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=========HEALTHY ===========

Treating nail fungus with vinegar and the importance of vinegar as an anti-fungal :

Treating nail fungus with vinegar is one of the effective treatments in eliminating the fungus that affects the toes in
particular. This causes a change in the shape of the nails. Fungi may also be the cause of broken nails and poor
hardness. Hence, the possibility of them being subjected to breakage, deformation and change in the color of natural

Treating nail fungus with vinegar

Vinegar is one of the substances that contain a highly concentrated acidic component. This helps eliminate fungi and
bacteria in general. Vinegar, due to the acetic acid it contains, also helps maintain healthy nails. And maintain its
thickness and strength. Nails can be treated with vinegar by following the following steps:

 Nails trimmed well. With care to clean them and remove the dirt that collects around the nails. And on its edges.
 Disinfection of the machine in which the nails were cut. Whether clippers or scissors. This is done by soaking the
machine in a disinfectant alcohol to eliminate fungi and prevent their spread.
 Add a cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar to an appropriate amount of warm water.
 Soak the feet in warm water mixed with vinegar for half an hour. With a light massage on the feet, wash the
nails well.
 Dry the feet well from the vinegar solution. It is also important to take care of the drying process to prevent the
spread of fungi due to the moisture that may be on the nails and feet.
 Make sure to disinfect the towel that was used to dry the feet by washing it in an antiseptic solution. This is to
prevent the spread of fungi and infect those around them.
 Make sure to repeat washing the feet with water and vinegar once in the morning and another in the evening
for several days until you feel better. And a feeling of the end of the fungus problem on the nails.
Benefits of white vinegar for nails

 White vinegar has many benefits for the human body. Especially the apparent benefits in protecting and
strengthening nails. Among the benefits of white vinegar for nails and the body in general include:
 White vinegar helps the body quickly absorb calcium. Thus maximizing the utilization of the various body organs
of the mineral calcium present in the human diet. Which helps to strengthen the nails in particular. Increase its
hardness and reduce its exposure to fracture and deformation.
 Eat white vinegar by adding it to a person's diet. It helps in strengthening the bones and preventing a person
from osteoporosis and weak bones. It also helps in increasing joint stiffness and increasing bone density.
 Improving digestion is one of the well-known benefits of white vinegar. Where eating vinegar helps regulate the
work of the stomach. And it reduces the incidence of gases and bloating experienced by the human being due to
the disturbance in the metabolism process.

 White vinegar contains few calories. Hence, it is a suitable alternative to flavor enhancers added to foods such
as ketchup. Which contains high calories. Vinegar also helps accelerate the feeling of satiety due to its sour
taste, and thus it reduces the amount of food and helps remove excess weight.
 Treating various skin infections. Especially those infections that affect the skin due to insect bites.
 Helping to strengthen the immune system of the body. Thus, increasing the body's ability to get rid of bacteria
and fungi that attack the body
Treatment of nail fungus with garlic
Nail fungus can also be treated with vinegar. It can also treat nail fungus with garlic. Which is one of the most powerful
natural antibiotics. Garlic contains a high percentage of sulfur compounds. Which helps eliminate fungi that infect the
body and the skin. Eating garlic also helps in strengthening the immune system of the body. And garlic can be used to
eliminate nail fungus by placing a clove of crushed garlic on the affected area. And then leave it on the place for half an
hour. After that, the skin and nails are washed well to get rid of the pungent smell of garlic. And if a person infected
with fungi does not tolerate the unpleasant smell of garlic. Or feel sore skin due to the use of garlic. It is possible to eat
garlic after cutting it into small pieces and swallow it with water in the morning before eating. It also helps in raising the
body's immunity and increasing its ability to resist bacteria and fungi.
Sodium bicarbonate treatment for nail fungus
Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is one of the substances that have many therapeutic and aesthetic uses for the
body. It helps whiten the teeth. It also helps in peeling the skin and feet in particular. Baking soda also helps treat
mouth and gum infections. Also, one of the uses of sodium bicarbonate is that it helps eliminate nail fungus. Where you
add a little sodium bicarbonate to an equal amount of table salt. Then add less hydrogen peroxide, with a cup of white
vinegar. The ingredients are added to an amount of warm water sufficient to cover the feet and soak them in it. And
then put the feet in the water for ten minutes twice a day.

