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Dear Parents/ Guardians


In our drive to maintain open and transparent communication channels going forward, we have decided to
communicate on a bi-weekly basis via a newsletter, alternated between the respective Phased Heads in
one week followed by the Heads of School the following week.

In today’s newsletter, parents will receive communication from our Phase Heads sharing some insight into
their respective sections at school. This will also give parents the opportunity to see how the different
Phases function, as well as getting to know policy and procedure.

We would also like to inform parents about staff movements within our school: We are sad to announce the
resignation of Mrs Joanie Nel, Afrikaans teacher within the High School, as well as Mrs Surita Febbraio
Grade 3 teacher. Both decided to take a break from education as they will be focusing on their respective
families. We want to thank these valued educators for their commitment to education and to Curro Holdings
as a whole. We will pay tribute and thank both these educators for their service closer to end of the term as
they will be leaving us at the end of March. We have started the advertising and screening process for
possible replacement staff. Interviews will start next week and as soon as we have secured the successful
candidate, we will inform parents accordingly.

We would like to ask parents assistance with regards to drop-off protocols in the morning. With the school
starting at 07:30, we have decided to make use of a one-way drop-off process to allow for more cars in and
out of the carpark. We ask that parents please assist us by keeping to the left as marked, so that we can
allow cars to pass on the right as soon as they have dropped the learners off.

We also ask that only Grade R parents use the shade-net parking area to park. This will allow them to walk
the learners to their respective classes. We have noticed a big improvement with traffic in the morning and
we trust this will continue to alleviate congestion with traffic.

Furthermore, we appeal to parents to adhere to the school’s “SOP” by wearing face masks when entering
the school as part of the drop-off procedure. We remind parents again about completing pre-screening at
home before bringing children who are not well to school.

Finally, we appeal to all drivers to refrain from using any handheld device when entering and/or driving
within the school property, as this has the potential to put our children at risk. We once again thank you for
your continued support and understanding.

Kind regards

Brian O’Neil
Executive Head- Curro Mossel Bay

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