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case study [chemistry] Questions:

1. What are this patient’s most striking laboratory results and

An Elderly Male Without how do you explain them?
2. What is this patient’s most likely diagnosis?
a Beta-Band on Serum 3. What is the pathogenesis of primary causes of low or ab-
Lipoprotein Electrophoresis sent LDL-C?
4. What are the clinical manifestations in individuals with
Chakshu Gupta, MD, James J. Maciejko, MS, PhD
this condition?
Departments of Pathology and Internal Medicine, St. John Hospital
5. What methods are available for quantifying the principal
and Medical Center, Detroit, MI
analyte involved in this patient’s condition?

Possible Answers:

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Patient 1. Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) was unde-
69-year-old African-American male. tectable by calculation and by lipoprotein electrophoresis of
our patient’s serum. The undetectable LDL-C by calculation
Chief Complaint using the Friedewald formula prompted lipoprotein
Patient presented to the emergency room at a local hospital electrophoresis of our patient’s serum.
with a nosebleed. The emergency room physician ordered The absence or extremely low concentration of LDL-C in
routine laboratory tests, including a lipid panel, as part of the the plasma can be the result of primary or secondary causes.
work-up on this patient. Primary causes of low or absent LDL-C include
abetalipoproteinemia and hypobetalipoproteinemia. Abetal-
Past Medical History ipoproteinemia is a rare autosomal recessive disorder in
There was no history of headache, double vision, skin rash, which plasma cholesterol, triglyceride, and total phospho-
trauma, or bleeding disorder. He claimed a history of hyper- lipid concentrations are extremely low.1-4 In this disorder,
tension, but had not been compliant with his antihypertensive both the phospholipid and fatty acid composition of the
medication. plasma lipoproteins are abnormal. Screening tests for abetal-
ipoproteinemia include a lipid panel, followed by lipoprotein
Physical Examination electrophoresis. The absence of a beta-lipoprotein band on
Significant only for elevated blood pressure (190/93 mmHg) electrophoresis indicates extremely low or absent plasma
and nosebleed. LDL-C. Definitive diagnosis of abetalipoproteinemia
depends on immunochemical demonstration of the absence,
Family History or markedly reduced concentration, of apolipoprotein B (apo
Unremarkable/not known B), the principal apolipoprotein of LDL-C.1
Hypobetalipoproteinemia is unrelated to abetalipoproteine-
Principal Laboratory Findings mia and is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.1-3 In this
See [T1] and [I1]. disorder, total cholesterol concentration is low, triglyceride

Principal Laboratory Findings

Reference Values*
Test Patient’s Results Desirable or Near or Above Borderline High Very
Optimal Optimal High High

Appearance of serum Slight turbidity Clear – – – –

TC, mg/dL 88 <200 – 200-239 >240 –
TG, mg/dL 153 <150 – 150-199 200-499 >500
LDL-C,† mg/dL Und <100 100-129 130-159 160-189 >190
280 HDL-C,‡ mg/dL 64 <40, Low; ∃60, High
Male Female CHD Risk
TC:HDL-C ratio 1.4 3.4 3.3 = average
5.0 4.4 average
9.6 7.1 2x average
24.0 11.0 3x average
*According to current guidelines of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP).7 †Calculated according to the Friedewald formula: LDL-C = TC - (HDL-C) - (0.2 x TG). ‡High

levels of HDL-C and low levels of LDL-C are desirable because of the reduced risk of CHD in individuals with this combination of lipoprotein results.
TC, total cholesterol; TGs, triglycerides; LDL-C, low density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C, high density lipoprotein cholesterol; Und, undetectable; CHD, coronary heart disease

laboratorymedicine> april 2003> number 4> volume 34 ©

levels are usually in the low-normal range, and high density
lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), while variable, is generally +
normal. The LDL-C level in homozygous individuals is
below the 10th percentile for age and gender, and below the
50th percentile in heterozygous individuals. In addition, a (α)
faint beta-band will be observed on lipoprotein electrophore-
sis of the patient’s serum and minimal LDL-C concentrations
will be detected by immunochemical or ultracentrifugal
Secondary causes are far more common than primary
causes and include systemic diseases, malignancies, anti- (pre-β)
LDL-C antibodies, and laboratory errors. Systemic diseases

