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Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Chapter 5: Learning

Topic Factual Conceptual Applied Analyze

Learning Multiple 2,3,7 1,8,10,11 4,9,12,13 5,6
Objective 5.1 Choice
Identify the Fill-in-the-
components of Blank
classical Short 166[CO]
conditioning. answer
Learning Multiple 14,15,16,22 17,18,24 21,23 19,20
Objective 5.2 Choice
Recognize how Fill-in-the-
emotional Blank
responses can be Short
classically answer
conditioned. Essay 177
Learning Multiple 25,33,35 27,28,30,31 26,29,32,34
Objective 5.3 Choice
Explain different Fill-in-the-
factors that affect Blank
the acquisition Short 167 169 168,170
and extinction of answer
classically Essay 176
Learning Multiple 36,41,45,46, 37,38,43 39,42,44 40
Objective 5.4 Choice
Recognize the Fill-in-the-
similarities and Blank
differences Short 171 172
between answer
classical Essay
conditioning and
Learning Multiple 47,48,52,54, 50,59 49,51,53,58 56, 60
Objective 5.5 Choice 55,57
Distinguish Fill-in-the-
between positive Blank
and negative Short 173
reinforcement. answer

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Topic Factual Conceptual Applied Analyze

Learning Multiple 61 63,65,68,70, 62,64,66,67 69,72
Objective 5.6 Choice 71
between positive Fill-in-the-
and negative Blank
punishment. Short 174
Learning Multiple 73,74,80 77,78,79,81,84 76,82,83,85 75
Objective 5.7 Choice
Identify how the Fill-in-the-
different Blank
schedules of Short 175
reinforcement answer
affect behavior. Essay 178
Objective 5.8 Multiple 87,89,93 92,94, 86,88,90,91
Identify how Choice
behaviors are Fill-in-the-
modified through Blank
the process of Short
shaping. answer
Learning Multiple 98,101,102, 95,96,100,106 99 97
Objective 5.9 Choice 103,104,105 107,108
Describe applied Fill-in-the-
behavior analysis. Blank
Essay 179
Learning Multiple 109,112,115, 110,113,114, 116,122 111,117,
Objective 5.10 Choice 118 119,120,121 123
Identify the role Fill-in-the-
of mirror neurons Blank
in learning. Short
Learning Multiple 124,125,126 127,128,131 129,130,132,
Objective 5.11 Choice 133,134,135
Recognize the Fill-in-the-

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Topic Factual Conceptual Applied Analyze

characteristics Blank
necessary for Short
observational answer
learning. Essay
Learning Multiple 136,141 137,138,139,
Objective 5.12 Choice 140,142
Explain the Fill-in-the-
cognitive theory Blank
of insight Short
learning. answer
Learning Multiple 146,147 144,148,149 143,150 145,151
Objective 5.13 Choice
Define latent Fill-in-the-
learning. Blank
Learning Multiple 152,153,154, 155,156,158, 163,164,165
Objective 5.14 Choice 157,160 159,161,162
Analyze how the Fill-in-the-
cross-cutting Blank
themes of Short
psychology answer
are related to the Essay 180
topic of violent
video games.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. __________ conditioning is learning that occurs by repeatedly pairing two events or
stimuli together with a neutral stimulus, ultimately triggering the development of a
conditioned response.
A) Operant
B) Mental
C) Reflexive
D) Classical
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

2. Pavlov’s discovery of classical conditioning occurred while he was studying

A) digestion in cats
B) digestion in dogs
C) neural activity in rats
D) visual activity in chimps
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

3. The dogs’ salivation in response to the anticipation of food in Pavlov’s study is called
the __________.
A) unconditioned response
B) conditioned response
C) unconditioned stimulus
D) conditioned stimulus
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

4. Jose is attending an outdoor concert and suddenly a loud crack, flying sparks, and a
deafening boom fill the arena. Automatically, Jose’s heart rate shoots up and a surge of
adrenaline incites his desire to flee. The natural or inborn, automatic response to a
stimulus or event—such as a spike in heart rate at hearing a loud and unexpected
boom—is called a(n) __________.
A) unconditioned stimulus
B) conditioned stimulus
C) unconditioned response
D) conditioned response
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway: 5.1.1

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

5. Which statement accurately defines either a stimulus or a response?

A) A response is a behavior, such as running from a clown.
B) A response is an event or object introduced into the environment.
C) A stimulus is a behavior, such as salivating at the sight of a heaping plate of spaghetti.
D) A stimulus is the automatic reflex of pulling a hand from a hot stove.
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

6. Over the last week, each time you open your refrigerator door you feel a small shock.
Since then, you anxiously anticipate a shock each time you go to the refrigerator. From
the perspective of classical conditioning, your refrigerator was a(n) __________
stimulus a week ago and now it has become a(n) __________ stimulus.
A) neutral; unconditioned
B) neutral; conditioned
C) unconditioned; conditioned
D) conditioned; unconditioned
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway: 5.1.2
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

7. Before conditioning, a stimulus that doesn’t elicit the reflexive or desired response is the
A) neutral stimulus
B) instinctive stimulus
C) unconditioned stimulus
D) conditioned stimulus
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

8. In Pavlov’s research studying the physiology of digestion in dogs, the metronome that
was used to condition salivation in dogs is referred to as the __________.
A) unconditioned stimulus
B) conditioned stimulus
C) unconditioned response
D) conditioned response
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

9. Alexandra opens a can of cat food for her kitten, Chloe, every morning. Alexandra
follows the same routine: open the pantry, select a can, grab the can opener, spin the can
around the blade, lift the lid, spoon food into the special red bowl, and present it to
Chloe. Alexandra notices Chloe runs downstairs and jumps on the counter each time she
hears the can opener in use. According to classical conditioning, the sound of the can
opener represents the __________.
A) neutral stimulus
B) conditioned response
C) conditioned stimulus
D) unconditioned stimulus
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway: 5.1.2
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

10. A response to a stimulus that happens naturally (without prior experience) is referred to
as a(n) __________ response.
A) conditioned
B) neutral
C) innate
D) unconditioned
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

11. Blinking in response to a puff of air and salivating in response to the smell of food are
both considered __________.
A) unconditioned stimuli
B) conditioned stimuli
C) unconditioned responses
D) conditioned responses
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

12. Cecilia plays a musical sound using an app on her phone right before serving breakfast.
Over time, her son and daughter come to the breakfast table just by hearing the musical
sound. Her son and daughter’s reaction to the fiddle sound demonstrates a __________.
A) secondary response
B) conditioned response
C) neutral response
D) unconditioned response
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway: 5.1.3
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

13. For several months, Allen had to clean the men’s restroom at the restaurant where he
worked. The task always made him nauseated. He has since moved on to a management
position, but he still cannot walk by the door to a men’s restroom without becoming
slightly queasy. In Allen’s case, his queasiness at the sight of the men’s room is an
example of a(n) __________.
A) neutral response
B) unconditioned response
C) voluntary response
D) conditioned response
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.1 Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Pavlov and His Salivation Research
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway: 5.1.3
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

14. __________ contributed to our understanding of learning through his Little Albert
experiment on fear conditioning.
A) Ivan Pavlov
B) John B. Watson
C) Edward Thorndike
D) B. F. Skinner
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.2 Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Topic: Little Albert and Classically Conditioned Emotional Responses
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

15. The Little Albert study was important because it demonstrated that __________.
A) classical conditioning could not be applied to emotional responses
B) operant conditioning was not as effective as classical conditioning
C) emotional responses could be classically conditioned
D) children were less likely to experience classical conditioning than adults
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.2 Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Topic: Little Albert and Classically Conditioned Emotional Responses
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

16. __________ was the unconditioned stimulus in the Little Albert classical conditioning
A) Crying
B) A white rat
C) A loud noise
D) A metronome
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.2 Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Topic: Little Albert and Classically Conditioned Emotional Responses
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

17. In John Watson’s research with Little Albert, the conditioned stimulus was __________.
A) a white rat

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

B) a loud noise
C) crying
D) John Watson
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.2 Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Topic: Little Albert and Classically Conditioned Emotional Responses
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

18. A__________ is to Pavlov’s classical conditioning as a__________ is to Watson’s fear

A) metal pipe; metronome
B) metronome; bullhorn
C) metal pipe; music
D) metronome; metal pipe
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.2 Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Topic: Little Albert and Classically Conditioned Emotional Responses
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

19. Which statement accurately describes a criticism of Watson and Rayner’s research with
Little Albert?
A) Little Albert was an orphan, and therefore should not have been selected because he
did not have parents who could provide informed consent.
B) The study violated research ethics by conditioning a child to experience fear without
providing any follow-up treatment to eliminate the fear.
C) Little Albert had been bitten by a rat prior to the study and was already afraid of rats.
D) The methodology used to gauge Little Albert’s fear was not subjectively measured.
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.2 Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Topic: Little Albert and Classically Conditioned Emotional Responses
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

20. During the acquisition process of classical conditioning, which of the following actions
must happen to ensure a conditioned response will be established?
A) A strong response to the neutral stimulus should be apparent before conditioning.
B) The neutral stimulus should be presented before the conditioned response.
C) The conditioned stimulus should immediately follow the unconditioned stimulus.
D) The unconditioned stimulus should immediately follow the neutral stimulus.
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.2 Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Topic: Little Albert and Classically Conditioned Emotional Responses
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

21. Amina is concerned about her son’s fear of social settings, which is negatively
impacting his attendance in his college courses. Fortunately, Amina knows that there are
treatments for her son’s condition that use the principles of classical conditioning to
A) reduce positive emotions and behaviors
B) increase negative emotions and behaviors
C) reduce negative emotions and behaviors
D) increase reflexive responses and behaviors
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.2 Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Topic: Little Albert and Classically Conditioned Emotional Responses
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

22. A __________ is a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object or situation.

A) phobia
B) generalized anxiety disorder
C) personality disorder
D) bipolar disorder
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.2 Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Topic: Little Albert and Classically Conditioned Emotional Responses
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

23. You create a ringtone in your cell phone for your significant other, someone you care for
deeply. You communicate via daily phone conversations and just hearing the special
ringtone makes your heart skip a beat. One day you are dining with friends and you hear
the same ringtone coming from the table next to you. Although surprised to hear it, the
sound makes you quietly smile with joy. In this example, what is the conditioned
A) The cellphone
B) Feelings of joy
C) Your significant other
D) The ringtone
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.2 Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Topic: Little Albert and Classically Conditioned Emotional Responses
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

24. Phobias have been successfully treated by teaching people to pair __________ with the
anxiety-provoking situation.
A) alcohol
B) aerobic exercise
C) states of deep relaxation
D) pharmaceuticals
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.2 Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Topic: Little Albert and Classically Conditioned Emotional Responses
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

25. The phase of Pavlov’s experiment in which the food and the metronome were repeatedly
paired is referred to as __________.
A) acquisition
B) extinction
C) sudden recall
D) spontaneous recovery
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

26. While on a cruise ship, Kevin became sick after eating a seafood dinner. His food
poisoning, coupled with sea sickness, led to a terrible vacation and consequently Kevin
shivers at the mere sight of a cruise ship. He later found that he also became anxious
when he saw a small jet ski on the water. Kevin’s response to the jet ski illustrates the
process of __________.
A) stimulus generalization
B) acquisition
C) stimulus discrimination
D) scapegoating
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

27. When the conditioned stimulus (CS) is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus
(UCS), the conditioned response (CR) is no longer elicited. This is called __________.
A) spontaneous recovery
B) sudden recall
C) extinction
D) stimulus discrimination
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

28. Your puppy is classically conditioned to jump and bark when you pick up her leash to
head out for a run. How might you extinguish this behavior?
A) Pick up the leash without taking her with you for a run.
B) Take her for a run off-leash.
C) This behavior is habituated and not subject to extinction.
D) Through operant conditioning practices, teach her what it means to “run.”
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

29. Gustav quit smoking cigarettes right after high school and has not been interested in
smoking since then. However, Gustav attends his 10-year high school reunion this year
and runs into his high school buddies. Almost immediately, Gustav feels a desire to go
outside behind the old gym and share a smoke. What explains Gustav’s unexpected
yearning to smoke?
A) Stimulus generalization
B) Spontaneous recovery
C) Extinction
D) Stimulus discrimination
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

30. When a neutral stimulus is paired with a previously conditioned stimulus and becomes a
second conditioned stimulus, this process is referred to as ___________.
A) stimulus generalization
B) operant conditioning
C) stimulus discrimination
D) higher-order conditioning
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

31. When Little Albert learned to fear all small white animals (beyond the white rat he was
conditioned to fear) and even a Santa Claus beard, he was demonstrating __________.
A) stimulus generalization
B) extinction
C) reinforcement
D) stimulus discrimination
Answer: A

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

32. Delia was bitten by the neighbor’s Chihuahua, Chico, and is now afraid of him, but she
seems to show no fear of her sister’s pit bull, Brutus. Delia’s experience reflects
A) stimulus generalization
B) reinforcement
C) stimulus discrimination
D) reinforcement
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

33. A classically conditioned dislike and avoidance of a certain food following illness is
referred to as a(n) __________.
A) stimulus discrimination
B) taste aversion
C) aversion therapy
D) stimulus generalization
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

34. One night, Jermaine went out to grab a burger from the local diner. Several hours later,
he began to feel nauseated, sweaty, and had an intense headache. Perplexed by the onset
and timing of his compromised health, and because Jermaine had not eaten anything all
day at work, he associated the illness with the burger. This illustrates the concept of
A) stimulus generalization
B) extinction

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

C) taste aversion
D) stimulus discrimination
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

35. Seligman suggests humans appear to more readily develop fear responses to stimuli that
threaten harm such as spiders, snakes, heights, and tightly enclosed spaces. This
tendency is referred to as __________.
A) stimulus generalization
B) generalized fear
C) stimulus aversion
D) biological preparedness
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

36. __________ conditioning is a type of learning based on voluntary engagement in a

A) Classical
B) Operant
C) Physiological
D) Reflexive
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

37. Operant conditioning is based on the understanding that behaviors are learned as a result
of __________.
A) simple reflexes
B) automatic responses

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

C) consequences
D) involuntary actions
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

38. The consequences that follow a behavior are an important component of __________
A) classical
B) operant
C) classical and operant
D) learned
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

39. Excited about the unexpected snowstorm, Paulo races out the door without his jacket.
His mother calls after him, “Paulo, come get your coat! You will catch a cold out there!”
Running toward his friends, Paulo ignores his mother’s warning and spends the next
hour with his friends, miserably cold, and huddled near a wall while his friends build a
snowman. Paulo learns his mother was correct and the next time he goes out into the
snow, he will definitely wear his jacket. Paulo’s learning is an example of __________.
A) classical conditioning
B) trial and error
C) latent learning
D) operant conditioning
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

40. What statement accurately describes comparisons between classical conditioning and
operant conditioning?
A) Both classical conditioning and operant conditioning engage involuntary reflexes.
B) Operant conditioning occurs before the reflexive response, whereas classical
conditioning occurs after the reflexive response.
C) Classical conditioning is an involuntary response to a stimulus, whereas operant
conditioning is based on voluntary responses to consequences.
D) Only operant conditioning includes the concepts of extinction, generalization, or
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

41. Which American psychologist introduced the concept of “the law of effect”?
A) William James
B) Wilhelm Wundt
C) Ivan Pavlov
D) Edward Thorndike
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

42. Each morning, your dog Mimi sits at the backdoor waiting to be let outside. Mimi
knows she must wait until you open the door before she can get out. You decide to
install a doggie-door so that Mimi can come inside and go outside when she wishes.
After suspiciously sniffing on the doggie-door and pushing her nose up against it several
times, Mimi eventually learns to put enough pressure on the door so that it opens.
Mimi’s ability to associate the pressure of her nose to the opening of the door
demonstrates __________.
A) insight learning
B) classical conditioning
C) the law of effect
D) instinct
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning

Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

43. Based on Thorndike’s law of effect, __________.

A) an action is likely to increase in frequency if the response produces a satisfying result
B) an action is likely to increase in frequency if the response produces a dissatisfying
C) an action is likely to increase in frequency with repetition
D) an action is likely to show no effect if the response produces a dissatisfying result
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

44. Which of the following scenarios illustrates Thorndike’s law of effect?

A) A puppy continues to chew on the furniture despite being squirted with water each
time it does so.
B) A car rolls down a hill when in neutral due to gravitational pull.
C) An infant learns how to walk when presented with praise for walking.
D) A bird keeps pecking at the tree even though it receives a shock after each peck.
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

45. Led by psychologists such as B.F. Skinner and John B. Watston, __________ was the
dominant school of thought in psychology by the mid-20th century.
A) functionalism
B) behaviorism
C) humanism
D) cognitivism
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Difficulty Level: Easy

Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

46. John Watson is to __________ as B.F. Skinner is to __________.

A) methodological behaviorism; radical behaviorism
B) radical behaviorism; methodological behaviorism
C) structuralism; functionalism
D) humanism; cognitivism
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

47. Thorndike is to the __________ as Skinner is to the __________.

A) operant-conditioning chamber; puzzle box
B) puzzle box; operant-conditioning chamber
C) training wheel; puzzle box
D) shock machine; conditioning room
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

