BMG 1936 07

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Pleotrum Banjo Solo: "'J"Ht [).\ l!KTO\\":,i .,T-t:r·"T'"J·f.J!':-,.R.\1,1 •.' Ba.nJO Solo (f inger or P lec . style) : ••1:rt11Xt, THf.. IL\ XG I'
]X 'fHE sK L" Gui1a, Solo ! Finger or Plto, s tyle): ''11).L \" .\ ST<IXE'S-TIIIIOW Fll<I.I[ HL \Yl -:X." Te nor -Banjo SOJO:
·W,\ Kt: I(' .\ X() -1:Sll," Mandolin Solo: --~l.\(Jl,;J;IH."

Vol XXXIII, No. 375 J U LY , 1936 [Price Si xpence

The" CONCERT GRAND" has for many~ been associated with
all that is best in banjo construction and perfect workmanship. Its
clear, brilliant tone is due to the construction of the combined wood
and metal hoop. The vellum rests on a brass hoop spw1 over a stout
wire, which is again supporred on a scalloped ring, thus keeping the
vellum clear of the hoop and giving extra volume and brillian~ .
The maple handle has five veneers down the centre and underneath the
fingerboard, whioh giv~ greater rigidity and prevents warping, at the
same time giving a handsome appearance.
The resonator i5 the •· Paragon " type, made of maple with veneers
of ebony. Built in tongued sections and recessed to fit the
nickel-plated flange.
PRICE - . 21 guineas TWUY& MOICTHLY
Cl 4t . Id.

W •ttail:ut lan:11 1,t1d ttMn:a l.,


£1 u, Id,
.V , 'fr 1r,,;,;J•i!J,,r ..

Ou, Banjo foldtJr is certain
• • to bd <>/ mtdrd&t to yo 11-
""'1 wd s<,11d you a copy? If~ free
if ,;ou mention "8.M.G. •·

,. 1111', J,r;UwHt h'ul" · l,uh,l>#ltH,. a,,11rur,tH •
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ll<>d;· m~d • lram m uhcgany f1ni1h•d cfup1 t<th
rtd col•u.r v,,th 1unburst •n lrel\t. sltlff and
hac k, pine s o1,nd'hoard, r o!te-....oocl rio&trhoatd
•n 1o,:tili,1d arm, body .and ..seundhoJ e ht\Jnd ,u 1h
h,•rlnr. nidu l-plnhd brau ma,h,n u • ith
whilt 911tto ns. ,w:ptc,a, new p .Jtrtrn bnd 11 wan
inlRid pud olrlp • ••d p1url ot• i~ pins,.

(OIi ,, MONTHLY ~AVM[NTS QP 10 81 \t
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"GRAFTON" FINGER PLATE ,. , , ,,, ,t f,t, d

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a,n• .. ft,p;al • 1tan1M. , • ...._.
.. PHtilttf H wfl(III t-t'Gtft= •
1111,c12 m.+, BANJO TAILPlECE
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mt- "Cti with lf"lY mo nth. II A ■IHU$1 lJ

1/- for l "'tl~• l•wu {i n•
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N"mb■r, pultllthtll al l .....--·•"
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i . ..i · CSIA,,.0.4Plf •Ct'. 1911W aa,t,,IQ5"t t.O,.,ao,,w.1.
A Monthly Magazine devoted to the interests of the Banjo,
Ma~dolin, Guitar and Kindred Instruments
Publi$htd o" the First oi ea ch Month Editor An nua l Sub scri pt ion, 7/ -
Amer ican Su bscr ibers , I dol. 75 c.
NEW BOND ST., LONDON, W . I . ~Jl eommuni c~t.ioos submitted for inclu•
Associate Editor e100 10 \ he next. issue mu1 t arrive at t h ei-e
T•lephon es: Telegram s: ofllce& not lal<!r than the 2<nh ot eBeh month .
888 1 • 8 88 2

Vo l. XX X I II , No. 375] JU LY, 1936. [Price S ix pe nc e

·')lav I <'011gratulate you on you!' added sixths and cannot play a simple
excellent editorial in this month's
'B .i'\lf.G.' ·
It- sm-ely is time t hat these so-called
si11gle line melody at. sigh t!
Carry on t.h e good work, Mr .
Bassett, some more exposures like
teaching schemes were exposed, and t.his will be welcomed by the legiti -
MORE ABOUT POSTAL by doing so, you have, I feel sure, mate teachers.
TUITION the whole-hea1·ted support of the Yours sincerely,
My editorial para.graph of last teaching prof ession. Ra y Baillie .. ,
month, anent " Dubiou s Posta.l The majority of these correspon-
'l'ui tion,' ' has been most faYourably dence courses are just commercial *
commented upon hy many readers proposition s to the 'teachers'· who COMMERCIAL PROPOSIT I ON
who, themseh-es, are q11alifiecl nm them, many of whom are music- Mr. Ray Baillie's comment that
teachers of the fretted instn1meut6; ally i1litera te and cannot group the "these schools are .inst a, commercial
the gist of opinions expr~ssed being-;- notes of a har of m11sic correctly. proposition" is justified , because once
"it is time that somethmg was said · But what of the pupils? They are this type 0£ "sch'ool" receives an en-
about the futilit y of such tuition to lost amid st chords of the ninth and quiry from a "likel y customer" the
the beginner. " lat ter continues to be plied with new
Futility is an apt de.scription, _be- CONTENTS offers. For instance, my correspon-
cause the correct meth'od of playmg "8 . ~1.G." Ct.Ull XOTES 248
"B .M.G." Dlt'J,O:0IA:$ 247 dent of la st month (whose letters I
a musical in strument is not possible "B .M.G." i':'.OTES .. . 247 quoted in Notes and Comments for
Bv TH& WAY 246
by the written word alone; demon- CONCERT ~OT£:$ 247 June) has sent to me a still further
stration is essential, especially in the CORRESPONOP.!\C&
EstUDIANT ·IN·,\. A, LITTL'& Wuu ~uiss ).lv sr~RY
232 long communication he subsequently
case of the "ra.w recruit" to the ranks EXP£Rl!I.IE:.'TS WITH THI-; Rovso S1'2-1!:I.. By receiYed from the School, regarding
of fretted-instrumentalists. F~~;,~~~~~C~~EWS ::: ... ... ... . .. 23 8 which he writes :-
Fk~!!re~c~~i~R,'{~::ri~'~COR0$ ~~ THk:.. ~IOsT_~: 232 Re "Tuil ion by Corres pondence."
u F11:o"1"XACMHR TO P UP IL." By Terr)• Usher 243 I am glad to see that you have
devot.ed a considel'able amount o[ space
o:-: THR BAsJo. By Alf Bell ••• 244
The "Conespo ndence" type of so- )(ASDOl,.I~" MAHSTRO ! By B flat 243 to the abo"e subject in the June issac
)tus1e SUPPLF.~1-ST" IS 'THIS I SSUE :- or "JJ.M G."
called school should not be confused BAS JO SOLO: " RIDISG TIIE RAXGE IN TIIE SKY"
with the legitimate "Schoo ls of Cu1-rA1tS01.0: "O sL\ ' A SrosE's THROW FRO )I
Since I fot•wat·ded the " -- School or
J-1£:AVES ,. , ••• ••• ••• ...
:Music" literatui-e t,o you I have received
1h1sic" a.t.tended hy -efficient teachers PL&CTRlJM DAS JO S01,.0: "Tiu:
••• ••• •• • ••• one more letter from tJ1is concern, which
of fretted instruments. The latter l\( ;.S() OUS' SOLO: " '.\iAQ UED A" ••• • •• I enclose herewith for your pernsal. This
schools and teachers, in fact, depre• T£sOK 8ASJO SOLO: "WAKE UP A:,,:o S1so"
N£ws A:SQ Vrnws. ny A. P. Sharp e 235
specimen eYideritly completes the series is.
cate the harm ea.used by the "bu y our ~on::s ASi) Co~:.JESTS ... 229 sued, nnd concludes with a threat or in -
0YASGV- R &S. By A. P. Sharpe 245 crnnsc<l fees if theii· proposition is not taken
instruments and we will teach you RADIO N£wS . .. . .. . .. •.. . .. 23S up promptty.
free of charge " sch'emes. S1s(;LE Snusc T ECHS IQVl: FORT r.:,,:oR8ASJ01S1$.

~~~~~ H;1~eyT;.;£
·r,!!Y BtC~xs,::~:· 245
By··cw1o~d As )fr. Baillie so rightly says, such
E ssex ...
Tim BREAKoows
Of tH£.
... ...
... . .. 231 schools are merely commercial pro-
AS WITNESS By C. A. Keeler •.. 23-5 positions of no value whatever to the
Mr. Ray Baillie, the well-known Tm~ CARE OP THE DAs10. ,BY Fred
Tm: '.\I.umoL1~-. Dy F. Wmsbw
.. .
Ep s ...
. ..
st ll(lent who rca/i.y "\\'ishes to play,"
soloist and teacher of fretted instru- THt:. ~IA!<t:DOL IS , GUITAR ASD UKi;Lt 1.t. By as instanced by tlie following en-
",zj ~~ ':;t~rT~;~TY 231
me_nts, of the Stone School of )fo sic, YEARS OP .. ·13.;\I.G·.~; lightening excerpts from the com-
wntes : By A. P. Sh;;trpc 236 munication under discussion.
230 B.M.G. [July, 1!)36

"\\7e hnYe been reserving a Guitar for One of h is hanjos , in addition to be-
you, and we arc greatly disappointed thnt
you have not tak fn :.1dnrnt.agf of our offe1· ing- gold -p!.atetl and specially in laid,
"' !,each you how lo r,1;1;·this fine solo in. has all the positim 1s on t he finger-
~trument. board indicated In· inlaid minors.
The theatre ~pot, lighi., 1 eflected from
''I wond()r if vou are like so m,rnv other
people "'ho ha,:e hesitat ed lo take 'up the these i., most effectiYe. ]£ a uv re(lders
guital' bec,,usc Uie ;• imagin e it too <lifficult of "B .M .G." ca1·e t0 call ' on )fr .
lv le"rn • If so, then you will be surprised Ke,d ey wh eu he i, app ear ing in, or
t o know that the Cui1a1· is NOT a difficult within easy distan ee of. their own
in~ttument. to learn- when vou have been
$hown HO\V,,, · towus, he would l,p delighted io meet
them, sho,1· his inst r 111nent;;
, aud au-
Gu itaris t reader s of "B.M.G.," ~weJ' to the he,t, of his ab ilit y any
too, will he "surprised" to know this, banjo or guitar q uer ies t hey care to
I imagin e. put to birn .
Solo playing as well as accompanyin g ) 3
l horoughly dealt wit-h :n the lesson, . . .
Peoplt who knew nothing wh ute, ·c1·about
music l>efo1·ethey enr olled arc now ab:e to
plav wit h case ;md dio)t..
Al. Shaw is, perh ·aps, one of the
'!.'he School's "Cour se," as stated busiest. of London prof essional frette d
la st. mont ,h , consi~ts of h,·ent Y-f'our i1Htrnmentalists. The Sis Swingers .
(fortn ightly) writte n lessons, ' after STAN KEWLEY Primo Scala, Th e Loudon Pian, J
which, according to the "School," the .\.ccordian Band are a few of t !te r e-
student who "know s not.hing- about c:ord ing· comhination s with wh ich ht>
music" c,m become (I solo guita rist! Jose you,· Gu itiu·, but it is almost ce1'lain ,;onstantl .,· work s, and many of th"
that yo u will ha ve to pay a fee of perhaps
We all know that to be able to play the £8 8s . Od. or £9 9s. Od. My advi ce to :,oa commercia l programmes from Ra dio
g uital' is "p1iccless accomp li,J1ment. You is to ENROL NO, :v and make sur e of :K01·m,1111h·and Radio Luxemhou1·:.-
wa.nt. Lo J>l ay i ot herwiso you wouJdn't ha\·e securin~ youl' Guitar and this decided mak e use· of his playing of t.he guiia ·,.
take n the trouble to answ er 0111·adv ertis e- saving .....
ment . But "Wanting" 01· " Wishin g" to and Hawaiian g·uitar .
play is not enough -you must ACT. Put-
ting things off fol· a. day or two or a week
01· two-called PROCRASTIN'ATIOX - is
* * * .Al. , 'b(I "· mwt ed plnyiug the pian o
PHOTOGRAPH .S ON THIS at seYen ~·ear,=of ag·e, hut, after he
,111 all too common failin g whi ch Jose, us
PAGE heard a gram ophone rPcord of Oily
s0 many golden opportunities. T.his 'is
your GOLDEK OPPORTUNITY and we do )fr. Stan Kewley is the banjoist Oakl ey pla:·iu g "The Coloured
r!ot wnnt you to miss it . )Iajor," decided to pur cbc,,e a banjo .
and i.ruitari;:t in the ,·aud e,·ill e act
"Shiels and Kewl ev" which is at pre - ·within a ~,ear (he was then thirteen )
Tlie aboYe is en p1Mwnt, I take it . he made hi s first puhlic appearance
sent touring· the coi.mtry. Mr. Kewl ey
Just . compa,·e the ,;,mall cost of thi; sta rt ed his Yaudeville career with the playing banjo solo.,. A fter a few
Course of In.5tl'Uction with the small fortm,e "Four Brownie Boy s," pre~ious to years playing Yarious sma 11 engage -
you wl)u]d have to pa,y under the old wh ich he was a dance banjo ist. He ments he re tu rned to )Ianchester ,
method. And don't forget, all the old diffi. is Yery proud of his two "Paragon" where he play ed with The J_o1Hlon have been swept away by this Baud a t the Casino. then to Bla ck-
simple new method. Ea ch lesson is so in -, and his "Paragon" guitar.
tet·esting that study and pra ctice arc mor e pool "·ith Will Hurst : Gleu eag-les (llld
like a pastime than a task. And they are Adelphi, Li Yerpool. In 192:3he com-
so convenient; you can study and practi se menc ed t he stuclv of the H awa iian
wl1enever you wish without ty ing yourseli guitar and came to London. securing-
clown to set J,ours - all in the quiet of your
-0wn home with no strangers around to an engag emont at th e old Cabar et
make you nervous. Cluh. Plaved Yarious London
theatt·es with.LauYaun. the Hawaiian
The value, of tuition lies not in the guitarist - from whom .-\I. Shaw learnt
cost but in th e efficiency of the
teacher . I need sav no more but will
a lot. Was with Jav Whidden at the
Carlton Hotel in 1926, pla~1 ing the
conclude by quoti,ig· the three fiual pl ectmm . guitar, the following year
paragraph s of the School's letter :- opening with Mariu s B. '\¥inter at
A week afte r you hove had youl' firsf the Hotel Cecil.
lesson, your on ly ,· "~II be that you
didn't know or tin s really wond edu l Var iou s importan t. engagements
meU1od yea.1-s ago . So, whe,i learning to
play ha s been so simplified. and brought and numerous recor ding- sessions
rinht to y our doo1-,why contmue to confine followed and t hen, in 1934, he con-
yt..11• enjoyment or mu sic to listening to centrated upon recording a nd broad -
others playin g• WHY HESITATE • C(lstin.g as gu itar soloist , and it i';
I am going to gi ,·e yo" one ~o•·e oppol'- int erest ing- to note that he has ap-
tunity to secure a fine Gmtru· without extra peared wit.h most of the first-class
cost. Do not put this off- TO-DAY is your
GOLDEN OPPORTU N I'l'Y . TO-DAY the ·hands and combinations, including
Em ·olment Applica ,tion which you )1ave de- Ambrose . As a compo;er, .·U . Shaw
cided to fill in should be posted. ACT ha $ two new pl e<'t.rum guitar solos
NOW. to his credit and numerous composi-
At the rate the School is now g,·owing. tion s for the Hawaiian g>t1 itar and
it should be but a short time until the hanj o.
present pri ce and wrms are withdrawn. If
you do not enrol now, not only will yl)u AL SHAW
July, 1936] 23 1
\\Tilt on (fo l' u'kulele). You will find
Tl1~ Ma11cl~li11, the fingering on l-oth in strurnc n!s
i,,!:nl i<'a l .
of !h e sfrings \\'i ll be t ru e at th 'e
! we!Hh fre t , a n d t he other definitely
'out ·,'.- eYen wh e n t he s f.r i ngs are n ew
(J1Ji tell' ' · 1>i~~:,Lisfied," N e wcasl -le, "rit e~ ,, and of t.l1e ,mme bra n d. Can you
(Fledl"um,liawaiia11 l; Regular ) lt·lier o{ complaint- nbout his gu it;u·, sug ·gest : a. r emedy?" U k1Jl£le. diflic u ll-y in pln~·ing t,he Grn at Barre,
et c.
.-111.swer . - Covel'ecl strings that do
not, \\'ha .L "' e term . "p.a i r " correctly
co~ovu,o"" A. de VEKEY : l n.rn:/'/·.- ( J ) ll ad .,·our gu ibw been ,n e frecl ue ntly fo u nd-:--t.he p r obable
a new , or e ,·c•n ·',·ecc ntl y pnr ch,, sccl," c·aus r of the !roub le JU yo u r case -
P .S.'l'., London. send,; parliculars of instrnme11t l ".<Hild haYe , "R e- a nd !.lie on ly remedy is for y ou to
a 11 inst n11ne11t, he is " contem platin g turn it lo t-he ~om·rc of s upp l y ." In c·hange !:he i;trin 1gs un t il th _ey do
hu_ying , ·• nncl asl,s 111
y opini on . you ,· ,·a.,e, h.o"·p ,·e r. the mak e r i~ · 'pair." You ' "ou l d be s urprised at
.·ln~11:cr .- H <le pe 11ds on lhe <> xi-cnt app,1renily no l.. lo hbm e, fo r ,·011 hav e t h P numb er of str in gs the "supe r -
of _,·ou r ,, mbit ion , b Ltt, my opin io n is had t lw guihn· in nsf' for so"m e tim e 1·1·i I ica l" pla n ~r s <lisca rcl hefo, ·e tl 1ey
that ·. 110 instrum ent - " ·i(h such lim ite<l an d , acc·or ding lo .vonr self, if. wa s a r r t·omp l etei_y sati sfied, for tl 1ei r re -
'\ ill rig·hl \\'hPn ·lir~t p urchas ed." q11iremP 11l, i n th e " pairin g" r espect
seope (and "·hich, inc iden lo.lly . re -
quires no study) is "·or th bo t he rin g Your t·om p laint !hat "t .h e fretting- a r e exading- .
a~oul, fo r yo n would ,-:0011 !ir<' o f such lws \\' O l'll lhrnu .gh q nic kl .v'' may rea -
ii:, instrument. l f, ho" ·e,·cr , yon do ~011ahly l,p a<·rou1Ht>d for by l he faet H .J.;., H ot.llHharn , sug-gesb; tl,at
1101 mind w,1sting your t-irnc and 111 one y lhal - t he in s ln1 111e11t ha s lwe n us ed
uk ul el ~ so lo, shou l cl he inch1ded in
<·o tisi,-!Pntl ., · for clan<·P-li.1ncl work; no
in r etu rn fo r poor results m usiea ll.v i11P rno n lh l~· musi c s upple m ent . of
nn1kP1· woul<l r isk !(is 1·t>Jllllal ion by
11,e ,nsh- um enl m ,w su i l ,·ou . Rut. 1 · ' 13. ~f .G."
fit ii ng- !he 1-n ir of fr ~!ting you m en -
woulrl stro n gly r c~;i1111n c i°HI t hat _,·on .\ nwwer.-I ag r ee , and ha Ye 1:om-
! ion .
s lucl.,· some \\'Ortli-"·hil c in,t rnrncn t; m u n it:af ecl "' i t h. !he 1':tlitor before on
(2) .\f., · ,·ie "' is tha t. !h e instru-
a nd from m us ical not atio n . !h is s n bj et:t . Hi s Yie\\' i s th~ t t.her e
mrnl has ,e n ·pcl .,·,n1 p re!t y well , eon-
(l. 0 ., T,i,·erpool. writ e, re ,1 is not sut'.ic:enl- g(;ne rn l 1111.e rest
lc ,,llwr p ick he h,1, clc,·isc·cl fo1· sho ,n1 lo w11rrn11l , 't-he jJnelus ion
pl ny i11g [(l(l 111an<1 0:i11 \\'hich, ot uku lele ~olo~. } personally
he claims, eli111in:11 c•s all .. clic k'" clo not, rng ard tha .t, as be ing t-lie
,1nd prod uces a s<,ft. 111usic,1\ rcrn l rcnson, for T th in k it is du e
!onl' . l·fo as h ;\'11<-tht•r t!lC't'C lo lhe clis(Ticlinat ion of uku le le
,rn uld lw ,11 "· likdihnod of l h<' players to " bot her l o write" nnd
iclc:1 heco111in g populnr. so "v oice" th ()ir \\'ant s . I fe e l
. ln ~wrr .- To !Ill' lnlkr <iU.l'S• ~ure that if Lhc dem and is
I io11 l \\'Onl<l rcpl_v- \"'o . l;ilclc- fo1·thcom i ng, I he Bdi t-01· lwh o
tr, t or v,nious maici·i ,ds ha,· c does his best , lo please all
be en l ric•d, hut il1t• 11,njoril_v of r ea d ers) ,viii "g ivo his at-w n -
pln_,·c rs prcfe l' ,1 plcci rtt111 of t,ion.n
rcrrl !orLoiseshcll . I .<•a t :,er
picks fo r h,rnjo "·ere '' t ri od .\1\ crnTci.,pond cnc c r cli1.t,ing
ou t .. soll10 venrs ngo , h ut (he t o th is .l)op,\r! ,rncnt sho ul d be
pr!'fo1·cnce ~or (he, lodoi,P sh ell sent DIHB CT to A . de Vekey .
rnrietv st ill r cm,, ins . 1Hii 4 Gh ristcht1rch Hoad, Bos-
•·A:G ., :, Bii-1ui11glia1n. asks " RA Y MONDE AND HIS BAND 0 ' BANJOS "
eombe K irst, l3ourJ1emonth.
nn ·iou~ questions concerning .,J •· $/ii/ " from lire P11t/1tlfmc ffcckl y (rrli'i1sc·tl tl1ror1
; l10111the f (Hmt ry on
1he u kul ele nnrl t he gu it,,11· , j1dy 11tcl), w :dlid i tlu'i IMJUlplnyt t/u; 1.·i:l!-lrntr.~•,1 mdrcl,. '"Ulll:t: , l wtt}'. ,.

conc!t1ding hi~ lette r \\'ith
" in \\'hn .t '"'". cnn the (,,n ) i11strmnents
lie conside recl a$ 's imil nr ' " ·h en they
~itler ing- !li e amonnl of ha r cl playing
1( must . haYe lrncl; a n ,1 _,·0111· a 1·gu 111 en(
I hat .,·ou " kn ow a Yiolin ist wh o ha s
are lune d cliffcl'c>ntly ?"
: l 11H1rc1·.- Although the tuning is
l,e e11 pla ,ving h is do l in fo r ye ar s ancl and fli~ E~i1111~r
it. ,;till i s as it " '" ~ on t h e dav he
clifiel'Cn l . Ilic i111 r rv,1/~ on the first. four
~(-rin gs of lh c gu it,nr a l'C lhc same, ns
h()ugh! : i t.," does not a ppb · to a g 'ui t ar ~
you \\'ill discover by sto ppin g the notes
.,tnmg- \\' ith stee l st rings and con - (\ifh>rd (ss~
,shrntl ,. use d for "clance wor k. "
on th e gu i lfll' nt the ~<·,·e n t h fret, wh ich You r· guitar, in r-0111mon wi!h otl1er N OW th,1t- th e " Whi t() Coons'' have
g i,·e, on t he h ighct· fo ur strings instn 1111ents, ne ecls oYer h aul i ng- bee n rcs usc itnted, and at·e 0ft.en
(·l-H-:Z-1) ihe same notes ns on t he pN io,lil'all., ·. nppeariog i n the B.B .C pro grnmmes ,
u'kulele, i. e., A-D -1<'~ -H. As you 'l'he (;hrat B an(, 11ee d s ron s bn t 1 find thnt the dllt e of the ir origin is
piny the guihu·, y o,·cr " !>0n1c nu111- pr a l"li,·n ( e,·en tl t'ou.g-h the i nstrnmeul o[t en bein g confused wit h thn t of my
hl' r , ancl i [ you con~ iclei · t-he nol<JS on hP prop!lrl ,\' n<l.iu~tt•cl ) hu!, a s yo u H ov:"ll Picl'rots which w as t h e first
I !ir 1tlrnlPle 11~0 11 ll10 gu i(ar you \\'i ll "h,1 ,·e p r actised hal'{l " and ha,•e co1;cert p,1rtv e ;•er sta r ted in En<>Jand
lh 1cl ll1c fingm·ing is e xact.!r the ~a.nic . ll, 1891 . . C >
'·1uw c r ht>tlll ahl e lo make r ea l heat l -
8i111ilarly , ,{ p lay e r of the nlrnlelo , wi t.h- way ," I sho ultl s u.!rgC',I . that yo u m en - W e <hl our firs( . per formance ou the
:)(lt pre,·ious lrno\\'l eclgc of t h e guit -ar, lion t-.11 is fad lo th<i man d oing t h e Ho yal Ync h t before t he Jr.te Kin ,~
onn, b~• considering t-.l1
e firs t four o,·erhaul; he " ·ill aclj u~t· t he action Edward VlI. ,1t Cowes on A ,i gt,$t SrJ,
!,t1-ings of the gnitnr t,he snme ns on ac·ronling-1~ ·. 1891, the re being al so pr e.,~nt th e !al e
lh ~ ukulele, do likew ise . A forthei· G .A .A . , T.~e<k "C an yo u ex pl ain Cjuccn Alexandra , the t hree Princesses
cxp er imc,n t is to IPn.rn a simp le ~olo \\"h~· r hnYe diffi culty in g eH ing· th e <1nd the t\\'O Princ es .
on !he 11ku lcle, t-h en pla ce n cnpo - thirc l ancl fo11rlh s!r ing·s on my rnan- lt w as in 1808or 1894 t!.itl~1 <"ngaged
d ·,1st-ro on th o se Yc.nth fret of t-h c tlolin to ahn1vs sou nd tli e fiame? the late W ill Pepper (th e father of Mr •
gu itar, re'1din g ,m octa ve hi gher t-hau 1\ 1ia t I m ean is-s ometim es on l y one Hany Pepper of the B.B .C.) .