Thus, we have learned how to treat nail fungus with vinegar. We also learned how to treat fungi with garlic, and by
using sodium bicarbonate.

The Best Toenail Fungus Treatments:

Nail fungus is the final solution, some people are infected with what is known as nail fungus, and the fungus results
from infection or bacteria that form under the nail and infect the skin and lead to a change in color, so it looks yellowish
and tends to dark and may reach brown or black, this color is accompanied by unpleasant odors and pain Therefore,
there must be a treatment for this matter, but is there a final solution for it ?, We will get to know all possible solutions
to treat these fungi, when will the home solution and natural materials be useful and when should you go to the doctor.
Nail fungus is the ultimate solution

 In order to get to the solution of the fungus infections and get rid of them permanently because they usually
return after a while, it is necessary to know the reasons that help the presence of these fungi:
 Fungal organisms that enter the skin cause a dark yellow or brown color.
 These organisms enter as a result of dry and cracked skin on the feet, which gives them a chance for easy
 The humid environment causes the presence of these fungi, and therefore we find it spread among farmers in
agricultural lands.
 The infection is transmitted from one fingernail to another and from one foot to another, but it is not
transmitted from one person to another.
 Old age, immunodeficiency, and lack of constant attention to nail hygiene are the reasons for the spread of
infection between the nails.
Symptoms associated with nail fungus
Some of the symptoms we see appear with a nail fungus infection. These symptoms begin with the appearance of a
white or yellow spot on the nail and it begins to increase in color. Then the nail becomes thicker and at the same time it
is brittle and may crumble. The shape of the nail is deformed and emits an unpleasant odor, in addition to feeling pain.

Nail fungus treatment :

Nail care is a type of treatment that begins without showing any symptoms, and taking care of it must be periodically
consisting of cutting, hygiene, etc.
When the symptoms appear, which is the start of the yellow color, you should not neglect and start looking for
appropriate treatment methods, and we will explain some of them to you.
If the problem worsens, you should go to a dermatologist to find out the type of fungus and get the appropriate
In the event that you suffer from a disease such as diabetes, you must visit a doctor immediately so that diabetes does
not aggravate the problem.
Treatment after a doctor's diagnosis depends on the severity of the condition and the type of fungus that caused the
Home remedy for nail fungus
Some of us start treating nail fungus at home and get over-the-counter ointments and creams. The nails are soaked in
water and you can add some vinegar, then dry the nail, cool it or cut it, then apply the cream or ointment. Clipping the
nails helps the cream reach the skin. Keep the nail dry and keep away from wet places like farmland and swimming
Natural recipes to take care of foot fungus
There are a number of natural materials available at home that can help the process of getting rid of foot fungus,
especially when the problem is at its beginning, including:
Put the foot in some water with the addition of a few spoons of white vinegar. Leave the foot soaked for a quarter of an
hour until it moisturizes the skin and the fungus permeates and kills it. Apple cider vinegar can be applied alone on the
nail and instilled to penetrate the fungus area with a damp cotton ball.
Triple recipe for treating nail fungus
Mixing five tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, five tablespoons of 90% concentrated ethyl alcohol with two
tablespoons of white vinegar, mix these ingredients together in a bottle, and then put them twice daily on the place of
mushrooms until they are saturated.
Tips while treating foot fungus
The number one enemy to feet and fungi is to keep the nail dry, because fungi form in damp places. Always ventilate
the nails and keep away from closed shoes. Keep the nail trimmed and cut, being careful not to cut it. Moisturizing the
skin and not leaving it to crack.
When to see a doctor
 When you lose the home remedies and prescriptions that are taken from the pharmacy in obtaining a beneficial
treatment with fungi, the darkening of the nail color, the intensity of the pain, or the person suffering from
diabetes, it is necessary to go to the doctor.
 The doctor diagnoses the condition and takes a swab of the fungus or part of the nail to analyze it in the
laboratory and find out the type of fungus. Then appropriate medications, creams or ointments are prescribed,
including oral antifungals. And anti-fungal nail cream, medicated nail polish.
 The duration of treatment may last between two months and up to a year, depending on the severity of the
injury, the daily activity to which the nail is exposed, and the doctor’s warnings not to be exposed to water. As
well as comorbidities that affect the length of treatment.
 Resorting to surgery is a last resort to remove the nail so that the fungus can be better treated and eliminated as
quickly as possible.
We have reached the end of today's article on foot fungi, which many workers suffer in places where fungi are strongly
present, including farmers, pool workers, workers in the field of architecture and others. And we learned about home
treatment methods and when to visit the doctor. We also learned about the symptoms associated with nail fungus

