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Ronald R. Stockton

University of Michigan-Dearborn
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, Michigan 48128
(313) 593-5384

Presented to the

Michigan Conference of Political Scientists

Dearborn, Michigan

28 October 1994


This conference paper was based upon notes I took at a talk Reverend Farrakhan delivered at
Michigan State University in 1992. Those notes are attached. I also watched the speech he
delivered at the Million Man March, and read some of his sermons. Also attached is an
outline of this model presented in a different format.

Ronald R. Stockton

Discussion of Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam often overlooks the fact that at the
center of his teaching there is a serious political model that explains and predicts. It describes the
condition of Blacks in America and the world, their past and their future. It is not a deterministic model,
but is filled with turns and options. Some options lead to positive outcomes, some lead to disaster and
civil war, or to genocide.

The goal of this paper is not to attack or defend Farrakhan or to make his best case. It is to
present his views faithfully and without judgement, and to explain the logic of those views. The model
transcends Farrakhan's personality and deserves to be understood and evaluated on its merits regardless
of what one thinks of the individual.

At major points, there are summaries of fact designed to give a more detailed background on the
points Farrakhan makes. Comments and comparative observations are kept distinct.

The analysis is based primarily upon a Farrakhan talk at Michigan State University in April,
1992. It also relies upon various texts, including The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. It
draws upon the author's interest in revolutionary and national liberation movements. One parallel case
mentioned frequently by Farrakhan and other Black nationalists is that of Jewish nationalism. Jews are
prominent in Farrakhan's thinking and will be addressed separately in the paper.

There are twelve points in the Farrakhan Model. These begin with a description of the objective
conditions of Black life, move on to the historical context, current threats, and the question of Black
responsibility. The Model ends by outlining a coming disaster and an alternative future.


The model begins with a brutal assessment of the conditions of contemporary Black life. These
are as shockingly realistic as an evening news broadcast: massive unemployment, rampant drug use, a
high murder rate, illegitimacy, collapsing Black families, women left alone to raise children. Blacks are
said to constitute a "permanent underclass" with no future. And, as bad as these conditions are, they are
getting worst as foreign technology and immigrant workers come in and displace Blacks. Farrakhan's as-
sessment is as cold as steel: America has no use for Blacks. They are servants thrown out of a servant's
job. They face genocide.

FACTS: 14.5% of Americans are by definition poor. This includes 33% of Blacks, 47% of Black
children. 16% of white children. The net worth of white families is $44,408, of Black families $4,604. In
1992 11,175 Blacks were murdered, 10,645 whites. 45% of prison inmates are Black. (Source). The
death rate for Black infants under one is 240% greater than white infants (Center for Disease Control,
Detroit Free Press, 4-30-94).

23% of Black males ages 20-29 are in prison, on parole or on probation according to the
Sentencing Project. Comparable figure for white males is 6.2%. 19.6% of Black men ages 18-24 are in
college vs 31.5% of whites according to the American Council on Education; the leading cause of death
for Black males age 15-24 is homicide at 101.8 per 100,000. For white males it is the fourth cause of
death at 11.5 per 100,000. The imprisonment rate for blacks is 1,092 per 100,000 compared with 164 for
whites. Source: USA Weekend, May 19, 1991. Looked at another way, 609,690 Black males are in jail,

436,000 are in college. The cost of a Harvard education is $20,000 a year, about half the cost of keeping
someone in a federal high security prison. (Martin Walker, Manchester Guardian Weekly, June 30, 1991)


Farrakhan believes there has been a 400-year long systematic attempt to defeat and control Black
people wherever they live. The Black homeland, Africa, was crushed, colonized, and devastated. Its
people were enslaved and killed by the millions. In America, Jim Crow laws kept Blacks under control.
The Civil Rights movement accelerated the deterioration of the Black community by destroying the small
middle classes that ran hotels, restaurants, and shops. The primary beneficiaries of the Civil Rights
movement were from the dominant community: women and Jews. Today guns and drugs destroy the
community, again with white profit. Successful Black artists and athletes are controlled by white
managers, their wealth siphoned away. The education Blacks receive is worthless. White universities
refuse to acknowledge their contributions so whites and Blacks alike grow without even knowing the
facts. Black students contribute to their own problems by enrolling in useless Black Studies programs
instead of studying language and mathematics. They would be better off dropping out of school and
reading on their own, as Malcolm did.

FACTS: At least 9.6 million Africans arrived in the New World during the slave era. (Mills, Manchester
Guardian Weekly, 10-31-93). Millions more died in capture and passage. Miller says of those taken to
Brazil: "Of 100 people seized in Africa, 75 would have reached the marketplaces in the interior; 85
percent of them, or about 64 of the original 100, would have arrived at the coast; after losses of 11
percent in the holding barracks, 57 or so would have boarded the ships. Of those 57, 51 would have
stepped onto Brazilian soil, and 48 or 49 would have lived to behold their first master in the New
World." (1988:440). Between 1882 and 1935 3,000 Blacks were lynched by whites in America. (Graham
and Gurr: 448).


Farrakhan sees in white history a terrible record of genocide against native peoples on different
continents and in different centuries: Africa, America, Caribbean, Australia, He sees American wars in
which Blacks died to promote white America economic interests but received none of the benefits when
those wars were over. While individual whites have occasionally joined Blacks in various Black
struggles, they have been few. In the Civil Rights movement, for example, some participated and a few
even died, but the number who died are less than the number who die building a bridge. And when the
attack dogs were called out, they were called out against Blacks, not whites. White leaders turn their dead
into Martyrs to distract attention from the true white role and to perpetuate the Myth of the White

FACTS: The various native peoples of the Caribbean are now extinct. Estimates are that there were 25
million Mexicans when the Spanish arrived, perhaps a million a century later.


There is a terrible history of white use of disease to kill non-whites. In the American West,
smallpox-infected blankets were given to Native Americans to create epidemics; Blacks were allowed to
die in the Tuskegee and post-war radiation experiments. AIDS itself was created by army researchers, as
reported in the Congressional Record of June 9, 1969. Today AIDS is decimating Africa so as to enhance
white control. Whites even created a story that it originated in Africa to blame Africans for their own

deaths. When a Kenya doctor found a cure, it was rejected by Western medicine. In America, Blacks are
more likely to be victims than whites. Whites are willing to lose a few of their own to weaken Blacks.

FACTS: The Tuskegee Experiments was a multi-decade study to see the progress of untreated syphilis.
All 400 subjects were Black. All were told they were receiving treatment. 100 died, some after the cure
for syphilis was discovered. (Sunday Times, xx, 1992). The more recent Richmond studies (by the
Medical College of Virginia) were conducted between 1949 and 1957 on hundreds of unaware patients
with burns, most African-American. The purpose was to simulate the impact of nuclear exposure in war.
Some subjects were injected with radioactive isotopes known to attach to red blood cells and to
contribute to their destruction. One experiment involved simulating the flash burn a victim would
receive from a nuclear blast. Over 100 subjects received one inch square burns with increasingly
graduated energy levels. (Guardian Weekly, July 10, 1994: 19).