B.M.G. [Jdy, 10:rn

He rema ined with me for th ree 111,dthe l~ose, •· "The P ien-ol's Song,"
vc:1rs when certnin 11lt.erations had to " i\Iy Ol,1hciti ·r.ady," "Ev'ryb:i dy's ESTUDIANTINA
be m;1cle to mnke it "·orth while for Doing lb.'' A Little Wir eles s Mystery
J imm~· Blak eley (t.lrn well-lmown - And The Solution
Some of th('se 11·oulcl be s uit able fol'
comed ia n) to forego pantomime en - From Our \,Vi-reless
yam p ul'pose, I feel su r e. They are Corr ~spo11clent
~a!!eu1c11ts nncl remain
\\•ith us old enough to he C]Uite new to the
t l11~ough
th~ winter. Ma rio de P ietro, broadcasli11g
prnse n t genern t ion . mando lin st!w, will do someth ing n~w
Th.i nlten1l ions not provi n g sat i~- on the a ir to -m:lt"l'ow.
f,1elor_1· to W :ll PE>pper, he left the O.R., Th e i·ccording so loists, Pedro ·' Mai ·io de l'ietro and hi s Esl udinn-
l{,"·nl l?icrrots, .ind started the "White Jo'<:rrari Lou is He Htl, and Nix Fol'd tina," the n.n.u. an nounces in its
( 't,;m~" on e xac tly til~ sa:ne lin r•s as ,11·eall ~no rnan , ,·iY..,i\!a rio de prngrammes .
111,1· comp,111,v. I at onc e engaged Jo e It caused a bit of const crnatio:i
:.\fo rlcy in his p lace , and he remained whe11 I as k ed at Broadcasting House
11·ith nie for , ·ery m;rny years . F.H.., 'J'lie J3.'M. .in d G. Club stnrted what an est11di<mtinais .
i.,y Miss Edna Aloma in Bomb~y las t Officials looked blank .
\ \' hen he left rnc event -uullv h ;) w,Js year is, so for as l lrno11-,the first B .i\L 'l' hc Assistant Variety Director was
t:ngaged hy the ''White ·· Coons,'· ,,nrl G. Olul:- to he ted in Inclin. asked . He shook his bead nod sai d
a~ "'''S also Miss F rancine De ,dwr sl T ,nn glad to hea 1· you have jomed it , the Mu~ic D epartme nt would know .
(who h,Hl lH'en ,l"it11 us for eight ye ars) r.nd "n.
.1!.G." \\'ill ,11\\'a,·s welcom e >:{ ::,: ,;:

and t thin k thev 111ade I h('it· first ncc<1l1nl~of ils doin~~ - • 'l'lie .Music Department snid it l:-e-
:tpp enrnnce \Yith one of tit ~\"C ,d the est udiantinn was
· ' \\ "hite Coon" 'l1 roupes at an instrurnen t which Mario
'.lfar gate, so far ns my clP. P ietro brought to an
111 t•mory ca ni es me. audi tion, .incl the auditicn
officia l liked it.
'I his ought to pu t it 011re - The auclitio11 oflicin l 11·,1,;
conl as lo I he uctu nl elates appronchecl, ,1nd mnint,1i11e,l
,of t-he for 111atio n of I he re- he had not seen :iny est ucli-
,1wc1 i vc compa ni es, ,1l)0\1t a n t.i na at anv audit ion .
which then' nppear, to hn ,·,, The ·Mus ic D e pnrt11wn l
l>ccn so 111 c confusion . I la tch· asked ,,g-ain, a nd on
lw,11·d t he date of the sbn{ of \\"llS
secon d t ho 11g h ts saicl it
t he "Wh ite Coons" ,rnllouncPd miqht be a ·kind of bn nd . D11t
l,_v the B .B. C. as 1889! nobody seemed rcnl ly to
know .
F.G ., On no account cvel'
lo wel' your bri dge after pla _,._
,, ,,
ing OI' _vou1· in s trumc11t " ·ill Here is Mnr io de T'ietro 's
nc ,·el' be in order . e xpl nnntio n: "Estnd i,1n t inn
is a Nenpolitnn n nme fa,· a n
' l'hc1·c is no nec('~s i Iv to orchestra wh ich I formed of
· · rt'lie ,·c the strn in 011 • the ' mandolins . guitars, 'cellos ,
l'ellum" as you say, t hc: violin s nncl accordions."
pr cSSlll''J of the bridge does FRETTED IN S TRUMENTS IN THE OPEN AIR
110! - brc,1k vellums. Reprilll ed from
·l llmt p/t1ras l◄lki: btstnrm(11ts 1~
Ill our ,1/rn• issue 111.:fatit<ir$11;.:_,~att·i •il11tJu:m011pi,nic:s " Th e Eveni ng Ne ws" (Jun c 131/,_)
13c su t·c Lhat you have it tl ~. 1'hi$ 'phwo,..rltj,fr sht;:-1:sCo/iir. /l tmk~ (c/ IJO)'ltw1l,.\'r-. IJMuslq} pla,l'i11,:Iii:; b~wjo.
ucc<mr/}trnictlIJ>"Iris fa·o l1r&1lras()JJ pitrno ,u;C(m/io1 i mul ;;m·tar 011 " ri:cc11t . ,·xcrrrsicm"i11tu
p laced at t he some dis - fhl.!t<mntry."
Lan ce from lhe 12th fr et-
u,; l-hc 121-11fret is from the uut .ll th e
l-0p of the arm .
T do not kn o\\' wlwthcr the Club
co11lcl he ntli liated to the Lon -
clan 13.:\f. and G . Ch ,b, or wh nt
P .R . . Very few of (he so ngs I u,c •d exnc t h · thnt would mea n , bu t FRETTED INSTRUMENT IUCORDS
to sing in the Hoyal Picrrots m·c stil l in Iii:• S1•c1·ct.u·v, ::lfr. G. A. I<ec ier, Of lHE MONTH REVUWED 13Y
11 ·<11,ld let. you lmo11· if you were
r,rin(,. T ,1111 often asked fo1·them nnd
almost invarinb ly have to disappoint. to \\'r ite hitn , ,is he is ,,lso Rccrelmv "A I a u r i s ''
of th<·' Bri tish Pecleration of Tlnnjo,sts,
It $Cums n gt·eat pi t._v t hat- sin{;iug
with banjo accomp,rnirncnt is not mor e
:\fa11<10Eni ~ts alld Guit ,lt'i~t~. ~o I will
n,k him to girc ~'O U all par t iculars to
I K hist month's '•B .:1l.U ." I endec111
lJU:ita(ion from a cot·respondenL' 8
lctt~r ou lhe non-issue of banjo
fc-ati,rcd nowadavs, :is I al 11·
av,s c1i,1h lc nn.v of _,·our n,emh ers to joh
fonncl my ban jo" songs \\'er e ,·c',-y $Olo rc:corcb with the words:-
the• l-'c<hralion . ::-.-ow,ban j0-pl ay iug readers of " /1.M .(;."
popu lar itc 111s in out · pr ogrammes . or r1111 r.>(• vears ago {·her<, wer e h.·t me lica1· _voa. )J,111 jo rc-:-o:-dswill
\\ "c ha ,·e lhc following nu 111b<·1
·s >-lill ~c-,·t·ra l B;i llj;J lhnd~ l'll ll bv o/Ticcr~ in nC"\'t•rlw i~:-.:.rcclwhile you arc ,·oulcn L t,J
I l,p Arn,_y ,;I s uch places· as QucLtn, ju~L ~it. u ~1ck a11cllllOilll . \\ ~l'it,· about. ,·out·
in ~l<>c:k , 2,-. eopies which "'r nrc gl'iC\'itllC'~ !' ' .
uffc•rin:,t al. h. cech l o cle11r. .-\II arc Ba 11~a lorc and ~o 0 11. bu( lhcv \\'ere Diel I r eceive an avn lnnchc or
for p ianoforte "'il h banjo nccompn ni- not ·lU.\'(. and G . Cl11hs as ,; e now letters?
n-.,, n t: · '.-\ lexnn der's Ragtime B,rnrl." understnnd the word.
As nn on swer to tl1:1tC')uestion , T fed
"Yidcllr on Y.1u1·Fidd le," " l\!:s"i,s,sipp i like typing the three 11· ord , t lrnt lrn,·o
D ipp_,. Dip,·· "W hen the Con Yen! B t li 0
All correspondence r elating to this
Departm ent should be addressed {-0 done much to 11·ards immortiilising Mr.
is Ui11zing . •· "Griz:d _v Rem,' ' "Little Clifford Essex {B.B.), 15a, Grallon Street George Ticr nard Slrnw !
i\fo ,.;y G,ikc \\';1Jk," ''The Catel'pi il,w New ll<'11rlStreet. London. W.1. '
l helic vc that i£ \\'~ ca n pn;iye to th<;
July, 1036] B.M.G. 233

different (or shou ld I say "iudiffc - );°ow, while you rememl.>cr , wril e ( DJ3.5001)
rcnt ·•?) gramophone compan ies tlwt to:- JOE VE :-; U'l'l & EDD!E LA;\G .
Lhere is o l.>uy11igpublic for b1111jo:;oln Tronsmissio11 Dept. (J\ihtsfrol Section), "S11'i11yiiig the Blues."
discs th:iy \\' Oll ie! be only too pleased to /nternoiio11atB-roodcostingCo., Ltd ., .. /Uack and Bltte Bottom."
i~sue ban jo records.. J3uL, it menu~ 11, Ho.!lam St ., Portland Place, \"e1111ti,111d Lan g . .. . the perf<:ct-
th,lt E\"BBY l.>anjoist who is ll'i, c Lo11do11,W.l. 1'"'t nership!
enough to av,\il hirnself of rncord l I depe nd~ 11po11 ·nn ; whclltcr thi~ .I[ ,·ou h,l,·e their "W ild O<tl" and
tu ition and entertainment i\1 LiST hclp. f<.'alm·e bcco,ucs pcrm 11ne11tl " S11,,-sl,i11-o'
' ( J>orlo. Rt\330) 01)(1
The .11:d,tor pu~ Lorward a suggestivn :) ·:i- * .. Ooi11y P!oc-,·s" and '· Doi11y 'l'hinys"
in his hist monLh ·s i\otes an d Co11:- COLUMBIA ( 1',u-Jo.H .33,52) you simply must- con1-
11u;nts thnL 1 thiuk should uot be (f'B . 1391) pidc the by purchasing this
nlloll' ed to be '"sh elved. " The issue LEN FlLLIS . 1·<ecol'CI; :f not, and _vou p lay th e
of fretted instrumen~ reco rds not only " Jllfood
." plC'ctnu11 gu itar, or can, afte r he,n ·ing
pleases play e rs bm :s often the mc,111s " Dip:JCmonio.'' tltis disc, ;1ppr ec i,1lc the un ique 11ncler -
of induci1w n non-play er to tak e up tlu, \\' ell , here it is! .... the first record sla11clin g that exis ted between Venut -i
study of Ll~ei11stn11nent he hea rs . The of the new "electric ' ' Spanish g11ita1· ,111cll. ;111g,buy the othe r two ... ne ed
1•'0::derati on by foster ing the issue of ( 1·id0 <'oil •mbi,i 's ~,1pplemcnt) . . ,1ncl, 1 say more?
sl.lch records, not only c,1ters for it~ lo uw. iL"s ~ldu lo ,1 c 1·001w1· t,1l;in i:r BR U NS WICK
members hu, helps to creat,, new lti~ mrn n1npl ify i11~ outfit to the t"C·
playe, ·s .. . ,111clit i;; n<;w ph1,·,· r~ that (02195 )
col'fli11~ stud io to mnke n rec ord .
benefit teachers, music pubh shc rs ,111d SOL l·IOOPll & l l lS >10\/ELTY
iri:,trum~nl, rn,1ker;; alike. l-:\'cr.,· F J VE.
Lenchcr , pi1blisher and i11tlnu!acture r ·· Tu Vou, S,wel!teort, Aloha."
of fretted instrum ent s shou ld do " I fula B reeze."
urn ryLh iog in ltis power k, make ~he .Fr om tr io . . . to quartel; from
issi.1e of fretted instn1111L·11t rec ords a qum·let . . . to no,·elty five!
monthl y e,·eri"t. The new 111c111ber,1ppe01·s to l.>c a
* . • pil•c1rnn1 guitari st, tlte :nstn nnc nt. 1-
il'.fy contribution Lo th i., cause o( ti on rcm,1i1ting ,is be fore exc epl thnt
fretted instrum ent reco rds has bee n t.o 801 Hoopii hi1nsetr is ob viously plny in g
,11, electric guita r , l.>111 as both lhcs,,
inrln ce .. tin: J)0ll'<cr:;\ hut l:e" lo broa~l-
cu;;t a wee k ly prognunmc [rnm lt,,d,~ lll'l llbcr.:; ar; of llte s low Vi'll'iely (and
Xorn1 a ndv (%9.5 met.res) of fretten Sol Hoopii w,1s nc,·er one for chord
"·ork) th e instrvrncnt is in its proper
iDstn1me;, t reco rds. The first of Lhesc
elC'mC'nt here, the ,1mplificali on being
p1·o"rnm11u,s "·i ll l.>eradiflted on '1'11e• •
eh\\'~ June 30th, nt J.15 p. m. (l ,1n1 used wore fo1· the s 11s t,1innw 11~
wi~itin o- befo r e the eve n t , of course)
of notes rnther th,,n Lhc "'m11g-
nific ation of so1mcl. ·, You cau
und e,;ry •ruesday a t, 5.15 p.m. so long
hear \\'h,,t [ mean (nncl I hope:
a.~ this time is not ta k en up by nn
.rn11 will h11y t·his r ecorcl ~o !li nt you
·adve rtiser .
For the firs L t-,·o or lhrcc "·ccks the mu. hcur) b_v listen in g lo lhc ch0111~
playecl immccliatt,Jy nftcr lhc vocali~l
n·cords wi ll be chosen by !he Stntion
h,1~ fini-:hcd ~ing ing in lli c first tillc .
but; Lhis i~ whe re ~Ol' c,1n help . KEN HARVEY
Arc there any fret.l ed inslr11111cnL w.-·.'n
i$ pl il )'iu ;: ,',1 L.frapool, Jlmrdu.sttr, (, lus;:o.,•, J.,,omfo,1, 'l'ltc on ly cornpla:11t l have to find
I.Jirmi1l;;.lurm,,·tc., ,lrrrilll! 11,t months of :logtt~l 1wd
Stplcmbrr. \\'i(lt this " n<:11''. Sol ll oo pii i~ lltat to'l
records you lltink should l:o broad -
1nueh oi t,hc rcc<ml is dc":otrcl lo s i 11g.
cast? Gui! ,,w nmplificalion C'amn about be- in g ,mcl n ot enough to pl,1y ing .
Then write and say so! c,wse the guil,1r in the da nc e !:anti w>1s
What proportion of bnnjo, 111a11do lin HILL BILLIES
inau<lib le amongst brass and \\'incl
und "u itar records shoulcl be included i,,~tnnnents. Then it w11s fou n d thnt "lVho Wo11/cl11'tbr: T,oudy'?" Th-c:i
in e,~ch fifteen minutes? amplifie,1tion i:(.t·,e o t<1tally new tone Lon e ~ t ar Ran ge1•s, and " 'l'w111l,/c
Ulrite and give 3•01wviews ! colou r which, if properly handled, was JJown 13/wch of My Di·wms,"
no you think the time of the clay quite pleas ing. In the recording 8tu di•> Th.~ GMs of the Golden West
given to this prog r nmmc is convenient wh ere th e recording engineers hnve al l ( Hegal -7.ono . MR. 2099) comes first
t,J listeners? the ampl ificntion necessa r y 11t their 11l'cler th is sect ion. 'J'h e nccom-
If not; wri .te: if .110 11 do; still evmmnnd, it seems t-0 me '' n wnste of pany;ng i11strnme11ts to t he first liti c
w 1·ite! time" pl aying an ampl ified ins t rument nrc mnndo lin , gu itnr nncl ulm lcl0
T h e conl -in11anC'c of lh i, w eek\~, unless it is to make use of t,his new and, as the melody (simple ns it is) is
hrn,1det1st, is depend en t, upon you . . . lone colou r. pl,1_ved on the manclol in :1 nd l he gn i-
,ind you ... nnd YOU, so I hope Lhnt Both '' Moo,1 l?u.b!i'' and ' ' Di71so- t arist-- pln,vs morc Limn ,i I ltr rc -chorcl
EVERY rend et· of t hese not-es, i f he 11rn11ii!" n-rc compositio ns of ·Len 1i'illis' ncco111p;1niment, this is a hil l-l1ill v
has the interest of h is instrument nt nncl would hnvc been hearcl t o better reco rd l rcco1rnnC'nd. If yo n Cf\11 get
heMt, wi ll write. nd vnn tago if !-hey hncl be en plnynd on u sed to "The Gil'ls' " YOices vo11 will
A few mi nu tes spent in penning a an orcli11a,·y plectr um (not, "Span ish," find the >1ccompan~•in g l?11itaiist pu ts
sho r t Jett-er giving you t ,·iews on th is please) gllltar, fo1·t his recording s hows in ~orne qui l:e plensing wol'k on his
p rogramme will not take :'P n lot of us t-hat the elcch ically am plified in . in~trum ent -! B ob Mallin , singing
yN 1r time, b ut, those few mmut es may st rurnent is only effec tiv e in slow " J(11ich J(1111 chs on //Jo ,W,mtc!" nrnl
b!l the means of ma k ing our instru - s ingle -sh·i nit pnssa ge1-. and both these "Saddlc Yom Blues to 11 Wit,1.
ments (ood the immense populnrit ,y ~olos h111·e fast chord pnssal!es "'her e .\fos/ ,a,n(I'' (Decca .F.5!llj!)) hns q11itc n
there is for .t hem) more generally lhc res11lblnt overtones create a. m ere r,letis i ng vo;ce ontl, a lthough his guiti l"
koo wn. jumb le cf notes. i,; too near th e micrnphone, t he nc -
B.M.G. [July, 1936

cuJ1J1':t11i111c11{, is rc ully good uud qui t,~ li111cs,ll\d \\'ind up; hold ing the st.ring ward s towa rds the pegs. '.['his will
it, l,·, ·ping 11 ·itl1 !lie so11gs . .. in fac t , side11·m·~ so lh at lher e arc a t least ensu re the str ings vibra t ing from the
ou e o f l 1,,. licst acco111pa 11i111
e nh; in this three \;Taps round t.he peg before ten- innc1· edge, wil h a res ult ant clear
lypu of record ] ha1·c heurd fo:· s,,n,e ~ion is ,1ppli ed t-0 t he str ing . Make tone.
li :11e. ~urc that there are ?!O sharp edges T h e b·id" e is t he n,ost impor tant
LEARN FROM THESE RECORDS in the peg holes. pur t of a b~njo; for it is the med ium
ftis "" ,u .. lu11vtcd /«et tl«,l one of A good si lk stl'ing treated as men - bv whi ch Lhe vibrations from the
tl,c .rn,:esl, u1td rinic l.c,t ,cuys to /eu,•n is tioned in my Inst mont h 's art icle, ond str ing H e transmitted to the vellum,
lu I i.,len tu " sl«r " p lai1ers. z.,.
m an y
,,ppl: ed ns above, \\'ill stnn d a great th e sounding boa rd of the instrum en t .
,·u .,c.s /hi., is o,tly 1>os siblc by 7ltwcl,nsi11u
their n :<:vl'dtd w11rl,·s. s,, e<a.;J,,m.1;nth I clc,11 of use if it does not come into 'l'he greatest , nlterntion in the to ne of
/i,t lhe ,,.1,1J~ehe<Uli110"few of the
u11<i~"1· contact. \\'i th the finge r-n ails an d the any pnr!icular instrument can be
c11·,:r c 1'/ ·nro rd• . which, «lllrough ·1w t fret s on lhe bnnjo 11t·e prop erly l'l':ade by clrnn ging the bi-idge. 'l' he
,,. th e heu,li 11y of lr ette,l in-
,.,,,,, ;,,,, 1111,1,
.-stnn,v ·1,t rt:r:vrcl.~,ltuve <t lr ctted, in.-;tnt- finished . Sharp frets ,d i soon cut nmoun t o[ wood used in th e making
ul/:nt 11/ay c<llh e·l'eon . 1'1,e tt.,ic.1:isk s gi ve th ro ugh silk strings . Frets must have of a br idge is the contro llin g fac tor
on i1"-dif'<di,,11 , of hnu.: 11 nu· h then~ i:,'i to a fh1t, surface of about one t hir ly. effec ting the chan ge ; for a h eavy
lwrn in lire disc ., rrn,l, by bnyiw1 these sccuncl or nn inch on the top. bridge will produce a mellow tone ,
rccrn·tl.,, the «m biti o,,• •tw lent i.i «sstn·e,l Th e si rin g fasten ings- tai lpiece wh ilst a t-hin bridge will give a sharp
,,f <' 1·h1wJ1 u:a,y to 1n·u/lciency on li is pa1-.
titula, : insf r11mc 11t . ,111d peg-ca n be tilted with slots io- i,:napp y tone to the instrument . Wi th
$l0end o! hole~, permit-tin g of greater tl,ese facts l-orne in mind, a littl e
••• Don 't Miss . facili ty in the quick fitt ing of str io gs. exper imentin g should g ive t.h e results
n Recommended. This is the met hod us ed on t.he con- des ir ed.
• Optional. cert stage by the write r that enable~ Care shoul d be exercised in t he
h im to put on a first str ing in six ~elec tion of a suitable liridge , in o rder
PLECTRUM GUITAR that- the tone of the banj o will be
brilliant yet not too "thi n ." E xtra
"Slnw I'ol;e" and "l,Cltch On" - Cleo he n vy bt·1clges, for use when practis-
Br own (Brun s. 02186). "'"""The z,,,.,,;,,is ing, will give n mut ed effect; udvan -
Ou" ancl " ,l l rrmmn Drm't 1Hlow Tt''- t-ageo us wh en one wishes to practise
Conui<· ll os well (Il rnns. 021i3 ) . *u "Naa«-
.w11.-,·• - Albert Ammon s (Br uns. 02187). " quietl y" and avoid an n oying one ' s
-x•" ll',,1, ! Wah! J,nmenf'- Clyde i\IcCoy neighbour s, al though there is not hing
(Brnns. 02056), •••-".411-11011m ce,,.s lJlu.e.," bette r th an fitt ing one of the e ffective
- F nu1kic '1'r11111ba11 e r (Brnns. 02197) . rr,utes now on th e marl,et.
*'" "1-',·n(J!J!J.71,,ttom"- Andy I<irk (Col.
nn.:;ooo ). *"""Uhr i.<tu,,h e,· Ooh,mb1t s"- Br idges should be rnade of hard-
l.011i, "K in,:,:'' G,nc in tn ei(a l-7.ono. wood, rock mapl e or rosewood l:-eing
er/ly " - Dixie
;\IR 210:1). "' '1'r,1n· .7Jut/. the t,wo most !iUitable for th e pur ,
D<·dls (R eg>11-7.on o. ~IR.2102) . *" Tt'-, pose. The slots in the bridg e shou ld
1/ni,ii ,,u i11 r:oli/ nrniu" - Cnsani Club
Orch. (ll<'x 8789). be so cut tha t the stri n gs fit t i~Mly.
HAWAIIAN G UITAR othe nl'i se t here will be n loss of ton e.
*~• u !(orrnii<rn T'or(l(/is<: and "Dream
When the slots become worn (which
'J'iu11•" - T.ond on Pia no-Ace. Dand (Regal- t hey will in time) the brid ge should
Zono. ) IR.2096) . NORMA DURSLEY
be replaced .
H " Jr «b«-•lr Jl/r,e .•" - Clrnrl esto n Chase rs

West R,gio11al S 1a1io11 o,i Jr1ly 10th .

The average he ight o( a banjo
!l' a rlo . 'H.2211\. "'"0/' M an Z1ive,·"- Pau l Miss Du,s/ey i-t 4 mnJber <)/ the ,1ewly-
bridge is h al£ an inch; t-enor -banj o
\\"hil e mnn (H. i\f .V. BD.5066). /on1td IJriSloJ (East) IJ.M.bG. Club a,1d bridges are u~ually five-eighths in
a pup il of t/ ()rau;. Craddy, the. wt ll-lmorJm
BANJULELE Uachtr of Brt'.stol. height and should b e slightly lower ou
~• "(:en r( ,e Forn,! n, M erll e11
<> " - George tht' first , $tring (A) side, beca use un-
Fonnby (R PJ?al-7.ono. ll!R.2083). seconds, and is often commented ccYered (or plain ) strings do not vi-
,\ II ,·01wspon<le
1we respecting fretted upon by members of the Press . bn 1te in as wide a n a rc ,1s the cover ed
i11~11·tm1C•11t i-ccords
shou ld bo addr e:-rnd lo 'J'he usuHI method of st rin ging a stri ngs; t his makes the action
"A lau1·is.'' c/ o u u .JT.G." 15a. Gr.1.fton bnnjo is with firs t , secon d and firth easie r withou t in any way being
Sn cd ,, '.\rw Bon,l SLrecl., T.onclon
, \V.l, and of silk, t hird of gut, and fourth wire det rim ental to the tone .
if ;1 :·cply is: wanted . tl stamped addn~ssecl wound on silk. Most plec trum plnyers
t•uvl'l-opc-enclo~e~l. The . generally acce pted correct po-
use a plectr um gauge first and seco nd , sit ion of the br idge on the vellum is
wir e wound third and compound that it sho u ld be plac ed at the same
fou rth; \\'hils t teno r-ba njo ist$ use t he d ista nc e from the 12th fret , as t he 12th
THE CAREOFTHE regu lar 11·ire stri ngs ma de for the in- fre t is from the nut. In ot her words,
BANJO strume nt. All wound strings soon
lose brilliance and should be rep lac ed
the twe lfth fr et, will be half -way be-
twee n t he nut and the bridg e . B'ut
( B ci11g pm ctic (I/ hi11ts o,i tl1e a.iiHs: - fair ly fr equentl y . ('l' he frets out into this is uctu nlly only t-he ap proximate
11«m/. /Ind ,yepai·r of the ins/ru"111et1/ th e out er winding, forc ing th e coils posit ion , £or th e extr a tension appli ed
and its (lccessories). apa rt) . to the st rin g \\'he n stopped at. the
The four th string on a. banjo usPd frets is not a lloll'ed for. 'l'he accurate
in a dance orchestra. should be re- method of de termin ing the bridge
('J'lio world-famous American soloist placed for eac h e ngage ment, i.e ., a
1111d tcnc her) posit.ion is by harmonics which al'e
new string fitte d fot· ench evening's c1lways p e rfec t oct aves at the p oin t
(Seco nd Insta lment)) work . wh ere th e !,we lft h fre t is , or sh oul d
To ap ply a str ing to the peg .
tl n·c11d i L t hrough t-he hole
The slots in the brid ge should sl:int.
