Module 4 in UTS

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Module 4:

1.1 The Evolution of the Filipino Culture and Heritage.

- Respecting for Elders
Filipino greet their elders by kissing their hand while saying “Mano po!” and
constantly using “po” and “opo” in conversations. Forgetting to address older
people properly will regard them as rude and impolite. There is also a wide
array of references to elder people such as ate for older sister; kuya for older
brother, tito and tita for uncle and aunt, respectively; Lolo and Lola for
grandfather and grandmother; and manong and aling for older people outside
the family.
1.2 Global Youth Culture
- “Global youth culture” is the transdisciplinary category by which theorists
and policy analysts attempt to understand the emergence of the complex
forms of hybrid culture and identity that increasingly occur amongst youth
throughout the world due to the proliferation of media like film, television,
popular music, the Internet and other information and communication
technologies (ICTs) in their everyday lives. While some measure of
hybridity is a common aspect of culture generally, and the global exchange
of products, people, culture, and identities, has characterized all colonial
histories, recent corporate globalization and the corresponding rise of a so-
called “Information Society” based on new media technologies has
produced a particularly dynamic media culture. In this cultural matrix,
global and local, as well as homogenizing and diversifying, influences
continuously merge in the lifestyles, performances, and sociopolitical
practices of contemporary youth.
- “Youth,” defined alternatively as post-adolescent and pre-adult groups, or
by the United Nations as the over 1.1 billion young people between the ages
of 15 and 24, are perceived as a primary engine for the growth of global
media culture.

1.3 How to achieve “Unity in Diversity”

- The Philippines is a diverse country. We have different beliefs from
different sectors, but we must unite as one nation. Let us stop judging the
other person based own standards. We must be culturally sensitive. It means
we are aware of each other’s similarities and differences. If we are
culturally sensitive, it follows then that in every instances or situation we
face, our actions are on the right track. Also, by being culturally sensitive,
we are helping in shaping our country, Philippines, for one of the keys in
attaining peace is the awareness of each other’s similarities and differences.
Being aware signifies that we are one, for awareness is interconnected to
unity. If we are sensitive culturally, we will then be united with same goals
and aspirations for our country.

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