The 12 best ways to treat and relieve psoriasis

Psoriasis disease is one of the most chronic, disturbing and very painful skin diseases for everyone who suffers from it, it
is a chronic disease that affects the skin, causing itching, dryness, scales and redness, which results in the formation of
additional skin cells on the upper surface of the skin, and making the skin very thick, and treatment is adopted. Psoriasis
disease over alternative medicine, which is the use of some traditional natural methods and methods, given that there is
no medical treatment for it yet, and we gathered for you today through this article the 12 best ways to treat and relieve
psoriasis after scientific experiments and research that have proven their effectiveness, follow us.
Causes of psoriasis
There is no exact reason that leads to exposure to chronic psoriasis, but there are some factors that affect its appearance
and infection, the most important of which are;
 Genetic factors and disease transmission through genes.
 Excessive smoking and heavy alcohol consumption.
 Extreme exposure to acute psychological and nervous pressures.
 Medicines used to treat blood pressure.
 As well as taking medications used to treat malaria.
 Lithium and steroid medications.
 Calcium deficiency in the blood due to parathyroid hormone deficiency.
 Imbalance of hormones that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy.
 Scratches and surgical wounds.
 tonsillitis.
 Inflammation of the immune system, or infection with AIDS.
12 ways to treat and relieve psoriasis
Here is a set of the most important and best treatment methods used to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis, including:

1. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is the best way to treat and relieve psoriasis significantly, as it is the intimate friend of the skin, as it keeps
it pure, healthy and clear, free from burns and insect bites, and it is an excellent natural remedy for getting rid of
psoriasis, and giving the skin the softness and moisture it needs, and this is to contain Aloe vera gel is high in anti-
inflammatory materials and antioxidants that protect the skin from complications of the disease, and eliminate it early, all
you have to do is mix 30 grams of aloe vera gel with 12 drops of olive oil, and rub it on the affected areas of psoriasis,
then leave it for half An hour before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
2. Milk thistle
Milk thistle is one of the best natural remedies praised by many doctors in treating skin psoriasis, as it is a silymarin
extract syrup that consists of a group of anti-bacterial and inflammatory flavonoids that cause rashes and the appearance
of red blisters, and these chemical compounds contribute to elimination One of the red spots that affect the skin and treat
the cell damage caused by psoriasis, so it is preferable for the patient to daily drink milk thistle to completely cure

3. Oregon grapes
Oregon grape contains strong natural properties that contribute to strengthening the immune response to limit the spread
of psoriasis in the body, and you can search for medicinal creams that contain 10% of Oregon grapes, and many studies
have proven that the Oregon grape is one of the best natural remedies for skin diseases, especially a disease. Psoriasis,
but it is necessary to consult a doctor first before taking it or using it due to its drug interactions.

4. Lavender oil
Lavender oil or lavender extracted from the lavender herb is one of the best natural essential oils to relieve the symptoms
of psoriasis, and get rid of it permanently, and this is because lavender oil is rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen
the skin, reduce cell damage, and it also contains skin disinfectants, and treatment for infections that Caused by psoriasis,
you have to put drops of lavender or lavender oil in a bathtub filled with hot water and sit in it for half an hour.
5. Chamomile flowers
One of the best natural herbs common in treating skin psoriasis is chamomile flowers because they possess a group of
chemical compounds that are effective in relieving skin infections caused by the disease, and they also treat burns,
blisters and red spots that appear on the skin, so you can boil a few leaves of the chamomile herb flower. Then the
affected skin areas are massaged well.

6. Rosewater
Rosewater is also used as one of the treatment methods for skin psoriasis, and to prevent the spread of infection of
damaged tissues, as it helps to moisturize the skin, and treat all symptoms of psoriasis significantly, so you have to rub
the affected skin with a little rose water daily.

7. Tea tree oil

Natural oils are very effective home remedies to eliminate psoriasis and this is because it contains moisturizers for the
skin, treatment of redness and pimples, and it is rich in vitamins, anti-inflammatory materials and fungi that exacerbate
the disease, and tea tree oil is used by applying it to the skin affected by psoriasis daily. It is not eaten at all because it is
very toxic.