These experiments have affected Black perceptions. A 1990 survey of Black church members
that showed 35% thought AIDS was a form of genocide. A 1990 NYT/WCBS TV news poll found that
10% agreed that the AIDS virus was "deliberately created in a laboratory in order to infect black people."
Another 10% believe it might be so. A Gallup/Newsweek poll of March, 1992 found a simi lar result.
(NYT editorial, May 12, 1992).

The AIDS epidemic is increasingly a Black phenomenon. Arthur Asch (National Press Club,
1992) reported that of the first 100,000 AIDS cases, 27% were Black. Of the second, 31% were. The
WHO says 17 million people are now HIV-positive, of whom 10 million are Africans. (Manchester
Guardian Weekly, 8-14-94).


Blacks contribute to their own destruction by their irresponsible moral behavior. Black men do
not respect Black women. They produce children and then leave, abandoning both the mother and child.
Women for their part show no respect for life. They have abortions rather than have babies. When they
do have babies, they do not respect their motherhood, failing to recognize that gestation is not a nine
month process but is a three year process. Whatever happens to the mother's body during that three-year
period, happens to the baby's body.

At the sociological level, both males and females prefer white partners whenever possible. Given
that whites want to crush them, Blacks are making that outcome more likely by weakening themselves
through their moral corruption.

FACTS: 64% of Black children are now born out of wedlock, up from 24% in 1963. 62% of Black
families are female-headed, up 23% in 1960. Of Black female-headed families the poverty figure is 50%.
Regarding abortions, white women have 274 per 1000 live births, Black women have 635.


There is a systematic effort to destroy Black leaders. Some have been killed, such as Martin
Luther King, Malcolm X, and Medgar Evers. Others have been attacked by the media, which tries to
discredit them. There is also a tendency to use Black females against Black males. And Black women
have been party to this, helping the white power structure discredit Black men by bringing accusations of
sexual misconduct or other charges. Once dead, leaders are glorified to weaken others by invidiously
comparing those still alive with the recently-sainted dead.

sFACTS: Numerous Black leaders have been attacked in a way that would discredit them as persons.
Andy Young, UN Ambassador under President Carter, was accused of being anti-Israeli and later of
adultery and cocaine use. Julian bond was accused of adultery and cocaine use. Clarence Thomas was
accused of sexual harassment and anti-Semitism; Marion Berry was charged with drug use by a female
colleague who set him up in a motel room with FBI cameras; Film maker Spike Lee was accused of anti-
Semitism. Congressman William Gray, Chair of the House Budget Committee, was accused in leaks to
newspapers of financial irregularities; Jesse Jackson was accused (during his 1988 presidential campaign)
of having a mistress. There is a strong sentiment that Black leaders are accused in ways that white leaders
are not accused.

A complication is that Black females are often the accusers. This can produce a reaction. During
confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas, when Professor Anita Hill accused Thomas of sexual
harassment. 57% of Blacks believed Thomas rather than Hill, well above the 48% percentage of whites
who believed Thomas. (Gallup Poll, October, 1991).


Farrakhan protests vehemently against the suggestion that he or Blacks in general are anti-
Semitic. He says the very concept is meaningless since Blacks are the true Semites and the accusa tion is
linguistically meaningless. He also says that if by anti-Semitism we mean hating a people because of
their religion, he absolutely renounces anti-Semitism. Or if we mean trying to prevent Jewish people
from achieving their full potential as human beings, he has never done that and never will. He has never
demonstrated or picketed against Jews, or tried to prevent them from being hired or promoted.

"I have never been a hater of Jews nor am I now. You can't find Black people painting swastikas
on synagogues, nor can you find Black people attacking Jews or boycotting Jewish stores and trying to
do things to hurt the Jewish community. We have never worked to deter their progress in any way."

While Farrakhan sees Jews as a part of the American power structure, he distinguishes between
Whites and Jews, seeing them as different groups with different dynamics. Jews have been particularly
prominent in history, especially Black history. They have acted as a corporate group in a way that
historically harmed Blacks and exploited them. They were prominent in slavery, although they deny it
and try to blame Arabs to divert attention from their own role. They were major beneficiaries of the Civil
Rights Movement and were prominent in all Black organizations, where they urged Blacks to focus on
social integration rather than economic issues. This emphasis denied Blacks the control of their own
resources and has helped keep them behind.

Jews are beneficiaries of Black energy and Black distress. To maintain the relationship as it is,
Jewish leaders frequently attack Black leaders. This is done to keep Blacks in disarray, not in response to
anything Blacks have done. Young Jews are not aware of this. Their elders hide it from them.

Farrakhan resents the fact that Jewish pain and the Jewish Holocaust are recognized and honored
by the wider community but Black pain and the African Holocaust are not. He is resentful that Israel gets
massive American aid but Africa does do not.

The Khaled Abdul Mohammed Incident

Khaled Abdul Mohammed was an aide of Farrakhan who often spoke on university campuses. In
November, 1993 he delivered a talk at Keen College in urban New Jersey where he made exceptionally
intemperate comments about whites, Jews, the Catholic leadership, and various Black leaders. On
January 16, the eve of Martin Luther King Day, the Anti-Defamation League ran a full page

advertisement in the New York Times and other newspapers, reporting selected statements from that
speech (although not the hostile comments made about Black leaders).

The reaction among public figures was exceptionally strong. Both the House and Senate voted to
condemn the speech, an unprecedented action regarding the statements of an individual. Many columnists
wrote harsh articles. Nationally syndicated Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen (who is Jewish)
called upon all Black leaders to renounce Farrakhan. He and others did not note that many of those same
Black leaders had been slurred in the speech they were called upon to renounce. Jesse Jackson, who was
asked by many accusatory questioners what he thought of the speech, had been attacked by name, as was
David Dinkins, Alice Walker, and Spike Lee. Jackson (who did renounce the speech) was particularly
incensed that the incident was presented in a way that turned public opinion against Black leaders in
general. Conservative Black columnist Clarence Page wrote that Black leaders like Jackson had more
important things to do than to drop everything and rush out to renounce statements by someone they have
never heard of speaking in a place they have never been.

In a subsequent April 19 speech Mohammed displayed his speaking style when he condemned
those who had criticized him, especially the actions of "boot lickin Major Owens, of boot lickin' Charlie
Wrangle, of boot lickin', buck dancin,' thrashin', shufflin', messy Jesse Jackson."

On February 3, 1994 Farrakhan held a press conference in Washington, D.C. to "correct, rebuke,
and discipline" his aide for what he said about Jews and others. Farrakhan said "I found the speech, after
listening to it in context, vile in manner, repugnant, malicious, mean spirited and spoken in mockery of
individuals and people, which is against the spirit of Islam." He added, "I denounce anti-Semitism in all
its forms and manifestations." He defined an anti-Semite as "someone who hates someone because of
their faith." He added that "While I stand by the truths that he spoke, I must condemn in the strongest
terms the manner in which those truths were represented."

Media coverage of the press conference was almost universally hostile, and frequently inaccurate.
The New York Times front-page headline said "Farrakhan Repudiates Speech For Tone, Not Anti-
Semitism." The story added of the "truths," that "Mr. Farrakhan left those 'truths' unspecified." (NYT,
February 4, 1994).