The prr>cedure is to test each string
sE:parately by ma kin g the twelft h
und \\'nl]) lhe ovedrn nging end downw ard s towards the tai lpiece nnd fr et harmonic and com p arin g it with
rounil ll1c st ring proper t.11•0 or th ree lh0 slo t,s in the nu t should slant down - the struck not-e ,,t the same (12th)
July, H>36]
B.M.G. 235

fret .. 'l'he notes th us produced should floor as on t he music -stand) ; " 1 he far away .. .. " And thal p1111r.: c·11t
sound identical in pitch . Should this reheal'sing of clul:s a nd orc hest ras par . is reprinted from tile '"Pl,iht<l c,l-
not be the cnse, t,he position of the prior to public appearance "; and phia Inquirer· • of 1899!!!
)'.( ;;:
bridge must be altered (moved either m,my other subjects of importance.
towards the fingerboard or vice versa) I hope to be able to deal wi th the I undershmd tha t ' 'H uymonde Uull
Ltntil the two not,es agree in sound. above-mentioned sU!bject,s in fut ut·e His Band o' Banjos" ha ve th e
(To be continued) articles, bu t a.t pr esent I have not honour of their photogra 1>li app ear i11g
sui'licient time at my disposal. I the re - ou t,he reprints of the banjo solo •Jt
fore ask my read ers' indulgence and "Blaze Awny." The band feat ur e~
I will continue my articles at the
THE MANDOLIN cnrliest opportunity .
this number in a "Pnthetone Weekly "
tilm gazeUe released tbroughout ( he
By F. WINSLOW . country on July 2nd .

~:-: ;) :,;:
(Contiuued from the April issue)
,r eddi e Morgan and Wally Hadl ey
O st ill further deve lop ind ep en •
T dent action and t.o produce
supp leness and strength I
Collected and edited by A. P. Sharpe
opened at Chatham on June 15th, with
t heir new act feat urin g Qanjo ancl
tenor-b.1njo; and two tenor-b a njos . An
tho rou<rhly recommend P1·cparatory
tv th.e"'shake, by 0 . Sevcik, Op. 7.,
l'art I. After Part I bas been studied
THE n ews of the month is undoub t-
edly Ken Ilarvey's new in-
shument . . • an "e lectric singing
act well worth the enthus iasl ic
play er 's atte ntion.
~; ::< *
Part 1I can be taken. vibro-guitar." I think nearly every Whenever a fretted in st rum ent
l n t l1e above -ment.ion ed books the worth -while newspa per in the country play er is visi ting youl' town call "back
t, is dealt with iu a comprnhen- has printed a p,wagraph abo ut this stage" and meet him; he is inY11ri,1bly
sive nnd exhaustive way. 17or in - "sensational ,1ew inst ram ent ." I p.leased to meet an enthusiast. Sec
st;111ce, Exerci~e 1 is to be practised hope to j)e able to persuade Ken to t he show before you call so t hnt you
in six different ways; Exercises 2 can discuss h is act wi th him.
!,nd 3 in five ways ( each four-bar sec- * ,:{ :~
tion to be ·practised many times) ; The following "evergreens of jazz'' Al Shaw, th e populur bnnjoist, pl cc-
Exercise 4 deals "·ith Accidenta ls, wi II be included as plectrum banjo ti·um guit,a1·ist nnd Hawniinu gu itaris t
solos in future issues of 0 8 .M.G!'
Chr omatic .Passages, ele.; Exe rcise 5 has commenced a tour of lhe principn l
with B1·o·ke11Scale Form; Stud ies 6 "SHINE" vaudeville th eatr es. His pl ecfnim
and i in Major and ~fino r '!'rinds; nnd gu itat· solo, " Ho t Coppers :• (lh c num -
so on up to Study 12, wherein t he "I CAN'T GIVE YOU ber he has featu red t-hr ee limes "ove1·
Tri llo is given in a more advanced ANYTHING BUT LOVE" lhP air'' with "'l'he Six Swingers ")
f.o,.m, Study 17 giYes four methods of "BASIN STREET BLUES" is to be published b_y Ulifford Esse x
pla y ing Tt·illo, on the same notation, nnd Son.
s l,owing that on some occas ions the "YOU RASCAL, YOU" * i:,: *
Trill o should commence with an up- Further titles will be announced in Have you notic ed how more and
stro ke instead of a <lo\\"n-st,roke . In later issues. mo1·e fr et ted insh'u ment players nre
sLudy ~O the Trillo nnd Doubl e Stops nvpeating "o n t he h a lls" ? This is n
nre introduced whil e Stu dy 23, the " revival" t-hat should l'cnc1it teilr·h•
1,ist in this series, will be found to be I-ell "B.M .G." readers a ll about it in e rs nil over the coun try.
;:~ V,
a t-est for independent action and the near future.
sho uld be well studied before Part II The editor of the " Radi o Tim es"
is a.ttempted. If these two methods
* * te lls m e that in future he will try aud
Nick Lucas, the famous American
arc tlioroughly mustered there should guitarist, and his bond opened at the indicat e whe ther t-he "banj o ists" in
be 110 ditlicult,y in knowing how to Hollywood Restauran t, New York 13.13.C. programmes play (I bnuj o or
play the different Trillos that may Cit,y, on April 6th, and the band (n')t te nor-banjo. Players cnn h elp by
oecu r in various solos. to men tio n Nick Lucas 's singing imcl correct 0ly describing their instr umen t~.
Iu this seri'es of articles I have tried gu it a l' playing) proved so popular that
to assist the student. by suggesting the
Lest methods, et.c., for beneficial ,, ,,
it was h eld over until the end of June.
study, hut I have not dealt wit,h the Wi-iting in t.he "Even ing Standard" THE BREAKDOWN
wb je()t of bow to overcome the many Inst month, Matthew Norgate says :
teclmical difficu lties encountered by "She ldon's silent fooling is nothing THE BREAKDOWN-I I I
thi• student in the course of progress; short of inspired." Gene Sheldon SOME OF ITS IMPLICATIO NS
a subject wh i()\i would necessitate a played a week at t-he Grosvenor !louse
further sel'ies of ar ticles, for to deal Cnl:aret before stm ·ting an extensive Bv G. A. KEELER ,
(Con tinu ed from June issu e )
udequately with thiSf matter wou ld tour. His plnying of the tenor-bnn jo , Last mon th I gave s hort parti-
take numerous issues to ()Omplete. lik e his fooling, ".is inspired," and culai:s 0£ (1) the Buckley Serenackrs
Othe r subjects I have in mind are: i-enders should make a po;nt of seeing (2) Th e l3aker-Jones -Dnv is-Ma1111ing
" The .13alance of Mandolin Ba nd s"; Gen e when h e is appear ing in thei r <~u~rtet, (3) Chas. B ell , an d (4) T.
'· How !the members ,sh:ould 'Je tow n .
ti-oined "; " The best class of music. ,, P . Briggs as dancers of th e br eak-
file:," (for easy access to prevent con- " 'Rag-time,' the new syncopated
fusion) : "What the leader ot· con- Here are some more dancers t,hat
music, is doomed to pass away in the
dnctor should know about the ability simi larl y made a nnrne fot them-
very n enr futme, ot· nil signs lie. Wh en selves in t heir day:
of eac h mcmbel' ·•; "The best method the public begins t-0 t-ire of a sty le of
of filing band -parts, t-0 p1·event loss music . . . and. keeps away from a . B1·own, Jo e, champio n jig dan cer (J857 )
or dami:ige" (No loose parts should pleasure plac e because that class of m J. \.',·. Raynor and Ead Pierce' .,
be used in public appearnnces, fol' music is played there to the exclusion Christy .Mins t •·cls. ln a wog1·ommo nf
loos:e p!ll'ts are as lik ely to be on the th ese _rmnst.1·
cls a t a pcrfonnan cc 1s;,•ri, ;1f
of nll else . . .. the end cannot be very Co,·k m 1859, Pai·t IT cont.ainecl "A mcrican
[ July, 1OoG
Pl'izc $ilvc, llelt ,Jig," dnnccd by Ml'. Joe dancers in thei,· tl'oupe. Th eir perlo1•111
. 'fheir g'l'0l<squc n11<l acrol>alic dniieing
n,·own. J>r,,.L JU iudu<led '" !lo op de an ces \\"C:rcseldom wit,hout. u l>reakJowu wus au out,., t.,m ding feature of th~ir net.
Uoo<lem J)oo" ("$<!Ilg for more Llrn11 500 nnd in asso.:iaLion wit,h bt\njC's lllu llen, J. J., when w ith the Buckley
t,imes in London wit.h ntptm·ous Et,hiopian Scrorndc1 ·s ( 1846) hnd U,c Se i·c11ade1·s ( 1860), included breakdowns
npplause") . "Joe" was C\'Cnlually accordinn 1 bnnjo , cono.o tambo nod bone in his reperto ire , ofte n dancing them w ith
I-eaten in a contest fo1· the ch ampionship cnswnets. The great Sit· Robert l'eel and ''i\laster llow;ird," as Howard wns then
by a dancer mu11cd Was h Kol'\on. the "Gra n .i Old Man " (Wm . Ew art Glntl- known .
Cnnfield nnd B~ok spceiaiiscd in
slo n e) occasionally visited these merry Newcon,~e; llobl,y. H wa s d nl'ing tt,c
da,·kies when they were at the Hano ver t i111e or 'l'hnt,·hc r , Primrose and W est's
:ic1·ol>ntic songs ::JHI dnnccs iu which t.hcy
i ncl11< l<·•.l ba11jo Ul'cakdowns , Played wi,h Squa re Room s. It is curious Lo reAecL Minslrds at Lile St . Jan ws's Hall t ha t
tl ,e ,\loore nn<l Hu1·gc-a!i 1\linst.rds fnr a that at the rn,·cnt conce.-t of the Ilfo, ·d Bol,l,y Ne wco mbe came over wi th a big
n.M .G, Club t,he uccordian was again A rneric:an re ion as a song and dance
t ime.
used in conj u oction with banjos . art iste and jo ined the tro u pe, whi ch wa s
(:,ii-1·0ll. Johnslon und J. T. l'owcl's. On Fran cis , Iim..-y. a come<liun and <lancer, one o f tho most impo1-tant of t he Ameri .
f:1h ,July, 1880, some or 1he p1foc i1>al son of Jame s "Francis, of ,he 11-lohawk ca11 coa ,bmations. Newcombe po sse,secl
c1-~ or the. $au llrancitco
t1w111l1 ~1in:::.Lrel~ Minstre ls.
mat.le a, first. appN1ra 1u..e in l,his count.ry at. n ve 1·y pleasing tenor voice ancl his dan c-
Frccm· famil y . Will ie J,' .-ce:tl' l,ccame
f:t. ,fames's H all. 'l'hc priucipn l, were in g was o f tt.e neate st and most HnishQd
a <lancer. A lbe1·t l•1·eea1· n lso developed
c~.noll, Johnst on ,111clJ.>owcn:: ••s abo,·c description . His ravout'ile song was en-
into a smal'l comedia n and <lancet' , Fred
5,1;1Lc<l. 'J'he~, inLl'Oduccd singing ,mtl Ht!ro- t.itled, "On n Bright Sum met• Mornin g ."
Freea1· stnrte<l as a dnneer, bnt, died in
l, daucing of 1111c.'i:Ceptiv1rnl kind in a 1889. ~l iss Louie l'reeur (fomous for her (To be continued).
litLlc ph ,ntation scc11e e11t iLlecl, "'l'he singing nnd dancing) w~s :i mcmbe1· of
Darki"s' Weddiug- .' ' K lll. llall app eal'Cd
wit h trhem wh~, up to t,h:1Ltime , was
probab ly th o fine,t \mnjo solo ist, C\'er heard
this t alented family . Willie F reea, · was
a dec id ed fa, ·otH'ite at ~he old St, James·s
"'03 to '33''
iii this cmrntry. .Although m,dnly n
' ' thimbl e" phyN ·, Hall i11cl11ded bre.,k .
Gallim or e, Alf.-a fine dancer.
Have, ·lc_y's l\fastodon .Mi11st1·els, _ from
,1own;;.in his rcperto i1·c. New Yol'k, opened at, He,· i\'luJesty's
Chec,·e1·s and Kennedy . :\ cartoon by Theat,ro (as it, then was) in t.he Hay. "8.M.G."
Alfr ed Bryan shows J, cnnedy p laying a mark et on July 31, 1880. Fol'ly per . By A. P. SHARPE
ban j o to whi ch Cht'evers (cdso \\'eutin6 formers wel' e advet•tised to uppcar on the
"Bob Hiclleys") is ,i.,ncing a bl'enk<lown, This retrospective review of
J' hcy ,, er~ described ns "Amcricn's S.)11s
,mcl Buffa lo Boys."
·•B.M.G.'' Commenced in• the
GEOFF SISLEY 'S October, 1935, issue.
Chl'isly. George , ol tl,e o!d ,,,.iginnl
minst,·el.s (1$43) was" fine dnncc1 ·, INSTALMENT
Cr.awford Bt·os., ccceu~l'ic and ncroOatic
1 923
dnncers , appea1·cu wilh the ~! 001·, :uici
Bm·ges,s 1'.l mstt·el s iu 1898. '1'!1c b:lllJo was GUITARISTS , J anuar y 8th: Oh,1.s . H . Sta iner first
7ilayer to broadcast banjo so!os from
nn cly absen• rrom these pcrfornv,ncC>.s.
wi 11 be r es u med in the Augus t M111 ·crmi J·fouse.-W riter says : "It is
,Joe Dm1iels bnnjoist. teaeihcr, etc., ,,tJ1en
at, 112 Lcadeahall St,·cct,, E,1; ,, us cJ ,o issue. The ne xt p layer whos e
unfortunate that syncopate d music is
give lcsoo11s in all st,ylcs of stni::e danc ing kno,\'ll ns, and called, ragtime. "-
r ec o rds will be dea lt with is
including the breakdown, aud Icntured January 31st : " ofr s. de Vekey's Juv -
d;111 cing in his ndvei'lised annoum ::eme 11r·s. enile s~,renaders" give a concert nt
Dan\'Cl':S, Joh n H ., orig inally annour1ced ANDRES SEGOVIA. Bomnernou th.
as "Jc,hn H. Danve,.s" but Jnter mor e
familiarly ns "Jo hnny Dtmvcrs/' was a
Janm1ry 15th: Geo. L . Lansing dies
fil'st -rnt !l comcdinn and < Hjs son stage at one time. T h ey were there foe· 11tBoston, Mass, U.S.A.-Banjo solos
Billy Dan\'er~ is now ;,ppe aring on th e severa l months and dur in g theit· slay now being repe ated ly broadcast, "one
halls :rna i:::;one c>fth e leading co medians dances of almost, every descript ion, in - /i.stener-in (living in Nelson, Lanes .)
of I-he day, ,John ll. Dnnvers was Dan cluding bre,kdowns, wei-c pel'fonned .
Lcuo's nn ck Tu t.hese clays or the ail' l\foot·e'.s (Moore and Bn l'gess Minstrels),
clearly hearing the banjo solos broad-
rnail. , t is inter~slmg to note tlrn t aL fifteen comedians and dancers at the same c;Hst from London. "-Joseph Kek uku
J . II. Dan,·e,-'s init ial :1.ppearance wiLh p~riod included himseli, Waller (originator of the Hawaiian gujtarj now
fhe ~/olw,vk Minstrels, Islinglon, he sang Howai ·d, Chas . \Suum,, Tom Sully, Loming E 11gland with his ''Jfawaiiun
"I'l l send you down a letter from th e Cheeve.-s and Kennedy, 'Wood and West , Sexte t."
sk,v ,"• Waite,· 1Io wa1·d was 011 the some Willie F1·eca1·, Albert F1·ccar, F r ed
bill w ith his "Drollct·i ~s witJ1 Lile Banjo.'' Fteca..-, A. l\k) 1nham and others. "Take Your Pic k " is frequently be-
Dur~nd, Lnn~ing, w:1s a jig- dtm cc,r of liobbs. "BillY," was one of lhe finest ing broadcast by l'ete Mandell.-May :
c.,cepl1cn:tl 11ter1l,, sand dancers cve1· sQen in this country. S,rn,uei Siegel arrives in London.-
He o rigina lly came over from , \ merica
Duri11h, F1·ed (1813), was a l i"ely with the Cht-ist.ian er Minstrels in 1892.
Paul Whiteman and his orchestra
nmusing and ,·cry rotn11d litt.le comedia n:
1-Towat·d, J . , d~nced Amcric,111 j igs wh cu (with Harl'y Reset· playing banjo and
but wiLhal ,ight. on his feet, lfo sang tenor -banjo) appearing in the revue,
w ith "The Ol'iginal and Celebrated
"Ri11.ors in l,hc Ail ··• when t,he :Mohawks at St. J11mes's Hall,
pluyed nt l';angc,·'s Old Amphitheatre ,
Chri sty's Minstrels," "Brighter London," at t he London
in 1859. Hippodrome. - "More than 90 pe r cent
1he olcl 11a1·ylcbonc Th eatre, and Pavilion
Go,·don and VVhile, dnnc::
ing experts wiLh
'!'heat. ,·e Plilo En (I) . "Duri:th's Jig" is
Fi-an k DmnonV$ ininstrcJ.s in America in of banjoist s are still exclusively finger
a welJ,known l,anjo jig au<l is sli! I players . "
occasio na lly played. 1856 .
Kell en, Cha.s., comedian and dancer. 1924
Dwiiht .. Pete, w:, s :\ most \"Cl';S:1til<
: man. Len n ard, J{41·1·y ( 1889), specialised in
He was clevel' at fa1·r,1yard min1ic1-y and Sig,101· Mado de l'ietro makes re-
<lanci ng, in which he w as n.n e!:pert,
c,pci·t, on the btnJo . us well as uc'ng a u 1·eakdowns at that time being hi ghl y cords for t he Winner ond Homochor d
dcve1· clan,,ec. lt, is · 1·~co1·ded I hat lhn popular wilh banjoi sts and minstrels. Co11'lpanies. - U. A. Keeler writes:
L~nn -h i msclf a champion c!nn ce r in his Mackney, E. W., co m ed ian , dancer nu<l "Broadcast ba1ijo solos may become
c.-arly c;11·~~1·- ~dmil' ~J Dwi g ht. g1·1.•all.v ns banjoist, . Partic u lars of Mackncy's
n p:ayet· n 1,d du?ICE't. very useful indeed to the budding ban-
cnre1.~1· ha,•e al rcndy appc-ured in joist.'' - J an-uaMJ: Vess Ossman dies
EmmctL, Browe, ·, Whillock an d Pel- " ll.M .G." H e often included t he break -
ham , iu 1843, had a good d--n cer 01· down in :,i,\ act., :rnd in his rem ini scences. at the age of 55. - Uorrespondeot
publislu ·cl some years n~o, h e incorpor- writes: "I wish publishers could be
'-' ]lm·ry Tlun.fe,·, 1cl,r,i. 11:itl, (h r. Man - nt cd a s ketch of himsclr danci n g a b 1·eak. induced to issue banjo parts in t heir
hattan ill in.,t,,c/.1, scmo a .,,,.,,, enti!le1l, ,lowu in n igger oulfit,, Adjudicaled in orchestra l dan ce tunes," and the edi-
"ll Ym, See L1,c11,Let Me "K-now,"th e d,1nd n g ,·ompet.!tions.
su/1-tif/e lieino "O,· Sen<l Me 1Vo,-1l b11 i\lehon , F r ed, comedian and dancer . tor repl ies t ho.t "three firms have
fh e Jo'int Jlalloo11-." 1'he cho,~,s ,nen - i\lorton and Sadler ivere comedians now stnrw d includ ing banjo par~8
fi ons the bmiio. a. A . Ti.. and dancers of Transatlant ic fame. in t heir orchestrat ions ."
July, 1!)36] B.M.G.
i\forio de Pietro fm·ming u bunjo, its 1io1mlarily in the il1mce ba.ncl." n1\'lrn·,ml to hold at first, but I soon
mi,ndo lin and gui tar band I- February 1Javc Thom a,; playing the ten or- ae:riu:red the correct "g rip" aft -er
25 th : A. D . Grover rn,nTied.-"Mas - uanjo with th e Savoy Havana Band.- c<nigulting photo graphs of R oy
tel' Bill Ba iley , the young son of lL An American correspondent writ es : Smeck, J·farold Aloma an d Bert
'l';nrant Builev, will broadcast folll' "l nnt icc that many banjois ts o,·er Hcds tone . In 11se, I found that the
11ot·ley solos fr;m the Cardiff Wi reless here at·e using standard banjos minus rou nd steel produces au easier
Statio n on Mny 3nl. " - George i\Iorri s ihc oct ,w u str ings. "-Novcm .be.i·:2.\Jth. ,·ibra to ; ,1 vibrato that , is more
plavin"0 wit h the ·'Ori ginal :i\Iadait· Ernest Sl11111d
1/ies in Binni11gha.m. elfoctive, for it is poss ib.le to roll the
1''ol;r " ut the j\foyfuir Club , Lonclo;L - sl.Pel on I he str ings ( lo a cer tain ex-
(To be co11t1·11-11ed) tc n t) thus avoidin g th e scra pin g
" 73.•If.()." prin ts first lis t of orchestra I
banj o par ts availab le .-J ·uly : "PAUA - 11oisc ~0111eti mes heard from tho
(;()N' • b<in
jos 11
.ncl tenor -b1injos first EXPERIMENTSWITH co,·cred bass strings . Of course, I-he
stee l c,1 nno t be rolled on the str in gs
inlrod-uccd. - J(1rk Hylton 's Band
(wil.h Bmile Grimshaw, Jnr . play ing THE ROUNDSTEEL unl ess it is laid across th em in th e
leno,·-banjo ) appea ring a t the Pi cca - hlrre posit-ion .
By Gi:on·. :::,1sLt:Y .
dilly Hot el. l'l'HBH'l'O I hav e al\\'ays bc-
Answer to correspondent : " \Ve mm-
no t promise to incl ude any Ila\\·aii,H1
H lie,·ed .n th e ,naxi111 · ' "'h en you
h,11·0 fouu d t he accesso ries th a t
R egar ding
,d1 ich should
the tone question,
be the Hawniinn
gui ist.'s first eonsiclerat.ion, I would
g uitar music in 'B .M.U .' snp plr - sui t you, s t ick t-0 them , " an d iu the ima" ine th at, when one becomes nc-
me nts. " - August 12th : B rooke Johns, cns e o! th e st.eel for playing the cust~rned to th e rou n cl steel, a slig h tly
1.h e Ame rican tenor -banjo ist, plays for Ha ,nliian guihll· J, m11ny years ago, fu ller quality of souncl can be ob -
t he Prin ce of Wales at St. Jarnes's fo11nd one t,h ut sui ted me and ha ve> tain ed, for I notice th at the nmount
l'ah \l;e . - In an ar tic le about A. 1". used it eve r si11ce. Th is particulm o( th e stee l in cont a ct, "'ith t h e str ings
Crnrn er, t l,,:, edi tot· says : •· An adm ir- steel was an excepti onally comfort- is-slightly gre at er t han th at of t-he
able feature aboul, his playing on this able ,·ari ety of the flat stee l and I flat ty pe of st eel. In execut,ing the
instt-ument (the Ha\\'a iian gu it a r) is \\·as n e,·e r tempted to cl1ange; for I not·mal angle posi t ion s and th e
th at he do es not o ,·enlo the s lide belie ,·ed that cons ta nt changin g rev ersed ang le positions I also find the
effeets . . , - "0/ 111/t he instruments \\'Ould hav e been detrimental to my round steel t-0 be superior to the flat
th<lt look like b1i11jos witl,out 11ct-1wl/y tech nique. ty pe, 1111<1I n,hise the us er of tlw
l>cing b1mjos, U,e one that is most But af ter reading Bert Hedstone's round steel lo refer to the n ert
J>O/Htlm·to-day is th e tenor-bnnjo.'' a 1·l-iclc on the rouncl steel .. a steel Heclston e's photogroplis if h e " ·is hes
which is sa:d to produc e more to ne ; to ocqn ire !,he correct techniq11c for
· · :\fand olin~, mando las, mando -cellos uet ter tone ; bette r v:bn 1to; and, in t h ese ,rngle pos if ons .
ancl guit,ws arc now being used in many adclil·,ion, makes reversed steel posi-
of: t he pt-incipal dance m·chcstrns i11 ti ous en~ict· a nd ( ,·ery imp ol'lanl) '! 11- On e of t,he chief fnil ings of the
:\ rne rica. "-- Oct()ber : Edit or write~ : al· lt•s one to produce chords hitherto Hrl\q1 :ian gu itnr is its li mitations in
· ·] suggest tlie time has a rr i1·cd when imp ossi ble with out alte rin 0"' the the m,1ltcr of playin g chords other
bm1jo bands might produ(:e infinitely tu nin g of t.!1e in str um en t . . • how than m ajor with the dom inant as the
betto r resul ts tha n they hm ·e don e in could an enthus ias tfo Ha\\'a: ian kading , or top , note. Hav ing beeu
tbe past . "-Due to increa sing busi - gui ta ri st resist investing in a steel lrnnclicapped in the rea lms of chord
ne ss, Clifford Esse x and Son take over wit h a ll thes e advantages! nielodv at t imes I was inl -erest ed wh en
t.he whole of the second floor at 15a, 1'o c11t a long st-0ry short , I pur - in co1iversnt,ion wi th '' Alauris ," th is
Graft on S treet. - J. G. (a. re,ulc,·) asks : cha s ed a round steel and commenced gcnt l.ema.n di·ew my attention to the
"If it is t1~1c that the ba11;0 is losir,g to e xper iment . Kat ,ur a lly, I fou nd it poss ibili tie s of the ro und steel in t-his


B.M.G. (July, 193 6

matter of chord work.- You may have BERT REDSTONE'S Lwel\"cmont4 s, ::is nell" ones ha ve beeu
not-iced the row1u steel has an uhologra.phs or ho w to use t,hc round steel. p!.'Oiuised by the h·ade. 'l ' will
abrupt ecige at one end; by allowing a void t.he inconYenienc e of sha ring the
the steel to sink as far as it will go cups. etc ., with the Southern Sec tion.
between th.e first. aud seconcl strings 1 hope to give full parbicuhws of these
(for example), turn ing the steel jus t prizes in the August ··B . .\1.G.''
enough to stop tche third string at the Judges and i\LC. 's lwrn been cle-
next fret , a new series of chords is c iclecl u11onand, if it is at, all possible,
pos_sible. To explain more fully, it is i\rr . Ken lfatvey , the Arne,.,can b.-..u -
possib le to play t wo different angles j oisl•, ll"ill l~e ,1sked to appear ,lt th~
sim.ultaueously; for instance, in the l{,11ly.
