Module 5 Metadata Schema Assignment Template

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LIS 60020

Information Organization

Module 5 Metadata Schema Assignment template

Carefully read the instructions in the Metadata Schema Assignment Details file before you attempt
entering information in this assignment template file.

Your name: Zachary Baker

Part 1: Design a Metadata Element Set for a Puppetry Collection

1. Define the environment for your collection and the users of this collection. – Answer below

A large urban public library. Users include children, adults, parents, teens, students of all ages, seniors,
and any other demographic that seeks its use.

2. Define the expected use of this collection. – Answer below

The largest uses would be by children and parents. Entertainment and DIY project ideas. However,
students working on specific research topics that cover the materials involved should be expected,
along with other possible uses for the resources like identifying items, professional puppeteer interests,
and those stumbling upon a new hobby.

3. Enter your metadata element set information. Use the table that follows to enter basic information
for each of your elements. The table provides the same layout repeated 15 times. You are required to
include a minimum of 10 elements, with a minimum of two being new elements. Use DCMI or other
schema indicators for existing elements and PMAP to indicate proposed new elements.

Element Name: Title

1 Element Source: DCMI
Label: Title
Description: The name given to the resource.
Guidelines: If in doubt about what constitutes the title, repeat the Title element and
include the variants in second and subsequent Title iterations. If the item is
in HTML, view the source document and make sure that the title identified
in the title header (if any) is also included as a Title.
Examples: Title="The Complete Book of Puppetry"
Title="Fraggle Rock"
Title="Kermit the Frog"
Title="Sesame Street"
LIS 60020
Information Organization

Justification: Titles are what resources are known as. It is the fastest way to identify them. However,
more than one resource can be identified by the same title.

Element Name: Creator

2 Element Source: DCMI
Label: Creator
Description: An entity primarily responsible for making the resource.
Guidelines: Creators should be listed separately, preferably in the same order that they
appear in the publication. Personal names should be listed surname or
family name first, followed by forename or given name. When in doubt, give
the name as it appears, and do not invert.
Examples: Creator=”Henson, Jim”
Creator=”Jurkowski, Henryk”
Justification: It is important to know who the creator of a resource is. This can lead to other resources
that help when performing a search.

Element Name: Description

3 Element Source: DCMI
Label: Description
Description:  An account of the content of the resource. Description may include but is
not limited to: an abstract, table of contents, reference to a graphical
representation of content or a free-text account of the content.
Guidelines: Since the Description field is a potentially rich source of indexable terms,
care should be taken to provide this element when possible. Best practice
recommendation for this element is to use full sentences, as description is
often used to present information to users to assist in their selection of
appropriate resources from a set of search results.

Descriptive information can be copied or automatically extracted from the

item if there is no abstract or other structured description available.
Although the source of the description may be a web page or other
structured text with presentation tags, it is generally not good practice to
include HTML or other structural tags within the Description element.
Applications vary considerably in their ability to interpret such tags, and
their inclusion may negatively affect the interoperability of the metadata.

Examples: Description=”Big Bird is a character on the children's television show Sesame

Street. He is a very large bird-like creature.”
Description=”Walter is a ventriloquial figure used and created by the
ventriloquist Jeff Dunham. He is an old man known to be a brash character.”
Justification: A description of the resource can use indexable terms allowing for better and more
accurate search results. This makes everything easier when it comes to searches.

Element Name: Date

LIS 60020
Information Organization

Element Source: DCMI

Label: Date
Description: A date associated with an event in the life cycle of the resource. Typically,
Date will be associated with the creation or availability of the resource.
Guidelines: If the full date is unknown, month and year (YYYY-MM) or just year (YYYY)
may be used.
Examples: Date=”2010-04-25”
Justification: The date of creation of the resource is needed to differentiate from similar resources and
to make easier searching for resources in certain eras or time periods.

Element Name: Format

5 Element Source: DCMI
Label: Format
Description: The physical or digital manifestation of the resource. Typically, Format may
include the media-type or dimensions of the resource.
Guidelines: In addition to the specific physical or electronic media format, information
concerning the size of a resource may be included in the content of the
Format element if available.
Examples: Format=”Image”
Justification: Many resources come in different formats. It is important to distinguish the format so as
to not confuse database users.

Element Name: Language

6 Element Source: DCMI
Label: Language
Description: A language or languages of the intellectual content of the resource.
Guidelines: Whole languages of the resource.
Examples: Language=”English”
Justification: Puppetry has a long history throughout the world. This means the resources accumulated
are from various time periods and locations.

Element Name: Audience

7 Element Source: DCMI
Label: Audience
Description: A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful.
Guidelines: Be specific in the class using formal and informal vocabularies.
Examples: Audience=”Puppeteers”
Audience=”Elementary school students”
Justification: Knowing what audience a searcher is looking for resources helps create the right search
results. It helps refine search results.
LIS 60020
Information Organization

Element Name: Rights

8 Element Source: DCMI
Label: Rights Management
Description: Information about rights held in and over the resources.
Guidelines: May be used for a short statement or a URL that leads to rights statement.
Examples: Rights=”"
Rights=”Free for commercial use”
Justification: Sharing rights and information about such recognizes those with ownership and use on a
resource. It helps protect ownership rights.

Element Name: Material

9 Element Source: PMAP
Label: Material
Description: Items or elements used in the creation of the resource.
Guidelines: Used for resources of a non-typical nature. Used to list elements of
construction of a resource.
Examples: Material=”Felt”
Material=”Mesh wiring”
Justification: Many types of resources are created using a wide variety of things. It helps further
identify and specify search results in the items being searched.

Element Name: Measurements

10 Element Source: PMAP
Label: Resource Size
Description: As accurate as possible measurements of the resource.
Guidelines: Use of a textual statement describing size of resource or actual
Examples: Measurements=”23 Pounds”
Measurements=”Height 6 Ft. 3 Inches.”
Justification: The dimensions of a resource are important for DIY projects and creators of resources for
all searchers.

Part 2: Create metadata for two resources in the collection

The metadata should be created for the objects, not an image of the object.

Use the metadata element set you defined in Part #1 above to create the metadata with all applicable
elements for the following two items:

The genius puppetry behind War Horse (describe the video) – Answer below
LIS 60020
Information Organization

Title=”The genius puppetry behind War Horse”

Description=”Puppets always have to try to be alive," says Adrian Kohler of the Handspring Puppet
Company, a gloriously ambitious troupe of human and wooden actors. Beginning with the tale of a
hyena's subtle paw, puppeteers Kohler and Basil Jones build to the story of their latest astonishment:
the wonderfully life-like Joey, the War Horse, who trots (and gallops) convincingly onto the TED stage.”
Description=”Animals, Design, Entertainment, Theater, Performance.”
Format=”Embedded Video File”
Zebra State Puppet (describe the actual puppet, not the image available on the web) – Answer below
LIS 60020
Information Organization

Title=”Zebra Stage Puppet”

Creator=”Folkmanis Puppets Inc”
Description=” The Zebra Stage Puppet features an easily animated mouth and lots of expression!
Design details include a leatherette nose, soft vintage-look plush with beautiful striping, and a
distinctive black and white mane.
Format=”Plush Puppet”
Audience=”Adults with children”
Material=”Cotton polyester blend”
Measurements=”8 inches long”
Measurements=”5 inches wide”
Measurements=”13 inches tall”
Measurements=”4.32 oz.”

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