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Spain was conquered by France during the 19th century.


Jose Rizal’s ‘On the Indolence of the Filipino’ criticizes the incompetence of the Spanish officials
designated in the Philippines.


What inspired Jose Rizal in writing the poem To the Flowers of Heidelberg?

=Longingness for his town and loved ones

What caused the dwindling of Jose Rizal’s money in Europe?

=His father was having hard time sending him money due to Spaniard's suspicion.

The middles classes in the Philippines during the Spanish colonization is known as


What is the title of the poem written by Jose Rizal which expresses his hopes for the betterment of the

=To The Flowers of Heidelberg

What is the first organization joined by Jose Rizal in Europe?

=Circulo Hispano-Filipino

What is the title of the essay written by Marcelo H. Del Pilar that criticized the power and influence of
the friars in the Philippines?

=Monarchism in the Philippines

Which literary piece made by Jose Rizal is about the love for one’s language?

=Sa Aking Mga Kabata

In his prose ‘El Amor Patrio’ how did Rizal describe or associate compared the patria with


When was Jose Rizal born?

=June 19, 1861

Who influenced Jose Rizal’s interest in folklores and legends?

=His nanny

The strong sense of belongingness to a community which brought about by common history, traditions,
language and values system is called


Which DOES NOT describe the social, economic and political conditions in the Philippines in the 19th
century under the rule of the Spanish colonial regime?

=Civil war broke out due to desire for the throne

Evaluate the following statements:

I. College students are required to read the unexpurgated versions of the Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo as part of the Rizal course.

II. II. Students whose faith could be damaged are exempted to take the Rizal course.

=Statement I is true.

What is the meaning of the surname 'Rizal'?

=Green Fields

In Europe, Jose Rizal found out that all Filipino expatriates were willing to serve the country by exposing
the social condition in the Philippines and demanding reform from Spain.


The Filipinos who became wealthy because of the economic boom brought about by the opening of the
Philippines in the international trade were called Indios.


What was the first course taken by Rizal in UST?

=Philosophy and Letters

What movement was established by Ilustrados that exposed the conditions of the Philippines and asked
for reforms from Spain?

The objective of the passage of Rizal Law in 1952 is to boost or rekindle the dwindling [‘shrinking’] sense
of Filipino identity and nationalism. What was believed to have caused the dwindling [‘shrinking’] sense
of Filipino identity and nationalism?

=Strong American presence in the Philippines

What was the aim of the secularization movement?

=Transfer of authority over parishes from regular priests to the secular priest

What is the organization established by Ilustrados that aims to demand reforms and push for the
assimilation of the Philippines to Spain?

=Propaganda Movement

What is the title of the essay written by Jose Rizal which deals with love for one’s country?

=El Amor Patrio

Who influenced young Jose Rizal’s interest in folklores?

= His Nanny

Which idea is NOT part of Jose Rizal’s congratulatory toast for Juan Luna and Felix Hidalgo?

= The freedom of the Philippines from Spain

Where did Jose Rizal start his formal education?

= Ateneo Municipal

Jose Rizal, finished the Noli Me Tangere in Feb 22, 1887. Who helped him in publishing the novel?

= Maximo Viola

What course did Rizal finish in Ateneo while studying at UST?

= Land Surveying

Who were the ilustrados?

= Filipinos from middle class families who were able to study in Europe

What is the El Amor Patrio all about?

= An essay written by Rizal expressing his love for the country.

What group of people occupies the highest social status in the Philippines during the Spanish

= Peninsulares
What is the name used by Jose Rizal in his passport going to Europe?

= Jose Mercado

The Filipino nationalism that emerged during the 19th century was a product of armed revolution lead
by the middle class.

= False

Which statement is NOT true about the passage of the Rizal Law?

= Sen. Claro M. Recto opposed the passage of Rizal Law for he believes that the novels are not meant to
inspire nationalism and patriotism.

What made Jose Rizal shift to the ophthalmology course while in UST?

= His mother was going blind.

Which describe the social conditions in the Philippines during the 19th century?

I. Civil unrest due to civil war III. Occupied by the French

II. Ruled by incompetent officials IV. Political and economic stagnation

= II and III

Who translated the ‘El Amor Patrio’ when it was featured in the Diariong Tagalog in 1882?

=Marcelo H. del Pilar

Evaluate the following statements:

I. To reach more Filipino students, the novels and other works of Jose Rizal are to be translated into
English, Tagalog and major Philippine dialects.

II. The distribution of Jose Rizal’s novels and other works is free of charge and available to any one who
desires to read them.

= Both statements are true.

Why did the Catholic Church oppose the passage of Rizal Law?

=Jose Rizal's novels are anti-clerical and anti-Catholic.

Which describe the social conditions in Spain during the 19th century?

I. Civil unrest due to civil war III. Occupied by the French

II. Ruled by incompetent officials IV. Political and economic stagnation

= I and III

What were the courses took and finished by Rizal at the Universidad Central de Madrid?

I. Medicine

II. Philosophy and Letters

III. Fine Arts: painting and Sculpture

IV.Foreign Languages: French, German and Italian

= I-II

In his passport, Jose Rizal was a resident of __________.

= Sta. Cruz

Which is NOT part of the contents of the La Solidaridad?

= Spanish literature, culture and society

What were the problems experienced by Jose Rizal in Europe?

I. Illness

II. Homesickness

III. Lack of money

III. Poor academic performance


The Philippines during the 19th century was at the height of industrialization and modernization.

What did Rizal bring with him when he left Manila for Europe?

I. Diamond ring from Saturnina

II. Handkerchief from Leonor Rivera

III. Seven hundred pesos from Paciano

IV. Fountain pen from Francisco Mercado


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