8. Method of salt bath

Among the treatment methods that are used to reduce the severity of psoriasis symptoms and eliminate the disease with
frequent use is the salt bath method, which is done by placing two cups of Epsom salt in a bathtub filled with lukewarm
water and not hot water because it increases the exacerbation of the disease, and the sitting is done In it for a quarter of an
hour, as this method removes scales and relieves dryness and itching associated with psoriasis.

9. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also an effective home method for relieving itchy skin and moisturizing it because vinegar
contains a group of acids and natural chemical compounds that work to cleanse the skin affected by psoriasis, especially
the skin of the scalp, so you should reduce the concentration of apple cider vinegar with a little water, and apply it to the
areas. Affected by psoriasis and difficult skin infections.

10. Omega-3 acids

Eating foods that contain a high amount of omega-3 acids is one of the best natural ways to help cure her psoriasis and
reduce its painful symptoms, as omega-3 acids work to get rid of skin infections, and relieve severe itchy skin, and you
can get it in a natural way By eating foods that contain them, such as cold-water fish such as mackerel, salmon, tuna and
sardines, as well as fish oil and nuts, or you can obtain them by taking nutritional supplements available in the form of
pills that enhance the body's immunity and affect it.
11. Licorice
Liquorice helps treat psoriasis very effectively, since it contains several chemical anti-inflammatory compounds that
overcome psoriasis symptoms, just prepare liquorice in the normal way, then dip a cotton ball in it and pass it on to the
skin affected by psoriasis.

12. Natural oils

The method of using natural oils is one of the safest treatment methods recommended by doctors to treat psoriasis and
relieve a lot of the severity of its symptoms, as these oils are extracted from natural plants and herbs that are used locally
on the skin with great care due to their strong effectiveness, but these oils must be diluted with natural materials Before
using them because none of these essential oils should be applied directly to the skin, and among the most important of
these natural oils are:

Coconut Oil.
Almond oil.
Avocado oil.
Neem tree oil.
Grapeseed oil.
olive oil.
Sunflower oil.
Lavender oil.
Calendula flower.
Liquorice oil.
Oil a Chamomile.

Sunlight and vitamin D.

Sunlight and Vitamin D:

 Vitamin D is essential for bone health in the human body, and there is no doubt as it is known that we get most
of the vitamin D from exposure to sunlight. But, be sure to get enough vitamin D without risking sun damage.
 So, the skin must be covered or protected before redness or burns begin.
 Everyone needs vitamin D to absorb calcium and phosphorous from their diet. These two minerals are
important for bone health. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to softening and weakening of the bones and cause
deformities. In children, for example, vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets. In adults, vitamin D deficiency can
lead to osteomalacia, which causes pain and tenderness in them.
How do you get vitamin D?

 The body synthesizes most of our Vitamin D by the effect of direct sunlight on the skin.
 We also get vitamin D from some foods as well, such as fatty fish (for example, salmon, mackerel and sardines),
eggs and meat.
 Vitamin D is also added to all types of margarine and baby formula, some breakfast cereals, soy products, dairy
products, powdered milk and low-fat sauces.
 How long should we stay in the sun? 006

 There isn't a single recommendation that works for everyone, because the amount of time that it takes for skin
to stay in the sun to make enough vitamin D depends on a number of things.

 They include the type of skin (for example, how dark the complexion is, or how easily it can get a sunburn), the
time of year, and the time of day.

 Short daily periods of sun exposure, without sunscreen, during the summer months (April through October) are
sufficient for most people to synthesize enough vitamin D. Evidence suggests that the most effective time to
produce vitamin D of the day is 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

 A short period in the sun of several minutes means about 10 to 15 minutes for most people and should be less
than the time it takes for the redness or burning of the skin to begin to appear. The larger the area of skin that is
exposed to sunlight, the greater the chance of making enough vitamin D before the burn starts as well.

 People with darker skin need to spend more time in the sun to produce the same amount of vitamin D.

 The skin may not be able to synthesize vitamin D from winter sunlight (November through March), because
sunlight does not contain enough UVB rays. However, during winter, we get vitamin D from the body's stores
and from food sources.

 Staying in the sun, especially for long periods without protection, increases the risk of skin cancer. Therefore, it
is imperative to cover or protect the skin before redness or burning begins at a later time. This is done by using
sunscreen products with an SPF of at least 15.
Who are the people at risk of vitamin D deficiency?

