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5th Edition Homebrew Class (Version 2.0) co-created by joefishxd and bblue

Level Proficiency Fan the Big Big Iron Features

Mod Hammer Iron Damag
Attacks Shots e
1 +2 N/A 6 D6 DRAW!, Big Iron on Your Hip, Pistol Whip (1+DEX)
2 +2 2 6 D6 Fan the Hammer, Yee-haw
3rd +2 2 6 D6 Luck of The Draw, Gamblers Style Ability
4 +2 2 6 D6 Card Manipulation (1 Per LR), Hip Fire
5 +3 3 6 D6 Ability Score Improvement, Pistol Whip (D4+DEX)
6 +3 3 6 D6 Magic Bullet, I Hold
7 +3 3 7 D8 Evasion, Gun Smith, Card Manipulation (2 Per LR)
8th +3 3 8 D8 Ability Score Improvement
9 +4 4 9 D8 Spurs That Jingle, Well I’ll Be Damned
10 +4 4 10 D8 Cauterise, Pistol Whip (D6+DEX)
11 +4 4 11 D10 Gamblers Style Ability
12 +4 4 12 D10 Ability Score Improvement, Card Manipulation (3
Per LR)
13th +5 5 13 D10 I Fold…, Ricochets
14th +5 5 14 D10 Pistol Whip (D8+DEX)
15th +5 5 15 D12 Deadeye
16th +5 5 16 D12 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 6 17 D12 Gamblers Style Ability
18th +6 6 18 D12 All in The Cards
19th +6 6 19 D12+D6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 6 20 D12+D6 I’m Going All In!

Class Features:
Hit Points:
- Hit Dice = 1d8 + CON per Gambler Level
- Starting HP = 8 + CON
- HP at higher levels = 1d8 (or 5) + CON when taking a level higher than 1 st in the
Gambler class
- Armour: Light Armour
- Weapons: Simple Weapons, Rapiers, Hand Crossbows, Heavy Crossbows,
- Tools: Playing Card Set and 1 other type of Gaming Set
- Saving throw: Dexterity, Charisma
- Skills: Choose 3 from Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation,
Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
- Leather Armour and (a) Rapier or (b) 2 simple melee weapons
- (a) A Short bow and 20 arrows or (b) A Hand crossbow and 20 bolts
- (a) A dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorers back
- A Playing Card Set

At 1st level you forgo rolling d20s and instead draw from a deck of cards. The cards are
valued as followed:

Red Ace/Black Ace 1/20

Red 2/Black 2 2/12
Red 3/Black 3 3/13
Red 4/Black 4 4/14
Red 5/Black 5 5/15
Red 6/Black 6 6/16
Red 7/Black 7 7/17
Red 8/Black 8 8/18
Red 9/Black 9 9/19
Red 10/Black 10 10/11
Red Jack/Black Jack If you drew the Red Jack when drawing for
a saving draw, draw again with
disadvantage, if you draw the Black Jack
when drawing for a saving draw, draw
again with advantage (The Red Jack is
higher than a Black 10 but is weaker than a
Black Jack). If you draw a Jack and it’s not a
Saving Draw, draw again as normal.
Red Queen/Black Queen If you drew the Red Queen when drawing
for a Ability Draw, draw again with
disadvantage, if you draw the Black Queen
when drawing for a Ability Draw, draw
again with advantage (The Red Queen is
higher than a Black Jack but is weaker than
a Black Queen). If you draw a Queen and it
is not an Ability Draw, draw again as
Red King/Black King If you drew the Red King when drawing for
an Attack Draw, draw again with
disadvantage, if you draw the Black King
when drawing for a saving throw, draw
again with advantage (The Red King is
higher than a Black Queen but is weaker
than a Black King). If you draw a King and
it’s not an Attack Draw, draw again as
Joker Any number between 1 and 20 (Classes as
the Highest card possible if it drawn due to
disadvantage or advantage)

When you draw a card and use it, it gets placed face up in the discard pile, no card can be
used from the discard pile except if the ability Recycle is used. Once the deck is empty
shuffle the deck and the DM will then cut it. The deck is also shuffled after a long rest.
When rolling for Death Saves, if you draw a face card (Jack, Queen, King), Discard it. If you
pull an even Card it is a pass, of you pull an odd it is a fail, if you pull an Ace, it is an fail as if
you have rolled a natural 1, and if you pull a 10 it is an auto-success, as if you have rolled a
natural 20.
When you roll at disadvantage draw two cards and you have to pick the lowest and you
discard both at random, if you have advantage you draw two cards and pick the highest card
and then discard both cards.
When taking a short rest, for you carousing at a pub/inn/saloon/etc. and gambling classes as
light activity.