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such as malnutrition, alcoholism, gastrointestinal disease
(malabsorption states), and lipid storage diseases can result in
markedly reduced total and LDL-C levels.1-4 Lipid storage (β)
diseases such as Gaucher’s and Niemann-Pick disease acceler-
ate lipoprotein catabolism which markedly decreases plasma
concentrations of LDL-C.4 Malignancies, in which tumor 0
cells up-regulate LDL-C receptors, markedly reduce the
Patient Control —
plasma LDL-C concentration. Hematopoietic malignancies
(eg, acute and chronic myelogenous leukemias, myelodyspla-
sia with myeloid metaplasia, and multiple myeloma) have [I1] The patient’s serum lipoprotein electrophoresis pattern demonstrates
the absence of a beta-lipoprotein band (arrow) compared to a normal
been reported to be associated with very low HDL-C and control sample demonstrating the usual location of alpha (α), pre-β, and
LDL-C levels.1,4 Therefore, a work-up to exclude any occult beta (β) lipoprotein bands from the anode (+, positively-charged
malignancy (especially hematopoietic) should be undertaken electrode) to the cathode (-, negatively-charged electrode). 0, origin or
in patients with extremely low or undetectable LDL-C, if clin- point-of-application of serum.
ically indicated. Several autoimmune disorders (eg, rheuma-
toid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosis) and
dysglobulinemias produce anti-LDL antibodies which reduce extremely low total cholesterol and triglyceride levels (<30
the plasma LDL-C concentration.1 It is postulated that faster mg/dL), and the complete absence of apo B-containing
catabolism of antibody-bound LDL-C in vivo and cryoprecipi- lipoproteins (ie, chylomicrons, very low density lipoproteins
tation of immune complexes in vitro are the mechanisms ex- (VLDL), LDL, lipoprotein “little a” [Lp(a)]). Moreover, a
plaining the reduction in LDL-C in these disorders. Although rare variant of abetalipoproteinemia exists in which, in con-
laboratory analytical errors occur less frequently with in- trast to classical abetalipoproteinemia, triglycerides are ab-
creasing automation and technological advancements in the sorbed in the intestine and chylomicrons are formed. The
medical laboratory, pre-analytical errors in patient preparation, normal serum triglyceride levels that occur in individuals
collection techniques, and sample handling are potential with this variant form of abetalipoproteinemia accounts for
sources of erroneously low LDL-C values. Repeating the tests its name, “normotriglyceridemic abetalipoproteinemia.”5
comprising the lipid panel or redrawing the patient and testing The defect in abetalipoproteinemia appears to be in intes-
a fresh specimen can potentially resolve such errors. tinal and hepatic apo B metabolism. Apo B-100 (hepatic ori-
gin) and B-48 (intestinal origin) are degraded shortly after
2. Most likely diagnosis: Absence of LDL-C secondary to transcription due to defects in microsomal transport proteins
systemic disease or malignancy. Unfortunately, our patient with resulting lack of both chylomicron and VLDL forma-
had a fragmented history and was lost to follow-up. Never- tion.1,2,4 Consequently, lipids accumulate in the liver and in-
theless, from his known history and examination during his testine (enterocytes). The intestinal lipid accumulation leads
emergency room visit, he did not have any overt clinical to severe lipid malabsorption. While apo B-containing
signs or symptoms of either abetalipoproteinemia or familial lipoproteins (ie, LDL, VLDL, and chylomicrons) are absent
hypobetalipoproteinemia. Thus, it is more likely that the ab- in the plasma of affected individuals, both the apo B gene 281
sence of LDL-C in our patient’s plasma occurred secondary and its products are normal. In patients with normotriglyceri-
to a systemic disease (eg, malnutrition) or an unidentified un- demic abetalipoproteinemia, there is selective inhibition of
derlying malignancy. the hepatic synthesis of apo B-100; however, the intestinal
synthesis of apo B-48 is apparently not affected.5 Familial hy-
3. Pathogenesis of primary causes of low or markedly pobetalipoproteinemia is inherited as an autosomal dominant
reduced LDL-C concentration: Abetalipoproteinemia is an disorder, in which mutations in the apo B gene lead to either a
autosomal, recessively inherited disorder characterized by regulatory or local defect in the production of apo B.2,3

© laboratorymedicine> april 2003> number 4> volume 34

Apolipoprotein B levels are low to absent, depending on between them.3 In heterozygous individuals, hematologic and
whether the individual is heterozygous or homozygous for gastrointestinal manifestations are mild, including fewer
the defective gene. Lipoproteins with beta or pre-beta mobil- acanthocytes, limited fat malabsorption, and minor deficien-
ity are decreased or absent after lipoprotein electrophoresis cies of fat-soluble vitamins. Both homozygous and heterozy-
of the patient’s serum. gous individuals can show neuromuscular and ophthalmic
manifestations, including ataxia, diminished reflexes, and re-
4. The clinical manifestations of abetalipoproteinemia in tinitis pigmentosa.
childhood or early adolescence include 5 basic features: 1) Methods for precisely quantifying the principal analyte,
fat malabsorption, 2) hypolipidemia (undetectable plasma LDL-C, (ie, “8-quantitation”) associated with our patient’s
VLDL and LDL-cholesterol levels), 3) acanthocytosis, 4) re- condition include both indirect and direct methods. Indirect
tinitis pigmentosa, and 5) ataxic neuropathic disease.2,3 methods assume that the total cholesterol concentration is
Moreover, dietary fat in the form of chylomicrons is not pro- equal to the sum of all cholesterol-containing lipoproteins in

