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Daimien Manzo

Mrs. Frias



True Color Findings

With the true color findings, with my results I was very surprised of what job occupations they

had chosen for me. One of the careers that I have chosen was being a therapist. I was very

surprised at this one because I’m really a shy person and can’t see myself talking to some one

one on one. What concerns me about this choice is that I’m really not that outgoing like

therapists are when talking to clients about certain things. I feel like I am not that open to anyone

but myself. The training or level that is usually required for this particular job is that you need to

have a degree in either physchology or counseling and you need to either have your bachelors or

masters degree in order to be certified for this job. And also you need to have over 2,000 –4,000

hours of supervised experience of talking to other clients about there problems. But the main job

that I would like to do is being a registered nurse. I have always been helpful to other people

since I was born. I love seeing the smile on people’s faces and would love to become a nurse

because I would like to take care of other people and watch them grow physically and mentally. I

have always dreamed of being a nurse because it’s a job that I would actually love not only for

the salary or the money but for the interactions I would have with other people. What I learned

about myself from this assessment is that I am sort of a person that likes to open up towards

people that I know and not open up towards strangers. That I mainly keep to myself a lot, which

I have no idea is a bad thing or a good thing.

Daimien Manzo

Mrs. Frias



Inner Heroes Findings

With my inner heroes findings, the job occupations were sort of similar as the ones for the true

color findings which I thought was pretty weird. The job that I have chosen out of the list that

they recommended me with was being a physical therapist. I really could see myself doing that

sort of job because I love helping people, I love sports and also I would be able to do the thing

that I love which brings a smile on people’s faces. I really don’t find no concerns with this job

because I know I would be doing it for the right reasons which is helping people succeed from

their injuries and prevent it from happening it again. I would love to do something in the medical

field, and I think being a physical therapist would be a good choice. In order to be a physical

therapist you need to have a degree or license in physical therapy education and also obtain

either a bachelor’s or master's degree I believe. When it comes to being a physcial therepast I am

undecided on this job or being a registered nurse because both of the jobs involve the thing that I

love the most which is help people, but I feel like some have more advantages than others. With

being a physcial therapist I would be helping people one on one more than being a nurse because

nurses help out everybody. It’s a hard choice to pick and hopefully I’ll pick the right one in the


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