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2. D
3. B, c
4. B
5. B, c
6. C
7. B
8. External respiration moves gases from outside of the body into the lungs, and
then the blood. Internal respiration is the gas exchange be’tween the blood and
the tissues.
9. External Nares-Pharynx (naso, oro, & laryngo)-Larynx-Trachea-Bronchiole
Tubes (primary bronchi)- Bronchioles-Alveolus.
10. The trachea is reinforced with cartilage rings in order to keep the airway open.
These rings reinforce the anterior and lateral sides, but are actually "C" shaped
as opposed to complete rings which allows the trachea to constrict somewhat
when swallowing food.
11. respiratory mucosa and glands
12. goblet cells=produce mucus (traps foreign particles) cilia=gentle current
that moves contaminated mucus towards the throat where it can be
swallowed and digested by stomach juices.
13. Otherwise the auditory tube and sinusues will become blocked.
14. contains respiratory membrane (air-blood barrier) which has gas (air)
flowing past on one side and blood flowing past on the other. Gas
exchanges occur through simple diffusion through the respiratory
membrane-oxygen passing from the alveolar air into the capillary blood
and carbon dioxide leaving the blood to enter the gas filled alveolus.
15. TV means tidal volume, ERV means expiratory reserve volume, and VC
means vital capacity, VC is what we breathe in and out so it is the largest value.
16. Coughing, sneezing, laughing, crying, and yawning. They're non respiratory
movements because the process, there is no exchange of gases involved.
17. With contraction of the diaphragm, the height of the thoracic cavity increases.

Contraction of the external intercostal muscles expands the diameter of the thorax.

With an increase in volume of the thorax, the intrapulmonary volume increases, causing
a drop in pressure relative to atmospheric pressure.

Air rushes into the lungs along this pressure gradient until intrapulmonary and
atmospheric pressures are equal.

18. Transported by hemoglibin

19. -Gases move according to laws of diffusion

-At body tissues, oxygen moves from blood to the tissues, whereas carbon
dioxide moves from the tissues to blood

20. medulla and pons

21. talking, coughing, exercise
22. carbon dioxide and oxygen-increased levels of CO2/decreases blood pH are
most important (actually increase in CO2 levels and decreased blood pH are the
same thing)
23. a. Hyperventilation is rapid or deep breathing.

b. Hyperventilation causes and increases the release of carbon dioxide from the

c. Hyperventilation increases blood pH, due to the increased loss of H+

associated with CO2 in the blood.

24. •Chronic Bronchitis is characterized by excessive mucus production amd its

pooling in lower respiratory passage ways, which severely impairs ventilation and
gas exchange. Patients may become cyanotic as a result of chronic hypoxia.
They are called "blue bloaters" because hypoxia and carbon dioxide retention
occur early in disease.

•Emphysema is characterized by permanent enlargement and destruction of

alveoli. The lungs lose their elasticity and expiration become an active process
called "pink puffers." Symptoms don't show up til later in the disease.

25. The bead would likely to be inhaled it into his lungs, Aspiration of material other
than air can sometimes cause pneumonia, which would be the coughing and
26. Breathing is involuntary, unless something is blocking your air way, there is no
way he could hold his breath until he dies. If he happens to be able to hold it until
he passes out,
27. acidic aspirin would cause a decrease in pH of the blood. This is a metabolic
acidosis. the body counters this by raising respiration rate because of a reaction
where carbon dioxide and water are interconverted to carbonic acid (at the low
pH more of this acid will be present). By increasing respiration rate you decrease
the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood which drives the reaction away from
carbonic acid
28. emphysema, he is what is commonly called a pink puffer

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