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This chapter provides background and supports the whole study about the importance of food services
for students and on how it can strike one’s eating habits, and it will also serve as references in
conducting the research.

Related Theories
Theories of Education and the Online Environment:

Theories about learning are mostly derived from psychology. While psychologist describes how people
act, educational theory describes how people learn (O’Neil et al., p. 17). An understanding of
educational theories can assist us within the design and implementation of a good online learning
environment. Three prevalent theories are described below (O’Neil et al., pp. 17-20):

Behaviorism – Behavior theorist specialise in observable behaviors, thus discounting independent

activities of the mind. Behaviorism defines learning as nothing over the acquisition of latest behavior
supported environmental conditions.

The psychological theory of behaviorism is employed as an academic theory when the training
experience relies on a stimulus and a response and by rewarding behavior that may meet the tutorial
goal or ignorant.

Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) – In SCT, information is stored in schema. As new information is
internalized, it is compared with existing information and knowledge. The schemas are then reorganized
to accommodate the new information and thought patterns are altered. Sensory input is stored for
several seconds, and the information disappears unless it is deemed important. If deemed important,
the information will be stored in short-term memory. If the information continues to be important, it
will be moved into long-term memory.

Cognitive theory is used in the traditional classroom to impart information from the teacher to the
student. The responsibility for learning lies with the student. A weakness of cognitive theory is its
inability to explain human thought and learning (p. 19)

Constructivism – learning focuses on interpreting the world and in constructing meaning. Learning is
active and reflective which means there is doing, then reflecting about the doing and then rethinking
about the doing. Action and reflection enables the student to integrate new knowledge with existing
knowledge and experiences so that complex mental models can form. Learning is authentic, complex,
and contextualized, resembling real-life experiences. Constructivist learning is process oriented and
emphasizes collaboration and conversation among learners and teachers.

In the constructivist approach, instruction is inductive and from the bottom, up. The instructor is a
model and a coach who encourages exploration of ideas in learner-centered and learner-generated
environment. Constructivism engages learners in an active learning process.

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