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ACTIVITY 7 Name: Joven Jaravata (ABPsych1)

1. For the following information obtained from a sample data set, find the regression equation.
Σx = 66, x = 5.5, Σy = 588, Σxy = 2244, Σx2 = 396

Regression Equation: Y’ = -145, 705.22 + 12,151.51X

2. A researcher took a sample of 10 years and found the following relationship between x and
y where x is the number of major natural calamities that occurred during a year and y
represents the total profits (in millions of pesos) of local hotels in Baguio City.
y = 10.6 - 0.2x
10.6 million pesos (a) Assuming that there were no calamities in a selected year, how much
were the total profits of these hotels during that year?
(b) For every natural calamity that occurred, total profits (rose , fell ) fell by rose .
9.2 million pesos (c) A randomly selected year had 7 major calamities. What were the
expected total profits of these hotels for that year?
_4 calamities (d) If total profits of these hotels were Php 9.8M for a certain year, how many
calamities had hit Baguio City during that year?

3. Consider the ff data below: (from

Year (t) May (1) June(2) July (3) Aug(4) Sept(5) Oct(6)
# of Positive cases (y) 17,224 37,514 89,291 217,373 311,664 376,927
Of Covid-19 in the Phil

a) Find the trend line equation. y = - 96, 461.065 - 77, 559.97 t Show solution below.
b) Draw the scatter diagram and the graph of the trend line equation below.
c) Predict the number of corona virus positive for the December 2020 - 717, 260.83

300000 --

250000 -- Y = - 96, 461.065 - 77, 559.97 t

200000 --

150000 --

100000 --

50000 --

| | | | | | | | | t
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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t = 21; y = 1,049, 993; ty = 5,032,275; t2 = 91; t = 3.5
y = 174,998.83

b = 6 (5,032,275) – (21) (1,049,993) = 77, 559.97

6 (91) – (21)2

a = 174,998.83 – (77, 559.97) (3.5) = - 96, 461.065

Hence, the equation of the trend line is

y = - 96, 461.065 - 77, 559.97 t

Month of December indicates t = 8. Using the trend line equation with t = 8,

we have y = - 96, 461.065 - 77, 559.97 (8) = - 717, 260.83

II.. Shown below is the graph of a hypothetical time-series set of data for y and t where t =
time period in months and y = number of clearing-out cadets for a certain year.
16 --
14 --
12 --
10 --
8 --
6 --
4 --
2 --
t (months)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

a) Find: a = 18 , b = -2 , Trend line equation:_Y’ = 18 - 2 t .

If t = 0 represents the month of June 2020,

b) forecast the number of cadets who shall be clearing out because of resignation,
discharge or being turned-back in December of this year.

Month of December indicates t = 6. Using the trend line equation with t = 6,

we have y = 18 - 2(6) = 30_

c) in what month will there be no cadets clearing out? _February_

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