1. Daily vitamin D supplements are recommended for the following groups:

2. All pregnant and breastfeeding women.
3. All infants and young children from six months to five years old.
4. Elderly people aged 65 years and over.
5. People who are not exposed to much sunlight, such as those who cover their skin, or those who stay indoors, or
are required to stay in them for long periods of time.
Dark-skinned people.

 It is important for pregnant and breastfeeding women to take vitamin D supplements to meet their specific
needs, so that the baby is born with adequate stores of vitamin D for the first few months of his life.
 Can a person get more vitamin D than he needs?
 People who take the supplement are advised not to take more than 25 micrograms of vitamin D per day,
because taking more than this amount can be harmful.
 The amount of vitamin D in supplements is sometimes referred to in international units (IU), as it is equivalent
to 40 international units, of which 1 microgram is vitamin D.
Symptoms of weak heart muscle and causes of blood clots

Symptoms of weak heart muscle and causes of clots formation of heart muscle Weakness of the heart muscle is a
disease that affects the heart and causes it to enlarge and increase its thickness, making it unable to pump blood to
the body’s organs, which leads to the emergence of many complications, including damage to the heart valves,
heart failure and heart rhythm disturbances.

 Feeling short of breath with any exertion, as well as time for rest.
 Extreme fatigue and general fatigue.
 Swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet as well.
 Flatulence caused by fluid accumulation.
 Dizziness and fainting.
 Chest pain.
 Heart rhythm disturbances.
Often the symptoms of weak heart muscle do not appear at the beginning of the injury, but they begin to appear with
age, and it is worth noting that sometimes they appear quickly with age and sometimes they appear slowly
Causes of heart strokes
Heart stroke occurs due to many reasons, including the following:

 Obesity and excessive weight gain is one of the most important factors in heart attack because it causes
hardening of the arteries resulting from the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
 Not exercising regularly, which helps burn fat and prevent it from accumulating in the body.
 Smoking is one of the main causes of heart attacks, as excessive smoking causes a blockage in the arteries of the
 Alcoholic beverages block arteries, causing heart attacks.
 Genetic factors.
 Stress and constant exposure to anxiety and tension, greatly expose a person to heart attacks.
Causes of weak heart muscle :
Often there is no specific or known cause of the weakness of the heart muscle, but the injury occurs as a result of some
factors, including.

 Have high blood pressure.

 Genetic factors are among the main causes, as the cause of infection is the result of genetic inheritance from
 Chronic injury with a fast heart rate.
 Having a heart attack causes tissue damage in the heart.
 The occurrence of metabolism disturbances in the human body exposing him to diabetes or an imbalance in the
functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as obesity.
 Lack of some of the essential vitamins that the human body needs, especially vitamin B12.
 Lack of mineral salts in the body.
 Exposure to chemotherapy or radiation if you have cancer.
 Drink alcohol and drugs.
 A build-up of abnormal proteins in the body and this is known as amyloidosis.
 Coronary heart disease and hepatitis.
 Constant exposure to toxic substances due to work as well as heavy metals.
 Infection with what is known as hemochromatosis, which increases the accumulation of iron in the heart.
 Infection with what is known as sarcoid, which is a type of disease that causes inflammation in the heart, and
the occurrence of a collection of cells in the heart or any organ of the body.

Treating myocardial weakness

The treatment is to try to reduce and control the severity of the symptoms, thereby reducing the complications
resulting from the weakness of the heart muscle, and among the steps that must be followed to overcome these
complications are the following.
1. Lifestyle and lifestyle change
Adopting a healthy lifestyle and changing the wrong habits will help you avoid complications from cardiomyopathy, and
these healthy habits include the following.

 Eat foods that contain a low amount of saturated fats, such as poultry and red meat, as well as milk and all its
derivatives, and it is preferable to choose dairy products that are free or low-fat.
 Increase your intake of fresh vegetables and fruits as well.
 Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
 Maintain an ideal weight level as well.
 Regular exercise.
 Accelerating the treatment of some diseases that result in weakening of the heart muscle.
 Also stay away from foods high in sugars.
 Away from anxiety and tension and making sure to get enough sleep.
 Reduce the use of sodium during food preparation, to avoid developing high blood pressure.