In fact, Farrakhan listed six truths he was affirming. The author has not seen these listed
anywhere, or even acknowledged. Often Farrakhan's words are presented in such a way as to suggest that
he was agreeing with Mohammed's speech but was going through some public relations sleight-of-hand
to delude the public. The reporting tone is often one of expose.

There are legitimate questions about exactly what Farrakhan means when he says he renounces
anti-Semitism, and about whether he harbors anti-Jewish sentiments, but there is no doubt about what he
meant by the "truths" he was affirming. Those truths were discussed in the press conference, although not
all were clearly explained. They are reported here for what may be the first time:

1) He affirms the Bible and the Koran and their Divine Teaching about the nature of the two
peoples, white and black. 2) He affirms that Jews were "prominent" in the slave trade and were
slaveholders. 3) He affirms that Jewish Talmudic scholars invented the teaching that the curse of Ham
was linked to Black skin. 4) He affirms that Blacks have strong grievances against the Catholic church
because the Pope and the church were parties to slavery. 5) He affirms that Blacks have grievances
against whites in general, the beneficiaries of racism. 6) He affirms that Blacks have grievances against
the US government which systematically tried to destroy Black leaders including Marcus Garvey and
Martin Luther King.

FACTS: Brackman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a critic of Farrakhan who has renounced his
statements that the Talmud taught racism, was cited by Farrakhan as the source of his state ment. A letter
to the New York Times (xx-xx-1994) quoted the following passage from Brackman's dissertation:

Jordan (1968) says Talmudic teachings about the curse of Ham, son of Noah, influenced certain
Christian beliefs about the inferiority of black-skinned people. He cites Talmudic and Mid rashic
sources that "Ham was smitten in his skin," that Ham's "seed will be ugly and dark-skinned," and
that Ham was father "of Canaan who brought curses into the world, of Canaan who was cursed,
of Canaan who darkened the faces of mankind," and of Canaan, "the notorious world-darkener."
While Jordan says "it probably is not possible to trace a direct line" from Jewish teachings to
Western thinking, "it seems very likely that these observations affected some Christian writers
during the late Medieval and Renaissance years of reviving Christian interest in Jewish writings.
It is suggestive that the first Christian utilizations of this theme came during the sixteenth
century--the first century of overseas exploration" (p. 18).

In his 1994 book, the Pope renounced "the Holocaust of the Jews and the holocaust (sic) of the
Africans" (p. xx).

FACTS: Public opinion polls show that Blacks and Jews tend to have strong negative perceptions of each
other. One major study by William Schneider (AJC, 1979) reported Blacks more likely to think Jews are
concerned about money, are obsessed with Israel, have irritating habits, and are involved in slumlord
activities that exploit Blacks. Jews for their part were less likely than other whites to support
neighborhood or classroom integration when their own families are affected. They are also likely to think
their organizations support Black interests, while Blacks are likely to perceive those groups as indifferent
or hostile. As Schendier says, "The perception of Jewish groups as strong supporters of black equality is
high among Jews but not among whites and blacks in the public at large" (p. 7). Of Black opinion, he
says, "This is not the anti-Semitism of ignorance or religious bigotry; it is the anti-Semitism of political
conflict and confrontation" (p. 6).

More recent studies of Jewish opinion show that there is a widespread perception of Blacks as a
collectively hostile. (AJC, 1993?)

FACTS: In public opinion and as individuals, Jews were (and remain) major supporters of the NAACP.
Key advisors to Martin Luther King were also Jewish. Jewish donations to the NAACP and other Black
groups have been considerable. To Jews, this indicates a commitment to social justice. To Black
nationalists it shows an unhealthy influence. By way of assistance, Germany has paid Israel or individual
Jews over $80 billion in reparations. Israel annually receives nearly $4 billion in US government
assistance, subsidized loans worth about $2b, and tax supported donations from Jewish organizations
worth over a half billion dollars. US assistance to African is minimal.

When Mohammed spoke at Howard University on April 19, there were calls to withdraw all
white contributions to Black colleges. Philadelphia talk show host Irv Homer said that Farrakhan should
raise the money. Former Congressman William Gray, head of the United Negro College Fund, which
supports the 41 historically black colleges, said he was being flooded with "pretty nasty hate mail that
has condemned all black students, calling them all racists and saying, 'What good is education if all black
students are emerging as racists and anti-Semites." Gray said, "I can certainly sympathize with members
of the Jewish community who are upset by anti-Semitic remarks that have been made by a small group of
individuals. And I certainly can understand the pain. That's why we must condemn these vicious anti-
Semitic attacks. But to respond with racist attacks condemning all black student and all black colleges
seems to me an inappropriate response that further breeds hostility on all sides of the fence." (NYT, May

4-1994). The Times noted that of 55 appearances by Nation of Islam speakers on American campuses
since 1988, only 3 were on historically black campuses.

Comment: Derek Bell (1992) commented on an earlier and equally controversial statement by Farrakhan
that Jews practiced a "gutter religion." He said the reaction to this statement must be seen in the context
of what he called the unwritten "Rules of Racial Standing" that define the parameters of Black behavior.
He says when Blacks utter 'beyond the pale' remarks, they are never forgiven. "Thus, when Farrakhan
attempts to explain that his statement was aimed at Israel as a state and not at Judaism as a religion, his
explanation is rejected out of hand. The attitude seems to be: 'You said it, and thus you must be
condemned for all time.'" (p. 121-22). Bell says statements by Farrakhan and other militants are "bold,
impolitic, and sometimes outrageous precisely because they are intended for those blacks whose perilous
condition places them beyond the courteous, the politic, and even the civilities of racial and religious
tolerance." Farrakhan "knows that abstract condemnation of racism and poverty and the devastation of
our communities is inadequate and ineffective. He has decided that the only way to be heard over the
racial-standing barrier is to place the blame for racism where it belongs. Using direct, blunt, even
abrasive language, he forthrightly charges with evil those who do evil under the racial structure that
protects them and persecutes us, that uplifts them regardless of merit and downgrades us regardless of
worth" (pp. 124-125).


Like other Black religious leaders, Farrakhan frequently calls upon Hebrew themes and images to
describe the Black predicament. He uses these themes as points of prophecy, not remembrance. One
central theme is that of the Passover: Semites are enslaved in Egypt and God comes to the rescue. Moses
says to Pharaoh, "Let my People Go," but Pharaoh refuses and the Angel of Death comes, killing the
First Born, and bringing plagues upon the land. Farrakhan tells this story with power, insisting that "You
cannot kill us. We will rise again. Our God will strike you down in the twinkling of an eye. A Black
Messiah will arise."


At the moment when Farrakhan seems most aggressive, he turns to offer an escape. After
renouncing Whites and Jews as the destroyers of Blacks, he says it does not have to be that way.
Individuals are not personally responsible. It was their fathers who committed the sins. They are just the
beneficiaries. But they must free themselves from those sins lest the Sins of the Fathers be Visited Upon
the Children. If they Acknowledge what happened and Repent they will be Redeemed and Freed.


It is perhaps surprising that Farrakhan at times sounds like a patriot in his expressions of hope
that America can be redeemed and can lead the way to justice. He says that the solution is simple and, to
a certain extent, will not cost more than is currently spent. Today America spends billions on prisons and
welfare to control Blacks. Give us that money, he says. There are 750,000 Blacks in in prison. These are
not just a problem, they are the solution. Give them to us and give us what you would spend to keep
them under control. We will rehabilitate them.

