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Mendoza 1

Sandra Mendoza

December 10, 2019

Argument Essay On Game

Period 2



Cuphead is the best video game however other people might think other wise because they say

that it’s too difficult and will stress you out and make you rage,it’s also not for children because

it’s about the devil and souls,violent,not for younger children,and creepy game these are a few

reasons but i will say why it’s better

Cuphead is a fantastic game, the graphics are aesthetically pleasing graphics,the amazing music

on the game,the general game story is entertaining and the characters of the game have a very

different yet unique look and style which makes this game even better.

The levels are too difficult to beat,it’s not for younger kids , it’s about the devil and gambling

also about souls,violet,and creepy these are the reasons why some people do not like it they say it

is difficult because it is supposed to be challenging and also so you don’t finish the game so

soon, it’s about the devil and souls because that is the storyline they have lost their souls by

gambling with the devil and losing so the only way they can get their souls back is buy collecting

other souls for the devil.

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It’s violent because you need to defeat them to take their soul to get theirs back also it’s creepy it

may be creep because of character design and also so scenes may be creepy for younger children

and then of course it isn’t for younger kids because it is not directed to younger kids.

Ok so yes it has the devil it has gambling and souls it a logical point of view i can see why you

should feel this way because most games do not have this aspect in there games and people don’t

like the idea of gambling especially with the devil and then getting your soul taken away . Yes it

is difficult to beat i could see why people feel this way because I as well have trouble beating the

game and it’s levels so i do see the logical point of view

Violent and creepy yes i see your point of view because you have to defeat the other characters to

get their soul so you may have your soul back and the creepy it’s because of the character design

they may scare younger children and that this game isn’t really for children.

Cuphead is the best video game because of is oldtimer ascetic graphic that it has and the very

entertaining music that is played throughout the game and the general game story because it is

interesting and fun to play and it’s also a fantastic game because it’s difficult it makes the game

longer for you so you don't finish it in one sitting and is helps you ragee a bit sometimes.

One of my favorite things about the game is its characters because they have a unique style to

them and you can’t compare them to any other game which is fantastic to think about also the

fact that the games lay out is like a game board and you go through the game in that style that

why cuphead is an amazing game.

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The graphics of the game are fantastic one of my favorite levels is “the devils amusement park”

because the graphics and music are done very well and there aren't a bunch of things going on to

confuse you like other games this level was pretty difficult but very fun. This game is more for

older people because if you look up cuphead on youtube you will see older people playing the

game you don’t really see kids playing it.

The characters designs are very unique one of my favorite character designs is Baroness Von Bon

Bon because she is aesthetically pleasing and she was one of the hardest characters to beat she is

a pinkish princess looking character with a candy cane stick and a very sassy looking face.

The benefits to liking cuphead is you well listen and enjoy a very ascetic looking game which is

satisfying and very unique and difficult game to play one thing I can guarantee is that you will

have a hard time beating this game and cannot finish it in one sitting which is good also i can

definitely guarantee you will rage but it’s honestly fun because even though it will stress you out

you also destree by yelling at the game this is why cuphead is the best game ever.
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Works cited

“Cuphead .” Cuphead , Wiki Fandom ,

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