Name: Secretario Karl Diether M. - Section:Bscrim D2020

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Name: Secretario karl diether M.

Section:Bscrim D2020 ____________________

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.
Mark only one answer for each item.

1. Etymologically, the word criminology came from the latin word crimen and greek word logos.
What is the meaning of crimen? Answer: B
a. Criminal
b. Crime
c. Knowledge
d. Logic
2. Etymologically, the word criminology came from the latin word crimen and greek word logos.
What is the meaning of logos? Answer: D
a. Crime
b. Knowledge
c. To comprehend
d. To study
3. The scientific study of crime as a social phenomenon. Answer B
a. Crime
b. Criminology
c. Jurisprudence
d. Law
4. The study of human behavior in relation to criminality. Answer A
a. Psychology
b. Psychiatry
c. Victimology
d. Anthropology
5. The study of human mind in relation to criminality Answer B
a. Psychology
b. Psychiatry
c. Victimology
d. Anthropometry
6. The triangle of crime or the elements of crime includes the following, except. Answer B
a. Opportunity
b. Malice
c. Ability
d. Desire
7. This refers to the physical possibility to commit a crime. Answer A
a. Ability
b. Desire
c. Opportunity
d. None of the above
8. What is the meaning of the word NULLUM CRIMEN SINE LEGE? Answer: A
a. There can be no crime without the law
b. There can be no law without a crime
c. There can be no crime without punishment
d. None of the above
9. What is the meaning of Actus? Answer: A
a. A guilty act
b. A guilty behavior
c. A guilty mind
d. Guilty
10. What is the meaning of Mens Rea?Answer A
a. A guilty mind
b. A guilty act
c. No crime
d. Bad behavior
11. An act or omission punishable by law which is committed by means of dolo (deceit) or culpa
(fault)and punishable under the Revised Penal Code Answer B
a. Crime
b. Felony
c. Offense
d. Infraction
12. An act or omission in violation of a special law? Answer A
a. Offense
b. Infraction
c. Felony
d. All of the above
13. An act or omission in violation of a city or municipal ordinance? Answer: B
a. Offense
b. Infraction
c. Felony
d. Crime
14. When the offender performs all the acts of execution which would produce the felony as a
consequence but which, nevertheless do not produce it by reason of causes independent of the
will of the perpetrator. Answer B
a. Offence
b. Frustrated
c. Attempted
d. Consummated
15. A single act constituting only one offense. Answer A
a. Simple crime
b. Complex crime
c. Crime
d. Offense
Discuss the following.

1. In your own opinion, in Ted Bundy Case, what are the main contributing factors why he became
a serial killer and a rapist?

Answer: For me, Ted Bundy started killing when his father hurt him and they separated from his
first girlfriend. and since then he has started killing young women and it has reached 36 women he
has killed. and he escaped from prison several times even though he could not escape the law and he
was eventually punished by the electric chair law on january 24 1989 in florida state prison for his
murders of girls and many awaiting the death of ted bundy .

2. What is your opinion with regards to the extra judicial killings (EJK) in the Philippines in relation
to the country’s fight against illegal drugs? How does it affect the law enforcement in our
country? Answer: For me, it is not a good intention to kill someone and there is not enough
evidence because that is the only evidence for the justice of the families he left behind to have
enough peace of mind. Because when you have enough evidence you can sue in court to give
enough justice to someone's death.

3. Is the study of criminology a vital study in law enforecement?

Answer: For me yes because studying criminology will also study the laws implemented by our
president and government because it is important that we study it, we will learn a lot from it
and expand our thinking. so for me studying law is just the same in my course.

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