But America must also pay reparations for its past crimes against Black people, not just because
there is international precedent for this, and not just because it is morally right, but because it will resolve
the problem. America paid reparations to Japanese Americans for their internment during World War II.

Germany paid reparations to Israel and to individual Jews. The precedent has been set. Blacks are the
REAL Israel. If you help us, God will help you. America will be strong again.

FACTS: The idea that America owes Black people for past injustice is controversial but present in the
Black community. In 1994, 20,000 Blacks claimed tax credits based on the denial of promised land to
former slaves after the Civil War (NYT 10-20-94). Even Jesse Jackson has called for reparations.

The Justice Department reports that in June, 1994 there were 1,012,851 persons in federal and
state prisons, and 445,000 in city and county jails. There were 1,432 Blacks per 100,000 imprisoned and
203 whites per 100,000. (NYT October 28, 1994). If 610,000 Blacks are in jail and if the average cost of
keeping them imprisoned is $40,000 (see Point One above) then $24.4 billion would be available.


There are three ways the historic problem of Africans in America can be resolved. Some are very
difficult, some less so.

Solution One: Separate Blacks within the American system. Give them a state, a piece of fertile
land with access to the sea. Help them for 20 years to get started. If they cannot make it on their own
after 20 years, them wipe them out.

Solution Two: Return. Help Blacks find a place in Africa. Blacks never gave up their connection
to Africa, even though Africa mistreated them. Africans owe Blacks the right of a homeland in Africa. As
Joseph was sold by his brothers, so Africans sold us. There is empty land there that Blacks could take
and could develop. They could revive Africa.

COMMENT: Farrakhan reflects a nineteenth century mentality in his low respect for African peoples and
their national rights. He also follows Marcus Garvey, who made similar suggestions. He says there is
empty land in Africa waiting for use and says he has some places in mind. He is strikingly similar to
those early twentieth-century Englishmen who declared the central highlands of Kenya to be "empty," or
the Jews who said Palestine was "a land without a people" and that those Arabs who lived there could be
"spirited" across the border, to quote Herzl.

Solution Three: Resurrection. Farrakhan thinks Blacks should not wait for whites to act but
should act on their own. While not privileged, the community has enormous resources if only they would
coordinate their actions. He has a Three Year Plan to achieve this cooperative venture. All Blacks should
contribute $10 a month to a special land development fund to buy Midwest farm land. With this start
they could develop agriculture, then supermarkets, then trading and small industry. They would produce
jobs, schools, and self-reliance. They would be revived as a people, they would be full participants in
American society as co-equal participants, and American would be rid of a major problem.


Farrakhan leaves his audience with a promise: I will not betray you or sell you out. He knows
that a Black leader asking for money is often a sign of a future scandal. He promises that this will not
happen in his case.

Farrakhan is a radical thinker, yet in style is deceptively soft spoken. His voice is so gentle that
at times one has to strain to hear. He has a manner that is almost deferential. He spoke for three and a half
hours and kept his audience rapt.

In form, he is very much an Old Testament Prophet. Given his Baptist style, it is hard to believe
he was raised Episcopalian. He believes in the God of History, of Justice, of Vengeance. History is
Unfolding. America is called to Judgment.

Farrakhan is noted for his outrageous statements. He goes to the edge but pulls back. He says he
is of God...but you are also; whites are murderers...but not those in the audience. Jews are enemies...but
not the youths, whose elders hide the truth from them. Several things he said would seem bizarre in
isolation: Blacks are animals, whites are murderers, Bush is a drug dealer, AIDS was created by the
army. In print they shock, but they must be seen within religious and rhetorical context. Farrakhan is a
country preacher calling the people to redemption. When he says Blacks are animals, they cheer, not
because they are animals but because he is telling them it is not necessary to be an animal. These are
appeals to a higher life, not assaults. He uses the style of the Old Testament prophet: renounce in order to

Readers would be well advised to beware the isolated quotes that appear in newspapers, often in
a way that inflames. We read of Farrakhan's statement that Hitler is "great" or that he affirms the "truths"
of Khalid Mohammed, but we have no idea what these comments mean. In this particular speech, it
would be impossible to understand several comments unless one had sat through the 30-minute lead-in to
the statement. When these quotes appear and create terrible flaps, efforts by Farrakhan to say he was
misquoted or taken out of context are often treated as yet more lying.

In the MSU speech, a case of an isolated quote emerged, not egregiously deformed, but worth
noting. Farrakhan was quoted in a Detroit paper as saying that George Bush was a drug dealer. Indeed,
he said that, but the context was significant. He said the drug-dealing Panamanian President Noriega had
been a CIA man when George Bush was head of the CIA and when Bush was President. Hence, Bush
and Noriega were in cahoots, and if Noriega was a drug dealer, then Bush was a drug dealer. Farrakhan's
point had nothing to do with Bush and Noriega (except to tweak the power structure). It had to do with
the fact that many drug users were Black, and that Blacks were being used by powerful whites who were
getting rich from their addiction. It was a call to Blacks to repudiate drugs and white control.

A summary of the point would have been more informative than a quote. Perhaps the following
might have worked: "Minister Louis Farrakhan last night called upon Blacks to repudiate drugs and the
white leaders who control the drug trade and who become rich off of Black addiction."


Several parallels with the Jewish nationalist movement came to mind during or after the speech.
When Farrakhan spoke of how Blacks were contributing to their own destruction, I thought of Begin's
belief that the Jews had contributed to the Holocaust by their own weakness and refusal to resist.

When Farrakhan spoke of regeneration through land, I thought of Herzl's similar argument in Der
Judenstadt (1896). Farrakhan said, "Separate us on land that is fertile" so we can care for ourselves."
Herzl said, "Let sovereignty be granted us over a portion of the globe adequate to meet our rightful
national requirements; we will attend to the rest."

Trying to classify Farrakhan is difficult. He shares economic nationalism with Marcus Garvey,
crisis-driven nationalism with Jabotinsky, regenerative nationalism with Begin, Black National ism with
Malcolm, and a ground-up grassroots strategy with Booker T. Washington.




AJC study of Jewish opinion, 199?

Bell, Derek. Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism. New York: Basic Books,

Smith, Charlie. "The Men They Left to Die: Scandal of the Syphi lis Experiment," The (London) Times
Saturday Review August 8, 1992 (pp 16-17), based on the TV program "Bad Blood" later shown on PBS
as part of the Nova Series.

Marc Caplan, Jew-Hatred As History: An Analysis of the Nation of Islam's 'The Secret Relationship
Between Blacks and Jews.' New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1993.

Graham, Hugh Davis and Ted Robert Gurr, The History of Violence in America, NY: Bantam, 1969.

Herzl. Theodore. The Jewish State, 1896.

John Paul II. The Threshold of Hope

Jordan, Winthrop D. White over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812. New York:
W. W. Norton & Company, 1968.

Joseph C. Miller Way of Death: Merchant Capitalism and the Angolan Slave Trade, 1730-1830,
University of Wisconsin Press, 1988.