48. An outcome that increases the probability that a behavior will be repeated is called
A) positive action
B) reinforcer
C) punishment
D) negative stimulus
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

49. Dr. Who is conducting research with rats. Each time the rat pushes the correct lever, a
food pellet rolls down a tube toward the rat. Dr. Who notices the rat is learning to press
the lever much more frequently and consistently. The food has served to __________
the rat’s desire to press the lever.
A) condition
B) extinguish
C) diminish
D) reinforce
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

50. Skinner was able to teach pigeons to play ping-pong using _____________.
A) insight learning
B) classical conditioning
C) operant conditioning
D) observational learning
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

51. Conner’s parents are encouraging him to continue to earn a 4.0 GPA throughout his
freshman year. If he finishes his first year at the university with a 4.0, his parents have
pledged to deposit $2,500 into his savings account. Otherwise, he will receive $100 for
each grade earned of B or higher. Conner’s parents are using __________.
A) observational learning
B) positive reinforcement
C) negative reinforcement
D) classical conditioning
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

52. A __________ satisfies a basic biological need such as hunger or thirst.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

A) primary reinforcer
B) secondary reinforcer
C) conditioned reinforcer
D) reflexive reinforcer
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

53. Farah uses a portion of her weekly allowance to purchase her favorite treat of double-
mint chocolate chip frozen yogurt. The allowance is a __________, whereas the frozen
yogurt is the __________.
A) conditioned reinforcer; reflexive reinforcer
B) secondary reinforcer; primary reinforcer
C) primary reinforcer; secondary reinforcer
D) secondary reinforcer; conditioned stimulus
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

54. When a reinforcement follows a behavior very closely in time, this is referred to as
A) delayed reinforcement
B) negative reinforcement
C) immediate reinforcement
D) primary reinforcement
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

55. __________ occurs when there is a significant passage of time between the behavior and
presentation of the reinforcer.
A) Delayed reinforcement
B) Negative reinforcement
C) Immediate reinforcement

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

D) Primary reinforcement
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

56. In a study in which children were offered a marshmallow and given the option of eating
it immediately or waiting 15 minutes to eat it in exchange for two marshmallows,
researchers found __________.
A) delayed reinforcement does not strengthen behavior in children
B) immediate reinforcement does not strengthen behavior in children
C) delayed reinforcement and immediate reinforcement strengthen behavior in children
at an equal rate
D) immediate reinforcers are preferable to delayed reinforcers
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

57. A __________ strengthens a response by adding a pleasurable consequence.

A) secondary reinforcer
B) primary reinforcer
C) positive reinforcer
D) negative reinforcer
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

58. When you buckle your seatbelt to stop the buzzer in your car, the removal of the
irritating sound is __________.
A) secondary reinforcement
B) primary reinforcement
C) positive reinforcement
D) negative reinforcement
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Topic: Principles of Reinforcement

Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

59. The addition of a __________ stimulus produces a positive reinforcement, whereas

removing a __________ stimulus produces a negative reinforcement.
A) primary; secondary
B) conditioned; unconditioned
C) pleasurable; undesirable
D) classical; operant
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

60. What statement is true regarding positive and negative reinforcement?

A) Positive reinforcement involves adding something desirable in order to increase the
likelihood of repeated behavior, whereas negative reinforcement involves removing
something undesirable in order to increase the likelihood of repeated behavior.
B) Positive reinforcement involves adding something undesirable in order to decrease
the likelihood of repeated behavior, whereas negative reinforcement involves
removing something desirable in order to decrease the likelihood of repeated
C) Positive reinforcement involves removing something desirable in order to increase the
likelihood of repeated behavior, whereas negative reinforcement involves adding
something undesirable in order to increase the likelihood of repeated behavior.
D) Positive reinforcement involves adding something desirable to increase the likelihood
of repeated behavior, whereas negative reinforcement involves removing something
desirable in order to increase the likelihood of repeated behavior.
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

61. The goal of punishment is to __________.

A) weaken the target behavior
B) strengthen the target behavior
C) decrease avoidance behavior

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

D) increase passive behavior

Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

62. A server receives a 50 percent tip from a patron after the server took extra time to cut the
steak for her elderly, disabled customer. A homeowner signs a contract with a local
exterminator to rid the homeowner’s home of roof rats. What is true about these
A) The server example illustrates positive reinforcement, whereas the exterminator
example demonstrates negative punishment.
B) The server example highlights negative reinforcement, whereas the exterminator
example illustrates positive punishment.
C) The server is positively reinforced, whereas the homeowner is negatively reinforced.
D) The server is positively reinforced, whereas the homeowner is positively punished.
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway: 5.2.1
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

63. Negative reinforcement serves to __________, whereas punishment aims to

A) increase the likelihood of behaviors; increase the likelihood of behaviors.
B) increase the likelihood of behaviors; decrease the likelihood of behaviors.
C) decrease the likelihood of behaviors; decrease the likelihood of behaviors.
D) decrease the likelihood of behaviors; increase the likelihood of behaviors.
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway: 5.2.2
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

64. After her students return to the classroom from lunch, Dr. Turner sounds a loud, high-
pitched alarm until the students stop talking. The decrease in talking behavior is caused
by __________.
A) positive reinforcement
B) negative reinforcement

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

C) positive punishment
D) negative punishment
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway: 5.2.2
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

65. Receiving detention in high school (requiring you to stay after school and do extra math
problems) for being late to class is an example of __________.
A) positive punishment
B) negative punishment
C) positive reinforcement
D) negative reinforcement
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

66. When her mother tells her that she may not place her favorite box of sugared cereal into
the grocery cart, 4-year-old Molly cries, “NO! NO! NO!” and throws herself on the floor
Her mother calmly tells Molly that she will lose 5 minutes of screen time for every
minute she continues to throw a fit. After only one minute, Molly stops screaming and
climbs back into the cart to continue shopping. Losing screen time is an example of
A) positive punishment
B) negative punishment
C) positive reinforcement
D) negative reinforcement
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway: 5.2.3
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

67. Carson’s father, Jack, walks down to the basement and finds Carson and his friends
smoking marijuana. Jack immediately confiscates the stash of marijuana, instructs
Carson’s friends to leave, and demands Carson hand over his cell phone and car keys.
This is an example of __________.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

A) positive reinforcement
B) negative reinforcement
C) positive punishment
D) negative punishment
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway: 5.2.3
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

68. The process of seeking evidence that supports an existing position or opinion on a
particular topic is called __________.
A) personal bias
B) confirmation bias
C) belief perseverance
D) prejudicial bias
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

69. Which statement summarizes conclusions reached from the research on spanking?
A) Researchers agree that spanking should never be used as a form of punishment.
B) Skinner argued that punishment (such as spanking) was as effective in changing
behavior as reinforcement.
C) Behaviorists such as Skinner demonstrated that reinforcement was much more
effective in changing behavior than was punishment.
D) Spanking is a quick, efficient, and effective manner of reinforcing desired behavior.
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

70. One of the primary challenges with using punishment is that __________.
A) it leads to domestic violence and abuse
B) it does not inform the person about what alternative, acceptable behavior to perform
C) it leads to juvenile delinquency
D) it is ineffective in decreasing undesirable behaviors

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

71. Punishment can be effective if __________.

A) it is given after a significant delay following the behavior
B) it is immediately threatened after the behavior
C) it is applied every now and again following the behavior
D) it is consistently applied each time the behavior occurs
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

72. Which statement is true regarding incarceration as punishment for reducing future
criminal behavior?
A) Incarceration results in a significant reduction in repeat criminal behavior.
B) Because the time between the crime and punishment is short and swift, incarceration
is an effective punishment in reducing criminal behavior.
C) The time between the criminal act and the punishment takes years in the legal
process; thus, incarceration is often ineffective in reducing criminal behavior.
D) Incarceration leads to a significant increase in future criminal behavior.
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

73. __________ provided a deeper understanding of reinforcement through studying the

concept of schedules of reinforcement.
A) John Watson
B) Ivan Pavlov
C) Sigmund Freud
D) B. F. Skinner
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement

Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

74. When the desired behavior is reinforced every time it occurs, this is referred to as
A) continuous reinforcement
B) discontinuous reinforcement
C) partial reinforcement
D) intermittent reinforcement
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

75. Which of the following is true about a behavior (such as gambling at a slot machine) that
is continuously reinforced?
A) The schedule of reinforcement results in rapid learning and stays strong long after
playing no longer pays out.
B) The behavior is likely to happen in an environment outside of a casino.
C) The behavior is extinguished rapidly if the slot machine no longer pays out.
D) The continuous schedule of reinforcement is stronger than an intermittent schedule.
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway: 5.3.1
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

76. Eating a triple scoop of ice cream after each meal can be the perfect end to a meal, but
over time it can add to unhealthy weight gain and result in an upset stomach. The long-
term consequence of compromised health should have more bearing on behavior than
the short-term pleasure of the dessert. What explains why many choose to indulge in the
dessert anyway?
A) The delayed reinforcement of the pleasurable taste of the dessert is not as powerful as
the delayed reinforcement of weight gain and upset stomach.
B) The immediate reinforcement of the pleasurable taste of the dessert is more powerful
than the delayed reinforcement of weight gain and upset stomach.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

C) Most people have little willpower when it comes to dessert.

D) Weight gain and upset stomach are not worrisome consequences.
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

77. When rats are initially deprived of reinforcement, such as the release of a pellet after a
lever push, they will rapidly push the lever repeatedly in hopes of receiving another
pellet. This illustrates __________.
A) continuous reinforcement
B) extinction
C) spontaneous recovery
D) extinction burst
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

78. Isiah receives praise from his mentor on his sculpture pieces every now and again. Isiah
knows his mentor only compliments art he believes is worthy of praise, so Isiah is
motivated to continue creating great art. This type of reinforcement is an example of
A) extinction burst
B) spontaneous reinforcement
C) partial reinforcement
D) continuous reinforcement
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway: 5.3.1
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

79. The rate or timing at which a reinforcement is delivered is called the __________.
A) reinforcement calendar

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

B) schedule of responses
C) automatic conditioning
D) schedule of reinforcement
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

80. A __________ schedule is a reinforcement schedule in which a behavior is reinforced

after an unpredictable number of responses.
A) fixed-interval
B) fixed-ratio
C) variable-interval
D) variable-ratio
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

81. Playing the lottery (in which winning is infrequent) is an example of a __________
schedule of reinforcement.
A) fixed-interval
B) fixed-ratio
C) variable-interval
D) variable-ratio
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway: 5.3.2
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

82. Chauncey works hard at the patent attorney law firm and enjoys his salary. Chauncey
receives a paycheck every two weeks. This is an example of a __________ schedule of
A) fixed-interval

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

B) fixed-ratio
C) variable-interval
D) variable-ratio
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway: 5.3.2
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

83. Hank works for a local honey farmer. He collects a bonus for every 24 jars of honey he
sells from the Honey Bee Farmer’s storefront. This example illustrates a __________
schedule of reinforcement.
A) fixed-interval
B) fixed-ratio
C) variable-interval
D) variable-ratio
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway: 5.3.3
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

84. Which of the schedules of reinforcement results in a slow and steady behavioral
A) Fixed-interval
B) Fixed-ratio
C) Variable-interval
D) Variable-ratio
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

85. Travis and Trina celebrated their honeymoon in Hawaii and chartered a boat for a deep-
sea fishing excursion. The newlyweds spent five hours out in the open water and were
thrilled each time they felt a nibble on their line. After a day of fishing, Travis and Trina

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

came back with only one small barracuda to show for their efforts and told friends they
would take the excursion again in a heartbeat. Their desire to repeat the experience—
despite the fact they did not catch much—illustrates a__________.
A) fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement
B) fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement
C) variable-interval schedule of reinforcement
D) variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway: 5.3.3
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

86. When an animal trainer teaches a porpoise to jump out of the water and through a fiery
hoop by reinforcing each of the smaller behaviors required to do the jump, the learning
that takes place is known as __________.
A) animal husbandry
B) instinct
C) shaping
D) survival of the fittest
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.8 Identify how the behaviors are modified through the process of
Topic: Shaping
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

87. The process of __________ uses reinforcers to guide a person’s or animal’s behavior
toward a desired ultimate behavior.
A) punishment
B) shaping
C) instinct
D) encouragement
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.8 Identify how the behaviors are modified through the process of
Topic: Shaping
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

88. Renaldo is teaching his daughter, Macie, how to kick a soccer ball. At first, he praises
her if her leg touches the ball. Next, he gives her a high five if she kicks the ball with
any part of her foot. Finally, he claps and hugs her when she kicks the ball with the side
of her foot. Macie’s performance shows continued improvement, demonstrating the
power of ___________ in shaping Macie’s soccer skills.
A) consecutive praise
B) successive praise
C) approximate reinforcement
D) successive approximations
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.8 Identify how the behaviors are modified through the process of
Topic: Shaping
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

89. Shaping is a type of __________.

A) punishment
B) reinforcement
C) discipline
D) management
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.8 Identify how the behaviors are modified through the process of
Topic: Shaping
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

90. Jessie takes her puppy, Coco, for obedience training. Jessie also requests that the trainers
teach Coco some unique tricks. Coco’s trainers will likely incorporate a system of
__________ by reinforcing __________ of the desired behavior.
A) shaping; successive approximations
B) punishment; successive approximations
C) reinforcement; punishment
D) punishment; shaping
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.8 Identify how the behaviors are modified through the process of
Topic: Shaping
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

91. When your toddler picks up his sippy cup, you clap loudly. You applaud when he moves
the cup toward his mouth. As he begins to drink his juice from the sippy cup, you hug
him tightly, saying, “Good boy! Good boy!” This illustrates __________.
A) how to train a child to crave attention
B) the use of a variable-ratio reinforcement schedule
C) the use of shaping
D) classical conditioning
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.8 Identify how the behaviors are modified through the process of
Topic: Shaping
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

92. When a coach uses practice drills to reinforce a series of successive approximations
toward a desired action, the coach is working to __________ a particular behavior.
A) continuously reinforce
B) shape
C) punish
D) generalize
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.8 Identify how the behaviors are modified through the process of
Topic: Shaping
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

93. A method of shaping complex behavior is referred to as __________.

A) classical conditioning
B) generalization
C) chaining
D) discrimination
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.8 Identify how the behaviors are modified through the process of
Topic: Shaping
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

94. Skinner trained a rat to sit up on its hind legs after hearing the “Star-Spangled Banner,”
pull a string to raise the flag, and salute. Skinner trained the rat to complete these
complex actions by using the technique of __________.
A) classical conditioning
B) chaining
C) generalization
D) discrimination
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.8 Identify how the behaviors are modified through the process of
Topic: Shaping
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

95. Using the principles of operant psychology to solve problems and issues of social
importance to people is called __________.
A) applied behavior analysis
B) applied reinforcement behavior
C) reinforced behavior analysis
D) reinforcement-punishment analysis
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

96. Researchers prefer to use the term applied behavior analysis rather than behavior
modification because __________.
A) behavior modification is not effective
B) behavior modification has a negative connotation
C) applied behavior analysis sounds more serious
D) applied behavior analysis is more effective than behavior modification
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

97. Educators can borrow from the work of B. F. Skinner to create an environment in which
students can achieve their best work. What statement describes Skinner’s belief about
using applied behavior analysis in an educational setting?
A) Skinner believed immediate feedback was not particularly useful in changing
B) Skinner supported a system for behavioral change focused mainly on punishment.
C) Skinner believed good instruction included immediate feedback and instructor-led
D) Skinner proposed an instructional setting which allowed students to learn the stages
of success through a system of trial and error.
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

98. The __________ states that people (and animals) are more likely to engage in a low-
probability activity if they know it will be followed by an enjoyable high-probability
A) Premack principle
B) Peter principle
C) Machiavellian principle
D) Incentivized principle
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

99. Megan is having a challenging time finishing her research paper. To motivate herself,
Megan tells herself that for every three pages of content she writes, she will allow
herself to enjoy 15 minutes of playing her guitar (an activity she loves). Megan is using
the __________ to motivate herself to finish her research paper.
A) incentivizing strategy
B) Premack principle
C) Peter principle
D) self-coaching strategy
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

100. The Premack principle would be an effective strategy for which of the following
A) Biting your nails
B) Finishing dessert
C) Binge-watching your favorite program
D) Completing homework
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

101. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is a particularly promising treatment for

A) schizophrenia
B) bipolar disorder
C) autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
D) depression
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

102. Among 8-year-old children, __________ are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
(ASD) according to recent research.
A) 1 in 20
B) 1 in 33
C) 1 in 50
D) 1 in 68
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

103. Researchers believe the increase in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) rates is likely due
to __________.
A) genetic testing
B) a diet high in corn syrup additives
C) greater public awareness
D) a combination of factors
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

104. Companies like as Google have used the principles of __________ in an attempt to
keep employees happy through the use of reinforcement.
A) observational learning
B) applied behavior analysis
C) latent skills learning
D) classical conditioning
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

105. A __________ is a system of currency in which a series of relatively low-value objects

are accumulated over time and are exchanged for something of value.
A) Tolkien economy
B) crypto-coin economy
C) token economy
D) barter economy
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

106. Which of the following most closely illustrates a token economy?

A) An offer for a free cup of coffee on your birthday.
B) An airline frequent flyer awards program.
C) A buy-one-get-one-free ice cream at the local grocery store.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

D) Free shipping on orders totaling $100 or more.

Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

107. Token economies were first developed for use in psychiatric facilities. For example, a
psychiatric patient might earn a “token” for taking a shower and dressing independently
that could be exchanged for __________.
A) water
B) loss of privileges
C) medication
D) increased visitation time
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

108. Token economies are still being used in some psychiatric facilities to __________.
A) promote positive behaviors
B) promote faster discharge rates
C) promote reduction in psychiatric symptoms
D) promote negative emotions
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

109. __________ learning occurs by watching and imitating others.

A) Latent
B) Observational
C) Conditioned
D) Insight
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Easy

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

110. Children often learn language, including accents and vocabulary, through the process of
A) insight
B) engagement
C) modeling
D) mindfulness
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

111. Which statement reflects the impact of observational learning in aiding survival?
A) One does not need to be hit by a car while crossing the street in order to understand
the danger of crossing a street without looking carefully.
B) In order to learn how to write, a child must watch another child write out the alphabet.
C) To prevent food poisoning, one must watch another person eat moldy bread and
observe whether they get sick.
D) Wondering whether to jump off a steep cliff is decided after watching others jump
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

112. Observational learning is also referred to as __________.

A) mindfulness
B) watchfulness
C) social learning
D) latent learning
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

113. Research studying chimpanzees’ ability to learn by observation found that __________.
A) chimpanzees learned to peel an artificial fruit by observing humans peeling the fruit
B) chimpanzees were unable to peel an artificial fruit even after observing humans
peeling the fruit
C) chimpanzees observing other chimpanzees peel artificial fruit were not able to
replicate what they observed
D) chimpanzees watching humans peel an artificial fruit were able to replicate what they
observed but young human children were not
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

114. Songbirds such as sparrows learn to sing their songs by listening to and imitating other
sparrows in their territory. This illustrates __________.
A) natural learning
B) social learning
C) instinctive learning
D) operant learning
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

115. Copying the actions of others is called __________.

A) emulation
B) replication
C) duplication
D) imitation
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

116. Emma watched her twin sister, Grace, place one leg over the side rail of her crib,
maneuver her body over, and fall to the ground, where she then began to play with the

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

girls’ favorite dolls. Wishing to play with the dolls, Emma convinced Grace to push the
play table over to the end of the crib, where Emma proceeded to climb over and step
onto the table before stepping to the floor. Because she achieved the same outcome
through a slightly different strategy, Emma _________ Grace’s actions.
A) emulated
B) replicated
C) duplicated
D) imitated
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

117. As it relates to learning, what specific ability sets humans apart from other nonhuman
A) The ability to emulate the behavior of other species.
B) The ability to imitate another person and teach the learned skill to another human.
C) The ability to use tools.
D) The ability to communicate.
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

118. __________ neurons in the brain are specialized cells that are known to fire when one
animal watches another animal engage in an action or movement.
A) Sensory
B) Motor
C) Mirror
D) Performance
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

119. What did researchers observe in macaque monkeys that led to the discovery of mirror

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

A) The monkey’s neurons fired by engaging in action and when watching a human or
another monkey engage in the same action.
B) The monkey’s neurons only fired when engaging in action.
C) The monkey’s neurons fired when watching another monkey engage in a similar
action but not when watching a human engage in the same action.
D) There was noticeable difference in the brain activity of the monkey when engaging in
an action and when the monkey watched another monkey engage in the same action.
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

120. Mirror neurons have been linked to the experience of __________.

A) shame
B) guilt
C) empathy
D) embarrassment
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

121. Observing and imitating the behavior of others are important ways humans interact and
connect with each other, perhaps because imitation allows humans to understand and
share the feelings of others, which is called __________.
A) modeling
B) engagement
C) mindfulness
D) empathy
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

122. Lindsey observes a little girl crying on the playground and she suddenly feels sad. What
is the best explanation for Lindsey’s feelings of sadness?
A) Lindsey’s sensory neurons have been stimulated.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

B) Lindsey’s brain is being flooded with serotonin.

C) Lindsey’s mirror neurons are firing.
D) The little girl called Lindsey a crybaby.
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

123. Which statement is accurate regarding research on mirror neurons?

A) Mirror neurons are found in macaque monkeys, but there is no evidence they are
found in humans.
B) Watching a person inject a needle into their hand rarely causes the viewer to respond.
C) When watching a person inject a needle into a tomato, observers “freeze” at the sight.
D) Watching a person inject a needle into their hand causes observers to experience a
similar “freezing” response.
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.10 Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning and Mirror Neurons
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

124. Albert Bandura’s studies of observational learning focused on how __________.

A) children can learn aggressive behaviors by observing aggressive models
B) dogs learn to condition a dog to salivate at the sound of a bell
C) cats learn to escape from a box through trial and error
D) rats learn cognitive maps by exploration through a maze
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.11 Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational
Topic: Bandura’s Experiments
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

125. Albert Bandura is best known for studying learning related to __________.
A) fear conditioning
B) classical conditioning
C) modeling of aggression
D) operant conditioning
Answer: C

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Learning Objective: 5.11 Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational

Topic: Bandura’s Experiments
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

126. What type of learning describes the ways in which an organism learns by observing the
behaviors and actions of others, rather than through its own experience?
A) Classical conditioning
B) Operant learning
C) Latent learning
D) Observational learning
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.11 Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational
Topic: Bandura’s Experiments
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

127. Bandura suggested specific “ingredients” must be present in order for observational
learning to occur, including __________
A) retention
B) alertness
C) cognitive reproduction
D) engagement
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.11 Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational
Topic: Bandura’s Experiments
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

128. In Bandura’s model of observational learning, the first step required for learning to
occur is __________.
A) motor reproduction
B) retention
C) attention
D) motivation
Answer: C

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Learning Objective: 5.11 Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational

Topic: Bandura’s Experiments
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

129. Roberto is excited to learn how to make homemade tamales from his grandmother. As
his grandmother begins to prepare her famous tamale recipe, she notices Roberto is
distracted and spending most of the lesson staring at his phone. What key ingredient
necessary for observational learning is missing in this scenario?
A) attention
B) retention
C) motor reproduction
D) motivation
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.11 Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational
Topic: Bandura’s Experiments
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

130. According to Bandura, what might explain why you are unable to replicate the soufflé
recipe you watched being made on your favorite cooking program?
A) Only advanced cooks are able to cook a soufflé.
B) You did not properly retain the cooking lesson.
C) You watched the program too many times.
D) Most people do not know how to cook a soufflé.
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.11 Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational
Topic: Bandura’s Experiments
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

131. In order for observational learning to take place, Bandura described the importance of
__________, or the ability to replicate the action observed.
A) attention
B) retention
C) motor reproduction
D) motivation

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.11 Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational
Topic: Bandura’s Experiments
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

132. Three-year-old Lexie is very amused as she watches her dog, Max, rolling back and
forth on his back while on the lawn. Giggling out loud, Lexie drops onto the grass next
to Max and begins to imitate Max’s rolling behaviors. Which stage of Bandura’s
observational learning is occurring as Lexie reproduces her dog’s behavior?
A) The first stage: attention
B) The second stage: retention
C) The third stage: reproduction
D) The fourth stage: motivation
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.11 Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational
Topic: Bandura’s Experiments
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

133. How might a teacher encourage her students to replicate and adopt the study habits of
academically successful students by using the lessons of Bandura’s work on
observational learning?
A) Provide students with a list of study rules.
B) Send the principal the names of students who do not adopt good study habits.
C) Offer students an incentive for each study habit they master.
D) Ask students to pair with a study buddy.
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.11 Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational
Topic: Bandura’s Experiments
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

134. Karen’s father spanks her for hitting her younger sister. Based on the principles of
observational learning, Karen’s father is __________.
A) conditioning his young daughter to fear him
B) using negative reinforcement

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

C) extinguishing a behavior by adding an aversive consequence

D) acting as a model for aggressive behavior
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.11 Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational
Topic: Bandura’s Experiments
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

135. Miles, a bit shy and reserved, watches as his best friend eagerly volunteers to present
his end-of-semester project to the entire class. Impressed with his willingness to
volunteer, the teacher awards Miles’ friend with extra points. This time, when the
teacher asks for volunteers, Miles is the first to raise his hand. This illustrates what
Bandura called __________ in the process of observational learning.
A) attention
B) retention
C) motor reproduction
D) motivation
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.11 Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational
Topic: Bandura’s Experiments
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

136. Wolfgang Köhler conducted research on learning with a chimpanzee named Sultan
which led to his discovery of __________.
A) applied behavior analysis
B) mirror neurons
C) latent learning
D) insight learning
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
Topic: Insight Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

137. According to Köhler, when one suddenly learns how to solve a problem without going
through the process of trial and error, this illustrates the process of __________.
A) latent learning

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

B) insight learning
C) observational learning
D) conditioned learning
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
Topic: Insight Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

138. Köhler is to ___________ as Bandura is to __________.

A) observational learning; insight learning
B) latent learning; observational learning
C) classical conditioning; fear conditioning
D) insight learning; observational learning
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
Topic: Insight Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

139. Sultan the chimpanzee learned to place two sticks together in order to retrieve out-of-
reach bananas even though he did not observe anyone else using the two sticks in this
way. What potentially explains Sultan’s ability to retrieve the bananas?
A) Insight learning
B) Primal hunger
C) Latent learning
D) Trial and error
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
Topic: Insight Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

140. Köhler argued that Sultan learned to use two sticks to retrieve bananas placed out of
reach from his cage through the process of __________.
A) gradual reinforcement
B) trial and error
C) shaping
D) insight
Answer: D

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.

Topic: Insight Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

141. Sudden realization of how to solve a problem is referred to as __________.

A) triggered learning
B) observational learning
C) insight learning
D) conditioned learning
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
Topic: Insight Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

142. In Köhler’s experiment in which chimpanzees were left alone in a room with several
boxes and bananas hanging out of reach, what statement describes how the experiment
A) The chimps tried to jump up to reach the bananas but were unsuccessful.
B) The chimps stacked the boxes on top of each other, climbed up, and successfully
retrieved the bananas.
C) The chimps became aggressive with each other.
D) The chimps simply played with the boxes paying no attention to the out-of-reach
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.12 Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
Topic: Insight Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

143. You and your companion enjoy taking Sunday drives along country roads within a few
hours’ drive from your home. Although neither of you pay much attention to landmarks
along the drive, when an acquaintance of yours asks where the best overlook is, you
and your companion know exactly where to direct the acquaintance. This most closely
represents __________.
A) Skinner’s operant learning
B) Tolman’s latent learning
C) Bandura’s observational learning
D) Köhler’s insight learning

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.13 Define latent learning.
Topic: Latent Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

144. In Tolman’s research on the speed at which three different groups of rats could navigate
a maze, which group of rats did Tolman and his researchers predict would learn to
navigate the maze the fastest?
A) The first group of rats that received a reward each time they reached the end of the
B) The second group of rats that never received a reward upon reaching the end of the
C) The third group of rats that did not receive a reward the first 10 days but did receive a
reward on the 11th day.
D) Tolman and his researchers predicted there would be no difference in maze
completion rates between the three groups of rats.
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.13 Define latent learning.
Topic: Latent Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

145. What surprising finding did Edward Tolman discover after day 11 of the rat maze
experiment, when the third group of rats received a reinforcer after having not received
any reinforcers on the previous 10 days?
A) The rats in group three showed a drastic increase in their ability to navigate the maze,
with speeds equivalent to the second group of rats that were never rewarded.
B) The rats in group three continued to meander to the end of the maze, never reaching
the performance levels of rats in groups one (always rewarded) or two (never
C) The rats in group three showed a significant increase in their ability to navigate the
maze, with speeds equivalent to the first group of rats that were always rewarded.
D) By the end of the 11th day of the experiment, the rats in group three began to show
signs of disinterest and a lack of motivation to complete the maze.
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.13 Define latent learning.
Topic: Latent Learning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

146. Learning that is not immediately expressed and occurs without any obvious
reinforcement is called __________.
A) observational learning
B) latent learning
C) insight learning
D) operant learning
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.13 Define latent learning.
Topic: Latent Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

147. Latent learning is __________.

A) the sudden realization of how to solve a problem that does not exclusively occur
through trial and error
B) learning that occurs by modeling the behavior of others
C) learning that is not immediately expressed and occurs without any obvious
D) learning influenced by watching the behavior of others
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.13 Define latent learning.
Topic: Latent Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

148. Years after his initial research on learning, Tolman suggested the nonreinforced rats in
his maze study who suddenly performed equally to the rats who were rewarded the
whole time likely learned through the development of __________.
A) a behavioral habit
B) muscle memory
C) a cognitive map
D) tenacity
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.13 Define latent learning.
Topic: Latent Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

149. Tolman hypothesized that spatial __________ learning may be due to the development
of a cognitive map.
A) kinesthetic
B) latent
C) analytical
D) observational
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.13 Define latent learning.
Topic: Latent Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

150. You are leading a group of friends on a day-long wilderness hike through an unfamiliar
area. According to Tolman, you and many of your friends will likely rely upon the
development of a __________ to help you find your way out of the wilderness safely.
A) kinesthetic map
B) auditory map
C) cognitive map
D) virtual map
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.13 Define latent learning.
Topic: Latent Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

151. Recent research suggests Tolman’s cognitive map hypothesis __________.

A) lacks any substantiating scientific evidence
B) has recently gained significant scientific support
C) has limited support
D) has been categorically refuted
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.13 Define latent learning.
Topic: Latent Learning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

152. Recent statistics indicate __________ of Americans play video games on a regular
A) less than 25 percent
B) less than 35 percent

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

C) more than 50 percent

D) more than 75 percent
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

153. What do recent statistics show regarding how Americans spend their free time?
A) Video game sales have surpassed movie box office sales.
B) Movie box office sales have surpassed video game sales.
C) More Americans spend time outside than inside.
D) Video game sales have surpassed movies-on-demand subscription sales.
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

154. The type of video games that are most concerning to researchers studying aggression
are those that depict __________.
A) first-person shooters
B) pornographic images
C) religious iconography
D) racial discrimination
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

155. A meta-analysis exploring the relationship between violent video game playing and
aggressive behavior found __________.
A) no evidence between playing violent video games and increased aggression
B) a causal link between playing violent video games and aggressive behavior,
aggressive thought, and aggressive emotions

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

C) that adults who committed the most violent crimes spent many hours of their
childhood immersed in video games
D) violent behaviors that resulted from playing violent video games depended on the
number of hours of video game playing rather than the type of video games played
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

156. Violent video games are related to __________.

A) increased empathy
B) desensitization to violence
C) increase in prosocial behaviors
D) increased rates of suicidal ideation
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

157. In 2005, the case of Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association led to the
A) ban of the sale of violent video games to anyone regardless of age
B) requirement that the video game industry develop a rating system
C) ban of the sale of certain violent video games to California minors without parental
D) requirement that violent video games be banned for sale to all those under the age of
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

158. The United States Supreme Court ruled against California’s ban of the sale of certain
violent video games without parental supervision (Brown v. Entertainment Merchants
Association), arguing __________.
A) violent video games did not cause aggressive behavior
B) video games were protected under the First Amendment
C) video game creators must develop a ratings system
D) parents are responsible for monitoring their children’s use of video games
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

159. As of 2015, the American Psychological Association concluded __________.

A) more investigation into the relationship between violent video game playing and
aggressive behavior is warranted despite the link between violent video games and
B) multiple meta-analyses show no cause and effect relationship between violent video
games and aggressive behaviors
C) violent video games should not be sold to minors under any circumstances
D) parents should limit violent video game playing by minors to three hours per day
Answer: A
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

160. Most of the research on violent video games and aggression has been __________ in its
A) survey
B) observational
C) correlational
D) experimental
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

161. One of the major challenges in using correlational research to determine the nature of
the relationship between variables such as violent video-game playing and aggressive
behavior is the possibility of a __________, which could account for any correlation
between violent video games and aggression.
A) second variable
B) third variable
C) independent variable
D) dependent variable
Answer: B
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

162. Some researchers point to the third variable of __________ to explain the correlation
between violent video games and aggressive behavior.
A) socioeconomic status
B) religious affiliation
C) ethnicity
D) personality characteristics
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

163. Which statement accurately describes how aggression has been measured in relation to
video game playing?
A) All researchers measure aggression using physiological monitoring such as heart rate,
skin conductance, and rate of respiration.
B) The majority of the research focuses on measures of extreme violence (e.g., mass
school shootings).
C) The majority of research studying video game playing and aggression focuses on the
incidence of mild aggressive behavior.
D) Most of the research centers on number of violent acts committed within 24 hours
after exposure to the violent video game.
Answer: C

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

164. Research comparing how Eastern and Western cultures depict violence reveals
A) there is no difference between how violence is portrayed in the media
B) Eastern countries portray much less violence in the media than Western countries
C) Western countries produce 50 percent more violence in the media than Eastern
D) Eastern countries focus more on the suffering of the victims as compared to Western
Answer: D
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

165. What was the conclusion of recent research comparing participants from the United
States and Japan and how they responded to measures of aggressive behavior and
aggressive cognition after exposure to violent video games?
A) Participants from the United States showed more aggressive behavior than did
Japanese participants.
B) Japanese participants showed more aggressive cognitions than did participants from
the United States.
C) There were no differences in how individuals from Japan and the United States
responded on measures of aggressive behavior and aggressive cognition.
D) Japanese participants were much less likely to express aggressive behaviors or
aggressive cognitions compared to their American counterparts.
Answer: C
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Short-Answer Questions
166. Define learning.
Answer: Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.
Learning Objective: NA
Topic: What Is Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

167. Describe the process of acquisition in Pavlov’s original classical conditioning

Answer: Pavlov found that if food was presented to a dog a few seconds after making a
metronome tick, the dog would learn to associate the metronome with the anticipation of
food. The dog would acquire, or develop, the expectation that the ticking metronome
meant food was coming.
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

168. Describe how stimulus generalization applied to Watson’s Little Albert experiment.
Answer: Although Little Albert was conditioned to fear white rats, over time he
developed a fear of anything similar to the rat, including a rabbit, a fur coat, a dog, and a
Santa Claus beard.
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

169. Give an example of how music is used in higher-order conditioning.

Answers may vary. Example: Many couples have a “special song” that they may hear
later used in a commercial. If the couple is happy together, they will likely develop a
positive response to the product. If they split up, each of them will likely develop a
negative response to the product.
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

170. While preparing for your college midterms, you take your books and computer to the
local coffee shop for a marathon night of studying. While there, you drink four lattes
and eat a cucumber sandwich. The next morning, you wake up with a terrible headache
and stomach cramps. Explain how you might develop a taste aversion in this case.
Answers may vary. Example: Since all you had to eat the day before was the coffee shop
sandwich, you develop a taste aversion to cucumbers, believing they are what has caused
the headache and stomach cramps. You then vow to avoid them in the future.
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

171. Define operant conditioning.

Answer: Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened or
diminished, depending on its desirable or undesirable consequences.
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

172. Explain why Skinner was known as a radical behaviorist.

Answer: Skinner belonged to the theoretical perspective known as radical behaviorism
because he believed all behaviors, internal and external, were a result of factors in the
individual’s environment.
Learning Objective: 5.4 Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: The Beginning of Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

173. Describe the difference between negative reinforcement and positive punishment.
Answer: Negative reinforcement is the process of removing or taking away something
undesirable with the goal of increasing a behavior. Positive punishment is adding
something undesirable with the goal of decreasing a behavior.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Learning Objective: 5.5 Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.