Big Iron on Your Hip

You become proficient with your “Big Iron”. This is a very fancy and arcane looking 6 shooter
revolver. When you take this class at first level you become proficient with this weapon,
with Tinkerers Tools and you either gain your Big Iron instantly or through some other
means, e.g. you gain the schematics to build one (The DM will decide on how you obtain the
weapon). All abilities and attacks performed using your Big Iron will require you to expend a
number of Shots (including fan the hammer attacks). The stats for the Big Iron are as

Name Cost Damage Weight Features

Big Iron 500gp Level 1 – 6 = D6 Piercing 6Lbs Ammunition (range
Level 7 – 10 = D8 Piercing 30/120), Light,
Level 11 – 14 = D10 Piercing Loading (After 6
Level 15 – 18 = D12 Piercing shots)
Level 19 – 20 = D12+D6
You regain your shots after a long rest. The DC for your abilities performed with Big Iron are
8 + Proficiency Mod + DEX. Damage dealt using your Big Iron classes as lethal damage unless
stated otherwise. You cannot stack (this does not include attacking with your big iron). If
your Big Iron breaks, it takes 4 hours and 250g worth of material to repair it with your
tinkerers tools.

Pistol Whip
At level 1, after firing your Big Iron or other ranged weapon you are proficient with, you can
spend your bonus action to make an attack draw against a creature within 5 ft of you, if you
hit you deal your DEX mod (min of 1) to the target and they make a DC Strength saving
throw VS you DC of 8 + Proficiency Bonus + DEX. If they fail, they are pushed 5 ft away but
do not provoke an attack of opportunity from you, if they succeed, they take the damage
but are not knocked back. The damage of your pistol whip increases to 1d4 + DEX at 5 th
level, 1d6 + DEX at 10th level and 1d8 +DEX at 14th Level. You can perform a Pistol Whip
equal to your DEX mod per Long Rest. Using Pistol Whip with your Big Iron can class as non-
lethal damage.

Fan the Hammer

At 2nd Level you can use your action to spend a shot from your Big Iron (up to 6) up to the
number of Fan the Hammer Attacks you can perform. You Draw 6 cards face down from
your deck and pick up the number of cards equal to the number of big iron shots you have
used. Discard the rest of the cards. The attack happens as normal (add prof and DEX and
Misc to hit) as normal but all attacks have to be aimed at one target in a range of 30ft from
you. If one of the Fan the Hammer attacks is a critical, it deals triple damage instead of
double (or roll 3 dice instead of 2). You can use this ability multiple times a day as long as
you have the shots for it. You cannot perform a Pistol Whip after this using this ability. You
cannot Fan the Hammer with advantage and you cannot use Luck of the Draw while
attacking using Fan the Hammer.

At 2nd level, up to your DEX mod per long rest you can perform one of these abilities:
- You and another creature that is of a size class equal to yours or smaller can switch
places if you are within 5ft of each other. If the creature is not willing to be moved,
the creature makes a Strength Save DC check to surpass a DC of 8 + Prof + DEX. If the
succeed the creature can use its reaction to make an attack of opportunity against
you, if you pass you can swap places provoking no attack of opportunity against
yourself or the target you swap with.
- You can make a ranged attack against an object no bigger than a 1ft by 1ft that
weighs no more than 5lbs and shunt it 10ft directly away from you. The object takes
no damage by doing this as the surface next to it is shot and this is what pushes it
- You can spend your action and make a ranged attack against an enemy that is within
30ft of you that is not behind cover and you can see using 50ft worth of rope (Prof +
DEX to hit). If you hit, the target creature makes a grapple check using there DEX
instead of STR to beat a DC of 8 + prof + DEX. If they fail, they are grappled, if they
succeed, they are not grappled and not knocked prone. While they grappled in this
way you pull the creature using your bonus action 5ft closer to you if they make a
strength saving throw and get lower than your DC of 8 + prof + DEX. On a fail they
get pulled 5ft closer towards you in a straight line and on the initial 5ft they are
knocked prone and cannot get up before being released from the rope. On a success
they stay standing but are still grappled. At the end of each of its turns the creature
can make a strength check to escape from your rope grapple. You can use this ability
to grapple objects too, as long as they are 1ft by 1ft and way no more than 5lbs.

