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Designation: D 28§z - o4

Standard Test Methods for
Moisture in Activated Carbon{
fhisstanda¡d is issur¡i under 1i¡"- ñxeíl designation D l8ó7: the minloe¡ i[rmediatel-v io]los'irg the desigrtrtion indicales the .vear of'
origiul adoptiitn ol it lJrc carr ¡¡l re.;isir¡¡. the year <if la:l ¡eli¡icn. ¡\ nu¡¡ber in parcrth{:ses indicalrs lhe yrar oí lasl reapproval- A
lnpersclipi epsilrrn (ci ildicales an tditcrial change -riuc* il¡r: l¡rst rtvision or rcappnrlal.

Tl¡ít .¡tqntl¡od hat lten apprtv:i! lor ur ht ugencies af'the Dqtrllrlútf t1l lle:lttne.

1. Scope accuralely. The weight loss is expressed as a percentage ofthe

1.1 These test methods provicle trvo procedures f'or the u.'cight of thc original sample.
detennination of the moisture conteüt cf activated carbon- The 3.2 ^Y3,le*e-Extt'attio¡¡ Tes! A¡{ethod- A k¡, accurate
procedures rnay also be used to dry satrplcs required for other lr'*ight of carbon is put into a b*iling flask. A knorvn r,olulle of
tcsts. The oven-drying method is used x{ren rvater is the only' xylenc is added to th* llask and the ñask then conirected tc) a
volatile material present and is ín significant qualtities. and fhe water tap. A hot piate is used to heat the xylcnc until boililg.
activated carbon is not hcat-scnsitirc (sonre activated carbons The femperatu¡e is cottrolled to allow steady reflux. Rcñux
can ignite spontaneously at temper¿lrr.-s as lor,v as 150"C). The eoalin¡¡es until no ñ¡rthcr $.ater call be collected in the trap.
xylene-extr¿ction method is used rüren a c¿rbon is known or The raeight ofwater collected is expressed as a percentagc of
suspi-cted to be hcat sersitivc or to contain lonwatcr¡Iiscible t}:e *.'eight of the original saniple.
organic compounds instead of og il¡ addition to water" The ,1" Significanre *r¡d Use
ovet-drying metirod described in these fest rnethods may be
used as the reibrence tbr deveiopmen¡ of insnumental tech- 4. t The moisturr-' coüfen¡ of activatcd carbon is often
niques for moisture detenlit¿tioa in aclivated c¿rbc¡r. requiri-:d to define ard express its prt'ipc'rtrr's in relation to thc
1.2 This standard ¡loes no¡ ptr?or'Í lo atldrcss utf aJ' the ncl \rL'i¡:lrt ol llrc carbr»I.
sc¿Íé7, t:ont:erns, if' ony. assotiafed wilh i¡s use. f¡ i.¡ ¡he
{.2 The moistL¡rc conl€nt *l irctivated carbon packed in
responsibilt4, o/ the user aJ'this sttttdatd to esttti¡lislt tqlpro- ty-pical shipping col¡t¿inerc rvill usraily increase durilg trans-
porlation and stortge. Use¡s r:faetir,ated carbon in applications
1»'iate sc$éft, an¿l het¡lflt ¡tractices ancl c{etennine the appÍit:rt-
hilit"t, of"regtlaloty lintitttt'otts prior to use.
lvhere low moisfure content is iarportant should be aw*re of
this e*'ect.
2. Referenced Documcnts
2.1 ASTM Stctndctds: '
E 177 Practice for Use of the'I'ems Precision ar.rd Bi¿s in 5. Apparatus
ASTI Tcst Mcthods
5 . 1 l,fo i.stt¡ tv Ol,en-.&{ost comnr erci al. elcctrica lly heated.
E 691 Practice for Condusting an lnterlaboratory Study to tbrced-circulation drying ovtns capable of temperan¡re regu-
Detiiüninc the Precision of a Test \,{ethod lation bctwec¡r 145 and 155oC niay be used.
3. SummarJ' of Test ñIethodr 5.2 Ca¡twles r¡ith {overs-Low-1'onn glass rveighing
botties rvith ground-glass sf.)ppers or seamless met¿l boxcs
3.1 Oven-Dt'1,ing Tesf fultttho¿l-A, sarnple of crarbox is put with covers rnay be r¡sr-d. fhsy should l-re as shallolv as
into a dry, closed capsule (of k*orv* rveight) arrd weighed possible, consistent rvitl'r convenient haudling.
accurately. The capsule is opened and placed with the lid i¡i a
preheated oven. The sample is dried to constant rveight then
i.3 Desir:cafDr.