Topic: The Principles of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

174. What does current research conclude regarding the effectiveness of spanking?
Answer: Research on the effectiveness of spanking finds that spanking is associated with
negative outcomes.
Learning Objective: 5.6 Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Punishment
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

175. Give an example of a variable-interval schedule of reinforcement.

Answers may vary. Example: Jack obsessively checks his phone for new text messages
and is eventually rewarded by receiving messages at varying time intervals. This
illustrates a variable-interval schedule of reinforcement.
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology.

Essay Questions
176. Explain how biological preparedness impacts the human fear response.
Answers may vary. Example: Humans and other animals have a biological preparedness,
or predisposition, to develop associations between certain types of stimuli and responses.
Specific stimuli such as snakes, spiders, heights, and tightly enclosed spaces cause a fear
response which in turn serves to protect the human or animal from threats or serious
Learning Objective: 5.3 Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction
of classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Factors That Affect Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

177. Ms. Schwizter wants to help reduce the math test anxiety expressed by many of her
students. Based on your understanding of classical conditioning, describe an effective
technique Ms. Schwitzer might try in order to reduce or eliminate math text anxiety.
Answers may vary. Example: The feeling of math test anxiety is undesirable to most
students. If Ms. Schwitzer wishes to reduce or eliminate negative anxiety, she could add
a positive activity right before each exam. For example, she could play relaxing music or
engage students in a five-minute meditation prior to each exam. The result is that
students would then associate math exams with relaxation rather than anxiety.
Learning Objective: 5.2 Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Topic: Little Albert and Classically Conditioned Emotional Responses
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

178. Explain the response rate for each of the four types of reinforcement schedules.
Fixed-ratio schedules produce high rates of responding when there is a brief pause
following reinforcement.
Variable-ratio schedules have high response rates and result in behaviors that are difficult
to distinguish.
Fixed-interval schedules produce rapid responses at the expected time of reward but
slower response rates outside the expected time of reward.
Variable-interval schedules produces slow and steady behavioral responses.
Learning Objective: 5.7 Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

179. Describe how applied behavior analysis (ABA) is used to treat autism-spectrum
disorder (ASD).
Answer: Applied behavior analysis (ABA) can be personalized for each child with
autism-spectrum disorder (ASD) but interventions tend to focus on communication,
sociability, self-care, play, and academic skills. For example, if a child throws a tantrum
to communicate hunger, the therapist could break down the skill of how to appropriately
communicate hunger into small, manageable steps. Each step would be taught one at a
time and then the therapist would work to help the child put all the steps together.
Learning Objective: 5.9 Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Applied Behavior Analysis
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

APA LO: 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of the content domains of psychology.

180. Violence and aggression threaten the stability of a society. Explain the current view of
psychologists regarding the relationship between violent video games and their impact
on aggressive behaviors.
Answer: Multiple meta-analyses of the relationship between violent video game play and
the incidence of aggressive behaviors have been conducted with varying conclusions.
Some point to a causal relationship while other analyses question the established link
between aggression and violent video games. The American Psychological Association
has called for more investigation despite continuing to confirm the causal link. Much of
the research conducted has been correlational although recent research includes more
experimental designs in an effort to establish whether or not a causal relationship exists
between the two variables.
Learning Objective: 5.14 Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related
to the topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing It Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Analyze It
Adaptive Pathway:
APA LO: 1.3 Describe applications that employ discipline-based problem solving.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Adaptive Pathway 5.1: Classical Conditioning

The following pathway will test your understanding of this topic and adapt to your needs. Be
sure to answer all of the questions and watch any of the short videos presented.

MISCONCEPTION #1 = Inability to distinguish a stimulus from a response

Pinpoint Question
In Pavlov’s studies, the salivation of the dogs that occurs after they taste the food is the

a) unconditioned stimulus
b) stimulus
c) unconditioned response
Correct. Because salivation in response to food is a naturally occurring response, this
is the unconditioned response.
d) conditioned stimulus

Follow-up Question
Sue noticed that whenever she opened the door to the pantry, her dog would come into the
kitchen and act hungry by drooling and whining. She thought that because the dog food was
stored in the pantry, the sound of the door had become a(n) ________.
a) counterconditioned response
Incorrect. The sound cannot be a response. The sound is a conditioned stimulus
because it was a previously neutral stimulus that had come to predict food to the dog,
leading to the dog’s response of drooling and whining. Consider returning to the text
where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase
the concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life, if
possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.
b) conditioned stimulus
Correct. A conditioned stimulus is one that has been a signal for the UCS. In this
case, the door sound signals food.

c) unconditioned response
Incorrect. The sound cannot be a response. The sound is a conditioned stimulus
because it was a previously neutral stimulus that had come to predict food to the dog
leading to the dog’s response of drooling and whining. Consider returning to the text
where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the
concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life, if
possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

d) conditioned response
Incorrect. The sound cannot be a response. The sound is a conditioned stimulus
because it was a previously neutral stimulus that had come to predict food to the dog
leading to the dog’s response of drooling and whining. Consider returning to the text
where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the
concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life, if
possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

MISCONCEPTION #2 = Inability to distinguish between the unconditioned stimulus and

the conditioned stimulus

Pinpoint Question
Alan always turns the aquarium light on before putting fish food into the tank. After a while, he
notices that the fish swim to the top to look for the food as soon as he turns on the light. In this
example, the ________ is the unconditioned stimulus.
a) presence of Alan near the aquarium
b) amount of fish food dropped into the tank
c) aquarium light
d) fish food
Correct. The fish food is the unconditioned stimulus because swimming to the top of
the aquarium in response to the sight of food is a naturally occurring response that
does not have to be conditioned.

Follow-up Question
When Luke kissed Laura, his heart rate increased. Laura always wore a certain perfume. When
walking through a department store, Luke smelled the same perfume, and his heart began to race.
In this example, ____________ is the conditioned stimulus.
a) the image of Laura
Incorrect. The image of Laura is not the actual stimulus that leads to a response in this
example. The actual kiss is the unconditioned stimulus because having his heart rate increase
in response to kissing is a naturally occurring response that does not have to be conditioned.
The smell of the perfume is the conditioned stimulus because it had to be conditioned to lead
to the response of an increase in heart rate. Consider returning to the text where this concept
is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the concept in your own
words and even provide an example from your own life, if possible. If you are still having
trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

b) kissing Laura
Incorrect. Kissing Laura is the unconditioned stimulus because having his heart rate
increase in response to kissing is a naturally occurring response that does not have to be
conditioned. The smell of the perfume is the conditioned stimulus because it had to be
conditioned to lead to the response of an increase in heart rate. Consider returning to the
text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the
concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life, if possible. If
you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.
Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

c) the smell of the perfume

Correct. The smell of the perfume is the conditioned stimulus because it had to be conditioned
in order to lead to the response of an increase in heart rate.

d) the department store

Incorrect. Kissing Laura is the unconditioned stimulus because having his heart rate
increase in response to kissing is a naturally occurring response that does not have to be
conditioned. The smell of the perfume is the conditioned stimulus because it had to be
conditioned to lead to the response of an increase in heart rate. Consider returning to the
text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the
concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life, if possible. If
you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

MISCONCEPTION #3 = Inability to distinguish between the unconditioned response and

the conditioned response

Pinpoint Question
In Watson and Rayner’s “Little Albert” study, each time the rat was presented to the boy, it was
accompanied by a loud noise. In this experiment, Albert’s reaction of fear upon hearing the loud
noise was the ________ while his reaction of fear in response to the white rat was the
a) unconditioned response; conditioned response
Correct. An unconditioned response occurs naturally, without conditioning. Therefore,
Albert’s initial fear of the loud noise was the unconditioned response. The conditioned
response occurs when a previously neutral stimulus (e.g., the rat) leads to the response (e.g.,
fear) originally associated with the unconditioned stimulus.
b) conditioned response; unconditioned response
c) conditioned response; conditioned response
d) unconditioned response; unconditioned response

Follow-up Question
You know that tapping someone on the knee leads to a reflexive “knee-jerk response.” Imagine
that you try to condition someone so that a particular sound elicits a literal “knee-jerk response.”
Which of the following is accurate?
a) The knee jerk in response to a tap on the knee is the conditioned response, and the knee-
jerk response to the sound is the unconditioned response. Incorrect.
Because the initial knee jerk took place without learning, it is an unconditioned response.
The knee jerk in response to a sound is the conditioned response because it had to be
learned and did not occur naturally. Consider returning to the text where this concept is
first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the concept in your own
words and even provide an example from your own life, if possible. If you are still having
trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

b) The knee jerk in response to a tap on the knee is the unconditioned response, and the
knee-jerk response to the sound is the conditioned response.
Correct. Because the initial knee jerk took place without learning, it is an unconditioned
response. The knee jerk in response to a sound is the conditioned response because it had
to be learned and did not occur naturally.

c) Both the knee jerk in response to a tap on the knee and the knee-jerk response to the
sound are unconditioned responses.
Incorrect. Because the initial knee jerk took place without learning, it is an
unconditioned response. The knee jerk in response to a sound is the conditioned response
because it had to be learned and did not occur naturally. Consider returning to the text
where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the
concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life, if possible.
If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

d) Both the knee jerk in response to a tap on the knee and the knee-jerk response to the
sound are conditioned responses.
Incorrect. Because the initial knee jerk took place without learning, it is an
unconditioned response. The knee jerk in response to a sound is the conditioned response
because it had to be learned and did not occur naturally. Consider returning to the text
where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the
concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life, if possible.
If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

Adaptive Pathway 5.2: Operant Conditioning

The following pathway will test your understanding of this topic and adapt to your needs. Be
sure to answer all of the questions and watch any of the short videos presented.

MISCONCEPTION #1 = Inability to distinguish the difference between positive and

negative reinforcement

Pinpoint Question
Positive reinforcement involves _______ and negative reinforcement involves _______.
a) good outcomes; bad outcomes
b) increasing reinforcement; decreasing reinforcement
c) presenting something desirable; removing something desirable
d) presenting something desirable; removing something undesirable
Correct. Positive reinforcement is about receiving something good, whereas negative
reinforcement involves taking away something aversive (undesirable or annoying). In
both cases, the goal is to increase or strengthen a behavior.

Follow-up Question
A negative reinforcer is a stimulus that ____________, and a positive reinforcer is a stimulus
that _____________.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

a) adds something positive; adds something negative

Incorrect. A negative reinforcer is something that when removed, leads to pleasurable
feelings (often in the form of relief). A positive reinforcer adds something rewarding.
Consider returning to the text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for
yourself. Try to rephrase the concept in your own words and even provide an example
from your own life, if possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your

b) adds something negative; adds something positive

Incorrect. A negative reinforcer is something that when removed, leads to pleasurable
feelings (often in the form of relief). A positive reinforcer adds something rewarding.
Consider returning to the text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for
yourself. Try to rephrase the concept in your own words and even provide an example
from your own life, if possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your

c) removes something negative; adds something positive

Correct. You got it! Negative reinforcement involves removing an aversive stimulus,
whereas positive reinforcement involves adding a positive stimulus.

d) removes something negative; removes something positive

Incorrect. A negative reinforcer is something that when removed, leads to pleasurable
feelings (often in the form of relief). A positive reinforcer adds something rewarding.
Consider returning to the text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for
yourself. Try to rephrase the concept in your own words and even provide an example
from your own life, if possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your

MISCONCEPTION #2 = Confusing negative reinforcement with punishment

Pinpoint Question
What is the difference between negative reinforcement and a punishment?
a) Negative reinforcement decreases behavior through negative consequences, whereas
punishment decreases behavior through painful consequences.
b) Negative reinforcement increases behavior, whereas punishment decreases behavior.
Correct. Yes! Even though you see the word “negative,” you know that reinforcement
involves increasing behavior and punishment results in a decrease in behavior.
c) Negative reinforcement involves increasing behavior through negative consequences,
whereas punishment involves increasing behavior through positive consequences.
d) Negative reinforcement and punishment both decrease behavior but accomplish it by
different methods.

Follow-up Question
Decreasing a behavior involves the use of ______________, whereas increasing a behavior
involves the use of _________________.
a) negative reinforcement; positive reinforcement

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Incorrect. Decreasing behavior always involves punishment, whereas attempts to

increase behavior involve reinforcement. Consider returning to the text where this
concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the concept in
your own words and even provide an example from your own life, if possible. If you are
still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

b) punishment; reinforcement
Correct. Great job! Punishment always involves trying to decrease a behavior, whereas
reinforcement always involves trying to increase a behavior.

c) negative punishment; positive punishment

Incorrect. While decreasing behavior always involves punishment, attempts to increase
behavior involve reinforcement. Consider returning to the text where this concept is first
discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the concept in your own words
and even provide an example from your own life, if possible. If you are still having
trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

d) reinforcement; punishment
Incorrect. Decreasing behavior always involves punishment, whereas attempts to
increase behavior involve reinforcement. Consider returning to the text where this
concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the concept in
your own words and even provide an example from your own life, if possible. If you are
still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

MISCONCEPTION #3 = Inability to distinguish positive punishment from negative


Pinpoint Question
Having your cell phone turned off because you did not pay your bill is an example of
a) positive punishment
b) negative punishment
Correct. Having your cell phone turned off is an example of losing, or subtracting,
something positive which is negative punishment.
c) positive reinforcement
d) negative reinforcement

Follow-up Question
Geoff’s friends tease him for visiting the public library during summer holidays. As a result,
Geoff stops visiting the library. In this example, the teasing acted as ____________.

a) positive punishment
Correct. Yes, you got it! This is an example of positive punishment because the
punishment involves the addition of something undesirable. In this example, teasing is the
added punishment.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

b) negative punishment
Incorrect. Positive punishment involves the punishment being applied, whereas negative
punishment involves taking away something that is liked/enjoyed. Consider returning to
the text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to
rephrase the concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life,
if possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

c) positive reinforcement
Incorrect. Positive punishment involves the punishment being applied, whereas negative
punishment involves taking away something that is liked/enjoyed. Consider returning to
the text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to
rephrase the concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life,
if possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

d) negative reinforcement
Incorrect. Positive punishment involves the punishment being applied, whereas negative
punishment involves taking away something that is liked/enjoyed. Consider returning to
the text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to
rephrase the concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life,
if possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

Adaptive Pathway 5.3: Schedules of Reinforcement

The following pathway will test your understanding of this topic and adapt to your needs. Be
sure to answer all of the questions and watch any of the short videos presented.

MISCONCEPTION #1 = Thinking that receiving a reward every time is the best way to
maintain a desired behavior

Pinpoint Question
Which of the following statements is accurate regarding the impact of different schedules of
reinforcement on behavior?
a) Neither partial nor continuous reinforcement leads to behaviors that will persist for
long periods of time.
b) Continuous reinforcement leads to behaviors that will persist longer than behavior
learned through partial (intermittent) reinforcement.
c) Partial reinforcement leads to behaviors that will persist longer than behavior learned
through continuous reinforcement.
Correct. Partial reinforcement leads to behaviors that persist longer as the subject
keeps looking for eventual reinforcement.
d) Continuous reinforcement and partial reinforcement lead to behaviors that persist for
equally long periods of time.