2. Pharmacological treatments
 Take blood pressure medication regularly if you have high blood pressure.
 Using drugs that help rid the body of excess fluid and prevent it from being retained in the body, such as
 Take fast pacemaker medications.

3. Surgical treatments
 Heart transplantation.
 Install stents or some devices
In conclusion, we hope that we have succeeded in presenting the most common causes and factors that expose a
person to heart muscle weakness, with clarification of prevention and treatment methods, as well as the causes of
heart strokes.

So far, 5,800 fully vaccinated people have caught Covid anyway in US, CDC
About 5,800 people who have been vaccinated against coronavirus have become infected anyway, the US Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention tells CNN.

Some became seriously ill and 74 people died, the CDC said. It said 396 -- 7% -- of those who got infected
after they were vaccinated required hospitalization.
This is the CDC's first public accounting of breakthrough cases, and the agency is searching for patterns
based on patient age and gender, location, type of vaccine, variants and other factors.
"So far, about 5,800 breakthrough cases have been reported to CDC. To date, no unexpected patterns have
been identified in case demographics or vaccine characteristics," the CDC told CNN via email.
About 77 million people in the US are fully vaccinated against coronavirus, according to a CNN analysis of
CDC data. The CDC's reports on breakthrough cases will lag day-to-day reports of vaccines given, so many, if
not most, of those breakthrough cases will have happened weeks ago.
Nonetheless, the total represents a very small percentage of those who have been vaccinated.
Breakthrough cases are expected. The vaccines are not 100% effective in preventing infections and as tens of
millions of people are vaccinated, more and more such cases will be reported.
Pfizer/BioNTech's vaccine was 95% effective in preventing symptomatic disease in clinical trials, and earlier this
month the companies said real-life data in the US shows the vaccine is more than 91% effective against disease
with any symptoms for six months. Moderna's vaccine was 94% effective in preventing symptomatic illness in trials,
and 90% effective in real life use. Johnson & Johnson's vaccine was 66% overall globally in trials, and 72%
effective at preventing disease in the US.
CDC will be looking for clues about who is most prone to become infected despite having been vaccinated.
"Vaccine breakthrough infections were reported among all people of all ages eligible for vaccination. However,
a little over 40% of the infections were in people 60 or more years of age," the CDC said.
Most, 65%, were female and 29% of the so-called breakthrough infections were asymptomatic. "CDC is
monitoring reported cases for clustering by patient demographics, geographic location, time since vaccination,
vaccine type or lot number, and SARS-CoV-2 lineage," the CDC said.
Plus, samples from cases will be tested to see how many are caused by variants and if so, which ones.
"CDC has developed a national COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough database where state health department
investigators can currently enter, store, and manage data for cases in their jurisdiction," the CDC said.
"Vaccine breakthrough infections make up a small percentage of people who are fully vaccinated. CDC
recommends that all eligible people get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as one is available to them. CDC also
continues to recommend people who have been fully vaccinated should keep taking precautions in public
places, like wearing a mask, staying at least six feet apart from others, avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated
spaces, and washing their hands often."
The likelihood of these "very rare" infections depends on how much virus is circulating within a community, Dr.
Kawsar Talaat, an infectious disease physician and assistant professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School
of Public Health, told CNN.
"That's the whole point of getting to herd immunity," Talaat said. "Because once we get to a point where
enough people in the community are vaccinated, then if somebody develops Covid in that community, the
people around them are protected and it's much harder for that person to spread the virus to somebody else,
and therefore the transmission stops."
Less transmission means fewer breakthrough cases, said Dr. Carlos del Rio, executive associate dean at
Emory University School of Medicine.
"There is currently a lot of transmission in many parts of the country. Vaccines will help decrease that," del Rio
said. "Get vaccinated as soon as you can and help control this pandemic."

COVID-19: Ontario cabinet currently considering curfew,

construction closures, travel restrictions

As part of a suite of measures in response to record-high COVID-19 cases in Ontario, multiple

sources tell Global News Premier Doug Ford and members of his cabinet are currently looking
at imposing a curfew, travel restrictions and ordering a shut down of certain construction-
related activities.

The sources, who weren’t authorized to speak publicly, warned the discussions at Thursday’s
cabinet meeting are evolving and items being discussed are subject to change.

Also up for consideration, the sources said, is a further tightening of restrictions around non-
essential retail sales and cutting back on curbside pick-up.

