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Unit-I If a>c

Introduction to Programming Display a is the largest

Algorithm: In programming, algorithm Else
are the set of well defined instruction in Display c is the largest
sequence to solve a program. OR The number.
sequence of steps to be performed in order Else
to solve a problem by the computer is If b>c
known as an algorithm. An algorithm Display b is the largest
should always have a clear stopping number.
point. Else
Display c is the greatest
Qualities of a good algorithm number.
1. Inputs and outputs should be defined Step 5: Stop
precisely. Example 3: Write an algorithm to find
2. Each steps in algorithm should be clear all roots of a quadratic equation
and unambiguous. ax 2 +bx+c=0.
3. Algorithm should be most effective Step 1: Start
among many different ways to solve a Step 2: Declare variables a, b, c, D,
problem. x1, x2, rp and ip;
4. An algorithm shouldn't have computer Step 3: Calculate discriminant
code. Instead, the algorithm should be D←b2-4ac
written in such a way that, it can be used Step 4: If D≥0
in similar programming languages. r1←(-b+√D)/2a
Examples Of Algorithms In Display r1 and r2 as roots.
Programming Else
Example 1: Write an algorithm to add Calculate real part and
two numbers entered by user. imaginary part
Step 1: Start rp←b/2a
Step 2: Declare variables num1, num2 ip←√(-D)/2a
and sum. Display rp+j(ip) and rp-j(ip)
Step 3: Read values num1 and num2. as roots
Step 4: Add num1 and num2 and Step 5: Stop
assign the result to sum. Example 4: Write an algorithm to find
sum←num1+num2 the factorial of a number entered by
Step 5: Display sum user.
Step 6: Stop Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare variables n,factorial
Example 2: Write an algorithm to find and i.
the largest among three different Step 3: Initialize variables
numbers entered by user. factorial←1
Step 1: Start i←1
Step 2: Declare variables a,b and c. Step 4: Read value of n
Step 3: Read variables a,b and c. Step 5: Repeat the steps until i=n
Step 4: If a>b 5.1: factorial←factorial*i
5.2: i←i+1 else
Step 6: Display factorial print "number odd"
Step 7: Stop endif
Example 5: Write an algorithm to step 5 : stop
check whether a number entered by
user is prime or not. Note: Algorithm is not the computer
Step 1: Start code. Algorithm are just the instructions
Step 2: Declare variables n,i,flag. which gives clear idea to you idea to
Step 3: Initialize variables write the computer code.
i←2 Three reasons for using algorithms are
Step 4: Read n from user. efficiency, abstraction and reusability.
Step 5: Repeat the steps until i<(n/2) Efficiency: Certain types of problems, like
5.1 If remainder of n÷i equals 0 sorting, occur often in computing. Efficient
flag←0 algorithms must be used to solve such
Go to step 6 problems considering the time and cost
5.2 i←i+1 factor involved in each algorithm.
Step 6: If flag=0 Abstraction: Algorithms provide a level of
Display n is not prime abstraction in solving problems because
else many seemingly complicated problems can
Display n is prime be distilled into simpler ones for which well
Step 7: Stop known
Example 6: Write an algorithm to find algorithms exist. Once we see a more
the Fibonacci series till term≤1000. complicated problem in a simpler light, we
Step 1: Start can think of the simpler problem as just an
Step 2: Declare variables abstraction of the more complicated one. For
first_term,second_term and temp. example, imagine trying to find the shortest
Step 3: Initialize variables way to route a packet between two gateways
first_term←0 second_term←1 in an internet. Once we realize that this
Step 4: Display first_term and problem is just a variation of the more
second_term general shortest
Step 5: Repeat the steps until path problem, we can solve it using the
second_term≤1000 generalized approach.
5.1: temp←second_term Reusability: Algorithms are often reusable
5.2: in many different situations. Since many
second_term←second_term+first term well-known algorithms are the
5.3: first_term←temp generalizations of more complicated ones,
5.4: Display second_term and since many
Step 6: Stop complicated problems can be distilled into
simpler ones, an efficient means of solving
Example 7: Write a algorithm to find out certain simpler problems potentially lets us
number is odd or even? solve many complicated problems.
step 1 : start
step 2 : input number Flow chart:
step 3 : rem=number mod 2 A Flowchart is a type of diagram (graphical
step 4 : if rem=0 then or symbolic) that represents an algorithm or
print "number even" process. Each step in the process is
represented by a different symbol and easy with the help of flowchart. It helps the
contains a short description of the process programmer to put efforts more efficiently
step. The flow chart symbols are linked on that part.
together with arrows showing the process Limitations of Using Flowcharts:
flow direction. A flowchart typically shows Although a flowchart is a very useful tool,
the flow of data in a process, detailing the there are a few limitations in using
operations/steps in a pictorial format which flowcharts which are listed below:
is easier to understand than in a textual _ Complex logic: Sometimes, the program
format. logic is quite complicated. In that case,
A flowchart describes what operations (and flowchart becomes complex and clumsy.
in what sequence) are required to solve a _ Alterations and Modifications: If
given problem. A flowchart can be likened alterations are required the flowchart may
to the blueprint of a building. Flowcharts are require re-drawing completely.
used in analyzing, designing, documenting
or managing a process or program in various When to Use a Flowchart:
fields. _ To communicate to others how a process
Flowcharts are generally drawn in the early is done.
stages of formulating computer solutions. _ A flowchart is generally used when a new
Flowcharts often facilitate communication project begins in order to plan for the
between programmers and business people. project.
These flowcharts play a vital role in the _ A flowchart helps to clarify how things are
programming of a problem and are quite currently working and how they could be
helpful in understanding the logic of improved. It also assists in finding the key
complicated and lengthy problems. Once the elements of a process, while drawing clear
flowchart is drawn, it becomes easy to write lines between where one process ends and
the program in any high level language. the next one starts.
_ Developing a flowchart stimulates
Advantages of Using Flowcharts: communication among participants and
The benefits of flowcharts are as follows: establishes a common understanding about
_ Communication: Flowcharts are better the process. Flowcharts also uncover steps
way of communicating the logic of a system that are redundant or misplaced.
to all concerned. _ Flowcharts are used to help team
_ Effective analysis: With the help of members, to identify who provides inputs or
flowchart, problem can be analysed in more resources to whom, to establish important
effective way. areas for monitoring or data collection, to
_ Proper documentation: Program identify areas for
flowcharts serve as a good program improvement or increased efficiency, and to
documentation, which is needed for various generate hypotheses about causes.
purposes. _ It is recommended that flowcharts be
_ Efficient Coding: The flowcharts act as a created through group discussion, as
guide or blueprint during the systems individuals rarely know the entire process
analysis and program development phase. and the communication contributes to
_ Proper Debugging: The flowchart helps in improvement.
debugging process. _ Flowcharts are very useful for
_ Efficient Program Maintenance: The documenting a process (simple or complex)
maintenance of operating program becomes as it eases the understanding of the process.
_ Flowcharts are also very useful to
communicate to others how a process is
performed and enables understanding of the
logic of a process.
Input/Output Data: A parallelogram that
Flowchart Symbols & Guidelines: indicates data input or output (I/O) for a
Flowcharts are usually drawn using some process. Examples: Get X from the user,
standard symbols; however, some special Display X.
symbols can also be developed when
required. Some standard symbols, which are
frequently required for flowcharting many
computer programs are shown.
Terminator: An oval flow chart shape
indicates the start or end of the process, Arrow: used to show the flow of control in
usually containing the word “Start” or a process. An arrow coming from one
“End”. symbol and ending at another symbol
represents that control passes to the symbol
the arrow points to.

These are the basic symbols used generally.

Process: A rectangular flow chart shape Now, the basic guidelines for drawing a
indicates a normal/generic process flow step. flowchart with the above symbols are that:
For example, “Add 1 to X”, “M = M*F” or _ In drawing a proper flowchart, all
similar. necessary requirements should be listed out
in logical order.
_ The flowchart should be neat, clear and
easy to follow. There should not be any
room for ambiguity in understanding the
Decision: A diamond flow chart shape flowchart.
indicates a branch in the process flow. This _ The flowchart is to be read left to right or
symbol is used when a decision needs to be top to bottom.
made, commonly a Yes/No question or _ A process symbol can have only one flow
True/False test. line coming out of it.

Connector: A small, labelled, circular flow

chart shape used to indicate a jump in the
process flow. Connectors are generally used
in complex or multi-sheet diagrams.
Example 1: Example 3:

Example 2:

Example 4:
Example 5:

Example 6:

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