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wos, Dacombor 4, 2001, JPEG image 4773510 pire Page: _ 12-122. ‘The ball is ejected horizontally from t with a speed of 8 m/s. Find the equation of the | f(x), and then find the ball’s velocity and the nor tangential components of acceleration when ¢ Prob. 12-122 hitp:twww 9:204/nibbolori2122.1p9, Homecnk dt 2 | ENGR ZI2 | Bercheot y PR I2-122 } GIVEN: posal REQUIKED? y= FOX) \ SOLUTION? x =B3t y = bgt = -4.905 2 ve a = 0.08662 MUN, Ge a(0.25) = - 9.814 a aq aa i= Q"=ge- Vv | 2 = Peps 2875. lap = 2.875 Me are? ott TT ae tee 2 2 v Oy = Vv | Viazs)= 8t- 49 f vlo.2s)= 8.3%7™% Name 30 pts ES204 Examination I Problem 1 Dec. 18, 1998 1.1) The rod OA shown in the figure is rotating in the x-y plane such that at any instant @ = t_ rad., where t is time measured in seconds. At the same time, Collar B is sliding outward along OA so that r= 110.t_mm, (Again t is time measured in seconds). Determine the ‘magnitude of the collar velocity when t= 1 s. (a) 110 mm/s Cops mvs (¢)220mm/s_ (4) 12,100 mm/s_(e) none of these Gerdes a E - —— = LUGE re +rbé IZl= Hz No 114 + (uote. = /55""/ 1.2) The disk shown below has a radius of 0.5 ft and the rope is being pulled with a velocity of 2 fi/s. Determine the magnitude of the angular velocity of the disk. ——> 2Ks 1.3) An rigid body is rotating at 3 rad/s clockwise. Express the angular velocity as a vector in terms of it’s f, 7 and & components. Ay wh -ao mae e 1.4) A rectangular plate swings from arms of equal length as shown below. Determine the angular velocity of the plate. Duc te symmetry 1.5) A baseball is thrown as shown below. Neglecting air resistance, what is the radius of curvature of the path immediately after the ball is released? 10 m/s se V=10% (cos 20't +5m20'f ) L qa =-231 avi Vv} SEH EEUBVE, FHS Hb (aot oe On = VCH? - e357 = 22s 2 5 Taare Ga ea me Fee igo L Name. 35 pts ES204 Examination I Problem 2 Dec. 18, 1998 A 120 pound ski jumper begins from rest at point A. a) Ignoring friction and wind resistance, determine her speed as she passes through point B at the takeoff position. b) Determine the normal force, N, exerted by the snow on her skis, just as she reaches point B. c) Determine the maximum height. H. she will reach. Enngy At B: ; Esyg - Esysa = Wt Sag lg (7998) =O ha lage = (Care ba Beng tr Chap = the vz Fa Di a Nae ir hogs me ye f ine mb rng 038 [ may is ; eon, TEE 30° m4 2352 aD + 120 ws ane Aha B om = F ma CS a= -4h const accel ee Mee ‘ C= 70.835 30° fl; a ae S22) G+ eG 0 bayer ge Mae = (70.835m30'NU-1) GE) (22) |4- 19.48 fe Name ES$204 Examination I Problem 3 For the system shown the mass of A is my and the mass of B is mg and the applied force is P. Assume the friction between all surfaces is negligible. Derive ‘the equations necessary to solve for the tension in the _cable and the accelerations of the two blocks but DO ‘NOT SOLVE THESE EQUATIONS. Your final answer should be a list of unknowns and a list of equation numbers that could be used to solve for the pie ot course notes I-lle 35 pis Dec. 18, 1998 XBOX Is Lor t5* unknowns. th ym rate forms Ao ee Mo KD Q 2Fir = = 2Fyxp Pe r~ Mp by Unknowns | Equation Number Me Tex F oe < >P 1 Sie if mg [NV 149A BZ ircay = Faro P-2T = Ga +MB 46x (1) Bl rep Be vate) Meloy i m4 te Behn = 2Fip = Me sm'S? = -M6ax ie) 2 (7. ) Test px Oey q fir = 2Fin> -mg + Mggcost5 Pam 15° “Wey Dep notion L=Xn, + (3) Ms | Xa teonst 0515? So atoee’ Rel acee/ = OO (een i ws Name 24 pts S204 Examination I Problem 1 Dec. 14, 2001 1.1) IfB is moving at a constant 2 fis downwards what is the velocity of A? (3 pts) a) 0.25 fu/s up b) 0.4 fis up = ©) 0.5 fs up is Ig tA d) 110s up gin, att yt Ne g) 4 fs up V4 es h) 10 ft/s up L\b) =-1 = fy 2 (2) e)=-1 = LPs up 1.2) Object A has a velocity with respect to object B of 31+4] fUs. If the actual velocity of A is 21+ 2] fi/s determine the