Mills, David. "Half Truths and History: The Debate over Jews and the Slave Trade," Manchester
Guardian Weekly, October 31, 1993 (originally published in the Washington Post).

Nation of Islam, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Chicago: Latimer Associates, 1991.

Tony Martin, The Jewish Onslaught. Dispatches from the Wellesley Battlefront. Dover, Massachusetts:
The Majority Press, 1993.

Murray, Charles and Richard Herrnstein, "Race: An Apologia," The New Republic, October 31, 1994,
27-37 with 23 pages of commentary. Article is based on their book, The Bell Curve.

Schneider, William. Anti-Semitism and Israel, New York: American Jewish Committee, 1979.


I. Brutal Realities
a. Black community in desperate condition.
70% of families headed by women
Murder rate high, drugs, illegitimacy
Constitute "a Permanent Underclass"
b. Foreign Technology & foreign immigrant workers displace
Blacks from their "servant" jobs

c. America has no use for Blacks: they face genocide

II. A Systematic Plan of Suppression Across History

a. Africa crushed and colonized
b. Black enslavement killed millions
c. Jim Crow Laws kept Blacks under control
d. Civil Rights Movement accelerated Black deterioration
e. Guns and Drugs destroy community & profit whites
f. Black artists controlled by whites: lost to community
g. Worthless education for Blacks: Attacks Black Studies

III. The White Record In History

a. History of Genocide against natives peoples
b. American wars to promote economic interests: Blacks die
c. Individual whites were in Civil Rights Movement (& died)
economic benefits went to white community, not Black.
d. White leaders turn white dead into Martyrs to distract
attention from true white role. Myth of white liberator.

IV. AIDS part of a plan of Genocide

a. History of white use of disease to kill
Smallpox with Native Americans
Tuskegee Experiments with Blacks
b. AIDS created by army (6-9-69, Congressional Record)
c. Decimating Africa and Blacks to enhance white control
d. Kenya Doctor found cure but it was resisted

V. Black behavior and values are part of the problem

a. Men do not respect women: produce children & leave
b. Women have abortions, showing lack of respect for life
c. Both males and females prefer white partners
d. Students don't study/take "Black Studies"

VI. Black Leaders under siege

a. Some attacked, killed: Martin Luther King, Malcolm X
b. Media tries to discredit them.
c. Once dead, are glorified, to weaken others

VII. Role of Jews

a. Farrakhan is NOT "anti-Semitic" since TRUE Semites are Blacks.
b. Jews were historically prominent in slavery. Suggest
Arabs did it, diverting attention from their own role.
c. Jews were major beneficiaries of Civil Rights Movement
d. Jews were prominent in all Black organizations and urged
them to focus on social issues, not economic issues.
e. Jews are beneficiaries of Black energy & distress.
f. Jews attack Black leaders; keep Blacks in disarray.
g. Young Jews not aware of this; their elders hide it.
h. Resentment that Jewish pain is recognized but not Black
pain, that Israel gets aid but not Africa and Blacks

"I have never been a hater of Jews nor am I now. You can't
find Black people painting swastikas on synagogues, nor can
you find Black people attacking Jews or boycotting Jewish
stores & trying to do things to hurt the Jewish community.
We have never worked to deter their progress in any way."

VIII. Passover Theme: Prophecy not Remembrance; Angel of Death

a. Semites enslaved in Egypt
Moses said to Let my People Go; Pharaoh refused
Angel of Death came and killed the First Born: Plagues
b. You cannot kill us: we will rise again
Our God will Strike you Down in the Twinkling of an Eye
c. A Black Messiah will arise.

IX. Hope for Whites & Jews

a. While individuals are not personally responsible for
Past, their Fathers were & they are beneficiaries
b. The Sins of the Fathers will be Visited upon the Children
c. Acknowledgement & Repentence will free them (Redemption)

X. America must be Part of the Solution

a. US spends money on prisons and welfare to control us.
Give us that money.
b. There are 750,000 in Prison. These are part of the
solution. Give them to us for rehabilitation.
c. You owe us reparations, just as you gave reparations to
Japanese for internment & as Germany paid reparations to
Israel & individual Jews.
d. We are the REAL Israel. If you help us, God will help you
America will be strong again.

XI. Three Solutions (most difficult first)

A. Separation: Give us a state, piece of land, fertile, with
access to the sea, and help for 20 years to get started
b. Return: Help us find a place in Africa.
We never gave up our connection to Africa.
As Joseph was sold by his brothers, so Africans sold us
There is empty land that we could take
We could revive Africa
c. Resurrection: Three Year Plan: all Blacks give $10/month
Buy Midwest farm land. Develop agriculture, supermarkets,
trading, small industry, jobs, schools, self-reliance.

XII. Sacred Commitment: I will not betray you or sell you out.
Nation of Islam (NOI)
Michigan State University, April 18, 1992.

This is Farrakhan's second visit to MSU, the first 3 years ago. There are no protestors but MSU feared
Black-Jewish clashes & charged $6300 for 22 guards. NOI promises to sue to recover it. Of 4000 in
audience c.100 are white. Crowd pleasant. Fruit of Islam (FOI) guards are models of discipline. Speak

clearly, stand straight, poised, polite, proper. Wear bow ties. They repeat: "No cameras. No tape
recorders. No binoculars. No radios. No video cameras. No knives. No Guns. No Uzis. No Electronic
equipment of any kind. No weapons of any kind. No contraband. Take them back to your car. Put all
metal & metal belt buckles into your hands. No cigarettes or cigarette lighters." To man with cigarettes:
"Brother, you may want to give them up once you have heard Rev. Farrakhan." Hawkers sell Africa
buttons, Final Call papers, sermon tapes, books, Respect Women t-shirts, poster of Farrakhan.

Context: 1) Police found remains of 167 abortions in a field. No charges. 2) Chicago River broke into
sewers & flooded much of lakefront. City immobilized for days. 3) Black students at Olivet College
attacked by whites for allegedly insulting a white female. Blacks withdrew. 4) Today is Passover.

Faculty Advisor warm up: Farrakhan is called Evil. But thousands of gang members are taking off gang
colors and putting on Bow Ties. Who is Evil?...There are protests that "you can't meet on OUR holiday."
But slaves never had a Holiday. We read of Passover: a people enslaved by an Evil Power. This is OUR
Passover...I am glad to see so many Semites here. Blacks are descendent of Shem: the first humans. I'm
talking to 5,000 Semites. I don't want to read in some paper tomorrow that I'm anti-Semitic...My mother
said if you throw a rock at a pack of dogs, the head dog hides." Who is making these charges?" On
Olivet: Why do we allow our youth to stand alone? Every Black with a car should have driven to Olivet.
Leave our children alone! On MSU: They charged for police protection because of "the nature of the
audience." But how is "the nature" of this audience a problem!! (cheers)./"God is Black. If that bothers
you, I'm sorry. Moses is Black, Jacob, Isaac." Poles say a Black Woman gave birth to Jesus. If a Black
woman can give birth to Jesus, think what we can do united.