READ MORE: Ontario reports record-breaking 4,736 new COVID-19 cases as total count
surpasses 400,000

News of an anticipated announcement came as Ontario reported an all-time high of new

COVID-19 cases, 4,736, earlier in the day.

During a news conference at Queen’s Park Thursday afternoon, Ontario’s associate chief
medical officer of health called the current situation “dire.”

“I really wish I had better news to give you today,” Dr. Barbara Yaffe told reporters.

READ MORE: Ontario’s associate chief medical officer of health calls current COVID-19
situation ‘dire’

“I have been providing updates to Ontarians for over a year now and at some of the previous
press conferences I referred to the situation as worrisome and even scary. What is truly scary
is that when I used those words before, our rates and our trends were nowhere near where we
find ourselves today.”

Earlier in the day, the Ontario government reported 1,932 people are hospitalized with COVID-
19 (up by 55 from the previous day) with a record 659 patients in intensive care units (up by
17) and 442 patients in ICUs on a ventilator (unchanged).

Staff at hospitals across the province started ramping down elective surgeries and non-urgent
procedures on Monday in an effort to preserve the capacity needed to treat additional COVID-
19 patients.

READ MORE: Ontario hospitals ramp down elective surgeries to increase ICU capacity
Hospitals in northern Ontario were exempt from cancelling non-urgent procedures. However, a
recent memo from Ontario Health said staff at those facilities should prepare to ramp down
quickly in the near future.
The memo also asked hospitals to identify staff who may be redeployed to other sites if

A new secret behind feeling hungry all the time ... A recent study reveals

A new secret behind feeling hungry all the time ... A recent study reveals
The dramatic drop in blood sugar levels after eating results in hundreds of extra calories being consumed
during the day

A new study reveals that people who experience low blood sugar levels after eating end up feeling hungry and
therefore eat hundreds of calories more than others.
According to the British Daily Mail, according to Nature Metabolism, researchers from King's College London collected
data on blood sugar levels and other health indicators from 1,070 people who ate a regular breakfast and other meals.
The cause of weight problems
Researchers have found that the decrease in blood sugar levels after eating is the reason why some people have
problems with their body weight, even when following diets that control calories.

The results of the study indicated that people, who suffered from a `` significant drop '' in blood sugar levels, were 9%
more hungry and ate their next meal about half an hour before others.

The researchers say that a deeper understanding of the metabolism of each individual person is essential, especially
when it comes to planning a diet aimed at improving health.
The world's largest nutrition research program
The results are the latest from PREDICT, the world's largest nutritional research program, which aims to find answers to
real-life nutritional issues.

The volunteers participating in the study ate a specially selected breakfast daily, while they were free to choose
between each other meal for two weeks.

70 thousand meals and sugar measurements

The team collected data on 8,000 breakfasts and 70,000 meals in total. Standard breakfasts were based on muffins,
which contain the same amount of calories but differ in composition in terms of carbohydrates, protein, fats and fiber.
Participants also performed a fasting blood sugar response test (oral glucose tolerance test), to measure how well the
body was processing sugar. Participants wore CGM monitors to measure blood sugar levels for the duration of the
study, as well as screens that could track activity during the day, hours and sleep quality at night.

They also recorded their hunger and alertness levels using a mobile app, along with the exact dates and contents of
meals throughout the day.
Beyond peak blood sugar
Previous studies on studying blood sugar after eating have focused on the way levels rise and fall in the first two hours
after a meal, known as peak blood sugar.
But after analyzing the data, the PREDICT team of researchers noticed that some people experienced "dramatic drops in
sugar" about 2 to 4 hours after this initial peak, as blood sugar levels rapidly fell below baseline before returning again.
10 kg weight gain
In addition to needing to eat more quickly and being 9% more hungry than those with low blood sugar, they also ate an
extra 75 calories within four hours of breakfast and a total of 312 extra calories throughout the day.
All this despite both groups eating the exact same meals for breakfast, creating a pattern that can turn out to be around
10 kilograms of weight gain over the course of a year.
Better hunger indicator
Dr. Sarah Perry of King's College London said: It has always been suggested that blood sugar levels play an important
role in controlling hunger. As for what the recent results show, low sugar is a better indicator of hunger and changes
the prevailing thinking about the relationship between sugar levels in Blood and food eaten, as subsequent caloric
intake has been shown to occur in response to the initial peak blood sugar after eating.
Accumulate calories
Professor Anna Valdes of the University of Nottingham, who led the team of researchers involved in the study, said that
a few hundred calories a day could lead to weight gain over the course of a year.

