effective nuclear charge is highest for Na+. So, it has smallest size.

2.54 Periodic table

61. (a) Mg2+ < Na+ < F- < Al

F- has bigger size than Mg2+ and Na+
62. (c) Halogens are most electronegative elements.
63. (b) Ionic radii decreases significantly from left to right in a period among representative elements.
64. (d) 65. (d)
66. (b) Halogens have very high electron affinity. It may be rated that the electron affinity of fluorine
is unexpectedly low (< Cl). This may perhaps be due to small size of F atom. The value of
electron gain enthalpies for Cl, F, S and O are respectively 349, 333, 200 and 142 kJ/mol
hence correct order is Cl > F > S > O.
67. (a) Correct order of electron affinity is Se < S < O. In a group, electron affinity decreases with
increase in atomic number.
68. (d) Nuclear charge per electron is greater in P5+. Therefore, its size is smaller.

More than One Correct

69. (b, c, d) 70. (a, b)

71. (c, d) 20Ca, 38Sr, 13Al and 31Ga are in same group element so have same property.
72. (a, b, c) 73. (a, b, c, d) 74. (a, c, d) 75. (a, b, c)
76. (a, b) 77. (a, b, c) 78. (a, c) 79. (b,d)
80. (b, d)
81. (a, b, d) On moving along a period, tendency to lose electrons decreases whereas the tendency to
gain electron increases.
82. (a, b) 83. (a, b, c)
84. (a,b,c,d). If reflects trends in physical and chemical properties of the elements.
85. (a,c,d). I.E. (II) of Na is higher than that of Mg because in case of Na, the second e- has to be
remove from the noble gas core while in case of Mg removal of second e- gives a noble gas core.
86. (a,b,d).

Fill in the Blanks

87. (1) atomic number, (2) groups, (3) representative, (4) transition metal, (5) noble gas, (6) alkaline
88. (l) top, (2) bottom, (3) right, (4) left, (5) bottom, (6) top,(7) left, (8) right

Foundation for Chemistry 2.55

Passage Based Questions

89. (a) 90. (c) 91. (c) 92. (b)

Assertion and Reason

93. (b) Group 1s elements are known as alkali metals as the hydroxides of these metals are soluble in
water and these solutions are highly alkaline in nature.
94. (c) Nitrogen has higher ionisation energy as it has stable half filled orbital structure.
95. (d) According to Mendeleev, periodic properties of elements is a function of their atomic masses.
96. (b)

Multiple Matching Question

97. A (p, q); B (r, s); C - (p, q, r); D -(r, s)

Chart Based Question


Name and symbol of element Atomic Number Category of element

Sodium (Na) 11 s-block element
Boron (B) 5 p-block element
Manganese (Mn) 25 d-block element
Chlorine (Cl) 17 p-block element
Calcium (Ca) 20 s-block element


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