removed fror¡ the oven and rvith thc capsule closed, cooled to ó. §faterials
arnbient ternperatule. The ciosed capsule is r.veighed agairt 6.1 Desiccant-*.Anhydrous ealcium chloride r-rr other suit-
atrle desiceant.
These test meüods are under ihe ju:isdiclirn of ASTM Coñmitüee D:t eÍ
Aclivaled Crbon and art the direct teponsihil§ of S¡bcomuitte* D?8.04 on Gas
Phase Evaluation Tmts.
Cment ediiion approved Aprf l, 2004- Put¡lished May 2004. Originslly
approved il 1970. Last previous edilion approved in i999 as D 2867 - 99.
I For
referenced A§TM siaadards, vi*it tlre A§Tl{ website, ffi.asle-org, ür
cünlact ASTM Cuslomer Service al sereire'!*astrB-sg. E*t Axnu*l Book af A§TM
Strmdrdt volumr iÍl'ornátion, ¡efe¡ to tle siaxd{rd's SEmm{ry paEit {}r¡
tle ASTM wstlsite. 'ücuInera

Copfight O A§TM lnternalioná|, I 0Q Btrr Hárbor Dríve. P§ §ox C?00, \rúest Conshohoeken, PA 18{2&.Ig5g, Uñited §Éte§.
dS n zBGT-*4
7. Proredure for Activated Carbor¡ ?assing A No. 50 11. R*agent
) Sirye l1.l ,\-r;lsr¿:-Re¿ge¡t gradc i* accordarce rvith the speci-
7.1 Dip out with a spoorl or spatul* from the samplc botfle ficntions ol the Corl-rmifiee on Analytical lteageñts of the
Ame¡ican Chemicai Socir-tv-"
a I to 2-g representative saurple. Put this into a predried tarcd
capsule ri,'ith Iid, close and neiglt at $nüe to the ncarest 0.5 rrtg.
l?. Hazards
The Llepth of the carbon in the eapsuie nrust nol excr'cd 1.15
ll. I Thc use of hol :ivlene presenlsa continu¿l fire h¿zard
*ad suitable fire extinguishing equipment slicruld be ¿vailable.
7.2 Reuove the cover and place ttre cirpsule atd cover in ¿
preheated forc.ed circulation or,en iat lr+5 to 155'C). Closc the 13. Preparation of Appar*tus
oven and dry to constant u,eight (3 li nonnall-v suücient). Open
l l. t Cle¿n the condenser, llask. and trap and caretully dry
the oven ¿nd cover the capsules quickil'. L--ool in a desiccator lo
to ersure that it is lree of w¿ter. Assemble the condenser aird
ambicnt tcmperature and rvi:igh.
l\.'ater trap as shotn in Fig. l.
8. Procedure lor Activated Carbon Larger Than A No. 14. Procedure
50 Sieve
t 4. t \4tigh the sa:tple bottle. Dip out w-ith a spoorl Aom the
8.1 Use a 5 to 10-g l'epresentative samplc and rveigh to the sarlpie bottle ?5 to 50 g of the san:ple. Put this into the boiling
flearest 2 mg. Cornplete the determination as descritred i:t llask and rex'cigh the samplg boitle to the iiearest 0.1 g. Add
Section 7. 100 mL of xylcue atd connect the boiling flask to rhe water
trap. Frir carbons having dcnsity less than 0.30 gicrn :00 JIL
9, Calculation cli x-viene should bte used for a ?5-g sample.
l.l.f Place the hot plate u*der the boiling flask and heat to
9.1 Calculate the moisturc cofltetlt as follorvs: boilirrg. Adjust the tsfiperanlre cofiro1 §o ¿s 10 rcflux tlie
.\fi,i.¡ntt.¿.tttighr9Á: [ía] - ]t r iC - B)1 x l{i0 xylene at thc rate oi' aboi¡t i clropis f'rom the tip of the
conrlcnsr'r. Continue to ¡cflux until there is no further itrc¡ease
in the rvatc¡ layer il the trap ol,ff a J0-fltitt period (liorri ? to
B: rveight of capsule rvith cover g.
I h tra_v be required).
C: rveight of capsule »'ith cover plus original sample, g.
D: u,eight of capsule lvith cor¡er plus dried sat¡ple, g.
15. Calculation
15.1 Calculate the moisture content as lbllorvs:
XYLENE_f,XTRAC'TION SI§THOD tr{¡tisturc. ireigllre4 : llr./ (C - ¿-)l X ltiO

10. Apparafus :
IJ rvater collected, mL,
10.1 Boiling llc¡sk-A -100-mL ilat-bottorn Erlenn:ever C: initial .uveight of sample bottle, g, and
flask with grourrd-glass joints. .t : rveight of sampie bottle afler renroving moisture
lA"2 Condens¿r-A 300-mm rvater-cooled condenser of the sample, g,
Allihn §pe with ground-glass joints.
15.2 Calcul¿te for the cor¡cction for moisture in cirtbon to
10.3 Dr1,r'ng Ttrbe, cantaining a suitable desiccant witl¡
deteünine the lveight of a carbo¡ sanrple on lhe dry basis as
fiber-glass filter. l'allar.vs:
10.1 llarcr Trap-A Bidwell aad Sterling 1O-mL or ¿ Dean
Correcretl weight idry hasis) - (1)
ard Stark receivcr with groutd-glass joints. The u'aler trap o¿moisnrefrorn I5.I)
Inirial*eightof Carbor(urd¡irdl ){ {Ii}{}1á -
should bc clean so that thc shape ofthe meniscus at the end oll
{ I 0$9ai
the test is the same as at the beginning.