Luck of the Draw

At 3rd level, you have luck point that are equal to your DEX mod + your CHA mod (Minimum
of 1). when you draw a card, you can spend a luck point to draw an additional card. This
must be declared before you draw. This ability can be used at advantage or disadvantage by
you drawing an additional card and in the case of advantage pick the highest out of the 3 or
if it is at disadvantage, discard the lowest of the 3 then now choose the lowest of the 2
remaining. You will regain all Luck Points after a Long Rest.

Gamblers Style
At 3rd level, you dedicate your life to a Gambler Style (The Deathwish Style, The Show-off
Style or The Card Shark Style). You gain the other abilities as you level up in the Gambler
Class (at 11th and 17th level).

Card Manipulation
At 4th level, you can spend a number of luck points equal to your CHA mod and instead of
drawing a card from the deck you can take the number of cards equal to the number if luck
points used (minimum of 1) from the top 5 + CHA mod of the discard pile and use one of the
cards taken. After this, place all the cards taken from the discard pile excluding the card you
just used (this card is discarded) and put them on the top of the deck, the deck is then
shuffled by you and then the DM. You gain more usages of this ability at 7 th and 12th level.
You all usages of this ability after a long rest.
Hip Fire
At 4th level when you are firing a hand crossbow, light crossbow, heavy crossbow or your Big
Iron at a range of 5ft, it does not cause the attack to be at a disadvantage. You also ignore
the loading attribute of weapons that have it.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 5th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Magic Bullet
At 6th level all attacks you make using a ranged weapon you are proficient with count as
magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and
damage (this does include the damage dealt by Pistol Whip).

I Hold
At 6th Level, when you draw multiple cards you can spend 3 luck point, instead of discarding
all unused cards, you can choose one card out of all that were going to be discarded and
keep it and use it in the place of an Attack Draw, Saving Draw or Ability Draw. Once used the
card is then discarded. If the card held isn’t used within 24 hours, the card is discarded. You
can only have one card saved at a time and choosing a new card to save will discard the
currently held one.

At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects,
such as a blue dragon’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an
effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you
instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Gun Smith
At 7th level you can now regain half your Big Iron shots during a short rest. You can also
make any repairs to your gun during a short rest if you have Tinkerers Tools and it now only
costs 150gp to get the materials.
I Got Spurs That Jingle
At 9th level, you gain proficiency with one of the following skills: Deception, Intimidation,
Persuasion, Performance. If you already have proficiency in that skills you choose, you now
gain expertise in that skill. You also gain a proficiency in another gaming set (if you can’t,
gain expertise in one gaming set) and your speed increases by 10ft.

Well I’ll Be Damned

At 9th Level, you can use a luck point when you make an attack roll with your Big Iron and
miss, you can use a bonus action to reroll the attack roll against a different target within 30ft
of the original target.

At 10th Level, you can press the hot barrel of your Big Iron against an open wound to stem
the bleeding. If you have taken more than half your HP in damage you can spend you action
to fire up to 6 shots with your big iron into the ground, you then press the barrel against
your injury and take 1 point of fire damage per shot you expend and then you gain 1d8 +
CON temporary hit points per shot you expend that last until for an hour or till they have
been expended. You can only use this ability once per long rest.

I Fold…
At 13th Level when drawing a card, you can us a number of luck points equal to the number
of cards you have drawn and discard all the cards you have drawn in an order of your
choosing into the discard pile to gain advantage on an attack draw, saving draw or ability
draw of your choosing, you can only have one stack of “I Fold…” and you lose the stack after
a hour. Doing this causes whatever you were drawing to behave like you drew a Red Ace
(Rolled a 1).

At 13th level you can expend a luck point to make one ranged attack per turn against a
creature behind half or ¾ cover as normal and a person behind total cover with
disadvantage that is within the short range of your ranged weapon.

At 15th level, you can use your bonus action to focus on one creature within 30ft of you. A
number of times equal to your DEX mod per long rest, for a number of rounds equal to your
DEX mod you gain advantage to hit with all ranged attack (Including abilities with your Big
Iron) when attempting to attack your target. If you hit you deal an additional 1d10 weapon
damage, if you miss roll damage as like you have hit but subtract 1d10 from the damage you
dealt. You cannot move while focused and if you do, you will lose focus, if you are hit while
focusing on a target you must make a CON Saving Draw that is higher than 10 + half the
total damage you just took. If you fail you lose focus, if you pass, you stay focused. If you
attack any other creature while focused on your target you lose focus. If the creature
becomes heavily obscured, turns invisible, you lose sight of them or they move out of the
30ft radius, you lose focus on them. If use your action to do anything but make an attack,
you lose focus. You cannot use Ricochets, or Well I’ll Be Damned while focusing. If you kill
your target you can use your reaction to instantly focus on another target of your choosing
within 30ft of you.

