Kyle Eggleston - Conspiracy Theory Essay

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Kyle Eggleston

Mrs. Ramirez


08 March 2021

Operation Paper Clip

Many Nazis were moved into the US after World War II. The moving of the Nazis was

called Operation Paperclip. Why would the US smuggle Nazis into America? In this essay, I will

explain the reasons why they allowed them into America. Who smuggled them. And what the V2

rocket is. The US moved Nazis into America and there is evidence to prove that it happened.

There were many Nazis that were moved into America. On July 19th, 1946. The U.S.

JCS handled Nazi scientists and their families. The operation’s name was Operation Overcast.

After reviewing more evidence I believe that this happened. August of 1945, Colonel Holger N.

Toftoy, the Chief of Rocket Branch in the Research Development Division ofArmy Ordnance

offered 127 rocket scientists a contract. In September of 1945, seven of those scientists came

from Germany to Fort Strong. I believed that happened after examining the evidence. In 1946 the

United States Bureau of Mines hired seven German synthetic fuel scientists at a chemical plant

in Louisiana, Missouri. Thirteen years later, 94 men from Operation Paperclip went to the U.S.

this included Friedward Winterberg and Freidrich Wigand, as well as 1,600 Nazi personnel

immigrated. After further investigating I came to the conclusion that this indeed happen. AS you

can see there are many Nazis that were smuggled into the U.S.
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There are many reasons why the U.S. smuggled Nazis into America. After WWII the

U.S. searched through Europe for hidden caches. While searching they found Nazi war

machines. That’s when the U.S. really started eyeing Nazi scientists. A hidden weapon was the

V2 rocket. I will go into further detail about what the V2 rocket is. After reviewing the evidence,

I believe that this happened. Another reason was that they weren’t the only ones that wanted the

scientists. The U.S. saw that the Soviet Union was pursuing German scientists as well, that’s why

the U.S. made the decision to go after them. I think that this happened after reviewing the

evidence. After discovering their weaponry the U.S. decided they wanted to study the weapons

including the V2 rocket. I think that this happened after looking at the evidence. As you can see

there are multiple reasons the U.S. moved Nazis into America.

Why would the U.S. want to study the V2 rocket? There are many reasons. The V2

rocket is a German-made rocket. It was the world’s first large-scale liquid rocket. After

examining the evidence I came to the conclusion that this happened. The Germans used this

rocket on Paris and Great Britain during WWII. After the war, the U.S. and the Soviet Union

studied that rocket. The V2 rocket was created by Werner von Braun. The U.S. also smuggled

von Braun into America. Those are are the reason that America allowed Nazis into America.

People from Boston helped smuggle Nazis into America. Henry Kolm was just 21 when

he started smuggling Nazis into the Boston Harbor. He would meet them at the smallest part of

the harbor, Nixies Mate. He also helped smuggle Werner von Braun at Fort Strong. There were

two ways to get them into America. The first way was to use a boat and go to Log Island. The

second way was to fly and ferry them to Fort Strong while they were undercover. When the

Nazis were smuggled in they would use Fort Strong as a hotel. The staff would be German war
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prisoners so they wouldn’t have to worry about employees. Kolm and his co-workers would

evaluate the scientists and send them to the right program for the U.S.

In conclusion, Operation Paperclip really happened. Take caution because there might be

a Nazi somewhere near you. Walking around or they be dead. WWII was a long time ago. The

U.S. had their motives, like the V2 rocket, or the competetion between them and the Soviet

Union. How they brought in, who brought them. A lot of them came into America after WWII

and there is evidence to prove it happened. Now I leave you with this fnial thought, did the U.S.

get what they wanted from the Nazis and was it worth it.
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Work cited

“World War II.” Operation Paperclip,

Lewis, Danny. “Why the U.S. Government Brought Nazi Scientists to America After World War
II.”, Smithsonian Institution, 16 Nov. 2016,

V-2 Missile.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

Boeri, David. “Looking Out: Nazis On The Harbor.” Looking Out: Nazis On The Harbor |
WBUR News, WBUR, 19 Aug. 2010,

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