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Project 4 – Power in Community

Project Reflection

ENGINEER 1P13 – Integrated Cornerstone Design Projects

Danielle Fong

Tutorial 03

Team Mon-53

Submitted: April 13, 2021

Name: Danielle Fong MacID: fongd5 Team Mon-53

For Project 4, I was given the opportunity to work with my peers to design a device for a real-life client.
Given the chance to meet a client and ask questions to build a design off of was a unique experience and it gave
me a sense of what being an engineer is like in the real world having to meet client’s needs. It was challenging at
first to come up with a design without any instructions or guidelines besides understanding the client’s needs, but
it allowed me to think outside the box and get creative with a solution. It was also helpful to work in a team and
share ideas in order to create the most effective design. As a group, we worked on creating our own prototypes
and met back together to give each other feedback on each design. We listed the pros and cons of each design,
giving our opinions to figure out which design would be most suitable. This allowed me to improve my
communication skills with my teammates and taught me to give and receive feedback instead of being afraid to
say something wrong because everyone’s input in a different perspective on the design which would help narrow
down our decision as a team. Once we figured out what we were required to do, we also needed to split up the
work so we could all work on it together and fairly. My group was able to split the work evenly without leaving
one person to do all the work and we helped each other out when we had questions or problems even if it required
extra time. This demonstrated strong teamwork and taught me the importance of collaboration. For groups where
there are teammates who do not choose to step up and split the work evenly, it would be beneficial for me to step
up and take initiative to assign tasks to every team member to ensure that the work is split evenly and no one will
be left with a larger burden. Overall, through this Project 4 experience, I was able to strengthen my communication
skills among my peers which would help me be a team leader in future projects and encourage my teammates to
share their ideas and feedback on certain things.

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