Kyle Eggleston - The Anglo Saxons Notetaking Guide

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The Anglo Saxons

Write out facts from each of the ten facts

presented in the video
1. Settled in England
2. Spoke Old English
3. Gave us the names for our weekdays
4. Britain was invaded by Ireland
5. Anglo-Saxons were skilled
6. King Arthur was alive during the
Anglo-Saxon invasion
Click on the image to view video 7. Anglo named England
8. Anglo-Saxon lived in small kingdoms
9. There were mercenaries
10. Last Anglo-Saxon king was buried in

Respond: I don’t think we can control our fate

because God determines when it is time for
us to die.

Write out the objective in your own words:

Today we will look at how during the
Anglo-Saxon perioud influenced religious,
and philosophical beliefs and how these
beliefs influenced their story telling.
Reiterate these important facts:
● The early invaders would
wander the sea on boats
● They had short,violent, empty
● They weren’t Chrsitians and
believed in Wyrd to get them
through battle
● When they settled in
Anglo-land they were less
violent and more civilised and
relied more on agriculture
● Late in the 6th century, they
became more Chirstian and
that made them more civilised

Describe the difference between Paganism

and Christianity in Beowulf:

Pagan: Strong nature presence and

strength of a warrior

Christian: Mentioned by two of the main


What is Oral Tradition? Explain:

Their literature was said orally

What is a Scop?
Skilled storytellers
What is the importance of Beowulf?
Only 30,000 lines of Anglo-Saxon poetry still
exist. The most famous of these is Beowulf.

1. Alliteration- Repetition of the same

Example: The small spider played
with his soccer ball.

2. Caesura- a break between a metrical

Example: Something in Beowulf

3. Kenning- a compound in Old English

poetry with a metaphorical meaning
Example: A monster was described as

4. Epic- a long narrative that celebrates

the hero’s deeds
Example: Lord of the Rings

5. Epic Hero- a character that reflects

the values and heroic ideals of a
particular society
Example: Beowulf

6. Hero’s Journey- When the hero leaves

his world and goes on adventures
Example: Tanjiro
7. Archetype: an old imaginative that is
repeated through the ages
Example: The Hero
What is an archetype made easier according
to this slide?
An archetype made easier in this slide is a

Besides the example of Star Wars given here,

what is another modern day epic?

Modern day epic image:

FYI information:
● Good vs. evil
● Hulk vs. Loki
● Symbolism: The stones represent
the Avengers

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