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duced in the intestine due to premature degradation of apo B- the serum [ie, TC = LDL-C + HDL-C + VLDL-C + interme-
48 in enterocytes. Fat malabsorption is present from birth, diate-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (IDL-C)]. The most
and affected infants show poor appetite, loose, voluminous widely used indirect method for asseesing LDL-C concentra-
stools, and little weight gain. In addition, most of these pa- tion is the Friedewald equation:
tients have deficiencies of fat-soluble vitamins, especially LDL-C = TC – (HDL-C) – (TG/5)
vitamin E and/or vitamins A and K. Vitamin D is not The term, TG/5 (or 0.2 x TG, because 1/5 = 0.2), pro-
deficient as it is absorbed independently of chylomicrons. vides an estimation of VLDL-C concentration based on the
Both vitamins A and K can also be transported across the in- average ratio of triglyceride to cholesterol in VLDL and the
testines independent of lipoproteins, and clinical deficiency concentration of IDL-C is assumed to be small compared to
may not be severe.2,3 Acanthocytes [constituting 50% to the other cholesterol-containing lipoproteins in human
100% of all red blood cells (RBCs)] are found circulating in serum. A different factor for estimating VLDL-C concentra-
the peripheral blood and are thought to form due to maldistri- tion (ie, TG/2.175) is used when the lipoprotein cholesterol
bution of lipids between the bilayers of the RBC membrane.3 concentrations are expressed in units of millimoles/liter
Affected individuals may also have extensive demyelination, (mmol/L). The Friedewald equation will underestimate
muscle weakness, loss of deep-tendon reflexes, and retinopa- LDL-C concentration in serum samples obtained from
thy. The cause of the neuromuscular abnormalities remain whole blood specimens collected from non-fasting individu-
obscure, although progression of these abnormalities can be als and when TG concentrations are >400 mg/dL. The equa-
inhibited and even reversed with supplementation of large tion will overestimate LDL-C concentration in individuals
oral doses of vitamin E.3,4 with Type III hyperlipoproteinemia because of the accumu-
The clinical presentation of patients with familial hypo- lation of chylomicron and VLDL remnants in the plasma of
betalipoproteinemia depends upon zygosity. Patients with such individuals. Direct methods for quantifying LDL-C
homozygous familial hypobetalipoproteinemia are clinically concentration include preparative ultracentrifugation to sep-
indistinguishable from those with abetalipoproteinemia, and arate LDL from other lipoproteins followed by cholesterol
family and genetic studies are required to distinguish analysis of the LDL fraction; selective precipitation of

Concentration and Function of Apolipoproteins in Serum Lipoproteins8

Apolipoprotein Concentration (%) in Serum Lipoprotein Component

Apo Chylo VLDL LDL HDL2 HDL3 Function

A-I 33 Trace Trace 65 62 Cholesterol transport from cell membranes; cofactor of LCAT
A-II Trace Trace Trace 10 23 PL-binding properties; structural protein of HDL
A-IV 14 – – ? Trace Unknown
B 5 25 95 3 – B-100: Intracellular formation or transcellular transport of VLDL; LDL
receptor interaction
282 B-48: Intracellular formation or transcellular transport of chylomicrons
and VLDL; LDL receptor interaction?
C 32 55 2 13 5 C-I,-II: cofactor of adipose tissue LPL
D ? ? ? 2 4 Unknown
E 10 15 3 3 1 Receptor interaction with apo B,E receptor cells; inhibitor of adipose
tissue LPL
Other 6 5 5 4 5 –

Apo, apolipoprotein; Chylo, chylomicrons; VLDL, very low density lipoproteins; LDL, low density lipoproteins; HDL2 and HDL3, high density lipoprotein subfractions, as determined by
ultracentrifugation; LCAT, lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase; PL, phospholipid; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; ?, unknown

laboratorymedicine> april 2003> number 4> volume 34 ©

LDL-C with polyvinyl sulfate or heparin/manganese chloride 2. Bachorik PS, Denke MA, Stein EA, et al. Lipids and dyslipoproteinemia. In:
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principles of internal medicine, 14th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill
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lipoproteins and their putative function are shown in T2. 5. Malloy MJ, Kane JP, Hardman DA, et al. Normotriglyceridemic
Based on the data presented in T2, the principal apolipopro- abetalipoproteinemia. Absence of the B-100 apolipoprotein. J Clin Invest.
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Keywords: lipoprotein, abetalipoproteinemia, Friedewald 7. Expert panel on detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood cholesterol
equation, familial hypobetalipoproteinemia, low density in adults. Executive summary of the third report of the National Cholesterol
Education Program (NCEP) expert panel on detection, evaluation, and treatment
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© laboratorymedicine> april 2003> number 4> volume 34

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