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The Analysis of Students’ Communicative Translation Method used in Translating
English Text into Indonesia at the Fifth Semester of English Department IAIN
B. Background of Study
In teaching and learning activities in school or university, English has a four
language skills to learn; listening, reading, writing and speaking. All of them are
very important and should be owned by every students. Therefore, students who
learn English are epexct to be a good translator. One of the reason why they have
to mastery English is because English is an international language that will support
communication with others and might help them to translate.
Translation is process of transfer of meaning, idea, or messages from one
language to another, a source language (SL) into a target language (TL).
Translation is not simply the replacement of one word or expression by another. It
is a special variety of written language that involves a very high degree of planning
. It is the process of conveying a message from one language to another language
while respecting the linguistic features of the target language (TL) at different
levels, morphological, lexical and grammatical.2
According to Newmark, translation is divided into two definitions. The first,
translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or
statement in another language. The second, translation is rendering the meaning of
tet into another language in the way that the author’s intended the text. 3 Based on
the statement, the meaning of the text should be the same with the author’s aim
when it is translated or we attempt to replace the the meaning in the same message.
Translation in English is an important role in communication between two
different language. Based on the phenomenon, when the writer or the researcher

ask to some of students of English department, there are some of them faced
difficulties in translating ability. They can translate the English but they translate
by using word for word. So, the writer can find the result is not good.
Based on the reason abve, the writer decides to undertake a research about to find
out the ability of students in translating English text because there are some of
students can not translate English text communicatively. Therefore, the researcher
will conduct the research entitled “The Analysis of Students’ Communicative
Translation Method used in Translating English Text into Indonesia at the
Fifth Semester of English Department IAIN Madura.”
C. Research problem
Based on the research problem that has described above the researcher states
the problem of study into some question as follow:
1. How is the process of communicative translation method used by students in
translating English text into at the fifth semester of English Department IAIN
2. What are the benefits of communicative translation method in translating
English text at the fifth semester of English Deartment IAIN Madura?
D. Research Method
This research is designed into a qualitative research because the data will be
described in a descriptive form without any statistical process. Qualitative research
is an approach by using describing phenomena.

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