Follow-up Question

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Partial reinforcement refers to a schedule in which a behavior is reinforced after some, but not
all, correct responses. This type of schedule of reinforcement will be ________.
a) more resistant to extinction than a response that receives continuous reinforcement
Correct. The response will be more resistant to extinction than a response that receives
continuous reinforcement (a reinforcer for each and every correct response) because the
person/animal is always left wondering when the next reward will come.
b) less resistant to extinction than a response that receives continuous reinforcement
Incorrect. Responses that are partially reinforced are more resistant to extinction
because of the unpredictability of when the reward will be given. Consider returning to
the text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to
rephrase the concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life,
if possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

c) more variable in its resistance to extinction than a response that receives continuous
Incorrect. Responses that are partially reinforced are more resistant to extinction
because of the unpredictability of when the reward will be given. Consider returning to
the text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to
rephrase the concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life,
if possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

d) totally resistant to extinction, unlike a response that receives continuous reinforcement

Incorrect. Responses that are partially reinforced are more resistant to extinction
because of the unpredictability of when the reward will be given. Consider returning to
the text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to
rephrase the concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life,
if possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

MISCONCEPTION #2 = Inability to distinguish a ratio from an interval schedule

Pinpoint Question
When the number of responses is important to a schedule of reinforcement, that schedule is
called a ________ schedule.
a) ratio
Correct. Ratio schedules of reinforcement are based on the number of responses made
by a subject.
b) interval
c) variable
d) fixed

Follow-up Question
Reinforcement given for a response emitted after each hour and a half (e.g., 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m.,
1 p.m.) is following a(n) ________ schedule.
a) ratio
Incorrect. Reinforcement based on time involves an interval schedule. Consider returning
to the text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to
Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

rephrase the concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life,
if possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

b) variable
Incorrect. Reinforcement based on time involves an interval schedule. Consider returning
to the text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to
rephrase the concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life,
if possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

c) continuous
Incorrect. Reinforcement based on time involves an interval schedule. Consider returning
to the text where this concept is first discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to
rephrase the concept in your own words and even provide an example from your own life,
if possible. If you are still having trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

d) interval
Correct. In this case, what is important is the amount of time, not the number of
responses. Since the reinforcement is dependent on time, it follows an interval schedule.

MISCONCEPTION #3 = Inability to extract and combine the two separate pieces of

information from an applied reinforcement schedule example

Pinpoint Question
Sophie receives an allowance after completing some chores around the house. Sometimes, she
receives money after completing one task; other times, she must do five or six jobs before
receiving any money. Her friend Riley also receives an allowance, but Riley always gets paid at
the end of the week, regardless of how many chores she has completed. Sophie’s parents are
following a __________ schedule of reinforcement, whereas Riley’s parents are following a
__________ schedule of reinforcement.
a) variable ratio; variable interval
b) fixed ratio; fixed interval
c) variable interval; fixed ratio
d) variable ratio; fixed interval
Correct. The first example is demonstrating reinforcement based on the number of
responses (ratio) and is variable, while the second example is demonstrating reinforcement
based on the amount of time (interval) and is fixed.

Follow-up Question
If a pigeon is fed when it pecks a red dot after each hour and half (e.g., 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1
p.m.), the pigeon is being reinforced on a __________ schedule. However, if the pigeon is
reinforced every time it pecks a red dot, it is being reinforced on a __________ schedule.
a) fixed interval; fixed ratio
Incorrect. In the first case, the reinforcement is received after a specific amount of time
has passed. This demonstrates a fixed interval schedule of partial reinforcement. In the
second case, the pigeon receives continuous reinforcement because it is reinforced every

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

time the behavior occurs. Consider returning to the text where this concept is first
discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the concept in your own words
and even provide an example from your own life, if possible. If you are still having
trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

b) variable interval; fixed interval

Incorrect. In the first case, the reinforcement is received after a specific amount of time
has passed. This demonstrates a fixed interval schedule of partial reinforcement. In the
second case, the pigeon receives continuous reinforcement because it is reinforced every
time the behavior occurs. Consider returning to the text where this concept is first
discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the concept in your own words
and even provide an example from your own life, if possible. If you are still having
trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

c) fixed interval; continuous

Correct. In the first case, the reinforcement is received after a specific amount of time
has passed. This demonstrates a fixed interval schedule of partial reinforcement. In the
second case, the pigeon receives continuous reinforcement because it is reinforced every
time the behavior occurs.

d) fixed ratio; continuous

Incorrect. In the first case, the reinforcement is received after a specific amount of time
has passed. This demonstrates a fixed interval schedule of partial reinforcement. In the
second case, the pigeon receives continuous reinforcement because it is reinforced every
time the behavior occurs. Consider returning to the text where this concept is first
discussed and create a note for yourself. Try to rephrase the concept in your own words
and even provide an example from your own life, if possible. If you are still having
trouble, be sure to talk with your instructor.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Revel Quiz Questions

The following questions appear at the end of each module and at the end of the chapter in Revel
for Psychology, 1e.

End of Module Quiz 5.1: Classical Conditioning

EOM Q5.1.1
The neutral stimulus, when paired with an unconditioned stimulus, becomes a(n) __________ in
classical conditioning.
a) conditioned stimulus
b) conditioned response
Consider this: An unconditioned stimulus is anything that elicits a naturally occurring
response. So, when a UCS is paired with a neutral stimulus, learning or conditioning
occurs. LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
c) unconditioned response
Consider this: An unconditioned stimulus is anything that elicits a naturally occurring
response. So, when a UCS is paired with a neutral stimulus, learning or conditioning
occurs. LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
d) unconditioned stimulus
Consider this: An unconditioned stimulus is anything that elicits a naturally occurring
response. So, when a UCS is paired with a neutral stimulus, learning or conditioning
occurs. LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Classical Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOM Q5.1.2
Every week, Jade spends her allowance on ½-pound of sour lemon gummy candies, even though
they always make her mouth water. One day, as she is walking down the street, Jade sees a girl
carrying a little white bag that looks like a candy shop bag! Jade notices that her mouth is
puckering and overflowing with saliva. In this example, the unconditioned stimulus is the
a) puckering and saliva
Consider this: An unconditioned stimulus is something that naturally elicits a response.
LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
b) sour lemon gummy candy
c) allowance money
Consider this: An unconditioned stimulus is something that naturally elicits a response.
LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
d) little white bag
Consider this: An unconditioned stimulus is something that naturally elicits a response.
LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Answer: b
Learning Objective: 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Topic: Classical Conditioning

Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOM Q5.1.3
Normally, when food is placed in the mouth of any animal, the salivary glands start releasing
saliva to help with chewing and digestion. In terms of Pavlov’s analysis of learning, salivation
would be referred to as a(n) __________.
a) voluntary response
Consider this: This is a naturally occurring reflexive response of the body to an
unconditioned stimulus like food. LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical
b) conditioned response
Consider this: This is a naturally occurring reflexive response of the body to an
unconditioned stimulus like food. LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical
c) unconditioned response
d) digestive reflux
Consider this: This is a naturally occurring reflexive response of the body to an
unconditioned stimulus like food. LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical
Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Classical Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOM Q5.1.4
In Watson and Rayner’s “Little Albert” study, each time the rat was presented to the boy, it was
accompanied by a loud noise which eventually led Albert to cry when presented with the rat. In
this experiment, Albert’s reaction of fear upon seeing the rat was a(n) __________ response.
a) counterconditioned
Consider this: This is a learned response to a conditioned stimulus. LO 5.2: Recognize
how emotional responses can be classically conditioned.
b) latent
Consider this: This is a learned response to a conditioned stimulus. LO 5.2: Recognize
how emotional responses can be classically conditioned.
c) conditioned
d) unconditioned
Consider this: This is a learned response to a conditioned stimulus. LO 5.2: Recognize
how emotional responses can be classically conditioned.
Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.2: Recognize how emotional responses can be classically conditioned.
Topic: Classical Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

EOM Q5.1.5
In the past, thunder has made you flinch because the loud noise scares you. Lightning always
comes before the thunder and after time, you begin to flinch as soon as the lightning strikes. In
this scenario, lightning can be interpreted as a(n) __________.
a) conditioned stimulus
b) conditioned response
Consider this: This is a result of the pairing of a neutral stimulus with a UCS. LO 5.2:
Recognize how emotional responses can be classically conditioned.
c) unconditioned response
Consider this: This is a result of the pairing of a neutral stimulus with a UCS. LO 5.2:
Recognize how emotional responses can be classically conditioned.
d) unconditioned stimulus
Consider this: This is a result of the pairing of a neutral stimulus with a UCS. LO 5.2:
Recognize how emotional responses can be classically conditioned.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.2: Recognize how emotional responses can be classically conditioned.
Topic: Classical Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOM Q5.1.6
In classical conditioning, __________ occurs when the conditioned stimulus is no longer paired
with the unconditioned stimulus.
a) extinction
b) spontaneous recovery
Consider this: This happens when the CS will no longer elicit the conditioned response
(CR). LO 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction of
classically conditioned responses.
c) stimulus generalization
Consider this: This happens when the CS will no longer elicit the conditioned response
(CR). LO 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction of
classically conditioned responses.
d) stimulus distinction
Consider this: This happens when the CS will no longer elicit the conditioned response
(CR). LO 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction of
classically conditioned responses.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction of
classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Classical Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOM Q5.1.7

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Martha trains her cat Whiskers to salivate to the sound of a bell. She rings the bell every 15
minutes and doesn’t follow it with food for Whiskers. Whiskers salivates less and less and finally
stops salivating at the sound of the ringing bell. A week later, she finds Whiskers salivating to
the sound of a ringing bell. Which of the following terms explains this response?
a) stimulus discrimination
Consider this: This is the brief reappearance of the conditioned response after the CR has
been extinguished. LO 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and
extinction of classically conditioned responses.
b) spontaneous recovery
c) instinctive drift
Consider this: This is the brief reappearance of the conditioned response after the CR has
been extinguished. LO 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and
extinction of classically conditioned responses.
d) counterconditioning
Consider this: This is the brief reappearance of the conditioned response after the CR has
been extinguished. LO 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and
extinction of classically conditioned responses.
Answer: b
Learning Objective: 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction of
classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Classical Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

End of Module Quiz 5.2: Operant Conditioning

EOM Q5.2.1
Discrimination, generalization, and extinction can occur in __________.
a) classical conditioning only
Consider this: There are similarities between operant and classical conditioning. They
both involve making associations between stimuli and responses. LO 5.4: Recognize the
similarities and differences between classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
b) operant conditioning only
Consider this: There are similarities between operant and classical conditioning. They
both involve making associations between stimuli and responses. LO 5.4: Recognize the
similarities and differences between classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
c) both operant and classical conditioning
d) neither operant nor classical conditioning
Consider this: There are similarities between operant and classical conditioning. They
both involve making associations between stimuli and responses. LO 5.4: Recognize the
similarities and differences between classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.4: Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Easy

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOM Q5.2.2
__________ reinforcement occurs when something pleasant follows a behavior.
a) Positive
b) Negative
Consider this: This type of reinforcement is the addition of something pleasant after a
behavior has occurred. LO 5.5: Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
c) Neutral
Consider this: This type of reinforcement is the addition of something pleasant after a
behavior has occurred. LO 5.5: Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
d) Compound
Consider this: This type of reinforcement is the addition of something pleasant after a
behavior has occurred. LO 5.5: Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.5: Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOM Q5.2.3
Fred is afraid of spiders. He won’t even watch a nature show on TV about them. When he sees a
picture of a spider, he has a panic attack, but when he avoids looking at the image, his panic goes
away. Fred’s avoidance of spiders is __________.
a) positively reinforced; he is rewarded by his anxiety going down
Consider this: This concept refers to a behavior strengthened by the removal of
something unpleasant. LO 5.5: Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
b) negatively reinforced; he is rewarded by his anxiety going down
c) recovered spontaneously; he will never get better
Consider this: This concept refers to a behavior strengthened by the removal of
something unpleasant. LO 5.5: Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
d) extinguished; he feels anxious after doing so
Consider this: This concept refers to a behavior strengthened by the removal of
something unpleasant. LO 5.5: Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Answer: b
Learning Objective: 5.5: Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOM Q5.2.4
Kyla wants to make sure her dog Axel does not beg for food from the table. Every time Axel
begs, Kyla says, “no” in a sharp, scolding voice and she never gives in. Kyla is using
a) stimulus generalization

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Consider this: This concept refers to the addition of something unpleasant or undesirable
after the behavior in an attempt to decrease the behavior. LO 5.6: Distinguish between
positive and negative punishment.
b) negative reinforcement
Consider this: This concept refers to the addition of something unpleasant or undesirable
after the behavior in an attempt to decrease the behavior. LO 5.6: Distinguish between
positive and negative punishment.
c) positive punishment
d) negative punishment
Consider this: This concept refers to the addition of something unpleasant or undesirable
after the behavior in an attempt to decrease the behavior. LO 5.6: Distinguish between
positive and negative punishment.
Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.6: Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOM Q5.2.5
Being grounded or put in “time out” effectively removes pleasant stimuli (e.g., attention from
others) from the individual. This is called __________.
a) positive punishment
Consider this: This concept refers to the removal of something pleasant after the behavior
has occurred in an attempt to decrease the behavior. LO 5.6: Distinguish between positive
and negative punishment.
b) positive reinforcement
Consider this: This concept refers to the removal of something pleasant after the behavior
has occurred in an attempt to decrease the behavior. LO 5.6: Distinguish between positive
and negative punishment.
c) negative reinforcement
Consider this: This concept refers to the removal of something pleasant after the behavior
has occurred in an attempt to decrease the behavior. LO 5.6: Distinguish between positive
and negative punishment.
d) negative punishment
Answer: d
Learning Objective: 5.6: Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOM Q5.2.6
When the number of responses is important to a schedule of reinforcement, that schedule is
called a __________ schedule.
a) ratio
b) interval

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Consider this: The other type of reinforcement schedule is based on the amount of time
that has passed. LO 5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
c) conditioned
Consider this: The other type of reinforcement schedule is based on the amount of time
that has passed. LO 5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
d) time-delayed
Consider this: The other type of reinforcement schedule is based on the amount of time
that has passed. LO 5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
Topic: Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOM Q5.2.7
Which schedule of reinforcement tends to get the highest response rate?
a) variable interval
Consider this: This schedule reinforces after a set number of responses. LO 5.7: Identify
how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
b) fixed ratio
c) variable ratio
Consider this: This schedule reinforces after a set number of responses. LO 5.7: Identify
how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
d) fixed interval
Consider this: This schedule reinforces after a set number of responses. LO 5.7: Identify
how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
Answer: b
Learning Objective: 5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
Topic: Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

End of Module Quiz 5.3: Modifying Behavior with Operant Conditioning

EOM Q5.3.1
__________ is the process of reinforcement of complex behaviors by rewarding the small steps
in the overall sequence of behaviors.
a) Observational learning
Consider this: This method is used to shape complex behaviors (e.g., train animals) by
rewarding a series of responses in a specific order, but the reinforcement is tied to the
overall sequence of behaviors. LO 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through the
process of shaping.
b) Operant conditioning

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Consider this: This method is used to shape complex behaviors (e.g., train animals) by
rewarding a series of responses in a specific order, but the reinforcement is tied to the
overall sequence of behaviors. LO 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through the
process of shaping.
c) Chaining
d) Classical conditioning
Consider this: This method is used to shape complex behaviors (e.g., train animals) by
rewarding a series of responses in a specific order, but the reinforcement is tied to the
overall sequence of behaviors. LO 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through the
process of shaping.
Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through the process of shaping.
Topic: Modifying Behavior with Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOM Q5.3.2
Gary trains his hamster to roll a marble. First, he reinforces the hamster when it walks toward the
marble, then he reinforces when it touches the marble with its nose. Finally, the hamster learns to
roll the marble and is reinforced for it. This example illustrates __________.
a) the Premack principle
Consider this: This concept uses reinforcers to guide an individual or animal toward a
desired behavior through successive approximations—behaviors that are incrementally
closer to the overall desired action. LO 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through
the process of shaping.
b) counterconditioning
Consider this: This concept uses reinforcers to guide an individual or animal toward a
desired behavior through successive approximations—behaviors that are incrementally
closer to the overall desired action. LO 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through
the process of shaping.
c) classical conditioning
Consider this: This concept uses reinforcers to guide an individual or animal toward a
desired behavior through successive approximations—behaviors that are incrementally
closer to the overall desired action. LO 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through
the process of shaping.
d) shaping
Answer: d
Learning Objective: 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through the process of shaping.
Topic: Modifying Behavior with Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOM Q5.3.3
The application of operant-conditioning techniques to teach new responses or to reduce or
eliminate maladaptive or problematic behavior is called __________.
a) applied behavior analysis