Kealo ha method o, 10, 10, 9, S chord ,u,.~. }[. lVccrncr, of 20, A!exandr,i ,
is shown . . . a chord that is only l?oail, S/ocl,:tun Hculh, Uhcshirc,
possible with a round steel. Ho\\'ever, has been appointed to sen d out En -
I would warn players to be discreet io trance l<'orms for all contests . These
their use of these positions, because forms \\'ill be ready about August 1st,
sometimes the intonation may be ;l ,,.u<lmust be returned to Mrs. \Veav oer
lit t le on the <;doubt.fol'' side .
l:y August 21st, the clos ing- clat-e.
In using the round steel I found Kindly note the adclmss, /01·tl, c.~e
tha.t a new system of damping t-he j1Jrms cannot be obla.infd from me .
strings behind the steel is necessary. T'op · left: '!he correct met hod of holding tl>c :,eLing is fixed fol' August
'l.'he llCxt 111
E'rom the pho tograp hs of Bert Red - rou11<! steel. Top rig h t : 11.'his sho w~ the con·cc~
stone (which I h,we asked the Ed itor p,o::;it ion of t.h () .stee l when ph\l· -mg on an., Wth, ,H 2.H0 p . 111. at t-he Impe rial
sju gle st.d n g . 'Ph!,}' steel _ sh ou ld n~t be l O\\_'.Cl"O<l ('afe, :\fan chest-e;·_
t,) reprint with t,his article) it would to th e l3ane pos1t1ou ,,.•hen 1,l ay1Jlg on siugh •
seem that he uses both third and litt,le st.t·in1;s in the lower 1·egistei -. Bottom left : Tht' iV. ·LINLEY .
i!01-J'(l'OI.- 1·cvc r $C angle nosit.ion. Almost <.\.-11
fingers for t his purpose .. impossibil i t-)r wit h W-le na t. ty1,e steel.- . Bottom
righ t: Sho win g the c.:oncct. n.nglc nosn;.1on.
A point I would like to raise is,
wh at, of the act ual DIAMETER of the
l'Otmd steel? Some of the photogr aphs instrumeutation pl'esent that even ing
I ha ve seen of well-known pl ayers
using the round ste el gave me the im-
pr ess ion that t,he diameter of the
i\nJ the 1> layiug strengtl~ provecl to be
as follows :-Finger style banjos, 14
first aucl 3 seconds; plectrum banjos,
Radi~ N~ws
steel was sma ller than the specimen 7 firsts, 6 seconds and 1 third; 3 bass
lanj os; 2 contra-b ass banjos; mando - J uly 2nd. - Th~ Kai'! Caylus Playca-s will
I h ave in my possession (the new lll'oadeast. r,·orn (h e :Xatioual" at
"Islander" rolle1· steel as used by lins, 12 firsts and 8 seconds; 1 octave 7.30 p.m .
Petei' Hodgk inson). In playing some mando la; 1 Spnuish guitar; 3 plec- July 4th. - Fl'c<ldi e ll lol'gan and Wally
of the chords new to the Hawaiian l .nmi guitars; 3 buujolins; 1 clrnm Hadl ey will play teno1·.l11111jo011d plect l'urn
guitar, as mentioned a~ove, th e ,1ncl 2 pianos . At. the meeting on banjo duets fl·om ,.he :, at ionol Statiou at.
JLrne 24th the instl'llmenta,tion was 8 .;>,) p.m.
diameter of t he steel would be a \·ery July 51h. - 1'rois~ and hi, o l:111dolic1"s
important factor . adjusted to secure ::i, better balance.
\\'ill ut"oadcast f1·0111 t he Hegional St.atiou
In conclusion, I can only reiteral.e Th e next meeting \\'ill be on Jul y 2'9th. from 10.15 to 10.45 p.m.
what B ert Redstone has said nod ad- G. A. KEELER. July 10th.- ~li,s :Xorm_. Dul'sle~•, age
vise every player of t he Hawai ian 12 yoa rs, will bro:id casl, the follo"~ng banjo
solos ,- ' ..BeaL As You Go," "Sprig or
guit,ar to experiment wi th a round Not-them Section. Shillelagh" ant! "T he Kilties," from Lhc
stee l ... it 1·eally is worth while. West. Regional Sialion at 5.15 run.
,\.. balance sheet for the t \\'elve July 11th.- '!'hc C,n·cliff B., M. anu G.
months ending 1fay 31st will be avail- Club will lll'oadca ~l from the '~' est Rc<>ion,11
able early this month, and a copy $l,al ion from 8.55 to 9.45 p.m . "
will be sent to r.nyoue interested in J uly 121h.- '.l'J'oisc m,d his Jlfandol.iel's
wiJI broadcast from !lie National Station
·• ~ ..,~ .....;f)i~ exch ,mge for ,1 stamped addrP,ssed fr<)lll 2.20 to 2.45 p .m.
Soutbet'll Section · 1:nvelope . July 20th. - A I Sha,w will broadc ast h:is
Subject to c:onfh:mation in the ne.w ~lec~rmn guit ar so1ol "!Jot Coppers," on
the Emp>l'C wa\'eband aL 12 noo n.
'T"'llE Federation B. M. and G. band August issue of " B.~£.G.," th is year's
1 h eld a successful meeting at-the Rally ·.,·ill bt'l nn:mged for Sunday, July 20th - The Karl _Caylus Playel's will
ha·oadcasL from the Nationa l Station from
Memoria l Hall, Fru:rin gdon Street, September 2'ith, in r.he 'Tower Circu s , l l. 45 to 12.30 p.m
E.C., on May 27th , when more than BlackpooL Shou lcl lhe demand merit J uly 2st h.- '1'1·oise and illis Bnnjoiier~
seYenty persons att ende d. Mr . it. a second hall (probably in the will brMdcast from t.he Regionnl StaLion
Harry Marsh and Mr. B em ard Sheaff ·w inter Gardens) wi ll be engaged foi- from !l.'.!Ol,o J0.10 ,p.m.
conducted in l11rn during the even- cel'tain contests ancl possib ly a third Ju ly 26th. - T,·oiso and ltis j\fando li ers
ing. Amon gst the items prac- hall (sim ilarl y located) for a trade will broadcast from the- Ref(ional Statio n
from 5.15 to r. p.m.
ti~ecl wer e :-"M :au t he Guns," "In exh ibition. July 26th. - 1'arl'ant Bail ey . Jr. (Banjo).
a Pe rsian 1Vfa i1,et," "Ben Hur," In addition to the bt1njo duet con- and Geoff. Sisley (Cuit:tl'), wil l llroadcasL
"St ,rau ss Wal tzes," "Gay 90's" and test already r,nnou nced, there appear;; duets fr om the West Regional Station .
"Gems from the Classics." During f;,J qe a demand for n guita r duet con -
)he iutervnl solos were J>layed by iVfr. test and one will be held (i( at leas t
A. D. Lord '(mnndol in ) and Mr. G. SIX entrn.nts) for prizes kind ly offered ~ Owing to lack of s pace we re g ret
A. Keeler (banjo) ; a contingent of the by a well-1rnown :Manchester music that Dr. Boris Pero U's article on
Aston Banjo Band also playing store. "The Famous Guitarists in Italy " is
unavoidably held over until the
" Scotc h Broth" and "My Moonlight It m,w be menUoneclhere that thi~ Au g ust is s ue.
Madonna ." year th~ prizes for nll con tests will
A census was t.a,keu of the act ual l'e held by ti1e winners for the full
j''.B.M.G'.'Suppl ement.Juty ,1936. j MAQUEDA 239

Mandolin Solo O.DE RANO.


&&b f:pr.IP 1 J I Ii I i j r I~ t.pFIp t j I #9! r rIf: Ct I' rI

¥ q y
'P -------- -----

¥ r PtIf 1-(!!If F}': 1wtJ&: PCIp,q l~@:!_P FI

-'5iPrI CI tHtif!i
·,1rt t1f t r IFr r,_,L r1ptti1hl dl
c esc.

Capy ri ght rnsen;c d by Co 1J:,~r>

,e r.
The Darkto"'\V"n Strutters' Ball
Plectrum Banjo Solo SHELTON BROOKS
Moderato 8P...... .
M M:4
Piano Intro.

4P..........• 6P
r, r, : r,


Issued as a Banjo suppl ement to"B.M.GI' by sp ec ial arrangement with Fran c is D.,y & Huntu, Charing Cross Rd, W.C.2. ()wners ol thc copyright.
To obtain & piano accom pan iment fo~ use with this &olo, every pl>yer should purch'Se th e ~ong"Th e D"ktown Strutta,' B, 11:· Price 6~ pos\ fr«.
Obtainable from CLIFFORD ESSEX & Son, Ltd . 15a,, Grafton Str eet , London. W.1.
Issued as a Ranjo supplement to"n . M.G :' by special arrangement with D.Feldman & Co. Shaftesbury Av•nue,V. ~C.2. O·wners of the ci,pyrlgt,t.
To obtai n a p iano accompan iment for use wi th th i~ solo, enry player should P\lrchase the song"Ridlng the Range in the Sky." Price 6.,post free.
Obtainah le from CLIFFORD ESSEX & Son, Ltd. 15a, Grafton Street, London. W.t.


Wake Tenor-BanJ'o
np and Solo

P] I 1n:rr1
ffg:'lf1,f ifflf1
ffil ·1·c:t1·~crn,,(cr

--f''tflli r;rs
G'i/l((ritp1iNf •!'CkIHErrtFIfff'In
D-4F 4

, ff m.nimn Fd:rrr11; ,,.qr1a;w'r~:u; j'V° IJJJ□ , 1

~~f f~1 !f'f1i4¥f

f1fijfipJ1~!OJ '1£EE Fi'FI§ff! r1rI
. I II I 1 2

,-erLJf U If iftttf.fflf r-·rrv~,

f iffffliijE 1;ffl J'~ JTI
Issued as a Tenor-Ba,;,Jo supplement to"B.M.G:' by special arra ngement with Lawrence Wri ght Music Co. Denmark St, \V.C,2,Owners 9f the copyright.
To obh!n a piano accompan!me .nt for use with this solo,every player should purchase the song "Wake up and sing!' Price 6~ post free.
Obtainable from CLIFFORD ESSEX & Son, Ltd. 15a, Grafton Street, London. W. t.

Issue.d as a Guitar supplement to"B.M . G'.' by special arra11gement with Lawrence WrigM Music Co.Dmtnark S4 W.C.2. Owner~ of the copyright.
To obtain & piano accompaniment for use with this solo, every player should purchase the song"Only a. stone's-throw from hea,-.n'.' Price6~ post free. from CLIFFORD ESSEX & Son, Ltd, 15a, Grafton Street, London.W.1.
July, 1936) B.M.G. 243

In a sca le tbere are twelve sc111i- \' ery oHen arrangers and con, .
TO tones. A dim in ished 'ith cho r d Lins p<>scrs ,n-ite the chords , she 11·n abol"e
interva ls fo ur frets apart (I say fom ltav in "" do11ble-s hai·ps in a simpl c-1 ·
PUPIL" frets so Urnt yo u can 11nclcrstancl form, " d ispe ns ing· with the douhk •-
quite plainly whnt - I rnenn - the shu rp s , but l-he above is t h e mor e
A GUIDE TO COMPETENCE clisl'anee between A and C on nny correct way of wri ting them . I hop ,·
ON THE GUITAR st r ing). Thus, from these twelve semi- I have been ab le to h elp yo11 1<1
ton es ll'e can only eonst1·11ct three undersLand t hi s so m ewhat, "nw k-
JJU ' FEREN'l' diminish ed chords : let wa rd " chord. I adm i t i t was quite "
( 1•:ighLh lnsL1tlment) u.,; 8ec ll'hy . \ Ve ca n co11slr11ct one t,ime befol'c J "got t,h e hang of i t "'!
from t he 1s t 4th 7t,h and l 0tl1 H eme 11,Lct· when pla y ing n "di,n i-
X tli e Iou.-llt insta hn en t oJ Lhi~
I series
v iewed
(i\fon::h issue)
lhe construclion
] n·•
se mi to nes; on~ from' t.lic 2ncl, 5th , SU,
n11rl 1 Hh sem itones; one from the
3nl Gth 9U1 ,rncl 12th scm itonl's.
nished" chord, that i t can be pl:1yed
in t he p osit ion of cmy of it,s not e~ :tn cl
does not all-c1· its shape when chn ng.
chords . I mention ed Lhe Diminished \\'c th~ n come to t-he 4lh sem itone ing its inv ersion .
Sen:uth cho rd (giv in g n simple: ll'hieh ll'e haYe alr ead y u~~d in the
me t-hod of cleliniug and locating aho ,·c fir~t chord . I will group th(; se
snmc) mid promi~ed to deal _wlth lhi~ t-hr cc chonl~, ,showing how, .i.. ,_,. en -
pnrticular cho rd 111n l,,.ti,r 1~s11c.. .
W e ll the t-im c has an ·n ·cd: for
ha r mon ic chnngcs, each chord 1111:iy MANDOLIN
be, in if·.self , fo11r ~cparat-c 1·l1onl~; BYB t,
s11rn, is/u.., 1·ou lnl\·c di gested ,,11Lh:11
ench nnm ed afte r onc of the notes in
hns ~ee1~ <:0111:1incd i·11 n1_1· prt·1·io11l'
,nl ic les. l' oll ~lt,)ti!d 11011· l><J ublc t-o
l,tttc1· ,;ndet·sla nd l he somewl 111l
E l\"'l'HUSIAS'l'IG man d ol iuisls (lnd
co lkct-o l's of fretted insLrum ent
gr amophone reco r ds will n ee d no
p11zzli11g llu ,m·y :,[ till · chor d of ll ,o i11toroduct ion to Parlophone rcco r cl No.
Din,iuisb eil l::ieventli. H. 1462 ... "Cavalieri« nusticana-
You 11nck1 -~10,,cl .1 hopu, my <lcfi- /11/t :·mczzo" and' ·/ ,. e1 Cl,in,:sc
11i1io11 or a .ithi~·d" as bt•in.~ lhl! 'l' c1n71fo Ganlen" played by t he Bel -
d:sh,n,·t• l,ct we on :ny one m,<l ;he gia n Mandolin Orch estra. H is i11dee<l
m •xt-l,ul . onec, not es 111,1 sc nlt-. '\ 011 uufort11untc thnt this disc is t he on ly
:ilso 111ulcr,k111c l lh:1l- then : ,we t11·0 one nvili la hl e in th i s coun!--i·_yby t he
ldncb of "th ird " - 111aj01" antl n1ino1·; oi-clw st ,ra consiclc !'ecl lo be> Oll l· or
,uul I 1,.11·0pr e 1·io 11sly c·xpl ai1wcl L!11\l !,h<: finest on t he Cont in ent. Th is
,1 Dot11ina111 ::le1·c11l h elto ,·cl co 11s1sL, orchcstr ,1 is di reolecl bv S ilv io R.anier :
of ,1 ;\l:ijor Thi1·d (t h e clishrncn _b~- w ho, inc :dcn tally, ;iri ,111gcd 1111.lhe
lln ,e11, a:1_1, L,' and A. on llt a lm ;l Kelc lb ey 11111nbe 1·s for 111 11rnloli11
~u-:11 g c•f lhc g11il,1r ); plu~ a i\Jm or 01 che~t-r,t fo,. l\fossrs . Bo,-worlh & Go ..

'J'hi rd ( th e clisl:ince bcLwec n A n11~ (', an d has rec enLl'y C<>;11pl. led :\ ucw
ft ,. i11~!:rnce) : plus ,111ollt<1' · i\fm or 1:ia.ndolin met hod ll')tich s houl d r auk
'J'ltir cl. :\011· :1 Diu1inilih 1•cl Sc1·enl h with Lhe l·<i>-t of Lhe 111 od ern works fo1·
clto r d ltus <JlH: of lhcsP inlcrl':l ls th e ,naudolin .
,lim::Uif>hecl; the dimi11is l1cd inl-cn ·:11 Signor Silvio Ranieri, whose pot··
bc•i1w Llw i\'fojor ' l'hi rd, wh:cl, is re- l1·aiL nppelll'S on this page, was bo rn
tl uce~l lo ,, i.\[in <Jt" 'l'hirrl . Tln:s !lw in Honw , lla l-y, on Novembel' 6lh ,
Do111in 11nL ~knrnth chol'Cl (111:ijor :Ire!
Mnndulin Virlllrufl IJHdComp0$tt. 1AA:~, n11d g:1vec,hi s fii·sL concert in hi s
(see article 0 11 tl, is page) n:ol ivc c: ty at t he age of fiflee u; Lh c
- m inor Brei- min or !l1·d) llt'cm ,u,~ n
f;i mi nis/11·d 8c ,·cn l h cl,ol"(] (111i ·nor llte o rig in:11 r l1<ml (or it s <·nlt:al'lnonic great- "nccess of this fil'SL pu bl ic ap-
!lr<l- 111ino1·::)1'( 1~ mii,or flr c1) when p e,11·,rncc, coup led ll'i t.h n n atura l
c hange) .
11,,,111ajor interval is s o 1·,·d11eml. To likiug fo,· Lhin gs mu s ical, 11· ,1s instr11-
( ;,•011111
mcnt11l in hi m r e11chi11g t he d ec is ion
il111slrnle my mea nin g : lh <· nnminnnt <:jZ H 1) F
Sen, 111-h cho rd of G (( :. B.'ll -1?) can l.J ndopt ic ns a pr ofess ion. He
H ll TI At,
macl e his ni·st concerl tout · will, t hl'
1:e c li:111..,ed tc n Diminish ed Seve n t h E ~ n~ n D
chord 1/ r e:luci ng the 111,1ioi·inlct ·1·,il Cx l-: j!: c:~ n cc lclwalecl It1 di an guitn rist, Lt 1igi
l\fo zz nn i , with w hom he gnve seve r a l
c:.n lo G:;l-13 (G ~ -H-D-F). Tht· nhon· c,,,,lt] lw <Jallc•cl n ~
concerls in U1e principnl to wn s of
'1'1,is, so fa r , is f:iirly ~imp le. but di m : TI dim: l) clim: l~ cli,n : At,
1.011· c•oines the "p 11zzling par!-." Any
T!:ilv 11s ll' ell 11s nbr oa cl, parLicu la rl.,·
cli11,: q11itr rMrt•l\tl_v. in l?r,u 1ce . Since his ca1·l y in trod uc-
di 1ni'ni s lied scwcnl I, c hor d of fo11r n1"011p 2. 1ion 10 (,he conc ert plat form hi s man -
noLes 111,1ylw callt·cl liy l-h(I n,11nc of l•', :\ C 11:t, cloli·n rec ita ls huve Cl'eatc d a se nsat ion
e ilh1:1· on e o.f llw~e not-es (somr -
Lirn es "cn lrnrmonicall_v cha .ngcrl," ns
T will expl ai n ) lwcnnsc ,my of the
I)~ I•':$ ,\
l) ~
in all t he princ ip al cities of Europe.
'l' hcy ore nlw ays we ll nttendecl, and
his incompn1·able techn ique and
r,rn,· nol-cs may I,(\ rcgur<l ed as t ltc '!'h e nbovc co11lcl he cnlll'd F ~ d im : higlilv clern lopcd mus ica l sense h n~
HOO'l ' np!·e, ,IJ,., ' 'in (-c1·v,1ls' " lt,('in _t: A rli•n: C cli m : F, iJ clim : l) ~ dint. placed him in the ve ry fron t rank of
t he sa m e nn cl inl'C•rsic>n of the chorcl (, rn11p a. pr ese n t-clay virtuos i. In P aris, Bi-u s-
l-h11s ca 11sing n<> s \.mclui-n l alte r a - et J: r. nv se ls, Antwe1·p , Leipz ig, B er h1 , Milan ,
t ion thereb. An "F,n h :mno ni c A~ C'j l~ G Tiomc- in fact, in every cit y wh er e
Change" is II cl111nge in lhl' NAMTil l"x A' C~ F. I,~ has app ea r ecl- Bignor Ranieri h as
of a n ol-e, wilhou! · 11 change iu t,hl' nx 1"x
A~ C~ not only won ap prob at ion from th l'
~mmd of t-hc not c,; t lrns, C 1 can lw The nbo1·r rcml,l {,., r, , llcrl :r ~ mandolin fraternity bu t nls o from llu,
chan ged to D t, without , :il te rin g t h e 1li111: F. dim: G dim: B t, d im : A~ ot her musicians and composers wh o
fo und. dim. h ave ac claimed him with en t hu s ias m
B.M.G. [July, rnaa
and congrnh:lnt ed h im on the excel - Ex . 6B, is st rnightforward pro-
lence of his progrnmmes on which " HOT
" CHORUSESAND gressi on, all ihe chords being finger ed

were to be found most of t he concertos

by Vie ux ternps, Paganini, Wi~n iask i,
'fbe t wo higher notes of a dim. i tb
St:n:tsaie, de Deriot, Mozart, Bee t-
hoven, etc .
ON THEBANJO cho rd can be finget·ed by a bnrre (see
E x. 5C and D), und by playing these
It is interesting to note that his t.wo notes· on ly, usin g the first and
tour of t-hc princ ipa l cities of Europe (Continued from the Jun e issue ) fourth fingers alternately ( ns shown
OR- t.he next ex ercise I will use 11
Live rp ool.
rec itals in London nnd
F domin,1n t- 7th chord form . E x.
4A, is the <lorn. 7th chord o{
in Ex . 6C), we haYe an e,1sy method
of variat -ion .
E x. 6D, is played on th e th ree
Signor R1m:eri is no\\ · permanent"I:· key C, nnd it is often rep rese nted by
resid in g in Br ussels wh t rc, having lower strings by using a 1- ~3 chord
the s:•mbo l G7. nnd moving the left.hand positi on up-
ckveloped manv brillin n t rnandol in -

:f, 7f1i•er•
isl~, h e founded the ma n dolin orches - v r, • V r, n r, V r, v- n ~ V n '> V r, S!-V

: ttt1~
t r,1 which t he re,1der can hea r on the 3

abo,· c mentioned Parlop hone record,

or per medium of the Brnsscls bro;1d-
Ex.4. ~rjifN ~
i7f 11f ~ ~
casting stntions. I n E x. {13, as in 3B, I have simply wards (t-hree frets at a time), th e
In 1920 he becf\mc D irector of the us ed the chord inversions . In Ex . 4C same man n er as Ex. 6B . I woul d also
famous l\fandolin Section of the I h,we added the note A, which is ii ri;m ind yo u t.lwt in a "hot" chorus,
Societi; Uoyale de l,1 Grand e H:11·. Uih in k nal from the root (G) of the exam ples 6B, C and D, can be sul:--
mon :e de Brnxelles, which gained •d(\m. 'ith chord. E x. 4D contains a stitut-ed for :my bar harmonis ed by
firs t place in t he Intemationa l Con - pasBing note At,, notice how syncopa- the G dim . 7th chord , regardless of
tests at Boulogn e and R heims . In tion i~ p1·oducE"clby accenting the the origina l me lody.
1931 he "·as appointed Director and chot·ds . Bar 7 of ' 'Di nah '' conta ins a dim.
Manager of the ;;Grand e Harmonie " To ret-um to ''Dinah" (given in 7th chord, t he refore, us a ,•ariation,
concerts and at the same time, Ins t month's music supp lement), bars I have introduced part of E x. 6B.
assumed co11trol of the Grand 5 an d fi are harmonisPd by a dom. 7th In the majo ri ty of popular song
Syrnphon_v Orchestra . chord, :n this c:ase D7, therefore, I choruses the m elody of th e firs t eight
Th e last concert- at which the Dcl- h,wc trl'\ns pos ed tl1e obove exam p les bars is prnctically repeated in bnrs 9
girm Mandol in Orchestra appeared nn cl npplied them to these t-wo bnrs. t,.) 16, but- when playing a ''ho t"
was :,it.tended by Roynlty, 1:-y wholll Xo te the use of t be dom . 9th chord {'horus it is not ad v:sab le to repeat
S:gnol' Hnnier i and his orchestra were (('. R A), in bn r (i in steod of the the first phrase. With a dance
cc-ngratu lated after their pedectly m·iginal dom . 7th (C, F j:I, A) . orchestra we would probably hear a
fln,dess rendition of Beethoven 's \\' e will now deal wi th the var· n- differnnt inst ru ment. take over the
1-'irst Symphe,oy . tions of n dirninished 7th cherd fom1. "lead," but on the banjo we con vary
sr e II PB t!te solo by
He has specialised in trnnscr ibiog , ·# •#.s_ giv in g
h!,J! f
2PB ,sP B the
for t he plectntl orchestra,
reno"'ned symphonic
the most
compos it;ons. II
l !
