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to Sacred Geometry
… so that the heavens can be understood as spiritual realms preceding and continuing life on
earth; harmonic chords can be played by celestial bodies choreographing graceful time-space
dances; the “Big Bang” can be heard as the Primordial Song of the Universe and each star can
be smiling to each flower… while the human family is holding hands with all of creation… –
(School of Sacred Geometry)

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Man Of No Ego :

Sacred geometry may be understood as a worldview of pattern recognition, a complex system

of hallowed attribution and signification that may subsume religious and cultural values to the
fundamental structures and relationships of such complexes as space, time and form. According
to this discipline, the basic patterns of existence are perceived as sacred: for by contemplating
and communing with them one is thereby contemplating the Mysterium Magnum, the
patterning relationships of the Great Design. By studying the nature of these patterns, forms
and relationships and their manifold intra- and interconnectivity one may gain insight into the
scientific, philosophical, psychological, aesthetic and mystical continuum. That is, the laws and
lore of the Universe. The term sacred geometry is also used for geometry which is employed in
the design of sacred architecture and sacred art. The underlying belief is that geometry and
mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportionality discoverable from geometry also gird
music, light, cosmology, and other observable and sensate features of the Universe. This value
system has been held throughout the World from time immemorial to prehistory, a cultural
universal endemic to the Human Condition. Sacred geometry is the foundation of the design,
architecture, fabrication and construction of sacred structures such as temples, mosques,
megaliths, monuments and churches; sacred space such as altars, temenos and tabernacles;
places of congregation such as sacred groves, village greens and holy wells and the creation of
religious art, iconography and divine proportionality. Sacred geometry, art, iconography and
architecture need not be monolithic and enduring, but may be temporary and yielding, such as
visualization and non-permanent sand-painting and medicine wheels. Sacred Geometry is
currently re-discovered as a knowledge KEY for shifting to a new paradigm of universal
wholeness and loving inter-connectedness with the Web of Life. Traditional wisdom holds the
universe to exist because of a profound harmonic order. From the quantum vacuum to atoms
to DNA to galaxies, certain precisely reoccuring ratios and geometric symmetries are the
foundation of the whole cosmos. [1]


Flower Of Life

The "Flower of Life" can be found in all major religions of the world. It contains the patterns of
creation as they emerged from the "Great Void". Everything is made from the Creator's
thought. After the creation of the Seed of Life the same vortex's motion was continued,
creating the next structure known as the Egg of Life. This structure forms the basis for music,
as the distances between the spheres is identical to the distances between the tones and the
half tones in music. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division
(The first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells then to eight). Thus, this same structure as
it is further developed, creates the human body and all of the energy systems including the
ones used to create the Merkaba1. If we continue creating more and more spheres we will end
up with the structure called the Flower of Life. The most common form of the "Flower of Life" is
hexagonal pattern (where the center of each circle is on the circumference of six surrounding
circles of the same diameter), made up of 19 complete circles and 36 partial circular arcs,
enclosed by a large circle.

Creation Of The Flower Of Life
In the earliest traditions, the supreme being was represented by a sphere, the symbol of a
being with no beginning and no end, continually existing, perfectly formed and profoundly
symmetrical. The addition of a second sphere represented the expansion of unity into the
duality of male and female, god and goddess. By overlapping, the two spheres, the god and
goddess created a divine offspring. The Vesica Pisces motif (and its derivatives, the Flower of
Life, Tree of Life, and fundamentals of geometry) has a history of thousands of years and easily
predates virtually all major religions of the current era.
The goddess of any and all religions which recognize her power and significance invariably use
the Vesica Pisces to identify her. From the overlapping pools of water and the chalice well
cover in the goddess’s garden in Glastonbury (aka Avalon) to any number of representations of
the Tree of Life, the goddess and her ability to create and birth life are celebrated.
The Seed of Life represents the seven stages, steps, or days of creation. The creation of a
vibrating pattern of space (electromagnetic radiation) is the actual process of creation itself
which otherwise is symbolized by various concepts such as “days of creation” to make
something otherwise almost impossible to explain, much easier to handle.


Merkaba, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the

higher realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body.


Drunvalo Melchizedek, in his Flower of Life symbolism, uses the Vesica Pisces as the geometric
image through which light was created.