FARRAKHAN COMES OUT. 8 guards sit in front of stage, feet flat, left hand uniformly on knee, right
hand over. 2 at front of stage. Guards change every 30 min. Left stage: 10-12 guards. Right: 10-12
guests. 4 guards behind Farrakhan face different directions. When he moves, one shadows him like a
basketball guard.

NOI GOAL: "To raise up a Divine Leader in our Midst...To awaken us from 400 years of sleep" so that
"the original people of the earth" can take their place.

MSU: "Every time I come it creates a Stir" (laughter). You charge students to have someone here to give
them a message. (NOTE: Farrakhan often addresses an abstract White Authority Structure: "you").
Student fees cannot pay my modest fee but you give $40k to other speakers. Black football players
contribute hundreds of thousands each game but when someone means something to Black students you
won't give anything back. Students have to pay to hear me. Maybe you ought to leave white universities.
After 400 years of forced enslavement, we get no pay and you get rich off our backs. We have been good
slaves, faithful & loyal. We fought in all your wars for a freedom we have not yet received. Our
scientists are hidden from our own people, our business leaders. We see only our sports heroes (voice

"I didn't come here to speak on Black-Jewish relationships: that's a waste of my time; I didn't come to
defend myself from charges of anti-Semitism." You are angry because we know the truth and you are
afraid we will speak it. You are afraid you cannot control Farrakhan. I want nothing more than the
liberation of 40m people "and your own liberation from your ignorance."

BLACK SITUATION: "We are in a terrible condition...Death, disease, destruction of self due to
fratricidal conflict, drug wars." We are a destroyed people. "The American people have no use for you
when there is no use for you." (Repeats for emphasis). White elderly suffer because there is no use for
them: living out of garbage cans, on fixed income, robbed of savings. And this is the way they treat
WHITES. Black children are suffering/167 fetuses found in field but no charges leveled. It is easy to

charge a Black boy w/murder & try him as an adult. But who will be charged w/167 murders? No crime
took place. It was a matter of EXPEDIENCY, of CHOICE. You fear some deprivation or loss of
opportunity so you MURDER the fruit of your womb. It's alright to steal billions from the banks but the
headlines go to the Black boy who snatches a purse or sells cocaine to his own brother. You overlook
"the real criminals who run the government." But no one is powerful enough to put you in prison.
"Pharaoh, there is a God Unseen who has your number." God is not at the door but has crossed the
threshold & is among us. "Just a leak in Chicago." A billion and rising. Your great buildings cannot
stand against water. "God can close you down in the twinkling of an eye."

"Here we are in your midst, for 400 years. You know a deliverer will come out of our midst. You watch
our people like a hawk to see which it is. But just as Moses was hidden, He is hidden." J. Edgar Hoover
spent millions "to stop the rise of a Black Messiah" but failed. Of himself: "Pay attention to this child of
slaves who does not have one of your degrees. I did not graduate from one of the Universities. But God
also educates." (cheers).

CRISIS: "If you are useless, what does America plan for you? We are a 'permanent underclass.' As long
as we are here we will be an underclass."/"Jesus said seek and ye shall find, ask and it shall be given,
knock & it will open" But in Am. you will not find, it shall not be given, it will not open./MLK
assassinated "because he saw the truth. He confronted the hypocrisy." Now every city has a street named
after him. "That's nice, They kill you, then name an alley after you."/100 cities burned. The Kerner
Commission (1968?) foresaw 2 countries, 1 black, 1 white. We must mainstream them soon or it will be
too late to integrate. But Vietnam came. MLK opposed war. It was robbing Blacks. Vets returned to a
country that did not respect them. They were told the war was to defend democracy but really it was to
defend business. "35% of casualties were us." Brothers never fought this kind of war. They came back
twisted w/drugs. The government did nothing but put up a monument./Your leaders fabricate enemies
for you. LBJ made up attack in the Tonkin Gulf to justify war. "America is not threatened; Big business
is threatened & the poor have to die."/1988 Kerner Commission revisited the cities. "Today there is more
segregation than when MLK was alive. Elijah Mohammed said 'Integration is a trick.' We've gone
backwards. Under segregation--Jim Crow--we had black banks, restaurants, hotels. We had to depend on
ourselves." With integration we go to white hotels, restaurants. We have nothing.

JEWS AND WHITES: Jewish people--you in the audience--you were in Black organizations in
beginning. You wrote charters to focus on social, not econ issues. "Of course whites & Jews marched
w/us. They were the chief beneficiaries." I lived under that system. (Explains he grew up in Boston but
went South to see). "I went into a Court to use the bathroom & had to go into the sub-basement where
the women's room had no door & women had to stand around to shield them from the men who were
using the men's room. Of course it was good to get rid of that system." /Whites marched & died--not very
many but some: Goodman, Schwerner, Viola Liuozzo. But more die building a bridge over a river than
freeing Black people. When Bull Conner turned dogs & hoses on protesters it was on BLACKS. 000s of
us died for YOU. "Don't throw those martyrs at us" as if they freed us. When 1964 Civil Rights Act
passed MLK sat w/them & plotted a Just America. They sat across the street & plotted his death. We're
grateful (sarcasm). Now we can stay in YOUR hotels & restaurants. We have no places of our own. We
stopped trading w/our own people. Would Jews, Koreans, Palestinians stop trading w/their people?
Would ANYONE? That's how we become strong. We were not in a position to take advantage of
reform. Jews were. Lesbians were. Women moved forward. We went back. 25 years later we are much
worse. Our moral strength is down, jobs are leaving. "Which leaves you as a servant out of a servant's
job...foreigners are coming in." Black males are unemployed & unemployable. Black females fill two

SOCIAL DISORDER: Unemployment has not altered the sex drive (laughter). TV pushes up sex drive.
Clothes designed to make us lust. We're making more babies & can't support them. Men can't support

families & don't stay around to see their impotence. 70% of Black homes headed by female. "A man was
there because there's a baby there but there's no man to take responsibilities."

EDUCATION: In Boston public schools "I had a good education." We were all poor Blacks. but
NOBODY graduated not knowing how to read. I studied algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, 4
languages. "What has happened to a nation that was once first & now is 20th?" Japan is #1 in banking,
science, math. "America is going down and down and all you can produce is a new song or
dance...Young Americans, your head high, sex on your mind."

MURDER and ABORTION: A boy has an Uzi, where is that made? An AK47, Where? White folks are
not giving you guns to shoot THEM" (laughter). "You can't go to the practice range. Can you imagine a
16-year-old Black boy at a range? (laughter) Where does the 16-year-old get his target practice?...You
parents made them that way--by carrying them in the womb & not wanting them. The seed of murder is
in your womb. If the murderer is the fruit, you are the tree...Your murder is done in a sanitized office
that looks like a doctor's office. It even has a doctor. Society whitewashes YOUR murder. "You are all
murderers." (audience quiet). As a young father I supported my family on $45/week: 2 babies & 1 on the
way. But thank God I met Elijah Mohammed. I didn't smoke, drink, gamble, or have women. My wife
never worked. "To nurture a human being your milk is so important."