All in The Cards

At 17th level, when you draw to make a ranged attack with your Big Iron and you hit, before
you roll damage you can draw again and can forgo doing the piercing damage the big iron
does when you hit and instead change the damage based on the suit of the card you drew
to hit (see table below):

Suit of Card Damage

Spades Thunder or Lightning
Clubs Acid or Poison
Hearts Radiant or Necrotic
Diamonds Fire or Cold
Joker Choose Any Damage Type (Including
Bludgeoning, Slashing, Piercing, Force and

This needs to be declared before you roll damage but can be after you know if the attack hit
or not. You expend the Big Iron shot as if you were just making a standard attack as well as a
luck point to do this. Once you draw the extra card, you have to choose one of the types of
damage the suit says you can do, and you cannot choose to ignore it and do the normal
piercing damage the big iron does instead. After this discard both cards in any order on the
top of the discard pile.

I’m Going All In!

At 20th Level, when you start combat with no Luck Points and/or Big Iron Shots you gain half
your Luck points back and/or 5 Big Iron Shots back. You also can also choose once per Long
Rest to spend 5 Luck Points for a number of round equal to your DEX mod to take half
damage for all weapon and magical attacks and you can move double your movement, you
have advantage on all proficient saving throws and you can take 2 actions per turn however,
your AC is decreased to 12 (even if you are wearing armour), you cannot disengage and you
have disadvantage on all non-proficient saving throws. If you do not move your full
movement and end up at least 10ft away from where you originally started when you began
the round, incapacitated or your movement becomes 0ft, you lose the effects of this ability

The Deathwish
Shoot Fear into Their Hearts
You naturally have a look in your eye that spells danger for not only the other around you,
but for yourself as well. You have learned how to harness this natural intimidating effect you
have to make sure people know who they are dealing with. At 3rd Level, if you do not have
proficiency with Intimidation, you now do. If you do have proficiency with Intimidation
before taking this ability, you now have expertise in Intimidation. As well as this, up to half
your proficiency modifier (rounded down) per day you can spend a Big Iron shot to make
every creature in a 30ft radius centred on you make a WIS saving throw against 8 +
Intimidation Modifier. Those creature that failed are frightened for your CHA mod of rounds
(minimum of 1) and are stunned for 1 round of combat. If they succeeded nothing happens.
If a creature is immune to being frightened or stunned and is deafened or blinded, then this
effect fails on this creature. At the end of each creatures turn they can make another WIS
saving throw to break free of the fear/stun effect. If a creatures passes the WIS saving
throw, they cannot be affected by this ability for the next 24 hours. As you have stared
down the barrel of a gun many times and are a good friend of the adrenalin rush of near-
death experiences, you are resistant to the frightened effect (draw with advantage to
overcome/resist frightened effects) and at 11th Level you become immune to the frightened

To Cheat Death
You’ve been shot, stabbed, shredded to pieces, drowned, poisoned, set ablaze and even
nearly died at your own hands a few times… so you know deaths friendly face all too well. At
11th level, when rolling death saves, you can spend 3 luck point when you draw a Red Ace to
have it act as a normal fail rather than a critical fail, to turn a normal fail to nothing, to make
a successful death saving draw to class as 2 successful death saving draws and a critical
success to you become conscious but with 1 + your level + CHA mod of hit points (minimum
of 1). If you regained copiousness using this ability, take up to a number of cards equal to
your CHA modifier from the discard pile and shuffle them back into your deck (the DM will
then cut the deck a number of times and hand it you back).

Death’s Roulette
The one thing people fear more than a man with the desire to take a life, is a man that has
no fear of losing his own. At 17th level, you can spend one Big Iron Shot and 5 Luck Points
and as an action target 1 creature within 30ft of you that isn’t behind cover and is not
partially obscured. Draw 6 cards and nominate one of them as the BANG! card, the other 5
are …click… cards. The DM will shuffle the 6 cards and you will begin either aiming the gun
at the target creature or yourself (point at yourself for targeting you and the DM when
targeting the enemy) and change the creature your Big Iron is aimed at each time a …click…
is pulled. When the BANG! Card is pulled whoever it is you are aiming at (pointing at) is
automatically critical hit with that deals 4x the Max Damage of your Big Iron. If the creature
you are targeting is currently suffering with the Frightened Condition, deal 5 times MAX
damage of your big iron.