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

b) counterconditioning
Consider this: This method can be employed to either increase or decrease behaviors
through the use of reinforcement and punishment. It is used to solve individual or social
problems. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
c) higher-order conditioning
Consider this: This method can be employed to either increase or decrease behaviors
through the use of reinforcement and punishment. It is used to solve individual or social
problems. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
d) stimulus generalization
Consider this: This method can be employed to either increase or decrease behaviors
through the use of reinforcement and punishment. It is used to solve individual or social
problems. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Modifying Behavior with Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOM Q5.3.4
Ms. Wang gives a sticker for each book her 3rd grade students read. At the end of the year, any
student with more than 10 stickers gets to attend a pizza party. What behavioral technique is Ms.
Wang using?
a) token economy
b) shaping
Consider this: This technique is a reward system in which stickers or anything that
represents a currency can be exchanged for a reward. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior
c) negative reinforcement
Consider this: This technique is a reward system in which stickers or anything that
represents a currency can be exchanged for a reward. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior
d) classical conditioning technique
Consider this: This technique is a reward system in which stickers or anything that
represents a currency can be exchanged for a reward. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Modifying Behavior with Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOM Q5.3.5
Promising yourself some kind of reward for completing a task you are not excited about is an
example of __________.
a) a token economy

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Consider this: People (and animals) are more likely to engage in a low-probability
activity if they know it will be followed by a high-probability activity they enjoy. An
example is a student may study for a test if they know they can go out with friends later
in the evening. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
b) the Premack principle
c) positive punishment
Consider this: People (and animals) are more likely to engage in a low-probability
activity if they know it will be followed by a high-probability activity they enjoy. An
example is a student may study for a test if they know they can go out with friends later
in the evening. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
d) negative punishment
Consider this: People (and animals) are more likely to engage in a low-probability
activity if they know it will be followed by a high-probability activity they enjoy. An
example is a student may study for a test if they know they can go out with friends later
in the evening. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
Answer: b
Learning Objective: 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Modifying Behavior with Operant Conditioning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

End of Module Quiz 5.4: Observational Learning

EOM Q5.4.1
A __________ neuron fires not only when an animal engages in a particular action, but also if an
animal observes another animal (or human) engaging in the same action.
a) motor
Consider this: These neurons are important in observational learning. LO 5.10: Identify
the role of mirror neurons in learning.
b) chaining
Consider this: These neurons are important in observational learning. LO 5.10: Identify
the role of mirror neurons in learning.
c) mirror
d) reflex
Consider this: These neurons are important in observational learning. LO 5.10: Identify
the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOM Q5.4.2
Research on mirror neurons shows that these neurons fire when an animal __________.
a) engages in a particular behavior only
Consider this: These neurons explain how social learning works. These neurons are part
of observational learning. LO 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
b) watches another animal engage in a particular behavior only
Consider this: These neurons explain how social learning works. These neurons are part
of observational learning. LO 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
c) is at rest
Consider this: These neurons explain how social learning works. These neurons are part
of observational learning. LO 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
d) either engages in a particular behavior or watches another animal engage in the
Answer: d
Learning Objective: 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Observational Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOM Q5.4.3
Michael grows up in a home where his father is generally unloving toward his mother. He
observes his father yell and degrade his mother, and he notices that his mother never resists this
treatment. Based on the work of Bandura, what might we predict about Michael’s own
relationships when he is older?

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

a) Michael may treat women with discourtesy and disrespect, as he repeats the behavior
he saw in his father.
b) Michael will probably have no relationships with women, as his father has taught him
that relationships are not worth having.
Consider this: In his famous study on observational learning, Bandura noted that children
imitate violent and aggressive behavior of adults and tend to repeat the actions they see.
LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational learning.
c) Michael will always be very distant from his father, as he has learned that his father
does not care about anyone but himself.
Consider this: In his famous study on observational learning, Bandura noted that children
imitate violent and aggressive behavior of adults and tend to repeat the actions they see.
LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational learning.
d) Michael will probably treat women very well, as he rebels against the behaviors he
saw in his father.
Consider this: In his famous study on observational learning, Bandura noted that children
imitate violent and aggressive behavior of adults and tend to repeat the actions they see.
LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational learning.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational learning.
Topic: Observational Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOM Q5.4.4
For observational learning to occur, each of the following must happen except __________.
a) being reinforced for imitating the model
b) doing what the model did
Consider this: There are four steps in observational learning: attention, retention,
memory, and motivation. LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for
observational learning to occur.
c) remembering what the model did
Consider this: There are four steps in observational learning: attention, retention,
memory, and motivation. LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for
observational learning to occur.
d) paying attention to what the model does
Consider this: There are four steps in observational learning: attention, retention,
memory, and motivation. LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for
observational learning to occur.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational learning.
Topic: Observational Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

End of Module Quiz 5.5: Learning and Cognition

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

EOM Q5.5.1
You need to remove a broken light bulb from a lamp. Without a pair of gloves, you are likely to
cut yourself on the jagged glass. Suddenly, it occurs to you that you can use a cut potato to
remove the light bulb from the socket. You have just demonstrated __________.
a) latent learning
Consider this: This type of learning is suddenly knowing how to solve a problem without
using the process of trial and error. LO 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight
b) insight learning
c) discrimination
Consider this: This type of learning is suddenly knowing how to solve a problem without
using the process of trial and error. LO 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight
d) generalization
Consider this: This type of learning is suddenly knowing how to solve a problem without
using the process of trial and error. LO 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight
Answer: b
Learning Objective: 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
Topic: Learning and Cognition
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOM Q5.5.2
Scientists like Tolman and Köhler conducted important studies to help determine the role of
__________ in learning.
a) reinforcement
Consider this: Mental events can lead to learning without other forms of conditioning or
observation taking place. LO 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
b) classical conditioning
Consider this: Mental events can lead to learning without other forms of conditioning or
observation taking place. LO 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
c) cognition
d) operant conditioning
Consider this: Mental events can lead to learning without other forms of conditioning or
observation taking place. LO 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
Topic: Learning and Cognition
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

EOM Q5.5.3
Rats that have never received any reinforcement for finding the end of a maze are presented with
food the next time they complete the maze. According to the theory of latent learning, the next
time the rats enter the maze, their performance will be __________.
a) slower than rats who have always received reinforcement
Consider this: Tolman’s experiments with rats demonstrated that rats can learn a maze
but not express that learning until rewarded. LO 5.13: Define latent learning.
b) the same as when they were not reinforced
Consider this: Tolman’s experiments with rats demonstrated that rats can learn a maze
but not express that learning until rewarded. LO 5.13: Define latent learning.
c) slower than when they were not reinforced
Consider this: Tolman’s experiments with rats demonstrated that rats can learn a maze
but not express that learning until rewarded. LO 5.13: Define latent learning.
d) as fast as rats who have always received reinforcement
Answer: d
Learning Objective: 5.13: Define latent learning.
Topic: Learning and Cognition
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOM Q5.5.4
What is it called when learning has taken place but has not yet been demonstrated?
a) latent learning
b) observational learning
Consider this: This style of learning is not immediately expressed and occurs without any
obvious reinforcement. LO 5.13: Define latent learning.
c) classical conditioning
Consider this: This style of learning is not immediately expressed and occurs without any
obvious reinforcement. LO 5.13: Define latent learning.
d) instinctive drift
Consider this: This style of learning is not immediately expressed and occurs without any
obvious reinforcement. LO 5.13: Define latent learning.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.13: Define latent learning.
Topic: Learning and Cognition
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

End of Module Quiz 5.6: Piecing it Together: Violent Video Games

EOM Q5.6.1
Which of the following statements is most accurate about the relationship between exposure to
violent video games (VVGs) and aggressive behavior?
a) While there have been some individual studies with mixed findings, the overall
evidence suggests a causal link between playing VVGs and aggressive behavior.
b) The findings have been so mixed that it is too difficult to conclude if there is a
relationship between playing VVGs and aggressive behavior.
Consider this: Meta-analysis has allowed researchers to combine the data from many
studies and draw conclusions. LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of
psychology are related to the topic of violent video games.
c) The data strongly suggests no causal link between playing VVGs and aggressive
Consider this: Meta-analysis has allowed researchers to combine the data from many
studies and draw conclusions. LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of
psychology are related to the topic of violent video games.
d) Not enough research has been conducted to make any conclusions about the
relationship between playing VVGs and aggressive behavior.
Consider this: Meta-analysis has allowed researchers to combine the data from many
studies and draw conclusions. LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of
psychology are related to the topic of violent video games.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related to the
topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing it Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOM Q5.6.2
Research examining the association between violent video games and aggression is limited by
which of the following?
a) Finding an accurate and consistent way of measuring aggression has been difficult.
Consider this: There are several methodological challenges when researching the topic of
violent video games and aggression. LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of
psychology are related to the topic of violent video games.
b) Many studies have reported correlational results rather than experimental results.
Consider this: There are several methodological challenges when researching the topic of
violent video games and aggression. LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of
psychology are related to the topic of violent video games.
c) There may be a bias in the way studies are selected for publication.
Consider this: There are several methodological challenges when researching the topic of
violent video games and aggression. LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of
psychology are related to the topic of violent video games.
d) All of the above
Answer: d

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Learning Objective: 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related to the
topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing it Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOM Q5.6.3
Imagine a study that examines levels of aggression among people who play violent video games
(VVGs) and people who do not. What is the primary limitation of this type of study?
a) People who play VVGs are unlikely to consent to being research participants.
Consider this: The primary limitation is related to whether or not participants in an
experiment have an equal chance of being placed into experimental and control groups.
LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related to the topic of
violent video games.
b) People were not randomly assigned to either play VVGs or not play VVGs, so
differences between groups cannot necessarily be attributed to VVGs.
c) There is no dependent variable in the study.
Consider this: The primary limitation is related to whether or not participants in an
experiment have an equal chance of being placed into experimental and control groups.
LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related to the topic of
violent video games.
d) There is no independent variable in the study.
Consider this: The primary limitation is related to whether or not participants in an
experiment have an equal chance of being placed into experimental and control groups.
LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related to the topic of
violent video games.
Answer: b
Learning Objective: 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related to the
topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing it Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOM Q5.6.4
Which of the following statements is true regarding findings across different cultures about the
impact of violent video game (VVG) exposure and aggressive behavior?
a) People in Western cultures are more likely to exhibit aggressive behavior after
exposure to VVGs than people in Eastern cultures.
Consider this: While there may be cross-cultural differences in media portrayal of
violence, it is possible for people from different cultures to respond similarly to exposure
to violent video games. LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology
are related to the topic of violent video games.
b) People in Eastern cultures are more likely to exhibit aggressive behavior after
exposure to VVGs than people in Western cultures.
Consider this: While there may be cross-cultural differences in media portrayal of
violence, it is possible for people from different cultures to respond similarly to exposure

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

to violent video games. LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology
are related to the topic of violent video games.
c) No cultural differences have been found in the impact of VVGs on aggressive
d) Cultural differences have only been studied in a few countries with very small sample
Consider this: While there may be cross-cultural differences in media portrayal of
violence, it is possible for people from different cultures to respond similarly to exposure
to violent video games. LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology
are related to the topic of violent video games.
Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related to the
topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing it Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOM Q5.6.5
Studies have shown that individuals with high levels of __________ tend to respond to playing
violent video games (VVGs) with increased levels of aggression when compared to other
a) anxiety
Consider this: People who have this characteristic appear more likely interested in
playing violent video games. LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of
psychology are related to the topic of violent video games.
b) depression
Consider this: People who have this characteristic appear more likely interested in
playing violent video games. LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of
psychology are related to the topic of violent video games.
c) hostility
d) introversion
Consider this: People who have this characteristic appear more likely interested in
playing violent video games. LO 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of
psychology are related to the topic of violent video games.
Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.14: Analyze how the cross-cutting themes of psychology are related to the
topic of violent video games.
Topic: Piecing it Together: Violent Video Games
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

End of Chapter Quiz: Learning

EOC Q5.1
Sal’s dog loves to go on a walk and starts spinning in circles and wagging his tail in excitement
when his lead is clipped onto his collar. Eventually Sal begins to notice that his dog starts to act
excited when he puts on his tennis shoes before a walk. His dog’s behavior of spinning in circles
and wagging his tail when Sal puts on his tennis shoes is a(n) __________.
a) conditioned response
b) conditioned stimulus
Consider this: This type of learning occurs by associating two events that are repeatedly
paired. LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
c) unconditioned response
Consider this: This type of learning occurs by associating two events that are repeatedly
paired. LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
d) unconditioned stimulus
Consider this: This type of learning occurs by associating two events that are repeatedly
paired. LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOC Q5.2
In a conditioning experiment, a sound is paired with a brief puff of air to the eye of a rabbit.
After several pairings, the rabbit ultimately blinks its eye when it hears the sound. Which of the
following is true?
a) The puff of air serves as the conditioned stimulus.
Consider this: An unconditioned stimulus naturally elicits a response, while a conditioned
stimulus becomes associated with the unconditioned stimulus and begins to elicit the
conditioned response. LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
b) The puff of air serves as the unconditioned stimulus.
c) The blinking of the eye serves as the conditioned stimulus.
Consider this: An unconditioned stimulus naturally elicits a response, while a conditioned
stimulus becomes associated with the unconditioned stimulus and begins to elicit the
conditioned response. LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
d) The blinking of the eye serves as stimulus.
Consider this: An unconditioned stimulus naturally elicits a response, while a conditioned
stimulus becomes associated with the unconditioned stimulus and begins to elicit the
conditioned response. LO 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Answer: b
Learning Objective: 5.1: Identify the components of classical conditioning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

EOC Q5.3
John Watson offered a live, white rat to Little Albert and then made a loud noise behind Albert’s
head by striking a steel bar with a hammer. Eventually, the white rat alone made Albert cry. The
white rat served as the __________ stimulus in this study.
a) unconditioned
Consider this: This is a previously neutral stimulus that becomes associated with an
unconditioned stimulus. LO 5.2: Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
b) counterconditioning
Consider this: This is a previously neutral stimulus that becomes associated with an
unconditioned stimulus. LO 5.2: Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
c) conditioned
d) discriminative
Consider this: This is a previously neutral stimulus that becomes associated with an
unconditioned stimulus. LO 5.2: Recognize how emotional responses can be classically
Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.2: Recognize how emotional responses can be classically conditioned.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOC Q5.4
Watson’s experiment with Little Albert demonstrated that fears might be __________.
a) based on the principals of observational learning
Consider this: Watson took a neutral stimulus, the rat, and paired it with a fear-producing
noise to make the rat a fear-inducing stimulus. LO 5.2: Recognize how emotional
responses can be classically conditioned.
b) deeply rooted in the innate unconscious of infants
Consider this: Watson took a neutral stimulus, the rat, and paired it with a fear-producing
noise to make the rat a fear-inducing stimulus. LO 5.2: Recognize how emotional
responses can be classically conditioned.
c) based on Skinner’s analysis of positive reinforcement
Consider this: Watson took a neutral stimulus, the rat, and paired it with a fear-producing
noise to make the rat a fear-inducing stimulus. LO 5.2: Recognize how emotional
responses can be classically conditioned.
d) based on classical conditioning
Answer: d
Learning Objective: 5.2: Recognize how emotional responses can be classically conditioned.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOC Q5.5

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

In Pavlov’s studies, he was able to condition dogs to salivate in response to specific tones while
not salivating to other similar tones. This is called __________.
a) stimulus discrimination
b) stimulus generalization
Consider this: This occurs when you learn to differentiate between stimuli that are not the
same. LO 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction of
classically conditioned responses.
c) extinction
Consider this: This occurs when you learn to differentiate between stimuli that are not the
same. LO 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction of
classically conditioned responses.
d) behavior modification
Consider this: This occurs when you learn to differentiate between stimuli that are not the
same. LO 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction of
classically conditioned responses.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction of
classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOC Q5.6
After Little Albert acquired a conditioned fear of rats, Watson wanted to see how he would react
to a white rabbit, cotton wool, and a Santa Claus mask. He was studying whether or not
__________ had occurred.
a) stimulus generalization
b) extinction
Consider this: This occurs when the CR is elicited in response to stimuli that are similar
to the original CS. LO 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and
extinction of classically conditioned responses.
c) stimulus discrimination
Consider this: This occurs when the CR is elicited in response to stimuli that are similar
to the original CS. LO 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and
extinction of classically conditioned responses.
d) behavior modification
Consider this: This occurs when the CR is elicited in response to stimuli that are similar
to the original CS. LO 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and
extinction of classically conditioned responses.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction of
classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