WOMEN: To you men---you Disrespect Women. You can't have a conversation with a woman without
wanting to get under her skirt. (women cheer). "We are nothing if we don't stand by our women."
Respect all, "regardless of her color." Women: "You should hold the womb in awe." According to
Koran, sperm is "worthless water." But from it comes a "human being who can make a difference in the
world." Your breasts are sacred. They are the feeding place of humans. Men think birth takes 9 months
but it continues during nursing. A woman can produce a Jesus Christ or an Adolph Hitler. Every
thought has a chemical reaction. Be careful! "We have produced the most violent generation of young
people in the history of the world." Old people "come through 70-80 years of hell to be murdered in the
ghetto by one of their own people. "Women are being nurtured by television, not by a man. Men are
charged in Koran to nurture Woman. Now they make movies about you. The world gets a look at the
worst part of the ghetto "to justify what they are about to do." Black women in movies shame
themselves. "That's why the Japanese can talk that way about you. You look like animals to civilized
people. They have no respect for you because you have no respect for yourselves. " (cheers).

WHITES & AIDS: Explains whites historically exterminated other peoples for their own advancement
(Caribs, Amazon, Australian natives). Whites are from "a people who are murderers...who have no
reservations about killing people...maybe not you sitting here but your people...They have no DECENT
plan for you, so what plan DO they have for you?" I have here Congressional Record, 6-9-1969, Senate
Appropriations Committee, Chemical & Biological Warfare. Generals talk of "developing a virus that
can weaken the immune system"(gasps). They want $10m. 10 years later AIDS shows up "from some
green monkey in Africa." Uganda--the Jewel of Africa, Congo. Whole tribes wiped out. Not
homosexuals, not intravenous drug users. You remember the Tuskegee Experiment: 00s of men with the
most virulent form of syphilis not told they had the disease (murmurs). In Polio Shots Dick Gregory
exposed SB40 Polio contaminant--cancer itself. Millions infected & cancer is the major killer in our
community (and of whites also). You are poisoned right now: hormones, steroids. Food produced
w/chemicals. "They don't mind killing a few whites to get at you."

If America does not control the minerals of Africa, she will not be a great power. Africa is being
set upon just now." A Kenya Doctor invented AIDS cure but it was banned. NOI has rights to
Immunoviro--97% recovery from AIDS (cheers). "We don't care who you are, your religion, your color.
If you got AIDS we will help you." /"You are not plotting our deaths--you are plotting the death of
America." You are awakening white people & Black people. You will have radical change, like Poland,

USSR. "If the masses don't benefit, the classes don't count." Candidates make no difference: Bush,
Clinton. There is $4t debt. Banks weakened. Bush will bail out banks but not cities. Whole states
bankrupt. "If you don't learn how to create a job there won't be no job."

DANGER: If assassinated "I will come back from the grave. A billion came to Mohammed after his
death. To Jesus. I did not come from the earth. I came from God. And so did you. What I am IN came
from the earth. When you live for your flesh, you can die." Otherwise you cannot (standing cheers)./FBI
announced it is going after gangs. Are gangs bad? White boys group together to work off energy. White
neighborhoods have gyms. We have gangs. Usually harmless, but now they have guns. "We sit around
waiting for white people to provide a future for us. It is not for white people to provide a future for us. It
is for Black people to provide a future for Black people."

BLACK LEADERSHIP: DFP & Time polls say 20-30% see Farrakhan or NOI as a solution. Jews don't
like Farrakhan; Government doesn't like Farrakhan. But YOU DO. Points to 12 FOI on stage. "Imagine
1m like this, 2m, 5m." White people think this way--in numbers, that "THEY will do to us what we did
to THEM." Bible says Pharaoh saw Jews & they were large in numbers./They don't have one living
leader to pit against me. They tried w/Jesse & it didn't work. IRS has 100 Farrakhan watchers. Bible
says, "they tried to take Jesus but feared the people...When Bush comes against me, God will move
against Bush. If you think you have the power to destroy me, come on & watch my God rip you."
(cheers). "We don't carry weapons. We don't need weapons. God is our weapon. The God of Scripture
is w/us, He's walking w/us, else I'd been a Dead Man long ago." Just as the Hebrews had a God, we have
a God--the God of the Nation of Islam. "This is the Messiah. God is IN human beings & working
THROUGH human beings & I am one of those human beings...It's not me you have to worry about. It's
the God that backs me...that can destroy you in the Twinkling of an Eye."

MALCOLM X: "They intend to raise my brother from the grave...Your plan is to raise him but not like
he was. You don't want that!...So they'll make a movie." Malcolm was like the rest of us--a thief, a
pimp, an abuser of women. "Then he heard a voice...Spike Lee is a sincere man but he doesn't know the
history." White people will not give $33m to a movie that doesn't serve their purpose. Pointing into
audience: You got X on your hats. "What the hell does that mean?" X means the Unknown. Malcolm
called himself X because he didn't know his real name so he became Haj. He was buried as Haj Malik al
Shabazz. "You got your better come to the man that's giving them out" (cheers) "I want you to
be an ex-slave, an ex-thief..."

GENOCIDE & REPENTENCE: "They're planning genocide. But it won't work for you or for America."
You white folks in America or in this hall "may not know these things but you are a part of this
prophecy...your hands are stained by the blood they shed." The Pope in Africa asked Blacks to forgive
whites. Why not ask whites to repent. "We are a forgiving people. That's why we don't kill you now."
(cheers). "Look at Jewish people. If they find someone connected to their Holocaust they will hunt them
down & take them to Israel & hang them...They are not forgiving."

CONDITION: Begin by recognizing we are segregated, poor, ragged, without land, with nothing to
produce. This condition is not an accident. "America, we helped build you." NOI book "Secret History
of Jews & Blacks" sent to Jewish leaders, Black Caucus, media persons. Relies on Jewish historians--
their own writings. Says Jews "involved heavily in slavery." Today they make money in distribution of
tapes & records, then they "made money off the distribution of Blacks."/"They want to destroy the Black
leadership." Jewish youth do not know this. Kept from them by elders. I am not anti-Semitic & I do not
dislike Jews because you are Jews. I dislike "conscious deeds of evil against my people." You must
recognize "there ain't going to be no master-slave. That day is over. We don't want you exploiting us."
We don't have a Johannesburg. Michael Jackson is our gold mine, Michael Jordan. "Why do our
performers die poor? Where does the money go?"

IN CHECK: Black parents proposed Detroit Boy's Academy but Whites stopped it. "If you want to
educate Black men take them out of the public schools...stop asking permission of white folks to do what
you got to do...Take your children back...You are a nation of beggars who beg for what you want or buy
what you want and beg for what you need." We are a Permanent Underclass. "Pharaoh. You can't
integrate us or mainstream us. Let us go!...& give them a good send off...We want some of this earth we
can call our own." Q: "Are you suggesting we give you a state? I'm suggesting we earned it....We need
territory, enough to provide for ourselves." Passover Theme: If we don't get our freedom "then let the
plagues begin. You can't hold us. When its time for a baby to come, the mother can't hold it. Either the
baby comes or the mother dies or the baby dies or they both die."

OLIVET INCIDENT: This riot was over "some alleged disrespect to some white woman." They always
kill us for lack of respect. If we did same "there would be a lot of dead whites." Jesus said if they don't
like you, kick the dust from your feet & leave. "God Knowledge is better. Go where you are needed &
wanted & respected...Can you read? If you can READ you don't need them." I am educated by reading,
Malcolm was educated by reading. Read!