- (E)
f I
se~ond ph_rase
shght l? d1ffe1·-
H is urrnngements inc lud e ·' Chinese ent treatment".
Pagoda, " " Ballet Egyptien, " Ex. 5A, is the fm;t invers ion of the . As an exampl e of this refer to the
"En TI:,idi11,1nd" l·y Ambros.o, cl,o rd G d im. 7t 11. A comp lete dim . spec ia l arra ngement of "D inah,"
•· ;vfarche Funebr e d ·un Hanoeton" 7Lh chord is composed of four differ- ba rs 9 to 14, where we hav e a varia -
(.Fn neral Mm·ch of ,1 Coc k-chafl::t·) l:y en t note s, bu t for practical purposes tion played on the th ird 11ncl four th
Leon Dul>ois, etc ., etc . , and Signor on the banjo we may om it one of strings . As in the first phmse, t-he
l{anicr; ha s distinguished himself as these notes . For cxnmpl e, we cannot
n composer, his ; 'Concerto in D notes u sed are taken from the
p lay Ex. 5.'\., on the banjo bub we ea.n hal'mony .
Major," the "So uvenir de Varsovie" piny any of the exnmples 5B , C or D . In bars 9 to 12 \\'e haYe G, B, D
,111d '·Uan to cl'Estale" being lookecl
All the inversions of a dim. 7th (the notes of the nccom p,1nying
upon as gems in mandolin literature; chOJ·d can be fin~ered in the same chord) and the 6t h E. Tn bars 13
in fnct t,he mundo lini st wh o :s un-
manner - E x. 5E. This, nnd the fact nnd 14 we h a,· c D, A, C (the
acquai ,{tc d with t he works of Signor
that : we hav e onl_v to move 3 frets up accompaniment), nnd the l)th E.
Raniel'i is missing some of t he finest the fingerboard for each invcrs;on, Th e ot her notes used in these bars
solos eYel' written for h:s instrument ,.
makes il easy for u s to use the inver- net as st-epping stones between the
1 £eel this artic le would be incom- sions in a "hot" chor us. r.otes of the harmony and help to fill
plete w ithout mention of tlie. decor- \Ve "·il l agn in assume that Ex. 6A in the 50 10.
ations Signor R-unieri lrns had
confert·ed upon him. These inc lu de
Cheva l:er of the Ord er of the Crown
of Be lgium; Ghevalicr of the Crown
oi Ita ly; Go ld Medal, City of Mi lun;
French Arts and Scienc~s Medal ;
Gold i\1Iedal and First , I>l'iie, Inter. is ~ b11rof a pop:rlnr song . Ex. 7, shows a (l' \I. var iations
1;,ttional Con test for Composition, Note l"hat in thi s cnsc examples 6 suitable for a Minor lrnrmonv.
Leipzig, Hl04; Pres:dent, Belgi,rn B , C. m, d D nrc n ll based on the in - 'fhe chord in Ex . 7 A is E minor
~[nndo!in l'lub ·s 1''cdcr,1t 1on; u.nd H·rsi ons of E x. ('L\.. with th e root , (E) above, :H,d E x. 'iil
:Wember of Honoul' (not honora ry
member) Grande Harruonie de v/' r, 'V r,- r, ;.-,,.,7"1..
Brn xellcs and mos t of the principal
Europe,111 m,111doliu orcirest ms. Ex . 7.
2 -J,;3
July, 1986] B.M.G.
Before visit ,iug the U .S .A., Oy,rn-
is composed .of the inversions of Lh is
cho rd . OYANGOREN guren g;tvc concerts in Urugu,ty.
E~am ples 7C and D are based on Ar gen'ti 1rn and Brazil, " ·hl:l'"
chord ar p egg ios . T his type of vari11- audiences nnd m us ical cr iti cs \\'~ !',·
By A. P. SHARPE. eq u,illy enthusi,1stic over his pl ay ing .
tio n., like inversions, can a lso be
app lied to all other chords. As an IAL Nucion (Buenos Aires) soicl:
illustration oI Lh is I have applied the
voi'iitt-ion 7D to the chords used in
GUHEN , whose p lay ing of the
"The conc er t gui(:al'ist, Ju lio Mani -
ncz Oyan g urnn, rev ea lt!d outslan din.e?
Spanish g uitar Las caused Lhe music ')un li ties showing his g reat artistry .
bars 1·7, 18 and 19 of ·'Dina h ." critics in the lJ.S .A. to ran·k him with Th e pl'og1·a.mrne was of excell ent
Jn Ex. 7E ., I hin:e added a C ;j: (a Sl·govi,1-, was bor n in D ura:mo , Uru- q1mli1y consisting of cornpos iLion s L,_,.
GLh from the root- E). t-0 t he other g uay , nnd gave his first concei·t at t he Alb eniY., Bach , :\foz,1rt, 8ierrn, 8 ors .
notes in the harmony . ,wt' of elen:m. His first public appear - 'l':\ITeg,1 and Turin,,, 1d1ich gave lhis
I will now d ea l with lh c remaind er ,1~ce ii\ lhe ·u.S ..A. "·a s wh en he gaYO instr111ncnb list nn op por tu nil y lo
of . th.:i specia l arrangement of a conce d in lhe Kew York Tow n Hall, s l,01,· h is g reat, techn i<]ue and
"D in ah . " in October, 1935 . At, pres ent ho is 111usicians.l:ip (o his cnthu s insl,ic
Dars 20, 21 and 22 · are varied by gl: (:St soloist on v,1riou s nn Lional nud 1cn ce.
t.he use of in versions on Lhe ori ginal n>dio pr og rnmm es ond is pfon11ing an
me lody chord . c xtcnsi" e toul· of the Un ited States .. \\ ·u. in P.n!!'l,iud, look fo rward 1·0
Bars 23 nn d 24 co n tnin an effecti 1·e The Ke w Yor k Press says : '·O ynn- lteari1ig 8<·,;o,· .folio .iVTartine7.
"break" on the dom. 7th chord (D7) gur en play s in th e tr,idition of ele - Oynn guren.
int roducing t he added 9th E. 'l'his gance, s u avity and good taste. He
"lii·eak" should be pl ayed on th e first can mnnage br illinnt passag e work
all(! second stri ngs , as i.nd ica.t.ed, with without allowing it to assu m e undue
a sl ig h t nccent on the dotted quavers . importance in the mus ica l sc h eme ood

You will notice th at the

lost e ight ba rs of the origina l
choi·us a r e sim iln'r to t h e firs t
111·0 8-lrnr ph rnses but . ,1s T TECHNIQUEFOR
pointed ou t befo re, i11a '"hot"
chorus i L is not 11ch:sable t,o · TENORBANJOISTS
r epeat a ph r,,se . Hem-ing th is
in mind, I have made use of J3y WALLY H AOU'.Y .

su~t,t ined chords in bars :Z ',3, (Fourth insla lmenL) .

-J.7and 29, relie viug Lhe mono -
Al::>1'11,onth, it will lw
tony by int roducing a repeated
trip let on th e t h ird st ring in
L rc n1c111bcred,
seve ra l <:x amplcs
I gnve
bars -J.6, :18 and 30.. This of tcichni cnl exerci~es trn11s-
\',w iution pro,·id~s an ab~o - posl:cl into various major
Jute cont1·usL Lo L-ot h th l: keys; t•xe rciscs \\'hich, I
first, and scc011d phrns e~, l rusi , l h e reader has prac-
a lthoug h the uotes usutl an, t isl:cl to :1chnntage .
exactly tl~e ~u111 e. This 111011th I gi,· e
In bat · 31 I h ave departed JULIO MARTINEZ OYANGUREN
six e x,1111p
lcs-th r ee 4 -lrnr
l he original h,ll'mony. Instead of is int-ent nbo, ·e all in mak ing m us ic and (:hrec 2-bor phrn~ cs- in the 1-ey
playing the chord of U majot · I l,ave on lhe guilar, not ca u sing mu s ic to of (! min or .
moved one fret up the fingerbo,trd to serve ns a med iu in for {,he disp lay of
play a .. bt·eok" on t he chord E 117. hi~ instnunent" (New Yori,: 'J'hnes) . Incidcn tnlly , 1 t-.liink that nt this
This Ii Llle varia lfon, together \l'i th ,1 "It happ ens on ce in a \l'h ile !hat stage it \l'ou ld ee ad,·isab le to intl'o-
ba1· ~im ilar to 32, ma kes a ve ry some u nusua lly g; ftccl perform er ciuce my rende1·$ t,o \\'hat is know n to
effect:ve ending for a " ho t" chorus. pro !essio nnl players as the "b ack
l n this nrticle it has bee n my en -
rn:ses the g uita r out of its roman t ic
cslate as o.medium for serenndes . This
deavour to enlighte n t:h e reader re - '.l'hc · 'bflck bent-" merelv cons ists of
happened last nigh t wh en Jul io l\farU-
gnrd in g the const ruction of so.called
· ' hot" mus ic . Of co u rse, mn11y more n e1/. Oyao gu ren foilow-ed in 1he foot - th e use of the up-st roke 0;1 not es thnl·
steps of that Sponish wonder, Segovin, arc syncop >1t('d or, in ot her words,
methods of vnriation can be used and, "off the bea t "; ::incl if th(' 11ccornpan." -
nnd proved h:s ri ght to stand righ t
.wi th the Ed:t,or's pe ,-rnission I will in g exerc ises are careful!>' stuclic-cl
up as ,111 cq uol of the Sp anish
:discoms e furtlier on tbe subj~ct at a the studeut should qu ickl .v rcnl: S!'
masLel'" (New York Journal). "l\1111·-
.Inter date , ~u t what I wish to im - lincz O.vanguren plo>'S th e guitar \l' it•h "'h ere to use the app 1·opria !c s!roh>s
:1ire~~ 1:pon .,·ou is 'the fact that it is fine skill. '.I'li ere is ,1n elegnnce nud nnd phras es for the best effect. Jn_
the original. harmony which prov'des gracefulness in the 11·ay he us es h is cfo:ct·iminllte use shou ld, of course. h"
'tb.'! foundation. in s hument thnt suggests a chnrm avoided.
, ' Tn conclusion, I invite r ea ders to lilt.le 1mown amo ngst us . Not , only is Example 1 (on n exl pag e), i, a
·udd r ess nny que ries they may have his playing bea u tiful and delivery 4-bar ph r ase wit-h a hiplel' l,:wl
'911 th is subject to m e. . c / o fine, but his progrnmme is chosen or "_pick-up ." 'l' he c1o tfrcl
·:·n.v.a .,·· l\lld I \\'ill do my be st to . with taste nnd ea r e." (Bridgeport <]Ui\V e rs shou ld be cl!'111'1_1·<l<'fill<
•<l in
·sol\'(> n ny d:fficu llies . Herald). l h is phras e, wh ic h i~ /\ phr,,~P
246 [July, 1936

.We ;u:e pleased to heal' that Stella S.:ott

and her ban jo have been engaged by S.:ott
t 11 Uo1·don fo1· fifteen weeks at the Grnnvi llc
P,wi!ion, Ramsgatc, lo,· the summer seas on.

Harold Lancaste r and Doris Cr utc hley

played banjo and Hawa iian guitar solos res-
pective ly from the Midland station on the
8th of June. A reporte1·, commenting upon
this forthcoming bl'Oad cast, wrote :-

© ' bb1
pij..JJ i II "The ,·o is romance in Monday's broadcast .
Mt·. Lanca.ster's partner is his f\ancee, Miss
Do,·is Cr utchley . He first met hel' when she
r, V V V
came to him for music lessons.
r, V >v r, >r, V · r, > >,,..._ V

~ ,b," ~fr'Frr&rtwr
"Mr . Lancaster has appeared on the same
ff'f-II: bill ""' many leading artists. A few weeks
ago he was at Lewisham wit h ]\fr. Norman, the popular B.B.C. ent,erl,ainer. He
has carried off the Abbot Challen g e Cup
C Minor Chords 8V a .. ...... .....·,· ·•·········
3·-········: at the Bla ckpool Fl'etted Instrume nt Fes -

tiva l for the past two yMrs. Miss Cru tc hley
11 •19! 11 .... , 111 ,/1II
1:f..,~ ... ,, ,111! is also the ho Ide,· of a cup for Hawaiian
guitar playing, which she :,lso won at the
"Mr. Lancaster and Miss Cru tchley will
p,wtic11l,11·lyefl'cctil"C in t·he key of () appca ,· at the top of the bill in a v"t'lety
n:ino1· (,,lso t.ho key1-of ]) minor nncl
0 111ino1·-in bolh of which the
LEN WILLIAMS progra mme to be broadcast from Bim ,ing-
ham at 6.30 p.m. Their tu rn will inclnd c
fingering is Lhc snme as used for C two of J\fr. Lanca.ste ,·'s ow n numbe1·,,
'Eldorado' and 'Step On It.' '·'
rni nor) . Pn.v ,1ttention Lo thf; dynn-
11:ics ,rncl mu \\'ill notic e the smooth,
n al m ,d l'li.,·tl11nic,,ffect of the " back
"B.M.G." M,·. Hal'o ld Wi lliamson, of "Be!,bt.rville.'·
Willow Cresceut, Sowe1·by Bridge , w ould
lik,: to hear from a. rewmandolin phyCl'S in
Example 2 is nn ol h<!r 4-bur phrase
READERS Ha li fox and dist rict with a view to 1oinit!g
a small combinat ion.
to \\'h ich my remarks regarding Ex . 1
nlso app ly. HIS
Mr. Eric G. Spencer, •lf 111, Somarset
Example 3 is also n 4-but· phrus e, COMPLETE Road, HanclsworU1 ·WooJ, Birn ,:ngh .. n:, 20.
wishes to know of a teache r of t he piectrun ·
elend y rn ,u ·ke cl and ver.v <:ffe<:th,e in g uita,· in the Ha udsworth area. failiug this,
I he key ofl~ minor. Modern GuitarCourse in the City ceut ,·e. Mr. ',pc nccr menticns
that ~he neares t teache r advert ising iu
Examples 4i and 5 Me 2-bur phrns es 8/ - DEPOSIT "n .lvl.G" is three miles :.way fron , l,is
[1ich \\'ill be found to be useful as address.
and balanc e 2/ - weekly
" fill-ins'' ut t.lrn 7t l, and 8 Lh bm·s for or 35/ - Cash
instance. ' Enquiries are often received for past •:.;m-
This Famous Course includes: plete volumes o! " B.M.G," but many of th e

25 STUDIES and PHOTOGRAPHS necessat-y issue..i, ate no w '"out of print." The
Exa mple 6 is an excellent 2-bar 150 D I AGR,AMS 1n;blis:hers, however, have five complete
phrase [or numbers in qu ick t-empo. 6,000 WORDS ,o tumes, from October 1928 to September
T I, i~ phrase is easy to play yt't most 1933, for disposal ; also a bound volume of
di Pel i1·e. Note U1e dynamics . Embracing e very aspect of the "B.M.G.'' 1906-7. The price of each volume
modern Plectr um Gui tar is fotll' &hillings ana are obtainable irom
Jn Lhe nexL insta lm ent I will in- POST THI S COUPON ror full particul:us ol t.he l\1e~srs . Cli fforct' Esse x and Ron. T.t,I.
cont.e 1iM of Lhc cour:se.
clude l:hesc examp les . in t he trans- l'lease sen,l, fr,ee of charge and postage,
po~ecl keys, a nd I would su ggest th a t. pMtic1tlan of the above to : - Mr. A,·thur Ke nn edy, the well-know!I
th e w,1dcl' s h ou ld fh,: t practis e Lhc N<ime ...... .............................. .... ...... . fretted instrument teacho1· of Oxio rd. iniorms
P~::1mple~ given with Lhis al't.icle . !lddress .. ......................................... .. us th, ,t j,o has b een engag ed by "r.Appl e-
ton (of the Cardiff D. B.C.) for a ; ea son at
( To be conliJ1u.ed) LEN W ILLI A MS 'l'cnby . Wa,les. Mr. Kenn edy has been giving
Besson Musicraft, gui tar an d H:iwa.iia.n guitar lesson, to J\fr.
12 ARCHER STREET , LO NDON , W .11 Appleton's two daughters Rcuy and J oan.

. d by itsing a rowid
beobtai~ie I . flat type of
Do you play the There are so many advantages a;~ discarding t ieir
teel that pla~rers everywhere
s · the new -
steel a.i1d pitrc 1iasing N DEB "
Hawaiian Guitar '' IS!;~R -the
~ is better than th e re st ·
Bu y one to-da y ·and see

• CLIFFORD ESSEX & SON , LTD ., 15a Grafton St., New Bond St ., Lon don, W . I
July, 1936] B.M.G. 247
Les lie Green , of Dovel'court, Es s.ex, ·'R"

C3"N()tes Urndc (Banjo) . .
Te;,~her: J\lr . ,\I. H. Milhs .
Exami1\er : Mr. Bernard Gough .
. .

Miss Coomi vesavevala, of Bombay, Ind ia ,

Messrs . R. Hillman, ArU1ur Allcu aud "B" Grad e (Hc1waiian Guiial';. HAMIL TON, Onta rio, Canada .-O n A pri l
Thomas ~Jeadows have formed a. banjo tr io Te :ichcr : M1·s. T . :\lurzba n . 30th lasL pupi ls of the Boote Music SLud,u
wh icJ1 they ha " c named the 11
Rega l 'l'rio" l·;;\'.amin ei-: 1\(1·. V. Siqu eira., and llono hi lu COJl:;c1·vat.ory ga.,·c ~ su ccc~:,..
(two or the players use Clifford Ess ex Arthur J. C. Stewart, of Dublin , "A·• lul concert at •.-heMain Street W·. Y . W .<..: . .I.
" Rega l" ban Joa) . 'l\hey find t he banjo mo sL Grade (Ba nj o) and "A " Grade (Hawa iian ltcms by .Ha.waiian guiLat ensemble::;, n1. H-
popula r in t.hc Alde rs·i1ot dist rict. H is Guitar). dolin an<l guiLa t l,r io, .Ha .waiian gu ita!',
in tcrcsti 11g lo note t hat the t,hird .mcn1 be l' of ]i:xamincr: i\ (r. J c1ck l\facGnrvcy . l.,,mJo ensembl e and Mr. llel'bcrt J3ootc~
t his trio plays a C.E. "Gonce .rt Grand" V1ictor Thomas , of London, " B" Grade b.:nJo solos wc,·c gre a tly enj oyed .
banjo . (Banjo) . J-LONC.:KO.NG.- On April 25U, the Wing
Teacher : l\!r. Harrv Da, is. 1 U11 ..\fand oli n 0 1·cl1e::;tn,, ui1der ihc conducto r.
Thi s issue of "JJ.M.G. " goes to press loo Exam iner: llk Cli.fford Essex ship of S. l' . Chinn, g.axc a, concert at th e
ca l'ly l.o be able to giv e t he resu lts of :.he Char les Shale , or Bil'mingham, ~'.•\ " Ga-nde S?. St..cph c11':-:;
Girls ' Collcgct items including :
:\ merican Guild or Banjoists, 1\•fondolinis ls (H awaiian Gnit-ar) . "~\ lai-d1c .Es1n1g11ole/ ' ''Poet .-in d Pc.asant..
and Guit arists' Convent.ion, held in Minne - 'l'each<'r: )fr . Stan Mart ini. Overture," "S elect ion from William Tell, "
apol is on Jun e 21st to 24th. A 1-epoi-tof th e Examiner: l\{r. K en K a.pua. ·'Valsc de Faust.,'' ,i~1urchc n:Iilit...airc'' and
con vcution will appea r in our August issue. Alan Collings, of Mancheslc r, "A" Grade · ' El Dora do." T,hc le:1der of the o,·chescra,
(B,m;ol . ~fr. Lambert Gockchin, pbyed mandolin
Members and friends · of the Exam iner: :clfr. Will Shepherd. solos "Da nza, Spagn ola," :1nd
Nortl1 Lond on Club spent a "Bo ston Ideal :\lar<\h," and
very pleasant day at Maldon, 111r. S. P. Chinn "?.lazui-ka di
Essex , on Sunday, June 7th . Co11certo. •· In a rcpor~ pub -
The Journey was made . by lished in the lo c,11 1!ewspapc.- a
coac h and aft el' enjoy ing ,., writer says; " Vlc hope t.he
splendid lunch at the Blue orchestra will pl"y in t,he
Boa.,· Hotel , the par ty spent the near fut ure as it,s peL·£orma ncc
a[Lcrnoo n 011 the 1·iver and was 11Hjoycd by all. "
afte.nv.u·ds on ~he put ting g,·een GREENW ·ICH.-The Lewis-
wher e a. tour nament was fierce. ham Club played aL t-hc
ly contested . Af ter tea the Gre enwiC", lt Garde n Pat ·t.y for
rema.ind er of the day wns the benefit- of St . ·Paul's
~pent, in 1·ambling , and the Church, on Satur day, Jun..:
homewa.l"(I journey completed 13th . The i:,lub ga ve sever:, !
a very enjoya ble day . lrnJr.hour tm ·ns nnd were ac-
COJ"ded a g reat ovation.
The following is '' " ~xcei·pt Amongst the items rl:tyc,!
from the "Bii xto11 F r ee P1:cssu were :-ul 'dan t.hc Gun~,
of May 29th :- u ~fo onli ght. and You ' '
"Vod}: a, "" ' Swa n<'c Si:~g-
HT he amateurs on the song , Gcn1s from t..hc
J3rixton 'Ast oria.' stage th is Clas.c.ics," uGay 90'~/ ' ''Over -
week- lllessrs. Owen, Hut ch- tu re l\fodle.y," ··Speedw ell/ "
ings and Francis-a re meet - etc.
ing with a reception that l\IAGAR A FA LT,S-E,11 ly
shou ld enco urai;re anv in ~lay , Uic,11·
,, Ilan.10
amateur with talent to seek Band and Orchestr a.
a.n audition . both 1111<l~r t,he dfr action of
Leonard F rancis. the E, ·an \Vhite, gave a concert in
youngest of the three, is 16 the Niag:t1·a Falls Hi i:h School
yea rs of age. He plays a Anclilo,ium with the till (•
gu it ar and sings . "Fretted Frolics;"' such it i~m:-:.
W.T,. Hutch in gs also plays .is "Do wn South /' "ParaclL·
a. gmta .r and Be•t Owen a,
of the Wooden Soldiers ," ·
city clerk pla,ys Lhe -banjo. "Di n:th," by the band and
He received banjo lessons \"ill'ious solos. trios ;ind en-
und c l' the expel't t,uition HENRY CARLYLE semb les p1·oving popuh,r to
t,he huge ~ndience thr1l• lrnd
of Be rt Bassett . Th e Banjo Soloist and Teacher of Guernsey, C.I . assembled . Jt is inf.eresting- to
Th e r hythm playing of the On tile left Mr . Carlyle gitu a n imf>rtssion of :.:hat it b,rnjoist looked like in 1$36 ami llte. otlttr nol e that tJ1e banjo b»ncl lws
raph sht:rwsMr . Carlyle a$ Ire reall)' is .
tr io is distinctly c,·edit able." seventy-o ne play ers and the
Ralph Moore, "A" Gt·ade (Teno ,· l3tmjo) ;
H awa iian gu itar orchestra
Anthony Mc Cafferty, "A" Grade (Banjo);
fotty -six, and in some items both sect.ions
Richard Francis Ho dgso n, "A" Gracie played c,,ncerted .
(Guitar); Aubr ey Coblei gh, "A" Grad e
( Guitar); Mrs. Phoeb e SE1'TLE. - On June 13th , 111. Eug ene
A COPY OF THE TESTS NECESSARY Symonds, "A" Gnule (Mandolin) ; al ! of Earl e was engaged lo play at the Garden
TO SECURE ' 'B.M.G." DIPLOMA S C;ilgary, Alta , Canada . Fete held at Langcliffe Hall, his banjo and
can be obtained free of charg e by Ernmine r : Mr. Geo. E . Tucker . gu it a.r solos provhlg quite populal' .
applying to the Editor, "B.M .G.," Miss Susie Truter , of Pr eto l'ia, S.J\ ., "A"
15a. Grafton Street, Bond Street, London, W . Grade (B,mjo). \VOOLWICH .-i\Iembe rs of the Lewisham
The following oandidates have been Exam iner : i\fr. H. Coetzer. Club nssiste cl :.t " C'..oncert on May 28th, a(
a warded Diplomas:- Miss A . K. Smith, of Lon don, "A" Gn,dc St John's Chu rch Hall. Concer te d it ems.
W. A. Wagstaff , of Birmin gham, " A " i.nd (Ma ndolin). dn ets and Quintet.s were well rt•cci \'ecl :
" B" Grade /H a waiian Guitai·). Teache r: J\Jr. B. W . Dykes . "Tat.too, ·, "B la;,,e l\ wa.y,'' ''l\ •Jexican Rid c-...
Examine•·: Mr. Bert Bassett . ''Soick and Spa nis h" and specia l ensemb!ei- .
Exa miner: Mr . Ken Kapua.
"Show noat," "E nf..-v of the Gladiaiol's' '
Frederick Bennett, of Derby, "A" Grade
(Hawai ian Guita r) .
INSTRUMENTBADGES etc .. by Messrs . Bt1lla;·d, . Beni<l~c .
(BANJO er GU ITAR) Dolby and Pooley were greatly enj oyed. The
Teache r: Mrs. Elsie Dawson.
Exa miner: Mr . Sanders Papworth. Well made in gilt and enamel promoters of this concer t were :\frsFs . Cress -
EACH 9d. POST FREE well and Caple, member s of !he Lewish ,,m
Maste r Ronald Marriott, of Ha rl"ow, uA" Club .
Grade (Ha,va iian .Guita r).
Teach er: Mr. Edward Fairs .
27-29-31, Queeo Victoria St., Le ed s, l.