The Show-off
Shooting Star
Nothing is better that starting a bar fight then pulling out all the stops until you are the last
one standing in the most exciting way possible. At 3rd level, if you do not have proficiency
with Performance, you now do. If you do have proficiency with Performance before taking
this ability, you now have expertise in Performance. You can spend a Big Iron shot and use
your bonus action up to half your prof mod per Long Rest to perform a trick with your Big
Iron. You throw an object (Glass Bottle, china plate, anything that would shatter when shot)
into the air and fire once at it, shattering it into tiny pieces. All creatures that are within 30ft
must make an DEX check that is higher than 10 + Prof + CHA mod. On a fail the get the
shattered object in their eyes and are blinded for your CHA mod worth of round or if they
spend their whole turn removing the material from their eyes. If they succeeded, they
quickly cover their eyes and are not affected. A creature will also not be affected if they
have no eyes, are blinded or cannot be blinded. As you are always the centre of attention,
flashy tricks and outlandish actions do not make you lose your composure. You are resistant
to the Stunned effect (draw with advantage to overcome/resist stunned effects), at 11th
level you become immune to stunned effects.

Dramatic Entrance:
Whether is a formal gathering of the highest of society, to a random drunken brawl, you
always know how to make an entrance. At 11th level, when entering combat, your bonus to
initiative becomes your DEX plus half your CHA (rounded down) and then can spend a luck
points up to your proficiency modifier to increase your initiative by 1 per each luck point you
spend. You must do this before the DM says who goes first. If you attack a creature and you
have advantage to hit that creature and you are higher than that creature on the initiative
tracker, you can roll the damage dice twice and you will deal the highest damage rolled. For
each creature you hit with advantage and you kill in that same attack, you can take one card
from the discard pile and shuffle it back into the deck (Then the DM will cut the deck).
Centre of Attention
You feel more and more comfortable with more and more eyes on you. So much so that the
more people that are watching you, the stronger and more skilled you feel. At 17 th level, at
the beginning of combat gain temporary hit points equal to the number of creatures within
30ft of you plus your CHA mod (Minimum of 1). You can also use your action to spend 6 luck
points to choose up to a number of creatures equal to the amount of Big Iron Shots you are
willing to expend (Up to a maximum of 6) within 30ft. You fire at each creature once and on
hit, you deal the damage your Big Iron would do plus your CHA (Big Iron Dice + DEX + CHA)
and if you hit a creature that you have advantage on, hitting them becomes a critical. The
effect of Centre of Attention

The Card Shark

False Cut
At 3rd level, if you do not have proficiency with Deception, you now do. If you do have
proficiency with Deception before taking this ability, you now have expertise in Deception.
You can spend one Big Iron Shot to fire a at the floor creature of your choosing within 30ft
of you that you can see and that isn’t behind cover. The target creature must make a WIS
saving throw against the DC of 8 + Prof + CHA mod. If the creature fails, they must spend
their reaction to move 10ft away from you (they can provoke opportunity attacks) and then
are knocked prone, if they succeed nothing happens. If they do not move into areas that
would cause harm and if they can’t move the full 10ft they fall prone after they can’t move
any more. If the creature cannot see you make the shot or you can’t be knocked prone, they
are immune to the effects of this ability. By learning to lie, you’ve learned to never trust
anyone fully and to always take everything with a pinch of salt. You are resistant to the
charmed effect (draw with advantage to overcome/resist stunned effects), at 11th level you
become immune to charmed effects.

Colour Change
You know that sometimes the biggest problem that people have is that after a while, the
small details are forgotten, as those are the details that are the most important. At 11 th level
When you draw a Red Ace, Jack, Queen or King, up to half of your Prof mod per day you can
choose to act as it is its black counterpart and visa versa. If you choose to turn the Black Ace,
Jack, Queen or King to its red counterpart and then take the critical fail or the disadvantage
to the attack, saving throw, or ability check, you can take up to half your CHA mod (rounded
down, minimum of 1) of cards from you discard pile and shuffle them into you deck (Then
the DM cuts the deck).
Ace Up Your Sleeve
By learning how to rig the deck at the table, you’ve learned how to rig your own odds in
your favour. At 17th Level, you can add an additional set of aces to the deck (both Red and
Black). Alongside this, when you draw and get a black ace (or you use Colour Change to
make a Red Ace and Black Ace), you can spend 5 luck points to cause the next attack roll
against you to instantly fail, for your next attack you instantly hit no matter its AC however it
has to be within the short range of your ranged weapon (deal normal damage), or you to
instantly succeeded your next saving draw and automatically roll a 20 for your next ability
check. When you use this ability, the ace you drew is placed at the bottom of your deck not
in the discard pile.

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