Ratiocination Essay

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Jacqueline Castillo

Professor Hugetz

ENGL 1302


To be verbs : 35

Mental Health

Many individuals used to presume that mental health was not a vital component of life

and was not necessarily critical to a human's state of being. As science and technology

progresses, it has and will continue to show how important it is for a person's mental health to

remain stable to refrain from chaotic acts worldwide. The article “why it pays to support mental

health... and the costs are high if we don't” by Duke Greenhill amplifies on this topic

(web.a.ebscohost.com). Duke Greenhill is a filmmaker, writer, and Omni-Channel marketer. He

was one of the first people in the United States to handle augmented reality which later became a

sensation worldwide. He obtained his bachelor's degree from the University of Texas at Austin in

radio-television film. He later pursued a masters at Columbia University in film. He began his

career in broadcast journalism as the assignment editor at CBS. Throughout the course of his

career, he has won many honors, awards, and recognitions including multiple ADDY awards

(one of the largest advertising competitions in the world), multiple financial communications

society portfolio awards, student academy award nominations, and many others (Scad.edu).

The structure of this article, the use of pathos, ethos, and logos contribute to the persuasiveness

of the author Duke Greenhill in the article “why it pays to support mental health... and the costs

are high if we don't.”

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The structure of the article “why it pays to support mental health... and the costs are high

if we don't” unconsciously persuades the reader as it is not upfront, but one must analyze and see

the technique Mr. Greenhill used to make the article both effective and persuasive. His smooth

transitions from topic to topic are unseen at first glance. Throughout the article there are many

introductory ideas. When these are presented, some sort of explanation, fact, or statistic follow.

After these facts, statistics, or explanations there is a result or effect is presented from the claims

or newly added ideas. One of the best examples found in this article is at the beginning where

Mr. Greenhill briefly explains how the economy works and does some comparisons between

mental health cost value and the gross domestic product of many countries combined. Showing

that there is a great need of advocates and supporters of mental health. Then Mr. Greenhill

implies how investing in mental health could potentially solve mental illness in the inhabitants of

the United States, creating many new jobs and more harmonious minds. When reading this

article, viewers may not see the pattern or the specific structure that Mr. Greenhill chose to make

it more persuasive. Seeing the cause-and-effect relationships throughout the article contributes to

the success of author and the article as a whole.

The use of pathos is identified throughout this article which gives it a convincing and

effective argument. The idea of a “happy, harmonious society is shown all through this article.

When Mr. Greenhill emphasizes to invest in mental health to “Support the healing minds and

hearts of the people in our community.” His use of words appeals to the readers emotions and the

one big ideology of a better world shared by many. The words tug the readers hearts convincing

them to act instead of just reading or listening. Motivating the reader to take a chance, make a

change, as it will be worth it. Attached to the article is a picture where a collage showing many

words relating to mental health are shown. Some words are bigger than others and the colors of
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these words are remarkably interesting as they are darker, depressing associated colors. The use

of dilating words is meant to be viewed and meditated by the reader. The colors give a sense of

sadness, and even pity. Mr. Greenhill’s use of pathos throughout this article can be seen when

analyzing the essay which makes the argument more effective and convincing.

The use of ethos contributes to the effectiveness of the article. The author, Duke

Greenhill besides achieving a masters at an ivy league school, he has collaborated with many

organizations around the world to support mental health benefits. Organizations such as the

World Health Organization (WHO), the mental health connection (MHC), and the Mental Health

America of Greater Tarrant County (MHATC). All of these are credible organizations as they are

world renown giving the reader satisfaction and the security that what he claims is correct and

effective. Communicating with the heads of these organizations have given Mr. Greenhill

enough effective and credible information to state his claim and his reasonings.

Logos and ethos go hand in hand in this article but logos is the explanation to ethos

which contributes to the accuracy of the article. The organizations mentioned above with the

author give different facts, case studies, and statistics. Opinions and research from qualified

doctors such as Dr. Bruce Perry, “a world-renowned psychiatrist” explains his studies. For

example, Dr. perry uses logic or logos when he says, “those who have experienced trauma-

whether through instances commonly associated with trauma such as abuse, neglect, violence or

tragedy, or those not normally associated, like bullying, divorce or loss of a job- are more

vulnerable and more likely to struggle with mental health”, confirming the common sense of the

reader in regards to mental health.

The structure of the article, the use of ethos, pathos, and logos are components that

convince the reader of the claim and create a sense of purpose in the reader. The article overall
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sheds light on a subject that is now receiving the importance it deserves. As mentioned in the

article, mental health is a topic many choose to look over, until now. Gathering information from

different sources and discussing the topic with other credible sources help the reader understand

the intensity of the situation. Many struggles with mental health and this article sheds light on

why focusing more on mental health is crucial to the evolution of humankind. Dealing with

mental problems can be a difficult experience to go through and deserves to be talked about.

Duke Greenhill created an article that is very convincing and gives information on one of many

world problems.
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Work Cited

“William (Duke) Greenhill.” SCAD.edu, www.scad.edu/academics/faculty/william-duke-


GREENHILL, DUKE. “Why It Pays to Support Mental Health ... and the Costs Are High
If We Don’t.” Fort Worth Business Press, vol. 30, no. 20, 18 June 2018, p. 10. EBSCOhost,
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