Exa miMt': Mr . Beinard Sheaff.
B:M.Ci. [July, 1uao

T he J une meetings of the Excelsior was much (lppreciat _e<l by the club members

.~.( lubNctes (L..-wisham) Club were well attended
visitors are now a. regular reatnre. Community
items p lay ed have included "l\lan the Guns,"
"Spic k and Spanish," ·'Community l\fedley/'
and and visitm"s. E. J. Tynell prov ided· t he
h\nt er n and acted as operator
evm ing.
for the
At "the conc lusion of the lecture
club membe.-s played " Za.-an:i" and '"Sy nco-
"Sousa Scrap Book, " etc. A sut·prise viisit pa.!-in' Shuffle'' and Mr . Keeler playeJ
of se,·eral members of the Croydon Club "Hunga.-ian Rhapsody No . 2' ' and " Lawn
Club Secreta,·ies who sen(l notes f or in- was made at the June 15th meeting an d l\fr .
cl r,sion in this section should be as Polka." '!'he eve ning closed with a vote of
l'reslancl, deputy concluct-0r, took the baton thanks to Mr. Keele,· for his very fine lecture
concise as possible. Notices intended in ·'C:~ms from the Cla.s:$ics," a-ftel·wards play- and lo ?,fr_ Ty,nll for his able "ssist"ncc.
Jui' i,iclu.sion in "B.Af..G .11 rn-ust re 11ch ing a mandolin and guitar duet ,;1 ith his snn,
the t:ditor on or be/o.-e the 20th cl«y of ·'l' ost l:lorn Galop." At the request of a • * *
the month 1>recedingthat in which tlte ,·isito,· "Nina Pancha March" was pla.yd by Ou June 9th bhe Hackney and District
the club's m;mdoli11 and guit.:H· section. a nd Club played t.he follo,vin~ con 1munity item ..;:
announcement is to a7Jpear. th1::- Ha,w,1ii;m Serenaders plnyed ' 1 Contl " A Southern l1'estival," ue n Hur," 11
Dut !.e1·. 11

L,le:,' 1 and ' '.Aloha Oe," which wer e greatly 1

fly \Va1tz '' 'Sunnv Italv '' •·Gems from the
Tho Acton and Ealing Club spent ;c most ,1ppreciatcd . The club are holding the ir fo·st Clussics,"~ "Vodka,'" etc.",' followed by YOl11n-
<•11joyab le e\'eni ng visiting, the Islington Club 0hting to l3righ tou on S-unday, July 19th. tary pl.n.ying : ,banjo duet.: ucuu~ ,111•
011 Tucs cl:ly, June 9t h . l'hc re was a larg e
nwsl<,1· o[ both clubs and the opening com - G,itc:hy," :Misse.s F. Benwell and I . Attwoo l:
nu111dolin .solo, Twilig ht in Rome/' l\fr . .F..

n11mity number, •fA.dmiral Andy/' souudccl ,J. Ty rr ell; banjo solos, •tAndanteH :wd
fine wit,lt the backing o[ the t wo contrn-bass The Hackney and District Clu b wa;;
,·,sited hy ~fr. G. ;\ . Keel e,·, who gave a. '' Wal t z," S. Ya xley: ".Li Hirondelli," H.
an<l two bass banjos . Th e Acton an_d Ealing Cross ; l>nnjo quartet, "~.rncopatin' Shufi le ."
Club then ga.,·e a. programme con:s1StJng of mos t i11stn1cth·e a11d intei· est ing lantern
"Bushrangers' Ma,·t,h," "Valsc
"Creole Belles," tollo wed by a mandolin
Caprice ," ~cture on "Ba njo )fusi c:
Basis and Hist orical Devdopmcnt,"
Its Physi .ca l
whi ch
1'.hc May meeting of t he lll ord Clul> wa s
solo, "Tanrnlel la," play ed by llh-s. llenuing- held in the new headquarters , 286, Hi g:,
•• n, \\"hich brought forth ,·olnrnes of Road, lllo rd. Communit y it ems included :--
appluu~e Th is was succeeded by ~Scot~ 1
"Beat as You Go," ''BanJo Vamp," "Com-
(;1nd," " Bn tt.ed ly Waltz," and "Call o' munity MecU_ey," "Gypsy :r,o,·e," ' 'Sp ic,k
Erin"; the Acton and Ealing Club's pro- and Spanish" an<l Sa ilol's Don't Care.''

grt1mmc concluding wif )1 ]frank Ln.wes Jncli"idua l ite1ns- were, "l\fan orrn" a nd
ph~):inq 'A 11 in Position," Jot· which he had
''One, 'l'wo, 1'hrec, }"'our/' Hawai ian gu itar
an 111s1stent encore, ;111<lJJn 1·espons e, gavt! solos, l\h-. But/er; 1 'S wing of the Kilt," banjo
a clever a1-r,mgement of HSome o[ 'l'hrse so'o, )fr. Vango; "Eve1•_ything·s in Rhythm
l)a_\'s." A short interval then took pla ce, witJ, ~Iy Heart," \V. Tomkins; ''Valse di!
duriug which )lr . Ted Percy (the Clwinnan Concert,'' G . A. K eeler; "Gypsy Violin/'
of the Jsli11gto11 Club), in a few well. chosen and ''!\l:- 1st ic ~felody.1' ple::-trum guit.a.r so!Os.
,vonh;, wekomcd the ,·isitors and commen ted l\fr. Laro che : 11 Yankee Gr it" and 11 Nationa l
upon the good effect created by these inte1·- ;\ledley ," plectrum bllnjo solos, Miss Fairlie :
dub visit~, whi ch not only enco ura ged a uAhi Ahiwela and "O ld Hawaiian i ·fat·d , ,"

fl iendl ,v s.pirit ,nnong t he mcnnbers but. Hawaiian guitar solo with ~tiitar acc ..
eua-hlcd each c lub to hear a rendering or )f cssrs . Crook and Cornell: "Whispering,''
ntunbn~ new to them. 'l'he lslington Club, 1>lectrnmgu i~ar solo, Mr. Briston, Mcelin i;s
uncle,· t-he conductorship of j,\fr_ A . V . Tuck, will be resumed in September.
then played " Man the Guns," "Mconlight (f. ~~

,rnd Yon"; t hen a. bc1njo duet, most ex cel- On June 2nd, the Isli ng to n club spent "
leully 1·endcrcd by )fossrs. F. H. Robson and \'Cry en joyable evening as they were fortun.
Ted l'e, ·cy, " )f y T.acly Jaz1."; "Spick and ale i,1 havi ng ,vall y Hadl ey, t l,e Austncliau
Sp;,11i,;h," "'l3rn Hu ,•" (by the dub) . Miss b,injoist and tenor -banjoist , an d Fr eddie
Gladys Pcl'cy's mandolin solo, uComme un
1'•{ol'gan, t he .Am~rican te nor.ban joist, ,·isil
Hev e," followed. and brough t forth a storm them and contribute to t.he c,·enin ;(s
of al)j)Jausc: whic!i t,hi~ clever young plnyel' plnying . The mcetiug in cluded rnandoliu
l'ich ly dcs('t ,·cd. "Stl'auss \Vall-z<'s," and a solo, l\:Iiss G. Percy, Tm·aniella." ; mn11tloli11

th,ncing -b:rnjo no,·clt._y, l\licrophonc Sam,"

duet , "Ellis Ga lop:i l\1iss Pri-c_v ,111d F .
lly '.\_fr. 0 . A. Keele.-, l>rought a. delightful Braiucj •·I\fy Lady Jazz t banjo and tC'nor.
;;,·c1uug to a close. b,mjo duet,, hless, ·s. Percy and Robson : b'1njo
~olo, ''Ba nsh ee," A. VV. i\fartin. nua ~orne
comm uni ty 1>h1yi ug by club. tJ,e
Th en
Wally Had ley a1id Freddie Mo1p111 contri -
U\, i11g:lo i11c·1T:1l)i11g: r.:s:ltip, tl1t• 11c,,
111c,,1uli<- ·. buted a h,,lf.hour's pro grnmn,c which
W. S . W OOD
ly l"c,nned Bristol ( East) Clt,b has acquin•<i included uAlone/' "Rhnpsoch· in Blu(.'."'
!t10rc s.pacious prem ises for £ut urn nh !Ctin gs . 1
' ~obocly ' s Sweetheat·t.,, an d Ynany pop ular
,It the meeting on Jun e 12t h commun ity tune-~. Freddie ilorgan's wonderiu l te ch nique
itC'rns were : 'Tattvo~' ' Smok y 1\lokes,' ' and Wally H adley's fine tenor-banjo and
t' l\ ilti es," trGec..rgia. ~!r-dley," "Spdg or banjo accompaniments were a real treat to
Sltilldngh,' 1
·'\.Vili~t.ling Rufus," and ui\'1ag- he,ir, and the Islington dub ob viously
1>olia \Vnll, ." )li~s );orma Dursley and L. enj oyed listening to th em. ~fr. Percy, in
C'oate~ p1ayed banjo duet, 11 Pro Patria.'';
)[.-. ()1';1m, plectrum banjo solo, "Happy
BANJO RECORDS thanking the two visitors for com ing along
to the club, added that a vo1e of than ks
G1> Lu cky 0 ; :Miss Dueslcy, banjo so lo, shou ld be passed to ?,fr Sugden for intro -
') foukitt"ix"; a11d ~Iiss Heath 1 Haw,diau 1i6 Imperia l 2835: 2882: 2922. ducing these two fiue pla :·ers 10 Is lin gton .
gu il:n· ~olos, "1 :'\I.ano no/' and 0 Ha .waiinn 1/- Rex 8226: 8177. Iu reply, Wally Hadley said that ·it was a
yc Song-.'' 6d. Eclipse 870: 405: 592. pleasure to visit the Club a s the i,· rendition
OB'l'AINABLE FROM: of the numbers tJ1ey had pla_ycd was excel -
lrn t, and he knew F,·cdd ic had enjoyed h im-
self .,, th is was !,he fn·sl, B. i\f . & G . com-
Ott ~lay 29th, ,molhc1· successful meet ing RECORD CO., hination he had had !he pkasure of he a dng.
oi 1hc Bri~tol (East) <"lul, wa s hel<l aucl lh<' IMPERI AL H OUSE, Needless to •a." th e:• hacl enjoyed pla.yinl(
following 11mnb~1-sp laye <l:- 0 ThQ Kilt,ies/' CITY RD., LO N QON, and t hey both hoped the ir prog,·amme had
"L anc nsi,ire Clogs," "Sprig of Sh illelagh, " E.C.I, p leased all members.
• )[a gnolia

,vaU ,,.-t::
,'' "\'\"·histJing Rufus'' and
Medley." Ind ividua l items
OR * * '*
TARRANT BAILEY , JR ., At the mee t ing of the Londo n Club on
incluclecl ' ·Take Yom · Pick," plectrum banjo 167 GLOUCESTER PLACE, J une 8th , the Ho n . Secretary presided in the
solo, !llr. Kin g; "Donkey Laugh," b~njo absence. 1-hl'Ough mourn ing, of the _ chair -
di:el. i\fessrs. L. Coates anc1 W. J en k111 s; BAKER ST., LONDO N, man (Mr. H . Ackerman). Sympathetic·
" )r ,lnona'' tind u,vnitz Petite," Hawaiian N.W.I reference wns mad e lo the death of M ajo,·
guitar duet, Messrs . Hussey and T,. Coates . Acke.-man and lo the g.-eat loss 1,he Club
July, 1936 ) B.M.G. 249

,had susta ined thereby . The Secretary re- banjo solo, " Handy Ja ck," A. Eldridge ;
po,·ted that letters of condolence had been mandolm lrio , ·'Heads Flow ers,'' ~1:ss
sent. to the relatives on behalf of the Club Vani t y, and 1\Jess rs. Daniels and Thul'low;
and that he himself had personally attended ~anjo solo, '' Dese r~ Trail," A. G. Binks;
the funera l. The community items played banjo tl'io, •·C1rcn$ Parade," l\les sr s.
wcr~ :-'' Return of the Regiment/ ' "Ci rcus Ja,·vis, Ol,issell and Webb ; mandolin solo,
P,wade," "$po,-ts Parade," "Gypsy Lo ve," •·G,wotLe," A. D. Lol'd ; qua,-tet, "Gypsy
·•Papillon ,;va lb,," "Pot Luc k ," "Banjo Love," Messrs . Davis, Eldnd ge, Hinks and
Vamp" and "1\'lagnolia. Walt .z ." In the Lord; mandolin du et , '·M:asan iello/'
voluntary playing, ban jo solos wer e given '.llessrs. Lee and Thurlow .
by F. C. Wa lters, "R ugb.)' Parade" and
"App le Blossom"; mando lm solos by R. A ,·ery enjoyable meeUng of The Ph il-
Donald, "In Old Seville," "Black Eyes" harmonic Socie ty or Guita rists took pince on
,md "Sogno di No_tte" (Romance) ; banjo
solo, T. Edwards, "Syncopatin ' Shuffle";
amaz ing ' St:nda y, Jun e 7th, at 155, Cromwell Road,
th e house oi the President, Dr. B. Perott.
b;injo solos, G A . Keeler, "Liszt 's &,cond
Hunga1ian Rhapsody, and "Schaeffer's Jig."
Piano Ac•
'.ll iss Li11dsay's Ladi es' Guital' Orche st ra
g~.,·c some interesting items and ~liss Lind-
c-0rdio n . 39 Treble- Notes, 96 Bass Key s. Best say's songs with g uitar accompaniment were
Duets played cluring the evening were:- qu.:Jit .y Steel Re eds. 2 Voice. Fini she~. in
"Niggerto wn" (Messrs. T. Edwards and 8iue /Green Ca$ing. In excellent cond 1t.1on. mucJ, appre cia,ted . Mr. Alexis Chess con-
Sr>ecial cas h bargain, £14 is O, Qr £1 l>e- t,ril, uted sevcra.l solos tn his usnH1 masterly
G. A. Keeler); "La Paloma," mandolin and
gu itar (Messrs. R. Dona ld and T. Edwards) ; ~~~~• fti~~ ce p0 l of~ \t.oi'A.tJfk
'tiano Ae- mannet ·. It is hoped t<>hold the next meet.
"Gipsy Violin," piano and gnitat· {Messrs. ,;ord ion. 4 Voice Treble. 5 Voice UafiS. 41 i1:g on S1111day , July 5th .
l' rnno Ken, 120 Uat--s Not es, he-St. quality
• *
W . Kit-by and T . Edwards). Steel lt ccd s , Slitle Coupler o n 'l'rcble , g~d
tone . Dar e:dn, £17 10 O, or .t'l Uevo i it•,
J,;::tlan('C t1f £18 at. 5/· weekly , T l:e special meet ing of the Watford Club
On Tueschy, May 19th, members of the S. H. FRONT A LIN I Piano A c~ordion. 120 prored to be a g reat success. T he mee!.-
u!!- H Piano Kc,·:s:
. Uest. qualit~· Steel
Lt wis ham Clt:b visited the Isl in gtcn Club .
)J.1nv concerted and individm1l items wer~ ;~i111\to ,~:~~i;;.shr~1a!:i
~is-n~~~!~!~l~C p~i~~~ll;•.I
!,~~ 111.;began with l:Ommuni ty pla.ying: "T'o the
!fr on t/ ' "J(ilties" and "\~-·h istling Rufu s.11
with brilli an t s. Co st £3$, Ban,;ai11. £18 0 O,
played . T-he success of ~he e, ·ening was 01 ;£2 Oe.posil, lla lanc;t!. ol £19 at. 5/ · we~kl)'. D:-;mw. the famous child o iano j\c~·o,·dion -
doub ly assured by tl1e presence of Geoff MARINELL I Pian o A CCOt'dion. 3·1 P1 a110 ist, a,id '.\fr. . Lon Goddard,. pia11ist, both
:'\ole s, -48 Hau Keyi. 2. Voice . Det-t. qu R-lity
Si,Jey and 'l'a,·rant Ba.iley, Jr., whose pla~•- 00 0 pla.yecl select~ous from th~u· rep ert oires.
in~ o[ banjo and guita r duets \v~·~ g•-eat ly i~e1f~w! $f1
;ifi~!!t~i~ bfl~!r. n!~r!i:~~~e\~ ~fnn~~ closing ,i most successful even ing. ·
:rhls is A new demon !;lra tion model,
appreciate,]. Commun ity items during Jun e originally £20 . Bnt ai n, £13 15 0 Ca t h. or
hr.xe included: '·Vienna ~lar ch," usunny £ 1 Depos it., Ual.-u1c~ of ,£1-l at. 4/ · wee k ly.
lt~ ly ," ·•Gay 90's ," "Spick and Spanish," S.H. COMM PAO LO SOPRANI Pia1u, ;\<;:-
C't•rdion. ::~ 'l'r (•blc. 8:) B.tllli, 2 \' oice . Be11t,
"Vodka." 1
'~'10011iight - :ind You ," ''Gems qualit.y Steel ReC",b . Exceptionally po"·~_rh1}
from t,he Overtures," "Pot Luck/' ''~'Ian t,on('. Finithe<l 1n wh ite 11.tcrola<au c ca:ting .
in pcrlec1., condi tion, :£1'l 10 0 (ia$.h, o r £1
the Guns/ " ''B~111jo Vamp,' 1 uB en Hur ," l)cp osit , Balance of .£13 at 4/ 6 weak ly.
an,, ·'Sousa Sc,·ap Book ." Individ ual ite ms : $.H . SONORA,ITALY P ia no Accorchon . 34
•rreble, 48 B ass. 2- \"o ice . 'Best. quaJily Steel
Me~srs. Dnnce and Wallis, "A Footlip;ht Reed s. Finithed in H.ecl.lJllu e celh\lo !d r:\ 5• T.dters fron i p /11yer ., intended for pubii-
Favomite" and "Beat as You Oo"; ?\fr.
J.lnllard, "Picking U,e Guitar"; F. Akery,
~g9 9
41- weekly.
t 1
o;e r; , ~~~si~;ng~1 :~~~ orB£ft~\ ue
c11tion .,ho111d ,aitten on one .,ide of
the pu per on/ y an,t .,ho ,tl<l be as sh o,·t
''Cupid's Arrow " ; Southby lift-. BUESCHER B nat SOP RAN O. Low Pit ch.
11.1 the S<tbjecl permits. Publi cation of c,
Su~ight, m 04;lel. Silvt'f•lll.-tcd !a.nd -bla tit. lini ~ll.
"Hu moresqu~"; Messrs. Akery, Walter,
" 'arner and Ashb y, "Snatches of Song."
It has been decided to visit the Leigh-011. ingSingle
ir~:e:tf;~-. :t•i~;;~~-:m!~!~.
Oct ,we Ker.
Au to matic
~ 'l'h is.
lett er docs 11ot imply erlito,·ial endorse-
m ent of the o vinions expressed. Thr
initrnment i~ in :\ ,·ery fine cond 1t.ion, tual :m·tl " Co,.,.c.,po-ndence" should be w,·it-
Sea Clu b in the near future.
,, i$ .suppli ed co1np1ctc wi t h mo u thp iec-e.
£9 ,SI o. or 1116 Oe1>Nil, 13:ilance of £10 at
tc, 1 in the to7, left hancl corner of all
the letters intended 7or in clus ion under
5 /• weekly.
The Newcastle club now meets in the COUESNON,PARIS 8 1\at SOPRANO. Low thi~ heutli11!/.
]?it c h. Slh·<-r-plate<l. Straight model .. f'ittcd
Gree n Howard s Clu b, Newgate Street. Com- with ~ R-olltrf:. Single Autorni,tic Dear Sir,
munity items at the last meeting were :- Kcv. lf :u been repaddccl anct 1hor,rng:hly
<we·rhaule d . Perfect Coinp lc le with m('t1. 1lh• For sevc l'al years I played the banjo in
" Tune Tonic ," "Vod ka ," "Glitter of Steel ," piec e in second-hard c:aFe. .t-5 5 0. o:r 10/· dance bands nnd deriv e:l gre,1t p leasm· e i11
"Nigger 'Minst ..els," "Strauss \¥altz es 11 and Dep o~it . nAh\rwc nf £5 at 3/ - wee5dy.
,i~sist ing to i·e:ntler that special t,vpc or J1n1sic.
MILNER &-STRlNC 'C Et.LO C Ul TAR , H1.1ill
· 'Gems from the Classics." :Miss New:il and vr "'cll-~ea son('d Ehfiny, 1ini~he,t with whilc- I.,res_surc of businc~~ caused me to give np
Mi·. Varley played ma.ndolin duet, "Barca- ivn roid . f'. f..hl\J>NI Tone l·folei,;, i,c-rfcctl;,.·. rret• nw s1cal engage ments: but cvet· since it has
rollc. " The club are pleased to welcome ted fingerboard. wi th mnHu::r•o-pcarl po sition~
ml\rkcd. 'fhis iJ,strument. is in c-xccl\cnt C-"11· been my am~i t io11 to form a fretted instru .
a new member, i1iss Turner .
)) * ~!~i:,n. b1~0~:n ;~t
.4;8 15 o. ('r £1 De!)O!i-it
~~pl~:tgi~~! 11;.'
. Jlabnce o ( .£) at
3£2.1~ ment. dan ce band.
tain amount ol
It. wonld cnt-ail a cer -
expen~c because dance
The New south London Club's meeti ngs 5/ • weekly.
CONN E flat At. TO SAXOPHONE. L h \\ '
1tl•1nbc1·s would reql1irn specinlly nrt·n11ging .
co11tin11elo be well attended and members l,itch. Sih"cr•1>ll\led. G old Bell. Shl!i;le Au1 0- b11t a few enthusiasts logethe1 · maybe would
matic Octa ,•e Key. Pear l fingertip s. 5 Hol- not object t,o a small subscript ion .
;H'C becom ing populsr for playing a,t a num- lon. Wat erpr ~of Pad ~. Jn very good con•
b,•,· of soc ials and open n ights . The Dru ids d!t inn. B:ir,Ain . £.17 10 0, or £ 1 10 0 Ocpo ~it. Al'e there any playel's in th e Bil'miugham
a11d Bufta .loes a,·e among recent engage- '011lan<'t nf £18 at Sf• weekly. area who would be int el'ested in the pro-
ments. A contra-bass banjo has been l.ow Pi tch. $il\'er-pbt ed. fr osl.<-d fini sh. Gold posal 1 If good 1esn lt,s were attained the re
pui ·chased and a player cJ1os~n lo study it. ~~ I,~. 1rt:~~i~oli~wenft'n~<t ~~ut~r'!;;t ic:F.Oc-;1:~ is no reason why the novelty combinttt.ion
Community items pl:1yed dunng Jun e were: :d tC~Mt h·c"' hii:i:h r•• l-e}', ~ 'Pea rl R ,nll"'rt. 'l'h i!i- should not obtain paid engag ements. Any.
" A Southern Fest ival ," " Lazy Rhythm ," i!t a bran tl n ew 1~36 morlel. hut :i c-,nuple nl how , it wou ld not be wo,·king to a dead-encl.
the f).ids a re i l ic::hUy i howrnom -soi!<-
"At Sunset," and "Keep the Step," and S1~ecial offer . £ 17 10 n. nr .£ 1 10 O Deuo ,i t. Perh;,ps yon would no t obj ect, l\lr .
individual items included: Mr. Hartnnpp, '8 t1l~nc-e ()f .:£'2., at 716 week ly. Eciitor, t.o acceptin g repli es on the matte•·
"Scottish Medley"; Mr. Steve ns, plectrum addl'e ssed to the undersigned and forwal'(l-
~ A~t~~!~~!
~uitar solo, "Feelin' ~ly ,¥ ay"; and a bass ~hN EJ<c~:~.~r!, P,~~~;, i~?;!~t'•li
~~!~' ing them on to me . The various cot'l'espon.
Octa ,·C Ke\•. Ran ,c from ln\,. D ill\ t. In '1'on F. dents could then get togethe r.
banjo solo , "Love's Old Sweet Son_g._" 1'1_,e ;; Rollcu. · l' ea rl Finger lip $. Co!t £3S. Bar •
se~rctat·y asks that any player ,·es1drng 111 (:ain. £16 19 6, or £ 1 10 0 Deposit. B~fonec-o f Yours since•·clv.
B"lha.m, Tooting, B,·ixton , 01· any other South .C18 :i t. S/· week ly.
l .011do11borough. who would like to jo in a t.YREA, J ,,nw Pit ch. Sih ·cr,pl~le.d, Gold
Dear Sir,
Bell. nam:: e fTo:n Tnp 1:• u. J.ow n R;it:, 4
r lul., but finds the present headquarters at Ebony Roll er s. S in~lt" Ant ,nm ;itl c nc-1a,·c K,:Y- 111nc-conli,ncc with the !-l:n_µ-~estio
n m:ule by
n:~lt,en;ca too far :1way Lo at,tend. commu11i- ~<·rcw ln k id p:ads. £S 19 6. or 19/6 D ~('IM1L
('er t nin cont ribut or s to your Corres pond ence
rn1te ,vit.h him with a view to a new and Balance o f .:£9 ;it- S/· weekly. 11
Send to-day .. lo-morrow may be too roh1mns. I ~pp c-nd th l'ec faYom·itc" list~
lar)!er club room mo,·e centra l lo lhc a, follows: -
late. All In st rum ent..• sent 3 days freP.
majority . trial against Cnsh , C.O.D. or Deposit Finger style banjo so los. "S"' anee
• • Ec-hoes.'' "Miniature No. 3/ ' "Vals. 2
At a meeting of the North London Club
t.he following ite,n s were played :- uKil ties.''
HESSY,S Otientn l, ., "Come Bnck to E1·in/' u :\ Coon
!soug" and "Twi lii:ht '.lfelody," all of whic h
HLancas ,hire Clogs," "~ 'fagnolia ':\ 7a.ltz.'' J play on a zit.hcr-banjo.
"llfoonlight and You," "Blaze Away.'' 18120 MANCHESTER
ST. P lect rum ban jo solos. rcHot Dog." " Take
"Ge ms from the Clas$ics," HGay 90's, ., Your Pick ," " Listen to This." "Operati c
"Banjo Vamp/'
tion Mar ch ."