Professor Valdez added, "Our discovery is that the amount of sugar that decreases after eating has a great effect on the
amount of hunger and appetite, and thus can help people to a great extent to understand their weight and improve
their health in the long term."
Unique individual differences
By comparing what happens when participants eat the same test meals, significant differences in blood sugar responses
between people were discovered. Although it was observed that males had slightly lower levels of blood sugar than
females on average, the research team did not observe any correlation between age, body weight, or BMI, on the one
hand, and between low blood sugar levels, either large or small, on the one hand. The other.

Some variation in the size of the decreases experienced by each individual was also observed in response to eating the
same meals on different days, indicating that it does not depend only on individual differences in metabolism, but is
related to the daily effects of meal choices and activity levels in Same time.
8 tips to protect your heart health from heat stress ... Be careful
8 tips to protect your heart health from heat stress .. Be careful
To avoid serious complications such as chronic heart failure or ventricular dysfunction that arise from heat intolerance
Healthy individuals can tolerate a hot summer environment, but according to a number of scientific studies, heart
patients have poor heat stress tolerance, which puts them at an increased risk of complications such as chronic heart
failure or ventricular dysfunction, which arises from heat intolerance.

According to Boldsky, the prevention of high-temperature conditions often occurs through the vital functions of the
heart that increase sweating levels and increase blood flow in the skin to match the body temperature.

And when heart function is impaired, the thermoregulation of the body can be compromised when a person exercises
or is exposed to a high temperature during the summer, and these conditions can be overcome by:
1. Fluid replacement
One study says that fluid deficiency or loss of water from the body not only impairs physical and mental performance,
but also affects heart health. Severe dehydration caused by heat stress or prolonged exercise disrupts blood pressure
regulation, reduces heart cell function and impairs vascular function, causing a number of heart diseases.
2. Avoid strenuous exercises
According to a recent scientific study, vigorous or intense exercise in hot weather can cause serious heart problems.
This is mainly due to the increased need for oxygen in muscles and other vital organs.
When a person performs vigorous exercise in the summer, excessive heat requires increased blood flow in the active
muscles, and thus the body needs more oxygen, and the double need for oxygen causes the heart to pump blood more
forcefully, which leads to an excessive contraction of the heart muscles and high blood pressure.
3. Avoid caffeine
A study shows that moderate consumption of caffeine and coffee is associated with an increased risk of an irregular
heartbeat, whether it is too fast or too slow.
Also, coffee is a natural diuretic and may increase the risk of dehydration.
4. Preventing risks of heat exhaustion
Heat exhaustion is the main cause of dehydration. When people are exposed to extreme heat, many symptoms follow,
such as nausea, muscle cramps, breathing problems and the loss of electrolytes from the body.
These symptoms can cause people to be weak and put them at increased risk of heart disease or heart attacks.
5. Eat light meals
Eating healthy and in the form of snacks is the best option in the summer. Experts advise that people with heart disease
avoid heavy meals in the summer to prevent heart-related complications.
6. Avoid times of peak heat
Outdoor activities should be limited during the summer, especially for people with heart disease. Experts advise
avoiding going outside during peak hours, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when heat waves are highest because they can
cause sunstroke.
For example, but not limited to, heat waves can increase the death rate in people with heart disease or make their
condition worse.

7. Avoid drug interactions

Some heart medications such as beta-blockers can reduce blood flow in the body and prevent sweating, which is one of
the primary ways to lose body heat. Other medications can also interfere with temperature regulation and cause
changes in blood pressure.

Therefore, you should consult your doctor about medications, their uses during the summer, and how to keep the body
cool and maintain the electrolyte balance.
8.General advice
There are other ways to maintain a healthy heart in the summer, including:
Eat less salt or salty foods.
• Eat fruits and vegetables that cool the body, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumber, tomatoes, beans, and frozen
• Grill meat products instead of frying and eat lean meats.
• Besides eating less food, eat smaller meals at frequent intervals.
• Quit Smoking
Avoid stress
• Wear light-colored clothing that allows air to circulate to keep the body cool.

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