Desarrollo Humano, Feliz Convivencia Social: Institución Educativa Rural María Goretti

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Institución Educativa Rural María Goretti

Desarrollo humano, feliz convivencia social


TEACHER : Yorlady Loaiza M

Grade 10 °
Fecha de entrega al estudiante : Febrero 15
Fecha de devoluciÓn al docente : Febrero 22 Hora : 2 pm


Indicador de logro ; Identifica información sobre temas académicos de interés en textos

descriptivos cortos orales y escritos.

A. Vivencia

• What does your name mean?

Find an adjective to each letter of your name

Example : FRED : Friendly, Relaxed, Elegant, Dinamic

• Find extreme words that mean the same


B.C. Fundamentación teórica

Write the information in your notebook
Study the information, and send an audio telling the teacher what you understand

Adjectives are words that give more information about a noun or pronoun and can go in
different positions in a sentence.
Order of adjectives in a sentence when there is mora than one of them.

1. Opinion: pretty, horrible, lovely

2. Size: huge, tiny, big, little
3. Age: old, young, new
4. Shape: round, square, triangular
5. Colour: black, red, yellow
6. Origin: British, Chinese, French
7. Material: woollen, wooden, silk
8. Purpose: writing (paper), school (shoes)
Important: Rememeber the noun is las word you write or pronounce

Institución Educativa Rural María Goretti
Desarrollo humano, feliz convivencia social

Example: She is a pretty, young, french girl.

• Complete the sentences using de adjectives in brakets. Pay attention some are
comparives and some are superlatives
1. My sister thinks she's__________ (intelligent) than me, but I don't agree!
2. Avatar is probably__________ (bad) film I've seen!
3. What is___________ (wet) month of the year in England?
4. Do you think the Harry Potter films are__________ (good) than the books?
5. Who is___________ (powerful) person in your country?
6. I think Men in Black 1 was__________ (funny) than Men in Black 3.
7. Is Angelina Jolie____________(old) than Sandra Bullock?
Institución Educativa Rural María Goretti
Desarrollo humano, feliz convivencia social

8. John is __________(nice) person that I know.

My name is Sam and I am going to talk to you about classroom rules. My teacher thinks I am one
of the best students in her class and this is
I work quietly, in fact I am the quietest
student in the class.
I am respectful, in fact I am more
respectable than any of the other students.
I am always on time. I arrive earlier than
any other student in the class.
I am co-operative, I think I am more co-
operative than Jane who sits across from
I pay attention, I pay more attention to my
teacher than Johnny.
I am positive, my mom thinks I am one of
the most positive children around.
I follow directions, in fact I follow directions
more than most students.
I am kind to others, in fact I think I am one of the kindest boys in the class, but I have to admit
some of the girls are kinder than I am.
By this time you must think that I think I am better than others, but the truth is that I am just a good
student who likes to follow class rules.


1.What is this story about?
2. What does the teacher think of Sam ?
3. Is Sam the quietest student in class?
4.Who is more respectful Sam or Jane.?
5.Where does Jane sit?
6. Does Sam pay more attention to the teacher than Johnny.?
7.Who thinks Sam is positive?
8.Are some of the girls kinder than Sam?
9. What is the truth about Sam?
10.What class rule do you follow the most?

D. Ejercitación
Answer the questions

1. What is the hardest class rule you have to follow?

2. What class rule do you think should be changed?
3. Do you follow all class rules?
4. What class rule would you add to the class?
5. Do you have rules at home?
6. Which rule do you follow the most at home?
7. Which rule do you find the most difficult at home?

Institución Educativa Rural María Goretti
Desarrollo humano, feliz convivencia social

Create a Commercial!
Who is it for? ARE YOU A/AN…….?
Old person, cool teenager, lazy kid, dog lover, soccer

What product or YOU SHOULD BUY/COME TO __. IT IS A/AN…..

business are you Products: a toy, a type of clothing etc
selling? Businesses: English teaching, pet store, doctor’s office,
movie subscription

How much does it THE PRODUCT/S COSTS/COST….

cost? Dollar, pesos

When is it available? IT WILL BE AVAILABLE/OPEN….

Starting in May, for 3 days only, on Christmas, every


people should buy/use IS/THEY ARE…
it? Quick, easy, cheap, etc
1) As ____ as _____,
2) the _____est in the world,
3) and ______er than______!

What is your slogan? ALWAYS REMEMBER….

We are the best! Quicker is cleaner! I scream for ice
cream! etc

How can it be TO BUY THE PRODUCT/S,

purchased? Call 1-800-444-4444, go to hands and,
Come to ___ store at _______ address

Are you a dog lover? You should come to hands and paws ! It is a cafe that serves food and
drinks for dogs. The food costs from 5.000 to 30.000 pesos. It will be open starting tomorrow.
You should buy our products because they are as healthy as homemade food, the freshest in
the world, and more unique than the food at a normal cafe. Always remember, your dog
deserves to be a healthy dog! To buy our food, visit us at Avenida Santander #23- 57

Institución Educativa Rural María Goretti
Desarrollo humano, feliz convivencia social

When you have your information ready, make a video to show your commercial, be
creative. Don´t Read!!!

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