Blush Rose." ' 1 Fedet·a -
Individual items were:
LIVERPOOL Afemories,JJ "Coo n's Carniv:il' 1 and ((
on It. " ·
250 ~.M .G. [July, 193 6
From my collection of o,·e,· a hundred and letter in the spirit in which it is written. ,·eleased in the selling mon~hs; and were
fifty "fre tted" records, I choose the follow - You1-s faithfully, a YCry sound propos it,ion from t.hc com -
ing as being representative of the best pe1·- pm1y•s point or view. One, in fa ct, created
S. Ll'ITLEWOOD . ii. re.cord in banjo "5..llcs. Th e lasi. disc
£ormanc("s on Lhc instnunenh featured : rd cascd (t,hc on ly one showi11g insufficient.
Oakley's "Sweet Jasmine" and "Marchc Jc D~a,· Bert sa les lo pay its way) c" me out in July
Cuncerl,'' (Parlophone). Ernes t Jone s Tlwnk you
for "/LII.G.' s" kind c xprr s- (following l wo of mine in June) and re.
"i\lighly ,\meri ca" (Goh11nbi:.), Segovia's ~ioh or good wishc:-:: duri ng my rcccut ceiv ed m., publi city i11 the Uanjo press.
''Theme Varie" and "Gavotte" (l-I.M.V.), prolonged illness . c1la11
y th ank s a l;,o
At.-. A. Bowles a nd Mr. E. Ilos e fo., their
,o Upon my mentioni11,1: the advisabil iLy oi
advet ·Lising in "B .M .G., " C'rysta late rep lied
~J:n-io de Piet.i-o's "Preiudio" nnd "Bole ro"
kind rc cog11ition of my wor k as cx pn'sscJ that it would not be wort ,h \'.'hilc .
(J3rllona), Eddio Pea-body',; "Poet and in the Jun e "JJ.M.G. " Now .I ;1m fiL <tgain :incl hope to be b.lCk
.Pensaut.'' :i.nd ur_.ucia. di J.ammermoor" l z-hou1<1like tu ::-ay :$Omet.hing about, the playing with you sho rlly, for I am anxiou s
(Co lumbia) nnd Cammeyer and Sheaff's f;.tlc,s figure drop lo wh ich ~J r. HO!-l C r<'[crs to p,·o,·e lo this co mp:iny their mistake.
·'T he Jolly :\lariner)/ and '''J'hc Dustnian's (auc l, in<.-idC>11l,ally
. n•w11·di11~ ha d lJu:,dn ('s::; ,, U.M . G .. , <;: t. be expcc l<>d to aO, ·ci-1i~,...
Picnic·• (Bello 1rn1. i11 banjo n:co rd~ gr 11f'1·:1llv) ,:is I ;nn sure ,•r1t:lhrr co111pan~·•sprodHcts free. l,hc-r('fon,
that this drop is cln(• to n,,.
,;pal,hy of the re- 1 i11scrt. an acl\'ert i:--emcnt. on bchnlf ol'
Jn the abo,·c list I am ,.£,,aid that the co1·ding c.:omp.1nilS thi·ms<:l\'es ,1s 11111(·h as lO
1 Cry.:,;t,dat c in thi~ i:;;~ue i11 the hop e tlwt ,
ban ,io and the t~no•·-banjo mnst suffc,· at l,;111joiAt,s. wh o. in mauy c;1sc:-, have wiLh your kind hdp, tlwy <.: <111i-:ct: tJ1<'ir
1,he expense of th e ,i thct ·, though I
pi'obahl_v n ot even hca1·d of the l'Ccords misl -- akc . The number s or my reco rd~ ,11 -c
cc 11<..·r1
e~I. (1 know t hi:-; h;1s ortC"n hcen g i\'Cn . and I hop e t,hosc of yo u r r enders wh.:,
hnvc many 4•favom·ites'' by such artists ;1.s {hP- c.:,H:.<' with some of m_v nwn.) switch 011 to mv; will order dil'C'Ct.
Reser, Ortuso, f.ordy , Fill is, Pidoux, van .\l_v la4 Lwo di:-:l·S (1'dC":l.$t'(
} hy Cr y:--t.a
- l'rom Cryst , d;ilc , but if auy of them ,u ·o llll-
Eps , O<;Snurn, i\lorlcy , '1'. Bail ey Jr . , and so la {c) ~howcd a drop i11 ~:ties of many oblainablr pl<'ase wr ite to me. R cadcri;; wjil
011. J 11 addition to ''so lon recordings, I ha\lC thon:$.lllds {I am not pennittc-d l,o quote l>e acti ng in lhc spirit which has 1n·omplecl
amplC\ mate ria l for a, "s ix'' frorn 1 'co11- to,· the snme
(Wli 1al figure.":>) on ear li<"'rtitlC!~...: t he 11HH1y letters :rnd articles in "H .JI .G,''
C'Ompany. '!'he~<' E'arl~cr numbe1's were a:--kin g- fol' more banjo records . . ,1ud you
ce 1ted'' efforts : on H.r.1.V ., P,ufophone, well iHIW!l'tised in t he banjo prcs!-1.: will gel th em.
Decc., and Rega l. l shall s•ud C:rystalaLe " copy of Lhis
13ut with the two styl es of banjo pla.yiug; lrtte, ·, and T know I shall uot he with out
suppo l't,. So fai-, I not. had a11yt.hin ~
(.he ,i t her-banjo; linge .., plectr um a nd ti> ~ay in ,·eply to t1l1osowho critic i~ecl t,hc
Jiawai ian guita rs; mandolin and tenor-ba nj o, t~1 1·)c of piE"c~ I 11sually reco 1·ded. A:,; I am
it is " difficult propositio n for any "f rettist" wrili11g, f llHI.Vas woJ1. F i, ·e of tJ1c ::,; c\·cn
fo make a definite cJ1oice of cisix'' ! How ... makc1·s for whom I hn."e i·,,cordrd ha\·c
ever, t,he "joy" of fretted in:strument.s lies ~i ,·cn in~t ruclio1~:-:.~imilar to t l1~ follo,\1ing :
· ' \ Ve want you to record. for your n~xt
in tb ei1· am~1zi11g vari ety to ' 1 fret.tists," sess ion, a rhy4.,hmic se-Jectio 11 roi~t:iiuing:
t,hc Spice of Life. l.h(•8-r-titlt,~ (usuaU_v film ~c-]ec-tion:::) har kl"cl
Banjovial ly Yours, by :l 11 011-top ,vri,::tht or 1111puh
lish<"d Qi-:ginal
J. McNAUGHTON. composition . :rnd t wo mcdlevs in vHri~d and
cr1m!nt rci~ll $f~,Jt• cont.-1initi'~ th(' fo1low-
in~ . . .. " Then one .i:et•. if lu~h .
pi;rno p.irt.~ iu u np lay n,ble k ey:::. to be tra n~-
posed . an·au !(rd, men 101ised. etc . (and
Dea:· Sir, 11sn,allv all ercd at Lhe scss iou). lo be rl11l-,,
p,1s~ed <md Ol'che..~t ntted. J could n~COl'd·a
J udgiug fr om the conespo1alrnce coh rnrn ~ hu ndred ~tn:ltlanl baujo solos happil" .1:11d
in the fost few issues of "JJ.M.G." tlwrc cnsi ly _in th~ tirn(' tak('n preparing a!1d tc-
appears to be n numbet · of readers who arc 1·ec,,rdrn~ numbc1·s. if thr sarn<" ,-ritic-~
delighted witl, W;illy Hadley 's a1ticles on the will find a comp any willing r.o me,kc i he
t,cnor-bat1jo and, along with them, I should ]ll'C'Ssinii~ .
One Ja~t \\'ot·d. If "A1am ·is'' wollid likr
lik e 10 congratnlate you on publishing these the three '.l'.T!. J,· . reco1·cls to which he
a.rticles for teno,·-banjoists. rf'fers, T hope to be a.blo. to «h ·e t h<"m to
Howe\·er, on looki n g through the last nine him. What lJw t itles? ,..
issues l fit,d that there has been only three HERB SARGElilT, Yo1.n·.s·sinC<'r<'ly.
tenor -bauJo music snppl ements printed, co m- :.:lw i$ "I prcse.111lrmrillg J/1.:.Yort/1 of En:1;fomt TA..RRANT B.-l !f.F:Y. Jr.
iu 1111 a,·t called· • Tit.:. Thru tfo.mcric /Joys.,"
pa.,ed with twenty suitable lot· linger or plec - in 11,t ·· Wliift Ncrmti" N~:·,1~. .\fr. Sargen t
t,·um ba ujo . Whi lst appreciating the fact :.•rf(t$ tlrtrl Ju~fwd$ tire l.uwjo i>u'r ca5in zly
that more of your readers are exponents of
the finger 01· p lectr um sty le, I feel ~hat there
popu/((T y in lrclcw1t /r?m t,·lu:rt lit
!tas TCCCIIIIJ' rdtmu:d. SmallAcll€rtisements
a r.> an exceedingly great number of teno r-
banjoists who would like lo see ,nol'e s<>los The 1'ate /01· Adver t ising under this
for the le nor- baujo printed tha n three in
nin e issues . If it is not possible Lo publish
one $010 pet· month, could this not be done at
WE HAVEIT! he11ding is 5/- per half -inch., or less.

Large r space prn rata.
F ROM THE " C. E. ' ' SEC-
least each alte1·n:-1temonth ? The Mus ical Sensation OND-HAND LIST . Ko. 170. "Radioto ne"
Of The Year Model GUITAR and case . £5 . No. 175.
Again, judi,.;ug from yom: columns, the, ·e •~·e Clifford Esse x "Paragon" :ll orlel PLECT.
a. number of playe1·s feaLutmg the lenor -b:n~JO YOUR SUCCESS IS ASSURED WITH F!UM GUITAR , with shaped three-ply
in ,·ariety, whic11 goes to. pl'ove that the rn- case . £9. No . ::80. Gibson GU ITAR , model
s!.t'wnent i.:, again becommg popular; and L.0 0 . wi th case, in perfocth· 1:ew condiLion,
furthet, in the Jnne "B .M .G." Notes, it
st:iles that •· the tenor-banjo is the real s wing
'1'<Il'ationa\ £5 . .
No . 176. Clifford E ssex "Popula 1·" model 5-
inst rument. "
Now, ~fr. Editor, do you th ink tha.L yo<t
~ "~"" ~IC ~~~~;:R stl'i ng BANJO and case, £4 . No. 179
Cliffo,·cl Essex "Paragon" 5-strini( BANJO
could oblige with an m·1·angeme11t o[ any of with ~hree-ply case, lin ed ,·ch·et, £17 10.,.
Any instrument sent on approval against
LhtJ ''cvel"greeu' 1 num bers, such as. uAva .lon," Ha waiian or Spa ni sh cash. Cli fford Essex and t:on, T,L<l. , 15a,
"Somebody Sto le l\Cy Gal," etc . , fol' the £18 - 18 - 0
tcno1·-banjo . 1f you cou ld, I am sure you would Grafton Street, New Bond Street , J.ondou.
Amplifier £21 - 0 - 0 W.l.
not, only oblige myself, but a la rge 11umbe1· Selmer i\Iacaferr i GUITAR. Cost oYer
of " B.'Al.G." 1·eadcrs . Ot course, if no
teno r- banjo solo is insel'ted in the next issue
LTD. £21. Shaped plush-lined ca se, fine tonf:':,
of "B.M.G." do no t be afraid of ha.,,ing 93 Oxford Road, Manch ester I vol. ex. c~nd. Accept £12 cash. R.. East,
5, Bankfie!(l Road , llloldgrecn, Hurlde rs-
copies of ful-m ·e issues left on your hands, TELEGRAMS: sonorous,. Manchester . field.
b•c ause it will still contin ue to be delivered TELEPHONE: ARDw,ck 3826,
a.I,my address, and I trnst you will this
July, 1936] B.M.G. 25 1
Directory of BIRMINGHAM
B., M, & G. CLUBS
TEACHERS Bev e rl ey, Jack (G.) All styles. Ha-rmonyaod
with the names and addresses
and t heir
· Gitt~
('1: 0
_0o;;_~G~ )Li1 0 Tr ee 69:o;t
of their Secretaries ADDRESSES La ne. »ournville . B 'h.1.m . f£ x3mine r fot "" -'!;·
'Hull , S . G. ( Z -B., M ., H .G. & G.)-Term s
"-G·· 0:;,s,)
8 •Befo r e a Tea che r 's name denot es an ;\1Qdo,:r:
,t <', 5'li6.Pt"Nl!Utt i,:o,.d. Seib' P;i.:1r:, PhOri('; $,:Ur O.,, ..:,
f ~~d~ !1isc~~,f~~i'i:5/• Examin e r for "8 .M .G. " Diplomas.
n,:r for ·· U.M .O," u1r:1>m:v,).
Alfr ed. Banjo Soloist.
• •.
PARTICULARS OF MEMBERSHIP AND DA TES IOS. Row Hea th Ro:u.l. Kings Xorton. "Phone : ~ ::,,.· '310. •
OF MEETINC S CAN BE OBTAINED OH 7/• p er a n111,m./ or 2 li n es; • K apua , Ke n . Sp ecialist on H G u: -
' k 11lt: l c 1'2, Coirnore A,·enue , Krng s He;lth .
111,-a m/ t..,
APPLICATION TO THE SECIIE TARY 3/6 per li11e/o r e>:tra / i11cs or part of line.
Acton and Ealing, Sec., Clifford Essex , "Pi doux, Joh n cB ., M.G . 8- T.B) . Scotcher's
LONDON and SUBURBS Ch:tm be rs . s,. Corpora t ion Slr~et . 'Ph one ; Ccn t ra .l 1301. ••
15a Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W.l. "Rich , Sydney J. (Z_-8 . & B. )-45 , Hannun
Bath: Sec., R. Tarrant Bailey , Newton, Bailli e, Ray (T-8 ., H. G .. G ., U .. T lreory) Ro:1d. Ki111fs (E,~~um11er for {J ..U .G. 0 12!.0 nl M ). •
St. Loe, near Brist ol. St ei nw ay H:.I . Ceori:e S i.. \\" . I. Phone: Ma)" 53ii . Also :51 "Welch,J, C. ( Z-B . 8- B.) - AUC ..i,;.Pabhca -
l-lig11 Ro:id . 8alh~ r'n, S .W. 1io1H~in e:ock. 27, ;\fin StC;'lciRaad . G ra vt!ll f Hill. E rdin<.to11.
Bradforll. Sec., E. Groen, 28, Holm e Street, •Barnes, Fre d (B., T-8. , G .. H-G .. Th eory } .
Little Horton, Bradfo rd. Pltc t rum s t y le a s~ ialic>'· 69. Falltl :mcl P2r k A\' C,. S . BLACKBURN
:--on vood . S.E .25. "Phone : Livi11g<S
t ()1}C 38$4 •
.Bristol (East) . Sec., \\'. J enkins, 226, Staple - ~winstan loy, Lester (8 ., G ., P.) Coventry
tor. Road, fl ristol, 5. "Bassett , Bert (B .. Z -B. & T-B) -198, House . 011::irr y ~ t 'Phont!: 73:?9
Cla pha m Road . $ .W .9, a nJ IS.1. Graf1on St re et, Ne w Bond
British Feder atio n of Banjo ists , Mandolin ists S t reet W. L BLACKPOOL
and Guitarists . Sout hn . Section , Sec., G. Bishop, John E. (B.M. G. & H.G .) 130, Os- "Bedford , L . (B .. M ., G ., 1-l.G.) . Solos for all
borne S.iumc . Da.~cnh,un. Essc ;,,:. i ns tnim ents . $t1,1.d
ios 7$, Btoamfit!ld Ro1'd .
A. Keeler 106, Ki ngs wood Rd ., Good- 'Bl ake; J .R. (B. , T-B., M. & G.) . All sty les. · Nava , Per cy. (B .G .M.) -All styles. Post al
mayes . All comm unic ations to Actin g :Sl, Lewes R«td, ~ Orth F inc hl e)•. X. 12 T ui , io n. 30. Sou th Kini: Street .
Assistant Secretary, E. J. Bangs , 13, · Boutle, Ma dam e. Sc. ,. T .C .L. (8 ., M. , G.
Ferndale Rd., L eytonstone, E .11. P. Acco r dio11.J 36. Shcrnh:-.11 $t 1•cct. W:r.ltha 1,is 10 ..,•. E .11.
Now North em Section, Sec., W. Linley , Campb ell , MissesM. &. B. (B .. T -B .. M .. G,} •L obb, Barbara,A.T.C.L. (B.M. ,G.U B .Pf. )
u;, Grea t Ea,stern Rood . ar.d 42, Pl~is ro ...· Cro ve. £ ,15. 6S5. St. fi (":o,:,HRo-.11. 'Ph ou,:· Holton .\3'91
3 Spencer Street, Reddish , Stockport. •D y kes, B. W. ( H ., T -R . . M . . Do/a ., G .H.G .,
Cud iff. Sec., W. Tea~ue , 145, Pena.rth Road, Ai •Co!'ll(I fJ, IJ,8,ru jo. ) 15a Gr a ftot1 St re e t, \ \' . I. and a11 Met ro • BOURNEMOUTH
Gl'anget own, Cardiff. 1>0lit.1n Acade my Bra nchcs.- Mu y!cbonc. Le ,·ti;m,touc .
l lford . Romford . Woodfo rd. fo rest C ate, C l:ap1on , 13:.irk,
" De Vekey &. Sons, A . ( B . , M ., G .. U kul ele
Cheltenham. ::lee., Miss Alioo Gard iner,
Kings way House , Pi tt ville St., Chelteubam . .n:.::·ei (B .. G.
-~"d:.v";~d;: & P . Acc ord .}
Pop ul :ir son&l plas in~ a s~c:iatit y. ~"$. High Ro.""ld. lllord .
4, Ha w ai,'a1i C u Ua,J

Pittiti,'~~;'.\'7~(B ~~';{t
1354 C hris t church R oad. Boi.oom be.

&6'.) 30,Richmond 1

Croydon. Sec., J . F . Masters, ~ , Downl&nds E ss ex . "Phone: l 1fo rll 1335 :.nd -HI. Bruce Crovc . To tt ~nh."tm 1\lausions. R ich mond G~-rde 11
Road, P urley, Surrey . •F airs Edward (8.,T -8 . & P .G.) -Ncwlyn, BRADFORD
Dagenham. Sec., John E. Bishop, 1:30,
Oabome Square , Dai,:enham. Essex. •a;r~sh~4w
: E:;,~i;
.,Jlf. •G . •T·B )-54
Picc.a.di\ly , W.I.

·1>hC)tlC : R.ef!U l 6917 ,

/ 55, "Ver non, Sy d. (B. M. & G. ,\ 1•t is t ) 17, Upp er
Rushto n Ro:td . Th or ubul'\", 'r~ I.: 81•.:t.dford 1973
Excelsior , Lewisham . Sec., Alf. F reear, 13, Grosvenor College of Music, 447, Strand, BRISTOL
P oint H ill, Greenwich, S.E .10. W.C ::?. B .•T -8 .. H . ,md S- G .• P. Ac-cordi.on. Sax .• de. F ro:st
"Cradd y, H . E. G. (B., Twor-B a iijo & Gtr.)
Glasgow. Socs., 1,',·ank and Mro. Merton, S Le:t§oOns21s. 'Phone : Tc mpte 33ll .
•H a nd scomb, Alwyne Fra nk (B., M.,P ., v :, -3'2 . Victor i.a Par k, Fishp0nd$ , Orls t ol.
551 SauchiehaU Stroet. H. <;. 6 P. Acco rdio11.) 403. Hi~h R:o acl. Wood C rce n, ~- 2'2
Qlugow (Premier), Sec., Jaa Wien, 25, 'Ho ls t, M ax (B . t; 7 -B .}-Plectrum style. BURTON-ON-TRENT
Balio) St ., Gharing Oroos, W.
Glasgow ("TIM BanJolien"), Sec. , J o,lm Bynd ,
1 ~::
So lo aud d,111\C
M~°;;i~\:· Gl~'.c-:
e b:u, d.
·t with
T wel ve lu ,o ns., J:Z 2s . 42'. Sincl air
"Gri ggs, F. O. (8 . T-B . & G.) Th e Crotchet,
Rolle~ ton RtJ:-.d
8, Nith Street, Riddl'ie , Glasgow, E.l. Some rs · Band ( 1) •• T -B 11,G.) F inti,eL".and Plec t rmn Sty les . CARDIFF
Hackney and District. Sec., A . C. Hazle , 15, Co rr cspo 11denc:c Cou rse T uitlon a Spei;i ..,lit y.
La r.e. Ke w Jl:arnct . "Phon e. : Ba rne t 3958.
J 7, Pot te rs •All en, R, (B ., M. , li .)-171 City Road,
Dynevor Road, Stoke Newi11gton, N.16 .. (Eumin e.r to r •• B .•11.G."' D iplomas) .
"Ridler, Lil y . Prizewinner. HonoursT .C_L. Willmore , Her bert. (8 .M.G.)- Finge r and
lllo rd. Sec., Jimmie Edw ards, 57, Ehgin Ci!;rt , T. C.L ••R.S .A .•L..C. ){ ., R oid er o f ··c-· Gra do ""B .•'il.G,'• l' lcc, s, ;rtc.s. $3 . Cowbrid~c Road .
D iplo:nu (fJ .. Pt i.!Clru,n mt d Fi ,u:~r. Z ·B •. T•B .•8 11,.;W . Pf .
Road, Seveo Kings. . & Th eo r )'}Tc rm& £ 1 Is . \ 12 lcs 110 111.l. Trial les s.on 2~. IJ, Fran• CHATHAM ( KENT)
lallng ton. Sec., A . V. Tuck , 17, Sprmg field klin Rd . Penge . S.£ .t O.• or H er ne Hill S t udio byappoin1mc nt.
Fowle, T. W. (B. & Z -B .)-- 38, Thorold Rd,
Drive Ea8tern A venue, !Hord . Esee>:. 'Rus sell-L aw, A. ( B .. T -8 ., P -B .,G.,P .G. &
LeJds. S ec., H . El son , 11. Bart,horpe Ave., HG, J D2:1ce mus ic '-' speei:itlit y . .SOBe.ul :ih RO:Ld,W a lth am • CHELTENHAM
Stainbeck Rd ., Leeds, 7 . •,s;:;g~
·;:i, Herb . (B.,M .,G ., Ha n 1101t)•) Plec- "Gardiner , Ali ce (B . , T -B ., M ., G . (Spa1t. &
1.eeds Philharmonic Mandolin and Guitar
Orchest ra. Sec., :\(iss A da Taylor, E bo,·
t rum Spe,c!alisl. :?-i:t Hig h S1r-ect. Purlc,· . $ur rc)'.
"Sheaff , Ber nard (B., Z-B. , G .) 68, New T:;~~;:' gidEn.g$(Jf ~10T-e.ft,"(l: 5Ji~G.)-J,
S t. Ma.rk' S:E mpo rium,
Oi,;ford St rMI. \ V.C .I . 'Ph one : Museum 43SS
House, 32, Burton Row, Leeds, 11. W ebbe r , J, ( P .G.). Solo and dance styles CHICHESTER
Leigh.on-Sea, Sec., W. Readnian , 10, Leigh , .. C ·· Ol p.), 191. Dover Ho u~e Ro:itd. i:to e.M.mpton. S. W.15. Turnock, E. T. (B .. T-B & G .). WestAshling .
Ha.H Road, Leigh-on-Sea. ABERDEEN COVENTRY
LeWisham, S .E. Sec., M orris Dolby, 6 Stordy, J. W. ( B.,M. G. a11d all fr ett ed
Harwo orl Av • ., Bromley, l( ~nt. .: S:r «, .
iMslru..,. e11ts . P •. P Ac.ctJrdion 6- S11xl, .i~:-c.Ki>'I·
"P ollard , Ir ving S.-61, Primrose H ill St•
' flhoiic: ~!,S:?. P.xr1mincr for .. /l ..U .G ."" Di p1f)in::.~.
London. Sec., G. A. Keeler, 106, Kingswood ABERYSTWYTH
Road, Goodmayes, E~e~ . DERBY
"Milverton, A. ( B .,T -B ., M ., H -G., etc.) 19, Bowd, Ber t (B .. M .. G .\ Finge r, Plectrwn
New South Lonaon. Sec., D. M. Culling, _ £?,S t ~::\tC.
;"Ind:O~nc:c S t yle, . :90 . Xorm :tm on R O;\d,
No. 4, Broomwood Chambe rs, Broomwood ALDERS HOT "D awso n, Mrs . E lsie (B ., Z -B .. T. -8., M.,
Road. S .W. Meadows , T. ( B., & Sa x .) 34, Church 0 .. l/.G .. U). District E xa mine r for " B ..V .G." D iplomas .
North Londo n. Sec., A. W. Lloyd, 400, Lord - La .ne . :eltl t:nds t he Studio . Mess rs . Wi she r & Son, 7. Londo n Road.
" The Srio t."" Pri Y:\te A~d ress . ~- S ta tio n Road . Sa ndi.acre.
&rup Lane, Tottenham, N.17. ALTRINOHAM, Oc rbrs hi re . ' Pho ne: Sandiac rc ~ -
Nor th Wales. Sec.. Algemo n H . Lacey. DEWSBURY
"Fa irfield," VVoodland Av enue, Rhos-on- Howard, Don (B. , M ., G., T-8 .)-Pupil of "L y les, Albert (8 ., T -8 ., M .. G., ). (Exaini •
E m ilo Gd ms h:tw. Lo r,>
r.. F in:g. .\nd Plcc . $ ty le t . Pul) HlilB . ner for " B ..'lr.G ." Di plomas ) 9. Pa rk , Huddcr,6. eid
Sea, Colwyn Bay. M . & C . 01"( h, 03 w $Orl' $, 95 Ce<it,:e $ tl'CCI.
vi,sit ed.
Oldham. Sec., J. Taylor, 14, Werneth Cr .. . AYR
, Oldham. •Davidson, R. (B. , T -B ., H.G. and G.)-
"Milli s, W. H. (B., T -B. , M. , G.).- 3, Ne!-
Parkd ale, Canada. Sec., Miss M. Sheehy, T hco z & har mc>n j;'- So ltH) 1' n ,_ncc S trl e. 111.Wa.llM:e St .
