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NIM : 10614091



2 years ago, when im sleeping in the morning of Sunday. My friends come to my home,
and then they ask me for going to go to jatimpark museum. And then im prepare first, im going
to take a bath and change my clothes.

When I was in the car, im forget my wallet. My wallet droped in my room. Im just have
50.000 rupiah. First we are going to breakfast, ok I have a money for breakfast, then when we are
in the jatimpark, we must buy a ticket for 50.000 rupiah, so im very confused and then i borrow a
money to my friend, then we are walking around inside the museum, the museum is very very
awesome place.

When we are done for walking around, we are going to find a restaurand outside the
jatimpark museum, we are going to rumah makan mesir, and I don’t have a money and I have a
debt to my friend too. And then im going to borrow the money to my friends again.

When we are going to go Surabaya, and I have a debt 75000 rupiah. And then my friends
calls me “FREE MAN” .

When we going to back to Surabaya, one of my friends borrow my blackberry, I give my

blackberry and the I’ll going to sleep in the car.

When Im back to home, I want to go sleep, and then I saw my blackberry. And Im so
mad to my friends. Im watching my chat, and say fall in love to all my friends espescially a girl.

And I cant say anything at all, im just going to get speechless that day

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