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Slickline – Wireline – Well Services www.slk-connect.


Slickline Fishing Training - Client Course

Agenda & Timetable
Day 1 1 Introduction

Trainer Introduction

Attendees Introduction

Course Introduction & Objective

Slickline Introduction, objectives and
primary equipment

Day 1 2 Master slickline operation principals

Review an example of a Slickline Standard
Slickline Standards
and Slickline Depth Standard
Review an existing Standard Operating
Standard Operating Procedures
Procedures ( SOP)
Purpose and value of checklists, link the
Guidelines & Checklists hierarchy of operational documents and

Improve competency in observation and

Day 1 3
practices during slickline operation
Slickline Training Overview, personnel Personnel progression from trainee to
progression specialist and skill development
Balance between theoretical and practical
Principles of a Slickline Competency Tracking skills through practical tasks and
Scheme and mentors peer review
Practical exercise to emphasise the
Pressure, differential and hydrostatic
importance of pressure in well site
Tubing tables – e.g. Baker Tech Facts Understanding of Drift versus ID

How to prevent a fishing scenario by

Day 1 / 2 4 considering equipment limitations and
poor completion design.
Well completion, deviations, well fluids,
Impact of well conditions, design and other
pressure, temperature, sour well
factors which impact Slickline interventions
Pressure scenarios encountered at the well
Pressure equalisation
site, methods to address and control them to
(included in 2)
minimize risk
Adhering to Quality Principles in the
QMS & Slickline Operations planning, preparation and execution of
Slickline operations, Quality Plan
Documentation & Certification & Critical components of the Slickline
Calibration equipment set and certification requirements
Robust preventative maintenance and
Equipment maintenance
tracking system
Importance of accurate reporting and
Pre-job & Post-job Briefing feedback, relating to Client, operations,
equipment and personnel

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Slickline – Wireline – Well Services

Slickline Fishing Training - Client Course

Agenda & Timetable
Comply with standards and maintain
Day 2 5
double barrier protection
The importance of the required barriers and
their application in Slickline operations

Equipment function, equipment failure

Day 2 6
and related wellsite remedial actions
Critical task review of a job start-up,
Pre-job preparations equipment layout, rig-up and pre-job
function testing
Emphasise the importance of functioning
Depth and tension system pre-job checks systems and the checks required throughout
and operation
DH Tool function checks and pulling tool
DH Tool preparation & redress
check list
The importance to the wire test, pass test /
Wire Management and testing failure criteria, test frequency, failure modes
and wire observation tasks
Wellsite PCE pressure testing and function Detailed examination of a Wellsite Pressure
checks Test Standard Operating Procedure
PCE pre-job maintenance and redressing Wellsite PCE redressing limitations

Importance of slickline PCE (Pressure

Day 2 / 3 7 Control Equipment) configuration during
fishing operations
Discuss the application of the various PCE
items available for Slickline operations,
PCE & PCE applications
mandatory and optional and specific for
Practical table detailing the PCE
PCE Selection Matrix requirements for standard operations based
upon WHCIP and service
Review the requirements of the associated
PCE accessories, sheaves, lifting surface equipment involved in day to day
equipment, cranes operations and upgrading for fishing

Day 3 8 Slickline fishing scenarios risk assessment

Introduction to fishing Primary causes of fishing operations

Steps required and actions to take in
Evaluate, Plan, Prepare and Execute
planning for a fishing operation
Risk assessment review with fishing Work through a Risk Assessment using a
example practical example of a fishing operation
Quality steps applied to day to day Slickline
Importance of toolbox talks and shift
operations and their importance when there
is an issue in an ongoing job
Stop the Job Stepping back, risk minimisation
Communication, Management Involvement,
avoiding and minimizing escalation

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Slickline – Wireline – Well Services

Slickline Fishing Training - Client Course

Agenda & Timetable
Day 3 / 4 9 Slickline fishing operation methodology
A common occurrence, recognising when jar
Lost jar action action is lost and steps to avoid a
catastrophic outcome
Discuss the two primary wire fishing
scenarios, free or stuck and the methods of
Fishing wire
resolution, the tools required and the
procedures to resolve
Detailed step by step of working the PCE
during a wire fishing operation, the
PCE & fishing wire
importance of maintained, tested and
functioning PCE
Discuss the types of tools and equipment
Fishing objects available for fishing items / objects from the
Discuss the importance of implementing and
Jarring procedures adhering to a disciplined approach to
extended or heavy duty jarring

Best practices and lesson learned from

Day 5 10
experienced slickline fishing operations
Discuss a known fishing operation, or 2 if
Review a fishing operation time allows, attendees input required for an
open forum discussion
The importance of completing an incident
Incident Investigation & identification of
investigation and determining the root
the root causes
Lessons Learnt / Continuous Improvement Value and implementation

Day 5 11 Quiz (Optional)

End of course

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