1292 D&nforth Ave., Toronto, Ont., C..nada. BARNSTAPLE "' " ~i~IB'LIN and BALLYMENA
Phllha'rmonlc Society of Guitarists. Sec., *Ma cGar vey, Jack (B .. Z -B- , H,G. & P~c .
L. J. Kin~ton , B.A .. 22, Spencer Park, Ern est, Miss J . (B.. H.G . & P.)-efo .
M e~srs:. O. X idclin & Son~. Th j'; Sq u::1rc . 8:im ~ta p&e. Gt r. ) Rm Uo & 3t age tl eJ,o,-t'" c nt. elc , >:X :uninC t for " O.M.O. "
S.W .18. (Circolatin~ Library for Membeni.) BATH
Oi$!loru:,'I;fo r ltt l-:\ni,, All coni t .-35. R'\11)'1'11
01\<"J'St •• 8:t.llHll("!"l:'I.
Plymouth. Sec., S. C. L. Carder, 6, Ilb ert *Nor to n, E. G. (B. & Z-B.) - Examin er for
Street. Plymouth . *Tarrant Ba iley Banjo Stud ios, 32 Park "8. :U.0 ." Oi plotn:t!t. 3. F<:
>rlC Road. F·i c~. Dublin.
'Ramsgat e. Sec., Ali"n Young, Gympi e:
11 1 S t reet . flJ.M. G.. Sa:ro/>flo 1tt!, Uk 11lelc, H tn.s:aUau St at:f
Gr1if(u·. /)a l(t l(dll(l . Do mrn, cfc. T li rcc T e «clr U$ ( " C' " Gr~d~
A,·ebury 1\\-enue. Ramsgale, Kent. D i/>loma ) ;.•acll a ~(II() r adi o ('1',idr ecord ht g a rJ ;s,t , AJ>j,(li nt cd •Leno Bes agni (B ., P -B ., T-B ., P -G., H .G ..
ex tt min ~r /o r ·•u .,11. c;,•· Dl/}l omas 1910. Compre hcn sh·e r.-ns,c P -Acco rd i ONJ. Personal or Post::1l T uiti on . E x.,m in cr for
Remford. Sec.. H .· C. Smith, 50, Claremont or high ins1ru r\ic nt s . fr()m cont ra-bass t o picco lo . S tr inu " 8 JI .e.•· Diplomas . Examinn tionin your own home fr p~e-
'.\tustc. etc . in s tock :'11-'dre:i.d,· for immedia t e de Hw:.-, -. Pe r- fe rre d , Rhy thmic. S wing & Straig ht s t)•les of pl:t.1 it11?
R.oad, Romforct. m:u,en t bl.a.ek disc rccot'dS of -l1m1teur perform:1 nce m.tde to -86. Valley Road.
SaUord. Sec., Allo.n Sha.w, "May lon," Holly order hv !tp~ci:,.l nr r:\t1f)C1ne nt.
Grove. Northenden Rd ., Sale, Cheahire. Be:CKENHAM 'Chilton, 8 , (Z -8 .. 8 ., M. t;, G.)-Puoil of
South-West London. Aston Banjo Cl11b. *Sisl ey, Geoff (G., P-G &- H .G) 26; Green- A. D. C.·\(}'fflP\'er Alber t Buil din 5s . Sh a nd wick P l:tce.
~ec., H. 0. Winch , 117, Hartfield RO<><! , w;\
r~-8ce \.:en h.-m . Ke nt . or C.liffo rd E ss.ex Stud io .
Wimbledon, S.W.19. BEDFORD Buchanan , Miss E liz a be t h (B. , T ·B ... ~1..
Wallasey. Sec., W. Cook, 135, Borough Rd ., Sa lmond, H .A.8. (B .,Z-8. & T-8.'-Begin - G.• U.) '.\tu sk . Stri nl!s. Velt um~. rns t nimcnts r~:>al rC'd ori
Wa.laaey . or" ~- Gr.\rwille S, no-,t. Ch~r in&lCroH .
fte rs e.,,re folh • ~roundBE~ -~~s;. Ro..'\tL
Walford, Sec.. J. ~Iillbourn. 263. Whippen· McKechnie, Alex. (B .. T-B ., G., H. G .. .II. )
rte ll R.o,a,1. \Va .t.forrl. :all s ty lu l S. (';:irtur k t,:i,trf'•I. Cr()SSh ill.
West Hert s. Sec.. W·. Bi,mell, 236. Wa t ford " Campbell, Leslie (B., T .B. a,i d M.)-1 , • Merton Frank &. Mrs. ('<chool of Synco-
Ben n~n Or h•c Broo k ....,te Ave nue . pa lion) . Dire ct or. F r!lok Mer ton·s Or chc-Mr.a.s. (B .. T -8 ,.
Road , Croxlev Green. Watford , He.-ts. BIRKENHEAD G.. H .G .• JJ .. Sa x •• P .. P•Ac c.J A ll C.E. mt:s1c ,stoe l-:ed.
Wolverhampton : ilcec.. E. W. Cheadle, 33. veuums. irs . SSL ~!luGhieha ll Strc <!!
t . C h:trin_: Crou.
•Hur st, H arry (B .. 7--B., T-B ., G. & H.G .) Wien, Jan IB, /i, Z-B ) , 72 Hillvi ew D rive,
Sherwood Street, Wolverhampton. 286. c •cvc l awl Str ee t . Carol s ide Park, Clal'k s ton .
252 B.M.G. [July, 1936
"Ma cbet h, Wil l (B., T-B. , G., M., U.) - DISTRICT, •Smit h , Char les (B ) 41 Southburn Terrace
•• ~tn tUo.' · I◄ . Orchnrd !=.r~"Cf .
*M itchell, W. (B .• S. or N .G., M.)-Mod ern WEY BRIDGE
GUERN S EY, C.I, rhyt hm ic & solo pll\yin.: . etc . rc:rins ino<let.:ue. All com . Cator, E. (B. t;, Z- B .) Beginner s carefully
,H , Arundel Road . Newtown. G1. \'t'lrmouth -
•Ca rl y le, Henr y /B., T-B .. P - G., H -G:, U., ~rounde-d . S, .Old P:it:i.ce Ro.~d.
P-Accord. t,'. 1-1(1
,.j,, ) .-\U ~t)' IOS. '.!:,C1emen 1:i. Ro.,d. NOTTINGHA M WIDNES
HALIFAX •Papworth , Sa nders (B., M., G. , Saxo·
fJho,rc. Ukulele , Jla w. Orril(tr) Loc:al Agent for C liffor d • ~~~~ .!•R~ e~ ;i{~~k.Z-8. aml Th eory) . 2&
•Warburton, H. (B ., Z -8 .), Finger & Pleet., Esse x 2n d Son. (District and Linco ln and M;msficld EX:\m•
350. Gib be t Sueet . io er for · • B •.11.G." l)lplomas.) :S:?, Alfre1on Ro:i.d. Cit )', WOR KI NGTON
'Williamso n , Haro ld , A.L.C.B. Medallist, ' Ric h ardson, Edward (B.,M.~ &., all styles) Phillips,J. A. (B . &Z -8.) -50,Dcrwent St.
I. U.~ L (8., G. $ T ·U, J PICCtr'unt and 6ngcr St)•lcs . O,·cr20 years· p rofc.ssio 11
al exper ience 4S. Por 11::\nd R0..'1d
.. Betharvillc." W \low Crp ce nt, SOworb)• 8r"ldi,:e.
HAYWARDS HEATH "Sp indl er, Geo, R. (B. r,. Z-B.)-Fin ger
"Take a T rip to BANJO LAND- Pilot ,
·S heppa rd , Leslie .- (Pri ncipal. Sussex Aca- A r t hur A. Kennedy. Appl )' Me ssrs . Acon·s Music Srnd lo !I, f~~l
i~~,: 1~:~tes;,d ti~ Jc~1~1v.lntt
~~% t~~s~~~\~C~~!s~;i~~J~~r Chambers) , -'11
ln:strt.uncnts , PLYMOUTH
HULL "George, J . (B .)-6, Cheltenham Place, AB RO AD
•Ford , Roland F. S. (Ba., j o, Ping . & Pleet. -L~
)' c(/r.
· ~~l~ns~~'(.., P .• u. ADELAIDE (S, A USTR ALIA)
mdho ds (G., 11.G.. T -8 . . .11 6 U.) •• Vcg.-1\'ille."' Bel i;"r.:i
Drive. A nl .'lb)' Road , S111dio: Y.P.I. CiCOl'!l.C S t reet .
vc P. A cco,•tfitrn, G"itnr)->.11 so ·les : Tr1cory. J-farmony-225 . "·8ec~er9 J. E. (B. B-1\f ., H .G. , G. &, U .J-
OC!n~hrnn Terrac e. :-:orth Roa d. Ch·md~c Ho-use . Cawler •
Phone : 11016. .'.\1\d West End Studio, S11ri11g B;1nk.
Phone: 36730. PORTSMOUTH and SOUTHSEA "Smith, H . Boake (B.",8 -M. ,H.G .,G. t;, U.)
•s mith , Madam Sab ina , A.L.C,B. I.U.M. •-chandler, F. H. (B .. Pin g . lj,, Pl ec., T ·B., Cforul ge~follse Gaw 1erPl ac@.
Gold :i:nJ Slh•cr Mcd.:1Uist. (D •• Fi 11
9. :S:ichclol" Str eet , lioule .,.:i.
gcr a,1,t Plcc., J I. cS,(;, ).
rJ . 'Phone : 33187.
H,C •• P,G •. s. , ,,,,cl,11.) 12 , Lic hfield Ro.,ct. BLOEMFONTEIN, O . F .s. (S.A .)
PRESTON • Penny, R, ( H .G .l -8 , Falck Street.
"Ea rle , Eugene (B .,M, .. ,T heory) -"Ra dio "Whela n , Fr ed A. (B .,Z ·B. , Pl ec. or 1-'-in.
"Davi s, W. G. (B .. Z ,B. , Btmjolin Ii- M.)- f.:. Recor(tin~ Artis t' ', IS Cannon S tr e:et , ' Phone :U!\9. -~lyle } E~amln cr- for "O' .•y.G.Diplom:i!I C n O. F . $. 8.t kery;
1 ◄. PMkW:t)'. Wat e r L.-ue. Seven Ki n..:_s . £SSC !<: 31S0 .it
T he M e t f'011(1l
i1:t11Ac:ule my. EMl h:im l-1::l\l, Forc~t G:ttc. ' Taylor , E rn est T. (B., M . , G.). Special BOMBAY, u:so1A
"Dykes, B.W. (B .. T-8 .,M ., Do/a ., G., N-G. , Co:'lc hinJ,![OrCon,e s, tt. etc. 10. Cros s Srn?c t . • siqueira, Victor (H .G., M, &, U.) Radio
M -Cclfo & B •Blrnjcl,) '!3. Raymond
V:il. 5'181.
Road, I lford . Phone: READING An1~1. E ,:am int.!rfnr"B.) 1.G ." nio"om:i.t-. 1.Club Hack Road

IPSWICti Haml et, J, (B ., T-B . . Z-B . , G.) . Visiu BRIDGEPORT, ILL, <u.S.AJ
•Gough, Bernard (B ., Z-B •. M., U. & V .)-
radius 20 miles. A~c 1u M essl"S, Clifford € t.: $(In , 13,
Priest Hill, Ca vcrsht\l'll, •Meek1 R- o. (B.M .G., P ,Acc., P., v . Con,-
1s1. Woodbrid~e Ro.i.,t. •T ake a Trip to OU ITAR LAND .- PUot. "t s .J SIS. ScedSt .
erc t e 1larm t)JJ\' Ccl1H'!i.e f o,-llu m:i nstr 11m<"
I SLE OF THANET ~ !~~'£'td~ · Ke nnedy . Appl),• Mess rs. Auw e ll s. Binficld & CALGARY, ALBER T A (CAN'AOA)
"Young, Alan ( Z-8 .. B.,FingcY&Plectrnm RHONDDA «H .AM. > •Ad lam, Geo. H. (Fin ger & Plectru .,n 1'-B. ,
T.a.. $, O.l ~tudio. ··Cympic ," Avcbury Ave .. R.ams~:ti:e. •Phillip s, W . G. (B . B1t. ,G. t;, M .) All styles . ·~;;,.~~i,tJ
monv C"""· Student,
JARROW-ON-TYNE Con •. Rhon dd :i:8 .• l\f. &G . Club . 37. SouthStrC C:t . Vn)'Shir . •Tucker, Oeo. E . Banjo & Fretted Instru -
Littlejohn, Jllhn (B ., Z -B . & U.)-123, Bede RI DDI NGS (DE R8YSHIRE) mC:nts. Fo-oth l11sSchool, 606. Ccmtre ;:erect.
Burl'laROJtd. "Taylor , Bernard (B .. M ., G., H . G., all COLUMBUS, OHIO tu .s. A.
KETTERING sty l~s). Ja ss."l.mine Co tt :tf C, Ui5h Str@~t. Riddin~! - ·R ms Oeo A (B p· g & PI ) 1766
•Rllingworth, H. (B .. M .. G . & Z -8.)-In- ROCHDALE ~!.wo,,' hRo-,d . . . ·> ft! • ec . >
mu sic . St r'in,:.s . t\tt ini;s :i:nd "' BMG . •-SS
• S 1reer.
~lo nta gue
•Sc hofie ld, Chas. (B) 105 Drake Street. EDMONTON, ALBERTA (CANAOA)
LEEDS ROTHE R HAM • Hale, Miss A. (B ., T -B ., G., H. G., M.}
•Ta ylor, Madam, A. ( M. , B", 8 , , G.)- p k J ( A•••n.,c, ..•••·•••.. . s .... ,.
E bo, House.$2.l)u"on Row. Huns••· Moo,. ar er , . B. , M .• T-B ., Z -B.) -·214, Well - GOTH EN BURGH , (SW £O£'.<)
Whittingto n , w. (B., Z -B .. M.)-55, pre, Clifford Esse x :IC.CCt.Mrlcs su pp lied .
Looorn vd T•"•<•· 1),o,ton Road . ROSSEN
DALE VALLEY .. Akerman, Sigvard, Teacher of frett ed:
LEICESTER Taylor , Norm a n , Championship Holder, ins t rumen t .s. ;\lo~k.S t udio, K uo s~sat nn 5,
"Chamberlain, J, (B, , T-B., M., G., H .G. w., Z•B P-8 c1.. ke·Holmc Tc, Bumte,
t; U.) 10'!. London R02tl. l,oe, . A·• ·· lo, CH/fo,d Esse x & Ro, d. w,,.,
. .. , .. •Ford, Sert (B . {;, Z -B.). Finger-style
Son. CE,caminer for "l.l ,M.O." Oiplomn!l. SALFORD s1~cialis t Wrhe Box 'ZSOS
for apoo intme1u .
LEIGH-ON -SEA *Adderley, Arthur (B . &-Z.B. )-Plec. style. *Macrow, Char lie (B. , M ., & G.)-Studioa :-
•Waddington , S, F. (B., Z -B ., Fing er Style, Sh~:;,~~~~~ ~t- J~l~ord /.B . & Sax,J -Plectrum 'i1l~~~;_s:1~°e'.n!~i~J~~~ir!~:~!8:1d~:~~moe sb urg, s. W~rnbley ·
G.• H.GJ 157 Le li:!h Ro:tcl, P!aying and L.3tes t O.a.nce Me t hods .a sr,,t:ei.&
lily - %8, Good · KITCHENER , ONT • (CANADA)
LINCOLN "'" stc•••· •Young , Bernie De (B ., T-B., G., H.G., M -
Littlewood, Terence '( H .G ., B Ii- P -B .) SHEFFIELD u«•d Th,.,,,- ,01,
. "'"' ' " ,. R .
378.Mo • ~• Ro,d. "Mil■er,David (B.,M.{,,G.) visitsweckly, L.ETHBRIDGE, AL.TA, tCMMDM
LIVERPOOL .l?~~ft({~!'· ,t~ ~~'t,!~~": i~t!~~t.' J::/~ic:d~
~i;{~~{!s>~~ rror • Harper, J. G. {F., P. & T eB,), Dir ector.,
•Briggs , A. w. (B .• Z -B . & P.). All styles •Tanf ield , G. R. (B. & G.} Tuition all styles t ::~t n~ g~tr~~~c,~d~:hyA:!n ~!~ SJ~· Ensemble ClllUC:S
10. Brendon Avenue , F iel d Lane, Lith erland, Li ver pool 21. -So t o ,.ntl D;11n
ee . ~ !=i
h.ur t,w S,t-
• Su ll en, R, N. (B., Z·B ,, Sax,)- 43, Mont • .1 STAPLEFORD <" OTTs. J PERTH <w. AUST RALIA)
t~ro~:;:-;c, Mos !ley Hill . (£ x.i,miner for .. n.i11.G." •T •Hinchc liffe, o.-Specialist on l',f., Bu.. tind
Scott, Char lie.-Plectrum Guitar Specialist e-w, Horace (P·B., B. , H.O.) Beginner$ T}u:01'Y, 99 Sw:i.n scaS tr eet. Victor il\ P,'\rk
13. Cout th ope R0;"1
d, car c ht llf ,tm11nded. t er ms rnodcr,'.'t
tC. 63.'I, Derby Road. • Matson, Olen. - Speciali st on Hawaiiao
Thompson t Frank (P-G. , H.G., T-8,) ,- ST . Ll!ONARDS-ON -Sl!A Gui l~r. P 11pilo !O-.t\'i dK°K :\ll!.1i6. Pi<:r S:« ..1.
Pupil of Leo F nlis. S1ud;o .1l ey wor1h·s~9 . Rens•• ~ s,. Foster, Lois Irene (T -B .. B.,M .• G. , U .) - •Webster, G. H. (l?n .• M .. N.G. {;, U.J-
"Phonc: Roya1 3536. 24. C:u- i~brooke RQad. Room 39. Bon Ma'l'chc nui ldin f S. B~ rra ck Street.
•Jones , T. E. (B .. Z-B. , T-B. , G., H.G., Ho ward, Don. ( B. M ., G., T-B .}. Finger •coetzer, H. (B., Z -B. , P -B .) Tuition all
u.t (Ex:ami ner for" 8 .M.G .'" Diplomas ) IS. T e mple s,r~et. ~ty~!;d (P~!\h.
bi~P~!{ri~gt ' Es'!1~ti~~~
n~f~! 9 ,~xaminc~
~J~~~sC: for B.M. C , Oiplo m.u, ~ - Ch11rch S t..
MANCHESTER and DISTRICT B. "· & G. o ... h. Ho,,, s,, .. H.J. B••du. Esq. ST . PAUL , MINN , ,o.S .A.)
Black, Alice (B. , M .. Ii- G., All Style s , Ha r- "Linley, Wm. (B. & Z -B.) Finger or Plec.
»1011)1)--6 Chap pel! R~ Dro,1!Sden M;)J)Chester bv Provd m,: thods-3 . ~etncer Str ee t . Rddis:h. • Bellson, Albert ( B. , 1lf . , G. & P-Accordi·otJ)
Earl,, Harold (Ji , M . , P.o ..) Modem STOKE-ON-TRENT VirtU0$ 0. tea.eher:.nd dtoal er. S76 S t , Peter St reet , (AllilO
sty le, T e acher for J. Reno & Co.. 6' , Oxford stree t . Minne: ux, lis . Minn .)
•Goodman, A. {B., z-B., Dola., M., G.)- "lni.ull, W. (B .)45 Dimsdale Pa,.ade. Wot. SYDNEY 1,:.s.w. AUSTRM.IA)
~e~~f rs Ve~~~ 5ae:::,~~ m~~:! ~t~~ig ;,s ,Si~~~{.~n"~~!sc:~~ ■tanton, <Dis:tr~t~~ m~ er for' " R,M.G.·· Dipiomas}. • Hine , A, (B., Z -B. , JU .,G. & Haw , Guitar} -
'Orey Harry F (B ,. TB) 24 Bra ERLAND Studi(IS, 326, Pa.rra matta Ro:\d. Pt ter s.ham, AgeD t foe
• · · .,. · · -
sin&ton' Oidsbu ry. Manches ter. "Pho ne: Heaton
, s-
Moo r
• Robert (8., Z-B .. M .. P ., G., u.. Cliffo,d Essox & Son·s '"" '""'°"" ,od mu,ic .
•sk ',oner. H I Ph 1·11·•P (iJ " T -8., M•. G7 •1 H • G• )
. Ols trict Examine.- for •• 8 .M.G." Ol~lomM,
11(1.3 Srngutg & Th&)l'~1)-Jl. q ueen•~ C t'Utt,IU , ChU tef RO:id.
1 1 1 1
Howard, Don. (B .. M., B. , T•B .,-Plec. and
ci ~b~if/ •~ e~t~ ·s ,! e:c~S J~rac: ~~:a~ t8 ~~~rff d
Fin ge r st yles . Fo rs) ·th ' s-. 1216-Oeansg:i: t o. 1'c 8LA 3281 . :
Howard, Don. (B, , M .. G .• T-B) Plec. anc. "McG rath, E . (B .•M .,G .) 22 FounhAvcnue TO · <CANAO A>
'r}rdn:iad:1'·Ph!!! SWINDON. •Hazard, Ted B. (Fi nger an.d Plectt'um ,
s tyle
S. (B., Z-B & P·G .)-
l'inQc r 30. Tu rnbull Ro:\d , Redd ish Lane , Gor ton .
Plectrum and
in~~n. · (B.' T·B ,, M • & G.) -
• ~ c~?:!!1d~\~J
16 l~~~;
¾~i;~~~i~!~!dt~~ 0
An •• Toront o. Ont .. C."lll:\d::1
~Shepherd, Will ( B . , T-B ., M .. G., Dola)
(13, B,C , Arl i!t)- 18 Wc-ll c rAv ~ •• :-:ellLane.Chorlton.£sla tc
•w a k e Iam , L • R• ( B .. T-B., G.)-D irector, VANCOUVER (B.O.)
usher, Terrv a nd Sloan, Peter (P- G.)
.. $\,,ing ·· S pec ia..lists , Official lnM.-u e tors : Mamclok Bros.
m~:,o.-:i. 6!.l · Oe<hcstm-
~vod~~, ·· Oste
...,,... "F letcher, F .-(Teache r of all frettedinstru-
ments) ""Mu!'.ic ian s Union' ' 319. Pende r 5 1, W .
l .t d . Ol,:150xfo ,tl Ro, d. 'l'hono , M d . •,,..;. Wood, Madame Wynifre~JB ., Finger and WINNIPEG (CAN A DA)
MIDDLESBROUGH ~~'lcJ~,v~d!~~
n- St . Aub,-ns, " Vie toria •c raw, Mrs. v. H. (B . , 1'1. & G.)-138,
"Black lock Alan. (G., H.G ., ti- T-B.l-70, YIE$T BROMWIC H (STAFF S) E va n,o, Si,eet.
CHhon S t reet.
NELSON (LA:SCS . Johnstone, A. (B ., T-B ., M ., G .. N.G ., P., y
ORK ' p
A., (U.S,A .)
"Lund, Wm. (B .&- Z-B .)-Finger and J o"n·e~
:- !vv~(B.•t· z- B.)- ~adio Artist. 30 •Dea n , Warren, N, (G., H.G., P.G., B .,
Plectrum, 15. Tcr~ s:,,,, p P.IJ .. T.n .. iU.J Dealenmd Publighcrof"B ,M ,&G . Teachc.-·s 1
___ .;_;;...;c:.;.;·.;_,=:.:....-- ----- ----_:_:•::: •::;
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Hawaiian Guitar Chord,Rhythm
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1H "" "
TtU:-. It< TlttS IJIUC c• uN"'tMv.
. 8 .M .G. {Julr. l !1!}()


Q A Ll Ti
VERY mu sical advan1ag e the player ta "
E desire is oifered in the range oi Clifior c
Essex guit ar s ... . tone that is unmatch «1
i,, beauty accura cy and available volume : eas PRl CE
fingering and instant resi:;onse, wi<h eve!'•/ no:t
eve n h Qua lity and pos itively in tune .
No mat1er wha 1 your ,·equirements ma y ~e.
I l
whether you are jus t a l>egioner or _a ski ll....d
performe,·, a C. E . guitar will meet your rt ·
ouiremerm . h will make your playing easie•,
g:ive better tone . greater volume .

"AC E " .... £5-5-0 (,,.;,~.i)

" ARTIST " £6-6-0
"ALO:\"A" (Speciol ll awu,i,M \/odvl) £10 -10-0
" PARAGON" __ __
£15 -0-0
Th is illus:rati on sho•Nt t~ -
H rr.e: PurCl'ITISt: Te,~ Avai lab P
C. E.
w ith
' S ;phono l" Tone Chombt •
s;u 01 body nt widn, po.r•

16 lnchu : depth , 4 1 Ire , •· ,

A copv of •~• C. E. Gu;tn, Fc>
wiH b• ,tn\ Pou f'~it H:1 a ny
t1ddrrn on rtQ V'Ot .
Jd •
ii I I'
Lt n!!th of body . 21 i ~t"'••

• T TOR § • FOllO
• SOVO§ • §".l'Rcr:~.G~
E1tc ., Et e., E1c.
CliffordEssex & Son ltJ. ha~ thebiggeslaad btil
coll«.tion of ITIJ.lS
ic and accessories /or tire guitarist.
TO - D A Y r /l{ustrated price list~ of inslrumen.tS-,acu.w,rte t ,
t I /oliDs and graded lisi of solos f or the pl~ t,um
guitar will glad/11 basentJree.on requ-est.

-- - -- -- -------
l'r:n: .. 1 by l'eur len J td l!? :tr. , •~ l.att .. ,_,. , .EC j , f,l t t!1t
-- -------
t'11blllll~n nnd l!ro1,1:o"ton l llltord Kow1 1111~" on Ud .
~ Oratt.o• "~ ,i :-~ .. ,11tu1 , :r~ J.nn-100 ~ 1

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