EOC Q5.7
You decide to condition your dog to salivate to the sound of a metronome. You give the dog a
biscuit, and then a second later you sound the metronome. You do this several times, but no
conditioning seems to occur. This is probably because __________.
a) you should have had a longer interval between the metronome and the biscuit
Consider this: Classical conditioning occurs because of associations between stimuli. The
CS needs to be presented first before the UCS. LO 5.3: Explain different factors that
affect the acquisition and extinction of classically conditioned responses.
b) the metronome should have been sounded before the dog ate the biscuit
c) Pavlov found that the CS and UCS must be only seconds apart to condition salivation
Consider this: Classical conditioning occurs because of associations between stimuli. The
CS needs to be presented first before the UCS. LO 5.3: Explain different factors that
affect the acquisition and extinction of classically conditioned responses.
d) the metronome was not a distinctive sound
Consider this: Classical conditioning occurs because of associations between stimuli. The
CS needs to be presented first before the UCS. LO 5.3: Explain different factors that
affect the acquisition and extinction of classically conditioned responses.
Answer: b
Learning Objective: 5.3: Explain different factors that affect the acquisition and extinction of
classically conditioned responses.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOC Q5.8
__________ classical conditioning, operant conditioning requires the organism to voluntarily
produce the __________.
a) Unlike; consequence
Consider this: Classical conditioning involves reflexive responses that occur naturally,
such as blinking, while operant conditioning involves learning from the consequences of
behavior. LO 5.4: Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
b) Like; stimulus
Consider this: Classical conditioning involves reflexive responses that occur naturally,
such as blinking, while operant conditioning involves learning from the consequences of
behavior. LO 5.4: Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
c) Unlike; response
d) Like; response
Consider this: Classical conditioning involves reflexive responses that occur naturally,
such as blinking, while operant conditioning involves learning from the consequences of
behavior. LO 5.4: Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Answer: c

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Learning Objective: 5.4: Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOC Q5.9
Reflexive learning is related to __________, while learning related to voluntary behaviors is
known as __________.
a) observational learning; classical conditioning
Consider this: Two types of learning differ, depending on whether they involve reflexive
or voluntary behaviors. LO 5.4: Recognize the similarities and differences between
classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
b) operant conditioning; classical conditioning
Consider this: Two types of learning differ, depending on whether they involve reflexive
or voluntary behaviors. LO 5.4: Recognize the similarities and differences between
classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
c) classical conditioning; observational learning
Consider this: Two types of learning differ, depending on whether they involve reflexive
or voluntary behaviors. LO 5.4: Recognize the similarities and differences between
classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
d) classical conditioning; operant conditioning
Answer: d
Learning Objective: 5.4: Recognize the similarities and differences between classical
conditioning and operant conditioning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOC Q5.10
Of the following, __________ would serve as a primary reinforcer for most people.
a) food
b) praise
Consider this: A primary reinforcer meets a basic biological need. LO 5.5: Distinguish
between positive and negative reinforcement.
c) money
Consider this: A primary reinforcer meets a basic biological need. LO 5.5: Distinguish
between positive and negative reinforcement.
d) attention
Consider this: A primary reinforcer meets a basic biological need. LO 5.5: Distinguish
between positive and negative reinforcement.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.5: Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

EOC Q5.11
Bill hates to clean up after dinner. One night, he volunteers to bathe the dog before cleaning up.
When he finishes with the dog and returns to the kitchen, his wife has cleaned everything up for
him. Which of the following statements is most likely true?
a) Bill’s wife has negatively reinforced him for bathing the dog.
b) Bill will never bathe the dog again.
Consider this: This is an example of a consequence that strengthens the response because
the person escapes or avoids something unpleasant. LO 5.5: Distinguish between positive
and negative reinforcement.
c) Bill’s wife has positively reinforced him for bathing the dog.
Consider this: This is an example of a consequence that strengthens the response because
the person escapes or avoids something unpleasant. LO 5.5: Distinguish between positive
and negative reinforcement.
d) Bill will start cleaning up the kitchen before he bathes the dog.
Consider this: This is an example of a consequence that strengthens the response because
the person escapes or avoids something unpleasant. LO 5.5: Distinguish between positive
and negative reinforcement.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.5: Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOC Q5.12
Dr. Sardis provides his students with extra credit points every time they speak in class to
encourage class participation. Dr. Sardis is using __________.
a) negative punishment
Consider this: This is a consequence that strengthens a response by the addition of a
pleasurable event or desirable outcome. LO 5.5: Distinguish between positive and
negative reinforcement.
b) positive reinforcement
c) negative reinforcement
Consider this: This is a consequence that strengthens a response by the addition of a
pleasurable event or desirable outcome. LO 5.5: Distinguish between positive and
negative reinforcement.
d) positive punishment
Consider this: This is a consequence that strengthens a response by the addition of a
pleasurable event or desirable outcome. LO 5.5: Distinguish between positive and
negative reinforcement.
Answer: b
Learning Objective: 5.5: Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

EOC Q5.13
When a stimulus is removed from a person or animal resulting in a decrease in the probability of
response, it is known as __________.
a) negative reinforcement
Consider this: This consequence weakens a response by the withdrawal of a pleasant
stimulus like car keys for a teenager who comes in late for curfew. LO 5.6: Distinguish
between positive and negative punishment.
b) positive reinforcement
Consider this: This consequence weakens a response by the withdrawal of a pleasant
stimulus like car keys for a teenager who comes in late for curfew. LO 5.6: Distinguish
between positive and negative punishment.
c) negative punishment
d) positive punishment
Consider this: This consequence weakens a response by the withdrawal of a pleasant
stimulus like car keys for a teenager who comes in late for curfew. LO 5.6: Distinguish
between positive and negative punishment.
Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.6: Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOC Q5.14
A reinforcer is a consequence that __________ a behavior, while a punisher is a consequence
that __________ a behavior.
a) motivates; stimulates
Consider this: In operant conditioning, learning occurs after the voluntary response is
given, and the consequence can strengthen the response or weaken the response. LO 5.6:
Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
b) weakens; strengthens
Consider this: In operant conditioning, learning occurs after the voluntary response is
given, and the consequence can strengthen the response or weaken the response. LO 5.6:
Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
c) inhibits; motivates
Consider this: In operant conditioning, learning occurs after the voluntary response is
given, and the consequence can strengthen the response or weaken the response. LO 5.6:
Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
d) strengthens; weakens
Answer: d
Learning Objective: 5.6: Distinguish between positive and negative punishment.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOC Q5.15

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

You put a dollar in a soda machine and are rewarded with a bottle of root beer. When you put in
another dollar, you get another soda. Assuming that the machine has a limitless supply of root
beer, which kind of reinforcement schedule does this machine operate on?
a) continuous reinforcement
b) ratio reinforcement
Consider this: This concept means the desired response is reinforced every time it occurs.
LO 5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
c) interval reinforcement
Consider this: This concept means the desired response is reinforced every time it occurs.
LO 5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
d) partial reinforcement
Consider this: This concept means the desired response is reinforced every time it occurs.
LO 5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOC Q5.16
Reinforcement given for a response emitted after each hour and a half (e.g., 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m.,
1 p.m.) is most likely a __________ schedule.
a) fixed-interval
b) fixed-ratio
Consider this: This schedule of reinforcement is based on a set amount of time. LO 5.7:
Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
c) variable-interval
Consider this: This schedule of reinforcement is based on a set amount of time. LO 5.7:
Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
d) variable-ratio
Consider this: This schedule of reinforcement is based on a set amount of time. LO 5.7:
Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOC Q5.17
Al must build 25 radios before he receives $20. What schedule of reinforcement is used?
a) a variable-ratio schedule
Consider this: This schedule of reinforcement is based on a set number of responses. LO
5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
b) a fixed-ratio schedule
c) a fixed-interval schedule

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Consider this: This schedule of reinforcement is based on a set number of responses. LO

5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
d) a continuous schedule
Consider this: This schedule of reinforcement is based on a set number of responses. LO
5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
Answer: b
Learning Objective: 5.7: Identify how the different schedules of reinforcement affect behavior.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOC Q5.18
__________ is an operant-conditioning procedure in which successive approximations of a
desired response are reinforced.
a) Spontaneous recovery
Consider this: This technique uses operant-conditioning principles to reinforce small
steps toward a more complex behavior. LO 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified
through the process of shaping.
b) Stimulus generalization
Consider this: This technique uses operant-conditioning principles to reinforce small
steps toward a more complex behavior. LO 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified
through the process of shaping.
c) Shaping
d) Stimulus discrimination
Consider this: This technique uses operant-conditioning principles to reinforce small
steps toward a more complex behavior. LO 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified
through the process of shaping.
Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through the process of shaping.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOC Q5.19
Phil wants to train his parrot to kick a ball into a soccer net. Which of the following should he
a) Use positive punishment until the parrot kicks the ball into the net.
Consider this: This technique is an operant-conditioning principle used to reinforce
successive approximations of the behavior toward the goal of the more complex desired
behavior. LO 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through the process of shaping.
b) Use negative punishment until the parrot kicks the ball into the net.
Consider this: This technique is an operant-conditioning principle that is used to reinforce
successive approximations of the behavior toward the goal of the more complex desired
behavior. LO 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through the process of shaping.
c) Wait until the parrot kicks the ball into the net on its own and then give it a food treat.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Consider this: This technique is an operant-conditioning principle that is used to reinforce

small steps of the behavior toward the goal of the more complex desired behavior. LO
5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through the process of shaping.
d) Begin by reinforcing when the parrot goes near the ball.
Answer: d
Learning Objective: 5.8: Identify how behaviors are modified through the process of shaping.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOC Q5.20
The application of operant-conditioning techniques called __________ has been used to help
children with autism.
a) applied behavior analysis
b) counterconditioning
Consider this: This technique is widely used to solve problems at home, school, business,
and other organizations. It allows people or businesses to identify desired behavior and
establish reinforcements for those behaviors. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
c) higher-order conditioning
Consider this: This technique is widely used to solve problems at home, school, business,
and other organizations. It allows people or businesses to identify desired behavior and
establish reinforcements for those behaviors. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
d) stimulus generalization
Consider this: This technique is widely used to solve problems at home, school, business,
and other organizations. It allows people or businesses to identify desired behavior and
establish reinforcements for those behaviors. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOC Q5.21
In order to get her 3rd grade students to memorize the poem written on the chalkboard, Mrs.
Thyberg gives the students stickers for each poem they can recite from memory. After earning
five stickers, a student gets to pick a prize out of the goody box. Mrs. Thyberg is using
__________ to modify the children’s behaviors.
a) a token economy
b) shaping
Consider this: This system reinforces desirable behavior by establishing reinforcers like
stickers that can be exchanged for more pleasurable reinforcers like food, money, or
prizes. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
c) negative reinforcement
Consider this: This system reinforces desirable behavior by establishing reinforcers like
stickers that can be exchanged for more pleasurable reinforcers like food, money, or
prizes. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

d) classical conditioning
Consider this: This system reinforces desirable behavior by establishing reinforcers like
stickers that can be exchanged for more pleasurable reinforcers like food, money, or
prizes. LO 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.9: Describe applied behavior analysis.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOC Q5.22
What type of neurons fire if a monkey observes another monkey engaging in an action?
a) magnetic neurons
Consider this: These neurons fire when we watch an activity and when we engage in an
activity. They are part of social learning. LO 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons in
b) mirror neurons
c) sensory neurons
Consider this: These neurons fire when we watch an activity and when we engage in an
activity. They are part of social learning. LO 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons in
d) motor neurons
Consider this: These neurons fire when we watch an activity and when we engage in an
activity. They are part of social learning. LO 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons in
Answer: b
Learning Objective: 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOC Q5.23
Which type of learning occurs when we observe how other people act?
a) operant conditioning
Consider this: This style of learning happens when we watch and imitate others and plays
a large part in our overall learning process. LO 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons
in learning.
b) classical conditioning
Consider this: This style of learning happens when we watch and imitate others and plays
a large part in our overall learning process. LO 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons
in learning.
c) observational learning
d) insight learning
Consider this: This style of learning happens when we watch and imitate others and plays
a large part in our overall learning process. LO 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons
in learning.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Answer: c
Learning Objective: 5.10: Identify the role of mirror neurons in learning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOC Q5.24
After watching her father slide through pictures on his smartphone using his index finger, Laura,
a 5-year-old, learns to use her finger to slide the screen on his smartphone. Laura acquired this
behavior through __________.
a) operant conditioning
Consider this: This style of learning happens when a person or animal watches another
and imitates their behavior. The person or animal has to be able to pay attention, retain
the information, have the motor skills to reproduce the behavior, and have the motivation
to engage in the behavior. LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for
observational learning.
b) counterconditioning
Consider this: This style of learning happens when a person or animal watches another
and imitates their behavior. The person or animal has to be able to pay attention, retain
the information, have the motor skills to reproduce the behavior, and have the motivation
to engage in the behavior. LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for
observational learning.
c) classical conditioning
Consider this: This style of learning happens when a person or animal watches another
and imitates their behavior. The person or animal has to be able to pay attention, retain
the information, have the motor skills to reproduce the behavior, and have the motivation
to engage in the behavior. LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for
observational learning.
d) observational learning
Answer: d
Learning Objective: 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational learning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOC Q5.25
Cheryl is trying to teach her son to do the laundry by watching her. According to observational
learning theory, what must occur for Cheryl to be effective?
a) Her son must be motivated to learn how to do the laundry.
b) Her son must be able to complete other tasks while watching her.
Consider this: This learning style includes four key ingredients: attention, memory, motor
skills, and the desire to engage in the behavior. LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics
necessary for observational learning.
c) Her son must always model the behavior immediately.

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Consider this: This learning style includes four key ingredients: attention, memory, motor
skills, and the desire to engage in the behavior. LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics
necessary for observational learning.
d) Cheryl must show her son how to do the laundry while she is making dinner.
Consider this: This learning style includes four key ingredients: attention, memory, motor
skills, and the desire to engage in the behavior. LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics
necessary for observational learning.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational learning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOC Q5.26
Dad is watching a home improvement show about how to install a new sink. He really wants to
do it and watches the show intently. He knows his wife will reward him when he is done.
However, when he tests the new sink, water spurts everywhere. Taking the new sink apart, he
finds that he has left out the crucial washers in the faucet assembly even though this was
emphasized in the TV show. What part of Bandura’s theory of the necessary components of
observational learning is most likely the reason for this disaster?
a) memory
b) imitation
Consider this: The key ingredients in observational learning include attention, retention,
motor skills, and motivation. LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for
observational learning.
c) motivation
Consider this: The key ingredients in observational learning include attention, retention,
motor skills, and motivation. LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for
observational learning.
d) inadequate motor skills
Consider this: The key ingredients in observational learning include attention, retention,
motor skills, and motivation. LO 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for
observational learning.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.11: Recognize the characteristics necessary for observational learning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOC Q5.27
John has been working on a math problem late at night without success, and he falls asleep.
Upon awakening, he suddenly realizes how to answer the problem. This scenario best illustrates
__________ learning.
a) insight
b) cognitive

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Consider this: It can be an “aha moment”—when you suddenly realize you know how to
solve a problem without using trial-and-error methods. LO 5.12: Explain the cognitive
theory of insight learning.
c) latent
Consider this: It can be an “aha moment”—when you suddenly realize you know how to
solve a problem without using trial-and-error methods. LO 5.12: Explain the cognitive
theory of insight learning.
d) observational
Consider this: It can be an “aha moment”—when you suddenly realize you know how to
solve a problem without using trial-and-error methods. LO 5.12: Explain the cognitive
theory of insight learning.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

EOC Q5.28
Which of the following is true of research on insight?
a) Researchers have found support for the existence of both human and animal insight
b) Researchers have found that apes are capable of insight only after being taught this by
Consider this: Köhler’s research with chimpanzees demonstrated that they could use
insight to solve problems. LO 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
c) Researchers have proven that all creatures, even one-celled organisms such as the
amoeba, are capable of insight learning.
Consider this: Köhler’s research with chimpanzees demonstrated that they could use
insight to solve problems. LO 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
d) Researchers have found that only human beings are capable of insight learning.
Consider this: Köhler’s research with chimpanzees demonstrated that they could use
insight to solve problems. LO 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.12: Explain the cognitive theory of insight learning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts

EOC Q5.29
Learning that occurs but is not immediately reflected in a behavior change is called __________.
a) latent learning
b) insight
Consider this: This style of learning occurs without any apparent reinforcement but may
not be immediately expressed until the desired behavior change is needed. LO 5.13:
Define latent learning.
c) innate learning

Hudson/Whisenhunt, Psychology 1e

Consider this: This style of learning occurs without any apparent reinforcement but may
not be immediately expressed until the desired behavior change is needed. LO 5.13:
Define latent learning.
d) reflexive learning
Consider this: This style of learning occurs without any apparent reinforcement but may
not be immediately expressed until the desired behavior change is needed. LO 5.13:
Define latent learning.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.13: Define latent learning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts

EOC Q5.30
You spend days wandering aimlessly around a park with many different paths that end at
different parts of the park. One day when you arrive at the park, you get a call on your cell phone
from your cousin whom you haven’t seen for years, and she says she is waiting for you in a
particular section of the park. Even though the paths are complicated and twisted, you manage to
find the shortest route to your cousin. Tolman would explain your efficient passage through the
park as an example of __________.
a) formation of a cognitive map
b) insight
Consider this: Tolman researched latent learning, in which animals or humans can learn
but not express the change in behavior until the learned behavior change is needed. LO
5.13: Define latent learning.
c) unconscious trial-and-error imagery
Consider this: Tolman researched latent learning, in which animals or humans can learn
but not express the change in behavior until the learned behavior change is needed. LO
5.13: Define latent learning.
d) spontaneous recovery
Consider this: Tolman researched latent learning, in which animals or humans can learn
but not express the change in behavior until the learned behavior change is needed. LO
5.13: Define latent learning.
Answer: a
Learning Objective: 5.13: Define latent learning.
Topic: Learning
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Apply What You Know

4/6/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #5 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Akash Patel 3
Dallas College Courses IncludED Program Community My Server

2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403 PSYC 2301-72403 - General Psychology (2nd 8-Week Term) Chapter Quizzes
Review Test Submission: Quiz #5

Review Test Submission: Quiz #5

User Akash Patel

Course PSYC 2301-72403 - General Psychology (2nd 8-Week Term)
Test Quiz #5
Started 4/6/21 12:32 PM
Submitted 4/6/21 12:54 PM
Due Date 4/18/21 11:59 PM
Status Completed
Attempt Score 4 out of 10 points  
Time Elapsed 22 minutes out of 30 minutes
Instructions Choose the best answer to each question.