velocity of object B. (3 pts) eo ee ! a : co) i+2) fs = > 4) Ofvs Y= Vet Yavs a ©) 51+6] fs ¥y a = > Vv B ay Va = Va ~ “Ale 1,3) The system shown is released from rest in the position shown. Qualitatively the normal force between block A and B is (circle one) (3 pts) © tess than the weight of B 'b) equal to the weight of B ©) greater than the weight of B 4) not enough information is given 1.4) A plane is traveling as shown. At the instant shown ris increasing at a constant rate of 300 {V/s and the angle, 8, is decreasing at a constant rate of 0.18 rad/s. Determine the speed of the plane. (3 pts) v2 Pi Olle vais aimhe 2 x0bticWo00)(0.16) Me a we ) 300 fs fees, Hi 3+ O3508s ean? + 1f0 | ) 480 fils v7[308 ° 7 yz 75btls "gin te 1.5) Determine the acceleration of the plane shown in problem 1.4. (3 pts) fi, 108 a) Ons = 92:4 bp Oe : OO ae pin, alten Ararele eT phh 2 M04 is (0sixo18)'dr $ (2)(e01)-0!8)de 1.6) A bucket is attached to a rope of length L and is made to revolve in a horizontal circle. The bucket is rotating counterclockwise when viewed from the ceiling. Drops of water fall from the bucket and strike the floor along the perimeter of a circle of radius a. Which sketch accurately reflects the path of a drop of water as viewed from the ceiling? (3 pts) pees } sai) 1.7) A weight at the end of a string moves at a constant speed around a circle path in a horizontal plane as shown. Circle ALL the following statements that are correct. (3 pts) There will be a non-zero component of acceleration in the same direction as the velocity @iiecs radially inward towards the center of the circular path directed radially outward from the center of the circular path ) in the vertical direction due to gravity 1.8) For the weight shown in Problem 1.7, the correct free body diagram is T 7‘T /‘T N ‘T a) C 9 4d) Vv ma ¢ ma mg mg mg mg, Name 36 pts E8204 Examination I Problem 2 Dec. 14, 2001 ‘A series of small packages, each weighing 0.75 Ib, are discharged from a conveyor as shown. The belt moves at a constant speed. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction between each package and the belt is 0.4, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.35, determine, a) the normal force the belt exerts on the package at point C b) the friction force at point C ©). the force exerted by the belt on the package just after if passes point A 4) the angle 0 defining the point B where the package first slips relative to the belt. NOTE: for part d) just derive the necessary equations so that the angle could be determined. You do not need to solve the equations. at ¢) ee es a 8) 560 oe Feb mg é ee NF res F-msine =p (2) Pekage sips when FS pN repuired hr motion Qe = B Name 40 pts. ES204 Examination I Problem 3 Dec. 14, 2001 ‘The Caterpillar 769D dumptruck, W = 10 tons is used atthe Ajax Mine just east of Texre Haute. A. 15 ton boulder is dropped 20 feet from a crane into its bed. Assuming the coefficient of restitution is 0.8, the four springs = 4 in the suspension are initially compressed 1” and that the springs can deflect no more than 3 additional inches, determine the spring constant k. DO NOT SOLVE THIS PROBLEM - SET IT UP ONLY. ‘Your solution should consist of a table of unknowns/equations and a numbered collection of equations. Clearly define all your terms. pee Node oO me Vv * t Ve [ee |: k TET ver + Segment @ ~ free tedf Segment Le allision otis heals, Aber ~ Bele = Durig “ v, oe 0 MV) Me™, Ls Fae eC - 24 # fm? -wigh =D dee Y= hho ; G mye Ve — Ms, =@ 0) = {2 @z20(2 COR: V, = 35.89 Fog peas = - (vt -vi) (2) Mer iie y, By guessing Ve’ Vv, ¥, Sif Crars are vinimlze d , pe Bevied Segment 2: energy syctem track ¢ suspension? £5204 Feys, - Fey, =@B=W Z Ex 266/-02 p3\/ tnitiad | gee ee aes BEL Bag ~ Fe, Fy Fy = B map) - 4(4xlx) a () (bk (by) - peg Zolve he dees

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