Figure 2. SEED OF LIFE

The Seed of Life Is the Symbol of Creation and
theBlue Print of the Universe

The creation of the Octahedron is the first step or “day of creation.” The next stage involves the
revolution of the Octahedron on its axes, forming a sphere. At this point, all of reality, including
the Cosmic Designer’s awareness, exists as the Sphere itself. All that really exists is the sheath
of the sphere itself. The next stage is “the spirit of the Creator floating upon the face of the
waters” which was mentioned in the Old Testament. In other words, the Cosmic Designer’s next
spontaneous realization or expansion in self-awareness was to venture outside the edge of the
sphere and project another sphere using the previous step of materializing an octahedron and
spinning it into a sphere. In the second sphere that was created by the Cosmic Designer, a


photon or particle of light was sent out. In transmitting a second spinning octahedron into a
sphere on the membrane of the first sphere, the image appears of two circles crossing each
other in their centers, a design recognized as the Vesica Pisces. This configuration is a
geometrical formula which symbolizes the electromagnetic spectrum. In Drunvalo
Melchizedek’s book The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life, Vol. 2 can be found much more
information regarding this whole process. “Let there be light” and light was the primary (first
cause) phenomenon that God intended. In the ongoing process to replicate the spheres and
form more Vesica Pisces, multiple forms of creation can be seen emanating from the endless
cascade (reproduction) of further geometrical patterns.
The continuation of the “seven-day” creation process looks like the successive division of cells
illustrated here in a fertilized egg until there are seven cells or circles overlapping one another
creating the perfect flower-shaped “Seed of Life” pattern.

Figure 3. Six Days of Creation – Sacred Geometry point of view

On the seventh day, the process ends. On the “SHABBAT,” or day of rest, the Seed of Life is
completed. The whole form of the primary vortex which contains the blue print of the cosmos
is finally completed.
The Seed of Life is a primary building block of the Flower of Life, from which comes forth the
Fruit of Life. Another blueprint for everything, the Fruit of Life creates all elements, molecules,
organisms, and even everything else in the universe. In other words, everything that abides in
reality comes from the form of the Seed of Life.[2]

Symbolism around the World

Symbols that resemble the Flower of Life can be found in temples, churches, secular buildings,
burial sites, art objects and manuscripts worldwide. Many cultures used this symbol in full
knowledge of its power and potency. In Egypt, for example, the Flower of Life is engraved in
some parts of the Pyramids. The relevance of this symbol for the ancient Egyptians can also be
found in their temples. Some of the temple complexes were constructed with utter preciseness
and harmony. Theoretically, this type of preciseness couldn’thave been possible at that time. I
will name some other places where Flower of Life imagery has been found: In a temple in
Abydos (Egypt); in the Rama temple of Vijayanagara (India); in the Forbidden City (China); in
Altenkirchen, the Apis-Altar in Dresden which belonged to Augustus II the Strong (Germany); in


Gotland (Denmark); on the ceiling of a church in Maria Luschari (Italy); in the ruins of Pompeji
(Italy); in an orthodox monastery in Kreta (Greece); in a church in Sörg (Austria); on a platte of
the silver treasure of Augustus.

There are many spiritual beliefs associated with the Flower of Life; for example, depictions of
the five Platonic Solids are found within the symbol of Metatron’s Cube, which may be derived
from the Flower of Life pattern. These platonic solids are geometrical forms which are said to
act as a template from which all life springs.

Figure 4. Pattern of Flower Of Life in ancient places around the worlds

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The Flower of Life Contains a Secret Symbol
Sacred Geometry reveals the harmonic energy patterns by which nature creates and designs.
Sacred Geometry is a vital element in all spiritual traditions. Every tradition used a unique
symbolic language to preserve their knowledge about the Geometry of the Universe and its

• Christians = Cross

• Jews = Tree of Life (Kabbalah)

• Celts = Spirals, Triskele


• Hindus = Sri Yantra, Swastika

• Nordics = Runes

• Chinese = Yin Yang

Within the Flower of Life, one can discover a secret design by selecting thirteen (13) spheres
from the Flower of Life. By drawing out these thirteen (13) circles, one finds the origin of
everything, this sacred geometric symbol is known as the Fruit of Life. These thirteen (13)
circles provide thirteen (13) systems of knowledge with each one illuminating a different facet
of existence. All information regarding the human being to the island universes throughout the
cosmos is available through these systems. In the first system, for example, it’s possible to
create any molecular structure and any living cellular structure that exists in the universe. Any
thriving cellular organism or molecular configuration in existence, for instance, could be
constructed using information from the first system. In other words, all thriving beings.
Metatron's cube depicts the five platonic solids which may be derived from the flower of life.
The five platonic solids are geometrical forms which are said to act as a template from which all
life springs, according to spiritual belief. The Platonic solids are five structures that are crucial
because they are the building blocks of organic life. These five structures are found in minerals,
animated and organic life forms, sound, music, language, etc. Metatron's cube is also
considered a holy glyph, used to ward off evil spirits. The Kabbalah's Tree of life is also thought
to be derived from the flower of life.

The Hebrew 'Tree of Life'

The Tree of Life in its various forms is recognized in all cultures as a symbol of immortality and
eternal life. From ancient Chinese and Egyptian culture to Germanic paganism and
Mesoamerica, it has been sought after throughout the ages. And, while depicted in many
different contexts, the imagery across all cultures is essentially the same. Not to be confused
with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the tree of Life is the tree whose fruit gives
eternal life to all who might obtain it. In addition to its religious references, it is a reminder of
our past (roots - ancestry), present (tree body - knots included) and future (fruit – labor and
posterity). The concept of a tree of life has been used in science, religion, philosophy, and
mythology. A tree of life is a common motif in various world theologies, mythologies, and
philosophies. It alludes to the interconnection of all life on our planet and serves as a metaphor
for common descent in the evolutionary sense.