Results All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers, Incorrectly Answered

Displayed Questions

Question 1 0 out of 1 points

Jessie takes her puppy, Coco, for obedience training. Jessie also requests that the
trainers teach Coco some unique tricks. Coco's trainers will likely incorporate a
system of __________ by reinforcing __________ of the desired behavior.

Selected Answer: punishment; successive approximations

Answers: shaping; successive approximations

punishment; successive approximations

reinforcement; punishment

punishment; shaping

Question 2 0 out of 1 points

Lindsey observes a little girl crying on the playground and she suddenly feels sad.
What is the best explanation for Lindsey's feelings of sadness?

Selected Answer:… 1/5
4/6/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #5 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Lindsey's brain is being ooded with serotonin.

Answers: Lindsey's sensory neurons have been stimulated.

Lindsey's brain is being ooded with serotonin.

Lindsey's mirror neurons are ring.

The little girl called Lindsey a crybaby.

Question 3 1 out of 1 points

The type of video games that are most concerning to researchers studying
aggression are those that depict __________.

Selected Answer: rst-person shooters

Answers: rst-person shooters

pornographic images

religious iconography

racial discrimination

Question 4 0 out of 1 points

Research comparing how Eastern and Western cultures depict violence reveals

Answer: there is no di erence between how violence is portrayed in the

there is no di erence between how violence is portrayed in the

Eastern countries portray much less violence in the media than

Western countries

Western countries produce 50 percent more violence in the media

than Eastern countries

Eastern countries focus more on the su ering of the victims as

compared to Western countries

Question 5 0 out of 1 points… 2/5
4/6/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #5 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

A server receives a 50 percent tip from a patron after the server took extra time to
cut the steak for her elderly, disabled customer. A homeowner signs a contract
with a local exterminator to rid the homeowner's home of roof rats. What is true
about these behaviors?

Answer: The server is positively reinforced, whereas the homeowner is
positively punished.

The server example illustrates positive reinforcement, whereas the
exterminator example demonstrates negative punishment.

The server example highlights negative reinforcement, whereas the

exterminator example illustrates positive punishment.

The server is positively reinforced, whereas the homeowner is

negatively reinforced.

The server is positively reinforced, whereas the homeowner is

positively punished.

Question 6 0 out of 1 points

Violent video games are related to __________.

Selected Answer: increase in prosocial behaviors

Answers: increased empathy

desensitization to violence

increase in prosocial behaviors

increased rates of suicidal ideation

Question 7 0 out of 1 points

Which statement is true regarding incarceration as punishment for reducing

future criminal behavior?

Answer: Because the time between the crime and punishment is short and
swift, incarceration is an e ective punishment in reducing criminal

Incarceration results in a signi cant reduction in repeat criminal
behavior.… 3/5
4/6/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #5 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Because the time between the crime and punishment is short and
swift, incarceration is an e ective punishment in reducing criminal

The time between the criminal act and the punishment takes years in
the legal process; thus, incarceration is often ine ective in reducing
criminal behavior.

Incarceration leads to a signi cant increase in future criminal


Question 8 1 out of 1 points

A __________ is a persistent, irrational fear of a speci c object or situation.

Selected Answer: phobia

Answers: phobia

generalized anxiety disorder

personality disorder

bipolar disorder

Question 9 1 out of 1 points

Which statement is accurate regarding research on mirror neurons?

Answer: Watching a person inject a needle into their hand causes observers to
experience a similar "freezing" response.

Mirror neurons are found in macaque monkeys, but there is no
evidence they are found in humans.

Watching a person inject a needle into their hand rarely causes the
viewer to respond.

When watching a person inject a needle into a tomato, observers

"freeze" at the sight.

Watching a person inject a needle into their hand causes observers to

experience a similar "freezing" response.… 4/5
4/6/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #5 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Question 10 1 out of 1 points

A classically conditioned dislike and avoidance of a certain food following illness is

referred to as a(n) __________.

Selected Answer: taste aversion

Answers: stimulus discrimination

taste aversion

aversion therapy

stimulus generalization

Tuesday, April 6, 2021 12:54:17 PM CDT

← OK… 5/5
4/9/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #6 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Akash Patel 1
Dallas College Courses IncludED Program Community My Server

2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403 PSYC 2301-72403 - General Psychology (2nd 8-Week Term) Chapter Quizzes
Review Test Submission: Quiz #6

Review Test Submission: Quiz #6

User Akash Patel

Course PSYC 2301-72403 - General Psychology (2nd 8-Week Term)
Test Quiz #6
Started 4/9/21 11:27 AM
Submitted 4/9/21 11:46 AM
Due Date 4/18/21 11:59 PM
Status Completed
Attempt Score 9 out of 10 points  
Time Elapsed 18 minutes out of 30 minutes
Instructions Choose the best answer to each question.

Results All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers, Incorrectly Answered

Displayed Questions

Question 1 0 out of 1 points

What is the di erence between short-term memory and working memory?

Answer: Short-term memory occurs immediately after sensory memory, while
working memory occurs immediately before long-term memory.

Short-term memory only holds sensations, while working memory
holds images.

Short-term memory is passive, while working memory is active.

Short-term memory holds information for 30 seconds, while working

memory holds it for at least one minute.

Short-term memory occurs immediately after sensory memory, while

working memory occurs immediately before long-term memory.… 1/5
4/9/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #6 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Question 2 1 out of 1 points

Joaquin is studying for a nal exam. He has decided to study the last half of the
rst chapter, the rst third of the fourth chapter, and the last half of chapter ve.
Joaquin is using __________ in his approach to studying.

Selected Answer: interleaving

Answers: mnemonics


the method of loci


Question 3 1 out of 1 points

In a rigorous study conducted by Scoboria and colleagues in response to the

Brewin and Andrews (2017) paper, what percentage of participants experienced
false memories in experimental research?

Selected Answer: 22–46 percent

Answers: 4–5 percent

12–26 percent

22–46 percent

37–69 percent

Question 4 1 out of 1 points

When considering memory and sleep, which of the following statements best
summarizes the relationship between them?

Selected Sleep helps to consolidate and strengthen memory.


Answers: Improving your memory will help you sleep better.

Sleep helps to consolidate and strengthen memory.

Studying directly before going to bed will disrupt sleep


There is no relationship between memory and sleep.

Question 5 1 out of 1 points… 2/5
4/9/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #6 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Where do neuroscientists believe most memories are stored?

Selected Answer: In the connections between neurons in the brain

Answers: In the amygdala

In the cell bodies of the neurons in the temporal lobe

In the hippocampus

In the connections between neurons in the brain

Question 6 1 out of 1 points

False memory research has made use of speci c methodologies to present

participants with false information from their past. Which of the following best
describes the imagination in ation method?

Answer: The researcher chooses a childhood event that the participant
previously reported did not happen, but tells the participant that it did
happen. The researcher encourages the participant to concentrate on
and imagine details of the event and then answer questions about the

The researcher suggests the participant does not remember the
event, but their parent reported that the event happened.

Participants are asked about childhood experiences and are then

presented with feedback suggesting that the event happened, even
though they may not remember it at the time. Participants are then
asked to imagine the event and answer questions about it.

The researcher chooses a childhood event that the participant

previously reported did not happen, but tells the participant that it did
happen. The researcher encourages the participant to concentrate on
and imagine details of the event and then answer questions about the

Participants are provided with photos of what they think are

themselves participating in an event that never actually happened.
They are then asked to re ect on the memory and answer questions
about speci c details of the event.

Question 7 1 out of 1 points

__________ is short-term memory loss due to information disappearing over time.… 3/5
4/9/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #6 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Selected Answer: Decay

Answers: Interference



Automatic processing

Question 8 1 out of 1 points

When considering long-term memory, which of the following is an accurate


Answer: For items to be consolidated into long-term memory they must be
subjected to elaborative rehearsal.

Everything contained in sensory memory will eventually make it to
long-term memory.

Everything contained in short-term memory will eventually be

consolidated into long-term memory.

For items to be consolidated into long-term memory they must be

subjected to elaborative rehearsal.

Long-term memory is limited in its capacity, but once information

makes it to long-term memory, it is rarely forgotten.

Question 9 1 out of 1 points

__________ suggests the act of remembering requires the piecing back together of
previous events.

Selected Answer: Reconstructive memory

Answers: Resource memory

Source monitoring

Reconstructive memory

Piecemeal memory

Question 10 1 out of 1 points… 4/5
4/9/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #6 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Vladimir uses "On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A French And German Viewed
Some Hops" to help him memorize the cranial nerves associated with the brain. In
this case, Vladimir is using __________ to help him memorize the information he

Selected Answer: mnemonics

Answers: the method of loci

the pegword system



Friday, April 9, 2021 11:46:21 AM CDT

← OK… 5/5
4/13/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #8 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Akash Patel 2
Dallas College Courses IncludED Program Community My Server

2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403 PSYC 2301-72403 - General Psychology (2nd 8-Week Term) Chapter Quizzes
Review Test Submission: Quiz #8

Review Test Submission: Quiz #8

User Akash Patel

Course PSYC 2301-72403 - General Psychology (2nd 8-Week Term)
Test Quiz #8
Started 4/13/21 11:25 AM
Submitted 4/13/21 11:37 AM
Due Date 4/18/21 11:59 PM
Status Completed
Attempt Score 6 out of 10 points  
Time Elapsed 11 minutes out of 30 minutes
Instructions Choose the best answer to each question.

Results All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers, Incorrectly Answered

Displayed Questions

Question 1 1 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements helps explain why students must often take the
ACT/SAT or other entrance exam when applying for college?

Answer: These exams help students gain an accurate assessment of their

These exams have been shown to be high in predictive validity for
college success.

These exams help students gain an accurate assessment of their


The cost for these exams helps fund educational programs.

These exams have been shown to be high in interrater reliability,

meaning that combining the test score with high school GPA provides
the best prediction of college performance.… 1/5
4/13/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #8 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Question 2 1 out of 1 points

When group means are compared, the WAIS-IV standardization sample showed
the __________ mean was 3 points higher than the __________ mean.

Selected Answer: Asians'; Whites'

Answers: Whites'; Asians'

Asians'; Whites'

Asians'; Blacks'

Blacks'; Hispanics'

Question 3 1 out of 1 points

Researchers believe the impact of stereotype threat can be reduced or regulated

by __________.

Selected changing people's views of intelligence


Answers: changing people's views of intelligence

encouraging young Black students to spend more time in student

study groups

requiring young girls to enroll in as many math courses as possible

prior to graduating from high school

ensuring older adults are honing their memory skills every day
through games, crossword puzzles, and daily aerobic exercise

Question 4 1 out of 1 points

Who adapted the work of Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon to create the Stanford-
Binet Intelligence Scale?

Selected Answer: Lewis Terman

Answers: Robert Sternberg

Lewis Terman

Theodore Simon

Raymond Cattell… 2/5
4/13/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #8 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Question 5 1 out of 1 points

Angela Duckworth and her colleagues examined the predictive validity of IQ tests
and found __________, along with IQ scores, may play a signi cant role in the
predictive value of life outcomes including employment, criminal convictions, and
academic achievement.

Selected Answer: level of motivation

Answers: age of the test participant

level of motivation

attention span

time spent taking the exam

Question 6 0 out of 1 points

A research study in Scotland that followed an entire cohort from age 11 to 76

found that intelligence at age 11 was predictive of __________ and _________.

Selected Answer: life stress; happiness

Answers: life stress; happiness

morbidity; mortality

cancer risk; diabetes risk

alcohol abuse; drug abuse

Question 7 0 out of 1 points

Which statement accurately describes how scientists evaluate the validity and
reliability of a psychological test?

Answer: A test taker must be allowed to submit the average of two

Answers: A test must be valid in order to be reliable.

A test must rst be reliable in order to be considered valid.

A test must contain a minimum of 50 questions.

A test taker must be allowed to submit the average of two

scores.… 3/5
4/13/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #8 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Question 8 1 out of 1 points

The brain's ability to quickly and accurately compare letters, numbers, objects,
pictures, or patterns re ects __________.

Selected Answer: perceptual speed

Answers: plasticity

logical-mathematical intelligence

perceptual speed

working memory

Question 9 0 out of 1 points

Which statement provides one potential explanation for group di erences in IQ?

Answer: IQ can be developed in any school system if students are
motivated enough.

Whites are genetically predisposed to be more intelligent than

Race is genetically determined; therefore, race determines IQ.

Socioeconomic status (SES) has a signi cant environmental

impact on IQ.

IQ can be developed in any school system if students are

motivated enough.

Question 10 0 out of 1 points

__________ is a biological category with genetically distinct populations.

Selected Answer: Ethnicity

Answers: Culture



Creed… 4/5
4/13/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #8 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Tuesday, April 13, 2021 11:37:47 AM CDT

← OK… 5/5
4/13/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #8 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Akash Patel 2
Dallas College Courses IncludED Program Community My Server

2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403 PSYC 2301-72403 - General Psychology (2nd 8-Week Term) Chapter Quizzes
Review Test Submission: Quiz #8

Review Test Submission: Quiz #8

User Akash Patel

Course PSYC 2301-72403 - General Psychology (2nd 8-Week Term)
Test Quiz #8
Started 4/13/21 11:16 AM
Submitted 4/13/21 11:24 AM
Due Date 4/18/21 11:59 PM
Status Completed
Attempt Score 6 out of 10 points  
Time Elapsed 8 minutes out of 30 minutes
Instructions Choose the best answer to each question.

Results All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers, Incorrectly Answered

Displayed Questions

Question 1 1 out of 1 points

A test that measures an individual's potential abilities in an area is assessing

__________ while a test that measures an individual's current knowledge or skills is
assessing __________.

Selected Answer: aptitude; achievement

Answers: learned abilities; innate abilities

innate abilities; learned abilities

aptitude; achievement

achievement; aptitude

Question 2 0 out of 1 points

Some social scientists argue race is __________.

Selected Answer: a genetic construct with distinct biological markers… 1/4
4/13/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #8 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Answers: a genetic construct with distinct biological markers

a social construct without clear biological markers

easy to determine based on phenotype

divided in the United States into four major groups

Question 3 0 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements helps explain why students must often take the
ACT/SAT or other entrance exam when applying for college?

Answer: These exams have been shown to be high in interrater reliability,
meaning that combining the test score with high school GPA provides
the best prediction of college performance.

These exams have been shown to be high in predictive validity for
college success.

These exams help students gain an accurate assessment of their


The cost for these exams helps fund educational programs.

These exams have been shown to be high in interrater reliability,

meaning that combining the test score with high school GPA provides
the best prediction of college performance.

Question 4 1 out of 1 points

A ___________ is a randomly selected group that matches the population on

important characteristics.

Selected Answer: representative sample

Answers: random sample

selective sample

representative sample

general sample

Question 5 1 out of 1 points

The g factor originally proposed by Charles Spearman refers to __________.… 2/4
4/13/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #8 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Selected Answer: general intelligence

Answers: skill in the use of language as a tool for thought

general intelligence

the ability to adapt to the environment

the type of intelligence we call "common sense"

Question 6 1 out of 1 points

Fluid intelligence is to _________ as crystallized intelligence is to __________.

Selected Answer: abstract reasoning; acquired knowledge

Answers: acquired knowledge; abstract reasoning

exibility; rigidity

abstract reasoning; acquired knowledge

rigidity; exibility

Question 7 0 out of 1 points

Which domains are included in the current version of the Stanford-Binet

intelligence test?

Selected Answer: Verbal and auditory

Answers: Verbal and spatial

Verbal and physical

Verbal and nonverbal

Verbal and auditory

Question 8 1 out of 1 points

Montel is taking the WAIS-IV. He is working on a problem that instructs him to use
a diagram of a pair of scales in which there are missing weights. Montel is asked to
choose the correct weights to keep the scales in balance. This type of question
re ects the __________ Index.

Selected Answer: Perceptual Reasoning

Answers: Verbal Comprehension

Perceptual Reasoning… 3/4
4/13/2021 Review Test Submission: Quiz #8 – 2021SP-PSYC-2301-72403...

Working Memory

Processing Speed

Question 9 0 out of 1 points

__________ is the characteristic of the brain that allows for its exible ability to grow
and change.

Selected Answer: Neurogenesis

Answers: Neurogenesis




Question 10 1 out of 1 points

Which types of intelligence make up Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence?

Selected Answer: analytic; creative; practical

Answers: analytic; creative; practical

crystallized; uid; general

analytic; general; uid

general; creative; crystallized

Tuesday, April 13, 2021 11:24:22 AM CDT

← OK… 4/4

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