OPTION I: SEPARATION: "We want the government of America to separate us on land that is fertile &
has an outlet to the Sea & take care of us for 20-25 years until we can take care of ourselves." Elijah
Mohammed said if we can't take care of ourselves they can send in the army & shoot us. "You took care
of Israel for 25 years, OR FORTY." (cheers). "This is your chance to live. THIS is the Israel you
SHOULD take care of. This is the REAL Israel, the Chosen of God, these Black people right here. And
if you will not take care of them, the God who protects them will come against you...You have nobody to
destroy you now, America--no Russia. But God said I raised you up, Pharaoh, to be beside me. When I
destroy you, the world will know." Separation is drastic. "You can't think of your little homes & cars.
You have to think of your babies...We need a start. The Government of America should provide us a
start. Since we gave you yours. But it ain't going to happen. That's what Pharaoh said. Then the Death
Angel came & everyone who didn't have an X--not on their cap but on their door--lost their first son.
That's what Passover is about."

Option II: RETURN: We paid reparation to Japanese. You interned them in camps, took their property.
Germany is paying reparations to Jews & Israel "which they should do." East Germany agreed to
reparations. "Precedent has been set." What will it cost America for what was done? The Middle
Passage cost 50m lives; Black Minds Broken; 3/5 of a person in YOUR constitution. "Add it up" refrain.
We have 750k in prison. "our young men" No rehabilitation in prison. "They are part of the
solution...We didn't give up our claim to Africa." Africans sold us into slavery as Joseph was sold by his
brothers. "You got plenty of territory over there that is not used… I have some in mind." Convicts built
America w/some enterprising intellectuals, New Zealand & Australia. "Let us have our brothers out of
prison." A statue says "give us your poor, your tired...yearning to breath free." We are not statues, we are
people. "Give them to us." Instead of building new prisons, give money to us to create a New
Reality...just as Israel created a New Reality from an Oasis in the desert...Let our brothers go, some of
them to Africa." "Some of us don't want to go, they don't want to take a risk. But anything is better than a
prison cell...These men are great. They just need a chance to prove their greatness." Africa must rise up
from its present state. "If Africa doesn't go up, we won't go up."

OPTION III: REGENERATION: The Black share of economy is $220b pa. If 20m Blacks gave $10 per
month to a 3-Year Plan, that is $200m/month, $2.4b pa., $7b in 3 yrs. Do you trust Farrakhan? "I am the
only nationalist leader left. I will not betray you. "Joseph came to power by controlling the grain house.

Land prices are low. We would buy, produce food, canning factories, warehouses, supermarkets. YOUR
peas. YOUR clerks, trucks, tractors, milk. We will produce healthy food. Whites will buy. YOUR
shoes, clothes. Build homes from Your lumber. "It all starts with a 3-year savings plan worth a Black
man who will NOT sell you out." We will run schools, hospitals. We now have not a single hospital.
You have advantages: a presence in America & Africa. Avoid AIDS, get your act together, get respect.
"I am saying to Jews & Gentiles, you can have a share of this. The sins of your fa thers" will not go
against you.

INTER-RACIAL MARRIAGE: He renounces this. Sees marriage to Black women as part of conquest, to
White Women as betrayal of Black Women & psychological weakness of Black Men. At one point white
male w/Black female boos him. Farrakhan to a woman: he says he loves you. Does he love your father
who produced you? Your uncle? Your people? (This was personal & nasty). To Women: "Ask Jewish
historians, when you conquer the man you take the woman...They're not going to see the future unless
they bring your black behind into a white world." To Males on treatment of Black Women: "You don't
know how to talk to her. You try to talk your way under her skirt every time she wants to have a
meaningful conversation" (loud cheers). "In the future, love can transcend race & color. It can. But today
there's too much hurt." /"You love white people, who destroyed you, but you don't love your own

A PROGRAM: "We can't do it only w/religion, we need economics...It is more important to leave
something for our children than to turn to a cult of an individual. I am not worthy of worship."

TO WHITE AMERICA: White people & America would benefit if we help ourselves. "Believe it or not,
white folk. I would like to see you become human. I am not saying you are NOT human. We are not
human either...Rise to your divine destiny."

FINALE: "If my words were harsh, forgive me for what I said. Sometimes harsh words can stimulate


1. Dynamic: 3 1/2 hour speech and I didn't blink. Soft voice.

2. Old Testament Prophet: Believes in God of History, of Justice, of Vengeance. History is Unfolding.
America called to Judgement.

3. Patriotic. I was surprised. He often spoke of the regeneration of America and a need to save America.

4. Upright Behavior. These people have clean fingernails, submit assignments on time. Farrakhan’s base
is lumpenproletariat but crowd has petty bourgeois values. See Hank Williams, Jr: "We say grace & we
say ma'am and if you're not into that we don't give a damn."

5. Moral Responsibility: Blacks cause own problems: Given Whites want to crush them, crushing will
occur if Blacks are weak. Note: Begin said Jews responsible for Holocaust by own moral weakness.

6. Messianic about self. Feels he is sent to save Blacks. But urges people to save themselves. Very
much a country preacher.

7. The Dog That Didn't Bark: Little allusion to violence. Violence is from a Vengeful God, not a militant
people. NOT Jewish Defense League.

8. Conspiracy Theory: Sees plight of Blacks result of systematic effort to crush them. AIDS, murder,
unemployment, guns, drugs, discrimination, poor education, part of overall plan.

9. Regeneration through Land: "Separate us on land that is fertile" so we can care for ourselves."
Compare with Herzl: "Let sovereignty be granted us over a portion of the globe adequate to meet our
rightful national requirements; we will attend to the rest."

10. Predecessors: Economic nationalism of Garvey, Crisis-Driven Nationalism of Herzl, Regenerative

Nationalism of Begin, Black Nationalism of Malcolm, Grassroots strategy of BTW. Gadzooks!!!

11. Goes to edge but pulls back. Says he is of God...but you are also; whites are murderers...but not
those in the audience. Jews are enemies...but not youths whose elders hide it from them.

12. Outrageous Statements: Many statements in isolation appear looney: Blacks are animals, whites
murderers, Bush a drug dealer, AIDS created by army. In context they shock but as appeals to change
rather than assaults. BEWARE OF ISOLATED QUOTES!!

13. Jews: strong criticisms are political, not religious. Central to his analysis--too central. Sees Jews as a
distinct corporate group that historically exploited Blacks. Jewish leaders trying to crush Black leaders,
not in response to anything Blacks have done against Jews. He claims Jewish myths & symbols to
describe Black experience: Israel, Passover, Prophecy, Semites, etc.

14. 1800s Thinking: Low respect for native peoples: empty land in Africa awaiting use. See Herzl that
Palestinians could be "spirited across the border" & UK view that Kenya Highlands "empty."

15. Believes Black females are used against Black males.

16. News and Free Press covered speech badly. Statement that Civil Rights was a "trick" was Elijah
Mohammed not Farrakhan; killing Uncle Toms in South Africa was only reference to violence and was
quoted; statement that Noriega runs drugs for Bush missed the point about drug use among Blacks.


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