Noru I The trap may be coatetl wi¡h a siliconc ¡esiu to gir'e a rinii*rm
m*niscrs. To coat the trap, iirsi cle¿n it rríth a slitablc cleaner. Ritrse thc ] RL'aEtn! Oh¿t¡i¿'s!¡. :1t¡stri¿'*¿¡ {l!tc*it:r/ Societv Slecílk"tlpnr, Ameriearl
rlean trap *iith ¿ silicone resin and ailer dr.ri*ng ftr¡ a few mirutes, l'rák {lhrmical Socie§', l1'ashirgton. IXi. Fcr sug-ecsúons on the tesÚne ol'rmgents not
1b¡ I h ar approximatcly 200'C. listeri b.v the ¡\me¡ican flhmic¿l Saie4.'" see Analn'Stcn¿¡r- Lc¿h¡*'¿tk¡r.¡,
{'l;cmie ql.¡, BDII Lld, Poalt- lJtnel., a¡d the L'.'¡j¡c¿/ ,t¡¡¡f¿x FktrnoLrtpeio
10.5 Hot Plate-An electrically hcated hot plate' with en- ¿trd \¿t¡ion¿tl f um¿¡l¿al U-S- Ph¡¡nacr:u¡iiai Cúnrertlion- tnc {USP(-). Rochville.
closed elements and temperature coñtrol" -\1D.
,{S u 2ffi7-ú4
16. Precisian aud Bias
16.1 An interlaboratary test which included four it¡borato-
ries testing in triplicaie. *etivaled carbon samples *'ith norrrinal
r:¡oisture lcvels of 1 rvdght %, 5 x'eight ?á, atd 12 rveight -9ó,
*':rs conducted according to Practice E 691. Results of these
tests yielded re¡:eatabilit-v and reproducibility er-:eficie*ts at
Q5 -4.á confidencr: levels as listed in Table l.
ló.1.1 The high coellicients of variation for both test
n'¡ethods rvhen the moisture isaominally I weiglit iÁ suggcsts
ihat values in this range be reported as "1 »'eight -0'i, or less." lf
grealer precision is needed. the a¡nount of carbcn sample can
be ircreascd over that specilied i¡r Sections 7. 8, and 14'

17. Keywords
11 .l activrted c¡rbon; moi¡ture

TABLE I Withir¡- and Betereen-Laboratory Precision

Nomina{ Moisture. weight % 1

AveÉ D{ying Methód

Repeatability Coeflicienl, CV % j '19 Jb
Reproducibility Coefficienl, Cllo/oqa 51 13 10
XY¡ene ExÍracf,on Method
Repeatability Coefficient, CV%.4 51 56
Reproducibility Coeficient, 6i/%eÁ 54 66
o Deiined in Pracdre E f77, §ection 28-
FlG. 1 t$o¡sture §stermitat¡on Apparatus

ASTM international takes n. pesition respecling lhe vairdly at paierf rig¡ts as-§e'led iD Nntteetíon with any nem mentiailed
in lhis slandard- c! tllis standard arc expressl'i *dvised thal ^ny
Llsers deteffiinat;an af the lslidv of any such patenl rights, and lhe rísk
of ínfringement o{ sucll ights, are entire¡y the¡r awn re.swffiibil¡ty.

Ihjs sfandard ,s s ubject tú revis¡on at any t¡me by the resp{}nsible techflical úmmi¡tee á.}{, fi¿rst ,}f reviewed EVery five year§ and
¡f nat rev¡sf¡d, e¡ther reapproved or wilhdra|n. YDtr commenls are ¡rlyiÍsd e,thet for rev,sion ttfni§ §tandt¡d úr far addit¡analslandards
and should be addressed io ASTM lntemational Headqúatters. Yout coqtnenls wi¡¡ Éceive arÉfü¡ tanside{aliun al a fieeting af the
responsible technical committee, wllich you may atlend. lf you fee! fhat yout t:o")nents have not rcceived á iai hear¡rlg yúu shsuld
make your v¡ews knawn to the ASTM Camm¡ftee an Slandárds, 2t the address shÚwn belüw'

This standard ¡s copyrtghted by ASTM lnternationa!. 10ü Ean Harb§,- Drive, PO Eox C7OÜ, Wést Canshohocken' PA 19428 2959,
United States. lnCividual *prints isiñgle or multiple {r6pie+ rf ]hís standard }f;ay be obla¡ned by *nlact¡ng. Slll af the abave
address or at 61t¡-832-g585 iphcre), 61A-$2-955í {ax}, ar 5e"{¡ (e-maii| .r lhrough tbe ASTII website

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