Figure 5. Pattern of Tree Of Life within Flower Of Life

The term tree of life may also be used as a synonym for sacred tree. The tree of knowledge,
connecting to heaven and the underworld, and the tree of life, connecting all forms of creation,
are both forms of the world tree or cosmic tree, and are portrayed in various religions and
philosophies as the same tree. Unfortunately, this knowledge has been lost or merely exists in
parts. The Flower of Life carries great spiritual potency. It cannot be denied as the symbol
appeals to us, seemingly magical, on a subconscious level. In Kabbalah, Tree of life is used to
understand the nature of God and the manner in which he created the world. The Kabbalists
developed this concept into a full model of reality, using the tree to depict a "map" of creation.
The tree of life has been called the "cosmology" of the Kabbalah. In the Kabbalah every circle is
aligned with one chakra, called Sephiroth. Every chakra represents a certain domain of energy
in the human body.
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The Metatron Cube & The Platonic Solids
Metatron’s Cube is a Sacred Geometrical symbol that forms a map of Creation, and it is this
‘map’ that the mystics, sages and ancient civilizations have revered throughout the ages of
time. Over 13 billion years ago, during what is referred to on Earth as the ‘big bang’, Source
(God, Infinite Intelligence) gave birth to the Universe/s… and it is this symbol of Metatron’s
Cube that explains this ‘birth’ and the infinite expanding field of Creation in all directions of
time and space. Source energy, through the field of Metatron’s Cube, creates the potential field
of creation – a field of high vibrational frequencies that ripple out through creation eventually
creating colour, then sound and finally at their lower levels of vibration – physical matter. Thus,
the field of Source energy (represented by Metatron’s Cube) permeates through every level,
through every aspect of Creation. As that original spark of LOVE of Source expands in all
directions of time and space, God is the energy waves, God is the colour, God is the sound and
God is the physical matter and God is the entire field of LOVE – Live One Vibrational Energy.
God’s light expands infinitely through Metatron’s cube via one or more of the elements of
creation – Earth, Fire, Air, Water coming together through Spirit. Galaxy’s, solar systems,


planets, humans, plants, animals, DNA, the atom, sub-atomic particles and hence the energy /
space between all matter is made up of one or more of these elements. Metatron’s Cube is
composed of 13 spheres held together by lines from the midpoint of each sphere. The spheres
of Metatron’s Cube represent the ‘Feminine’ whilst the straight lines represent the ‘Masculine’.
Thus Metatron’s Cube represents the weaving together of the Male & Female polarities to
create the ONENESS field of the infinite ALL.[3]

Figure 6. Platonic Solids and correspondence to elemental pentagram

As we saw above, these templates of creation manifest on the physical level in many forms.
The physical manifestations are an archetypal expression of the energy fields beyond the
physical. Sacred geometry in nature is then a tangible expression of the archetypal matrix of
creation that acts as the building blocks of reality. These ideas are perhaps best expressed by
Michael S. Schneider in the book, Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe:
As ideal geometric patterns materialize, they’re clothed with four thicknesses of garment, four
densities of “mother substance,” unfolding as light and thickening through phases of gas, liquid,
and solid. In mythic terms, the Demiurge (creator) is said to conquer chaos by dividing it into
four elements. Constructing the universe, therefore, involves the process of volumization. The
archetypal field where the patterns first appear is a sphere, a Monad. The geometry that arises
within this sphere is obligated to manifest the Monad’s principal of equality in all directions.
Nature adheres to this principle by configuring primary volumes that divide the sphere equally in
all directions. There are only five volumes that fulfill this requirement of equality by repeating
the identical corner angles, edge lengths, and surface shapes around a sphere. These five
volumes were described by Plato in Timaeus and are so known to mathematicians as “Platonic
Solids.” Four were identified by Plato with the four ancient elements, or states of matter, and
the fifth, the quintessence (“fifth being”), represents their all-encompassing “cosmos.”


Ether or Space – Dodecahedron
Air – Octahedron
Fire – Tetrahedron
Water – Icosahedron
Earth – Hexahedron (Cube)

Figure 7. Energy centers and
platonic solids within the space
time vaccum

Mathematicians have long known there can be only five possible “equal divisions” of three
dimensional space. These are the most economical expressions of space from which nature’s
designs derive their characteristics.
Mystics through time have equated these forms to various states of consciousness. Because
geometric forms are transcendent in their true energy state, they are never stagnant. Thus,
they can express the idea of the evolution of consciousness. All the forms ultimately nest inside
each other to express the truth of our multidimensionality and the holographic nature of our
consciousness. [4]


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